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06-29-2020, 10:29 AM
I find both parties and their representatives equally disgusting. So join me and don’t vote for either.

Yep....I've decided I'm done voting for the lesser of two evils and so for the first time since I turned 18, I wont be voting in November. That goes for not only the Presidential choice, but the Senate race here in kentucky which will be McConnell vs an AOC type candidate. I just refuse to contribute to either side at this point.

06-29-2020, 10:58 AM
Yep....I've decided I'm done voting for the lesser of two evils and so for the first time since I turned 18, I wont be voting in November. That goes for not only the Presidential choice, but the Senate race here in kentucky which will be McConnell vs an AOC type candidate. I just refuse to contribute to either side at this point.

Instead of police reform, we need political reform. I think the VAST majority of cops are good people. Lets just say 2 out of 10 aren't ideal and right for the job.

I think it's the total opposite with politicians. Hard to find a good, honest one.

06-29-2020, 11:01 AM
Instead of police reform, we need political reform. I think the VAST majority of cops are good people. Lets just say 2 out of 10 aren't ideal and right for the job.

I think it's the total opposite with politicians. Hard to find a good, honest one.

Yep, and then even if you find a good honest one, you may completely disagree with their political platform. Like cory booker who I think may win the democratic nomination and run against McConnell. He seems like a good honest man, but he is so far left (like aoc left) that I cant vote for him.

06-29-2020, 12:22 PM
Trump stands for being an asshole, and Biden doesn’t know what he stands for. I will not vote for either, but I will vote for Romney.

What about Romney do you like from a public policy perspective?

06-29-2020, 01:43 PM
Cory Booker is the senator from New Jersey.

Charles Booker is running for the democratic nomination for the senate in Kentucky.

06-29-2020, 01:57 PM
Cory Booker is the senator from New Jersey.

Charles Booker is running for the democratic nomination for the senate in Kentucky.

Yep my bad..had a feeling I messed his name up.

06-29-2020, 02:39 PM
What the country needs, in order to really begin to have a third or more parties with a real chance, is ranked choice voting. It doesn't even require Congress as the states can make the decision to do this. Maine does it. It would allow us to pick the 3rd party candidate as our top choice and, if that person is not the top vote getter, then my vote goes to my next choice. This would REALLY allow a 3rd party to have a legitimate shot because no one would feel like their vote is being lost by using it on a 3rd party or other candidate. Imagine if there was a 3rd party candidate that a lot of people liked, but half hated Trump and half hated Biden. They could BOTH vote for the 3rd party candidate with either Biden or Trump as their second choice. They would not be "wasting" their vote, and we might actually get a decent candidate for the first time in ages

Muskie in dayton
06-29-2020, 03:27 PM
Yep....I've decided I'm done voting for the lesser of two evils and so for the first time since I turned 18, I wont be voting in November. That goes for not only the Presidential choice, but the Senate race here in kentucky which will be McConnell vs an AOC type candidate. I just refuse to contribute to either side at this point.
Instead of not voting I encourage you to vote third party or independent. Heck write in someone. Unless the D’s and the R’s see their percent vote drop, nothing will change.

How about a campaign to write in David F West??? Yeah.

Muskie in dayton
06-29-2020, 03:32 PM
What about Romney do you like from a public policy perspective?
Yes, I like Romney a lot - he’s the only Republican I’ve voted for President, and I would absolutely vote for him this year if by the grace of God, Trump bailed. I’m a big fan of business people leading the executive branch... just not Trump. I also think Romney has among the best moral characters of any political figure, but that doesn’t say much...

06-29-2020, 03:56 PM
Just keep throwing "racist", "sexist", "xenophobic" out there and hopefully people will start to believe you.

I've crunched the numbers, and it turns out a lot of people do in fact believe those statements. To be fair the sample size is quite large for people with eyes and ears.

06-29-2020, 04:39 PM
Whoa now....Are you saying I shouldn't believe the senior senator from the great state of South Carolina?

06-30-2020, 01:03 PM
Cory Booker is the senator from New Jersey.

Charles Booker is running for the democratic nomination for the senate in Kentucky.

Bye bye Charles Booker

06-30-2020, 01:09 PM
“Black Lives Matter” has been co-opted by “White Lives Guilt”
As written by Black Educator Charles Love:


06-30-2020, 01:17 PM
Yes, I like Romney a lot - he’s the only Republican I’ve voted for President, and I would absolutely vote for him this year if by the grace of God, Trump bailed. I’m a big fan of business people leading the executive branch... just not Trump. I also think Romney has among the best moral characters of any political figure, but that doesn’t say much...

Romney, the left’s new poster boy, was vilified as a rich, out of touch venture capitalist associated with Bain Capital, evil Wall Street and companies that bought up businesses and shuttered factories in 2012. Nope, when he was legit running vs Obama- Romney with a better platform and record behind him- he was Satan.
Now he’s a hero? Which is it?

Muskie in dayton
06-30-2020, 01:51 PM
Romney, the left’s new poster boy, was vilified as a rich, out of touch venture capitalist associated with Bain Capital, evil Wall Street and companies that bought up businesses and shuttered factories in 2012. Nope, when he was legit running vs Obama- Romney with a better platform and record behind him- he was Satan.
Now he’s a hero? Which is it?
He’s the same guy he always was. Only partisan idiots think he was evil then and good now, or vice-versa.

06-30-2020, 02:29 PM
He’s the same guy he always was. Only partisan idiots think he was evil then and good now, or vice-versa.

I don't think he really processes things through anything other than a Partisan filter. The concept that there could be people out there who aren't Democrats that both like Romney and don't like Trump doesn't seem to get through that filter.

Of course the left vilified him as an out of touch rich guy, they were trying to win the election. I'm not aware of a recent election in which both parties weren't trying to vilify the other party's candidate.

Romney lost, but I don't think anyone was beating Obama regardless of who they were. Had he run in 2016 I think he would have sailed through the primaries and probably won the election convincingly.

And Yes, Romney had remained pretty consistent for the most part.

06-30-2020, 09:50 PM
I don't think he really processes things through anything other than a Partisan filter. The concept that there could be people out there who aren't Democrats that both like Romney and don't like Trump doesn't seem to get through that filter.

Of course the left vilified him as an out of touch rich guy, they were trying to win the election. I'm not aware of a recent election in which both parties weren't trying to vilify the other party's candidate.

Romney lost, but I don't think anyone was beating Obama regardless of who they were. Had he run in 2016 I think he would have sailed through the primaries and probably won the election convincingly.

And Yes, Romney had remained pretty consistent for the most part.

They did more than that. They said he'd put black people back in chains. They mocked him for his binders of women comment when everyone knew he was actually trying to show that he was advocating for more women in important positions in the work place. They couldn't attack his character with real criticisms so they made shit up and it worked.

07-01-2020, 08:26 AM
They did more than that. They said he'd put black people back in chains. They mocked him for his binders of women comment when everyone knew he was actually trying to show that he was advocating for more women in important positions in the work place. They couldn't attack his character with real criticisms so they made shit up and it worked.

That's what they do..........they are disgraceful.

07-01-2020, 10:02 AM
Anyone going to talk about the Russian bounties killing US Troops or more fake news?

07-01-2020, 10:38 AM
Speaking of making shit up, I heard that Obama wasn't born in America.

07-01-2020, 11:05 AM
Anyone going to talk about the Russian bounties killing US Troops or more fake news?

Fake news. Been confirmed that Trump was never told and the Intelligence Community has verified that they could not confirm the rumor.
And yeah. Like the Taliban is gonna cooperate with a party that was their enemy and fought with them for 20 years.

Again, the left just keeps trying to come up with stuff to smear Trump, and nothing sticks. It just fades into the ether after the "bombshell" accusations.

-The US will have a nuclear war with North Korea. Never happened, in fact relations are a bit better than ever before
-The Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Nope. False dossier, FBI bias and a 2 year Mueller investigation showed zero.
-Michael Flynn. A total false case. Read the Stozyk notes.
-Impeachment hearing. Total BS bias. And What of Hunter Biden collecting $80,000/month for nothing more than "influence"
-Trump puts immigrant kids in cages!!- That program started under Obama, as did the entire policy.
-Trump's a racist!!- First President, including and especially Obama, to initiate Criminal justice reform to stop the overjailing of Blacks.
-The economy is fake!!- Still going strong
-The Russians had a bounty! -False or at least unverified and Trump was never briefed.
-Trump's SCOTUS nominee was a rapist in high school!!- One person's story. No corroboration, in fact, all of her supposed friends and family denied it happened. Zero confirmation and, in fact, the Ford's lawyers NEVER turned the requested Psychologist report notes to Congress.

Dispicable, but it won't stop. Meanwhile Sleepy Joe remains locked in the basement, except for "YOU AIN'T BLACK IF YOU DON"T VOTE FOR ME!!"

07-01-2020, 11:10 AM
Whoa now....Are you saying I shouldn't believe the senior senator from the great state of South Carolina?

Oh, I don't know.
How about the Junior Senator from South Carolina- Tim Scott- that put forth a comprehensive Police Reform Bill that was immediately cashiered by the Liberal Democrats...and that no one in the Main Stream Media could even give 2 seconds of coverage to?

07-01-2020, 01:01 PM
A more comprehensive plan was put forth by the House, which McConnell tabled.

07-01-2020, 01:03 PM
Things like this give me hope for our country.


07-01-2020, 01:08 PM
They did more than that. They said he'd put black people back in chains. They mocked him for his binders of women comment when everyone knew he was actually trying to show that he was advocating for more women in important positions in the work place. They couldn't attack his character with real criticisms so they made shit up and it worked.

Who's the snowflake now? This is everything that I'm sure you accuse 'the liberals' of all the time. Taking deep offense at a relatively minor slight that was done to a person that you don't even know. You are like a social justice warrior, but for Mitt Romney. You are a (presumably) grown ass man who seems to have his feelings hurt by what other people said about another grown ass man. You might even care more than Mitt Romney does about the things that were said about him.

Politics is a dirty game. If you want to sit there an act like the Republicans aren't doing the same things I don't know how to help you. Hell Barack Obama spent his whole Presidency dealing with the guy who is now President saying that he wasn't born in America, despite him having produced a birth certificate.

That's not even getting into the shit that Trump said about his fellow Republicans during the primaries. Remember when he called Ted Cruz' wife ugly and implied that his father may have had something to do with the JFK assassination? Remember when he repeatedly mocked Jeb Bush? Remember when he called Carly Fiorina ugly? That's not even shit that Democrats did, that's your boy Trump attacking his own party.

But, by all means continue to be offended about what Democrats said about Romney 8 years ago.

Disclaimer: I like Mitt Romney and voted for him.

07-01-2020, 02:28 PM
Who's the snowflake now? This is everything that I'm sure you accuse 'the liberals' of all the time. Taking deep offense at a relatively minor slight that was done to a person that you don't even know. You are like a social justice warrior, but for Mitt Romney. You are a (presumably) grown ass man who seems to have his feelings hurt by what other people said about another grown ass man. You might even care more than Mitt Romney does about the things that were said about him.

Politics is a dirty game. If you want to sit there an act like the Republicans aren't doing the same things I don't know how to help you. Hell Barack Obama spent his whole Presidency dealing with the guy who is now President saying that he wasn't born in America, despite him having produced a birth certificate.

That's not even getting into the shit that Trump said about his fellow Republicans during the primaries. Remember when he called Ted Cruz' wife ugly and implied that his father may have had something to do with the JFK assassination? Remember when he repeatedly mocked Jeb Bush? Remember when he called Carly Fiorina ugly? That's not even shit that Democrats did, that's your boy Trump attacking his own party.

But, by all means continue to be offended about what Democrats said about Romney 8 years ago.

Disclaimer: I like Mitt Romney and voted for him.

That wasn't my point dummy. My point is that you/Democrats can't wish for the days of "nice" Republicans like Romney when he was demonized as a racist and womanizer when Republicans did nominate him. You either give a guy a fair shot or you get someone who doesn't play nice like Trump.

I understand the concept of going negative on a campaign, both sides do it in general elections and primaries. Just don't wish for the old days when Trump beat you at your own game in 2016.

07-01-2020, 03:36 PM
That wasn't my point dummy. My point is that you/Democrats can't wish for the days of "nice" Republicans like Romney when he was demonized as a racist and womanizer when Republicans did nominate him. You either give a guy a fair shot or you get someone who doesn't play nice like Trump.

I understand the concept of going negative on a campaign, both sides do it in general elections and primaries. Just don't wish for the old days when Trump beat you at your own game in 2016.

So, once again, I'm not a Democrat. Never have been. I understand how difficult that must be for you to comprehend, but I am an independent. I make my decisions based on the individual candidates and platforms, which is why my voting record is all over the board. I know that many of you seem to feel the need to build your candidate of choice in to some type of false idol that you worship that the expense of virtually any possible value you could ever hold. Remember when Republicans cared about the budget deficit? I still do - which is incidentally a big part of why I voted for Romney over Obama in 2012.

My opinion is that you are actually sort of right about Trump beating the Democrats at their own game, but not for the reasons you outline. Trump was the first Republican to abandon fiscal conservatism of any kind and simply promise people that if he was their new Daddy that he would take care of all of their problems. He wrapped that in the time honored tradition of blaming people that look different than you, and created a potent cocktail that riled up enough blue collar workers in the Rust Belt for him to win.

Finally, if you think what Trump did TO HIS OWN PARTY (forget about to Hillary - let's just talk primaries) was on the same level as the criticism that Romney faced in 2012 then I think you are being willfully ignorant in some sort of attempt to justify your support for this complete idiot as President.

07-01-2020, 04:38 PM
Finally, if you think what Trump did TO HIS OWN PARTY (forget about to Hillary - let's just talk primaries) was on the same level as the criticism that Romney faced in 2012 then I think you are being willfully ignorant in some sort of attempt to justify your support for this complete idiot as President.

Romney faced nowhere near the attacks that Trump's opponents did during the primaries. No argument there...he was absolutely ruthless and said things on the stage that were absolutely cringe worthy.

You seem to value some level of civility and party solidarity during election build ups. I have to ask:

Did you vote for Hillary? What are your thoughts on what she and the DNC pulled on HER OWN PARTY in the build up to the convention? You know, the whole colluding and rigging a primary thing.

X Factor
07-01-2020, 07:36 PM
He wrapped that in the time honored tradition of blaming people that look different than you, and created a potent cocktail that riled up enough blue collar workers in the Rust Belt for him to win.

