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X Factor
05-23-2020, 12:08 PM
He also says he's going to beat Joe Biden...looks like there's only one person running for president. Go to the 45 second mark for this gem.


05-23-2020, 02:57 PM
He also says he's going to beat Joe Biden...looks like there's only one person running for president. Go to the 45 second mark for this gem.


With your fixation with bonehead comments, X Factor, you must be gob-smacked daily by the drivel and nonsense that Trump spews constantly.

X Factor
05-23-2020, 05:13 PM
Feel free to post then...I'm pretty sure Trump can remember his own name, and I'm pretty sure he's never accused an entire race of people of not being said race if they didn't vote for him.

05-23-2020, 05:39 PM
Feel free to post then...I'm pretty sure Trump can remember his own name, and I'm pretty sure he's never accused an entire race of people of not being said race if they didn't vote for him.

He did say the Jewish people that voted democrat are disloyal to the Jewish people and Israel.


X Factor
05-23-2020, 06:28 PM
He did say the Jewish people that voted democrat are disloyal to the Jewish people and Israel.


Not the same. He didn't say you're not Jewish if you vote Democrat.

Biden is one big gaffe a day. Career politician who's made a fortune off the people. He's lied his entire political life about his involvement in the civil rights movement.


X Factor
05-23-2020, 06:29 PM
He's a habitual liar...


05-23-2020, 08:53 PM
He's a habitual liar...


Well, well, well.

Great post X Factor.

05-23-2020, 09:00 PM
He did say the Jewish people that voted democrat are disloyal to the Jewish people and Israel.


Welp. With idiot Democrats like Ilhan Omar, Tlaib, and AOC, among others, who have done nothing but criticize Israel but prop up Iran, I would say that the President isn't very far off.

05-23-2020, 09:05 PM
He also says he's going to beat Joe Biden...looks like there's only one person running for president. Go to the 45 second mark for this gem.


Great Joe! Let's give a college degree in a "public university" for free, if you make less than $125,000/year.
That is just about 90% of the population.
Way to kill off Xavier University by that plan too, Joe!!!!

05-23-2020, 10:30 PM

05-23-2020, 10:38 PM
We have 2 buffoons running for president, it makes me sick that I will have to vote for Trump again. Neither one is fit to run this country.

05-23-2020, 10:49 PM

05-23-2020, 11:07 PM
We have 2 buffoons running for president, it makes me sick that I will have to vote for Trump again. Neither one is fit to run this country.

I’ll take you as a write-in if you are available.


05-24-2020, 01:53 AM
Joe is causing quite a commotion with black voters

"NAACP blasts Joe Biden's claim that it endorsed him every time he's run"

05-24-2020, 11:10 AM

Way to be taken in by the Master Troller's Tweet.

05-24-2020, 11:15 AM

Great horse

05-25-2020, 09:39 AM
Judge Sullivan - ordered to explain his reasons for not granting the DOJ motion to dismiss - has hired a lawyer to apparently do his work for him.


If you're a federal judge and cannot defend your decisions without hiring someone to represent you, you don't belong on the bench. And this isn't a situation where a clerk is writing for him and him reviewing the work (which is normal), this is a Judge hiring outside counsel to defend him in his own legal decisions while on the bench. It makes no sense.

05-25-2020, 10:36 AM
With your fixation with bonehead comments, X Factor, you must be gob-smacked daily by the drivel and nonsense that Trump spews constantly.

LOL... Overt racism is now being described as 'bonehead comments'. I gotta think the DNC is cooking up a 9th inning call to the bullpen.

05-25-2020, 11:30 AM

If you're a federal judge and cannot defend your decisions without hiring someone to represent you, you don't belong on the bench. And this isn't a situation where a clerk is writing for him and him reviewing the work (which is normal), this is a Judge hiring outside counsel to defend him in his own legal decisions while on the bench. It makes no sense.

Given the short time frame the appellate court allowed, perhaps it makes sense. She was Brett Kavanaugh's attorney...you should love that.

05-25-2020, 01:58 PM
Given the short time frame the appellate court allowed, perhaps it makes sense. She was Brett Kavanaugh's attorney...you should love that.

Doesn’t matter to me one bit. It’s still pathetic that a federal judge, someone who is supposed to have a grasp on the legal system, has to hire outside help.

