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01-09-2021, 12:16 PM
Somebody wrote him a nice speech. So what? Horse had left the barn. Reminds me of the Queen song...."Mama, just killed a man....

I’m just stopping the disinformation that Paul is spewing. I don’t really care if he condemns it or not. Not because I condone the violence, I just think it’s disingenuous and doesn’t matter at this point. It’s like the people that say something they actually feel and then social media soldiers come out and a day later that same person lies and says they didn’t mean to say it or that they don’t think that way anymore or whatever. It’s all a bunch of ba

01-09-2021, 12:16 PM
I saw his second video. They removed his first video, which I also saw, because instead of condemning the violence, it was praising the rioters as patriots.
So no, I didn't miss it.
But now he regrets making the video and says he's not resigning.


Someday all people will figure out this guy only cares for himself, not for America.

It's still not too late for him to try and help the country by holding a press conference and maybe preventing further violence between now and the 20th.

He probably does care about himself like everyone else running our country. Out for nothing but money and power. We are screwed unless we change the game and that will never happen because we can’t get more than half the country to work together. It will be the same song and dance. Democrats will bash republicans and republicans will bash democrats and we will elect the lesser of two evils and rinse and repeat. I mean it was a miracle that Trump was ever elected and he was only elected because a ton of people are just fed up with the same song and dance BS that comes out of Washington. I am willing to lay a bet that something from the Middle East will creep its ugly head as the next threat to America again. It always has to be some thing.

01-09-2021, 12:17 PM
I saw his second video. They removed his first video, which I also saw, because instead of condemning the violence, it was praising the rioters as patriots.
So no, I didn't miss it.
But now he regrets making the video and says he's not resigning.


Someday all people will figure out this guy only cares for himself, not for America.

It's still not too late for him to try and help the country by holding a press conference and maybe preventing further violence between now and the 20th.

Well, then if you didn’t miss it, then stop lying and spewing misinformation. The link is also a big problem I have with “journalism” if there are no sources within that report. I haven’t read the report so I don’t know but I’m just assuming it is something like a “source within the White House or close to the president” which is a bunch of bs. Trump is an egomaniacal idiot, but I’m also tired of the incredibly biased media

01-09-2021, 01:14 PM
Nah chatboards id keep. I’m pretty serious about social media platforms though. They have contributed to absolutely horrible things in society.

Yeah but where are people going to get there news source lol. It’s estimated that 50% get there news source on social media- pathetic. Now you know why they want to control their narrative which is usually not very kind to conservatives.

01-09-2021, 01:14 PM
This just in...Mexico and Canada say they will pay for the wall........

01-09-2021, 01:16 PM
This is a good recap in trying to understand the social media actions regarding Twitter bans, etc.


A lot of dog whistles on their part.

01-09-2021, 01:25 PM
What "lying and spewing misinformation" can I possibly be doing if you didn't read the report and are "just assuming?"
Get a grip.
At 10:21 on the morning of the riot, I posted this, in this thread:

There is a large rally going on now in DC, and the president is going to speak to them. Rather than help a good transition, he continues to spew false narratives after 60+ courts have thrown out the bogus challenges. He is making us look like a tinpot dictatorship that doesn't respect its own rules. I suspect they'll march to the Capital and try to disrupt the proceedings. Hopefully he won't encourage violence since the crowd doesn't seem to be grounded in the reality of our election results.

All I'm asking now is the President of the United States to hold a press conference and urge his supporters NOT to engage in any more violence.

It's not "disingenuous." It "does matter." He has incredible power over his supporters and could help our country avoid further violence.

01-09-2021, 01:28 PM
What "lying and spewing misinformation" can I possibly be doing if you didn't read the report and are "just assuming?"
Get a grip.
At 10:21 on the morning of the riot, I posted this, in this thread:

All I'm asking now is the President of the United States to hold a press conference and urge his supporters NOT to engage in any more violence.

It's not "disingenuous." It "does matter." He has incredible power over his supporters and could help our country avoid further violence.

You said he didn’t condemn the violence, he did. That is spewing misinformation. Even if the report is true, which who the hell knows, he still condemned the violence, period.

01-09-2021, 01:56 PM
You said he didn’t condemn the violence, he did. That is spewing misinformation. Even if the report is true, which who the hell knows, he still condemned the violence, period.

In his first video, while I believe they were still in the Capitol, he called them patriots and told them he loved them. That's not condemning violence.
That video was taken down.
In his second video, a day later when order was destroyed, he came out and said they were wrong to do that and they would be prosecuted.
So I guess he did condemn the violence. Sorry if I was talking about the first. I agree with you on the second.
It seems he was more or less encouraged that was necessary to protect himself from criminal liability, on advice from the White House lawyer Cipollone.
Now of course he regrets making the second video.

01-09-2021, 05:21 PM
Regulating big tech more seems pretty bipartisan these days. This is one area our Congress is genuinely unqualified for. The Congress is too old to keep up and the money/lobbying is too good.

01-09-2021, 05:59 PM
Who again are the Fascists?

Both when convenient. Lest we forget when unidentified feds took people in unmarked vans.

Strange Brew
01-09-2021, 06:11 PM
Both when convenient. Lest we forget when unidentified feds took people in unmarked vans.

How do you know they were Feds if they didn’t ID themselves?

01-09-2021, 06:28 PM
Because the head of Homeland Security said they did.

XU '11
01-09-2021, 06:35 PM
Well, then if you didn’t miss it, then stop lying and spewing misinformation. The link is also a big problem I have with “journalism” if there are no sources within that report. I haven’t read the report so I don’t know but I’m just assuming it is something like a “source within the White House or close to the president” which is a bunch of bs. Trump is an egomaniacal idiot, but I’m also tired of the incredibly biased media

The Business Insider article cites a NY Times article, and that Times article cites... nobody. Not even a nameless source.

"At least one Republican, Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, followed Ms. Pelosi’s lead and told The Anchorage Daily News that she was considering leaving the Republican Party altogether because of Mr. Trump.

“I want him out,” she said. “He has caused enough damage.”

At the White House, Mr. Trump struck a defiant tone, insisting that he would remain a potent force in American politics as aides and allies abandoned him and his post-presidential prospects turned increasingly bleak. Behind closed doors, he made clear that he would not resign and expressed regret about releasing a video on Thursday committing to a peaceful transition of power and condemning the violence at the Capitol that he had egged on a day before."


I mean, Trump acting that way wouldn't shock me but that article simply presents it as fact, as if the Times had a reporter in the room.

01-09-2021, 07:07 PM
The Business Insider article cites a NY Times article, and that Times article cites... nobody. Not even a nameless source.

"At least one Republican, Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, followed Ms. Pelosi’s lead and told The Anchorage Daily News that she was considering leaving the Republican Party altogether because of Mr. Trump.

“I want him out,” she said. “He has caused enough damage.”

At the White House, Mr. Trump struck a defiant tone, insisting that he would remain a potent force in American politics as aides and allies abandoned him and his post-presidential prospects turned increasingly bleak. Behind closed doors, he made clear that he would not resign and expressed regret about releasing a video on Thursday committing to a peaceful transition of power and condemning the violence at the Capitol that he had egged on a day before."


I mean, Trump acting that way wouldn't shock me but that article simply presents it as fact, as if the Times had a reporter in the room.

That’s about what I expected. It’s sad that is what passes for journalism these days. Most of it is barely a step above Facebook

X-band '01
01-09-2021, 07:38 PM
You said he didn’t condemn the violence, he did. That is spewing misinformation. Even if the report is true, which who the hell knows, he still condemned the violence, period.

He said he condemned it, but the only motivation for doing that was someone getting in his ear telling him that failing to do so would more likely than not result in him getting 25thed/impeached AND liable for federal criminal prosecution.

This is not nearly on the same level as what he would be facing in New York, which would have likely ended up with home confinement in Trump Tower or Mar-A-Lago or whatever home suits his ego. Even fixing a federal election might not have put him in a position for federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison, but sedition charges sure as hell will.

01-09-2021, 08:39 PM
How do you know they were Feds if they didn’t ID themselves?

You are quite lame

01-10-2021, 03:34 PM
It's Sunday, so it seems appropriate to hear about a "Servant's Heart" from a fellow Catholic:


01-11-2021, 08:50 AM
Well, then if you didn’t miss it, then stop lying and spewing misinformation. The link is also a big problem I have with “journalism” if there are no sources within that report. I haven’t read the report so I don’t know but I’m just assuming it is something like a “source within the White House or close to the president” which is a bunch of bs. Trump is an egomaniacal idiot, but I’m also tired of the incredibly biased media

I assume it's unnamed sources who they can't identify because they wouldn't talk to the Times if they had to go 'on record', which isn't exactly a new phenomenon in journalism. It's up to the news outlet to vet their source, as they are essentially putting their credibility on the line when they report 'news' from unnamed sources. That has been happening for like 100 years.

I don't know that I think that the New York Times just straight-up made that shit up, so I think they are probably getting (at least mostly) accurate information from their source. Of course I don't know that for sure. I assume that someone who was there told them that Trump said that shit. He probably did. Then he probably said something contradictory 5 minutes later. That all seems wildly on brand for him, and also relatively inconsequential. Just like I didn't really think much of his hostage video in which he condemned the violence, I also don't think much about him allegedly saying he regrets it.

I'm sure Donald Trump is absolutely reeling right now. His playbook that has been very effective for the past 4+ years is starting to fall apart around him, and remarkably quickly. As soon as the votes were counted in Georgia the Republican establishment was done with him. They had played along for the last 4 years to advance their agenda, but he can probably only hurt them at this point. His twitter account has been deleted. He just lost the 2022 PGA Championship. I imagine he thought he would film some half-assed video speaking out against violence and this would all blow over like it always does. It's not blowing over this time. As a result I'm sure he is apoplectic and going 'scorched earth' (at least rhetorically) on everyone he feels have wronged him. Potentially all he has left at the end of this are his crazy cult members, and he just went on video condemning them.

What would be breaking news for me would be if Donald Trump was genuinely contrite.

01-11-2021, 06:07 PM
Another anonymous source, this one from the FBI:

An internal FBI bulletin warned
“Armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from 16 January through at least 20 January, and at the U.S. Capitol from 17 January through 20 January,” the bulletin said, according to one official. The officials were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

I sure hope this doesn't happen.

01-11-2021, 06:11 PM
That was always a really bad idea, but after last week that's a REALLY bad idea. Police trigger fingers will be quite itchy.

01-11-2021, 07:02 PM
Another anonymous source, this one from the FBI:

I sure hope this doesn't happen.

So do I. If it does happen, lock them all up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-11-2021, 07:05 PM
It's legal to peaceably assemble and it's legal to own a gun.

01-11-2021, 07:22 PM
It's legal to peaceably assemble and it's legal to own a gun.

Absolutely. Just hope it stays peaceful.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-11-2021, 08:22 PM
The "Acting" Secretary of Homeland Security resigned today.
The "Acting" Secretary of Defense left Washington today for a tour of military basis.

What could possibly go wrong.

01-11-2021, 08:45 PM
It's legal to peaceably assemble and it's legal to own a gun.

What could go wrong with riots in 50 State capitals. Oh, I said the same thing before 1/6.

01-11-2021, 09:16 PM
What could go wrong with riots in 50 State capitals. Oh, I said the same thing before 1/6.

I hope it doesn’t happen but sometimes you get what you tolerate. You tolerate the BS in many major cities for the last six months and people will do shit like this. If leaders would have shut down the stupid riots over the last six months and took a stand, we wouldn’t be talking about this right now. Right or wrong, there are a lot of pissed off people in this country right now.

01-11-2021, 10:19 PM
I said.

Is anyone supposed to GAF?