Here we go again with the racial politics crap. Trump wants American citizens to have good jobs. American citizens of all colors. That's why, before the pandemic, Black unemployment was at an all time low. All the conservatives and Republicans I know have no problem with "LEGAL" immigration, or people "who don't like us". So, stop that nonsense.

I'm a conservative before I am a Republican so most of the time I vote Republican. I'm staunchly pro-life, pro 2nd amendment, and I believe in school choice. I want a smaller government too, and for our government to stay out of our lives for the most part (which the Repubs have been pretty poor in regards to). If a candidate is pro-choice or anti 2nd amendment, I won't be voting for them, period. That's why I've never voted for a Democrat in my life, and probably never will. Even if there was a Dem candidate that was, which would never happen today, because they would be chased out of the party, I wouldn't vote for them because of their party platform.

07-01-2020, 08:35 PM
Romney faced nowhere near the attacks that Trump's opponents did during the primaries. No argument there...he was absolutely ruthless and said things on the stage that were absolutely cringe worthy.

You seem to value some level of civility and party solidarity during election build ups. I have to ask:

Did you vote for Hillary? What are your thoughts on what she and the DNC pulled on HER OWN PARTY in the build up to the convention? You know, the whole colluding and rigging a primary thing.

I'm not the one who started going down the faux outrage road - that was Juice with his impassioned defense of Mitt Romney. I think he may even have dropped his monocle. I said that politics is a dirty game (it is) and that what Trump said about his own party is worse than what Democrats said about Romney.

As far as whether I voted for Clinton, I did. Reluctantly. The thing is that you won't find me extolling her virtues around here or defending her in any context other than as a better alternative to Trump, which in my opinion nearly everybody is. She was a poor candidate and it took a lot for me to vote for her. I had already mostly decided to vote Republican in 2016 for a few key reasons: (1) I thought that government spending had gotten out of control under Obama and that we needed some fiscal conservatism to reign that in, and (2) I was tired of 8 years of Obama promising to fix everyone's problems. Trump was probably the only candidate I wouldn't have voted for, including Ted Cruz who I find incredibly irksome.

The problem with Trump for me was/is (1) overall competence in leading an organization the size of the United States, (2) he is in no way a fiscal conservative and has, in fact, continued to increase the deficit even before COVID, and (3) he basically ran on saying he was going to fix everyone's problems - he just said it to a different group of people than Obama did.

I understand why people voted for Trump. I really have a hard time understanding the mentality that leads to still supporting him at this point.

07-01-2020, 08:37 PM
Here we go again with the racial politics crap. Trump wants American citizens to have good jobs. American citizens of all colors. That's why, before the pandemic, Black unemployment was at an all time low. All the conservatives and Republicans I know have no problem with "LEGAL" immigration, or people "who don't like us". So, stop that nonsense.

I'm a conservative before I am a Republican so most of the time I vote Republican. I'm staunchly pro-life, pro 2nd amendment, and I believe in school choice. I want a smaller government too, and for our government to stay out of our lives for the most part (which the Repubs have been pretty poor in regards to). If a candidate is pro-choice or anti 2nd amendment, I won't be voting for them, period. That's why I've never voted for a Democrat in my life, and probably never will. Even if there was a Dem candidate that was, which would never happen today, because they would be chased out of the party, I wouldn't vote for them because of their party platform.

Right. All of those things are fine, and I understand why someone who holds those views would vote for Trump. I don't understand why you would continue to defend him. You know that you can vote for someone as the lesser of two evils without convincing yourself that they are somehow a good candidate or President?

Nigel Tufnel
07-01-2020, 08:39 PM
Ok...so no one is changing anyone’s opinion. Wash, rinse, repeat. Got it. I agree that this political thread may be the most civil on the internet...but...yuck.

Name calling has got to stop. Aren’t we better than this? I know the President isn’t...doesn’t mean we can’t be.

07-01-2020, 09:28 PM
So, once again, I'm not a Democrat. Never have been. I understand how difficult that must be for you to comprehend, but I am an independent. I make my decisions based on the individual candidates and platforms, which is why my voting record is all over the board. I know that many of you seem to feel the need to build your candidate of choice in to some type of false idol that you worship that the expense of virtually any possible value you could ever hold. Remember when Republicans cared about the budget deficit? I still do - which is incidentally a big part of why I voted for Romney over Obama in 2012.

My opinion is that you are actually sort of right about Trump beating the Democrats at their own game, but not for the reasons you outline. Trump was the first Republican to abandon fiscal conservatism of any kind and simply promise people that if he was their new Daddy that he would take care of all of their problems. He wrapped that in the time honored tradition of blaming people that look different than you, and created a potent cocktail that riled up enough blue collar workers in the Rust Belt for him to win.

Finally, if you think what Trump did TO HIS OWN PARTY (forget about to Hillary - let's just talk primaries) was on the same level as the criticism that Romney faced in 2012 then I think you are being willfully ignorant in some sort of attempt to justify your support for this complete idiot as President.

I don't care what political party you are. That's why I put you/Democrats.

He's not the first Republican to abandon fiscal conservatism, he's simply the first one to not promise to be one (and then abandon it like they all do).

I think Trump was unfair to Cruz. To the others, I found it sometimes pretty dumb but funny. But if I'm forgetting something really over the line, then I could be corrected. For instance, "Little Marco" is dumb, not offensive, but for some reason I find hilarious.

07-01-2020, 09:30 PM
My opinion is that you are actually sort of right about Trump beating the Democrats at their own game, but not for the reasons you outline. Trump was the first Republican to abandon fiscal conservatism of any kind and simply promise people that if he was their new Daddy that he would take care of all of their problems. He wrapped that in the time honored tradition of blaming people that look different than you, and created a potent cocktail that riled up enough blue collar workers in the Rust Belt for him to win.

Finally, if you think what Trump did TO HIS OWN PARTY (forget about to Hillary - let's just talk primaries) was on the same level as the criticism that Romney faced in 2012 then I think you are being willfully ignorant in some sort of attempt to justify your support for this complete idiot as President.

Wish Trump wasn’t such an asshole, has trouble telling the truth and so arrogant. With that said, I have enjoyed some his policies. The First step act, tax cuts, nominating libertarian leaning Gorsuch, what he’s done for the economy, allowing states to make their own decisions during covid to name a few.

Of course the bad (the ones aforementioned at the beginning) outrageous spending and what it’s done to our deficit, not setting a good example during covid, lack of empathy at times (minus First Step), and hurting our image with our allies (note: I don’t mind expecting them to pay their fair share). Believe it or not, their are some who just like some the results and don’t follow him blindly as you have described.

Finally, you’re right, politics is dirty and Trump has gotten out of control several times. However, I also agree with Juice. MSM helps Democrats shape their message of branding Republicans as being intolerant, which they never seem to defend themselves. I’m sure for some, they finally have someone who isn’t shy calling out MSM’s bullshit.

07-01-2020, 09:50 PM
I'm a conservative before I am a Republican so most of the time I vote Republican. I'm staunchly pro-life, pro 2nd amendment,

You're going to like this guy then:


07-01-2020, 10:05 PM
Wish Trump wasn’t such an asshole, has trouble telling the truth and so arrogant. With that said, I have enjoyed some his policies. The First step act, tax cuts, nominating libertarian leaning Gorsuch, what he’s done for the economy, allowing states to make their own decisions during covid to name a few.

Of course the bad (the ones aforementioned at the beginning) outrageous spending and what it’s done to our deficit, not setting a good example during covid, lack of empathy at times (minus First Step), and hurting our image with our allies (note: I don’t mind expecting them to pay their fair share). Believe it or not, their are some who just like some the results and don’t follow him blindly as you have described.

Finally, you’re right, politics is dirty and Trump has gotten out of control several times. However, I also agree with Juice. MSM helps Democrats shape their message of branding Republicans as being intolerant, which they never seem to defend themselves. I’m sure for some, they finally have someone who isn’t shy calling out MSM’s bullshit.

I agree with a lot of this. I'm against deficit funded tax cuts , so while I enjoyed the extra money (partially offset by SALT changes) I wasn't a fan from a policy perspective. I wasn't bent out of shape about it though.

I think it's unfortunate that they went full Trump from a 'defending themselves' perspective . That's a pretty big step change. Along with that I think that the Republican party compromised way too may of (what used to be) their core values just to have a guy who 'calls out the media'. I don't really know how big of a win that was from a policy perspective.

Just consider the juxtaposition between a party who values independence and states rights and the pseudo-totalitarian rhetoric that Trump frequently employs. How do you balance those two beliefs? Assume/hope he's just kidding?

07-01-2020, 10:06 PM
You're going to like this guy then:


I'll bet he doesn't. They will smear this guy just like they did Mattis when he dared to criticize Trump. Nothing is more important than loyalty to Trump, and he (Trump) wouldn't have it any other way.

07-01-2020, 10:23 PM
I'll bet he doesn't. They will smear this guy just like they did Mattis when he dared to criticize Trump. Nothing is more important than loyalty to Trump, and he (Trump) wouldn't have it any other way.

Should Trump get an opinion only when his tax returns go public?

How his little inner circle fawns over him is embarrassing!

X Factor
07-02-2020, 01:15 AM
Just consider the juxtaposition between a party who values independence and states rights and the pseudo-totalitarian rhetoric that Trump frequently employs. How do you balance those two beliefs? Assume/hope he's just kidding?

What are these pseudo-totalitarian statements that Trump speaks? Please expound.

On another note, this is getting out of control. Another person fired for simply stating, "I despair for our future as a nation if we do not stand up against violence against anyone. BLACK LIVES MATTER, but also, EVERYONE'S LIFE MATTERS."

How many people have been fired recently for saying that? The tolerant left...yep.


Muskie in dayton
07-02-2020, 02:10 AM
What are these pseudo-totalitarian statements that Trump speaks? Please expound.

On another note, this is getting out of control. Another person fired for simply stating, "I despair for our future as a nation if we do not stand up against violence against anyone. BLACK LIVES MATTER, but also, EVERYONE'S LIFE MATTERS."

How many people have been fired recently for saying that? The tolerant left...yep.

This has become scary-similar to the Nazi party rise in Germany. If anyone thinks that’s hyperbole, go read your history books.

07-02-2020, 08:25 AM
What are these pseudo-totalitarian statements that Trump speaks? Please expound.

Here are just a few. The list is much, much longer:

Trump said in December 2017, “I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department.”

He said in June 2018 that he had “the absolute right to PARDON myself.”

He said in July 2019, “I have an Article II [of the Constitution], where I have to the right to do whatever I want as president.”

He offered similar comments in June 2019, saying of his authority to fire special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, “Article II allows me to do whatever I want.”

"When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total. And that’s the way it’s got to be."

This might help: https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2019/05/26/dana-milbank-trumps/

07-02-2020, 08:27 AM
What are these pseudo-totalitarian statements that Trump speaks? Please expound.

On another note, this is getting out of control. Another person fired for simply stating, "I despair for our future as a nation if we do not stand up against violence against anyone. BLACK LIVES MATTER, but also, EVERYONE'S LIFE MATTERS."

How many people have been fired recently for saying that? The tolerant left...yep.


Fr. Graham would fire any Xavier faculty member who wrote something similar with a quickness. He's a full fledged member of the anti racism cult.

07-02-2020, 09:54 AM
You're going to like this guy then:


Objectively, the Republican party is so much better at attack ads than the Democrats. As exhibit A I would point to the Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Against Trump ads, they are so much better than anything the Democratic Party produces attacking bunker boy.

(I am not saying both parties don't create attack ads, I am just saying that the Republicans are better at the game).

X Factor
07-02-2020, 11:40 AM
Here are just a few. The list is much, much longer:

Trump said in December 2017, “I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department.”

He said in June 2018 that he had “the absolute right to PARDON myself.”

He said in July 2019, “I have an Article II [of the Constitution], where I have to the right to do whatever I want as president.”

He offered similar comments in June 2019, saying of his authority to fire special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, “Article II allows me to do whatever I want.”

"When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total. And that’s the way it’s got to be."

This might help: https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2019/05/26/dana-milbank-trumps/

Trump will bloviate from time to time...I think he does it just to watch the Left freak out. Although, he did have the authority to fire Robert Mueller if he wanted to, but guess what, he didn't.

Mrs. Garrett
07-02-2020, 12:09 PM
Trump will bloviate from time to time...I think he does it just to watch the Left freak out. Although, he did have the authority to fire Robert Mueller if he wanted to, but guess what, he didn't.

Or he might bloviate because he's an empty headed dipshit.

07-02-2020, 12:16 PM
Or he might bloviate because he's an empty headed dipshit.

I think he is more of a narcissistic sociopath, which quite frankly most people from NYC area I have met are.

Mrs. Garrett
07-02-2020, 12:26 PM
I think he is more of a narcissistic sociopath, which quite frankly most people from NYC area I have met are.

True. A narcissistic sociopath with moronic leanings.

07-02-2020, 12:31 PM
What are these pseudo-totalitarian statements that Trump speaks? Please expound.

On another note, this is getting out of control. Another person fired for simply stating, "I despair for our future as a nation if we do not stand up against violence against anyone. BLACK LIVES MATTER, but also, EVERYONE'S LIFE MATTERS."

How many people have been fired recently for saying that? The tolerant left...yep.


Then there’s this genius from Harvard.


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07-02-2020, 12:32 PM
True. A narcissistic sociopath with moronic leanings.

From a policy perspective, I like some of the things he has done, some I haven't. Obviously there are going to be two different viewpoints from that perspective, just like basically every single president.

With that said, I'm not voting for him or biden. As I said before, I'm done voting for the lesser of two evils, and I cant in good conscience vote for either of these guys.

X Factor
07-02-2020, 12:38 PM
Then there’s this genius from Harvard.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Now that's classic. I Lib blaming Trump supporters for getting fired. How about you not create a TikTok video where you say you'll stab anyone who says All Lives Matter. You don't say that, you still have a job.

07-02-2020, 12:58 PM
Now that's classic. I Lib blaming Trump supporters for getting fired. How about you not create a TikTok video where you say you'll stab anyone who says All Lives Matter. You don't say that, you still have a job.

Personal responsibility escapes her.

07-02-2020, 02:09 PM
Nice "education" that dingbat got from Harvard too! Tolerance for me but not for thee!

Mrs. Garrett
07-02-2020, 04:09 PM
From a policy perspective, I like some of the things he has done, some I haven't. Obviously there are going to be two different viewpoints from that perspective, just like basically every single president.