Nigel Tufnel
05-25-2020, 06:53 PM
LOL... Overt racism is now being described as 'bonehead comments'. I gotta think the DNC is cooking up a 9th inning call to the bullpen.

I’ve thought about the 9th inning bullpen call for the last several months. I’ve decided on this...at the Democratic Convention, over the loud speaker, you hear, “and the Democratic nominee for the 2020 Presidential election is...”. The lights go out...and then you hear over the loud speaker....”IF YA SMELLLLLLLLL, WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN’!!!”

I have a lot of very conservative friends. When I tell them this, instead of laughing or telling me that’s absurd...they say, “yeah...it’s possible. All bets were off after Obama and Trump were elected.”

At the first debate, Rock tells Trump he’s going to take his size 13 boot, shine it up real nice, turn that somabitch sideways...and stick it straight up Trump’s candy ass.

That would make for entertaining tv...hehe.

If our country is going to go full blown Idiocracy, let’s do it right.

X Factor
05-25-2020, 08:44 PM
I’ve thought about the 9th inning bullpen call for the last several months. I’ve decided on this...at the Democratic Convention, over the loud speaker, you hear, “and the Democratic nominee for the 2020 Presidential election is...”. The lights go out...and then you hear over the loud speaker....”IF YA SMELLLLLLLLL, WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN’!!!”

I have a lot of very conservative friends. When I tell them this, instead of laughing or telling me that’s absurd...they say, “yeah...it’s possible. All bets were off after Obama and Trump were elected.”

At the first debate, Rock tells Trump he’s going to take his size 13 boot, shine it up real nice, turn that somabitch sideways...and stick it straight up Trump’s candy ass.

That would make for entertaining tv...hehe.

If our country is going to go full blown Idiocracy, let’s do it right.

Except The Rock has long been a registered Republican. Pretty sure he now considers himself an Independent though.

05-26-2020, 08:54 AM
Predictably, it's interesting to see how people respond in this thread. My favorite is the ability to criticize the opposing candidate for something that 'your' candidate also does without acknowledging that fact in any way.

Joe Biden is a Habitual Liar? Maybe (he is a politician), but I would probably leave that one alone if was supporting Trump. You would have to do some Jedi-mind-trick level mental gymnastics to criticize Biden for lying while claiming that somehow Trump is a more honest candidate. It's been pretty well documented that Trump lies virtually all the time. If you honestly believe that Trump is the more 'honest' candidate then please agree to donate your brain to science so we can study it after you are gone (like we do with NFL players that have traumatic brain injuries).

How about the videos of Biden flubbing words and looking confused. I remember during (and since) the 2016 campaign liberals were posting video after video of Trump saying nonsensical shit and the conservatives were all up in arms about how they were all doctored, or Trump was joking, or he was tired, or whatever. Now these same assholes are posting videos of Biden flubbing words like they have uncovered some kind of smoking gun.

But my favorite. My very favorite, is the Trump supporters jumping on Biden for being 'racist'. Many of these people would also tell you that they voted for Trump as a reaction to the overly-PC outrage culture that the liberals perpetuate, however they are more than happy to jump in when Biden says something racially insensitive. When Trump was making comments about Mexican illegal immigrants being 'rapists and murders, and some, I assume, are good people', and liberals were going crazy, that was presented as evidence of just how out of hand these liberals had gotten with the racial sensitivity crap. People were twisting Trump's words and not understanding the real message. Now those same people are acting like Biden is David Duke because he said something stupid on a Podcast.

05-26-2020, 09:05 AM
I find it sad that the best the Republicans and Democrats can come up with is Trump and Biden. I think this country is in deep trouble if these are the two individuals the parties are putting forward. Clearly, the office of the President is no longer the goal of those who could actually do a decent job. That is the problem to me. Our best want nothing to do with becoming President.

05-26-2020, 09:38 AM
I find it sad that the best the Republicans and Democrats can come up with is Trump and Biden. I think this country is in deep trouble if these are the two individuals the parties are putting forward. Clearly, the office of the President is no longer the goal of those who could actually do a decent job. That is the problem to me. Our best want nothing to do with becoming President.

