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Muskie in dayton
09-16-2020, 04:06 PM
I'll go with Scientific American. Unfortunately his actions have consequences in the real world too.
They showed their hand, which scientists have already seen. "Science" that's politically biased is not science.

09-16-2020, 04:40 PM
Has anyone asked him to do a town hall meeting? Fox News, or any other network, should invite him to do it. Let him actually decline. Then he can be bashed legitimately for not agreeing to it.

If I were a Democratic strategist I would much rather have Biden doing a town hall rather than an interview or debate. One of the best clubs Biden has in his bag, that Trump doesn't seem to have in his, is his ability to display empathy. Normally the audience member is asking a question that is deeply emotional to that person, so regardless if he gives a substantive answer, it will feel like he related to the questioner on a personal level. Like it or not, there seems to be a percentage of the electorate that eats that type of thing up.

09-16-2020, 04:51 PM
Donald Trump saves the Big Ten and arranged for Ole Miss and Mississippi State to join the conference!!


09-16-2020, 04:53 PM
Donald Trump saves the Big Ten and arranged for Ole Miss and Mississippi State to join the conference!!


I wonder what her #1 qualification for that job was? Well, maybe her top TWO qualifications.

09-16-2020, 05:42 PM
Donald Trump saves the Big Ten and arranged for Ole Miss and Mississippi State to join the conference!!


Somebody call Glow and tell him the good news.

X Factor
09-16-2020, 11:13 PM
I wonder what her #1 qualification for that job was? Well, maybe her top TWO qualifications.

Well she did graduate from Georgetown with a degree in International Politics, and she has a law degree from Harvard University. She's probably smarter than both Trump and Biden.

09-16-2020, 11:37 PM
Well she did graduate from Georgetown with a degree in International Politics, and she has a law degree from Harvard University. She's probably smarter than both Trump and Biden.

I believe she is also a cancer survivor.

X-band '01
09-17-2020, 12:09 AM
Donald Trump saves the Big Ten and arranged for Ole Miss and Mississippi State to join the conference!!


Somebody call Glow and tell him the good news.

That would be horrible news for Ole Miss/MSU fans - surely they can at least agree on that.

X Factor
09-17-2020, 12:19 AM
This is so stupid it shouldn't even be mentioned, BUT it shows you how stupid and biased the media actually is. Everything Trump = bad.



Yahoo! News published four articles on Harris’ boots on Wednesday. Yes, you read that right—four separate articles on the same subject in one day.

09-17-2020, 12:57 AM
trump pushing "herd mentality" now. Of course he keeps saying it and it's "herd immunity". And they think Biden has trouble. So if 70% of the population gets it, it's over. With a 3% death rate, that would be 6 million dead. 1% 2 miilion dead. Good strategy. What a moron. That's what happens when you appoint a x-ray guy to head your science. 40% of the country will look at this and "yeah, I'm with the dumbass".

Muskie in dayton
09-17-2020, 08:30 AM
trump pushing "herd mentality" now. Of course he keeps saying it and it's "herd immunity". And they think Biden has trouble. So if 70% of the population gets it, it's over. With a 3% death rate, that would be 6 million dead. 1% 2 miilion dead. Good strategy. What a moron. That's what happens when you appoint a x-ray guy to head your science. 40% of the country will look at this and "yeah, I'm with the dumbass".

Well here's what happens when you act like you know what your talking about without ever bothering to learn about epidemiology, virology, or follow data on COVID-19. Go pick your willow switch, and you better put on an extra pair of underwear or two, because this one is going to hurt.

You were parroting a tweet by Kyle Feldscher, another CNN bringing journalism to a new low. His tweet was pretty much verbatim with what you said above, but you rounded up. He has since removed his tweet and replaced it with an apology (http://twitter.com/Kyle_Feldscher/status/1306327780049776641?s=20).

I'd say that was big of him, but in reality, he knew he was going to lose civil suits. But the damage was done after 20K+ retweets. Case in point, you. So since you're too lazy to actually learn about a topic, I'll explain a few things:
- The fake news tweet uses case fatality rate (CFR) to calculate deaths, in his fictitious scenario. The actual mortality rate needs to account for the portion of the population infected, but not confirmed with a test, which is the infection mortality rate (IFR). The IFR for COVID-19 is being refined, but conservatively at 0.3%. Some estimates as low as under 0.1.
- Herd immunity of CV-19 is not 70% antibody seroprevalence (metric used in the fake CNN tweet). This is because of the immune system memory t-cell response, in combination with antibodies, drives the herd immunity. Studies are showing that the natural herd immunity is between 15% and 25%. Oh, and for some practical evidence, look at trends in geographies around the world. Get in the 20% seroprevalence range, and the disease peters out.

So, Bobbie, this is going to hurt me as much as it hurts you.
<<WHACK>> That's one for failure to do your homework.
<<WHACK>> That's two for parroting CNN. I expect better of an X guy.
<<WHACK>> That's three for believing CNN in the first place.
<<WHACK>> That's four for the condescending comments, with a little extra because they were wrong.

No go to your room and spend the next hour reading about facts from medical and scientific studies. I'll keep the switch right here, in case there's more of this kind of behavior.

09-17-2020, 08:52 AM
Studies are showing that the natural herd immunity is between 15% and 25%.

I can find hard studies of a 43% level, but not yet the levels you note, other than mention without linking.
And at the 43% level they note:

Some researchers even suggested the figure may be in the range of 10 to 20 percent, but they were in the minority.

Assuming the virus ferrets out the most outgoing and most susceptible in the first wave, immunity following a wave of infection is distributed more efficiently than with a vaccination campaign that seeks to protect everyone, said Tom Britton, a mathematician at Stockholm University.

His model puts the threshold for herd immunity at 43 percent — that is, the virus cannot hang on in a community after that percentage of residents has been infected and recovered.

Still, that means many residents of the community will have been sickened or have died, a high price to pay for herd immunity.

09-17-2020, 12:01 PM
Well here's what happens when you act like you know what your talking about without ever bothering to learn about epidemiology, virology, or follow data on COVID-19. Go pick your willow switch, and you better put on an extra pair of underwear or two, because this one is going to hurt.

You were parroting a tweet by Kyle Feldscher, another CNN bringing journalism to a new low. His tweet was pretty much verbatim with what you said above, but you rounded up. He has since removed his tweet and replaced it with an apology (http://twitter.com/Kyle_Feldscher/status/1306327780049776641?s=20).

I'd say that was big of him, but in reality, he knew he was going to lose civil suits. But the damage was done after 20K+ retweets. Case in point, you. So since you're too lazy to actually learn about a topic, I'll explain a few things:
- The fake news tweet uses case fatality rate (CFR) to calculate deaths, in his fictitious scenario. The actual mortality rate needs to account for the portion of the population infected, but not confirmed with a test, which is the infection mortality rate (IFR). The IFR for COVID-19 is being refined, but conservatively at 0.3%. Some estimates as low as under 0.1.
- Herd immunity of CV-19 is not 70% antibody seroprevalence (metric used in the fake CNN tweet). This is because of the immune system memory t-cell response, in combination with antibodies, drives the herd immunity. Studies are showing that the natural herd immunity is between 15% and 25%. Oh, and for some practical evidence, look at trends in geographies around the world. Get in the 20% seroprevalence range, and the disease peters out.

So, Bobbie, this is going to hurt me as much as it hurts you.
<<WHACK>> That's one for failure to do your homework.
<<WHACK>> That's two for parroting CNN. I expect better of an X guy.
<<WHACK>> That's three for believing CNN in the first place.
<<WHACK>> That's four for the condescending comments, with a little extra because they were wrong.

No go to your room and spend the next hour reading about facts from medical and scientific studies. I'll keep the switch right here, in case there's more of this kind of behavior.

So you're with the bozo. Good luck as we approach 200,000 dead. maybe you can get on "Fox and frauds"

09-17-2020, 12:10 PM
So you're with the bozo. Good luck as we approach 200,000 dead. maybe you can get on "Fox and frauds"

Nothing like getting called out, showing your liberal bias (oh wait you're center..right lol) and then moving those goal posts.

X Factor
09-17-2020, 03:37 PM
Here's a clip of former Secretary of State John Kerry in 2016 talking about peace in the Middle East...hahahaha.


09-17-2020, 03:51 PM
Here's a clip of former Secretary of State John Kerry in 2016 talking about peace in the Middle East...hahahaha.


No, No, No, AND NO

09-17-2020, 05:20 PM
With his Middle East peace deals and pulling troops out of places and bringing them back home, Trump has done more to advance peace in 3 weeks than Obummer did in 8 years, but nothing like getting an "anticipatory" prize.

By the way. I had an interesting converastion with a very liberal friend of mine over the weekend. (Yes you can still be friends and disagree politically).
She is the same age as I and she was a very active demonstrator during the Vietnam War era- for world peace. She was actually arrested at demonstrations for peace in Chicago. She is a Democrat all the way and a real Peacenik.
I asked her. What if there was a President that A) Never started a war during his administration, B) Was intent on pulling US troops out from overseas and back home, C) Made overtures to make peace with our enemies without pandering or losing our strong positions, D) Brokered Peace deals in the Middle East that were unprecedented and helped secure Israel's future while keeping the dignity of Muslim Countries, E) Brokered a peace deal between Serbia and Kosovo, F) Was not afraid to stand up to warlord Generals in the Pentagon, and G)was working hard to get the US out of the Afghanistan mess? Would you demonstrate against that President and maybe actually be FOR him?

She knew what I was talking about and had NO answer....


Interesting that none of our Liberal friends on here, that are allegedly all about world peace, have not commented on the above. Could they, in reality, be war mongers?

The silence is as deafening as the non-answer from my friend....

09-17-2020, 06:27 PM
"At one coronavirus task force meeting, top aide Troye claimed that Trump suggested "maybe this Covid thing is a good thing."
20k more to die by 10/10.
trump could have saved thousands of lives.

09-17-2020, 06:39 PM
The silence is as deafening as the non-answer from my friend....

Globally, he hits a new low.


09-17-2020, 06:45 PM
Although normalizing relations between Israel, Bahrain and the UAE is a good thing...it is far from "peace" in the Middle East.
Neither country was at war with Israel, but recognizing the Israeli statehood is good.

To address the peace needed in the region, the Palestinians need to be in the process, as Israel continues to illegally annex their land, and no progress is occurring on a two state solution.

X Factor
09-17-2020, 07:33 PM
Globally, he hits a new low.


Because for 8 years, the US press worshipped Obama and treated him like he was infallible. They propped him up on the world stage.

For Trump though, it's been almost 4 years of complete and utter bashing from the US press, and he's been treated worse than our press treats communist regimes and terrorist groups (Hamas, Hezbollah).

The world sees how the American press treats the President and they obviously have a negative view of him.

09-17-2020, 10:31 PM
Because for 8 years, the US press worshipped Obama and treated him like he was infallible. They propped him up on the world stage.

For Trump though, it's been almost 4 years of complete and utter bashing from the US press, and he's been treated worse than our press treats communist regimes and terrorist groups (Hamas, Hezbollah).

The world sees how the American press treats the President and they obviously have a negative view of him.

Might also have something to do with him being a giant piece of shit.

09-17-2020, 10:50 PM
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Virginia farmer, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.

Eventually the topic got around to Biden and his possible role as our president. The old farmer said, 'Well, ya know, Biden is a 'Post Turtle''. Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, what a 'post turtle' was?

The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.

Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, what a 'post turtle' was? The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.

The old farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain. "You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he's elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with."

Best explanation I've heard yet

09-17-2020, 11:04 PM

09-18-2020, 09:12 AM
Science publication from the AAAS follows Scientific American:


X Factor
09-18-2020, 10:10 AM
Might also have something to do with him being a giant piece of shit.

You've put forth a very strong argument.

If you're pro-choice, hate guns, hate free speech, don't care about freedom of religion, if you agree with identity politics, don't care about illegal aliens killing Americans or illegal immigration in general, don't care about law and order, don't care about having a strong economy, outsourcing jobs overseas, don't care about our troops being involved in endless wars, etc., than I can see how you might think he's a big piece of sh*t.

09-18-2020, 10:22 AM
If you are interested in our national security, then you might find this short video important:


X-band '01
09-18-2020, 12:44 PM
CBS News - Green Party candidates won't be on the ballot in Pennsylvania (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/green-party-candidates-ballot-pennsylvania-supreme-court-rules-against/)

Translation: We will not let there be a repeat of 2000 when Ralph Nader and the Green Party took valuable votes away from Al Gore down in Florida.

See, Democrats are smart.

09-18-2020, 12:52 PM
You've put forth a very strong argument.

If you're pro-choice, hate guns, hate free speech, don't care about freedom of religion, if you agree with identity politics, don't care about illegal aliens killing Americans or illegal immigration in general, don't care about law and order, don't care about having a strong economy, outsourcing jobs overseas, don't care about our troops being involved in endless wars, etc., than I can see how you might think he's a big piece of sh*t.

Public reps.

09-18-2020, 08:00 PM
RBG died.

X Factor
09-18-2020, 08:15 PM
RBG died.

Condolences to her family. Whoever wins in November, it's going to be ugly when it comes to nominating a Supreme Court Justice.

I find it strange that there was no news of her being that sick. She had to have been in hospice care for a little while.

09-18-2020, 08:21 PM
RBG died.

Very sad. Didn’t agree with her much, but what a great judicial mind. Hopefully we can keep politics out until she’s laid to rest. Not feeling really confident.

09-18-2020, 08:55 PM
RBG died.


09-18-2020, 09:10 PM
You've put forth a very strong argument.

If you're pro-choice, hate guns, hate free speech, don't care about freedom of religion, if you agree with identity politics, don't care about illegal aliens killing Americans or illegal immigration in general, don't care about law and order, don't care about having a strong economy, outsourcing jobs overseas, don't care about our troops being involved in endless wars, etc., than I can see how you might think he's a big piece of sh*t.

Most excellent sir.

09-18-2020, 09:46 PM
Excellent Pos

X Factor
09-18-2020, 10:30 PM
How can you Dems vote for this guy? He has no idea what he's talking about or even where he is (wait til the end). The guy is CLEARLY not there mentally, and you want him to be the leader of the free world?


09-18-2020, 10:59 PM
"In 1775, our armies took over the airports"
"Mexico will pay for the wall"
If Ivanka wasn't my daughter, I'd date her" (sick)_

try taking trump's advice and go inject some bleach. It will only be one more fatality of the thousands he has already killed.