Strange Brew
01-11-2021, 10:59 PM
That was always a really bad idea, but after last week that's a REALLY bad idea. Police trigger fingers will be quite itchy.

That and it gives the Left a chance to take away the 2nd Amendment like they’ve done with many people’s 1st Amendment rights.

01-11-2021, 11:12 PM
Reading can help you improve your vocabulary. Nah, that would be too hard for you. Go downtown and blow your brains out. Nobody will give a shit.


Strange Brew
01-11-2021, 11:14 PM
Reading can help you improve your vocabulary. Nah, that would be too hard for you. Go downtown and blow your brains out. Nobody will give a shit.

Somebody needs a timeout....

01-11-2021, 11:21 PM
Somebody needs a timeout....

Yeah, the people here who want to hang Mike Pence and still support the BIG LIE. Maybe trump will march with you. Oh no, sorry, 'bones spurs'

Strange Brew
01-11-2021, 11:29 PM
Yeah, the people here who want to hang Mike Pence and still support the BIG LIE.

I must’ve missed it but did anyone on here say they wanted that to happen to the VP? If so, they need a TO as well.

Edit: I’m not marching. I don’t agree with storming the Capital or sniping members of Congress like that Bernie supporter. I hope those involved are prosecuted. Take a break.

X Factor
01-11-2021, 11:54 PM
Reading can help you improve your vocabulary. Nah, that would be too hard for you. Go downtown and blow your brains out. Nobody will give a shit.

Glad these type of comments are allowed on here...Bobbie should be banned for these outrageous comments.

01-12-2021, 07:45 AM
That and it gives the Left a chance to take away the 2nd Amendment like they’ve done with many people’s 1st Amendment rights.
I’ll bite, when has the left taken away people’s first amendment rights?

01-12-2021, 08:29 AM
Armed protests are a truly terrible idea, and if they persist I'm worried we are going to have a gun battle in the streets somewhere. I can't imagine many Americans want that. I have to think that the groups showing up to things like these will be an increasingly small but radicalized group of (essentially) domestic terrorists. This is doubly true after what happened at the Capitol last week.

I'm sure they can ban firearms from certain locations / events to help limit this, right? As a starting point, I think it seems pretty reasonable that carrying a firearm in a government building should be prohibited. I tend to think for all people, but at least for people that don't work there. i.e. If I'm a Senator who feels the need to carry a gun to work I'm allowed, if I'm just some random person who wants to enter a Federal building with a gun I'm not allowed.

01-12-2021, 10:47 AM
Reading can help you improve your vocabulary. Nah, that would be too hard for you. Go downtown and blow your brains out. Nobody will give a shit.

Jesus..who says that? Get a hold of yourself man or take a few plays off.

01-12-2021, 11:12 AM
With the FBI warning of demonstrations in state capitols and DC, there's one last opportunity for Trump to do something positive for the country.

He should go on national TV with an address to the nation, and formally concede the election, and ask his supporters to really stand down. Warn them of the dangers they pose in the coming week, and urge them to be peaceful.

Do I hold out a lot of hope he'll do this? Sadly, no. But it would help our country tremendously. Else, there will be more people going down the rabbit hole like this guy:


X-band '01
01-12-2021, 12:07 PM
Reading can help you improve your vocabulary. Nah, that would be too hard for you. Go downtown and blow your brains out. Nobody will give a shit.

I am officially done with this forum. It is quite clear that this is not only tolerated on here, but encouraged and quietly celebrated. I have no further desire to spend time in this place, I will be removing all bookmarks and will no longer encourage people to join this website.

Mods, go ahead and disable/delete my account after I log out one final time.

01-12-2021, 12:08 PM
With the FBI warning of demonstrations in state capitols and DC, there's one last opportunity for Trump to do something positive for the country.

He should go on national TV with an address to the nation, and formally concede the election, and ask his supporters to really stand down. Warn them of the dangers they pose in the coming week, and urge them to be peaceful.

Do I hold out a lot of hope he'll do this? Sadly, no. But it would help our country tremendously. Else, there will be more people going down the rabbit hole like this guy:


I'm positive this guy got a "No Regerts" tattoo over the weekend.

01-12-2021, 12:23 PM
I had hoped he would help. But after seeing his press remarks this morning, on his way to Alamo, Texas, it was not to be.
Took no responsibility for the riot, said his comments to gin them up were "appropriate" and that banning inciting comments from Twitter would cause even more anger.

It's going to be a rough week for the country.

01-12-2021, 12:25 PM
X-Band, you shouldn't leave. Just put people you disagree with on Ignore. Problem solved.

01-12-2021, 12:28 PM
Does this mean I have to kick X-Band out of the 10,000 post club?

01-12-2021, 12:32 PM
Reading can help you improve your vocabulary. Nah, that would be too hard for you. Go downtown and blow your brains out. Nobody will give a shit.
Does anyone here truly feel that this is appropriate?

01-12-2021, 12:33 PM
No politics or religion at the dinner table, someone might get hurt.

01-12-2021, 12:35 PM
Does anyone here truly feel that this is appropriate?

God, I hope not.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-12-2021, 12:54 PM
It seems no one told city officials in Alamo, TX that the president might visit the area today.
That should improve security.

01-12-2021, 12:55 PM
Does anyone here truly feel that this is appropriate?
Nope. Certainly a line crossed.

01-12-2021, 01:17 PM
Nope. Certainly a line crossed.

Yeah. I'm not even really sure what provoked it. It just kind of came out of nowhere. Definitely not appropriate.

Strange Brew
01-12-2021, 01:28 PM
Glad these type of comments are allowed on here...Bobbie should be banned for these outrageous comments.

I’m not for banning people. He’s passionate, maybe a reflection session and a breather is needed.

01-12-2021, 02:13 PM
Glad these type of comments are allowed on here...Bobbie should be banned for these outrageous comments.

Ban Boobie? Nah. Keep him on here - he's a great representative of the idiots that rule the left.

01-12-2021, 02:39 PM
Yeah, I apologize. Get carried away sometimes when I see a huge part of the population still believes in the Big LIe and now it's killing people. Mea Cupla.

01-12-2021, 02:46 PM
Yeah, I apologize. Get carried away sometimes when I see a huge part of the population still believes in the Big LIe and now it's killing people. Mea Cupla.

Are you referring to George Floyd and Brianna Taylor, and the BLM riots? Or are you referring to the Russian collusion and Democrat coup attempt?

01-12-2021, 03:02 PM
Dem coup attempt? You mean Impeachment I (no witnesses allowed) or II? Don't give two shits about BLM. Do you still believe trump won the election? lol. That's the BIG LIE and leading to all this bloodshed and probably a lot more next week.
Are all the 'pubs who vote for impeachment traitors?

Strange Brew
01-12-2021, 03:11 PM
Dem coup attempt? You mean Impeachment I (no witnesses allowed) or II? Don't give two shits about BLM. Do you still believe trump won the election? lol. That's the BIG LIE and leading to all this bloodshed and probably a lot more next week.

Don't know if he won the election but it doesn't matter at this point (channeling my best HRC). I hope people don't show up armed at rallies/protests. Nothing good will come of it. I would like the state houses in a few states to debate the election rules/laws so that they are not unconstitutionally put in place by the Executive and/or Judicial branches of said states. The Constitution clearly states that election laws must be passed by the congress of each state.

01-12-2021, 03:34 PM
Does anyone here truly feel that this is appropriate?

I've stayed away from this thread for a while now. I'm not sure why I ventured in here today. Frankly, this thread has not had what you might call a positive influence on this board.

I know I won't be back for another long while because of this.

I've had this moron on block for months. At the end of the day, being too far right or too far left is A problem, if not THE problem. This idiot is too far left.

Suggesting that someone should "blow their brains out" should not be a part of this forum and the person who posted it should be shown the door, at least for awhile.

01-12-2021, 03:50 PM
Sorry I hurt your feelings. I apologized and deleted the post. If you had me on ignore why bother to leave? Disappointed your final post included more of your usual name calling.

01-12-2021, 03:51 PM
Dem coup attempt? You mean Impeachment I (no witnesses allowed) or II? Don't give two shits about BLM. Do you still believe trump won the election? lol. That's the BIG LIE and leading to all this bloodshed and probably a lot more next week.
Are all the 'pubs who vote for impeachment traitors?

Are all XavierHoops posters who suggest that their political opponents "blow their brains out" worthy of calling themselves a Xavier grad, and remain on this board?

01-12-2021, 03:56 PM
I'm off this thread for a while. Hope America isn't burning down next week. Good Luck.:bash::bash::bash:

01-12-2021, 04:26 PM
I've stayed away from this thread for a while now. I'm not sure why I ventured in here today. Frankly, this thread has not had what you might call a positive influence on this board.

I know I won't be back for another long while because of this.

I've had this moron on block for months. At the end of the day, being too far right or too far left is A problem, if not THE problem. This idiot is too far left.

Suggesting that someone should "blow their brains out" should not be a part of this forum and the person who posted it should be shown the door, at least for awhile.

He's a moderate.

01-12-2021, 06:04 PM

01-12-2021, 09:39 PM
I'm just curious about something.
If you get on a plane, you go through a metal detector.
Many office buildings and lots and lots of schools have metal detector

Why would some Republican congress people refuse to go through one to enter the Capitol?

01-12-2021, 10:05 PM
It's legal to peaceably assemble and it's legal to own a gun.

A lot of things are legal, but also very bad ideas. That’s pretty basic. You can grasp that, right?

01-13-2021, 12:15 AM
A lot of things are legal, but also very bad ideas. That’s pretty basic. You can grasp that, right?

What I think a lot of people grasp, is that while Trump truly lost the vote, it doesn't mean he wasn't jobbed.

The left has been begging for a fight. Don't be surprised or cry when you get it.

Honestly it's the people running the political parties, especially the democratic party that need to be dealt with. I don't even think it's so much the politicians, they are just the faces. They're hired to recite the lies someone else tells them to. At our level we aren't even pawns, just road kill. Yeah, if you think about it's bleak. I had happily ignored it for 30 years.

01-13-2021, 07:39 AM
I'm just curious about something.
If you get on a plane, you go through a metal detector.
Many office buildings and lots and lots of schools have metal detector

Why would some Republican congress people refuse to go through one to enter the Capitol?

From my understanding they already do that to enter the Capitol. I believe this is an additional screening to get on the floor of the House which seems like overkill

01-13-2021, 08:10 AM
From my understanding they already do that to enter the Capitol. I believe this is an additional screening to get on the floor of the House which seems like overkill

I think you are right. Congress people can carry guns inside the Capitol, but House rules are they can't bring them onto the floor. Hence the new detectors outside the entrance to the chambers. Some of them were bragging about their right to carry, and assumedly they were worried about them bringing them onto the floor itself.

01-13-2021, 08:26 AM
There seem to be a significant minority of people, on both sides of the political spectrum, that want to 'burn it down'. 'It' being America. I don't really understand that mentality. We absolutely have problems as a Country, but I can't think of a lot of places that don't. America has an inequality of income and power, but so does the rest of the developed world (for the most part). All but the poorest in America still have a decent standard of living by historical (and global) standards, and we have the most individual freedom of virtually anywhere in the developed world.

It's the ultimate 'be careful what you wish for' scenario.

01-13-2021, 09:02 AM
From my understanding they already do that to enter the Capitol. I believe this is an additional screening to get on the floor of the House which seems like overkill

Everything I read is that members of congress are not searched upon entering the building. Instead they have badges that allow them to skip the initial screening (which makes sense, you wouldn't want them waiting in the line with the general public as it would make them very easy targets). This is the same you see at most courthouses where employees and attorneys are permitted to skip the line with an ID card.

Essentially the screening is to prevent the new congresswoman from western Colorado from bringing her gun onto the floor (the same nut job that was live tweeting the Speaker's location during riot).