Republicans put forward what have been thought of (now) as good candidates in Romney, McCain, and Dole. They were experienced politicians and I believe many would call them good men. But Romney was called racist/sexist/an evil millionaire. Dole and McCain were called old and unexciting. It has been a no win situation for Republicans in recent history. Nominate an experienced and reasonable candidate like the three named above and Democrats still attack them. Eventually Republicans will lash out and will back someone like Trump that doesn't care about the dumb attacks by Democrats.

05-26-2020, 09:52 AM
I think it's bad timing more than anything for that group. Running against Bill Clinton and Barack Obama was always going to be a losing proposition. However, George W. Bush got elected twice, so it's not like it's been impossible for real Republican politicians to get elected. It's really just been a function of the strength of the Democrat candidate they're running against. I just wish Romney/Ryan would have been the ticket in 2016 instead of 2012.

05-26-2020, 09:55 AM
I find it sad that the best the Republicans and Democrats can come up with is Trump and Biden. I think this country is in deep trouble if these are the two individuals the parties are putting forward. Clearly, the office of the President is no longer the goal of those who could actually do a decent job. That is the problem to me. Our best want nothing to do with becoming President.

I agree that this is a real problem. Trump vs. Biden is not a good set of choices for a country.

Republicans put forward what have been thought of (now) as good candidates in Romney, McCain, and Dole. They were experienced politicians and I believe many would call them good men. But Romney was called racist/sexist/an evil millionaire. Dole and McCain were called old and unexciting. It has been a no win situation for Republicans in recent history. Nominate an experienced and reasonable candidate like the three named above and Democrats still attack them. Eventually Republicans will lash out and will back someone like Trump that doesn't care about the dumb attacks by Democrats.

I agree with most of this, but I also thought that Obama was a good man, as was John Kerry (not sure I'd make that statement about either Clinton, though). Ultimately I'm afraid it's a gambit that may backfire spectacularly (although not necessarily in 2020). The long term Demographics generally support the Democrats - although what remains to be seen is how many current Democrats / Moderates become Republicans as they get older and make more money.
The thing that I worry most about is that I see us heading to a system of total gridlock punctuated by periods of rapid legislative change only when one party or another controls both the Executive and Legislative branches of the Government. For a long time we had a system of gridlock punctuated by occasional progress when an issue was universally agreed upon. You can credit/blame the Obama administration for casting the first stone by forcing through the ACA after which point the Republicans basically said 'game on'. My concern going forward is if a party has control over both legislative and executive branches that they will pass whatever they want without regard for compromise, and I don't think it's good for America if either party does that. Imagine a world in which Democrats take control of Congress and the White House and they start passing unchecked social reforms. Now imagine in world in which 4 years later the Republicans take control and do the complete opposite. It's hard to see that being a good thing.

05-26-2020, 09:56 AM
I think it's bad timing more than anything for that group. Running against Bill Clinton and Barack Obama was always going to be a losing proposition. However, George W. Bush got elected twice, so it's not like it's been impossible for real Republican politicians to get elected. It's really just been a function of the strength of the Democrat candidate they're running against. I just wish Romney/Ryan would have been the ticket in 2016 instead of 2012.

This is a really good point. I think that Romney / Ryan would have absolutely smoked Clinton in 2016.

05-26-2020, 10:20 AM
I think it's bad timing more than anything for that group. Running against Bill Clinton and Barack Obama was always going to be a losing proposition. However, George W. Bush got elected twice, so it's not like it's been impossible for real Republican politicians to get elected. It's really just been a function of the strength of the Democrat candidate they're running against. I just wish Romney/Ryan would have been the ticket in 2016 instead of 2012.

I think a lot of people were just tired of politicians and that’s why we elected the exact opposite of a polished politician. I for one am pretty much done with a bunch of people talking politics and being politically correct and slamming the other party. Can we just get someone that has a clue and isn’t just going to toe the party line and give us the same shit all of the time? Probably best to just blow up both parties who are more concerned about bringing up dirt rather than just providing good sound solutions and brining everyone together? The back and forth slamming by both parties is really old.

05-26-2020, 10:29 AM
I think a lot of people were just tired of politicians and that’s why we elected the exact opposite of a polished politician. I for one am pretty much done with a bunch of people talking politics and being politically correct and slamming the other party. Can we just get someone that has a clue and isn’t just going to toe the party line and give us the same shit all of the time? Probably best to just blow up both parties who are more concerned about bringing up dirt rather than just providing good sound solutions and brining everyone together? The back and forth slamming by both parties is really old.