X Factor
09-19-2020, 12:16 AM
"In 1775, our armies took over the airports"
"Mexico will pay for the wall"
If Ivanka wasn't my daughter, I'd date her" (sick)_

try taking trump's advice and go inject some bleach. It will only be one more fatality of the thousands he has already killed.

Let the record show, our resident "independent" finally broke down and told me to kill myself.

Strange Brew
09-19-2020, 08:42 AM
"In 1775, our armies took over the airports"
"Mexico will pay for the wall"
If Ivanka wasn't my daughter, I'd date her" (sick)_

try taking trump's advice and go inject some bleach. It will only be one more fatality of the thousands he has already killed.

Keep clutching those pearls. Still waiting on your evidence that Trump caused a genocide of the Kurds. Maybe you should take a few plays off.

Muskie in dayton
09-19-2020, 10:30 AM
So you're with the bozo. Good luck as we approach 200,000 dead. maybe you can get on "Fox and frauds"

No, I'm not with bozo. I maintain that his behavior renders him unfit to the office of POTUS. Furthermore, I maintain my partisan independence and believe the two party system is detrimental to our country and why we have 2 candidates like we do. I've said the vote between Trump and Biden is just picking the lesser of two evils.

However, I am for fairness and honesty. That is why when I see people blaming Trump for "200,000 dead", I puke in my mouth. That is incredibly disingenuous. When I see Biden at the DNC call Trump the worst President for the economy because of the job losses, I want to throw a brick through the TV. Blaming Trump for actions of the idiot governors who still have things shut down and caused this? Seriously?

Fairness and honesty applies to the media too. I watched as the COVID-19 pandemic progressed, as a scientist and data junkie, how manipulated, sensationalized and false the media reporting was - and still is. Then I wonder, if they are bastardizing the truth about COVID-19 so badly, what else are the bastardizing? It turns out a lot if they can spin it to make Trump look bad.

Then as a person who values self-responsibility, law and order, and loves the country, I watch as Antifa and BLM preach about killing cops and chant death to America, while rioting/burning/looting, I am appalled. Please Biden and Dems, come down clearly without mincing words, condemn this behavior and deem these two organization exactly what they are - domestic terrorists. But nothing. Then Harris patronizes the criminal who got himself shot, while ignoring personal responsibility and the guy's victim. I was a Democrat until about 10 years ago. Hell I even canvassed for Obama in '08. But that Democratic party is dead. It has been replaced by pure evil.

So a vote for Trump is the lesser of two evils. Or is he an evil at all? Perhaps the narrative the media has created is another fabrication. Yes his behavior is disgusting and immature, but his actions have proven he's a competent President who has accomplished most of what he promised. The result has been four years of peace and prosperity...despite a pandemic.

So Bobbie, I'm not WITH bozo, but I have decided to vote for him. He is not only the safe choice, but the only choice to ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure blessings of liberty for this great country that I love. I hope you and all Dems and Independents out there will also pause and objectively and critically evaluate what is going on, just like we were taught to do at X. Then decide what is best for The United States of America. You may reach a different conclusion, but at least be fair.

09-19-2020, 10:42 AM
No, I'm not with bozo. I maintain that his behavior renders him unfit to the office of POTUS. Furthermore, I maintain my partisan independence and believe the two party system is detrimental to our country and why we have 2 candidates like we do. I've said the vote between Trump and Biden is just picking the lesser of two evils.

However, I am for fairness and honesty. That is why when I see people blaming Trump for "200,000 dead", I puke in my mouth. That is incredibly disingenuous. When I see Biden at the DNC call Trump the worst President for the economy because of the job losses, I want to throw a brick through the TV. Blaming Trump for actions of the idiot governors who still have things shut down and caused this? Seriously?

Fairness and honesty applies to the media too. I watched as the COVID-19 pandemic progressed, as a scientist and data junkie, how manipulated, sensationalized and false the media reporting was - and still is. Then I wonder, if they are bastardizing the truth about COVID-19 so badly, what else are the bastardizing? It turns out a lot if they can spin it to make Trump look bad.

Then as a person who values self-responsibility, law and order, and loves the country, I watch as Antifa and BLM preach about killing cops and chant death to America, while rioting/burning/looting, I am appalled. Please Biden and Dems, come down clearly without mincing words, condemn this behavior and deem these two organization exactly what they are - domestic terrorists. But nothing. Then Harris patronizes the criminal who got himself shot, while ignoring personal responsibility and the guy's victim. I was a Democrat until about 10 years ago. Hell I even canvassed for Obama in '08. But that Democratic party is dead. It has been replaced by pure evil.

So a vote for Trump is the lesser of two evils. Or is he an evil at all? Perhaps the narrative the media has created is another fabrication. Yes his behavior is disgusting and immature, but his actions have proven he's a competent President who has accomplished most of what he promised. The result has been four years of peace and prosperity...despite a pandemic.

So Bobbie, I'm not WITH bozo, but I have decided to vote for him. He is not only the safe choice, but the only choice to ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure blessings of liberty for this great country that I love. I hope you and all Dems and Independents out there will also pause and objectively and critically evaluate what is going on, just like we were taught to do at X. Then decide what is best for The United States of America. You may reach a different conclusion, but at least be fair.

Yup, sure sounds like you are a partisan independent.

09-19-2020, 10:57 AM
Let the record show, our resident "independent" finally broke down and told me to kill myself.

Oh noooooooo... the President said you will be cured of covid if you inject some bleach and swallow a laser light tube. He's just trying to help his supporters. So go ahead. You should be FINE! After all, his supporters believe everything he says. Right?

09-19-2020, 11:11 AM
Mc Connell 4yrs. ago:

“The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president,” McConnell said.

Guess he'll be eating these words today.

09-19-2020, 11:14 AM
I’d rather McConnell eat his words than have Harris pick a judge. Holly hell would that be a mess

09-19-2020, 11:25 AM
Keep clutching those pearls. Still waiting on your evidence that Trump caused a genocide of the Kurds. Maybe you should take a few plays off.

Maybe you just missed it: trump abandoned our long time allies.


09-19-2020, 11:33 AM
I’d rather McConnell eat his words than have Harris pick a judge.

Yep. If it's corrupt, the admin. is all for it. "Do as we say, not as we do". Business as usual.

09-19-2020, 12:00 PM

“When Republicans held off Merrick Garland it was because nine months prior to the election was too close, we needed to let people decide. And I agreed to do that. If we now say that months prior to the election is OK when nine months was not, that is a double standard and I don’t believe we should do it,” she said. “So I would not support it.”

Lindsay Graham, Collins, Tillis and Gardner all agreed with this, so we'll see if they buckle under the trump corruption.

09-19-2020, 01:03 PM
as a scientist and data junkie, how manipulated, sensationalized and false the media reporting was - and still is. Then I wonder, if they are bastardizing the truth about COVID-19 so badly, what else are the bastardizing? It turns out a lot if they can spin it to make Trump look bad.

If you really are a scientist and data junkie (somehow I'm skeptical, sorry) then you would respect the notices from Scientific American and Science magazines, and their take on Trump and his, and his administration's handling, of the virus situation. Like HHS overriding the recommendations of the scientists at CDC in putting out "guidelines" that are later retracted.

And you would know there is no Antifa organization. And you would know the BLM organizations do not support violence. And you would know that our best intelligence agencies rate right wing white militant/supremacist organizations (and there are dozens of them) as the real threat to our civil safety.

If you have a few hours, I suggest you read "It was all a Lie" by Stuart Stevens. You'll appreciate his data driven analysis, and the fact that he has many Republican campaigns under his belt.

09-19-2020, 02:34 PM
Yup, sure sounds like you are a partisan independent.

Oh no, he can't be an independent and vote for trump?

09-19-2020, 02:36 PM
Looks like Graham is flip flopping again. Get rid of this hyprocite.

09-19-2020, 02:44 PM
Looks like Graham is flip flopping again. Get rid of this hyprocite.

They’re ALL hypocrites, doing whatever serves their interests at the moment, regardless of what they might have previously said.

Wasn’t Schumer in favor of delaying SCOTUS nominees right before an election in 2007 when W was in the last year of his presidency? Of course, he was against the delay in Obama’s last year. Now, it’s a great idea again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-19-2020, 02:55 PM
I maintain that his behavior renders him unfit to the office of President. Yes his behavior is disgusting and immature, but his actions have proven he's a competent President who has accomplished most of what he promised.

So, just to be certain, you say he is unfit for office, disgusting and immature....so what exactly did you like? The Tax cut for the rich and ballooning the deficit? Mexico paying for the wall? Locking up kids? Draconian cuts to the EPA to re-pollute our water and air? Drilling for more unneeded oil in nature preserves and oceans? Holding the bible upside down and claiming to be a christian when he never goes to church? Or maybe you believe him when he says he didn't abuse 17 women even tho he admits writing checks to two of them for their silence, not to mention he cheated on all his wives. Did you even bother to listen to the 2/7 tape where he admitted it was a deadly airborne virus, then went on TV and said it would be over by the weekend? You're voting for a disgusting pig.

X Factor
09-19-2020, 03:09 PM
So, just to be certain, you say he is unfit for office, disgusting and immature....so what exactly did you like? The Tax cut for the rich and ballooning the deficit? Mexico paying for the wall? Locking up kids? Draconian cuts to the EPA to re-pollute our water and air? Drilling for more unneeded oil in nature preserves and oceans? Holding the bible upside down and claiming to be a christian when he never goes to church? Or maybe you believe him when he says he didn't abuse 17 women even tho he admits writing checks to two of them for their silence, not to mention he cheated on all his wives. Did you even bother to listen to the 2/7 tape where he admitted it was a deadly airborne virus, then went on TV and said it would be over by the weekend? You're voting for a disgusting pig.

You're a joke bobbie. Get ready for 4 more years of Trump.

09-19-2020, 03:23 PM
They’re ALL hypocrites, doing whatever serves their interests at the moment, regardless of what they might have previously said.

Wasn’t Schumer in favor of delaying SCOTUS nominees right before an election in 2007 when W was in the last year of his presidency? Of course, he was against the delay in Obama’s last year. Now, it’s a great idea again.

Exactly. The Democrats would be doing the same damn thing if the roles were reversed.

X Factor
09-19-2020, 04:16 PM
No, I'm not with bozo. I maintain that his behavior renders him unfit to the office of POTUS. Furthermore, I maintain my partisan independence and believe the two party system is detrimental to our country and why we have 2 candidates like we do. I've said the vote between Trump and Biden is just picking the lesser of two evils.

However, I am for fairness and honesty. That is why when I see people blaming Trump for "200,000 dead", I puke in my mouth. That is incredibly disingenuous. When I see Biden at the DNC call Trump the worst President for the economy because of the job losses, I want to throw a brick through the TV. Blaming Trump for actions of the idiot governors who still have things shut down and caused this? Seriously?

Fairness and honesty applies to the media too. I watched as the COVID-19 pandemic progressed, as a scientist and data junkie, how manipulated, sensationalized and false the media reporting was - and still is. Then I wonder, if they are bastardizing the truth about COVID-19 so badly, what else are the bastardizing? It turns out a lot if they can spin it to make Trump look bad.

Then as a person who values self-responsibility, law and order, and loves the country, I watch as Antifa and BLM preach about killing cops and chant death to America, while rioting/burning/looting, I am appalled. Please Biden and Dems, come down clearly without mincing words, condemn this behavior and deem these two organization exactly what they are - domestic terrorists. But nothing. Then Harris patronizes the criminal who got himself shot, while ignoring personal responsibility and the guy's victim. I was a Democrat until about 10 years ago. Hell I even canvassed for Obama in '08. But that Democratic party is dead. It has been replaced by pure evil.

So a vote for Trump is the lesser of two evils. Or is he an evil at all? Perhaps the narrative the media has created is another fabrication. Yes his behavior is disgusting and immature, but his actions have proven he's a competent President who has accomplished most of what he promised. The result has been four years of peace and prosperity...despite a pandemic.

So Bobbie, I'm not WITH bozo, but I have decided to vote for him. He is not only the safe choice, but the only choice to ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure blessings of liberty for this great country that I love. I hope you and all Dems and Independents out there will also pause and objectively and critically evaluate what is going on, just like we were taught to do at X. Then decide what is best for The United States of America. You may reach a different conclusion, but at least be fair.

Public reps sir.

09-19-2020, 04:19 PM
If you really are a scientist and data junkie (somehow I'm skeptical, sorry) then you would respect the notices from Scientific American and Science magazines, and their take on Trump and his, and his administration's handling, of the virus situation. Like HHS overriding the recommendations of the scientists at CDC in putting out "guidelines" that are later retracted.

And you would know there is no Antifa organization. And you would know the BLM organizations do not support violence. And you would know that our best intelligence agencies rate right wing white militant/supremacist organizations (and there are dozens of them) as the real threat to our civil safety.

If you have a few hours, I suggest you read "It was all a Lie" by Stuart Stevens. You'll appreciate his data driven analysis, and the fact that he has many Republican campaigns under his belt.

I suggest you read the blm mission statement (oh wait you cant because they took it down to hide their actual agenda after people found out the truth) and then tell me how they dont support violence

09-19-2020, 04:34 PM
I suggest you read the blm mission statement (oh wait you cant because they took it down to hide their actual agenda after people found out the truth) and then tell me how they dont support violence

I looked at the BLM website. I don't see anything indicating they support violence.


Can you give me a link to what you are looking at?

09-19-2020, 04:35 PM
I looked at the BLM website. I don't see anything indicating they support violence.


Can you give me a link to what you are looking at?

Edit: I assume you have a copy of this taken down statement to make your allegation.

09-19-2020, 05:36 PM
You're a joke bobbie. Get ready for 4 more years of Trump.

Y'all got some work to do:



09-19-2020, 05:51 PM
Edit: I assume you have a copy of this taken down statement to make your allegation.

The link that used to go to “What We Believe” now goes to a blank page.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-19-2020, 06:10 PM
The statements you sent with those links don't show the BLM organization supporting violence.
The one from the Federalist shows exactly the opposite.

09-19-2020, 07:10 PM
Edit: I assume you have a copy of this taken down statement to make your allegation.

No like I said their mission statement was taken down...very convenient

09-19-2020, 10:00 PM
Pretty sad mission statement.

"Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”

09-19-2020, 10:34 PM

Muskie in dayton
09-19-2020, 11:49 PM
If you really are a scientist and data junkie (somehow I'm skeptical, sorry) then you would respect the notices from Scientific American and Science magazines, and their take on Trump and his, and his administration's handling, of the virus situation. Like HHS overriding the recommendations of the scientists at CDC in putting out "guidelines" that are later retracted.

And you would know there is no Antifa organization. And you would know the BLM organizations do not support violence. And you would know that our best intelligence agencies rate right wing white militant/supremacist organizations (and there are dozens of them) as the real threat to our civil safety.

If you have a few hours, I suggest you read "It was all a Lie" by Stuart Stevens. You'll appreciate his data driven analysis, and the fact that he has many Republican campaigns under his belt.
Do you know why Scientific publications haven't endorsed a candidate until now? Because once science is no longer objective, it's no longer science. Scientific American just showed their hand. I already saw it.

As to the Trump's handling of COVID, you have bought into a false narrative. Extensive practical evidence across the globe shows that the virus is going to do what the virus is going to do. All we can do is delay the inevitable, and in doing so, increase deaths by allowing a longer period for the vulnerable to be infected, and causing extensive collateral damage due to medical neglect and deteriorated mental health. These are facts, supported extensively by data.

Your other points have zero to do with my scientific background and affinity for data. And I don't like right wing extremists either. But your a complete fool if you don't think Antifa is not organized and they and BLM are not violent. Step out of your echo chamber and look what is going on out there right now.

As to your skepticism about my background, I have a Bachelor and a Master degree in science and have worked in the field of science for 25 years. I'm more than qualified to render a scientific opinion about COVID. I kind of want to add an expletive here.

I'll look for the publication you mentioned above and get back to you.

09-20-2020, 07:52 AM
I appreciate your science background. Here is the article I was referring to from the editor of Science magazine:


(I will assume with your background that his opinion might be relevant.)

3 days ago the director of the FBI testified that Antifa was not an organization:


I am not a scientist, but in looking at the virus' impact across the globe, it seems like a place such as Taiwan might be instructive on how a country could better handle their response, and lower the death total.

09-20-2020, 08:43 AM
I appreciate your science background. Here is the article I was referring to from the editor of Science magazine:


(I will assume with your background that his opinion might be relevant.)

3 days ago the director of the FBI testified that Antifa was not an organization:


I am not a scientist, but in looking at the virus' impact across the globe, it seems like a place such as Taiwan might be instructive on how a country could better handle their response, and lower the death total.

An island of 25 million

09-20-2020, 10:41 AM
An island of 25 million

Very true, with all the built in advantages of that situation.
But holding deaths to 7 would indicate they were practicing other good habits besides living on the island.
South Korea has had less than 400 deaths with 52 million people.
Ohio with 12 million has had 4,600 deaths.

09-20-2020, 11:17 AM
This thread has become an echo chamber with about 4 people on it.

09-20-2020, 11:23 AM
No, I'm not with bozo. I maintain that his behavior renders him unfit to the office of POTUS. Furthermore, I maintain my partisan independence and believe the two party system is detrimental to our country and why we have 2 candidates like we do. I've said the vote between Trump and Biden is just picking the lesser of two evils.

However, I am for fairness and honesty. That is why when I see people blaming Trump for "200,000 dead", I puke in my mouth. That is incredibly disingenuous. When I see Biden at the DNC call Trump the worst President for the economy because of the job losses, I want to throw a brick through the TV. Blaming Trump for actions of the idiot governors who still have things shut down and caused this? Seriously?

Fairness and honesty applies to the media too. I watched as the COVID-19 pandemic progressed, as a scientist and data junkie, how manipulated, sensationalized and false the media reporting was - and still is. Then I wonder, if they are bastardizing the truth about COVID-19 so badly, what else are the bastardizing? It turns out a lot if they can spin it to make Trump look bad.

Then as a person who values self-responsibility, law and order, and loves the country, I watch as Antifa and BLM preach about killing cops and chant death to America, while rioting/burning/looting, I am appalled. Please Biden and Dems, come down clearly without mincing words, condemn this behavior and deem these two organization exactly what they are - domestic terrorists. But nothing. Then Harris patronizes the criminal who got himself shot, while ignoring personal responsibility and the guy's victim. I was a Democrat until about 10 years ago. Hell I even canvassed for Obama in '08. But that Democratic party is dead. It has been replaced by pure evil.

So a vote for Trump is the lesser of two evils. Or is he an evil at all? Perhaps the narrative the media has created is another fabrication. Yes his behavior is disgusting and immature, but his actions have proven he's a competent President who has accomplished most of what he promised. The result has been four years of peace and prosperity...despite a pandemic.

So Bobbie, I'm not WITH bozo, but I have decided to vote for him. He is not only the safe choice, but the only choice to ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure blessings of liberty for this great country that I love. I hope you and all Dems and Independents out there will also pause and objectively and critically evaluate what is going on, just like we were taught to do at X. Then decide what is best for The United States of America. You may reach a different conclusion, but at least be fair.

Post of the Year and 100% on the Money.

09-20-2020, 11:25 AM
Globally, he hits a new low.


Peace in our Time!!!!!!

09-20-2020, 11:26 AM
Very true, with all the built in advantages of that situation.
But holding deaths to 7 would indicate they were practicing other good habits besides living on the island.
South Korea has had less than 400 deaths with 52 million people.
Ohio with 12 million has had 4,600 deaths.

Complicated by the fact everyone with their pre-existing condition coverage is about to lose it the second week of Nov. with the death of RBG. The 7 million survivors of covid also will not be insurable. This is what you will get when the 'pubs stack the Court. Oh, but trump has a new plan that has been coming out in the next two weeks for 4 yrs.! So don't worry. I'm sure everyone here has no pre-existing conditions in their families. No sweat.


09-20-2020, 11:44 AM
No like I said their mission statement was taken down...very convenient

This about #BLM

09-20-2020, 11:47 AM
And this too about #BLM


09-20-2020, 12:02 PM
The Taiwan and Korea numbers are simply a reflection of accurate diagnosis and reporting.

The US has had nowhere near 200,000 actual covid deaths.

Strange Brew
09-20-2020, 12:39 PM
Complicated by the fact everyone with their pre-existing condition coverage is about to lose it the second week of Nov. with the death of RBG. The 7 million survivors of covid also will not be insurable. This is what you will get when the 'pubs stack the Court. Oh, but trump has a new plan that has been coming out in the next two weeks for 4 yrs.! So don't worry. I'm sure everyone here has no pre-existing conditions in their families. No sweat.


I'm not sure if this comment was serious or not. Hoping it wasn't because it is silly and we are all dumber for reading it.

That said, I did enjoy the Money Pit reference. I've done a lot of remodeling over the years and I always get a chuckle out of the completion dates contractors provide.

09-20-2020, 12:53 PM
What's dumb is trump suing to get rid of millions on Obamacare during a pandemic. That's fucking dumb. But don't worry........2 weeks..

09-20-2020, 01:10 PM
This about #BLM

If fans were going to be allowed in the stands they should print this article out and place on every seat. You know since they're wearing BLM patches and all.

09-20-2020, 08:30 PM
The Taiwan and Korea numbers are simply a reflection of accurate diagnosis and reporting.

The US has had nowhere near 200,000 actual covid deaths.

Cool. Now prove that.

X Factor
09-21-2020, 12:02 AM
And THIS is why the UN is a farce...one of many reasons.

UN Singles Out Only Israel For ‘Women’s Rights Violations’


X Factor
09-21-2020, 04:58 PM
Edit: I assume you have a copy of this taken down statement to make your allegation.

Here you go paulxu.


09-21-2020, 06:36 PM
Thank you. Rather than the redstate commentary, here is the link they provide to the mission statement:


I've gone through it quickly, but I can't find anything that indicates they "support violence" that was originally asserted.
It ends with this:

We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.

I do see where they encourage the building of a community structure to support the family and each other, but what redstate offers in their interpretation seems a stretch. Many people of all colors build support networks in their churches, civic organizations, schools, clubs, sports, etc.
They're not all Marxist by nature...just community minded.

There is no question, that like any movement, there are some fringe elements that give it a bad name with their actions.
Concern for social justice is always appropriate, while violence to achieve it is very rarely a good path.
Rather the paths that people like John Lewis laid out are much more productive, but take longer to accomplish a just end.

Muskie in dayton
09-21-2020, 10:56 PM
Cool. Now prove that.
I'll take a run at that.

First, let's start with what is widely known - most Covid-19 deaths are people with comorbidities. The CDC reported that in 94% of the deaths, the deceased also had one or several co-morbidities: heart problems, COPD, diabetes, obesity, even cancer and stroke. This in itself doesn't prove anything, but a common sense arguement can be made that for some of the 188,000 that died "with Covid", Covid did not contribute to the death.

Next let's go to testing. The problem is the primary test (PCR) is not very good. In order to detect the viral RNA and confirm a "positive" result, the test material has to be amplified in the lab enough that it can be detected. When you get to 30 amplifications, you start seeing false positives - you've made something that wasn't there in the first place. The CDC recommends 40 amplifications and most labs are in that range, which results in a 3% false positive rate. That doesn't mean that 3% of the positive results are false, it means 3% of the tests are false positives! If you have a 6% positivity rate, at 40 amplification PCR testing, 50% of the "positives" are false positives. Here's an article on this (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html).

So going back to the 188,000 that died "with Covid", how many are false positives? Odds say some, maybe a lot. In this case these "Covid deaths" would have nothing to do with Covid, and thus would be overcounted.

Don't forget the financial incentive to classify cases as Covid (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/cdc-director-acknowledges-hospitals-have-a-monetary-incentive-to-overcount-coronavirus-deaths). If you want to see the liberties being taken, here's an example (https://twitter.com/AlexBerenson/status/1308048327926308868?s=20). It's just one of many I've seen. The incentive to force Covid cases will result in forced Covid deaths.

I realize these are all lines of evidence, but very strong ones. If you want better quantification of what it means for an overestimate of deaths, check out The Ethical Skeptic (https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic) on twitter, specifically this analysis (https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic/status/1302102401952948224?s=20). His analysis is extremely detailed but worth the investment in time.

Lloyd Braun
09-21-2020, 11:34 PM
I'll take a run at that.

First, let's start with what is widely known - most Covid-19 deaths are people with comorbidities. The CDC reported that in 94% of the deaths, the deceased also had one or several co-morbidities: heart problems, COPD, diabetes, obesity, even cancer and stroke. This in itself doesn't prove anything, but a common sense arguement can be made that for some of the 188,000 that died "with Covid", Covid did not contribute to the death.

Common sense? This is not common sense. Just because someone has diabetes, heart problems, comorbidities, etc doesn’t mean they will die in the near future. It does make them more prone to the complications of serious illness, including COVID. Just like influenza. Who do you think dies from the flu? It’s high risk individuals and almost never the normal population. I have completed several death certificates similar to the twitter link you posted. Line 1- Cause of Death: Complications oF COVID. Line 2- COPD; Dementia (or any other comirbidity). These conditions contributed to the patient’s death, and while complications of COVID was the final cause of death it is important to mention the other contributing factors to properly accumulate data on the burden of disease.

You can point to false positives all you want but the sensitivity of these tests is lower than specificity and you’ll always have more false negatives when that is the case. Which in turn means we miss more cases than we catch, and that should more than compensate for the amount of false positives there are.

09-22-2020, 12:31 AM
I'll take a run at that.

First, let's start with what is widely known - most Covid-19 deaths are people with comorbidities. The CDC reported that in 94% of the deaths, the deceased also had one or several co-morbidities: heart problems, COPD, diabetes, obesity, even cancer and stroke. This in itself doesn't prove anything, but a common sense arguement can be made that for some of the 188,000 that died "with Covid", Covid did not contribute to the death.

Next let's go to testing. The problem is the primary test (PCR) is not very good. In order to detect the viral RNA and confirm a "positive" result, the test material has to be amplified in the lab enough that it can be detected. When you get to 30 amplifications, you start seeing false positives - you've made something that wasn't there in the first place. The CDC recommends 40 amplifications and most labs are in that range, which results in a 3% false positive rate. That doesn't mean that 3% of the positive results are false, it means 3% of the tests are false positives! If you have a 6% positivity rate, at 40 amplification PCR testing, 50% of the "positives" are false positives. Here's an article on this (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html).

So going back to the 188,000 that died "with Covid", how many are false positives? Odds say some, maybe a lot. In this case these "Covid deaths" would have nothing to do with Covid, and thus would be overcounted.

Don't forget the financial incentive to classify cases as Covid (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/cdc-director-acknowledges-hospitals-have-a-monetary-incentive-to-overcount-coronavirus-deaths). If you want to see the liberties being taken, here's an example (https://twitter.com/AlexBerenson/status/1308048327926308868?s=20). It's just one of many I've seen. The incentive to force Covid cases will result in forced Covid deaths.

I realize these are all lines of evidence, but very strong ones. If you want better quantification of what it means for an overestimate of deaths, check out The Ethical Skeptic (https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic) on twitter, specifically this analysis (https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic/status/1302102401952948224?s=20). His analysis is extremely detailed but worth the investment in time.

I wanted Waggy to “prove” that. What you did was just argue that. I can give you a link to where actual PhD guys in biochemistry argue this stuff. They can only argue, nobody can PROVE anything. Waggy is just.....Waggy.

I don’t pretend to be an expert. I’d love top see you take on these Phd guys who have worked in university and Big Pharma settings doing this stuff for a living.

I don’t think you will like it.

09-22-2020, 02:32 AM
If there is one thing the world needs less of it's Big Pharma.

But more cowbell.

Muskie in dayton
09-22-2020, 08:24 AM
Common sense? This is not common sense. Just because someone has diabetes, heart problems, comorbidities, etc doesn’t mean they will die in the near future. It does make them more prone to the complications of serious illness, including COVID. Just like influenza. Who do you think dies from the flu? It’s high risk individuals and almost never the normal population. I have completed several death certificates similar to the twitter link you posted. Line 1- Cause of Death: Complications oF COVID. Line 2- COPD; Dementia (or any other comirbidity). These conditions contributed to the patient’s death, and while complications of COVID was the final cause of death it is important to mention the other contributing factors to properly accumulate data on the burden of disease.