01-13-2021, 09:21 AM
There seem to be a significant minority of people, on both sides of the political spectrum, that want to 'burn it down'. 'It' being America. I don't really understand that mentality. We absolutely have problems as a Country, but I can't think of a lot of places that don't. America has an inequality of income and power, but so does the rest of the developed world (for the most part). All but the poorest in America still have a decent standard of living by historical (and global) standards, and we have the most individual freedom of virtually anywhere in the developed world.

It's the ultimate 'be careful what you wish for' scenario.


One of my best friends is a die hard lib and he told me he was happy about what happened at the Capital because it validated everything he has been saying about Trump and was necessary to show just how screwed up the GOP is. I proceeded to let him know that he's completely fu*ked in the head. Then we had a beer together...but that's how we roll.

And before anyone jumps in with "yeah, but there are republicans that..." I get it. It lives on both sides, but this is just my personal experience.

01-13-2021, 09:35 AM
The Bulwark is garbage, but this video is enlightening and disturbing.


01-13-2021, 09:45 AM
The Bulwark is garbage, but this video is enlightening and disturbing.


It is just shocking that people can believe some of the crap they are sprouting off in this video. I am genuinely worried this is only going to get worse, and I have no clue how to put the genie back in the bottle.

01-13-2021, 09:56 AM
The Bulwark is garbage, but this video is enlightening and disturbing.


A few things strike me about this video:

1. These people are crazies, not necessarily conservatives. They happen to be aligned with conservatives at the moment via Trump, and likely agreement with pro-gun and anti-immigration policies.

2. They don't seem to have a clear policy stance, or policy objective. They just want to 'take America back' but nobody ever really states from what? They call themselves Patriots, but they very clearly seem to want to install some kind of Dictatorship with Trump at the help.

3. They really seem to believe that this election was 'stolen' and that they will prevail

4. They have an image of Donald Trump that doesn't seem to align with anything I have ever seen.

I think this highlights why populism is very, very dangerous. It's also what made/makes Trump dangerous - Populism combined with extreme narcissism and a love of 'watching it burn'. I'm a little concerned this could end with a significant amount of bloodshed on inauguration day.

01-13-2021, 09:58 AM
Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions: https://www.theepochtimes.com/video-analysis-of-ashli-babbit-video-suggests-coordinated-actions-interview-with-masako_3652783.html?utm_source=morningbriefnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mb-2021-01-12&instaaccount=richardheipp%40yahoo.com&ct=256590344&st=63kqofEOQKi_Ban-8SqHo-RNyw698pqJ2ylGVfNS0nl0iI6MCVQsvCIlt5h7g4GsYeZHXlV8 UmjwX90SFpV_vp-hN9IGwMEcqX8&utm_source=ReferralShare&utm_campaign=Article%20Share%20-%20Invite%20via%20Email

01-13-2021, 10:20 AM
Hearing reports that antifa members disguised in Trump hats, flags and clothing were actually leading the riots. I'm thinking clearly that means they infiltrated the Trump inner circle and the person who gave the speech at the rally was actually an antifa member who doubles as a Trump impostor! How long before this tidbit ends up on QAnon?

01-13-2021, 10:26 AM
Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions: https://www.theepochtimes.com/video-analysis-of-ashli-babbit-video-suggests-coordinated-actions-interview-with-masako_3652783.html?utm_source=morningbriefnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mb-2021-01-12&instaaccount=richardheipp%40yahoo.com&ct=256590344&st=63kqofEOQKi_Ban-8SqHo-RNyw698pqJ2ylGVfNS0nl0iI6MCVQsvCIlt5h7g4GsYeZHXlV8 UmjwX90SFpV_vp-hN9IGwMEcqX8&utm_source=ReferralShare&utm_campaign=Article%20Share%20-%20Invite%20via%20Email

So this lady watched 2 videos and came to conclusion that it must have been Antifa causing the issue because Trump supporters wouldn't do that because they support law enforcement, and they would only turn against law enforcement if they were provoked by a false flag antifa member? Seems awfully convenient that the Antifa member was able to lure all of those Trump supporters into the capitol and to the door of the floor of the house to pull off this elaborate plan.

I wonder how deep this goes? Did Antifa direct Trump to hold the rally? Did they encourage Republican members of congress to increase the rhetoric? Did they push the crowd through the first set of gates? Did the push the crowd towards the capitol? Did they break down the door? Did they use the same flute that the pied piper used to lure the rate to lure all of these otherwise peaceful protesters to the door of the capitol?

Even if there was "Antifa agitators" in the crowd, of which there is no evidence of, for this theory to hold up the Trump supporters would have to be simple minded that they could be easily confused and convinced to kill a police office and try to capture members of congress because someone yelled at them to. You know what, maybe that does hold up.

01-13-2021, 10:32 AM

One of my best friends is a die hard lib and he told me he was happy about what happened at the Capital because it validated everything he has been saying about Trump and was necessary to show just how screwed up the GOP is. I proceeded to let him know that he's completely fu*ked in the head. Then we had a beer together...but that's how we roll.

And before anyone jumps in with "yeah, but there are republicans that..." I get it. It lives on both sides, but this is just my personal experience.

I haven't heard that one yet. I sort of understand the sentiment that if this causes the GOP to break with Trump / Trumpism it is a positive outcome for the Country, as the long term danger of this type of movement continuing to gain prominence is significant. What we saw last week was not good by any standard though, IMO.

The difference would be in saying 'this was horrible but hopefully some good can come of it' vs saying 'this was good because it ultimately helped to achieve my objective'.

01-13-2021, 10:42 AM
Even if there was "Antifa agitators" in the crowd, of which there is no evidence of, for this theory to hold up the Trump supporters would have to be simple minded that they could be easily confused and convinced to kill a police office and try to capture members of congress because someone yelled at them to. You know what, maybe that does hold up.

We are truly living in the golden age of stupid. If you are a moron, the world is your oyster. Don't like reality? Don't believe it! People in the real world aren't buying your stupid bullshit? Hello, internet!

We live in a world where an unemployed landscaping worker can disagree with all the scientists in the world and hundreds of thousands of people will side with the landscaper.

We even treated the idiots among us to 4 years of having one of their own as President. How empowering that must have been for them! Now they know how black people felt when Obama was President!

Note: Before someone freaks out, I'm not saying that everyone who voted for Trump is a moron.

01-13-2021, 10:58 AM
100% confirmed - the black guy in the Capitol building is a hardcore Antifa leader - that is 100% fact. Why was he there? Why was he clearly coordinating with another "leader/agitator" in that video?

Additionally - if you watch other videos there are "patriots" who are clearly trying to stop the violence, and in many instances saw that there was Antifa involved, and were clearly calling them out. This is 100% fact.

01-13-2021, 11:04 AM
I won't discount the possibility that there were some Antifa agitators there to inflame the situation a bit/make things worse. However, it seems pretty clear that there were a sea of MAGA assholes ready and willing to be whipped into a frenzy and follow.....whoever into the Capital to "take back the country". Not sure from whom (they probably think it's the Jews; it always ends up going back to the Jews with these folks).

01-13-2021, 11:51 AM
I won't discount the possibility that there were some Antifa agitators there to inflame the situation a bit/make things worse. However, it seems pretty clear that there were a sea of MAGA assholes ready and willing to be whipped into a frenzy and follow.....whoever into the Capital to "take back the country". Not sure from whom (they probably think it's the Jews; it always ends up going back to the Jews with these folks).

Total and complete crazy talk....

Mrs. Garrett
01-13-2021, 12:03 PM
100% confirmed - the black guy in the Capitol building is a hardcore Antifa leader - that is 100% fact. Why was he there? Why was he clearly coordinating with another "leader/agitator" in that video?

Additionally - if you watch other videos there are "patriots" who are clearly trying to stop the violence, and in many instances saw that there was Antifa involved, and were clearly calling them out. This is 100% fact.

Jesus fucking Christ. Take some responsibility for the actions of the unhinged in your camp. Get off the fucking internet for a while. And stop devaluing the worth of a Xavier education with this drivel.

Strange Brew
01-13-2021, 12:06 PM
100% confirmed - the black guy in the Capitol building is a hardcore Antifa leader - that is 100% fact. Why was he there? Why was he clearly coordinating with another "leader/agitator" in that video?

Additionally - if you watch other videos there are "patriots" who are clearly trying to stop the violence, and in many instances saw that there was Antifa involved, and were clearly calling them out. This is 100% fact.

Yeah, the bearded guy being led through the Capital by the lone police officer is 100% antifa as well. The dude in the horns is a well known professional agitator who is at about every DC protest to cause trouble. He's a nihilist, Donny. Nothing to be afraid of.

01-13-2021, 12:07 PM
Jesus fucking Christ. Take some responsibility for the actions of the unhinged in your camp. Get off the fucking internet for a while. And stop devaluing the worth of a Xavier education with this drivel.

Did you take responsibility for the 25 people who died during the BLM riots? Have you apologized for your connection with these insurrectionists?

Mrs. Garrett
01-13-2021, 12:47 PM
Did you take responsibility for the 25 people who died during the BLM riots? Have you apologized for your connection with these insurrectionists?

I don't recall supporting the BLM riots.

My concern is an attack on our Nation's Capitol.

01-13-2021, 01:00 PM
Total and complete crazy talk....

So much irony in this comment. You are incapable of actually believing there are crazy people on each side. Keep believing your rhetoric that only the other side is the problem.

01-13-2021, 01:08 PM
I don't recall supporting the BLM riots.

My concern is an attack on our Nation's Capitol.

You told me I needed to take responsibility for the DC riots - WTF is that supposed to mean? If I need to take responsibility for the riots then you sure as hell need to take responsibility for the BLM riots, since you believe in collective responsibility you dumb fuck.

Mrs. Garrett
01-13-2021, 01:10 PM
You told me I needed to take responsibility for the DC riots - WTF is that supposed to mean? If I need to take responsibility for the riots then you sure as hell need to take responsibility for the BLM riots, since you believe in collective responsibility you dumb fuck.

That's the response I would expect from a white nationalist who sits on his brains all day.

01-13-2021, 01:13 PM
The faux handwringing over the DC riots is indeed quite rich. Have you Dems forgotten your own history:

• The violent and incendiary rhetoric of Democrat politicians, the media, educators and Hollywood celebrities over the last 4 years?

• The 25 people who died during the BLM/Antifa riots this summer?

• That Kamala Harris actually raised bail money for those arrested during the Minnesota riots?

• The Democrat-approved and encouraged riots will likely result in record breaking property damage claims.

• The mob of BLM/Antifa protestors who surrounded, intimidated and tried to assault Rand Paul and his wife in DC this past summer?

• That murder rates are currently going through the roof because of “defund the police” rhetoric and anti-police policies in Democrat-run cities?

• The riots that took place in Washington DC during President Trump’s inauguration?

• The storming of the Capitol Building and the Supreme Court during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation?

• That Senators Cory Gardner and Susan Collins received death threats from Democrats because they voted to confirm Kavanaugh?

• The attempted murder of Steve Scalise and other Republicans by a deranged Democrat inspired by Bernie Sanders?

• The thousands of Democrat protesters who stormed and completely trashed the State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin in 2011?

• Bill Ayers – the guy who helped commence Barrack Obama’s career – bombed the Capitol Building in 1971?

It goes on and on.....

Pahlease…., quit pretending your side is as pure as the driven snow….

01-13-2021, 01:20 PM
So much irony in this comment. You are incapable of actually believing there are crazy people on each side. Keep believing your rhetoric that only the other side is the problem.

There are three essential elements to any XU_Lou post, a noun, a verb, and a reference to BLM.

01-13-2021, 01:29 PM
Put the mouse down for a while Lou and take a break. Come out of the basement. Take a walk. Get some fresh air. Maybe even say Hi to a girl. It will be OK.