This is why I liked Romney, in particular, and also McCain. I know neither checks all the boxes from your post, but both are/were decent human beings that did not spend all their time demonizing the other party. I tend to like blue state Republicans (like Romney as governor of MA) and red state Democrats (like the current governor of Kansas).

05-26-2020, 10:43 AM
I think a lot of people were just tired of politicians and that’s why we elected the exact opposite of a polished politician. I for one am pretty much done with a bunch of people talking politics and being politically correct and slamming the other party. Can we just get someone that has a clue and isn’t just going to toe the party line and give us the same shit all of the time? Probably best to just blow up both parties who are more concerned about bringing up dirt rather than just providing good sound solutions and brining everyone together? The back and forth slamming by both parties is really old.

I mostly agree, but just read the posts in this thread. 90% of them are people aggressively and completely towing the party line for their respective party. Also we are on a basketball message board for a Liberal Arts University so I would imagine that the level of discourse here is actually more objective than the average.

Trump is the President right now and his whole campaign was basically slamming everyone he went up against. Remember the Republican primaries?

05-26-2020, 11:07 AM
Is there really a question about WHY the President's supporters are rejoicing in Biden's constant tripping?

You have is a group of people who have been told for the last 3 years that they are racist, dumb, chauvinistic and anti-intellectual liars for supporting the President. The left has been preaching from very high ground about how awful of a person DJT and how "non-presidential" (that's my personal favorite) he is.

These same preachers are now supporting Joe Biden for president. Joe Biden has an active sexual assault allegation against him, routinely has said things that can only be classified as dumb, and has now waded into the waters of telling a race how to vote based on their skin color. You can't cling to some imaginary moral high-ground for 3 years and then not expect some significant counter-punching when you present a candidate like Joe Biden as the anti-Trump. Reaping and sowing.. It's a terrible look for our political system but you can't spend 3 years attacking and then want to reverse course and talk about civility and discourse.

05-26-2020, 11:12 AM
Is there really a question about WHY the President's supporters are rejoicing in Biden's constant tripping?

You have is a group of people who have been told for the last 3 years that they are racist, dumb, chauvinistic and anti-intellectual liars for supporting the President. The left has been preaching from very high ground about how awful of a person DJT and how "non-presidential" (that's my personal favorite) he is.

These same preachers are now supporting Joe Biden for president. Joe Biden has an active sexual assault allegation against him, routinely has said things that can only be classified as dumb, and has now waded into the waters of telling a race how to vote based on their skin color. You can't cling to some imaginary moral high-ground for 3 years and then not expect some significant counter-punching when you present a candidate like Joe Biden as the anti-Trump. Reaping and sowing.. It's a terrible look for our political system but you can't spend 3 years attacking and then want to reverse course and talk about civility and discourse.

Right - and they are all complete hypocrites for it. Both sides. I would actually be supportive of the right questioning why the left isn't more outraged by Biden's comments. The hypocrisy comes in when, instead of criticizing the disparate responses from the left they just do the exact same thing that the left did to Trump (that they hated) by pretending to be aghast at how racist he is.

05-26-2020, 12:14 PM
Right - and they are all complete hypocrites for it. Both sides. I would actually be supportive of the right questioning why the left isn't more outraged by Biden's comments. The hypocrisy comes in when, instead of criticizing the disparate responses from the left they just do the exact same thing that the left did to Trump (that they hated) by pretending to be aghast at how racist he is.

Except this is nothing new for Biden.

"They're going to put you all back in chains"

Whether it's Trump or Romney (who I think we all agree is a decent man), Biden uses race to attack Republicans.

05-26-2020, 12:28 PM
[QUOTE=boozehound;676274]I mostly agree, but just read the posts in this thread. 90% of them are people aggressively and completely towing the party line for their respective party. Also we are on a basketball message board for a Liberal Arts University so I would imagine that the level of discourse here is actually more objective than the average[/QUOTE
What? Liberal Arts University ? According to US NEWS XU is 13% liberal arts. X is mostly business, hosp admin, med, pre med. etc. Probably explains why only 13% of the posts on here are left leaning lunacy.