You can point to false positives all you want but the sensitivity of these tests is lower than specificity and you’ll always have more false negatives when that is the case. Which in turn means we miss more cases than we catch, and that should more than compensate for the amount of false positives there are.
First paragraph: You said nothing I didn't, but I do think it's common sense data interpretation. How about this: I'll concede that some - I'll even concede that most - 188K would still be alive if not for covid, if you concede that at least some would have died regardless if if they had covid or not. Deal?

Second paragraph: It all depends on the amplification of the PCR test material. Unless the test is run under 30 amplifications, false positives will be significantly greater than false negatives, because there are significantly more actual negatives than actual positives.

Muskie in dayton
09-22-2020, 08:27 AM
I wanted Waggy to “prove” that. What you did was just argue that. I can give you a link to where actual PhD guys in biochemistry argue this stuff. They can only argue, nobody can PROVE anything. Waggy is just.....Waggy.

I don’t pretend to be an expert. I’d love top see you take on these Phd guys who have worked in university and Big Pharma settings doing this stuff for a living.

I don’t think you will like it.
The only proof possible is a lines of evidence approach, which I provided. Quite often that's how science works.

Go ahead and send the link, as long as you can confirm that this "big pharma" person doesn't have a conflict of interest in their position. I already sent one above of someone equally qualified as a "big pharma PhD", who is independent. Did you look at that?

Muskie in dayton
09-22-2020, 08:38 AM
I appreciate your science background. Here is the article I was referring to from the editor of Science magazine:


(I will assume with your background that his opinion might be relevant.)

3 days ago the director of the FBI testified that Antifa was not an organization:


I am not a scientist, but in looking at the virus' impact across the globe, it seems like a place such as Taiwan might be instructive on how a country could better handle their response, and lower the death total.

Thanks for the link. I did read it. I found it to me more opinion piece of what Trump should or shouldn't have presented to the public early in the pandemic. Remember how we didn't have toilet paper, hand sanitizer, etc. for months? We'd still be wiping our butts with leaves if Trump didn't downplay it. "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself".

As to Antifa, I don't know what constitutes an organization, but they are well enough organized to shuttle protesters from city to city, and setup their own
commune in Portland. You won't find that on MSM.

09-22-2020, 10:00 AM
Thanks for the link. I did read it. I found it to me more opinion piece of what Trump should or shouldn't have presented to the public early in the pandemic.
Opinion piece? Nope. trump on tape saying he knew the severity of the pandemic and did nothing except lie about it. That's a fact!

X Factor
09-22-2020, 01:27 PM
Joe Biden doesn't even know The Pledge of Allegiance.


09-22-2020, 01:37 PM
That's pretty weak, and unfortunately typical of the out of context twittering that goes on.
He wasn't saying the pledge (notice no hand on chest).
To help you out, here's a transcript of his remarks so you can rest easier:

Donald Trump that he has a deeply flawed and divisive view of the United States, this nation and the job he holds. Think about what he’s saying. He’s saying, if you live in a state like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, states with Democratic governors, you’re not his problem. He has no obligation to you. He’s not responsible for you as president, your family or your wellbeing. I don’t see the presidency that way. I don’t pledge allegiance to red states of America or blue states of America, I pledge allegiance to the United States of America. One nation, indivisible under God. For real. I’m running as a proud Democrat, but I’m not going to govern as a Democratic president, I’m going to govern as president.

Edit: it occurs to me that if you pulled that off Trump's twitter feed (I see his picture there) that we really do need a new president if this one's got time to tweet crap like that out instead of focusing on his office and duties.

09-22-2020, 02:50 PM
That's pretty weak, and unfortunately typical of the out of context twittering that goes on.
He wasn't saying the pledge (notice no hand on chest).
To help you out, here's a transcript of his remarks so you can rest easier:

Edit: it occurs to me that if you pulled that off Trump's twitter feed (I see his picture there) that we really do need a new president if this one's got time to tweet crap like that out instead of focusing on his office and duties.

Lol...he was most definitely attempting to quote the Pledge of Allegiance to back up his stance that he's a uniter...and he botched it. Joe gonna Joe

09-22-2020, 03:24 PM
All political postings shall go here until further notice. When the aftermath cools down, perhaps we will go back to the old way.

Just wondering if the aftermath has cooled down yet??

09-22-2020, 03:35 PM
Just wondering if the aftermath has cooled down yet??

I've gotten used to this, personally. i like it. Keeps this shit from cluttering the board.

Also, all signs point to a decision today on charging (likely NOT charging) the officers who shot Breonna Taylor. Stay safe everyone, because the peaceful protesting that intensifies will not be isolated to Louisville if that is the case.

09-22-2020, 03:41 PM
I've gotten used to this, personally. i like it. Keeps this shit from cluttering the board.

Also, all signs point to a decision today on charging (likely NOT charging) the officers who shot Breonna Taylor. Stay safe everyone, because the peaceful protesting that intensifies will not be isolated to Louisville if that is the case.

Oh I like it too. I just happened to notice the first post in the thread from four years ago and thought it was funny.

09-22-2020, 04:54 PM
Today's comic relief.

It might be the "deep state" are actually right wing nut jobs that work at Redstate, planted in the infectious disease offices.
Guy actually worked for Fauci. Maybe this is why some of you guys that follow that website are confused about the virus:

An internal communications staffer at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ― the federal agency headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci ― said he will retire after a news report outed him as a right-wing blogger who alleged the coronavirus crisis is a “massive fraud.”

Bill Crews has announced “his intention to retire,” NIAID spokesperson Kathy Stover told HuffPost in an email Tuesday. News of the decision followed a Daily Beast report published Monday that unmasked him as “streiff,” the pseudonym he uses on Twitter and conservative blog RedState, which he was secretly managing.

In his tweets and RedState blog posts, Crews regularly bashes Fauci, the top infectious disease expert on the White House coronavirus task force, and the government’s response to a pandemic he characterized as a “scare.”


X-band '01
09-22-2020, 06:20 PM
Oh I like it too. I just happened to notice the first post in the thread from four years ago and thought it was funny.

Unfortunately for Muskie, there will not be a game on Election Night to distract us.

In fact, Election Day is now a dead day (no games OR practice OR recruiting) on the NCAA calendar.

Muskie in dayton
09-22-2020, 08:03 PM
Opinion piece? Nope. trump on tape saying he knew the severity of the pandemic and did nothing except lie about it. That's a fact!
Refer to post 7425 by Xville.

09-22-2020, 10:51 PM
That's funny. You need to listen to the tape again. trump said in early feb. the covid "is dangerous, airborne, highly contagious and deadly." Duh.

Muskie in dayton
09-23-2020, 07:27 AM
That's funny. You need to listen to the tape again. trump said in early feb. the covid "is dangerous, airborne, highly contagious and deadly." Duh.
...and you have an irrational hatred for Trump. Duh. This has been covered already Bobbie. Even Fauchi has Trumps back (post 7423).

09-23-2020, 08:45 AM
Today's comic relief.

It might be the "deep state" are actually right wing nut jobs that work at Redstate, planted in the infectious disease offices.

You should have just stopped there, Paul. You might need to take a few plays off...

09-23-2020, 10:58 AM
...and you have an irrational hatred for Trump. Duh. This has been covered already Bobbie. Even Fauchi has Trumps back (post 7423).



09-23-2020, 11:05 AM
Honestly, if you can't believe the president in his "own best words", cuz he has the "best words" in admitting his liability on tape, then I guess common sense is dead in this country. Just believe whatever you want even tho trump is telling you he f'ed up badly. 200k dead and he takes zero responsibility.:sick::sick::sick:

09-23-2020, 11:22 AM
Approx. 900 reasons you should consider in your vote:


Strange Brew
09-23-2020, 11:23 AM
Honestly, if you can't believe the president in his "own best words", cuz he has the "best words" in admitting his liability on tape, then I guess common sense is dead in this country. Just believe whatever you want even tho trump is telling you he f'ed up badly. 200k dead and he takes zero responsibility.:sick::sick::sick:

Would you have preferred he raised the alarm and caused a national panic?

Also, what would you have done differently? Most of the problems were caused by Leftist leadership at the state and local level.

Can’t wait for for dawn of the Conservative court for the next two generations. Haha! Winning!

09-23-2020, 11:24 AM
Cameron announcing the breonna taylor decision at 130. I'm sure we will see plenty of peaceful protesting tonight since blm doesnt promote violence

09-23-2020, 11:28 AM
I'm sure we will see plenty of peaceful protesting

"Mostly" peaceful.

Some days it pays to live in the middle of nowhere.

X-band '01
09-23-2020, 12:08 PM
Can’t wait for for dawn of the Conservative court for the next two generations. Haha! Winning!

I guess the "2 Hour Rule" that Fake Tears Schumer wanted to put in place didn't work.

09-23-2020, 12:35 PM
Would you have preferred he raised the alarm and caused a national panic?

Also, what would you have done differently? Most of the problems were caused by Leftist leadership at the state and local level.

Can’t wait for for dawn of the Conservative court for the next two generations. Haha! Winning!

YES!! Largely because I seriously doubt it would have caused a national panic. It would have likely just caused the appropriate amount of alarm.

It's a ridiculous question. "What did you want me to do? Shoot it to you straight?" Uhh, YEAH!! In fact, how about always doing that. With everything.

09-23-2020, 12:38 PM
I keep seeing how Trump blew it with his handling of the pandemic. What I haven’t seen is those on the Left saying what he should have done that would have saved everyone. Biden has said the no one would have died had Trump done his job, a claim CNN didn’t challenge (nice job there Anderson).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-23-2020, 12:42 PM
I keep seeing how Trump blew it with his handling of the pandemic. What I haven’t seen is those on the Left saying what he should have done that would have saved everyone. Biden has said the no one would have died had Trump done his job, a claim CNN didn’t challenge (nice job there Anderson).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

oh i can already answer for you....A national response, testing, lockdowns, mask mandates blah blah blah....virus gonna do what a virus is going to do. There would probably be a little bit less on the death toll withe some kind of national response, I agree but blaming all 200k deaths on Trump is just ridiculous but yeah that's deranged trump haters for ya.

Cuomo doing what he did directly killed people.....maybe he should go to jail.

09-23-2020, 12:54 PM
I keep seeing how Trump blew it with his handling of the pandemic. What I haven’t seen is those on the Left saying what he should have done that would have saved everyone. Biden has said the no one would have died had Trump done his job, a claim CNN didn’t challenge (nice job there Anderson).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Okay, there is nothing he could have done that would have saved anyone. But, this has hit the United States harder than it has hit any other country. To say that there is nothing he could have done as a leader to do a better job of mitigating that actually speaks rather poorly of what you think of his leadership skills.

He could have not said that it was just going to disappear when he pretty much knew that it wouldn't.

He could have not said that there was testing available when he knew there wasn't.

He could have not falsely insinuated that a vaccine would soon be available when it was obvious that it wouldn't be.

He could have made it so states weren't made to feel like they were in a bidding war for aid and supplies.

Causing a panic would not have been the answer, but that almost assuredly would not have happened. Alarming people a little more was probably what actually needed to happen. His followers seemingly believe him to be infallible. Simply shooting straight and saying that while it was alarming there was no need to panic would have probably been enough to keep any of them from panicking. He didn't do that. Don't say it's a bigger deal than what it is, but don't say it's a smaller deal than what it is either. He clearly did the latter.

Oh, as far as Biden goes...A) he wasn't the president at the time, and B) he comes off as not knowing what day it is. So claiming that Biden wouldn't have done it any differently doesn't make me feel any better about how Trump handled it.

09-23-2020, 02:24 PM
Would you have preferred he raised the alarm and caused a national panic?

Also, what would you have done differently? Most of the problems were caused by Leftist leadership at the state and local level.

Can’t wait for for dawn of the Conservative court for the next two generations. Haha! Winning!

Was there a national panic after PEARL HARBOR? Nope. Americans followed the cue of it's leader and buckled down in unison to fix the problems. Went to work and got the job done. trump ignored the problem and presented NO solutions. Check back after the DEM sweep and everything changes.

09-23-2020, 02:26 PM
Was there a national panic after PEARL HARBOR? Nope. Americans followed the cue of it's leader and buckled down in unison to fix the problems. Went to work and got the job done. trump ignored the problem and presented NO solutions. Check back after the DEM sweep and everything changes.

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

09-23-2020, 02:33 PM
Be safe around campus today everyone!

Muskie in dayton
09-23-2020, 02:45 PM
Hopefully this report is not true (YouTube took the video down):
If so, pray for Louisville (yes Chris Mack too).

09-23-2020, 03:47 PM
Causing a panic would not have been the answer, but that almost assuredly would not have happened. .

So DJT wrongfully downplayed the threat and we got:

National food shortages
Calamity in the small business sector
Record unemployment
PPE hoarding and price gouging
Hospitals overwhelmed
Ammo shortages
Surging gun and alcohol sales
Jesus...we ran out of toilet paper

Listen..I think he made some serious missteps and mistakes, but to say that a national panic would have most assuredly NOT happened is incredibly short-sighted if you simply look at the reaction to him slow-playing it.

09-23-2020, 04:57 PM
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

LOL. I saw what you did there.

09-23-2020, 05:12 PM
Hopefully this report is not true (YouTube took the video down):
If so, pray for Louisville (yes Chris Mack too).

I try to avoid this toilet of a thread as much as possible, but certain items and posts bring me back here once in a while.

There is nothing like a stupid FAR LEFT liberal, and I mean a truly stupid FAR LEFT liberal, having a "karma is a bitch" moment. If you scroll down in the link you shared, you'll find this idiot female at a stop light. She proceeds to get worked up about a MAGA demonstration that is taking place at that location. She starts shooting the bird at the demonstrators (always class, open-mindedness and understanding, those libtards). She then cranks up some more and hangs out her window, yelling and offering dual birds.

The light apparently changes and her car starts rolling forward, but the traffic stalls for a moment while she otherwise accelerates into the back of the now stopped vehicle in front of her - she's looking at the demonstrators, not the road, and she is fully hanging out the window at this moment, still flipping dual birds at the crowd). BOOM! Crash! Pow! Batman.

Then, only making it better, it turns out that there was a police car directly behind her. Poor little POS. Enjoy your ticket and increased insurance rates.


09-23-2020, 05:26 PM
I try to avoid this toilet of a thread as much as possible, but certain items and posts bring me back here once in a while.