With that said, I'm not voting for him or biden. As I said before, I'm done voting for the lesser of two evils, and I cant in good conscience vote for either of these guys.

What's your favorite policy though? My guess is being Putin's bitch.

07-02-2020, 04:29 PM
What's your favorite policy though? My guess is being Putin's bitch.

Interesting perspective based on zero facts. I'm not going to waste my time in a pissing match because I'm certainly not going to change your very one track mind when it comes to him.

I think there are a lot of people that are so repulsed by his character, that they cant accept there are good things that he has done as well.

X Factor
07-02-2020, 04:39 PM
What's your favorite policy though? My guess is being Putin's bitch.

Try again...



07-02-2020, 06:35 PM
Those kind of articles are quite disingenuous.
So they say, for example:

In fact it was Trump — not Obama — who ordered the closure of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City that appeared to be a threat to American security.

You think...well that's good. So you click on the link, and find out Trump did that in response to the Russians making us reduce our staff in Moscow by 755 people.
The article goes on to explain that the Russians were reacting to sanctions put on by Obama...for meddling in our election.
(Which Trump did everything he could to stop investigations and still doesn't acknowledge the intelligence community and Republican committee findings).
So, Moscow did that in 2017, and Trump responded in 2017.

Which might cause you to ask, how was Obama suppose to respond when he was no longer in office?

And somehow that makes Trump stronger on Russia?

07-02-2020, 07:47 PM
Those kind of articles are quite disingenuous.

Because they are right wing op-eds written solely to make trump look better. It is just the uroboros of media.

07-06-2020, 04:59 PM
Will Pat Chambers from Penn State be able to keep his job?

07-06-2020, 05:01 PM
Will Pat Chambers from Penn State be able to keep his job?

Probably not. But it's Penn State basketball,so who really cares?

07-06-2020, 05:04 PM
it's Penn State basketball,so who really cares?

Well you have that...

Muskie in dayton
07-06-2020, 05:48 PM
Will Pat Chambers from Penn State be able to keep his job?
I would say the noose around Chambers’ neck is pretty tight.

07-07-2020, 11:04 AM
How incredibly stupid is DeSean jackson? If the nfl had any balls, which they dont, the guy would be kicked out of the league. Could you imagine what would be done if a white player had shared something as ignorant as Jackson did about black people? Wow.

07-07-2020, 12:43 PM
How incredibly stupid is DeSean jackson? If the nfl had any balls, which they dont, the guy would be kicked out of the league. Could you imagine what would be done if a white player had shared something as ignorant as Jackson did about black people? Wow.

Yup. Wonder what Drew Brees thinks about all this...

07-07-2020, 12:52 PM
Those kind of articles are quite disingenuous.
So they say, for example:

You think...well that's good. So you click on the link, and find out Trump did that in response to the Russians making us reduce our staff in Moscow by 755 people.
The article goes on to explain that the Russians were reacting to sanctions put on by Obama...for meddling in our election.
(Which Trump did everything he could to stop investigations and still doesn't acknowledge the intelligence community and Republican committee findings).
So, Moscow did that in 2017, and Trump responded in 2017.

Which might cause you to ask, how was Obama suppose to respond when he was no longer in office?

And somehow that makes Trump stronger on Russia?

How's that Russia Collusion Investigation going? Ummmm..

07-07-2020, 12:53 PM
Because they are right wing op-eds written solely to make trump look better. It is just the uroboros of media.

"The Hill" is certainly not right wing.

07-07-2020, 01:26 PM
How's that Russia Collusion Investigation going? Ummmm..

Is that an answer to how can Obama respond when he's not longer in office?

07-07-2020, 01:45 PM
"The Hill" is certainly not right wing.

I didn't say the Hill is right wing, I said the Op-Ed was right wing.


Jen Kerns has served as a GOP strategist and writer for the U.S. presidential debates for FOX News. She previously served as communications director and spokeswoman for the California Republican Party, the Colorado recalls over gun control, and the Prop. 8 battle over marriage which went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court."

07-07-2020, 02:18 PM
I didn't say the Hill is right wing, I said the Op-Ed was right wing.


Jen Kerns has served as a GOP strategist and writer for the U.S. presidential debates for FOX News. She previously served as communications director and spokeswoman for the California Republican Party, the Colorado recalls over gun control, and the Prop. 8 battle over marriage which went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court."

Does that make it invalid?

There is certainly not a dearth of "Left Wing Op-Eds". Just read the WaPo or the NY Times on ANY..edit EVERY day.

07-07-2020, 02:21 PM
Now this is what I call "draining the swamp". Link: https://thehill.com/policy/finance/506213-millions-in-coronavirus-aid-went-to-major-trump-donors-ap

07-07-2020, 02:31 PM
Now this is what I call "draining the swamp". Link: https://thehill.com/policy/finance/506213-millions-in-coronavirus-aid-went-to-major-trump-donors-ap

I don't really get all of the PPP shaming that is going around right now (as compared to when the first round of money dried up before the smallest of small businesses could get to it). So long as the company used the money to properly pay their employees and maintain their employment numbers, it seems like the program worked. Who cares if they donated to a Republican or Democrat, so long as there wasn't special treatment in obtaining the loan or outright fraud.

(full disclosure: I received a PPP loan)

07-07-2020, 02:36 PM
I don't really get all of the PPP shaming that is going around right now (as compared to when the first round of money dried up before the smallest of small businesses could get to it). So long as the company used the money to properly pay their employees and maintain their employment numbers, it seems like the program worked. Who cares if they donated to a Republican or Democrat, so long as there wasn't special treatment in obtaining the loan or outright fraud.

(full disclosure: I received a PPP loan)

Public reps with the man keeping me down. It's a gotcha with no substance. I'm pretty sure there's still money left in the program, so it's not like these folks got it at the expense of others.

07-07-2020, 02:39 PM
I don't really get all of the PPP shaming that is going around right now (as compared to when the first round of money dried up before the smallest of small businesses could get to it). So long as the company used the money to properly pay their employees and maintain their employment numbers, it seems like the program worked. Who cares if they donated to a Republican or Democrat, so long as there wasn't special treatment in obtaining the loan or outright fraud.

(full disclosure: I received a PPP loan)

The math says that over 41% of the PPP money went to companies connected with Trump campaign donors, and they got in at the head of the line when you see when they were awarded the "loans". Nothing says "draining the swamp" like doling out tax dollars to your friends, and then trying to hide what you did.

07-07-2020, 03:02 PM
The math says that over 41% of the PPP money went to companies connected with Trump campaign donors, and they got in at the head of the line when you see when they were awarded the "loans". Nothing says "draining the swamp" like doling out tax dollars to your friends, and then trying to hide what you did.

Really stretching and looking for something that isnt there. Sounds familiar.

X Factor
07-07-2020, 03:05 PM
Marquette University threatened to rescind student’s admission over pro-Trump TikTok video


We're inclusive if you agree with everything we say or want you to think...

Lamont Sanford
07-07-2020, 03:33 PM
Marquette University threatened to rescind student’s admission over pro-Trump TikTok video


We're inclusive if you agree with everything we say or want you to think...

I remember when universities welcomed differing views and beliefs. Seems like all of academia is being overrun by woke libs who will do everything they can to shut down opposing beliefs. SMH.

07-07-2020, 03:41 PM
Didnt think there was something worse than twitter, but yeah tiktok takes over that mantle. Regardless, freaking ridiculous het admission should be in question due to political beliefs. As long as she isnt spewing hate speech like desean jackson, marquette and the idiots should keep quiet.

07-07-2020, 03:47 PM
Really stretching and looking for something that isnt there. Sounds familiar.

Just passing along information. Do with it what you want. But to me, it smacks more of "more of the same" rather than "draining the swamp".

07-07-2020, 05:44 PM
Just passing along information. Do with it what you want. But to me, it smacks more of "more of the same" rather than "draining the swamp".

From the article "The AP noted that there is no evidence these companies received better treatment because of their donations to the president, and their loans only accounted for a portion of the $659 billion loan program."

Just keep lobbing shit grenades against the wall, something will stick eventually!

07-07-2020, 06:12 PM
I thought giving a million stimulus checks totaling 1.4 billion going to dead people might be a little more concerning? Government inefficiency is always my big thing. Yes corporate cronyism always sucks but...

07-07-2020, 06:54 PM
The math says that over 41% of the PPP money went to companies connected with Trump campaign donors, and they got in at the head of the line when you see when they were awarded the "loans". Nothing says "draining the swamp" like doling out tax dollars to your friends, and then trying to hide what you did.

I can only speak from personal experience, but at no time did our bank ask if we were Trump campaign donors. Your place in line was determined by when you submitted a properly completed application. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-07-2020, 07:06 PM
Same. No one asked me about my political affiliation (registered as independent) and all my liberal friends received PPP loans. The liberal media have lost their minds and it’s sad.

X Factor
07-07-2020, 08:05 PM
I bet no one heard about this...


A group of predominantly Black armed protesters marched through a Georgia memorial park on the Fourth of July calling for the removal of a carving of Confederate officials.

The group, named the Not F---ing Around Coalition (NFAC), marched through Stone Mountain Park on Saturday, with many protesters holding rifles, including military-style weapons, and some wearing ammunition belts, Reuters reported.

The protesters called for the removal of the nine-story-high monument depicting Confederacy President Jefferson Davis and two Confederate generals, Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. The location of the monument also served as the site of the Ku Klux Klan’s rebirth in 1915.

Videos posted online showed scores of protesters dressed in black and wearing face scarves during the protest. One clip showed a leader challenging white supremacists while shouting into a loudspeaker.

“I don’t see no white militia,” he said. “We’re here. Where ... you at? We’re in your house. Let’s go.”

Sounds like they want a fight...you only hear the media report when it's conservatives marching or protesting while using their 2nd amendment rights.

Also, look at the response of John Bankhead, spokesman for the Stone Mountain Memorial Association:

“It’s a public park, a state park. We have these protests on both sides of the issue from time to time. We respect people’s First Amendment right,” Bankhead told NBC affiliate station WXIA-TV.

“We understand the sensitivities of the issue here at the park ... so we respect that and allow them to come in as long as it’s peaceful, which it has been,” he added.

Notice how he's even defending this militia's rights to bear arms in public?

And the NFAC might have the best name of any militia I've heard, haha, but it sounds like they are openly provoking extreme groups on the other side. Hopefully this doesn't turn into bloodshed.

07-07-2020, 08:06 PM
The good news is if they all kill each other...nothing of value lost.

07-08-2020, 08:25 AM
Marquette University threatened to rescind student’s admission over pro-Trump TikTok video


We're inclusive if you agree with everything we say or want you to think...

So I've seen one of her videos where it's her simply stating she's a Trump supporter. Nothing about BLM or anything that could be deemed "racist". Is there anything else to this? Because if not, this is insanity. Marquette should close its doors and rethink why it even exists.

Muskie in dayton
07-08-2020, 08:52 AM
So I've seen one of her videos where it's her simply stating she's a Trump supporter. Nothing about BLM or anything that could be deemed "racist". Is there anything else to this? Because if not, this is insanity. Marquette should close its doors and rethink why it even exists.
This is plain and simple fascism. Marquette is supposed to be a Jesuit institution that respects differences of opinion and dialogue. Apparently not. I signed the change.org petition (https://www.change.org/p/republican-national-committee-stop-marquette-university-from-removing-incoming-conservative-student-for-her-beliefs). More importantly I’m going to give my Marquette buddy a hard time. Grass roots, baby.

07-08-2020, 09:08 AM
Didnt think there was something worse than twitter, but yeah tiktok takes over that mantle. Regardless, freaking ridiculous het admission should be in question due to political beliefs. As long as she isnt spewing hate speech like desean jackson, marquette and the idiots should keep quiet.

Tik Tok is a subversive Chinese app that is a data mining goldmine for the CCP.
An MIT Engineer, who posts on Reddit as "Bangorlol", took a significant plunge and "reverse engineered" the app to it's core..and he proved that is exactly what it is. Any app that comes from China is a landmine waiting to explode.
What Pompeo announced yesterday is precisely what the Administration needs to do. If you or any of your kids use that app, stop immediately. It's another type of the Chinese Virus, but I'll probably be called Xenophobic for saying that.


X Factor
07-08-2020, 11:53 AM
And Stephen Jackson is defending Desean Jackson's anti-semetic statements...


07-08-2020, 12:04 PM
And Stephen Jackson is defending Desean Jackson's anti-semetic statements...


Plain stupidity and racist. It's insane that both Jackson are complaining about racism while being completely racist and dont even understand how they are being racist.

Lamont Sanford
07-08-2020, 01:00 PM
From the article "The AP noted that there is no evidence these companies received better treatment because of their donations to the president, and their loans only accounted for a portion of the $659 billion loan program."

Just keep lobbing shit grenades against the wall, something will stick eventually!

That's X-man's (and other libs') M.O. Abject desperation to bring the POTUS down.

X Factor
07-08-2020, 02:08 PM
Just another race hoax by a Democrat...


Lamont Sanford
07-08-2020, 02:13 PM
Just another race hoax by a Democrat...


When did Jussie Smollett move to Oregon???

07-08-2020, 02:55 PM
There is nothing worse than fake, made up and lied about racism. Especially in today's climate. Completely undermines and discredits the real issues going on right now. Should be charged and faced with repercussions. But, we all know how that works.......

07-08-2020, 03:59 PM
There is nothing worse than fake, made up and lied about racism. Especially in today's climate. Completely undermines and discredits the real issues going on right now. Should be charged and faced with repercussions. But, we all know how that works.......

Agree. Stolen valor maybe second. Sounds like he also lied about serving in the US Coast guard. Guy’s a piece of work.

07-08-2020, 05:24 PM
There is nothing worse than fake, made up and lied about racism. Especially in today's climate. Completely undermines and discredits the real issues going on right now. Should be charged and faced with repercussions. But, we all know how that works.......

I'm not sure if this guy will be charged with anything, but I would guess there will be repercussions from a career standpoint.

In the Jussie Smollett example above he is currently facing charges (I believe) and has essentially had his career disappear as a result of his actions, so there certainly seem to have been repercussions for him (and rightfully so) even though he works in Hollywood. We will see how long lasting they are, I suppose.

On a related note: For a hilarious take on Jussie Smollett watch Dave Chappelle's newest special on Netflix if you haven't already.

Lamont Sanford
07-09-2020, 08:29 AM
I'm not sure if this guy will be charged with anything, but I would guess there will be repercussions from a career standpoint.