And stop reading and posting videos from far right web sites affiliated with a Chinese Cult.

01-13-2021, 01:31 PM
There are three essential elements to any XU_Lou post, a noun, a verb, and a reference to BLM.

You forgot that anyone who disagrees with him is a crazy liberal part.

01-13-2021, 01:37 PM
I'm sorry for interrupting the circle jerk among you Democrats on this thread...

01-13-2021, 01:41 PM
I'm sorry for interrupting the circle jerk among you Democrats on this thread...

There it is lol. Ya know, I know this is hard for you to grasp but you can align with most republican policies, disagree with you, and not be a crazy liberal.

01-13-2021, 01:42 PM
So much irony in this comment. You are incapable of actually believing there are crazy people on each side. Keep believing your rhetoric that only the other side is the problem.

So, just to confirm, you believe this to be true then: "Not sure from whom (they probably think it's the Jews; it always ends up going back to the Jews with these folks)."

01-13-2021, 01:53 PM
Put the mouse down for a while Lou and take a break. Come out of the basement. Take a walk. Get some fresh air. Maybe even say Hi to a girl. It will be OK.

And stop reading and posting videos from far right web sites affiliated with a Chinese Cult.

We are getting a window into the psyche of the people who stormed the Capitol building. It's a scary place.

01-13-2021, 01:53 PM
So, just to confirm, you believe this to be true then: "Not sure from whom (they probably think it's the Jews; it always ends up going back to the Jews with these folks)."

Do I think there are some crazies that were involved in the riot that actually believed the shit above? Of course. They are fucking nuts, that’s why they did stupid shit, like storm the capitol.

Mrs. Garrett
01-13-2021, 01:57 PM
I just discovered the ignore feature. It is glorious.

01-13-2021, 02:05 PM
Do I think there are some crazies that were involved in the riot that actually believed the shit above? Of course. They are fucking nuts, that’s why they did stupid shit, like storm the capitol.

Wait, you actually believe that there were people in that protest that thought they were protesting against the Jews - is that what you're saying?

01-13-2021, 02:06 PM
I just discovered the ignore feature. It is glorious.

Learning the truth sucks, doesn't it!

01-13-2021, 02:11 PM
I just discovered the ignore feature. It is glorious.

I also have XU_Coup on ignore. It's great, and I only see his posts when people quote them.

01-13-2021, 02:16 PM
Wait, you actually believe that there were people in that protest that thought they were protesting against the Jews - is that what you're saying?

You are hopeless. Crazy people stormed the capitol, why? Because they are fucking crazy, and believe really stupid shit that is so far beyond reality that some of them could conceivably believe the above to be true. Others probably believe some other off the wall shit.

It’s just like the BLM riots... the ones who rioted are fucking nuts and believe some other stupid crazy shit that is so far detached from reality. Some of them could conceivably believe the above as well.

01-13-2021, 02:21 PM
Lou, who do YOU think these folks think they're taking the country back from?

01-13-2021, 03:09 PM
You are hopeless. Crazy people stormed the capitol, why? Because they are fucking crazy, and believe really stupid shit that is so far beyond reality that some of them could conceivably believe the above to be true. Others probably believe some other off the wall shit.

It’s just like the BLM riots... the ones who rioted are fucking nuts and believe some other stupid crazy shit that is so far detached from reality. Some of them could conceivably believe the above as well.

Wow! Xville, "Mr. Moderate", you're just as bat crazy as GoMuskies, Mrs. Garrett and Boozehound!! The Jews - seriously??

01-13-2021, 03:19 PM
Wait, you actually believe that there were people in that protest that thought they were protesting against the Jews - is that what you're saying?

He's not saying...this guy is. (although you may be too young to have gotten this in World History class)


01-13-2021, 03:21 PM
He's not saying...this guy is. (although you may be too young to have gotten this in World History class)


You're actually (purposely or not), grossly misunderstanding the meaning of his shirt.

01-13-2021, 03:24 PM
I was right, you are too young.
Did you get one before Etsy stopped selling them?

01-13-2021, 03:36 PM
Wow! Xville, "Mr. Moderate", you're just as bat crazy as GoMuskies, Mrs. Garrett and Boozehound!! The Jews - seriously??

you seriously have a really bad comprehension problem.

Strange Brew
01-13-2021, 03:37 PM
Wow! Xville, "Mr. Moderate", you're just as bat crazy as GoMuskies, Mrs. Garrett and Boozehound!! The Jews - seriously??

Lou. You made good points with your bullets a couple of posts back. But the posters you mentioned are pretty dang moderate. I’m not a Republican so they’re a little left of me but they are pretty level in their comments.

Speaking of your bullets. Bill Ayers falls on deaf ears even though you are correct. That dog hasn’t hunted in a while as he is now considered disassociated from SDS and The New Left.

01-13-2021, 04:01 PM
This thread is a prime example of what happens when Nuts doesn't work his magic when things start to go off the rails.

Mrs. Garrett
01-13-2021, 04:20 PM
I really don't know what the right answer is with some people. When I support something from the left, they lose their minds. When I say that I voted down ballot for some Republicans in this election, they lose their minds. Maybe I have to go conspiracy theory right for them.

01-13-2021, 04:33 PM
Jesus fucking Christ. Take some responsibility for the actions of the unhinged in your camp. Get off the fucking internet for a while. And stop devaluing the worth of a Xavier education with this drivel.

I really don't know what the right answer is with some people. When I support something from the left, they lose their minds. When I say that I voted down ballot for some Republicans in this election, they lose their minds. Maybe I have to go conspiracy theory right for them.

I'm really, really confused.... you said "your camp" meaning me, but then you proceeded to admit that "I voted down ballot for some Republicans in this election". So, wouldn't that mean that you are also in my camp, and doesn't that mean you should also be taking some responsibility for the actions of the unhinged in your/our camp.

Asking for a friend....

01-13-2021, 04:42 PM
I really don't know what the right answer is with some people. When I support something from the left, they lose their minds. When I say that I voted down ballot for some Republicans in this election, they lose their minds. Maybe I have to go conspiracy theory right for them.

I've been called a Liberal like 1,000 times in this thread. Never by an actual liberal though :)

There are some people who basically consider everyone who isn't a complete psycho a Democrat. They use Democrat as an insult, not a person with a different political viewpoint. They don't seem to even understand the concept of someone being a moderate, independent, Libertarian etc.

I assume those people consume a lot of 'opinion news' type media (Hannity, Tucker Carlson, etc.) that rails against 'liberals' continuously. So people either share their views, or they are 'liberal'. There isn't room in their worldview for shades of grey or nuance, that would create a glitch in the matrix.

Most humans do better with picking a side and defending it than they do with viewing issues from multiple viewpoints (particularly those other than their own). Sometimes you are right, and sometimes you are wrong. You are never uncertain though.

01-13-2021, 04:44 PM
Trump has been impeachd again. Likely to be convicted this time, but what exactly is the point of impeaching and removing someone who is already out of office (which Trump will be by the time the Senate takes this up)?

01-13-2021, 04:47 PM
but what exactly is the point of impeaching and removing someone who is already out of office (which Trump will be by the time the Senate takes this up)?


01-13-2021, 04:51 PM
Trump has been impeachd again. Likely to be convicted this time, but what exactly is the point of impeaching and removing someone who is already out of office (which Trump will be by the time the Senate takes this up)?

I'm at a loss for this as well. In principle I think he committed offenses worthy of being impeached, removed, and barred from holding future office. At this point going along with that might be the smart play for Republicans, so maybe they think they have the votes in the Senate? McConnell seems genuinely pissed, and Trump can only hurt them at this point, IMO. Probably the best thing for the Republican party is if Trump, and his family, become political pariahs who aren't a threat to hold future office or wield significant influence.

I'm not really in support of this though, mostly because I think there is a lot of important shit that the Senate needs to doing right a way due to what a shit show this transition has been.

01-13-2021, 04:52 PM
Trump has been impeachd again. Likely to be convicted this time, but what exactly is the point of impeaching and removing someone who is already out of office (which Trump will be by the time the Senate takes this up)?

I would guess to vote on a penalty that would disallow him from holding office again.
Might also affect his pension !

01-13-2021, 05:05 PM
Trump has been impeachd again. Likely to be convicted this time, but what exactly is the point of impeaching and removing someone who is already out of office (which Trump will be by the time the Senate takes this up)?

This has been the most bizarre presidency I can remember. I think this one even trumps Nixon which I ever thought would happen. The president basically wanted his followers to storm the capital and lynch the Vice President that is part of his party and who he selected to be his running mate. Just crazy.

Strange Brew
01-13-2021, 05:09 PM
Trump has been impeachd again. Likely to be convicted this time, but what exactly is the point of impeaching and removing someone who is already out of office (which Trump will be by the time the Senate takes this up)?

Hope this goes to trial. No one wants discovery to come to light...

01-13-2021, 05:14 PM
Remember when several of the (most respected) members of Trump's Cabinet came out and said things like "He is a threat to the Country", and "He is the most flawed human being I have ever met"? Turns out we should have listened to them. That's why this is the most bizarre Presidency any of us can remember.

01-13-2021, 05:19 PM
Hope this goes to trial. No one wants discovery to come to light...

I'm with ya - the more entertaining the better.

At this point in my life, I have zero respect for politicians. Watching them squirm gives me joy.

Mrs. Garrett
01-13-2021, 06:00 PM
Trump has been impeachd again. Likely to be convicted this time, but what exactly is the point of impeaching and removing someone who is already out of office (which Trump will be by the time the Senate takes this up)?

I don't think he deserves a pension or secret service protection for life. I'd also like to shut the door on him running for office again.

01-13-2021, 06:01 PM
Even if impeached and removed he'll surely still get Secret Service protection, right? I mean, I guess on the pension. He surely doesn't care about that, so why should anyone else.

Mrs. Garrett
01-13-2021, 06:14 PM
Even if impeached and removed he'll surely still get Secret Service protection, right? I mean, I guess on the pension. He surely doesn't care about that, so why should anyone else.

I can still hold out hope he winds up in prison. At the very least for the NY case that seems to be pending.

01-13-2021, 06:23 PM
The bully pulpit is a powerful weapon. Before and dramatically after the election he pushed the narrative of a "stolen election."
He has millions of people believing exactly that, despite losing by the same margin that he won. Despite millions of more votes going to the winner.
They believe it heart and soul, and he urged it on to devastating consequences.
That's going to take a long time to fix.
I think if he had just quietly accepted defeat, and been gracious in the transition, acknowledging the new president, it would have healed an open wound that will now fester.
Crazy times we live in.

Edit: I just watched the president's taped message. If he had given that speech the day after the election, I don't think we would have had the unrest in DC. Was a good speech although it sort of ignored that he himself had inflamed passions. Hard to overlook that as he now decides to ask for calm. But at least he did ask for it in advance of next week's activities. I hope it helps.

01-13-2021, 06:31 PM
Even if impeached and removed he'll surely still get Secret Service protection, right? I mean, I guess on the pension. He surely doesn't care about that, so why should anyone else.

Are you sure? Did you get a look at his tax returns??? I know I didn’t.

I would like to remove any chance that he ever runs for public office again. I don’t really care much beyond that.

Strange Brew
01-13-2021, 06:39 PM
Are you sure? Did you get a look at his tax returns??? I know I didn’t.

I would like to remove any chance that he ever runs for public office again. I don’t really care much beyond that.

I hope he announces his 2024 run next Weds...

01-13-2021, 06:48 PM
As one of the greatest president's term comes to an end, I thought now would be a great time to share his long list of accomplishments. He will be missed - even by you haters. Though you may be triggered by his tweets and personality, how can you complain about these accomplishments:

Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.
Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.
95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.
Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.
Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.
Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
Record number of regulations eliminated.
Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.
Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.
Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.
United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.
NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.
Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.
Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.
Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.
Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.
We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.