There is nothing like a stupid FAR LEFT liberal, and I mean a truly stupid FAR LEFT liberal, having a "karma is a bitch" moment. If you scroll down in the link you shared, you'll find this idiot female at a stop light. She proceeds to get worked up about a MAGA demonstration that is taking place at that location. She starts shooting the bird at the demonstrators (always class, open-mindedness and understanding, those libtards). She then cranks up some more and hangs out her window, yelling and offering dual birds.

The light apparently changes and her car starts rolling forward, but the traffic stalls for a moment while she otherwise accelerates into the back of the now stopped vehicle in front of her - she's looking at the demonstrators, not the road, and she is fully hanging out the window at this moment, still flipping dual birds at the crowd). BOOM! Crash! Pow! Batman.

Then, only making it better, it turns out that there was a police car directly behind her. Poor little POS. Enjoy your ticket and increased insurance rates.


I also try to avoid this thread, but I’m glad I stopped in to read THAT. I’m still chuckling. Not taking sides, but over the top IDIOTS on either side deserve events like that just to humor the rest of us. I only feel bad for the hassle the person in front of her will deal with.....

Whatever happened to reasonable people living closer to the middle?

09-23-2020, 05:31 PM
https://www.facebook.com/anxfreedom/photos/a.369209113264748/1571489993036648/?__cft__[0]=AZX2KuYxYVc94QO7wZJXjtaiFKxEkUWjg8liCHjzvL0SwTaa7 OU1RBe54KZ7lRhB54_t3BL6O1IELB0Y_expWzHgWN3iMbp-c_hYl2BqTncHfnqZDHHvEm-3Mpo8IXABHshNF1cIRjn8gS1uxFik3AMLqvjS03qlbZ4FPTuX2 CrP46Ir8-Gje0v5tJiSonyyHVB4eGsOySnPRtxtUSMr7Zl65I74pHmAoro0 4jvQKzf4zw&__tn__=EH-R

09-23-2020, 06:52 PM
Was there a national panic after PEARL HARBOR? Nope. Americans followed the cue of it's leader and buckled down in unison to fix the problems. Went to work and got the job done. trump ignored the problem and presented NO solutions. Check back after the DEM sweep and everything changes.

Ummm you mean the leader's cue to put 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry in internment camps? I guess they went to work building the camps and rounding people up.

09-23-2020, 08:43 PM
I also try to avoid this thread, but I’m glad I stopped in to read THAT. I’m still chuckling. Not taking sides, but over the top IDIOTS on either side deserve events like that just to humor the rest of us. I only feel bad for the hassle the person in front of her will deal with.....

Whatever happened to reasonable people living closer to the middle?

Question of the decade.

09-23-2020, 08:53 PM
Think about this...

It doesn't matter who the person is that's nominated for the supreme court. It only matters who gets to nominate them. No one is asking any of the senators on either side who it is that they'd like to see nominated. I'd support any Democrat who would say they'd vote for Trump's nominee if they happen to like the person who's nominated. I'd support any Republican who would say they'd vote against the nominee if they didn't like them. It doesn't matter who is nominated. The Republicans will vote to confirm it and the Democrats won't. The same thing will happen if Biden wins the election and no one is seated. It doesn't matter who the nominee is! THAT'S RIDICULOUS!!! I mean, isn't that the only thing that should matter??

Muskie in dayton
09-23-2020, 09:01 PM
Think about this...

It doesn't matter who the person is that's nominated for the supreme court. It only matters who gets to nominate them. No one is asking any of the senators on either side who it is that they'd like to see nominated. I'd support any Democrat who would say they'd vote for Trump's nominee if they happen to like the person who's nominated. I'd support any Republican who would say they'd vote against the nominee if they didn't like them. It doesn't matter who is nominated. The Republicans will vote to confirm it and the Democrats won't. The same thing will happen if Biden wins the election and no one is seated. It doesn't matter who the nominee is! THAT'S RIDICULOUS!!! I mean, isn't that the only thing that should matter??
Trump should nominate Merrick Garland just to watch heads explode.

09-23-2020, 10:01 PM
Ummm you mean the leader's cue to put 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry in internment camps? I guess they went to work building the camps and rounding people up.

Did 205,000 of them die?

09-23-2020, 10:13 PM
Did 205,000 of them die?

Did 205,000 of the children put in cages at the border die?

09-23-2020, 10:18 PM
Recognizing the impact the virus has had on normal life, the GOP Texas governor extended the in-person early voting by one week.
Not a mail in ballot issue, not an absentee ballot issue...just regular in-person voting. Give folks some more time to get to the polls and place their ballots, maybe remove some voting day crush with virus concerns.

So...he was promptly sued (of course)....by the Texas GOP.

09-24-2020, 12:23 AM
Did 205,000 of the children put in cages at the border die?

You mean when trump locked all the kids?

09-24-2020, 12:25 AM
trump sez he won't commit to a peaceful transfer of power...."Throw out the ballots"...what an ass.

"pubs sharpening up their pitchforks.

09-24-2020, 08:14 AM
You mean when trump locked all the kids?

Obama’s policy.

You do know those pictures were from 2014, right?

09-24-2020, 08:24 AM
Here’s a question.

There was no doubt that BLM & Antifa we’re gonna riot after the Grand Jury decision came down in Louisville. Nothing the Grand Jury did would have been enough to keep these anarchists from doing their thing. Now two police officers have been shot.
Even though the LMPD was ready for it, they were still outmanned. Why didn’t Beshear (sp) have the National Guard in Louisville yesterday? Maybe because another Democratic Governor just wanted to look the other way while his Rome burned?
Just put Million Dollar bails on anyone arrested. That sure squashed it in Lancaster.

09-24-2020, 08:57 AM
Trump should nominate Merrick Garland just to watch heads explode.

If he did the lunatic fringe of the left would probably be mad at him for cheating off of Obama and not coming up with his own pick, and the lunatic fringe on the right would probably be happy that he stuck it to Obama by stealing his pick.

09-24-2020, 08:58 AM
Pretty sure the National Guard did deploy to Louisville yesterday afternoon.

09-24-2020, 09:00 AM
Here’s a question.

There was no doubt that BLM & Antifa we’re gonna riot after the Grand Jury decision came down in Louisville. Nothing the Grand Jury did would have been enough to keep these anarchists from doing their thing. Now two police officers have been shot.
Even though the LMPD was ready for it, they were still outmanned. Why didn’t Beshear (sp) have the National Guard in Louisville yesterday? Maybe because another Democratic Governor just wanted to look the other way while his Rome burned?
Just put Million Dollar bails on anyone arrested. That sure squashed it in Lancaster.

the guard was there in the afternoon. No fan of Beshear....but he acted quickly on this one.

09-24-2020, 09:10 AM
All things considered, yesterday in Louisville went pretty well. Yes, two cops got shot which is awful, but they're both going to be okay, and they got the shooter.

09-24-2020, 09:39 AM
yeah, it wasn't bad yesterday. I am concerned though when the professional protestors aka rioters come from out of town along with the c list "celebrities" in the next few days.

09-24-2020, 09:40 AM
All things considered, yesterday in Louisville went pretty well. Yes, two cops got shot which is awful, but they're both going to be okay, and they got the shooter.


A really good friend of mine works for the LMPD and I've kind of gotten to know several other officers through him. My feeling on the issue is that the department was grossly negligent. I believe there were four houses where warrants were issued. Breonna Taylor and her boyfriend weren't targets at all, but it was instead her ex-boyfriend and her house was one of the places where they thought he might be. By the time they busted into Breonna Taylor's house, they had actually already found who they were looking for, so they shouldn't have been there at all.

Now, while I feel that is utterly ridiculously and almost unbelievably negligent on the part of the department, I also cannot get to a point to where I feel the individual officers are criminally responsible. There was a $12 million dollar settlement paid out to Breonna Taylor's family, and they deserved every cent of it. But the individual officers, in my opinion, had no way of knowing that they shouldn't have been there. Let's say the suspect they were looking for is the person who opened fire on the cops. If that were the case, this wouldn't even be a thing. For all the cops on the scene knew, that's what was happening.

The LMPD certainly failed Breonna Taylor, and her family, and the black community, and probably all of Louisville. But I also believe that they failed their own officers. Sending them into a dangerous situation to apprehend someone that's not even there because they've already been apprehended is a pretty big screw up. Even if this hadn't ended in a fatality it still would have been ridiculous. I would hope that the Blue Lives Matter people would agree with that. I hate that this happened. I grew up in Louisville and still have roots there.

Sorry for going GO and then going on a rant.

09-24-2020, 09:58 AM
The FBI is still investigating the process of obtaining the warrant, which had nothing to do with the three cops. If there is criminal culpability here, it is with the people who sought the warrant and the judge who signed it, in my opinion. No way the cops involved (particularly the one who got shot before he discharged his weapon) should have been charged in Taylor's death.

09-24-2020, 10:02 AM

A really good friend of mine works for the LMPD and I've kind of gotten to know several other officers through him. My feeling on the issue is that the department was grossly negligent. I believe there were four houses where warrants were issued. Breonna Taylor and her boyfriend weren't targets at all, but it was instead her ex-boyfriend and her house was one of the places where they thought he might be. By the time they busted into Breonna Taylor's house, they had actually already found who they were looking for, so they shouldn't have been there at all.

Now, while I feel that is utterly ridiculously and almost unbelievably negligent on the part of the department, I also cannot get to a point to where I feel the individual officers are criminally responsible. There was a $12 million dollar settlement paid out to Breonna Taylor's family, and they deserved every cent of it. But the individual officers, in my opinion, had no way of knowing that they shouldn't have been there. Let's say the suspect they were looking for is the person who opened fire on the cops. If that were the case, this wouldn't even be a thing. For all the cops on the scene knew, that's what was happening.

The LMPD certainly failed Breonna Taylor, and her family, and the black community, and probably all of Louisville. But I also believe that they failed their own officers. Sending them into a dangerous situation to apprehend someone that's not even there because they've already been apprehended is a pretty big screw up. Even if this hadn't ended in a fatality it still would have been ridiculous. I would hope that the Blue Lives Matter people would agree with that. I hate that this happened. I grew up in Louisville and still have roots there.

Sorry for going GO and then going on a rant.

Breonna Taylor failed herself when she decided she was going to run money and drugs for her ex boyfriend. She obviously didnt deserve to die, but police isnt knocking on my door in the middle of the night, and it's not because my skin color is different than hers.

09-24-2020, 10:06 AM
Here’s a question.

There was no doubt that BLM & Antifa we’re gonna riot after the Grand Jury decision came down in Louisville. Nothing the Grand Jury did would have been enough to keep these anarchists from doing their thing. Now two police officers have been shot.
Even though the LMPD was ready for it, they were still outmanned. Why didn’t Beshear (sp) have the National Guard in Louisville yesterday? Maybe because another Democratic Governor just wanted to look the other way while his Rome burned?
Just put Million Dollar bails on anyone arrested. That sure squashed it in Lancaster.

To slightly spin off your point. I do not understand why it isn't standard operating procedure to have the Guard run the show when it is a protest against the police. Nothing good can come from having the people you are protesting against be in charge of policing your protest. It is just throwing a match into a powder keg.

By having the national guard be the sole group policing the protest I think it would greatly reduce tension.

09-24-2020, 10:22 AM
Breonna Taylor failed herself when she decided she was going to run money and drugs for her ex boyfriend. She obviously didnt deserve to die, but police isnt knocking on my door in the middle of the night, and it's not because my skin color is different than hers.

I didn't see where they confiscated any drugs or drug money from her residence? Is she in fact a drug runner? Or, is this an assumption? Has she been convicted of anything? Honestly , I don't know. Guilty by association maybe but that's not a crime.

I can only imagine at an early morning hour the cops knocking on my door, announcing they are police........then knocking the door down to gain entry.....would do to me personally. How long did they wait before the physically knocked the door down? To me, so many questions that make it hard for me to have a opinion as to who was really at fault. Yes, possibly both parties share in the blame.

09-24-2020, 10:22 AM
Breonna Taylor failed herself when she decided she was going to run money and drugs for her ex boyfriend. She obviously didnt deserve to die, but police isnt knocking on my door in the middle of the night, and it's not because my skin color is different than hers.

I'm not convinced that she was. At the very least, even if you suspected it, I don't see how you could conclude that. So far as I know there were no drugs found on the scene, the ex-boyfriend said she wasn't involved, and the cops weren't targeting her for anything. If they thought she was running money for him, they would have been.

But most of all, that just doesn't make any sense. I can't imagine any drug dealer wanting their ex-girlfriends involved. That's actually who they'd want to try and keep away.

09-24-2020, 10:41 AM
Seriously? Do your research....taped jail calls linking Glover and Taylor...Glover telling a visitor that Taylor was holding money for him. Glover shown at the residence multiple times...come on man


09-24-2020, 10:45 AM
I didn't see where they confiscated any drugs or drug money from her residence? Is she in fact a drug runner? Or, is this an assumption? Has she been convicted of anything? Honestly , I don't know. Guilty by association maybe but that's not a crime.

I can only imagine at an early morning hour the cops knocking on my door, announcing they are police........then knocking the door down to gain entry.....would do to me personally. How long did they wait before the physically knocked the door down? To me, so many questions that make it hard for me to have a opinion as to who was really at fault. Yes, possibly both parties share in the blame.

Breonna was associated with scumbags and was holding money for a drug dealing ex. Did she deserve to die because of it? No, but the ridiculous MSM painting her (of course) as this angel is ridiculous. The police that night did nothing wrong..they were doing their jobs. My issue though with LMPD may be how the warrant was signed, and a raid being made in the middle of the night with possibly (accounts disputed here) with a no-knock warrant.

09-24-2020, 10:46 AM
I'm not convinced that she was. At the very least, even if you suspected it, I don't see how you could conclude that. So far as I know there were no drugs found on the scene, the ex-boyfriend said she wasn't involved, and the cops weren't targeting her for anything. If they thought she was running money for him, they would have been.

But most of all, that just doesn't make any sense. I can't imagine any drug dealer wanting their ex-girlfriends involved. That's actually who they'd want to try and keep away.

oh the drug dealing ex boyfriend said she wasn't involved but yet is on tape stating she was holding money for him. Yeah we should definitely believe the drug dealer.

Strange Brew
09-24-2020, 10:55 AM
YES!! Largely because I seriously doubt it would have caused a national panic. It would have likely just caused the appropriate amount of alarm.