In the Jussie Smollett example above he is currently facing charges (I believe) and has essentially had his career disappear as a result of his actions, so there certainly seem to have been repercussions for him (and rightfully so) even though he works in Hollywood. We will see how long lasting they are, I suppose.

On a related note: For a hilarious take on Jussie Smollett watch Dave Chappelle's newest special on Netflix if you haven't already.

Jussie will NEVER serve any time for the hoax he perpetrated. NEVER.

Agreed that the Chapelle bit about Jussie was comedic gold! Hilarious!!!

07-09-2020, 09:49 AM
Jussie will NEVER serve any time for the hoax he perpetrated. NEVER.

Agreed that the Chapelle bit about Jussie was comedic gold! Hilarious!!!

Chicago DA I thought decided to not charge even though the city spent a ton of money investigating the whole hoax?

X Factor
07-09-2020, 11:01 AM
Ford employees ask the company to stop making police cars

How stupid can these people be?


07-09-2020, 11:27 AM
Ford employees ask the company to stop making police cars

How stupid can these people be?


The stupidity is mind blowing

07-09-2020, 11:34 AM
Jussie will NEVER serve any time for the hoax he perpetrated. NEVER.

Agreed that the Chapelle bit about Jussie was comedic gold! Hilarious!!!

I generally agree that we will probably not face any jail time for that, and that he should. Making a false complaint is a serious issue and can (and has) sometimes even gotten people killed. I do think he will (and probably has already) face significant repercussions professionally and financially, so his decision to make this whole scenario up will have a massive negative impact on him.

The thing that I find funny about this was that when I heard the original story I thought the same thing as Chappelle - it didn't add up. It was way too 'perfect' of a situation. I mean who is just walking around with a noose? The whole thing was bullshit from the beginning.

Chicago DA I thought decided to not charge even though the city spent a ton of money investigating the whole hoax?

I think he may have been re-charged at some point, but I'm not exactly sure.

07-09-2020, 11:57 AM
The stupidity is mind blowing

Yes. That is very, very stupid.

07-09-2020, 12:38 PM
I generally agree that we will probably not face any jail time for that, and that he should. Making a false complaint is a serious issue and can (and has) sometimes even gotten people killed. I do think he will (and probably has already) face significant repercussions professionally and financially, so his decision to make this whole scenario up will have a massive negative impact on him.

The thing that I find funny about this was that when I heard the original story I thought the same thing as Chappelle - it didn't add up. It was way too 'perfect' of a situation. I mean who is just walking around with a noose? The whole thing was bullshit from the beginning.

I think he may have been re-charged at some point, but I'm not exactly sure.


What a cluster.......he ultimately served 16 hours of community service and forfeited his $10K bond. It cost the city well over 100K to investigate.

07-09-2020, 01:57 PM

What a cluster.......he ultimately served 16 hours of community service and forfeited his $10K bond. It cost the city well over 100K to investigate.

It looks to me like the case may still be active. Here is the last quote from the wiki.

On February 11, 2020, after further investigation by a special prosecutor was completed, Smollett was indicted again by a Cook County grand jury on six counts pertaining to making four false police reports.[5][6] On June 12, 2020, a Judge struck down Smollett's claim that his February charge violated his right against double jeopardy.[7]

07-09-2020, 02:00 PM
Unrelated to Jussie Smollett, it appears that the Supreme Court has ruled that the prosecutors do get access to Trump's tax returns. His response on twitter is what you might expect.

I think that this, and several other Supreme Court rulings, should calm some of the people who were freaking out about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. They do not seem to be doing Trump's bidding at all, and both seem to take the impartiality of the Court very seriously which is a very good thing.

X Factor
07-09-2020, 05:10 PM
Unrelated to Jussie Smollett, it appears that the Supreme Court has ruled that the prosecutors do get access to Trump's tax returns. His response on twitter is what you might expect.

I think that this, and several other Supreme Court rulings, should calm some of the people who were freaking out about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. They do not seem to be doing Trump's bidding at all, and both seem to take the impartiality of the Court very seriously which is a very good thing.

When was the last time a Supreme Court judge appointed by a Democrat President sided with the "conservative" side of the court? It seems like it's always the conservative judges siding with the liberal judges on issues. I know there shouldn't be conservative and liberal judges, but we know how this works.

07-09-2020, 06:37 PM
When was the last time a Supreme Court judge appointed by a Democrat President sided with the "conservative" side of the court? It seems like it's always the conservative judges siding with the liberal judges on issues. I know there shouldn't be conservative and liberal judges, but we know how this works.

2 liberals sided with the conservatives in the masterpiece cake shop decision, if you are talking about landmark decisions. Also the birth control decision this week was a 7-2 decision. Kagan sides with the conservatives on criminal issues quite often.

I think it was David French that had a great tweet thread that most justices aren’t “liberal” or “conservative” in the traditional sense but care more about their judicial ideology. I’ll see if I can find it.

edit: found it https://twitter.com/davidafrench/status/1272621986628468737?s=21

07-09-2020, 08:07 PM
2 liberals sided with the conservatives in the masterpiece cake shop decision, if you are talking about landmark decisions. Also the birth control decision this week was a 7-2 decision. Kagan sides with the conservatives on criminal issues quite often.

I think it was David French that had a great tweet thread that most justices aren’t “liberal” or “conservative” in the traditional sense but care more about their judicial ideology. I’ll see if I can find it.

edit: found it https://twitter.com/davidafrench/status/1272621986628468737?s=21

The liberal justices do vote as a block more often than the conservative ones.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

07-09-2020, 08:19 PM
Know back in April, Joe Exotic had more searches than Joe Biden. Still like to search Biden but Exotic still comes up first. Not sure Exotic has more hits, but it’s interesting to see where our priorities may be in this country.

X Factor
07-09-2020, 09:30 PM
Know back in April, Joe Exotic had more searches than Joe Biden. Still like to search Biden but Exotic still comes up first. Not sure Exotic has more hits, but it’s interesting to see where our priorities may be in this country.

The Google algorithm is trying to hide Joe Biden just as much as hid advisors are. You think they want people finding stuff like this? Just what in the actual hell is Biden talking about? He's on a rapid mental decline...


07-09-2020, 10:28 PM
I thought the choices in 2016 were bad, the 2020 choices make me want to vote for kanye.

07-10-2020, 10:04 AM
Unrelated to Jussie Smollett, it appears that the Supreme Court has ruled that the prosecutors do get access to Trump's tax returns. His response on twitter is what you might expect.

I think that this, and several other Supreme Court rulings, should calm some of the people who were freaking out about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. They do not seem to be doing Trump's bidding at all, and both seem to take the impartiality of the Court very seriously which is a very good thing.

So, will all of the Woke Outraged liberals who took Kavanaugh through the gauntlet over a totally fabricated charge apologize? Or will they ever give Trump credit for actually nominating fine legal minds to serve on the Highest Court in the Land?

I'll hang up and listen.

07-10-2020, 10:06 AM
The stupidity is mind blowing

I've got my popcorn ready:

The UAW vs the Police Unions.

Here. We. GO!!!!!

07-10-2020, 08:05 PM
Or will they ever give Trump credit for actually nominating fine legal minds to serve on the Highest Court in the Land?

Well trump said Kavanaugh "betrayed" him, so I guess he's having second thoughts.

Muskie in dayton
07-10-2020, 08:48 PM
There is nothing worse than fake, made up and lied about racism. Especially in today's climate. Completely undermines and discredits the real issues going on right now. Should be charged and faced with repercussions. But, we all know how that works.......
Looks like we have another one.

X Factor
07-10-2020, 09:27 PM
Looks like we have another one.

What are these people who perpetrate race hoaxes thinking they will achieve by doing this?

07-10-2020, 10:21 PM
What are these people who perpetrate race hoaxes thinking they will achieve by doing this?

Being the victim on a hate crime gets you attention and moves you up a few notches on the oppression totem pole. When the incentives are there, no one should be surprised by the hoaxes.

Muskie in dayton
07-10-2020, 11:40 PM
Looks like we have another one.

I hadn’t heard of this campus reform website until I stumbled on this. It’s dedicated to exposing liberal bias on campuses. I was perusing at and - tying back to some posts a couple days ago - found that Marquette made their list of the 10 worst free speech colleges in America. https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=7304

I had no idea our Jesuit brethren from the cheese state turned fascist. I won’t look at them the same way again.

Good news, no mentions of X on the website.

Edit: I found one but it’s positive:
Caroline Stella, a junior at Xavier University, told Campus Reform, “Students are free to believe whatever they want. That is what makes America so great. However, I believe it is inappropriate for colleges to restrict speech because doing so would remove the ability to openly discuss issues with people who have differing opinions. I also believe that restricting free speech would be immensely harmful to universities.”

Go Caroline! Making X proud. I’ll sleep well tonight.

07-11-2020, 08:08 AM
Barr has almost accomplished for Trump what he did for Bush with the Stone sentence commuting.
All that's left is Flynn (like North) and he will have completed the package.

Of course Carlson's top writer has been posting the same nonsense in unedited form elsewhere.

07-11-2020, 03:49 PM
Being the victim on a hate crime gets you attention and moves you up a few notches on the oppression totem pole. When the incentives are there, no one should be surprised by the hoaxes.

And; likes / followers / clicks (or whatever) on social media

Muskie in dayton
07-11-2020, 04:06 PM
And; likes / followers / clicks (or whatever) on social media
So it’s advantageous financially to lie and fabricate stories?

Lamont Sanford
07-12-2020, 10:53 AM
Barr has almost accomplished for Trump what he did for Bush with the Stone sentence commuting.
All that's left is Flynn (like North) and he will have completed the package.

Of course Carlson's top writer has been posting the same nonsense in unedited form elsewhere.

Paul -

Why are libs sooooooo outraged over Roger Stone's commuted sentence? Being serious here. You would have thought Trump freed Jeffrey Epstein the way people are losing their minds over it. Please educate me.

Also, I read that Barack Hussein Obama commuted 1,715 people in his 8 years in office...more than any President in history. All with little or no public outrage.

To quote my guy XU87..."there ain't no standard like a double standard."

07-12-2020, 11:39 AM
Paul -

Why are libs sooooooo outraged over Roger Stone's commuted sentence? Being serious here. You would have thought Trump freed Jeffrey Epstein the way people are losing their minds over it. Please educate me.

Also, I read that Barack Hussein Obama commuted 1,715 people in his 8 years in office...more than any President in history. All with little or no public outrage.

To quote my guy XU87..."there ain't no standard like a double standard."

Plus the basis for Stone even being charged and investigated has been totally discredited. It never should have happened at all, but for corrupt and incredibly biased agents like Strozk.

07-12-2020, 12:17 PM
Paul -

Why are libs sooooooo outraged over Roger Stone's commuted sentence? Being serious here. You would have thought Trump freed Jeffrey Epstein the way people are losing their minds over it. Please educate me.

Also, I read that Barack Hussein Obama commuted 1,715 people in his 8 years in office...more than any President in history. All with little or no public outrage.

To quote my guy XU87..."there ain't no standard like a double standard."

I suspect it's because his crimes, for which his sentence has been commuted, were lying to protect the guy who commuted his sentence.

Don't recall that anyone Obama commuted a sentence for, were convicted of crimes like lying to congress to protect Obama.
I stand to be corrected on this if wrong.
My sense is that many, if not all, had served a lot of years of their sentences. They were often life sentences for drug possession, and had served many years already.
I wonder if he ever commuted someone before they even went to prison?

07-12-2020, 01:29 PM
I suspect it's because his crimes, for which his sentence has been commuted, were lying to protect the guy who commuted his sentence.

Don't recall that anyone Obama commuted a sentence for, were convicted of crimes like lying to congress to protect Obama.
I stand to be corrected on this if wrong.
My sense is that many, if not all, had served a lot of years of their sentences. They were often life sentences for drug possession, and had served many years already.
I wonder if he ever commuted someone before they even went to prison?

Not Obama but Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich is worse (IMO). Largest tax evasion case ever at that time and was trading with Iran during an embargo and then he fled the country. Rich was a huge contributor to the Democratic Party.

07-12-2020, 01:57 PM
I suspect it's because his crimes, for which his sentence has been commuted, were lying to protect the guy who commuted his sentence.

Don't recall that anyone Obama commuted a sentence for, were convicted of crimes like lying to congress to protect Obama.
I stand to be corrected on this if wrong.
My sense is that many, if not all, had served a lot of years of their sentences. They were often life sentences for drug possession, and had served many years already.
I wonder if he ever commuted someone before they even went to prison?

Welp, for starters there was "Chelsea Manning" who just blatantly leaked 750,000 classified and "sensitive" military documents to Wikileaks putting numerous US operatives and interests in danger and violated the Espionage Act. But "she" was a transgender, so one of the 'preferred" class. "She" served 7 years.
Oh, and Oscar Lopez Rivera who carried out more than 130 bomb attacks with his clandestine paramilitary organization FALN and was convicted of Seditious Activity, sentenced to 55 years THEN tried to escape and was sentenced to another 15 years. He served 36 years.

Yah. They "may" have been a bit more dangerous and ridiculous to commute.

07-12-2020, 02:08 PM
Welp, for starters there was "Chelsea Manning" who just blatantly leaked 750,000 classified and "sensitive" military documents to Wikileaks putting numerous US operatives and interests in danger and violated the Espionage Act. But "she" was a transgender, so one of the 'preferred" class. "She" served 7 years.
Oh, and Oscar Lopez Rivera who carried out more than 130 bomb attacks with his clandestine paramilitary organization FALN and was convicted of Seditious Activity, sentenced to 55 years THEN tried to escape and was sentenced to another 15 years. He served 36 years.

Yah. They "may" have been a bit more dangerous and ridiculous to commute.

I missed the "lying to Congress to protect Obama" part of your post.

07-12-2020, 02:48 PM
I suspect it's because his crimes, for which his sentence has been commuted, were lying to protect the guy who commuted his sentence.

Don't recall that anyone Obama commuted a sentence for, were convicted of crimes like lying to congress to protect Obama.

I’m right behind you if that’s what Stone did. I know that’s what Democrats, MSM and even Romney say and want people to believe. However, Stone was actually charged for lying to Congress about discussing Wikileaks (blaming Credico and protecting Corsi) not to protect Trump.