05-26-2020, 12:40 PM
What? Liberal Arts University ? According to US NEWS XU is 13% liberal arts. X is mostly business, hosp admin, med, pre med. etc. Probably explains why only 13% of the posts on here are left leaning lunacy.

Is this a real post?

Unless things have changed since I graduated in 2004 Xavier identifies themselves as a Liberal Arts University, and has for quite some time. That does not mean that the majority of students are Liberal Arts majors, just that they have a core Liberal Arts curriculum that is deeper than most other schools (think Language, History, Theology, Philosophy). For example I was a Finance Major but still had to take like 9 credit hours each of the aforementioned disciplines, which I would not have had to do at many other Universities.

Are you not going to be a fan anymore because they are defined as a 'Liberal' Arts school? Do you think you should petition them to change it to 'Conservative Arts School'?

Bonus points for being obtuse enough to conflate 'Liberal' in the context of 'Liberal Arts School' with 'Liberal' political ideologies. While you could argue a correlation, that's not what the Liberal in Liberal Arts references.

05-26-2020, 12:50 PM
Yeah, it is definitely still considered a Liberal Arts school

05-27-2020, 10:26 AM
Biden spent two minutes here saying absolutely nothing at all


05-27-2020, 11:40 AM
Biden spent two minutes here saying absolutely nothing at all


John 'Murder Hornet' Cardillo? This is a guy from Newsmax posting a video on twitter that's over a year old, right?

Moving past the source, I'm not sure this is really a major point of differentiation between the two candidates. There is like 100 hours of tape of Trump rambling without really going anywhere. How you evaluate the differences between the two in this area really seems to be more of a function of what hyper-partisan personalities you listen to or follow on twitter.

05-27-2020, 12:29 PM
A politician talking and not really saying anything? That’s never happened before!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-27-2020, 12:40 PM
The president is lashing out at Twitter on Twitter.

Just another normal day.

05-27-2020, 02:14 PM
The president is lashing out at Twitter on Twitter.

Just another normal day.

If he really does 'shut down twitter' what will he do all day?

05-27-2020, 02:26 PM
If he really does 'shut down twitter' what will he do all day?

God help us if he discovers 4chan or 8chan.

05-27-2020, 03:07 PM
OK then.

"Cutting off the nose to spite the face" is an expression to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face" is a warning against acting out of pique, or against pursuing revenge in a way that would damage oneself more than the object of one's anger.

05-28-2020, 05:05 PM
Trump Issues Executive Order Against Twitter (https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/28/politics/trump-twitter-social-media-executive-order/index.html)

I would be curious how people feel about this. It seems like an obvious overreach. Twitter is a private business that people are free to use, or not use and I don't think that they have what constitutes a monopoly. Should the Federal government be exerting it's authority via Executive Order to try to force a private entity into behaving how they want it to?

Even it Twitter was overtly liberal and aggressively censored anything Republicans posted should that be illegal?

Edit: Yes I realize that the source is CNN, but I assume the core facts of the case are accurate.

05-28-2020, 05:15 PM
Trump Issues Executive Order Against Twitter (https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/28/politics/trump-twitter-social-media-executive-order/index.html)

I would be curious how people feel about this. It seems like an obvious overreach. Twitter is a private business that people are free to use, or not use and I don't think that they have what constitutes a monopoly. Should the Federal government be exerting it's authority via Executive Order to try to force a private entity into behaving how they want it to?

Even it Twitter was overtly liberal and aggressively censored anything Republicans posted should that be illegal?

Edit: Yes I realize that the source is CNN, but I assume the core facts of the case are accurate.

My God, the man is ten pounds of bullshit in a five pound bag.

I know I'm stating the obvious, but they never actually censured anything. They left his tweet up. They simply cited a source. After doing so, Trump went crazy, but he never actually cited anything to back up his initial claim. Even if he's not lying (which he is), that was the dumbest way to go about handling that. All he had to do was cite his data.

He pulls shit out of his ass, and whenever anyone questions it he attacks them, and his followers believe him even though he never actually backs up what he's saying. The easiest people to lie to are those who want to believe the lie. What you're saying doesn't have to be true so much as it needs people with a desire to believe it even though it's not true. That's why it's so easy for people to lie to themselves, I guess. In a way, Trump may understand that better than most of the rest of us.