It's a ridiculous question. "What did you want me to do? Shoot it to you straight?" Uhh, YEAH!! In fact, how about always doing that. With everything.

It's been said before but we had a run on certain items (TP, milk, guns and ammo) without the POTUS panicking the populous. To say it wouldn't have been worse if he had raised the alarm is just silly and childish.

09-24-2020, 11:11 AM
Seriously? Do your research....taped jail calls linking Glover and Taylor...Glover telling a visitor that Taylor was holding money for him. Glover shown at the residence multiple times...come on man


Okay, a lot of this doesn't make any sense...

Glover told The Louisville Courier Journal, part of the USA TODAY Network, in an Aug. 26 interview that Taylor had nothing to do with illicit drugs. He also denied that Taylor had been holding money for him, despite telling a caller that she was during a taped phone conversation March 13 at Metro Corrections.

Okay, so they have a taped phone conversation on March 13th where he tells a caller that she's holding money for him. This call took place at Metro Corrections. Am I not reading that right?? Maybe I'm not, but that's what it looks like to me.

So later that day, even though he's already at Metro Corrections, they go busting down Breonna Taylor's door (which is really where this whole thing went of the rails). No money is found. No drugs were found. From all accounts she and her new boyfriend had no idea the police were coming. They even called the police to say someone was breaking into their house. So, if they were holding money and drugs, then how would they have known to move it? And if they knew they needed to move it in case the cops showed up, then why were they so surprised when the cops came busting down the door? That just doesn't strike me as how someone who was actually involved would behave. I know the guy was a drug dealer. I know he can't be trusted. I know they got him on tape saying she was involved. But when he said that, I'm guessing that's when he was lying. Perhaps he wanted the person he was talking to to believe he had things under control despite the fact that he was just arrested, but in reality he had no control over anything and was just lying.

I don't think drug dealers typically involve their ex-girfriends, although I could see how they would lie about that. I also don't think people who are hiding money and drugs for drug dealers would call the cops if someone were breaking into their house, or be taken by complete surprise if the cops showed up AFTER the person who they were supposedly holding it for had been arrested. Again, that just doesn't make any sense to me. This guy has got to be the worst drug dealer of all time.

Strange Brew
09-24-2020, 11:18 AM
Was there a national panic after PEARL HARBOR? Nope. Americans followed the cue of it's leader and buckled down in unison to fix the problems. Went to work and got the job done. trump ignored the problem and presented NO solutions. Check back after the DEM sweep and everything changes.

WW2, seriously? If FDR and Chamberlian weren't total weaklings D-Day could've been avoided and Japan wouldn't have joined the Axis. Those two downplayed the threat of National Socialism so greatly that it needlessly cost the Allies thousands of lives. Just think how different if could've been if England and the US established a foothold in northern France in the late '30s.

09-24-2020, 12:56 PM
Okay, a lot of this doesn't make any sense...

Okay, so they have a taped phone conversation on March 13th where he tells a caller that she's holding money for him. This call took place at Metro Corrections. Am I not reading that right?? Maybe I'm not, but that's what it looks like to me.

So later that day, even though he's already at Metro Corrections, they go busting down Breonna Taylor's door (which is really where this whole thing went of the rails). No money is found. No drugs were found. From all accounts she and her new boyfriend had no idea the police were coming. They even called the police to say someone was breaking into their house. So, if they were holding money and drugs, then how would they have known to move it? And if they knew they needed to move it in case the cops showed up, then why were they so surprised when the cops came busting down the door? That just doesn't strike me as how someone who was actually involved would behave. I know the guy was a drug dealer. I know he can't be trusted. I know they got him on tape saying she was involved. But when he said that, I'm guessing that's when he was lying. Perhaps he wanted the person he was talking to to believe he had things under control despite the fact that he was just arrested, but in reality he had no control over anything and was just lying.

I don't think drug dealers typically involve their ex-girfriends, although I could see how they would lie about that. I also don't think people who are hiding money and drugs for drug dealers would call the cops if someone were breaking into their house, or be taken by complete surprise if the cops showed up AFTER the person who they were supposedly holding it for had been arrested. Again, that just doesn't make any sense to me. This guy has got to be the worst drug dealer of all time.

Please read this full LMPD report that I had posted 10 days ago. It is complete and shows Taylor complicit, even had a body in her trunk at one point, and he bank account was used. She had full knowledge and was complicit in what was going on.
Her name was used to rent a car, she was messing around with not one but 2 drug dealers, and, yes. She might have been a bystander the night she was shot, but, like the nuns always said- Avoid the near occasions of sin. And Taylor had a lot of associated sins on her hands.
Please read the whole thing from start to finish. Interesting and gives insight as to how police work has to be done.


09-24-2020, 01:32 PM
Please read this full LMPD report that I had posted 10 days ago. It is complete and shows Taylor complicit, even had a body in her trunk at one point, and he bank account was used. She had full knowledge and was complicit in what was going on.
Her name was used to rent a car, she was messing around with not one but 2 drug dealers, and, yes. She might have been a bystander the night she was shot, but, like the nuns always said- Avoid the near occasions of sin. And Taylor had a lot of associated sins on her hands.
Please read the whole thing from start to finish. Interesting and gives insight as to how police work has to be done.


Thanks for sharing. I'll take a look at it...well...eventually.

09-24-2020, 02:44 PM
More suckers and losers:


09-24-2020, 02:47 PM
And even more suckers and losers:


Strange Brew
09-24-2020, 03:08 PM
More suckers and losers:


What democracy are is this publication defending? The US is not a democracy...

09-24-2020, 03:26 PM
"While the founders were indeed skeptical of direct democracy, mainstream historians, political scientists and legal scholars say that the United States is both a representative democracy and a republic — and that there is no contradiction between those terms.

A democracy is government by the people, who may rule either directly or indirectly, through elected representatives."

09-24-2020, 03:35 PM
"While the founders were indeed skeptical of direct democracy, mainstream historians, political scientists and legal scholars say that the United States is both a representative democracy and a republic — and that there is no contradiction between those terms.

A democracy is government by the people, who may rule either directly or indirectly, through elected representatives."

I keep scanning the Constitution for the word democracy...can't seem to find it.

Hold on, let me check the Declaration of Independence. Nope...nothing there either. Weird

Strange Brew
09-24-2020, 04:47 PM
"While the founders were indeed skeptical of direct democracy, mainstream historians, political scientists and legal scholars say that the United States is both a representative democracy and a republic — and that there is no contradiction between those terms.

A democracy is government by the people, who may rule either directly or indirectly, through elected representatives."


The US is a Constitutional Republic. Period. End of story.

09-24-2020, 05:15 PM
trump sez he plans to steal the election via the Supreme Court and won't commit to a peaceful transition...in other words.. Thursday.

Strange Brew
09-24-2020, 06:23 PM
trump sez he plans to steal the election via the Supreme Court and won't commit to a peaceful transition...in other words.. Thursday.

Bobbie misrepresents a Trump quote. In other words, Thursday.

X-band '01
09-24-2020, 06:50 PM

X-band '01
09-24-2020, 06:51 PM

I can't decide if this clip is supposed to be in the Politics Thread or the Mick Cronin thread.

X Factor
09-24-2020, 07:24 PM
And you Dems still don't think the FBI was trying to take down Trump before he was even inaugurated?

‘Trump Was Right’: Explosive New FBI Texts Detail Internal Furor Over Handling Of ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ Investigation


09-24-2020, 08:53 PM
FBI Director (trump appointee) sez no evidence of National Voter Fraud undercutting trump again.

09-24-2020, 08:59 PM
Bobbie misrepresents a Trump quote. In other words, Thursday.

What would you call it?


It's obvious.

Are you on the Putin "disinformation" team?

09-24-2020, 09:00 PM
When your campaign manager and eldest son are meeting with Russians, or another one is trading election data with the Russians, I'd sure hope the FBI was interested.

09-24-2020, 09:38 PM
When your campaign manager and eldest son are meeting with Russians, or another one is trading election data with the Russians, I'd sure hope the FBI was interested.

Anyone else in favor of term limits for all politicians? So sick and tired of McConnell and Pelosi and the rest of them career politicians. Can we at least get it on the Ohio ballot that all Ohio members of Congress can only serve for eight years. Enough is enough from both sides. We can officially be called the divided states of America. DSA!

09-24-2020, 09:42 PM
Anyone else in favor of term limits for all politicians? So sick and tired of McConnell and Pelosi and the rest of them career politicians. Can we at least get it on the Ohio ballot that all Ohio members of Congress can only serve for eight years. Enough is enough from both sides. We can officially be called the divided states of America. DSA!

CLEAN HOUSE! Term limits for everyone! Many of them belong in jail!

Mrs. Garrett
09-25-2020, 09:52 AM
Anyone else in favor of term limits for all politicians? So sick and tired of McConnell and Pelosi and the rest of them career politicians. Can we at least get it on the Ohio ballot that all Ohio members of Congress can only serve for eight years. Enough is enough from both sides. We can officially be called the divided states of America. DSA!

Finally someone making some sense. Agree 100%.

09-25-2020, 10:16 AM
term limits for Congress and ranked voting in every state.

Strange Brew
09-25-2020, 11:04 AM
What would you call it?


It's obvious.

Are you on the Putin "disinformation" team?

No transition b/c he doesn’t expect to lose. Jeez you’re dense.

Strange Brew
09-25-2020, 11:05 AM
When your campaign manager and eldest son are meeting with Russians, or another one is trading election data with the Russians, I'd sure hope the FBI was interested.

I know I can’t believe how much the Biden family made in the Ukraine and from The Russians.

Muskie in dayton
09-25-2020, 11:32 AM
Finally someone making some sense. Agree 100%.
Ah, something Democrat’s, Republicans and Independents can agree on.

The problem is the only ones who can do this are the people in those elected positions. They talk a good game, then get elected and realize how lucrative all the favors, bribes and kick-backs are and decide they don’t like term limits. That’s how we get career politicians.

It will never happen, sadly.

X-band '01
09-25-2020, 12:23 PM
But federal pay raises sure happened!

09-25-2020, 01:45 PM
Ah, something Democrat’s, Republicans and Independents can agree on.

The problem is the only ones who can do this are the people in those elected positions. They talk a good game, then get elected and realize how lucrative all the favors, bribes and kick-backs are and decide they don’t like term limits. That’s how we get career politicians.

It will never happen, sadly.

If they do any type (very doubtful) of term limits, I hope they don’t have the same loophole as the Ohio General Assembly. You get termed out in state senate you run for the house. Then you get termed in the house, you go back to run for the senate.

They are starting to talk about 18 year term limits for Supreme Court justices which sounds attractive. As long as they grandfather current justices, I’m on board.

09-25-2020, 07:11 PM
No transition b/c he doesn’t expect to lose. .

Losing in all key states BWahahah even Ohio according to Fox. And your state of CO hates his guts. Dumb.

Strange Brew
09-25-2020, 07:38 PM
Losing in all key states BWahahah even Ohio according to Fox. And your state of CO hates his guts. Dumb.

So he wasn’t saying he wouldn’t step down if he lost. Thanks for admitting you’re gullible or straight up uninformed.

X Factor
09-25-2020, 08:36 PM
Bobbie has a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's getting worse the closer we get to the election.

However, a few weeks ago, The Atlantic wrote a hit piece about Trump disparaging our troops and fallen soldiers. It was based on four anonymous sources, yet, there have been upwards of twenty people who have gone on the record to say he NEVER made those comments.

Now, here we have a video of Joe Biden from March 2016 where he calls a group of soldiers "stupid bastards" to their faces. Of course Biden is saying he was joking, but what a pompous ass.


09-25-2020, 08:59 PM
Bobbie has a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's getting worse the closer we get to the election.

However, a few weeks ago, The Atlantic wrote a hit piece about Trump disparaging our troops and fallen soldiers. It was based on four anonymous sources, yet, there have been upwards of twenty people who have gone on the record to say he NEVER made those comments.

Now, here we have a video of Joe Biden from March 2016 where he calls a group of soldiers "stupid bastards" to their faces. Of course Biden is saying he was joking, but what a pompous ass.


I am really having a difficult time understanding either party. This race for the democrats should be a slam dunk yet they select Joe Biden of all people to run on their ticket. Is Joe Biden the best the Democrats have to offer? The last two democratic nominees have been Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden. Let that sink in.

I also don’t get the Republican side. Why are the republicans so in bed with Donald Trump? His 4 years in office have a lot to be desired. Has he made America Great Again? Is this the best the Republicans have to offer. No other republicans are better than Donald Trump?

So we sit here in 2020 with Donald Trump and Joe Biden as the choices? How does one vote for either of these people and feel that the country will be heading in the right direction?

09-25-2020, 10:09 PM
I am really having a difficult time understanding either party. This race for the democrats should be a slam dunk yet they select Joe Biden of all people to run on their ticket. Is Joe Biden the best the Democrats have to offer? The last two democratic nominees have been Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden. Let that sink in.

I also don’t get the Republican side. Why are the republicans so in bed with Donald Trump? His 4 years in office have a lot to be desired. Has he made America Great Again? Is this the best the Republicans have to offer. No other republicans are better than Donald Trump?

So we sit here in 2020 with Donald Trump and Joe Biden as the choices? How does one vote for either of these people and feel that the country will be heading in the right direction?

I dont love trump, but the country was doing pretty damn well, and then covid hit and all hell broke loose. Honestly, the country will probably be fine with either candidate once this covid crap is completely gone in a year. Will it have its faults? Sure, but all in all, it'll be fine.

09-25-2020, 10:21 PM
Bobbie has a severe case of Trump Derangement

true (1st true thing you ever posted) . trump is definitely deranged.


mad; insane.

He did 4 rallies with his covid base this week, so yeah, that's insane. Governors asking him to cancel as he defies his own rules. Couple thousand people when the limit is 250. NUTS! He is just digging a bigger hole.
Maybe they'll all go home and inject some bleach like he suggests. Crazy!
I guess he'll get Cheese Coney on the bench tho, so she can throw the election his way and kill your healthcare.

09-25-2020, 10:46 PM
Wall Street giving 51 million to Biden. Five x what they gave to trump.

X Factor
09-25-2020, 10:52 PM
true (1st true thing you ever posted) . trump is definitely deranged.


mad; insane.