07-12-2020, 03:24 PM
I’m right behind you if that’s what Stone did. I know that’s what Democrats, MSM and even Romney say and want people to believe. However, Stone was actually charged for lying to Congress about discussing Wikileaks (blaming Credico and protecting Corsi) not to protect Trump.

Actually, Stone said the opposite. See: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/11/trumps-self-serving-help-roger-stone/.

07-12-2020, 04:14 PM
Actually, Stone said the opposite. See: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/11/trumps-self-serving-help-roger-stone/.

He said he didn’t flip in which the prosecutors tried to get him to do. He did not say I lied for him. Again, he was not charged with lying to Congress to protect Trump.


07-12-2020, 09:25 PM
This is a from a tweet from a biased source so correct me if I'm wrong. But this is insane (if true):

Commutations by President:

Bill Clinton—61 in 8 years
George W. Bush—11 in 8 years
Donald Trump—11 in 4 years

Barack Obama?

1,715 in 8 years.

07-13-2020, 06:42 AM
Barr has been vocal about Trump’s involvement in the Stone case. Obama was not right and neither is Trump here, both deserve to be called out:To me, Trump was clearly the lesser of two evils but it amazes me that people justify his behavior just because the alternative was worse.
We now enter another election with 2 horrible candidates and will have another 4 miserable years with someone who is not qualified to lead the country. We are getting what we deserve for not demanding better of our elected leaders and allowing self serving incompetent politicians to run the country,

07-13-2020, 08:15 AM
He said he didn’t flip in which the prosecutors tried to get him to do. He did not say I lied for him. Again, he was not charged with lying to Congress to protect Trump.

I believe he was convicted of lying to Congress. I'm curious as to why you believe he lied to the Republican led committee, if it wasn't to protect Trump.

07-13-2020, 09:33 AM
I believe he was convicted of lying to Congress. I'm curious as to why you believe he lied to the Republican led committee, if it wasn't to protect Trump.

Especially given the fact that he admitted doing just that. Here is the "confession" from the WaPo article I cited in post #6377 above.

"Stone, in fact, said the corrupt part out loud, in a conversation with NBC’s Howard Fineman shortly before Trump’s announcement. “He knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him,” Stone told Fineman. “It would have eased my situation considerably. But I didn’t.” "

07-13-2020, 09:43 AM
Actually, Stone said the opposite. See: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/11/trumps-self-serving-help-roger-stone/.

Stone was alleged to have lied about discussing WikiLeaks; that’s why he was charged only with process crimes, despite all of the heavy breathing about collusion in Mueller’s indictment of Stone. Weissman & Co. did not come close to proving that he or Trump had anything to do with the hacking of Democratic Party emails by Russia or by anyone else.

And, by the way, Trump didn't "Pardon" Stone unlike Billy Clinton did with Marc Rich. he only commuted his sentence. Stone still has a Felony on his record, but it is being appealed.

Anything the Washington Post prints now has to be looked at as coming through a very biased eye. It's become 100% yellow journalism.

07-13-2020, 10:19 AM
Stone was alleged to have lied about discussing WikiLeaks; that’s why he was charged only with process crimes, despite all of the heavy breathing about collusion in Mueller’s indictment of Stone. Weissman & Co. did not come close to proving that he or Trump had anything to do with the hacking of Democratic Party emails by Russia or by anyone else.

The word you are looking for is convicted. https://ibb.co/brz3b57 (and yes I did pay the PACER fee just to double check)


07-13-2020, 10:41 AM
Stone was alleged to have lied about discussing WikiLeaks; that’s why he was charged only with process crimes, despite all of the heavy breathing about collusion in Mueller’s indictment of Stone. Weissman & Co. did not come close to proving that he or Trump had anything to do with the hacking of Democratic Party emails by Russia or by anyone else.

And, by the way, Trump didn't "Pardon" Stone unlike Billy Clinton did with Marc Rich. he only commuted his sentence. Stone still has a Felony on his record, but it is being appealed.

Anything the Washington Post prints now has to be looked at as coming through a very biased eye. It's become 100% yellow journalism.

Even a direct quote by your pal, Stone?

07-13-2020, 11:36 AM
Barr has been vocal about Trump’s involvement in the Stone case. Obama was not right and neither is Trump here, both deserve to be called out:To me, Trump was clearly the lesser of two evils but it amazes me that people justify his behavior just because the alternative was worse.
We now enter another election with 2 horrible candidates and will have another 4 miserable years with someone who is not qualified to lead the country. We are getting what we deserve for not demanding better of our elected leaders and allowing self serving incompetent politicians to run the country,

I agree with this, although I don't think Trump is ever the lesser of two evils.

The fact that even William Barr is against commuting Stone's sentence should say a lot and give pause to all but a core group of people who have bestowed Trump with an infallibility second only to God and the Pope.

07-13-2020, 12:16 PM
The word you are looking for is convicted. https://ibb.co/brz3b57 (and yes I did pay the PACER fee just to double check)


I’m glad you posted this because it makes my point that Stone wasn’t charged with lying to Congress to protect Trump. Could you imagine the news coverage back in November? At least a couple of weeks while giving the Democrats more fuel for their impeachment hearing.

I get your point on the word convicted. However as it stands today, MOR is technically correct on using alleged and how the law is interpreted. Stone could still win his appeal. From the article I posted.

“Stone is appealing his convictions. Weissmann, a longtime prosecutor who is intimately familiar with the appellate process, has to know that because Trump did not pardon Stone, the case is still on direct appeal. That means the convictions are not final as a matter of law.”

07-13-2020, 12:29 PM
Barr has been vocal about Trump’s involvement in the Stone case. Obama was not right and neither is Trump here, both deserve to be called out:To me, Trump was clearly the lesser of two evils but it amazes me that people justify his behavior just because the alternative was worse.

You’re right. Both need to be called out. However, I don’t remember the media being apoplectic over Obama’s pardons. That’s the issue a lot of us have. If a Democratic President commutes the sentence of someone for exactly the same thing as happened in this case, the spin would be very different.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-13-2020, 01:00 PM
I’m glad you posted this because it makes my point that Stone wasn’t charged with lying to Congress to protect Trump.

Judge Jackson also said Stone "was not prosecuted for standing up for the president, he was prosecuted for covering up for the president".


07-13-2020, 01:20 PM
You’re right. Both need to be called out. However, I don’t remember the media being apoplectic over Obama’s pardons. That’s the issue a lot of us have. If a Democratic President commutes the sentence of someone for exactly the same thing as happened in this case, the spin would be very different.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Fine, but right now this is what's happening and can potentially be addressed with regards to President 'drain the swamp'.

I never stop being amazed at the impact Trump has had on Republicans. He is turned them into an even bigger bunch of whiners than the Democrats, which I didn't think possible. There is no principle you can't abandon if your only standard for doing so is be able to convince yourself that the opposing side has done something as bad or worse.

All for Donald freaking Trump. Lord help us.

07-13-2020, 03:59 PM
Judge Jackson also said Stone "was not prosecuted for standing up for the president, he was prosecuted for covering up for the president".


Maybe we are talking about two different things? Obviously you’re talking about the prosecution and I’m talking about what he was allegedly convicted for. May have misunderstood your post on this one. My bad.

Will concede helping Trump was part of his goal. Can’t understand why Stone thought that helping out Jerome Corsi and intimidating Credico would help Tump in anyway especially during an investigation. Well OK, we all know Stone’s an idiot. Whatever happened to let the facts speak for themselves.

FWIW, I do agree with Barr that the original recommendation of sentence was far too much for a process crime and that Trump shouldn’t have commuted his sentence.

07-14-2020, 06:05 PM
87 year old RBG is back in the hospital. I know that makes people very, very nervous. If she were to die in the next couple of months, it would be a complete shit show.

07-14-2020, 06:43 PM
87 year old RBG is back in the hospital. I know that makes people very, very nervous. If she were to die in the next couple of months, it would be a complete shit show.

Are you saying McConnell would change his own rule and try to replace her before the election? Surely you jest. What makes you think that?

07-14-2020, 06:49 PM
Are you saying McConnell would change his own rule and try to replace her before the election? Surely you jest. What makes you think that?


07-14-2020, 07:39 PM
Are you saying McConnell would change his own rule and try to replace her before the election? Surely you jest. What makes you think that?

They'll keep her on life support until 1/20

07-14-2020, 07:40 PM
Are you saying McConnell would change his own rule and try to replace her before the election? Surely you jest. What makes you think that?

If something happened, I would hope Republicans would wait until the election is over. They would look foolish if they didn’t. Well that wouldn’t be the first time.

Side note: like the fact her and Scalia had such respect and admiration of thought. Talk about polar opposites. Sounds rather healthy.

07-14-2020, 08:05 PM
If something happened, I would hope Republicans would wait until the election is over. They would look foolish if they didn’t. Well that wouldn’t be the first time.

Side note: like the fact her and Scalia had such respect and admiration of thought. Talk about polar opposites. Sounds rather healthy.

There is a 100% chance that they would do just that, and act like the whole Merrick Garland fiasco never happened. I'd bet a paycheck on it.

Regarding Scalia and RBG - the judicial branch may be the only functioning branch of the government we have left at the present time.

07-14-2020, 09:49 PM
Regarding Scalia and RBG - the judicial branch may be the only functioning branch of the government we have left at the present time.

Maybe? Functioning government may be a loose term for all at this point. Some have referred the press as the 4th branch of government. However, definitely not functioning and a joke. Here is an interesting post from Bari Weiss former opinion editor from NYT.


07-15-2020, 07:52 AM
Maybe? Functioning government may be a loose term for all at this point. Some have referred the press as the 4th branch of government. However, definitely not functioning and a joke. Here is an interesting post from Bari Weiss former opinion editor from NYT.


I'm honestly not sure what the point of this post is, or the linking to a resignation letter from an NYT editor (on his own website where he appears to be hawking book and speaking engagements) in response to a comment about the Judicial branch of the government.

The fact that you somehow used my comment to set you off on a meandering path toward attacking the press suggests that you have a pretty strong preoccupation with the media. That's one thing that Trump has done a tremendous job of - getting people to reflexively lash out against the media with a persecution complex we haven't seen. Nothing they write about him can be believed, because the media lies all the time. Especially if they say or report something negative about Trump.

Finally, I read the resignation letter and it seems quite melodramatic. Basically he is resigning because his coworkers are being mean to him and it hurts his feelings. You work for the NYT - they have always been a bunch of liberals. The fact that our current hyper-partisan environment is exacerbating those tensions doesn't surprise me. There's not a lot of unbiased news left (if any) so I would imagine he will just head over to Fox, OAN, or Breitbart where the particular brand of group-think is more aligned with this viewpoints.

07-15-2020, 08:30 AM
For the record, Bari Weiss is a female. And her resignation from the "newspaper of record" is quite revealing if you ask me. The NY Times has become a paper version of Twitter but apparently that doesn't bother the publishers.

07-15-2020, 09:12 AM
I'm honestly not sure what the point of this post is, or the linking to a resignation letter from an NYT editor (on his own website where he appears to be hawking book and speaking engagements) in response to a comment about the Judicial branch of the government.

The fact that you somehow used my comment to set you off on a meandering path toward attacking the press suggests that you have a pretty strong preoccupation with the media. That's one thing that Trump has done a tremendous job of - getting people to reflexively lash out against the media with a persecution complex we haven't seen. Nothing they write about him can be believed, because the media lies all the time. Especially if they say or report something negative about Trump.

Finally, I read the resignation letter and it seems quite melodramatic. Basically he is resigning because his coworkers are being mean to him and it hurts his feelings. You work for the NYT - they have always been a bunch of liberals. The fact that our current hyper-partisan environment is exacerbating those tensions doesn't surprise me. There's not a lot of unbiased news left (if any) so I would imagine he will just head over to Fox, OAN, or Breitbart where the particular brand of group-think is more aligned with this viewpoints.


07-15-2020, 10:04 AM
I'm honestly not sure what the point of this post is, or the linking to a resignation letter from an NYT editor (on his own website where he appears to be hawking book and speaking engagements) in response to a comment about the Judicial branch of the government.

The fact that you somehow used my comment to set you off on a meandering path toward attacking the press suggests that you have a pretty strong preoccupation with the media. That's one thing that Trump has done a tremendous job of - getting people to reflexively lash out against the media with a persecution complex we haven't seen. Nothing they write about him can be believed, because the media lies all the time. Especially if they say or report something negative about Trump.

Finally, I read the resignation letter and it seems quite melodramatic. Basically he is resigning because his coworkers are being mean to him and it hurts his feelings. You work for the NYT - they have always been a bunch of liberals. The fact that our current hyper-partisan environment is exacerbating those tensions doesn't surprise me. There's not a lot of unbiased news left (if any) so I would imagine he will just head over to Fox, OAN, or Breitbart where the particular brand of group-think is more aligned with this viewpoints.

So hostile work environments are ok as long as it is liberals being hostile towards conservatives. Got it. I'll let our employment practices know to update the annual trainings on this.

07-15-2020, 10:36 AM
I'm honestly not sure what the point of this post is, or the linking to a resignation letter from an NYT editor (on his own website where he appears to be hawking book and speaking engagements) in response to a comment about the Judicial branch of the government.

The fact that you somehow used my comment to set you off on a meandering path toward attacking the press suggests that you have a pretty strong preoccupation with the media. That's one thing that Trump has done a tremendous job of - getting people to reflexively lash out against the media with a persecution complex we haven't seen. Nothing they write about him can be believed, because the media lies all the time. Especially if they say or report something negative about Trump.

Finally, I read the resignation letter and it seems quite melodramatic. Basically he is resigning because his coworkers are being mean to him and it hurts his feelings. You work for the NYT - they have always been a bunch of liberals. The fact that our current hyper-partisan environment is exacerbating those tensions doesn't surprise me. There's not a lot of unbiased news left (if any) so I would imagine he will just head over to Fox, OAN, or Breitbart where the particular brand of group-think is more aligned with this viewpoints.

Is this real? Are you saying that because she's a centrist working at the Times that our federal employment laws don't apply? This is melodramatic to you??

My own forays into Wrongthink have made me the subject of constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views. They have called me a Nazi and a racist; I have learned to brush off comments about how I’m “writing about the Jews again.” Several colleagues perceived to be friendly with me were badgered by coworkers. My work and my character are openly demeaned on company-wide Slack channels where masthead editors regularly weigh in. There, some coworkers insist I need to be rooted out if this company is to be a truly “inclusive” one, while others post ax emojis next to my name. Still other New York Times employees publicly smear me as a liar and a bigot on Twitter with no fear that harassing me will be met with appropriate action. They never are.