01-13-2021, 06:50 PM
I hope he announces his 2024 run next Weds...

I prefer any future runs he has are related to Montezuma’s revenge. :-)

EDIT: I don’t disagree with everything he did. I think he did a lot of things well. I object to him as a person. He is an embarrassment to our country and he should be held accountable for inciting a riot attacking the government of the United States because he is an egomaniac and behaved like a child and sore loser. Again, embarrassing and we deserve better. Sorry, his bad side is a deal breaker. Period.

I did this as an edit rather than quote someone many of you have gone to some effort to avoid. How many guesses do you need? You’re welcome!

Strange Brew
01-13-2021, 07:11 PM
I prefer any future runs he has are related to Montezuma’s revenge. :-)

EDIT: I don’t disagree with everything he did. I think he did a lot of things well. I object to him as a person. He is an embarrassment to our country and he should be held accountable for inciting a riot attacking the government of the United States because he is an egomaniac and behaved like a child and sore loser. Again, embarrassing and we deserve better. Sorry, his bad side is a deal breaker. Period.

I did this as an edit rather than quote someone many of you have gone to some effort to avoid. How many guesses do you need? You’re welcome!

By that standard should VP Harris resign and never hold office again?

01-13-2021, 07:23 PM
Since that was copied directly from the White House web site, shouldn't there have been a link for attribution?

01-13-2021, 08:04 PM
By that standard should VP Harris resign and never hold office again?

I’ll be 100% behind that if and when she ever incites a riot at the Capital.

Strange Brew
01-13-2021, 08:39 PM
I’ll be 100% behind that if and when she ever incites a riot at the Capital.

Well she supported the riots of this summer including those in DC saying they should not stop.

01-13-2021, 08:54 PM
Well she supported the riots of this summer including those in DC saying they should not stop.

And I am 100% against that. She was not the President of the United States at the time, and I suspect her “support” was less specific than asking supporters to charge the Capital. Look, I’m not on one “side” or the other, I’m against ALL rioting. Protest is fine, but it doesn’t get you a new TV or small appliance.

The biggest problem with politics seems to be you have to move so far left or right to get support. Why can’t we have some reasonable people in the middle???


01-13-2021, 09:01 PM
I also have XU_Coup on ignore. It's great, and I only see his posts when people quote them.

I think most of this board has him on ignore.

XU '11
01-13-2021, 10:31 PM
And I am 100% against that. She was not the President of the United States at the time, and I suspect her “support” was less specific that asking to charge the Capital. Look, I’m not on one “side” or the other, I’m against ALL rioting. Protest is fine, but it doesn’t get you a new TV or small appliance.

The biggest problem with politics seems to be you have to move so far left or right to get support. Why can’t we have some reasonable people in the middle???

"Charge" the Capitol? I missed that quote. When did he say that?

01-13-2021, 10:43 PM
I think most of this board has him on ignore.

I still do it the old fashioned way.

But I’m tempted at times......

01-13-2021, 11:29 PM
"Charge" the Capitol? I missed that quote. When did he say that?

Who said it was a quote? I didn’t, but I saw the speech, and most reasonable people (including many leading Republicans) saw that as inciting a riot. And THAT is why he is the first President to face two impeachment’s.

I had found the speech and long quote, but deleted the longer post. If you saw it, it was pretty clear that he went too far. Even many of his former Republican backers agree with that.

To be fair, those rioters came with bad intent, but the fiery pre-game speech was not “Presidential”, IMO.

On an unrelated side note: I’m watching a Colombo rerun, and if he starts asking you how that might have happened, you are screwed!


01-14-2021, 03:20 PM
Another truth bomb... this time from a Canadian: https://twitter.com/ZNeveri/status/1349460356595376133?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1349460356595376133%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.revolver.news%2F

01-14-2021, 03:36 PM
And another truth bomb - sorry libs, hate to ruin your nice clean narrative, but Aaron Mostofsky was just arrested for his involvement in the Capitol Riot - both he "And His Father A NY Supreme Court Judge Are Both Registered Democrats": https://redstatenation.com/aaron-mostofsky-who-was-arrested-for-involvement-in-the-capitol-riot-and-his-father-a-ny-supreme-court-judge-are-both-registered-democrats/

This comes after we have factually established that Antifa was indeed involved in the riots as well (and likely were the instigators): https://www.theepochtimes.com/video-analysis-of-ashli-babbit-video-suggests-coordinated-actions-interview-with-masako_3652783.html?utm_source=morningbriefnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mb-2021-01-12&instaaccount=richardheipp%40yahoo.com&ct=256590344&st=63kqofEOQKi_Ban-8SqHo-RNyw698pqJ2ylGVfNS0nl0iI6MCVQsvCIlt5h7g4GsYeZHXlV8 UmjwX90SFpV_vp-hN9IGwMEcqX8&utm_source=ReferralShare&utm_campaign=Article%20Share%20-%20Invite%20via%20Email

"Newly released video shows former Black Lives Matter organizer John Sullivan both allegedly instigating protesters to commit crimes and committing crimes himself while inside the Capitol Building -- yet somehow it appears he has managed to escape any charges" hmmm, I wonder why? http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=62004

Oh yea, here’s a reminder of what happened at Trump’s inauguration in 2017: https://therightscoop.com/reminder-heres-what-happened-at-trumps-inauguration-in-2017/

Dems and Trump haters, I'm really. really sorry to have to rain on your nice clean narrative like this - I do deeply apologize.

01-14-2021, 04:01 PM
And another truth bomb - sorry libs, hate to ruin your nice clean narrative, but Aaron Mostofsky was just arrested for his involvement in the Capitol Riot - both he "And His Father A NY Supreme Court Judge Are Both Registered Democrats": https://redstatenation.com/aaron-mostofsky-who-was-arrested-for-involvement-in-the-capitol-riot-and-his-father-a-ny-supreme-court-judge-are-both-registered-democrats/

This comes after we have factually established that Antifa was indeed involved in the riots as well (and likely were the instigators): https://www.theepochtimes.com/video-analysis-of-ashli-babbit-video-suggests-coordinated-actions-interview-with-masako_3652783.html?utm_source=morningbriefnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mb-2021-01-12&instaaccount=richardheipp%40yahoo.com&ct=256590344&st=63kqofEOQKi_Ban-8SqHo-RNyw698pqJ2ylGVfNS0nl0iI6MCVQsvCIlt5h7g4GsYeZHXlV8 UmjwX90SFpV_vp-hN9IGwMEcqX8&utm_source=ReferralShare&utm_campaign=Article%20Share%20-%20Invite%20via%20Email

"Newly released video shows former Black Lives Matter organizer John Sullivan both allegedly instigating protesters to commit crimes and committing crimes himself while inside the Capitol Building -- yet somehow it appears he has managed to escape any charges" hmmm, I wonder why? http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=62004

Oh yea, here’s a reminder of what happened at Trump’s inauguration in 2017: https://therightscoop.com/reminder-heres-what-happened-at-trumps-inauguration-in-2017/

Dems and Trump haters, I'm really. really sorry to have to rain on your nice clean narrative like this - I do deeply apologize.

You need help

01-14-2021, 04:05 PM
You need help

Wow - Mr. Moderate also hates the truth - I guess you love wallowing in false Democrat narratives...

BTW, I haven't heard you chastise any of the Dems on here for acting like their side is pure and innocent with regards to political violence and inflammatory rhetoric. Why is it you only focus on Republicans?

01-14-2021, 04:16 PM
Wow - Mr. Moderate also hates the truth - I guess you love wallowing in false Democrat narratives...

BTW, I haven't heard you chastise any of the Dems on here for acting like their side is pure and innocent with regards to political violence and inflammatory rhetoric. Why is it you only focus on Republicans?

Like I said, you need help. You are so far gone, you actually believe the bolded part to be true, which cannot be further from the actual truth.

Also, I'm glad you are so proud of yourself, but just because you link a bunch of far right crazy blogs, doesn't make any of it true. Though the son and the judge link are, even though I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to prove there....there are crazies on the left too? No shit.....thanks for blowing my mind.

Lastly, I don't think it would surprise anyone (except crazy far lefters) that there would be antifa members involved in the capitol riots....like i have repeatedly said, both sides have their extremist crazies. Instead of being Mr. Keyboard Warrior and finding all the links you can to prove how bad the other extremist side is, maybe harness that energy to become less of a prick on here, and understand that the extreme left isn't the bad guy here.....extremists are the bad guy here, and they are further dividing America.

01-14-2021, 04:31 PM
Like I said, you need help. You are so far gone, you actually believe the bolded part to be true, which cannot be further from the actual truth.

Also, I'm glad you are so proud of yourself, but just because you link a bunch of far right crazy blogs, doesn't make any of it true. Though the son and the judge link are, even though I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to prove there....there are crazies on the left too? No shit.....thanks for blowing my mind.

Lastly, I don't think it would surprise anyone (except crazy far lefters) that there would be antifa members involved in the capitol riots....like i have repeatedly said, both sides have their extremist crazies. Instead of being Mr. Keyboard Warrior and finding all the links you can to prove how bad the other extremist side is, maybe harness that energy to become less of a prick on here, and understand that the extreme left isn't the bad guy here.....extremists are the bad guy here, and they are further dividing America.

Maybe you should try not to be such a sanctimonious fuck. I come on here to provide a different perspective and the knives immediately come out from arrogant fucks like you pretending to be moderates. Sorry, but that's not how moderates act. They would either know both sides of the story, or try to engage/refute my points. You, and others, on the other hand, immediately go on slanderous attacks, not wishing to engage. To quote Rambo, "you drew first blood".

For the record, I never pretended that my side was perfect, I'm merely demonstrating the hypocrisy of the zealots on this board.

If you don't have anything constructive to say about my points then maybe you should just stay the fuck off this thread.

01-14-2021, 04:35 PM
We now live in a world where some people think that controlling riots, looting and destroying city property is a bad thing. Crazy effing world we live in.

Back on the devil page (666), XVille said this. Now, I WONDER which rioters and looters he was talking about here.

01-14-2021, 04:44 PM
Back on the devil page (666), XVille said this. Now, I WONDER which rioters and looters he was talking about here.

Thank you....xu loudumbass maybe look that up and the corresponding conversation...you might learn something

01-14-2021, 04:46 PM
Back on the devil page (666), XVille said this. Now, I WONDER which rioters and looters he was talking about here.

This is how the deep state works. Xville has been espousing Republican ideas on this board for 8 years as part of his elaborate ruse to lie in wait for this exact moment to ambush XU_Lou. It is really sad how far some extreme left members of this board, like XVille, will go to try to cast doubt on legitimacy of Trump's reelection. #sad

01-14-2021, 04:48 PM
Maybe you should try not to be such a sanctimonious fuck. I come on here to provide a different perspective and the knives immediately come out from arrogant fucks like you pretending to be moderates. Sorry, but that's not how moderates act. They would either know both sides of the story, or try to engage/refute my points. You, and others, on the other hand, immediately go on slanderous attacks, not wishing to engage. To quote Rambo, "you drew first blood".

For the record, I never pretended that my side was perfect, I'm merely demonstrating the hypocrisy of the zealots on this board.

If you don't have anything constructive to say about my points then maybe you should just stay the fuck off this thread.

A different extremist perspective based on hate and division. Congratulations! You go on MR. keyboard warrior! I was the last one paying any attention to you on here, guess you’ll just have to yell into the abyss from now on.

01-14-2021, 04:50 PM
This is how the deep state works. Xville has been espousing Republican ideas on this board for 8 years as part of his elaborate ruse to lie in wait for this exact moment to ambush XU_Lou. It is really sad how far some extreme left members of this board, like XVille, will go to try to cast doubt on legitimacy of Trump's reelection. #sad

Lol public reps!