He did 4 rallies with his covid base this week, so yeah, that's insane. Governors asking him to cancel as he defies his own rules. Couple thousand people when the limit is 250. NUTS! He is just digging a bigger hole.
Maybe they'll all go home and inject some bleach like he suggests. Crazy!
I guess he'll get Cheese Coney on the bench tho, so she can throw the election his way and kill your healthcare.

Amy Coney Barrett is a devout Catholic and a phenomenal judge.

X Factor
09-25-2020, 10:52 PM
Wall Street giving 51 million to Biden. Five x what they gave to trump.

And you think that's a good thing?

09-26-2020, 12:04 AM
Amy Coney Barrett is a devout Catholic and a phenomenal judge.

Who will trash the ACA after she criticized Roberts vote. goodbye pre-existings.

09-26-2020, 12:10 AM
And you think that's a good thing?

trump would...no?

09-26-2020, 07:08 AM
Who will trash the ACA after she criticized Roberts vote. goodbye pre-existings.

Before the ACA I had insurance. I had pre-existing conditions, and yet I still had insurance. I can't believe people actually think that getting rid of the ACA means no one will be able to get coverage unless they've been healthy their whole life. But then again Bobbie's a moderate so....

X Factor
09-26-2020, 11:31 AM
Before the ACA I had insurance. I had pre-existing conditions, and yet I still had insurance. I can't believe people actually think that getting rid of the ACA means no one will be able to get coverage unless they've been healthy their whole life. But then again Bobbie's a moderate so....

Exactly. Scare tactics by the Democrats.

X Factor
09-26-2020, 11:32 AM
The news media’s Steele dossier scandal is even worse than you thought


Just when you think you have grasped the enormity of the U.S. news media’s Steele dossier scandal, it gets worse. Much worse.

The “primary subsource” for the so-called dossier was suspected once of being a Russian operative and a “threat to national security,” according to newly declassified FBI records.

To put things more clearly: The document the FBI used to secure authorization from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to spy on one-time Trump campaign aide Carter Page is based largely on the say-so of an individual the FBI itself once suspected of being a national security risk.

09-26-2020, 01:04 PM
Before the ACA I had insurance. I had pre-existing conditions, and yet I still had insurance. I can't believe people actually think that getting rid of the ACA means no one will be able to get coverage unless they've been healthy their whole life. But then again Bobbie's a moderate so....

So you think it would be a good idea to drop 21 million from Obamacare bcuz you don't think it will not affect you? "Hey, I'm pretty sure i got mine so f everybody else.' What about the millions on medicare and medicaid? Projected to run out of money in 2023. trump sez he will finance out of the general fund. How's that going to work with our huge deficits?

09-26-2020, 01:34 PM
So you think it would be a good idea to drop 21 million from Obamacare bcuz you don't think it will not affect you? "Hey, I'm pretty sure i got mine so f everybody else.' What about the millions on medicare and medicaid? Projected to run out of money in 2023. trump sez he will finance out of the general fund. How's that going to work with our huge deficits?

Precisely. Because I was the only person in the US that had pre-existing conditions and still got insurance. The only f'ing one.

09-26-2020, 01:45 PM
Good for you. We'll see how that works out after they trash the law and nobody who ever had covid gets insured. Good Luck.
Hope you don't need ins. for kids up to 26. Gone.

X Factor
09-26-2020, 02:22 PM
Apparently shooting two police officers won't get you in much trouble these days...unbelievable.

Louisville Man Who Fired Several Shots at a Line of Police Officers, Injuring Two — Is Only Charged with Assault and Wanton Endangerment


09-26-2020, 03:03 PM
Good for you. We'll see how that works out after they trash the law and nobody who ever had covid gets insured. Good Luck.
Hope you don't need ins. for kids up to 26. Gone.

26 isn't a kid, that's an adult.

09-26-2020, 03:35 PM
26 isn't a kid, that's an adult.

So you would rather have them pay on their own then get the coverage on the parents policy? OK. Guess all the MBA, law and medical students, laid off bartenders and wait staff will be happy.

09-26-2020, 04:08 PM
So you would rather have them pay on their own then get the coverage on the parents policy? OK. Guess all the MBA, law and medical students, laid off bartenders and wait staff will be happy.

I pretty sure there are doctors, and lawyers, and business people with MBAs older than 35. Not sure how though. They couldn’t possibly have paid for medical insurance as adults prior to age 27.

09-26-2020, 06:08 PM
yeah, when the millions lose their parental coverage @ 21, it will only cost them another 2-300 a month for a decent plan.. Nothing to worry about.

09-26-2020, 06:24 PM
Apparently you aren't one of the 54 million:


X Factor
09-26-2020, 07:08 PM
Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court. She is a fantastic judge.

Biden has spent his entire political career lying about his life, his accomplishments, his education, and he's a master plagiarizer.

Biden said he was a student at Delaware State University; school says otherwise


09-26-2020, 07:41 PM
62% say wait:


09-26-2020, 08:03 PM
I am SO glad Muskie created this to stick all the politics in one place. It’s fine if you need a release here, but if it leaked into everything else (as can and does easily happen), it becomes extremely tiresome and Xavier basketball loses it’s focus. In this thread, you can decide whether to participate or shy away.

X Factor
09-26-2020, 10:21 PM
62% say wait:


You're full of more crap than I thought if you think the Dems wouldn't try to get another justice on the Supreme Court in this situation if they held the Presidency and the Senate.

You love your polls don't you. You probably had your champagne on ice in '16 waiting for Hillary to win. ALL the polls and media said Trump had NO SHOT!! Do you really want me to post the video of Dems and the media prior to the election saying Trump will NEVER be president?

09-26-2020, 10:52 PM
Both sides are hypocrites. The same guys who are saying wait were castigating McConnell four years ago for doing just that.

09-26-2020, 10:54 PM
50% of your 'pubs voted for it. So I guess they're full of crap. Stop belittling your own party!

09-27-2020, 08:48 AM
Both sides are hypocrites. The same guys who are saying wait were castigating McConnell four years ago for doing just that.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-27-2020, 02:55 PM
Direct quote: “The Constitution requires the president to submit nominations to the Senate for its advice and consent. Since the Supreme Court was established in 1789, presidents have submitted 163 nominations for the Court, including those for chief justice.”

It’s not up to “the people”. It doesn’t matter what the people think.

It’s not up to ignorant liberals who believe their means justify their ludicrous ends. Stupid narrative.

Let the nut jobs tear into her like they did with their fabrications and lies about Kavanaugh, and watch them lose more votes in the process.

Economic policy.

Law and order.

Basic decency.

Biden, liberals and the Democratic Party are epic failures in all 3 key categories.

09-27-2020, 03:24 PM
Direct quote: “The Constitution requires the president to submit nominations to the Senate for its advice and consent. Since the Supreme Court was established in 1789, presidents have submitted 163 nominations for the Court, including those for chief justice.”

It’s not up to “the people”. It doesn’t matter what the people think.

It’s not up to ignorant liberals who believe their means justify their ludicrous ends. Stupid narrative.

Let the nut jobs tear into her like they did with their fabrications and lies about Kavanaugh, and watch them lose more votes in the process.

Economic policy.

Law and order.

Basic decency.

Biden, liberals and the Democratic Party are epic failures in all 3 key categories.

Why wasn't that also true 4 years ago?

X Factor
09-27-2020, 03:57 PM
Why wasn't that also true 4 years ago?

Because Republicans had control of the Senate. They were not required by the Constitution to go forward with the President's nomination.

If the Democrats had control of the Senate 4 years ago, Obama would've got his person on the Supreme Court.

Study the history of the Supreme Court nominations. What the Republicans are doing is not something new. I know the Dems are saying it's not legitimate, but it DEFINITELY is.

09-27-2020, 04:02 PM
Why wasn't that also true 4 years ago?

So, you are completely ignorant of how it is supposed to work?

4 years ago has nothing to do with anything.

X-band '01
09-27-2020, 04:25 PM
Why wasn't that also true 4 years ago?

Because, like it or not, the GOP wants the Supreme Court more badly than Democrats do.

They also understood that "Politics start at the local level" a decade ago (well, maybe at the state level) when they started gaining legislative and gubernatorial majorities for most of the states. At least Democrats have finally understood the importance of the latter.

09-27-2020, 05:49 PM
4 years ago has nothing to do with anything.

It's pretty much the same. 68% say healthcare is important.

09-27-2020, 08:29 PM
Looks like our president is a tax fraud. White House to Big House.

09-27-2020, 11:11 PM

X Factor
09-28-2020, 12:54 AM
Looks like our president is a tax fraud. White House to Big House.

Big shock. Another HUGE story that's supposed to take Trump down right before the election. You would believe anything Bobbie.

Once again, leaking these records is a crime. They won't provide the documents to "protect their sources".



I don't even believe it, but it actually proves a lot of what the Dems have been saying about Trump for the past 4 years is false.

09-28-2020, 01:34 AM
It's pretty much the same. 68% say healthcare is important.


Looks like our president is a tax fraud. White House to Big House..


Bobbie, perhaps you forgot. The NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the FDA, the CDC, the WHO, James Mattis, Alex Vidman, Deborah Birx, Steve Schmidt, Colin Powell, Mary Trump, Justin Amash, Amy Acton, John McCain, John Bolton, Michael Cohen, John Kelly, Fiona Hill, etc are all involved in a DEEP STATE conspiracy, meant to take down the president. (will not mention the Postal Service, which is also involved). Christ, thought I was done with this paragraph... forgot to mention the mainstream media, Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, and Gary Busey.

The "coronavirus" conspiracy started in Europe, though it originated in China (George Soros)... thanks Italy for the fake footage.


The article you are referencing is also fake news (like the earth being round). But if true, as a non-productive member of society, I've given more to Goodwill and my community than Trump has paid in federal taxes the last few years. And that sucks for me, as someone with a pre-existing condition, sucking off the teat.:

Your fake news article here. (NY Times) (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/27/us/trump-taxes-takeaways.html)

Reps to Bobbie.


09-28-2020, 08:20 AM
Both sides are hypocrites. The same guys who are saying wait were castigating McConnell four years ago for doing just that.

This is unbelievably obvious, yet almost no one on either side can see it. If you can't see it then you really are part of the problem.

09-28-2020, 08:27 AM
Grifters gonna grift.

09-28-2020, 08:50 AM
Because Republicans had control of the Senate. They were not required by the Constitution to go forward with the President's nomination.

If the Democrats had control of the Senate 4 years ago, Obama would've got his person on the Supreme Court.

Study the history of the Supreme Court nominations. What the Republicans are doing is not something new. I know the Dems are saying it's not legitimate, but it DEFINITELY is.

Yes, it is.

It actually goes back to 2014 when Mitch McConnell became the majority leader. It wasn't just the Supreme Court seat that was blocked. It was 105 other nominations to district courts and the court of appeals that he also blocked. That had not been done before by anyone. It's not unusual for the president and the senate majority to not be of the same party. It is highly unusual for the senate majority leader to go for two years without calling virtually any judicial nominations to a vote. And, I think it has created a very dangerous precedent to where no nominations or legislation is ever called to a vote unless one of the parties has control over the presidency, the house, and the senate. That IS unusual.

I would hope that even people who are right wing blowhards would ask themselves if this new precedent is a good thing. There is a chance that in less than two months, the Dems win the white house and get control of the senate. I won't go so far to say that it's probable, but it is at least possible. And...then what? Now the other half of the country is going to be made to feel they're not represented (and to a large degree they won't be), and that's a problem. "Oh, you want to block all this legislation without even discussing how it can be changed or what compromises can be made?? Okay, well now we will reintroduce all of it and pass it as it was originally written. You want to block our Supreme Court nominees? Well then we'll just expand the court to 11, or 13, or 15. Biden picks all of the new justices. Every opening on the lower courts goes through as well and every judge selected will be left leaning because now it's a person's politics that matter rather than their knowledge of the law. If any judge appointed by Trump makes a ruling we don't like, we will just appeal it all the way up to the Supreme Court, which now has 13 justices on it so it will rule the way the way we want them to." Basically, sit down and shut up. You're not in charge anymore. And, that IS different. At least in my lifetime.

You know what? What I really don't get is why McConnell wouldn't even call things to a vote that probably wouldn't have made it through the senate anyway. Even in looking at it through the lens of dirty politics that didn't make any sense. I get blocking things that you don't want passed that you think will pass. I also get blocking things that you want to see passed but that you don't think will have the votes in the senate. But blocking things that won't pass through the senate anyway doesn't make a whole lot of sense. He could have called it to a vote, had it lose, and then just shrugged his shoulders. Then it would have been dead instead of just sitting there. Or at the very least it could have lead to a situation where there was discussion about what changes could be made to the bill so both sides could live with it. But, nope. Just not gonna vote on it. Not even gonna talk about it. If this is nothing new, then when has that happened before? It really hasn't in my lifetime. It's a new norm, and it's not a good new norm.

09-28-2020, 09:51 AM
Yes, it is.

It actually goes back to 2014 when Mitch McConnell became the majority leader. It wasn't just the Supreme Court seat that was blocked. It was 105 other nominations to district courts and the court of appeals that he also blocked. That had not been done before by anyone. It's not unusual for the president and the senate majority to not be of the same party. It is highly unusual for the senate majority leader to go for two years without calling virtually any judicial nominations to a vote. And, I think it has created a very dangerous precedent to where no nominations or legislation is ever called to a vote unless one of the parties has control over the presidency, the house, and the senate. That IS unusual.

I would hope that even people who are right wing blowhards would ask themselves if this new precedent is a good thing. There is a chance that in less than two months, the Dems win the white house and get control of the senate. I won't go so far to say that it's probable, but it is at least possible. And...then what? Now the other half of the country is going to be made to feel they're not represented (and to a large degree they won't be), and that's a problem. "Oh, you want to block all this legislation without even discussing how it can be changed or what compromises can be made?? Okay, well now we will reintroduce all of it and pass it as it was originally written. You want to block our Supreme Court nominees? Well then we'll just expand the court to 11, or 13, or 15. Biden picks all of the new justices. Every opening on the lower courts goes through as well and every judge selected will be left leaning as well because now it's a person's politics that matter and so much their knowledge of the law. If any judge appointed by Trump makes a ruling we don't like, we will just appeal it all the way up to the Supreme Court, which now has 13 justices on it so it will rule the way the way we want them to." Basically, sit down and shut up. You're not in charge anymore. And, that IS different. At least in my lifetime.