07-15-2020, 11:59 AM
Is this real? Are you saying that because she's a conservative working at the Times that our federal employment laws don't apply? This is melodramatic to you??

My own forays into Wrongthink have made me the subject of constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views. They have called me a Nazi and a racist; I have learned to brush off comments about how I’m “writing about the Jews again.” Several colleagues perceived to be friendly with me were badgered by coworkers. My work and my character are openly demeaned on company-wide Slack channels where masthead editors regularly weigh in. There, some coworkers insist I need to be rooted out if this company is to be a truly “inclusive” one, while others post ax emojis next to my name. Still other New York Times employees publicly smear me as a liar and a bigot on Twitter with no fear that harassing me will be met with appropriate action. They never are.

What federal employment laws has been proven to be violated? Honestly asking as I'm not an employment lawyer.

Would you have the same reaction to a liberal making those claims about working at Foxnews? Have these claims been substantiated?

As far as I know this is just a resignation letter from someone who seems to be unhappy with their former employer. They also appear to be using this to springboard a solo venture. It fits the conservative narrative about the media very well though.

07-15-2020, 12:29 PM
You think Bari Weiss is a guy and a conservative. Maybe sit this one out?

07-15-2020, 12:40 PM
You think Bari Weiss is a guy and a conservative. Maybe sit this one out?

I probably should, but that hasn't stopped me before.

Are these substantiated claims? The only judgement I'm really making here is the fact that people seem to be very quick to take her resignation letter completely at face value. Also, are we surprised that NYT has a bunch of liberals running about, particularly in the 'opinion' section for which I understand her to have been an editor?

I'm trying to understand how this is surprising or damning for the NYT. Did we think they didn't lean left before?

Some of these people are giving more credibility to Bari Weiss's resignation letter than they did to Jim Mattis' without anybody really knowing what happened.

07-15-2020, 12:58 PM
You think Bari Weiss is a guy and a conservative. Maybe sit this one out?

Yep! She is anything but a conservative. I’m hoping she has screen shots of some of the Slack channel comments she’s claiming we’re directed at her.

It really is a shame what a once great newspaper has turned into. I heard someone on TV saying they had called the NYT to cancel their subscription. They were asked why and replied that it was due to the left bias in their news coverage. The customer service person said they had gotten that as a reason so often that they added that as a check box option.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-15-2020, 01:12 PM
You only need to look at the Twitter comments on any Bari Weiss article to know that what she's saying has merit (certainly possible she's exaggerating). She seems to be the most hated journalist out there right now, which is pretty bizarre if you've read any of her stuff. Her "problem" isn't that she's a conservative (she's not, and these folks don't even bother with conservatives because they're seen as too far gone/irredeemable/actual Nazis). Her problem is that she's a liberal but not a leftist. She's willing to engage with "dangerous" ideas, and that's no bueno. Her writing on the "civil war" inside the NYT over the Tom Cotton editorial is pretty good (scary) stuff IMO. Sad for longtime readers of the NYT, I think.


07-15-2020, 01:57 PM
I probably should, but that hasn't stopped me before.

Are these substantiated claims? The only judgement I'm really making here is the fact that people seem to be very quick to take her resignation letter completely at face value. Also, are we surprised that NYT has a bunch of liberals running about, particularly in the 'opinion' section for which I understand her to have been an editor?

I'm trying to understand how this is surprising or damning for the NYT. Did we think they didn't lean left before?

Some of these people are giving more credibility to Bari Weiss's resignation letter than they did to Jim Mattis' without anybody really knowing what happened.

It's not that people are surprised that the NYT has liberals all across their editorial board/section, it's that those people will not allow her to voice an opposing view without being harassed in her workplace. Tom Cotton's Op-Ed is another example of how insane these people are.

07-15-2020, 02:41 PM
I'm honestly not sure what the point of this post is, or the linking to a resignation letter from an NYT editor (on his own website where he appears to be hawking book and speaking engagements) in response to a comment about the Judicial branch of the government.

Pretty simple actually. You brought up a point, of the three branches of government, the judiciary was probably the only functioning branch (assume using the word “functioning” you meant the way it was intended). I said maybe and insinuated all three might not be.

Since we were on the subject of branches of government, I made the point that oftentimes the press is referred as the 4th branch (sometimes random shit just enters our minds at 9:49pm). The link was to illustrate how broken “this so called branch” is and that was partly the point of the letter writer. Thought this is the way we do things around here? You make a point and you link something that might back up your point.

BTW, my distrust in all branches of government including the press, predates Trump by a long shot. This goes back about 30 years to a course I had at Xavier, when we spent a lot time discussing current events from various newspapers. Yes there was a time when universities allowed you think for yourself politically. Went to school as a Democrat and left as a fiscally conservative Libertarian.

07-15-2020, 03:04 PM
It's not that people are surprised that the NYT has liberals all across their editorial board/section, it's that those people will not allow her to voice an opposing view without being harassed in her workplace. Tom Cotton's Op-Ed is another example of how insane these people are.

I guess I'm not super-surprised by that, other then the extent to which it may have been sanctioned by the 'higher ups'. I agree with the previous comment that it would be very interesting to see some of the comments exposed via screenshot or other as it would suggest that at least the opinion section of the NYT has kind of 'run amok', if not the whole entity.

Pretty simple actually. You brought up a point, of the three branches of government, the judiciary was probably the only functioning branch (assume using the word “functioning” you meant the way it was intended). I said maybe and insinuated all three might not be.

Since we were on the subject of branches of government, I made the point that oftentimes the press is referred as the 4th branch (sometimes random shit just enters our minds at 9:49pm). The link was to illustrate how broken “this so called branch” is and that was partly the point of the letter writer. Thought this is the way we do things around here? You make a point and you link something that might back up your point.

BTW, my distrust in all branches of government including the press, predates Trump by a long shot. This goes back about 30 years to a course I had at Xavier, when we spent a lot time discussing current events from various newspapers. Yes there was a time when universities allowed you think for yourself politically. Went to school as a Democrat and left as a fiscally conservative Libertarian.

By functioning I was referencing the fact that (1) it seems like the justices take the impartiality of the court seriously and (2) they seem able to be civil despite having very different opinions around the rule of the court.

I've said this before, but I'm particularly impressed by a few of the rulings we have seen from Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. Liberals were foaming at the mouth when those two got confirmed as though they were going to do Trump's bidding. That hasn't been the case and I think it's generally a good thing regardless of your opinion on the individual rulings. They didn't really do anything spectacular, they are just doing their jobs, but I think that's kind of the point.

07-15-2020, 06:23 PM
You think Bari Weiss is a guy and a conservative. Maybe sit this one out?

Yeah. This Bari Weiss thing is prettty prettty instructive.
Any credibility the “Newspaper of Record” has is out the window. Just like most newspapers in general.
Way to light a match on your own industry. Cancel culture is real.

BTW. Here is a profile of Weiss from Vanity Fair. Far from a “conservative”.


07-15-2020, 06:27 PM
I guess I'm not super-surprised by that, other then the extent to which it may have been sanctioned by the 'higher ups'. I agree with the previous comment that it would be very interesting to see some of the comments exposed via screenshot or other as it would suggest that at least the opinion section of the NYT has kind of 'run amok', if not the whole entity.

“The Newspaper of Record” ( Broken Record maybe)

Here is the most pertinent passage from the Resignation Letter, set up by the following preceding sentence:
'"The Paper's failure to anticipate the outcome of the 2016 election meant that it didn't have a firm grasp of the country it covers...
Then this bomb: 'But the lessons that ought to have followed the election-lessons about the importance of understanding other Americans, the necessity of resisting tribalism, and the centrality of the free exchange of ideas to a democratic society- have not been learned. Instead a new consensus has emerged in the press, BUT PERHAPS ESPECIALLY AT THIS PAPER: that truth isn't a process of collective discovery, but an ORTHODOXY ALREADY KNOWN TO AN ENLIGHTENED FEW WHOSE JOB IT IS TO INFORM EVERYONE ELSE.

I added the italics, and all caps for emphasis. But that passage hits the nail on the head- about the Times and every other major media outlet right now.

Oh for the days of a professional Walter Cronkite.

07-15-2020, 11:27 PM
Federal ethics law: "An employee shall not use or permit the use of his Government position or title or any authority associated with his public office to endorse any product, service or enterprise ... "

https://ewscripps.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/0ca8e1d/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1000x563+0+0/resize/1280x720!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fewscripps.brightspotcdn.com%2Fe c%2F85%2Fa4751cfb4c2091c11fee240a309c%2Fgoyatrumps .png

07-15-2020, 11:32 PM
Meh, that's not what they're doing. They're "owning the libs".

07-16-2020, 06:24 AM
Federal ethics law: "An employee shall not use or permit the use of his Government position or title or any authority associated with his public office to endorse any product, service or enterprise ... "

https://ewscripps.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/0ca8e1d/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1000x563+0+0/resize/1280x720!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fewscripps.brightspotcdn.com%2Fe c%2F85%2Fa4751cfb4c2091c11fee240a309c%2Fgoyatrumps .png

But ok for AOC to call for a boycott?

07-16-2020, 08:34 AM
Bingo what Bigdiggins said. And what of the endless calls from the left to "divest" from anything to do with Israel?? They're always attacking the Jews for some reason.

X Factor
07-16-2020, 08:54 AM
Columbus, OH wants to read the minds of prospective police officers...


The legislation aims to weed out cops who have ties to “hate groups” or who may “silently harbor the beliefs of those groups.” Judson L. Jeffries, professor of African American and African Studies at Ohio State University,

07-16-2020, 09:12 AM
“The Newspaper of Record” ( Broken Record maybe)

Here is the most pertinent passage from the Resignation Letter, set up by the following preceding sentence:
'"The Paper's failure to anticipate the outcome of the 2016 election meant that it didn't have a firm grasp of the country it covers...
Then this bomb: 'But the lessons that ought to have followed the election-lessons about the importance of understanding other Americans, the necessity of resisting tribalism, and the centrality of the free exchange of ideas to a democratic society- have not been learned. Instead a new consensus has emerged in the press, BUT PERHAPS ESPECIALLY AT THIS PAPER: that truth isn't a process of collective discovery, but an ORTHODOXY ALREADY KNOWN TO AN ENLIGHTENED FEW WHOSE JOB IT IS TO INFORM EVERYONE ELSE.

I added the italics, and all caps for emphasis. But that passage hits the nail on the head- about the Times and every other major media outlet right now.

Oh for the days of a professional Walter Cronkite.

I actually agree with pretty much all of this, with the potential exception of the dig on not anticipating the outcome of the 2016 election. I don't think anyone anticipated the outcome of the 2016 election - that's hardly unique to the NYT.

Now if you think the Foxnews, Breitbart, etc. aren't don't the exact same thing on the right I disagree with that.

I don't trust any media source as being objective right now. If I read an article (or particularly op-ed) from NYT, (particularly) CNN, or WAPO etc. I assume it has a liberal slant. If I read an article from Fox or WSJ I assume it has a conservative slant.

I guess I'm just surprised that it is some sort of bombshell that (particularly the Op-ED side) of the NYT is a bunch of extreme liberals who are intolerant assholes when someone disagrees with them.

07-16-2020, 09:17 AM
Federal ethics law: "An employee shall not use or permit the use of his Government position or title or any authority associated with his public office to endorse any product, service or enterprise ... "

https://ewscripps.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/0ca8e1d/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1000x563+0+0/resize/1280x720!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fewscripps.brightspotcdn.com%2Fe c%2F85%2Fa4751cfb4c2091c11fee240a309c%2Fgoyatrumps .png

I think these pictures pretty much some up the absurdity of this Presidency. What a complete fucking clown show this is. Just when you think the optics couldn't get any stupider...

Meh, that's not what they're doing. They're "owning the libs".

Exactly. I think angle that they are promoting Goya is a bit of a reach. Honestly when you consider Trump's approval rating this probably does more harm than good for Goya as I think there are probably more people who won't buy Goya as a result of this than people who will.

But ok for AOC to call for a boycott?

This is a really good point. I also hold Junior members of the House to the same standards as the President.

07-16-2020, 10:03 AM
But ok for AOC to call for a boycott?

You know, that's a good point. Would need the lawyers to weigh in on it I guess.
The federal law seems targeted to preventing politicians from endorsing products...I assume to keep them from benefiting from the endorsement (like a campaign contribution or something).
Not sure how that would work if you supported a boycott. Not directly benefiting.

07-16-2020, 10:41 AM
Bingo what Bigdiggins said. And what of the endless calls from the left to "divest" from anything to do with Israel?? They're always attacking the Zionist settlement loving Jews for some reason.

Fixed that for you.

07-16-2020, 10:57 AM
Trump Aide Shares Meme Mocking Dr. Faucet (https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/507028-top-white-house-aide-shares-cartoon-mocking-fauci)

These people are children.

When we look back on this time, I think that one of the biggest casualties of the current environment will be dignity.

The media (both sides) have been reduced to pandering idiots. No more 'just the facts' - everything is driven by commentary. No sense of duty to objectively report the news.

Our politicians have no dignity - they will lie to our faces about things that they are documented on video saying. They post ridiculous shit on social media. They take pictures in the oval office with cans of beans. They overtly lie repeatedly and contradict past statements they have made, on Video.

The general public can't even deal with a pandemic without people getting in fights at Walmart over masks.

We are a bunch of morons.

07-16-2020, 10:58 AM
Goya Foods, America’s largest Hispanic-owned food company, continues to support the national efforts of First Lady Michelle Obama’s MyPlate campaign as part of the LetsMove health initiative to encourage consumers to eat healthy and exercise.


These people from Goya are f*cking monsters. How dare they work with presidents from both sides of the aisle.

07-16-2020, 11:30 AM
I don't have a problem with Goya.
I have a problem with a president using the Oval Office to hock their products.
Any president.
It's one thing to talk about their contributions to healthy eating habits (as opposed to calling Mexicans rapists), it's another to pose for a thumbs up picture with their products on the Resolute desk.
Surely you can see a difference.

07-16-2020, 12:27 PM
I don't have a problem with Goya.
I have a problem with a president using the Oval Office to hock their products.
Any president.
It's one thing to talk about their contributions to healthy eating habits (as opposed to calling Mexicans rapists), it's another to pose for a thumbs up picture with their products on the Resolute desk.
Surely you can see a difference.