01-14-2021, 04:51 PM
Maybe you should try not to be such a sanctimonious fuck. I come on here to provide a different perspective and the knives immediately come out from arrogant fucks like you pretending to be moderates. Sorry, but that's not how moderates act. They would either know both sides of the story, or try to engage/refute my points. You, and others, on the other hand, immediately go on slanderous attacks, not wishing to engage. To quote Rambo, "you drew first blood".

For the record, I never pretended that my side was perfect, I'm merely demonstrating the hypocrisy of the zealots on this board.

If you don't have anything constructive to say about my points then maybe you should just stay the fuck off this thread.

Dude, go find out where Bobbie is hiding and hang with him for a while. You're becoming unhinged (although I absolutely love using the work fuck as a noun). You're attacking everyone that's not in lockstep with your thinking. Taking the DJT approach and nuking everyone who dares to challenge you is a bad route and is absolutely part of the problem. Please understand that you are the Paul and Bobbie of the right on this board and that's not a good place to be.

01-14-2021, 04:51 PM
This is how the deep state works. Xville has been espousing Republican ideas on this board for 8 years as part of his elaborate ruse to lie in wait for this exact moment to ambush XU_Lou. It is really sad how far some extreme left members of this board, like XVille, will go to try to cast doubt on legitimacy of Trump's reelection. #sad

All hail XVille - the arbiter of truth on this board. No one is allowed an opinion on this board unless XVille deems it legitimate.

01-14-2021, 05:00 PM
All hail XVille - the arbiter of truth on this board. No one is allowed an opinion on this board unless XVille deems it legitimate.

Lol that’s what you got from his message? Trump, is that you? Lol

01-14-2021, 05:00 PM
Dude, go find out where Bobbie is hiding and hang with him for a while. You're becoming unhinged (although I absolutely love using the work fuck as a noun). You're attacking everyone that's not in lockstep with your thinking. Taking the DJT approach and nuking everyone who dares to challenge you is a bad route and is absolutely part of the problem. Please understand that you are the Paul and Bobbie of the right on this board and that's not a good place to be.

No, I'm responding to people who slander me. The first reaction on this board is to attack the person or the source - but never to refute the content of the message. I'm all for debate on whatever I present - please, tell me I'm wrong, but tell me why and present the facts. Take a close look at nearly everything I've ever posted. It takes the exact same route every time. This is the reason why I respond the way I do. The people on this board, whether they're Dems or pretend moderates, use the exact same tactics used by the left in the media, Big Tech and elected officials. Slander, trivialize and ultimately cancel.

01-14-2021, 05:10 PM
Back on the devil page (666), XVille said this. Now, I WONDER which rioters and looters he was talking about here.

Well done, sir! What a great find! Very impressive. Public reps is all I got for you!

01-14-2021, 05:12 PM
Xu Lou, the victim lol. There is no need to debate you when you source far right extremist blogs as evidence or a position. It makes you look like an extremist and not worth anyone’s time. It’s especially Douchey when you make comments after, with patronizing ‘digs’ at whoever you are trying to impress. This is the same as Bobbie and Paul linking some bs far left blog or cnn and try to present it as fact or non-biased. Most have stopped responding to their complete nonsense as well.

01-14-2021, 05:18 PM
Xu Lou, the victim lol. There is no need to debate you when you source far right extremist blogs as evidence or a position. It makes you look like an extremist and not worth anyone’s time. It’s especially Douchey when you make comments after, with patronizing ‘digs’ at whoever you are trying to impress. This is the same as Bobbie and Paul linking some bs far left blog or cnn and try to present it as fact or non-biased. Most have stopped responding to their complete nonsense as well.

All hail XVille - the arbiter of truth on this board. No one is allowed an opinion on this board unless XVille deems it legitimate.

New rule: make sure XVille approves your link as safe and legitimate before posting.

01-14-2021, 05:22 PM
New rule: make sure XVille approves your link as safe and legitimate before posting.

Please do adhere to that rule. Thanks!

01-14-2021, 05:24 PM
All hail XVille - the arbiter of truth on this board. No one is allowed an opinion on this board unless XVille deems it legitimate.

New rule: make sure XVille approves your link as safe and legitimate before posting.

Perfect! It is good to be king!

01-14-2021, 05:32 PM
Perfect! It is good to be king!

Well, it's pretty obvious you already think you are.

So now we can just codify it in the board rules, and you can become the mini-AOC of XavierHoops.

01-14-2021, 05:39 PM
I wonder if people know there's a limit to Xeus' patience?

01-14-2021, 05:39 PM
Well, it's pretty obvious you already think you are.

So now we can just codify it in the board rules, and you can become the mini-AOC of XavierHoops.

Nah I’m just gonna do what so many have already done and (admittedly should have done a long time ago) and just ignore you and your endless extremist rhetoric. It’s a real shame that you haven’t looked inward and seen the amount of people who have literally hit the ignore button on you and still believe all of those people are the problem.

01-14-2021, 05:43 PM
Nah I’m just gonna do what so many have already done and (admittedly should have done a long time ago) and just ignore you and your endless extremist rhetoric. It’s a real shame that you haven’t looked inward and seen the amount of people who have literally hit the ignore button on you and still believe all of those people are the problem.

Do you think Trump is a good representative of Christian values?

01-14-2021, 05:44 PM
I wonder if people know there's a limit to Xeus' patience?

His patience must rival that of a kindergarten teacher! The best I can say is we are “using our words”, but there just might be some biting if this were in person!

01-14-2021, 05:47 PM
I wonder if people know there's a limit to Xeus' patience?

Really? Given that bobbie still posts here, I assumed there was not.

01-14-2021, 06:04 PM
I'm not "far left" although I am left-handed., I just hate trump's guts and always have. I voted for Goldwater (thought he would drop the big one on Hanoi and save 50k lives), Nixon (thought he would end the war), Reagan twice, Bush I, and Romney. I just think trump is a sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, bigoted, white supremacist, fascist, clownish, ignorant, climate changing, brash, dangerous, seditious, murdering asshole. He's gone now so I HAPPY. "Let the sun shine in"...
Get over it, the guy was a loser. Y'all just finding that out. Approval 33%. Worst ever.

Strange Brew
01-14-2021, 06:11 PM
Do you think Trump is a good representative of Christian values?

-created opportunity zones
-lowest unemployment. Teaching to fish
-didn’t start a war
-brokered multiple peace deals
-Pardoned Blago
-met with godless world leaders to bridge divides

On the other hand:
-crude language
-can be a meanyhead
-doesn’t turn the other cheek

All in all I don’t care. I wouldn’t want the Pope or Mother Teresa to run the U.S.

Strange Brew
01-14-2021, 06:15 PM
I'm not "far left" although I am left-handed., I just hate trump's guts and always have. I voted for Goldwater (thought he would drop the big one on Hanoi and save 50k lives), Nixon (thought he would end the war), Bush I, and Romney. I just think trump is a sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, bigoted, white supremacist, fascist, clownish, ignorant, climate changing, brash, dangerous, seditious, murdering asshole. He's gone now so I HAPPY. "Let the sun shine in"...
Get over it, the guy was a loser. Y'all just finding that out. Approval 33%. Worst ever.

I too am left handed and would’ve voted for BG if I wasn’t born just before Ronaldo Maximus was elected. Nixon did end the war and created the EPA. Should be your fav President.

01-14-2021, 06:26 PM
-created opportunity zones
-lowest unemployment. Teaching to fish
-didn’t start a war
-brokered multiple peace deals
-Pardoned Blago
-met with godless world leaders to bridge divides

On the other hand:
-crude language
-can be a meanyhead
-doesn’t turn the other cheek

All in all I don’t care. I wouldn’t want the Pope or Mother Teresa to run the U.S.

Such an odd thing to say. This country needs more Christian values which these two would have done.

01-14-2021, 06:41 PM
Y'know trump was pro-choice when he thought it would help him as a Democrat. Blago? He tried to sell a Senate seat to the highest bidder for chrissakes.

Strange Brew
01-14-2021, 06:48 PM
Y'know trump was pro-choice when he thought it would help him as a Democrat. Blago? He tried to sell a Senate seat to the highest bidder for chrissakes.

Blago - pardon thy enemies.
He was. And was pro-abortion before he was a politician. That is correct. From what I read his wife changed his views after Baron was born. I don’t think she puts up with much of the 80s and 90s Trump brand.

01-14-2021, 07:14 PM
Do you think Trump is a good representative of Christian values?

I don’t think there is probably one politician with “Christian values”. They may say they are, and be for this or that, but I’d be willing to guess most of them don’t have a soul let alone have any values.

01-14-2021, 09:01 PM
Can you say "poor little entitled babies."
We'll take a bullet for you ma'am...how bout letting us take a leak.


01-14-2021, 09:41 PM
Also, if you're really interested in foreign policy, this person with some experience provides a candid look at the last 4 years:


Strange Brew
01-15-2021, 12:39 PM
Seems CNN was imbedded with John Sullivan at the Capitol. Even cheered, ‘we did it’ in reference to inciting a riot. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.

01-15-2021, 12:57 PM
Seems CNN was imbedded with John Sullivan at the Capitol. Even cheered, ‘we did it’ in reference to inciting a riot. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.

That's some pretty crazy shit. His story doesn't quite add up either, RE: him being there to 'document' and then having to incite people so that he wasn't identified.

When you get the far left crazies together with the far right crazies it seems that they can find some common ground.

01-15-2021, 01:08 PM
I doubt this happens, but I pray that this whole episode will open people's eyes that there are crazies on both sides and it is not about a left vs right anymore...it's about crazies vs non-crazies and the crazies are gaining a lot of traction which is scary. Also, I hope that this also brings about some checking of our cable news media because it is mostly complete trash, again both left and right sources.

01-15-2021, 01:16 PM
I doubt this happens, but I pray that this whole episode will open people's eyes that there are crazies on both sides and it is not about a left vs right anymore...it's about crazies vs non-crazies and the crazies are gaining a lot of traction which is scary. Also, I hope that this also brings about some checking of our cable news media because it is mostly complete trash, again both left and right sources.

Yep. We shouldn't be arguing about whose crazies are crazier. We should be marginalizing all the crazy people and not allowing their views to infiltrate the mainstream.

People are going to have to tune out for the media to change their approach. They have carved out their target audiences and are pandering to them. There's clearly more money in whipping your base into a frenzy than there is in providing objective and unbalanced news.

01-15-2021, 02:01 PM
Footage of CNN’s Jade Sacker inside US Capitol with far leftists celebrating after they allegedly infiltrated Trump supporters & incited a riot, “We did it!”:


01-15-2021, 03:01 PM
If they infiltrated the Capitol illegally arrest them with all the other bums. See crazies vs crazies above. On the other hand, i don't think 2 people incited a riot among 15k trump supporters killing and maiming people.

01-15-2021, 03:36 PM
If they infiltrated the Capitol illegally arrest them with all the other bums. See crazies vs crazies above. On the other hand, i don't think 2 people incited a riot among 15k trump supporters killing and maiming people.

Boobie, for the first time you are absolutely right, it was 226: https://noqreport.com/2021/01/15/james-brother-of-accused-leftist-provocateur-john-sullivan-claims-226-antifa-members-started-capitol-riots/

Also, Feds admit Capitol “siege” was planned in advance by Trump haters, not Trump supporters: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-01-15-feds-admit-capitol-siege-planned-trump-haters.html

01-15-2021, 03:53 PM
Nothing like sourcing from an anti-vaccine conspiracy theory website...geezus. Can the mods seriously step in here?

Strange Brew
01-15-2021, 04:02 PM
Nothing like sourcing from an anti-vaccine conspiracy theory website...geezus. Can the mods seriously step in here?