You know what? What I really don't get is why McConnell wouldn't even call things to a vote that probably wouldn't have made it through the senate anyway. Even in looking at it through the lens of dirty politics that didn't make any sense. I get blocking things that you don't want passed that you think will pass. I also get blocking things that you want to see passed but that you don't think will have the votes in the senate. But blocking things that won't pass through the senate anyway doesn't make a whole lot of sense. He could have called it to a vote, had it lose, and then just shrugged his shoulders. Then it would have been dead instead of just sitting there. Or at the very least it could have lead to a situation where there was discussion about what changes could be made to the bill so both sides could live with it. But, nope. Just not gonna vote on it. Not even gonna talk about it. If this is nothing new, then when has that happened before? It really hasn't in my lifetime. It's a new norm, and it's not a good new norm.

...And why stop there??

DC appears to be left leaning. So do some of the territories like Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Samoa. How'd they like to be states? The Dems can do it! It's in the Constitution! They'd have House, Senate, and Presidency! Come on in! With eight new almost assuredly democratic senators!! That would create a need for more district judges, so they'd appoint more! And they'd make sure they were all liberal leaning!

California is a big place! Let's see if they'd like to split in half! Or maybe even into thirds! There is a way to do that in the constitution! That's four more almost assuredly democratic senators! It's in the interest of our party, so let's do it!!

So...what I'm getting at here is that while the constitution allows for all of that, those would not be good norms. For anyone. Neither is what Mitch McConnell's Senate did in terms of new norms. I would hope both sides could see that this may open a door that ultimately no one wants open, but I'm not so sure that they can.

Muskie in dayton
09-28-2020, 10:17 AM
Looks like our president is a tax fraud. White House to Big House.
I’m missing something. Did Trump do something illegal on his taxes? Or did he follow the tax code to minimize his tax liability, like everyone does? I didn’t see that in the NYT article. Or is this just another Pre-election hit job the MSM is pulling on those who have no ability to think critically?

09-28-2020, 10:33 AM
I’m missing something. Did Trump do something illegal on his taxes? Or did he follow the tax code to minimize his tax liability, like everyone does? I didn’t see that in the NYT article. Or is this just another Pre-election hit job the MSM is pulling on those who have no ability to think critically?

I don't think so, but I also don't think that's what most who were yelling that he make his tax returns public were really going for. I think they just wanted to show that he wasn't as rich or as successful as he was claiming to be. Since we pretty much all knew that anyway, there really isn't a surprise here. I still don't understand why he didn't just release them. It wasn't THAT big of a deal and his base sure as hell wouldn't have cared. They really don't care now, so...

09-28-2020, 10:34 AM
So, you are completely ignorant of how it is supposed to work?

4 years ago has nothing to do with anything.

Hardly. Four years ago, President Obama submitted a name that everyone said would easily be confirmed by the Senate even with the 60 vote hurdle in place. But Bitch McConnell refused to allow the vote. Is that how it's "supposed to work"?

09-28-2020, 10:42 AM
I’m missing something. Did Trump do something illegal on his taxes?

I suspect it's possible he did do something illegal. I think the grand jury in NY is looking into his activity on his taxes.
It might be that artificially inflating his asset values to secure financing, then lowering them to avoid taxes is questionable.
I do like the sudden appearance of $4 billion worth of Brand valuation on his taxes.
I myself have a $8 billion Brand evaluation, but it's apparently not enough for an advance on bourbon at Dana's.

09-28-2020, 11:06 AM
Hardly. Four years ago, President Obama submitted a name that everyone said would easily be confirmed by the Senate even with the 60 vote hurdle in place. But Bitch McConnell refused to allow the vote. Is that how it's "supposed to work"?

To me, this is what really escalated it. Opposing one party in that situation but then supporting your own when it's in the exact same situation has not been the norm. Not just with the supreme court, but with the nomination of 105 other federal judges. Blocking all of them under one president, and then saying that filling those vacancies is a priority once the new president is in office was never the norm. If it was, then when did it happen?

Now, it is technically within the rules. But like I said earlier....do you REALLY want to open that door? There are also a lot of things the democrats can do that are technically within the rules if/when they win the presidency and get control of the house and senate. That could happen within a matter of months. But even if it isn't for another two years, or four years, or longer, it will eventually happen. IF you want the norms to change, then realize that the democrats can and will operate under those same parameters whenever it gets to be their turn again.

And, no. This is not how it is 'SUPPOSED' to work. Nearly half the country is not supposed to be made to feel that they aren't represented, nor should they be made to feel that the technicalities are being used against their representation. But, I think that's where we are heading (if we aren't already there).

09-28-2020, 11:12 AM
I’m missing something. Did Trump do something illegal on his taxes? Or did he follow the tax code to minimize his tax liability, like everyone does? I didn’t see that in the NYT article. Or is this just another Pre-election hit job the MSM is pulling on those who have no ability to think critically?

So. I finally read the NYT Trump tax story because I wanted to see what line was being reported for taxes owed and I came across this about the $750 in 2016 and 2017. Per the NYT own story, Trump actually paid to the US Treasury $1 million in 2016 and $4.2 million in 2017.


09-28-2020, 11:17 AM
I suspect it's possible he did do something illegal. I think the grand jury in NY is looking into his activity on his taxes.
It might be that artificially inflating his asset values to secure financing, then lowering them to avoid taxes is questionable.
I do like the sudden appearance of $4 billion worth of Brand valuation on his taxes.
I myself have a $8 billion Brand evaluation, but it's apparently not enough for an advance on bourbon at Dana's.

I don't like Trump, but of all the handwringing coming from those that don't like him, going after his taxes always struck me as being kind of petty. I'm not an accountant so maybe I just don't fully understand this stuff, but the IRS presumably had them. If there was a problem with them, they would have presumably done something. They didn't. I thought it was a little silly that he was so defiant about releasing him because that is what people who run for public office normally do, but I never really thought it was anything more than that. I seriously doubt the guy does (or understands) his own taxes anyway.

09-28-2020, 11:19 AM

I can't tell from that: did Trump pay $750 more in addition to his estimated payment when he filed for an extension, or did he end up getting a refund of the $1 million and $4.2 million because his total tax liability was $750? Not clear from the article/linked tweets.

09-28-2020, 11:27 AM
I can't tell from that: did Trump pay $750 more in addition to his estimated payment when he filed for an extension, or did he end up getting a refund of the $1 million and $4.2 million because his total tax liability was $750? Not clear from the article/linked tweets.

No idea really. But I just don't think the NY Times article is proof of anything other than 1) he didn't break the law and 2) no enrichment from Russia. Everything else is Trump and his accountants doing clever tax work, which is whatever. I can't knock a guy for that.

09-28-2020, 11:31 AM

Since you are quoting from the NYT article, I thought that you probably should read a bit firther than you did to find your quote. Below is the NYT article reference for your edification:

"Each time, he requested an extension to file his 1040; and each time, he made the required payment to the I.R.S. for income taxes he might owe — $1 million for 2016 and $4.2 million for 2017. But virtually all of that liability was washed away when he eventually filed, and most of the payments were rolled forward to cover potential taxes in future years.

To cancel out the tax bills, Mr. Trump made use of $9.7 million in business investment credits, at least some of which related to his renovation of the Old Post Office hotel, which qualified for a historic-preservation tax break. Although he had more than enough credits to owe no taxes at all, his accountants appear to have carved out an allowance for a small tax liability for both 2016 and 2017.

When they got to line 56, the one for income taxes due, the amount was the same each year: $750."

Hope this is helpful in understanding what actually happened.

09-28-2020, 11:41 AM
If it's $750 on line 56, that suggests he got a refund of the $1 million and $4.2 million.

09-28-2020, 11:50 AM
If it's $750 on line 56, that suggests he got a refund of the $1 million and $4.2 million.

Line 56 asks you to deduct credits from your tax liability. It doesn't mean a refund.

09-28-2020, 12:00 PM
Line 56 asks you to deduct credits from your tax liability. It doesn't mean a refund.

Line 56 (on the 2016 form) is total tax liability before payments. If he made $1 million and $4.2 million of estimated payments, then he was getting all that back if line 56 said $750.

X Factor
09-28-2020, 12:02 PM
If Trump didn't do any illegal, I don't care if he used the tax code to pay less taxes.

Joe Biden used a series of tax code loopholes to avoid paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes over the years.


Lamont Sanford
09-28-2020, 12:43 PM
If anyone thinks that it's just Trump who's using legal tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes, then I got a bridge to sell you. Everyone with money does it. Keep your money and pay a tax expert to find the loopholes to avoid those taxes. That's the American way unfortunately.

X Factor
09-28-2020, 12:54 PM
If anyone thinks that it's just Trump who's using legal tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes, then I got a bridge to sell you. Everyone with money does it. Keep your money and pay a tax expert to find the loopholes to avoid those taxes. That's the American way unfortunately.

And yet the media and Democrats only wet their diapers when Trump does it.

09-28-2020, 12:55 PM
It always seemed to me that the larger questions were having Russian buyers pay inflated prices for real estate, and the loans from Deutsche bank that might have been backed by the state bank of Russia. Those seemed to be plausible reasons for his refusal to be hard on the Russians when situations seemed to warrant.

09-28-2020, 12:59 PM
Line 56 (on the 2016 form) is total tax liability before payments. If he made $1 million and $4.2 million of estimated payments, then he was getting all that back if line 56 said $750.

I don't know what form you are looking at, but here is the 2016 1040 form link: https://www.efile.com/tax-form/tax-year/2016-federal-form-1040-us-individual-income-tax-return.pdf. Seems pretty clear that line 56 asks you to deduct credits (not taxes withheld) from your estimated tax liability to get your actual taxes owed.

09-28-2020, 01:10 PM
Did Trump pay more to Stormy Daniels than he did to the IRS?? Because if he did, that's pretty funny!! I think my opinion of him was just elevated by several levels!

09-28-2020, 01:18 PM
I don't know what form you are looking at, but here is the 2016 1040 form link: https://www.efile.com/tax-form/tax-year/2016-federal-form-1040-us-individual-income-tax-return.pdf. Seems pretty clear that line 56 asks you to deduct credits (not taxes withheld) from your estimated tax liability to get your actual taxes owed.

Yes, taxes owed on line 56 would be $750. Then you get down to line 74, and total payments apparently were $1 million and $4.2 million in 16 and 17, respectively. Line 74 would exceed line 63 (let's assume line 63 is the same as line 56), and Trump would get a full refund minus $750.

Mrs. Garrett
09-28-2020, 02:43 PM
I don't think he really cared if we saw what he paid or didn't pay in taxes.

He cares that we all know he is a shitty business man with a significantly lower net worth than he claims.

09-28-2020, 03:00 PM
I don't think he really cared if we saw what he paid or didn't pay in taxes.

He cares that we all know he is a shitty business man with a significantly lower net worth than he claims.

I think we all knew that already. His base doesn’t care and his opposition doesn't like him any less. I don't think this changes anything.

09-28-2020, 04:28 PM
Well, all his has to do is release his taxes like Biden did and every president since Nixon. Problem solved. Oh.....maybe not.

09-28-2020, 05:10 PM
Now, it is technically within the rules. But like I said earlier....do you REALLY want to open that door? There are also a lot of things the democrats can do that are technically within the rules if/when they win the presidency and get control of the house and senate. That could happen within a matter of months. But even if it isn't for another two years, or four years, or longer, it will eventually happen. IF you want the norms to change, then realize that the democrats can and will operate under those same parameters whenever it gets to be their turn again.

And, no. This is not how it is 'SUPPOSED' to work. Nearly half the country is not supposed to be made to feel that they aren't represented, nor should they be made to feel that the technicalities are being used against their representation. But, I think that's where we are heading (if we aren't already there).

Personally, wish they would have waited to fill. However, this kind stuff (changing precedent) has been happening for a long time. Obamacare, one of the last big piece of legislation passed comes to mind. To get that type of bill through the Senate you needed 60 votes. The Democrats had 60 until Ted Kennedy died and Scott Brown took over seat leaving them one vote short.

The Democrats used reconciliation to push the bill through. Reconciliation was used to get spending through and never intended for bills like healthcare. As Democrat Rep. Alcee Hastings of the House Rules Committee famously said during the bill process: “We’re making up the rules as we go along.”

X Factor
09-28-2020, 05:21 PM
I don't think he really cared if we saw what he paid or didn't pay in taxes.

He cares that we all know he is a shitty business man with a significantly lower net worth than he claims.

He's still a billionaire. And he's been an excellent President; looking out for American workers, defending the unborn, defending the 1st & 2nd amendments, protecting our borders, bringing troops home from places we never should've been, brokering peace deals in the Middle East, as well as implementing economic policies that had the economy roaring until Covid-19 appeared.

That's why he's going to be re-elected in just over a month.

Mrs. Garrett
09-28-2020, 05:31 PM
He's still a billionaire. And he's been an excellent President; looking out for American workers, defending the unborn, defending the 1st & 2nd amendments, protecting our borders, bringing troops home from places we never should've been, brokering peace deals in the Middle East, as well as implementing economic policies that had the economy roaring until Covid-19 appeared.

That's why he's going to be re-elected in just over a month.

I'm sorry I said some mean things about your boyfriend. And he probably only hits you because he loves you.

09-28-2020, 05:33 PM
It's a hard pill to swallow when you realize you've been conned.

09-28-2020, 06:02 PM
I will enjoy having Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett on the Supreme Court, but I am of the opinion that the Republicans should have given a hearing to and confirmed Garland in 2016. And if the Democrats win big in November and decide to pack the Court, I will find that to be a bigger travesty than the Garland debacle, but I will feel like the Republicans have more than earned it.

X Factor
09-28-2020, 06:08 PM
I'm sorry I said some mean things about your boyfriend. And he probably only hits you because he loves you.

That's funny.

X-band '01
09-28-2020, 06:20 PM
To me, the question now is how did the New York Times get their hands on Trump's taxes when the State of New York, Congress, and the Southern District of New York have all been unsuccessful?

I have a feeling that Trump's just screwing around with everyone here. Or someone's about to get sued for crossing Trump's red line.

09-28-2020, 07:02 PM
Or someone's about to get sued for crossing Trump's red line.

He'd have to bring in his tax returns to prove the reporting was bogus. So don't see that happening.

Per the report, Trump’s tax records reveal that he has failed to pay back a whopping $287 million to his lenders since 2010. So much for the record of the self-described “king of debt.”