Right. Imagine traveling back in time to the year 2000 (not that long ago) and explaining that picture to somebody. First you would have to explain that Donald Trump is the President. For real. That would probably take a while. Then once you got through that, you would need to explain why he is posing with some cans of beans like he just signed an important piece of legislature.

Or try to imagine any previous President doing this. That's a fun game to play, too.

07-16-2020, 12:32 PM
Ha, like the scene in Back to the Future when Marty tells Doc Brown that Ronald Reagan is President in 1985.

07-16-2020, 12:43 PM
ha, like the scene in back to the future when marty tells doc brown that ronald reagan is president in 1985.

the actor?

Lloyd Braun
07-16-2020, 12:54 PM
President Biff Tannen


07-16-2020, 03:31 PM
I don't have a problem with Goya.
I have a problem with a president using the Oval Office to hock their products.
Any president.
It's one thing to talk about their contributions to healthy eating habits (as opposed to calling Mexicans rapists), it's another to pose for a thumbs up picture with their products on the Resolute desk.
Surely you can see a difference.

Paul- Do you think that Trump is the first president to use his power to advocate for a private business? Staking companies and picking winners and losers has been rampant in the Executive branch of the government for decades. Trump just happened to use it as an opportunity for a weird and creepy photo-op. As usual he's doing the exact same things other Presidents have done, but with much less grace or fucks given.

07-16-2020, 06:36 PM
Paul- Do you think that Trump is the first president to use his power to advocate for a private business? Staking companies and picking winners and losers has been rampant in the Executive branch of the government for decades. Trump just happened to use it as an opportunity for a weird and creepy photo-op. As usual he's doing the exact same things other Presidents have done, but with much less grace or fucks given.

You're probably right that a lot of it goes on. He seems to take it to new heights, like with the wall nonsense.

X Factor
07-16-2020, 09:39 PM
The mob is winning...


I agree he should resign...for removing the flag...a slap in the face to police officers.

Lloyd Braun
07-16-2020, 10:04 PM
The mob is winning...


I agree he should resign...for removing the flag...a slap in the face to police officers.

James Harden has his back (https://twitter.com/houstonrockets/status/1283931715082293249?s=21)

07-16-2020, 10:39 PM
Right. Imagine traveling back in time to the year 2000 (not that long ago) and explaining that picture to somebody. First you would have to explain that Donald Trump is the President. For real. That would probably take a while. Then once you got through that, you would need to explain why he is posing with some cans of beans like he just signed an important piece of legislature.

Or try to imagine any previous President doing this. That's a fun game to play, too.

Agreed especially since he was a Democrat at the time. Well guess the same could’ve been said about Reagan during Back to the Future timeline that GO mentioned.

Explaining to people that politicians are now encouraging boycotts of companies because they praised your political opponent might be hard to comprehend back then.

Muskie in dayton
07-17-2020, 07:36 AM
Agreed especially since he was a Democrat at the time. Well guess the same could’ve been said about Reagan during Back to the Future timeline that GO mentioned.

Explaining to people that politicians are now encouraging boycotts of companies because they praised your political opponent might be hard to comprehend back then.
Or explaining that the cops are bad and criminals are glorified.
Or explaining that small business owners can’t operate, but mobs can burn them down.
Or explaining that conservatives embrace different beliefs and liberals want them silenced.
I could go on.

07-17-2020, 08:19 AM
James Harden has his back (https://twitter.com/houstonrockets/status/1283931715082293249?s=21)

I guarantee he will be apologizing for that masks by the end of the day, or at the very least say he didn't know what it was.

07-17-2020, 08:49 AM
Not sure what thread to post this story in but this one could use a little levity:


07-17-2020, 08:59 AM
Paul- Do you think that Trump is the first president to use his power to advocate for a private business? Staking companies and picking winners and losers has been rampant in the Executive branch of the government for decades. Trump just happened to use it as an opportunity for a weird and creepy photo-op. As usual he's doing the exact same things other Presidents have done, but with much less grace or fucks given.

I'm not sure I'm with you on the 'everybody else was just as bad, Trump just doesn't try to hide it' narrative. Let's assume that's true though: If you are going to have corruption in government (and you are) then I'd generally rather people at least try to hide it. I don't really want to become Italy.

In this specific case I don't think this is corrupt nor do I think Trump actually did anything wrong. It's just ridiculous, embarrassing, and stupid. If I found out that Trump or someone in his inner circle bought a bunch of Goya stock before the photo was released I might feel differently.

Agreed especially since he was a Democrat at the time. Well guess the same could’ve been said about Reagan during Back to the Future timeline that GO mentioned.

Explaining to people that politicians are now encouraging boycotts of companies because they praised your political opponent might be hard to comprehend back then.

Right. That shouldn't be happening either. If you are referring to the AOC thing - I think she is a nutjob. She is also in the House of Representatives which has a healthy dose of crazy on both sides. How some of those people get elected to any office is beyond me.

07-17-2020, 09:02 AM
Not sure what thread to post this story in but this one could use a little levity:


There seems to have been a dramatic uptick in hot teachers having inappropriate relationships with students. When I was in High School I don't think we had a single hot teacher in the entire school, much less one that was sending nudes. I can only assume that these people have suffered some sort of abuse or other trauma that leads them to do something like this as an adult.

07-17-2020, 09:32 AM
The mob is winning...


I agree he should resign...for removing the flag...a slap in the face to police officers.

Jesus, quit messing around, call an audible for the rest of Revelation, and just come back now. This is insane.

07-17-2020, 09:52 AM
In this specific case I don't think this is corrupt nor do I think Trump actually did anything wrong. It's just ridiculous, embarrassing, and stupid. If I found out that Trump or someone in his inner circle bought a bunch of Goya stock before the photo was released I might feel differently.

How would you feel if they all shorted Goya?

07-17-2020, 10:10 AM
How would you feel if they all shorted Goya?

I'm not sure what you are getting at, but I would feel the same way. Any significant stock trades in light of non-public information would take this from stupidity to corruption in my opinion.

07-17-2020, 12:22 PM

Add our old friends at Fordham to the list of schools that should be shut down. What is it about Catholic schools that causes them to be such close minded p*ssies?

X Factor
07-17-2020, 01:53 PM

Add our old friends at Fordham to the list of schools that should be shut down. What is it about Catholic schools that causes them to be such close minded p*ssies?

These institutions of "higher learning" are thought control, speech control, liberal bastions.

Freedom does not exist on campuses if you hold conservative views that you dare express.

07-17-2020, 02:31 PM
I guarantee he will be apologizing for that masks by the end of the day, or at the very least say he didn't know what it was.

James Harden says the Blue Lives Matter mask wasn’t some sort of political statement. He tells ESPN’s Tim MacMahon “it was just something that covered my whole beard. I thought it looked cool. That was it.”

X Factor
07-19-2020, 08:41 PM
Why are BE schools so dumb? At least Xavier seems to still have some common sense.

UConn Student Government Leaders Resign Because They Are White (https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/07/19/uconn-student-government-leaders-resign-because-they-are-white/)

Georgetown Student Petition: Create a ‘Sanctuary Space’ Campus by Banning Cops (https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/07/19/georgetown-student-petition-create-a-sanctuary-space-campus-by-banning-cops/)

07-20-2020, 08:56 AM

Add our old friends at Fordham to the list of schools that should be shut down. What is it about Catholic schools that causes them to be such close minded p*ssies?

You want to shut down a Private Institution because they put a student on probation for taking a picture? I agree it's ridiculous, but I don't know that I think the Government should have the authority to shut down a private university.

07-20-2020, 09:07 AM
If anybody is interested in seeing some old school journalism, check out Chris Wallace's interview with Trump. I've long been a fan of Chris's interviews as he asks the tough questions, doesn't let people off the hook, and has clearly done his research. I hope that Biden chooses to accept Wallace's interview offer.

The exchange on Coronavirus was interesting. If Trump loses the election I think it will pretty clearly be because of the administration's response to Coronavirus.

D-West & PO-Z
07-20-2020, 09:16 AM
There seems to have been a dramatic uptick in hot teachers having inappropriate relationships with students. When I was in High School I don't think we had a single hot teacher in the entire school, much less one that was sending nudes. I can only assume that these people have suffered some sort of abuse or other trauma that leads them to do something like this as an adult.

Yeah man its nuts. Maybe there were always teachers this nuts and sick and twisted but social media gave them an outlet to communicate with their students outside of school? There is no doubt social media has provided the outlet for this type of behavior to occur. Not blaming social media, the sicko teachers are the only ones to blame just saying social media I guess is giving them opportunities they didnt have before.

The vast majority of the time inappropriate teacher/student relationships are reported too it seems to be a female teacher. And usually they end up with a slap on the wrist instead of the punishment they deserve.

Crazy times, glad she is serving time.

07-20-2020, 11:02 AM
If anybody is interested in seeing some old school journalism, check out Chris Wallace's interview with Trump. I've long been a fan of Chris's interviews as he asks the tough questions, doesn't let people off the hook, and has clearly done his research. I hope that Biden chooses to accept Wallace's interview offer.

The exchange on Coronavirus was interesting. If Trump loses the election I think it will pretty clearly be because of the administration's response to Coronavirus.

Biden's people will never let Uncle Joe Delusional anywhere near Chris Wallace. Chris will ask fair and tough questions and Uncle Joe answers will be about the Planet Pluto. He'll get ripped to shreds.

Biden will be kept in the cold basement to preserve him until he's forced to show up at the Convention. and that will probably be a disguised imposter.
Want a Potemkin Village President? With Biden you'd have one. The facade doesn't match the decay inside.

07-20-2020, 11:07 AM
Biden's people will never let Uncle Joe Delusional anywhere near Chris Wallace. Chris will ask fair and tough questions and Uncle Joe answers will be about the Planet Pluto. He'll get ripped to shreds.

Biden will be kept in the cold basement to preserve him until he's forced to show up at the Convention. and that will probably be a disguised imposter.
Want a Potemkin Village President? With Biden you'd have one. The facade doesn't match the decay inside.

You have a serious problem, man.

07-20-2020, 11:42 AM
You have a serious problem, man.

MOR's name-calling is just as juvenile coming out of his mouth as it is when it comes out of Trump's. It's not helpful. Even less helpful, or illuminating, is his statement as to how Biden would do if he were interviewed by Wallace. The basis for his prediction is that Trump said it, you know the guy who actually was humiliated by Wallace and who has a track record of being wrong on just about everything.

07-20-2020, 12:27 PM
MOR's name-calling is just as juvenile coming out of his mouth as it is when it comes out of Trump's. It's not helpful. Even less helpful, or illuminating, is his statement as to how Biden would do if he were interviewed by Wallace. The basis for his prediction is that Trump said it, you know the guy who actually was humiliated by Wallace and who has a track record of being wrong on just about everything.

Right. Trump was far from Erudite or lucid in that interview so the bar would seem to be pretty low for Biden.

I do want to see Biden grant some tough interviews, and I think it could go a long way toward dispelling with this fiction that he is senile. Joe Biden has never been much of an orator (IMO) so I don't think he will do particularly well in tough interviews and campaign speeches, but I don't think he is senile.

While the case could be made that Trump is a good orator, I don't think he does well when interviewed. Mostly because he is poorly prepared and lies almost constantly. The interview with Wallace was strange in that Trump and team seem to have actually prepared, however it didn't stop him from repeatedly making statements that were demonstrably false. I actually think he might believe his own narrative to the point where he might even be able to pass a polygraph test even when lying.

07-20-2020, 12:41 PM
Why are BE schools so dumb? At least Xavier seems to still have some common sense.

UConn Student Government Leaders Resign Because They Are White (https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/07/19/uconn-student-government-leaders-resign-because-they-are-white/)

Georgetown Student Petition: Create a ‘Sanctuary Space’ Campus by Banning Cops (https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/07/19/georgetown-student-petition-create-a-sanctuary-space-campus-by-banning-cops/)

The first question I’d ask is were any of the UConn student council candidates BIPOC?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-20-2020, 03:13 PM
MOR's name-calling is just as juvenile coming out of his mouth as it is when it comes out of Trump's. It's not helpful.

Is name-calling juvenile when it comes out of your mouth....or just when it comes out of MOR's? Asking for some friends. I don't think that's a hill you want to die on, hoss. For someone who fancies himself an intellectual, you don't seem to have much self-awareness.

07-20-2020, 03:44 PM
1. The dems are doing all the can to keep Biden away from the press and any appearances b/c it is very obvious his mental capacity is declining AND there is no reason to put him out there right now b/c Trump is doing a damn good job of making this pretty easy for them right now

2. Trump is, has been and will always be his own worst enemy. He just cant help himself. Has to be right, has to be the guy with all the answers. If he would just shut up and show some humility, he would likely win in November by a wide margin. Won't happen though. Really, really sad he cant control himself. I am 1000000% sure his advisors have coached him on this and the guy just cant help himself.

3. What a shit show and embarrassment our political leaders are. With that said, Trump is the only answer in November for me. No way I vote for a President that has a clearly declining health condition. Add to that, the dems have done next to nothing to address the radical left and their divisive socialistic agenda. I just don't get that. You clearly could pull some conservatives away from Trump if you had a much clearer more moderate agenda.

X Factor
07-20-2020, 04:21 PM
The mob is winning...how far will it go?


07-20-2020, 06:11 PM
Somehow I think we'll all survive changing the names on some packages.

And somehow you want to equate that to people who suffered for hundreds of years and still have to work on voting rights?

I don't think I feel your pain. But I'm trying.

07-20-2020, 06:15 PM
Somehow I think we'll all survive changing the names on some packages.

And somehow you want to equate that to people who suffered for hundreds of years and still have to work on voting rights?

I don't think I feel your pain. But I'm trying.

Who are all these people who have suffered for hundreds of years? I dont know of one person who has lived for hundreds of years. I'm really sick of the bs of blaming all ones problems on external factors, and not taking some personal responsibility. It's time to stop blaming ones life on something that happened over a hundred and fifty years ago

07-20-2020, 06:37 PM
I agree with some of what you say. But you are a little cavalier in overlooking the challenges some minorities still face today.
Red lining isn't 150 years old. Closing polling places once the Voting Rights Acts lapsed (and the Senate refuses to take renewal up) isn't 150 years old.

07-20-2020, 08:52 PM
Is name-calling juvenile when it comes out of your mouth....or just when it comes out of MOR's? Asking for some friends. I don't think that's a hill you want to die on, hoss. For someone who fancies himself an intellectual, you don't seem to have much self-awareness.