You mean CNN?

The story has been posted elsewhere and you can see for yourself on Twitter so...

01-15-2021, 04:05 PM
Nothing like sourcing from an anti-vaccine conspiracy theory website...geezus. Can the mods seriously step in here?

Ahh, it's mini-AOC again..... Nothing like being a proponent of free speech - from a Republican, or a moderate, or whatever think you are.

Seriously, why do you come onto this thread - are you that much of a loser that you think you have to police everything I post?? Seriously, WTF???

01-15-2021, 04:50 PM
You mean CNN?

The story has been posted elsewhere and you can see for yourself on Twitter so...

Ah yes twitter! The other great source! Could you provide from an actual news source about this Capitol Siege that the Feds admitted was caused by Trump haters

01-15-2021, 04:54 PM
Ahh, it's mini-AOC again..... Nothing like being a proponent of free speech - from a Republican, or a moderate, or whatever think you are.

Seriously, why do you come onto this thread - are you that much of a loser that you think you have to police everything I post?? Seriously, WTF???

That's not what you understand it to be. Shocking.

I challenge you to actually come up with a non-extremist news source that proves your ridiculous narrative. Otherwise, you are just spreading complete lies.

01-15-2021, 04:56 PM
Looks like a NY Bankruptcy Trustee is going to get the chance to pry the gun out of the NRA's cold dead hand (well until they reincorporate in Texas).

Strange Brew
01-15-2021, 04:57 PM
Ah yes twitter! The other great source! Could you provide from an actual news source about this Capitol Siege that the Feds admitted was caused by Trump haters

I was referring to the CNN reporter claiming credit for the riot.

The other source isn’t great but TPN (left site quoted often here) isn’t more credible but you don’t bash it. Neither do I. The National Enquirer broke the Edwards story so knocking the source is not always the best argument.

01-15-2021, 05:04 PM
I was referring to the CNN reporter claiming credit for the riot.

The other source isn’t great but TPN (left site quoted often here) isn’t more credible but you don’t bash it. Neither do I. The National Enquirer broke the Edwards story so knocking the source is not always the best argument.

Good for you, I wasn't...but good to see that Lou has a friend.

"Isn't great" understatement of the century. Actually, I have bashed it but shockingly, just like your boy Lou, you only choose to see what you want.

I'm going to knock a source that comes from an Anti-Vax Conspiracy Theory "New Source" that has tried to present as fact things like "Zika was caused by genetically modified mosquitoes that were created by the government." Spreading completely false bs is a problem and is one of the issues of the world today that has caused such division.

01-15-2021, 05:07 PM
It's true, but I suspect any "cure" to the problem will be worse than the disease.

Strange Brew
01-15-2021, 05:08 PM
Good for you, I wasn't...but good to see that Lou has a friend.

"Isn't great" understatement of the century. Actually, I have bashed it but shockingly, just like your boy Lou, you only choose to see what you want.

I'm going to knock a source that comes from an Anti-Vax Conspiracy Theory "New Source" that has tried to present as fact things like "Zika was caused by genetically modified mosquitoes that were created by the government." Spreading completely false bs is a problem and is one of the issues of the world today that has caused such division.

I’ve never met Lou.

Ok, you don’t like that source. We get it. We do have evidence CNN and Antifa incited a riot. You good with that? Or should we say there are good and bad people on both sides?

01-15-2021, 05:15 PM
That's not what you understand it to be. Shocking.

I challenge you to actually come up with a non-extremist news source that proves your ridiculous narrative. Otherwise, you are just spreading complete lies.

Your obsession with me and my posts is frankly, starting to get a little weird and creepy. Are you trying to reprise Travis Bickle?

01-15-2021, 05:16 PM
For Paul....and partially in regard to our earlier disagreement regarding the Stupidity of the Iran Nuclear Deal and Obama policy toward the Middle East.
This accomplished journalist is zero fan of Trump, but he writes a compelling piece as to the advisable continuance of the Trump Middle East policy by Biden, rather than reverting to the failed moves by Obama’s Administration- especially toward Iran.
It’s a long but well written, well considered and factually accurate article.
I encourage all from either side to pour yourself a nice drink and take this excellent essay in. From the non-partisan Commentary magazine.


01-15-2021, 05:19 PM
I’ve never met Lou.

Ok, you don’t like that source. We get it. We do have evidence CNN and Antifa incited a riot. You good with that? Or should we say there are good and bad people on both sides?

Definitely good with people from both sides incited the riot. As I said there are crazies on both sides. The problem I have is when there is bs links to be stories that say the feds admit that it was trump haters that started the riot. It’s baloney and pushing a false narrative that it’s one sides fault causing further division. That’s the problem I have with lou and his stupid sources that push the narrative he wants to try to convince other people of.

01-15-2021, 05:24 PM
MOR, I'll try to read the commentary.

In other news, the Secret Service has designate a "Green Zone" in DC. It's like we're Iraq on steroids. Cool.

01-15-2021, 05:28 PM
Your obsession with me and my posts is frankly, starting to get a little weird and creepy. Are you trying to reprise Travis Bickle?

I have a problem with you and your spreading of lies backed by radical extremist “sources” not an obsession.

01-15-2021, 05:29 PM
Definitely good with people from both sides incited the riot. As I said there are crazies on both sides. The problem I have is when there is bs links to be stories that say the feds admit that it was trump haters that started the riot. It’s baloney and pushing a false narrative that it’s one sides fault causing further division. That’s the problem I have with lou and his stupid sources that push the narrative he wants to try to convince other people of.

Obviously you're too lazy, or not intelligent enough to refute the content of the information I provide.

This is precisely why you look like a lunatic Democrat. You continuously use their tactics: bash the source, slander, and ultimately try to cancel your opponent. This is going back a little, but do you remember this classic: "Can the mods seriously step in here?"

01-15-2021, 05:38 PM
MOR, read the paper and am in full agreement with many of his observations...especially the promise of reduced tensions from the Accords.
I think he overlooks decades of Israel breaching its own agreements in dealing with the occupied territories and the displacement of Palestinians.
Doesn't seem to grasp what generations of people growing up in those encampments can do to a people. They could have done so much better.

But hopefully more peace will come to the region, and not keep us so embroiled. Rome was stretched too thin in its military expansion, I don't want us to be caught doing the same.

01-15-2021, 05:47 PM
So wait... CNN started a riot at the Capitol, within a peaceful protest, comprised of people with pitch forks, wearing military/riot gear, and screaming "hang Mike Pence"?

The only thing more absurd would be Fox News calling the coronavirus a fake democrat hoax, urging people to carry on and not wear masks... then saying "see masks don't work". Apart from most of the rest of the world, which has suffered tremendous economic losses because of this fake pandemic, Fox (hypothetically speaking), would indicate this was a set up to ruin Trump's economic record.

01-15-2021, 06:00 PM
What happens when Dominion Voting decides to sue your ass for pedaling false conspiracy stuff that millions still believe:


In other news, the My Pillow guy met with Trump today. They may have talked about martial law. God help us.

01-15-2021, 06:14 PM
What happens when Dominion Voting decides to sue your ass for pedaling false conspiracy stuff that millions still believe:


In other news, the My Pillow guy met with Trump today. They may have talked about martial law. God help us.

MyPillows are not very good. They go flat soon after use. Do not buy!

01-15-2021, 06:15 PM
What happens when Dominion Voting decides to sue your ass for pedaling false conspiracy stuff that millions still believe:


In other news, the My Pillow guy met with Trump today. They may have talked about martial law. God help us.

He must be back on crack.

01-15-2021, 06:22 PM
Obviously you're too lazy, or not intelligent enough to refute the content of the information I provide.

This is precisely why you look like a lunatic Democrat. You continuously use their tactics: bash the source, slander, and ultimately try to cancel your opponent. This is going back a little, but do you remember this classic: "Can the mods seriously step in here?"

You’re the only one who actually believes any of your bs...thank gawd

01-15-2021, 06:27 PM
So wait... CNN started a riot at the capital, within a peaceful protest, comprised of people with pitch forks, wearing military/riot gear, and screaming "hang Mike Pence"?

The only thing more absurd would be Fox News calling the coronavirus a fake democrat hoax, urging people to carry on and not wear masks... then saying "see masks don't work". Apart from most of the rest of the world, which has suffered tremendous economic losses because of this fake pandemic, Fox (hypothetically speaking), would indicate this was a set up to ruin Trump's economic record.

Paragraph 1) Have you studied the trajectory of the Russian collusion story?

Paragraph 2) Have you noticed that NY Gov Cuomo and Chicago Mayor Lightfoot have all of sudden said that they need to reopen their economies (bars and restaurants), while Gov Northam said that schools in VA need to reopen? Don't you think the timing is kind of strange, given that the pandemic is peaking, and Trump's presidency is coming to an end?

01-15-2021, 06:29 PM
You’re the only one who actually believes any of your bs...thank gawd

Why are you even on this thread? You offer nothing.

01-15-2021, 06:35 PM
Alex Jones is reporting that "Pelosi Foments Civil War In Congress":

NOTE: This post is specifically for Xville, I hope he can keep it together and stay on the rails...

01-15-2021, 06:43 PM
Someone quoting a person who pushed the idea that Sandy Hook was a government conspiracy...might need a reflection session.

01-15-2021, 06:48 PM
Alex Jones is reporting that "Pelosi Foments Civil War In Congress":

NOTE: This post is specifically for Xville, I hope he can keep it together and stay on the rails...

A conspiracy theorist....that’s so Lou of you lol

01-15-2021, 06:50 PM
Why are you even on this thread? You offer nothing.

Lol so much irony

01-15-2021, 06:52 PM
Can someone point me in the direction of the ignore button? The extremist bombs in the basement government conspiracy nut has pushed me over the edge

01-15-2021, 06:52 PM
They go flat soon after use. !

Sounds like trump's legal arguments.

01-15-2021, 06:56 PM
Can someone point me in the direction of the ignore button? The extremist bombs in the basement government conspiracy nut has pushed me over the edge

I knew it would!!

Your ego is so bloated you can't even tell when someone is yanking your chain!!

01-15-2021, 08:17 PM
I knew it would!!

Your ego is so bloated you can't even tell when someone is yanking your chain!!


01-15-2021, 08:28 PM
Tommy Tubberville might be the dumbest person to ever be elected to The Senate in all of American history. What an absolute buffoon!! After not knowing the three branches of government or anything about WWII, his encore was that the inauguration should have been delayed. I guess he’s unaware that the date and time are written into the constitution.

Lloyd Braun
01-15-2021, 08:29 PM
Can someone point me in the direction of the ignore button? The extremist bombs in the basement government conspiracy nut has pushed me over the edge

So you have to click on his profile. Add to ignore list. Confirm yes you want to ignore. Down side is you still see that he posts....even if you don’t see the content.

01-15-2021, 09:07 PM
So you have to click on his profile. Add to ignore list. Confirm yes you want to ignore. Down side is you still see that he posts....even if you don’t see the content.

Yeah. Apparently he posted 3x in a row earlier today. At least I didn’t have to see the content though.

01-15-2021, 09:26 PM
So you have to click on his profile. Add to ignore list. Confirm yes you want to ignore. Down side is you still see that he posts....even if you don’t see the content.

Thanks! I finally figured it out, but sincerely appreciate it!

01-15-2021, 09:35 PM

Natural News----Natural News (formerly NewsTarget, which is now a separate sister site) is an anti-vaccination conspiracy theory and fake news website known for promoting pseudoscience and far-right extremism. Characterized as a "conspiracy-minded alternative medicine website", Natural News has approximately 7 million unique visitors per month.

The site's founder, Michael Allen "Mike" Adams, gained attention after posting a blog entry implying a call for violence against proponents of GMO foods, and then allegedly creating another website with a list of names of alleged supporters. He has been accused of using "pseudoscience to sell his lies" Adams has described vaccines as "medical child abuse".

The website sells various dietary supplements, promotes alternative medicine and climate change denial, makes tendentious nutrition and health claims, disseminates fake news, and espouses various conspiracy theories and pro-Donald Trump propaganda. These conspiracy theories include chemophobic claims about the purported dangers of "chemtrails", fluoridated drinking water, anti-perspirants, laundry detergent, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, and vaccines. It has also spread conspiracy theories about the Zika virus allegedly being spread by genetically modified mosquitoes and purported adverse effects of genetically modified crops, as well as the farming practices associated with and foods derived from them. (wiki)

01-15-2021, 09:42 PM

The Epoch Media Group's news sites and YouTube channels have spread conspiracy theories such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation. The organization frequently promotes other Falun Gong affiliated groups, such as the performing arts company, Shen Yun. (wiki)

01-15-2021, 09:44 PM

Natural News----Natural News (formerly NewsTarget, which is now a separate sister site) is an anti-vaccination conspiracy theory and fake news website known for promoting pseudoscience and far-right extremism. Characterized as a "conspiracy-minded alternative medicine website", Natural News has approximately 7 million unique visitors per month.

The site's founder, Michael Allen "Mike" Adams, gained attention after posting a blog entry implying a call for violence against proponents of GMO foods, and then allegedly creating another website with a list of names of alleged supporters. He has been accused of using "pseudoscience to sell his lies" Adams has described vaccines as "medical child abuse".

The website sells various dietary supplements, promotes alternative medicine and climate change denial, makes tendentious nutrition and health claims, disseminates fake news, and espouses various conspiracy theories and pro-Donald Trump propaganda. These conspiracy theories include chemophobic claims about the purported dangers of "chemtrails", fluoridated drinking water, anti-perspirants, laundry detergent, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, and vaccines. It has also spread conspiracy theories about the Zika virus allegedly being spread by genetically modified mosquitoes and purported adverse effects of genetically modified crops, as well as the farming practices associated with and foods derived from them. (wiki)

I get your point, but wiki is complete trash for political discussion.

01-15-2021, 09:51 PM

In review, Information Liberation is a news and opinion website with an extreme right wing bias. Virtually every article reports positively for conservative causes and negatively for liberals. Information Liberation uses loaded words to convey either positive or negative emotions such as this: Hillary Clinton Scolds Trump Over Syria, Explains Why We Need Permanent War. While Information Liberation does publish credible news that is sourced properly, it also publishes news that is sourced to right wing biased, conspiracy and questionable sources. In fact, they provide a list of sources that they link to on their side bar. This list reads like a who’s who of conspiracy and questionable sources such as InfoWars, Gateway Pundit and the Center for Immigration Studies. (mediabiasfactcheck)

X Factor
01-15-2021, 09:55 PM
Sounds like trump's legal arguments.

Thought you were going to take a break from this thread for a while Bobbie after telling someone they should go and blow their brains out.

Guess we can add liar to your list of attributes.

01-15-2021, 10:03 PM
I get your point, but wiki is complete trash for political discussion.

Of course it is, I'm just pointing out the incredible sources Lou likes to use.

01-15-2021, 10:11 PM
Of course it is, I'm just pointing out the incredible sources Lou likes to use.

Okay, Sir Knight:


01-15-2021, 10:17 PM
I took a break... maybe you should...
Let's keep the dumbfuckery to a minimum today.

X Factor
01-15-2021, 10:28 PM
I took a break... maybe you should...
Let's keep the dumbfuckery to a minimum today.

Hahahaha, that's rich. I will never respect you after what you said to a fellow Xavier fan.

01-15-2021, 10:44 PM

01-15-2021, 10:46 PM
Yes, I'm crushed I don't have the respect of some sanctimonious, anonymous poster on a freaking messageboard. In case you missed it, I apologized twice and deleted the post even tho the poster had said he didn't GAF what I had said (respectful?). Keep bringing it up if it makes you feel better.

01-15-2021, 10:57 PM
Can you really be a true wacko right wing news organization/site if don't push gold or silver?

Strange Brew
01-15-2021, 11:16 PM
What happens when Dominion Voting decides to sue your ass for pedaling false conspiracy stuff that millions still believe:


In other news, the My Pillow guy met with Trump today. They may have talked about martial law. God help us.

What happens is you get to present your case in court. Dominion better be sure they are clean. The lawsuit could backfire. Not saying it will but they better be sure there is no evidence against them out there or this thing will be settled out of court.

Strange Brew
01-15-2021, 11:19 PM
Tommy Tubberville might be the dumbest person to ever be elected to The Senate in all of American history. What an absolute buffoon!! After not knowing the three branches of government or anything about WWII, his encore was that the inauguration should have been delayed. I guess he’s unaware that the date and time are written into the constitution.

But does he think Guam will tip over?

Strange Brew
01-15-2021, 11:21 PM

Natural News----Natural News (formerly NewsTarget, which is now a separate sister site) is an anti-vaccination conspiracy theory and fake news website known for promoting pseudoscience and far-right extremism. Characterized as a "conspiracy-minded alternative medicine website", Natural News has approximately 7 million unique visitors per month.

The site's founder, Michael Allen "Mike" Adams, gained attention after posting a blog entry implying a call for violence against proponents of GMO foods, and then allegedly creating another website with a list of names of alleged supporters. He has been accused of using "pseudoscience to sell his lies" Adams has described vaccines as "medical child abuse".

The website sells various dietary supplements, promotes alternative medicine and climate change denial, makes tendentious nutrition and health claims, disseminates fake news, and espouses various conspiracy theories and pro-Donald Trump propaganda. These conspiracy theories include chemophobic claims about the purported dangers of "chemtrails", fluoridated drinking water, anti-perspirants, laundry detergent, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, and vaccines. It has also spread conspiracy theories about the Zika virus allegedly being spread by genetically modified mosquitoes and purported adverse effects of genetically modified crops, as well as the farming practices associated with and foods derived from them. (wiki)

When did anti-Vax become right wing? That lunacy was pushed by leftist hollywood nuts for a long time.

01-15-2021, 11:24 PM
What happens is you get to present your case in court. Dominion better be sure they are clean. The lawsuit could backfire. Not saying it will but they better be sure there is no evidence against them out there or this thing will be settled out of court.

97% of civil cases are settled, so I don't think this will be any different.

Strange Brew
01-15-2021, 11:31 PM
97% of civil cases are settled, so I don't think this will be any different.

Correct. That’s why it’s a nothingburger stunt by Dominion. I can’t believe they want to open up the servers and books in a trial.

Strange Brew
01-15-2021, 11:34 PM
MOR, I'll try to read the commentary.

In other news, the Secret Service has designate a "Green Zone" in DC. It's like we're Iraq on steroids. Cool.

So is Chicago most weekends but without the Green Zone.

01-16-2021, 06:13 AM
Correct. That’s why it’s a nothingburger stunt by Dominion. I can’t believe they want to open up the servers and books in a trial.

Well, that logic certainly explains why Fox, Newsmax, and OAN ran multiple segments on-air to retract their false claims about Dominion.
Dominion was so afraid that they hacked those sites to air the retractions I'm sure.

01-16-2021, 07:32 AM
When did anti-Vax become right wing? That lunacy was pushed by leftist hollywood nuts for a long time.

Didn’t say it was...but COVID vaccine reaction has the crazies on both sides in a frenzy. I think this just shows once again the great sources that Lou uses to drive his insane narrative

01-16-2021, 09:11 AM
Didn’t say it was...but COVID vaccine reaction has the crazies on both sides in a frenzy. I think this just shows once again the great sources that Lou uses to drive his insane narrative

Any Alex Jones fans in here?

01-16-2021, 09:34 AM
Lets keep things in the proper perspective folks. 95% of people if given the option are getting the vaccine. Lets not let the vast minority have their narrative.

01-16-2021, 09:42 AM
Didn’t say it was...but COVID vaccine reaction has the crazies on both sides in a frenzy. I think this just shows once again the great sources that Lou uses to drive his insane narrative

Funny, Xville took his toys and ran home to mommy and daddy (he blocked me). Now he shouts out from his bedroom window like the little pussy we all know he his.

01-16-2021, 09:45 AM
Funny, Xville took his toys and ran home to mommy and daddy (he blocked me). Now he shouts out from his bedroom window like the little pussy we all know he his.

Lol stop embarrassing yourself

01-16-2021, 09:47 AM
Lol stop embarrassing yourself

Be sure to take a look at post 9722 as well.

01-16-2021, 09:55 AM
Be sure to take a look at post 9722 as well.

Self-awareness is not your strong suit is it?

01-16-2021, 10:00 AM
More proof the DC riots were infiltrated - Chat Logs Reveal Alleged Plan To Turn Trump Rally Into Violent Riot.

"it was a large sum of anti Trumpers”: https://thenationalpulse.com/news/chat-logs-rally-plot-trump/

01-16-2021, 10:12 AM

This woman has the same self awareness as our resident nut, Lou

01-16-2021, 11:34 AM
But I thought we were supposed to worry about Trump supporters on Inauguration Day? Who knew?

ANTIFA Activist Daniel Alan Baker has been arrested for plotting to murder Trump supporters and police on Inauguration Day...Says He ‘Received Soros Money’ In Youtube Video:


01-16-2021, 11:42 AM

01-16-2021, 11:50 AM
WINNING ! Coming in first in the race to the bottom. MAGA !


Imagine this poor guy's job. He had to fact check the tens of thousands of Trump's lies. Yikes.


01-16-2021, 12:06 PM
But I thought we were supposed to worry about Trump supporters on Inauguration Day? Who knew?

With 25k troops in DC at taxpayer expense, all there because of trump's Big Lie, I don't think any pussy trump supporters will show up. They only riot against defenseless people like 80 year old ladies.

Strange Brew
01-16-2021, 12:22 PM
WINNING ! Coming in first in the race to the bottom. MAGA !


Imagine this poor guy's job. He had to fact check the tens of thousands of Trump's lies. Yikes.


Is CNN planning it’s next riot to incite?

D-West & PO-Z
01-16-2021, 01:04 PM
Lets keep things in the proper perspective folks. 95% of people if given the option are getting the vaccine. Lets not let the vast minority have their narrative.

HAHAHA, unfortunately this could NOT be further from the truth. I work in the skilled nursing home industry. We do work with 14 different facilities and unfortunately under 50% of the nursing home employees are opting for the vaccine. There are a few of the facilities that are higher because the owners gave their employees $50 if they got the vaccine and an incentive. But some are WELL UNDER 50%.

In one organization there are several nurse manager's who are well educated people who are refusing and then people wonder why the staff underneath them aren't getting it.

Our staff we are much better at 75% but still have many that are too worried and wont get it. One of the biggest worries many people have a related to the bogus claims of infertility. The anti-vaxx movement is strong and unfortunately puts doubt into people who otherwise would get it.

I have read numerous articles from papers all over the country that have said nursing homes in their areas are going thorough the same struggles. The poor % of nursing home staff that are getting it is a HUGE issue all over the country.

Just from anecdotal experience I think the hospital systems are fairing better than the nursing homes but I have no actual numbers on that.

But 95% is a pipe dream. I wish that was the case, that would be FANTASTIC!

01-16-2021, 01:51 PM
It's pretty obvious that this overwhelming show of force in DC for the inauguration is pure Democrat kabuki theater. Now we learn (from CNN for the schoolmarm on this site), that "Justice Department prosecutors have formally walked back their assertion in a court filing that said Capitol rioters sought to 'capture and assassinate elected officials'."


Another anti-Trump "Big Lie" is rapidly unravelling...

More analysis here: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1350151048996941824.html