Examples? I have no idea what you are talking about.

07-21-2020, 10:50 AM
Still waiting.

07-21-2020, 11:56 AM
Well, you called xuphan several different names in another thread...hon, troll etc. I'm sure if I cared to actually look, you aren't as innocent as you think you are.

07-21-2020, 11:57 AM
I can't believe that it is July, and still our only two presidential choices are biden and trump. Just, wow.

X Factor
07-21-2020, 11:57 AM
You can't make this up.

Michigan School Fires Popular Teacher For Saying ‘Trump Is Our President’ (https://freebeacon.com/campus/mi-school-fires-popular-teacher-for-saying-trump-is-our-president/)

The Left is the most intolerant group of people in this country.

07-21-2020, 12:01 PM
Well, you called xuphan several different names in another thread...hon, troll etc. I'm sure if I cared to actually look, you aren't as innocent as you think you are.

Actually, my question was addressed to Smails, the one leveling the accusation. But I'll respond to your answer for him given that you are trying to defend him. I used "troll" in the post about xuphan because there was a vote as to whether xuphan was an irrational X fan or a troll. I, along with others, voted "troll". Saying that the word "hon" is name-calling is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? If that's all you got, so be it.

07-21-2020, 12:06 PM
I can't believe that it is July, and still our only two presidential choices are biden and trump. Just, wow.

It really is extremely disheartening. It probably has always been like this and social media just shined a bigger light on it. I still believe the silent majority are closer to the middle and each others beliefs than the loud minority...social media/news just makes the loud minority even louder. Feels like compromising for results is an impossibility.

07-21-2020, 12:10 PM
I can't believe that it is July, and still our only two presidential choices are biden and trump. Just, wow.


07-21-2020, 12:44 PM
Actually, my question was addressed to Smails, the one leveling the accusation. But I'll respond to your answer for him given that you are trying to defend him. I used "troll" in the post about xuphan because there was a vote as to whether xuphan was an irrational X fan or a troll. I, along with others, voted "troll". Saying that the word "hon" is name-calling is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? If that's all you got, so be it.

However you'd like to justfiy it to yourself

07-21-2020, 01:32 PM
However you'd like to justfiy it to yourself


D-West & PO-Z
07-21-2020, 10:31 PM
You can't make this up.

Michigan School Fires Popular Teacher For Saying ‘Trump Is Our President’ (https://freebeacon.com/campus/mi-school-fires-popular-teacher-for-saying-trump-is-our-president/)

The Left is the most intolerant group of people in this country.

To be fair the article failed to mention his since deleted tweet that said simply "liberals suck" the same night. On his twitter account that has plastered over it his school name and his positions in the school.

I wouldn't trust the article that only shares his side, especially when it fails to mention the other tweet.

07-21-2020, 10:39 PM
To be fair the article failed to mention his since deleted tweet that said simply "liberals suck" the same night. On his twitter account that has plastered over it his school name and his positions in the school.

I wouldn't trust the article that only shares his side, especially when it fails to mention the other tweet.

Definitely not good, but do we really think that if another teacher tweeted "Trump supporters suck" they would also be fired?

D-West & PO-Z
07-21-2020, 11:03 PM
Definitely not good, but do we really think that if another teacher tweeted "Trump supporters suck" they would also be fired?

I think it would probably depend on the specific school district and some of the demographics. But yeah in general I agree that a teacher who said that might get more leeway. I don't know that either deserves to be fired but both are definitely not good.

07-22-2020, 08:44 AM
To be fair the article failed to mention his since deleted tweet that said simply "liberals suck" the same night. On his twitter account that has plastered over it his school name and his positions in the school.

I wouldn't trust the article that only shares his side, especially when it fails to mention the other tweet.

That's crazy that an article from 'freebeacon' left out facts that didn't confirm their narrative.

I would be embarrassed even posting something from that source. It's funny that all the Trump bootlickers here never stop talking about how biased the media is, then the post articles from clearly dubious sources that confirm their own bias and are (presumably) to be trusted.

07-22-2020, 11:14 AM
Actually, my question was addressed to Smails, the one leveling the accusation. But I'll respond to your answer for him given that you are trying to defend him. I used "troll" in the post about xuphan because there was a vote as to whether xuphan was an irrational X fan or a troll. I, along with others, voted "troll". Saying that the word "hon" is name-calling is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? If that's all you got, so be it.

Sorry for the delayed response, work is crazy right now. I don't have the time to go through 2800+ posts and find every time you called someone a name, but when you call someone an 'asshole' (see recent posts) or dumb (see any of your posts where you argue economic policy with someone) it is indeed name-calling. Just because you feel it comes from a better place (your brain), doesn't make it any less or more juvenile than what MOR does. Rationalize it however you want but as I mentioned earlier, I don't think that calling people out for name-calling makes you look particularly noble. If anything it's a tad tone deaf considering these surroundings. I hope this helps!

07-22-2020, 11:19 AM
That's crazy that an article from 'freebeacon' left out facts that didn't confirm their narrative.

I would be embarrassed even posting something from that source. It's funny that all the Trump bootlickers here never stop talking about how biased the media is, then the post articles from clearly dubious sources that confirm their own bias and are (presumably) to be trusted.


Here's a link from the Detroit news. Do you think that this teacher deserved to lose his job?

07-22-2020, 11:28 AM
Sorry for the delayed response, work is crazy right now. I don't have the time to go through 2800+ posts and find every time you called someone a name, but when you call someone an 'asshole' (see recent posts) or dumb (see any of your posts where you argue economic policy with someone) it is indeed name-calling. Just because you feel it comes from a better place (your brain), doesn't make it any less or more juvenile than what MOR does. Rationalize it however you want but as I mentioned earlier, I don't think that calling people out for name-calling makes you look particularly noble. If anything it's a tad tone deaf considering these surroundings. I hope this helps!
The "asshole" comment was directed to the (unknown) person who posted the arguably racist comment, and not on this board, about Ramsey. But more fundamentally, I meant by the term "name-calling" the cutesy way that Trump (and MOR) like to denigrate people by playing games with their actual names. If I called someone who posts to this board "dumb" (I don't recall saying that, but I do recall using the word "obtuse"), I shouldn't have done so. I agree that personal attacks are not helpful in any serious discussion of political issues (or anything else, I might add), whether they come from the brain or any other part of one's anatomy.

07-22-2020, 12:13 PM
Cage Fight Portland:

Masked, unidentified federal troops vs. Wall of Moms

Who you got?

07-22-2020, 12:16 PM
Cage Fight Portland:

Masked, unidentified federal troops vs. Wall of Moms

Who you got?

Not moms*


07-22-2020, 12:33 PM
That's crazy that an article from 'freebeacon' left out facts that didn't confirm their narrative.

I would be embarrassed even posting something from that source. It's funny that all the Trump bootlickers here never stop talking about how biased the media is, then the post articles from clearly dubious sources that confirm their own bias and are (presumably) to be trusted.

It’s gotten to the point that all media is biased. They all leave out facts that don’t support their point of view. The problem is that the proverbial main stream media are all clearly biased against the President and anyone on the Right. To find anything even remotely positive for the conservative side of the aisle, you have to do some digging.

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07-22-2020, 12:56 PM
Portland and Seattle are so fucked. I just watched The Man in the High Castle, and I was cheering for the Japanese.

07-22-2020, 01:03 PM
Portland and Seattle are so fucked. I just watched The Man in the High Castle, and I was cheering for the Japanese.

So speaking of....loved that show thru the first two seasons...now I'm on season 3 and I'm really having difficulty getting thru it. Have you watched the whole series...have the same experience?

07-22-2020, 01:51 PM
It’s gotten to the point that all media is biased. They all leave out facts that don’t support their point of view.

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100% agree. What they don’t say shows their bias.

07-22-2020, 01:57 PM
Not moms*


Probably could have found a better source:


07-22-2020, 01:59 PM
Probably could have found a better source:


Probably could have found a better source:


07-22-2020, 02:00 PM
So speaking of....loved that show thru the first two seasons...now I'm on season 3 and I'm really having difficulty getting thru it. Have you watched the whole series...have the same experience?

I enjoyed the whole run. It didn't live up to its promise from the beginning, but I didn't have any problem getting through it.

07-22-2020, 03:09 PM
Probably could have found a better source:


Not sure this obvious screw up (which they paid for it seems) means their reporting on the troll is wrong.

But he's suing people and writing a book, which perhaps the RNC will buy up a lot of copies.


07-22-2020, 03:11 PM
Not sure this obvious screw up (which they paid for it seems) means their reporting on the troll is wrong.

Doesn't seem like a source to be trusted. Maybe if they had a take on rock n roll now and then it could be interesting.

07-22-2020, 03:12 PM
Doesn't seem like a source to be trusted. Maybe if they had a take on rock n roll now and then it could be interesting.


07-22-2020, 03:46 PM
It’s gotten to the point that all media is biased. They all leave out facts that don’t support their point of view. The problem is that the proverbial main stream media are all clearly biased against the President and anyone on the Right. To find anything even remotely positive for the conservative side of the aisle, you have to do some digging.

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I agree with you to some extent, but I think it's disingenuous to conflate the kind of bias shown by the Washington Post with sources like the aforementioned Free Beacon.

I also see a lot of people linking to twitter feeds from conservative personalities which hardly qualifies as any type of 'news' IMO. Same for the liberals. People's opinions are twitter aren't news.

07-22-2020, 04:06 PM
Probably could have found a better source:


He's a gay son of immigrants. He must be a racist.

And he's also covered all of the shit going on in Portland for over a year from the old riots, to the CHAZ, to the current insanity. He may be right wing but he knows Portland.

07-23-2020, 02:36 PM

View point of a woman employed at the Justice Center in Portland.

07-23-2020, 08:40 PM
Jon Stewart on Crossfire (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE)

Just re-watched this again today and thought that some of you might enjoy it. I'm a huge fan of Jon Stewart's Comedy. This is 15 years old now. It's amazing how much worse things have gotten since then.

07-23-2020, 10:59 PM
It's about damn time - - If Democrats are going to cancel our history for any and all racial transgressions, then they need to look in the mirror!

Know your damn history!

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas introduced a resolution on Thursday to ban the Democratic Party or any other political party that supported slavery: https://www.westernjournal.com/gop-rep-gohmert-introduces-resolution-ban-democratic-party/

X Factor
07-24-2020, 12:07 AM
It's about damn time - - If Democrats are going to cancel our history for any and all racial transgressions, then they need to look in the mirror!

Know your damn history!

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas introduced a resolution on Thursday to ban the Democratic Party or any other political party that supported slavery: https://www.westernjournal.com/gop-rep-gohmert-introduces-resolution-ban-democratic-party/

Exactly, and very good of Louie Gohmert to do this. Shine on a light on the Democrat Party's racist past.

07-24-2020, 07:46 AM
LOL. I don't know where you guys find these news sources. For a group of people who never stop crying about the Media being biased against them, you all seem to go out of your way to find the most biased media possible (in favor of your view points, of course) that you can possibly consume.

The front page article in the 'news source' linked at the time I check appears to be a giant headline reveling in the fact that Fauci threw out the first pitch at a baseball game poorly. That's some hard hitting news, right there.

Muskie in dayton
07-24-2020, 08:23 AM
LOL. I don't know where you guys find these news sources. For a group of people who never stop crying about the Media being biased against them, you all seem to go out of your way to find the most biased media possible (in favor of your view points, of course) that you can possibly consume.

The front page article in the 'news source' linked at the time I check appears to be a giant headline reveling in the fact that Fauci threw out the first pitch at a baseball game poorly. That's some hard hitting news, right there.
Why wouldn’t the MSM cover this actual, real story? Oh, wait, I know.

Speaking for myself, it’s not that the media is biased against me. It’s that the media is biased, period. That is wrong. Freedom of the press comes with the burden of being thorough and fair. If that isn’t happening, we have compromised the first amendment.

07-24-2020, 08:36 AM
It's about damn time - - If Democrats are going to cancel our history for any and all racial transgressions, then they need to look in the mirror!

Know your damn history!

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas introduced a resolution on Thursday to ban the Democratic Party or any other political party that supported slavery: https://www.westernjournal.com/gop-rep-gohmert-introduces-resolution-ban-democratic-party/

What is the "our history" in the statement? And most of the statues the Democrats want to remove in the capital are of Democrats.

It is a little bit ironic for someone to yell "Know your damn history!" while ignoring 160 years of shifting policies of each party. I don't think any of the current Democrat leaders are really all that proud that Strom Thurmond once was a member of the Democratic party.

But I am happy that this congressman in middle of a pandemic, record high unemployment, and a recession is concentrating his energy on the real issues that impact Americans, owning the libs.

07-24-2020, 09:11 AM
Why wouldn’t the MSM cover this actual, real story? Oh, wait, I know.

Speaking for myself, it’s not that the media is biased against me. It’s that the media is biased, period. That is wrong. Freedom of the press comes with the burden of being thorough and fair. If that isn’t happening, we have compromised the first amendment.

So you gravitate toward even more biased and less credible reporting that confirms your bias? That's the part I don't get - I completely agree with you that the media should strive for objectivity at all times. They will never be completely free of bias though (nothing is).

Which 'actual, real story' should the MSM be covering? The one about Dr. Fauci's fastball?

Oh, you are probably talking about the Louie Gohmert story. I can take a stab at that one. Every day hundreds of potentially newsworthy things happen. Louie Gohmert is a Representative of a rural district in East Texas who has a rich history of making ridiculous statements and introducing ridiculous legislature that is doomed to fail. He also more than dabbles in conspiracy theories. The only people who think this is news are people who are obsessed with 'sticking it to the libs'.

07-24-2020, 01:38 PM
What is the "our history" in the statement? And most of the statues the Democrats want to remove in the capital are of Democrats.

It is a little bit ironic for someone to yell "Know your damn history!" while ignoring 160 years of shifting policies of each party. I don't think any of the current Democrat leaders are really all that proud that Strom Thurmond once was a member of the Democratic party.

But I am happy that this congressman in middle of a pandemic, record high unemployment, and a recession is concentrating his energy on the real issues that impact Americans, owning the libs.

Maybe you should watch the eulogy of Senator Robert Byrd - all the current Democrats had high praise for this Democrat Senate Majority Leader - who was once an Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan. Yea, so don't pretend that racism within the highest reaches of the Democrat Party was all that long ago. In fact, the racism of the party has shifted from blacks to whites in the last few years.