05-28-2020, 08:05 PM
Trump Issues Executive Order Against Twitter (https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/28/politics/trump-twitter-social-media-executive-order/index.html)

I would be curious how people feel about this. It seems like an obvious overreach. Twitter is a private business that people are free to use, or not use and I don't think that they have what constitutes a monopoly. Should the Federal government be exerting it's authority via Executive Order to try to force a private entity into behaving how they want it to?

Even it Twitter was overtly liberal and aggressively censored anything Republicans posted should that be illegal?

Edit: Yes I realize that the source is CNN, but I assume the core facts of the case are accurate.

If Twitter loses 230 protection, couldn’t they be sued by Joe Scarborough for Trump’s tweets this week? Wouldn’t their safest route at this point just to be ban the president from their service to avoid this issue?

05-28-2020, 09:30 PM
Just imagine what this will be like during the election season.

What’s more, 82% of the top 50 most influential coronavirus/COVID-19 retweeters were bots, as were 62% of the top 1,000 retweeters, according to the report.


05-29-2020, 08:41 AM
My God, the man is ten pounds of bullshit in a five pound bag.

I know I'm stating the obvious, but they never actually censured anything. They left his tweet up. They simply cited a source. After doing so, Trump went crazy, but he never actually cited anything to back up his initial claim. Even if he's not lying (which he is), that was the dumbest way to go about handling that. All he had to do was cite his data.

He pulls shit out of his ass, and whenever anyone questions it he attacks them, and his followers believe him even though he never actually backs up what he's saying. The easiest people to lie to are those who want to believe the lie. What you're saying doesn't have to be true so much as it needs people with a desire to believe it even though it's not true. That's why it's so easy for people to lie to themselves, I guess. In a way, Trump may understand that better than most of the rest of us.

This is right on the nose, and also a little scary. There is a very large group of people who believe all/most of what this idiot says, even when it is demonstrably false. Even many of the people who don't believe him don't seem to think it's a big deal that he does this. Try to imagine ANY of the Presidents in your lifetime prior to Trump doing anything like this. It's amazing how far you can fall in a few years, and should be a cautionary tale. I'll bet that a frightening number his supporters would be in favor of making him a Dictator.

If Twitter loses 230 protection, couldn’t they be sued by Joe Scarborough for Trump’s tweets this week? Wouldn’t their safest route at this point just to be ban the president from their service to avoid this issue?

The President being banned from Twitter would be wild. I do think Twitter is in a bit of a tough spot: It's admirable that they want to try to get a handle on influential people posting outright proven lies on their platform, but it's got to be tough to police all that bullshit that's on twitter. Nevertheless, they are a private company so they can kind of do what they want.

Just imagine what this will be like during the election season.


Twitter should focus some of their energy on eliminating all twitter bots. Also, God we are stupid.

05-29-2020, 10:18 AM
Today's conundrum: I prefer for Trump to not tweet out stupid, inflammatory things. On the other hand, I wouldn't feel even a little bit bad about an actual looter being shot.

05-29-2020, 10:23 AM
This is right on the nose, and also a little scary. There is a very large group of people who believe all/most of what this idiot says, even when it is demonstrably false. Even many of the people who don't believe him don't seem to think it's a big deal that he does this. Try to imagine ANY of the Presidents in your lifetime prior to Trump doing anything like this. It's amazing how far you can fall in a few years, and should be a cautionary tale. I'll bet that a frightening number his supporters would be in favor of making him a Dictator.

The President being banned from Twitter would be wild. I do think Twitter is in a bit of a tough spot: It's admirable that they want to try to get a handle on influential people posting outright proven lies on their platform, but it's got to be tough to police all that bullshit that's on twitter. Nevertheless, they are a private company so they can kind of do what they want.

Twitter should focus some of their energy on eliminating all twitter bots. Also, God we are stupid.

Probably so, and that's also kind of scary. Dictators don't so much pillage and plunder their way to the top all by themselves, but rather ride the wave of support from those who want them in that role. The one thing that all dictators seem to have in common is the initial widespread fanatical and nearly unconditional support from a group that wants them there.

05-31-2020, 11:39 AM
Today's conundrum: I prefer for Trump to not tweet out stupid, inflammatory things. On the other hand, I wouldn't feel even a little bit bad about an actual looter being shot.

Yesterday was an absolute SheetShow for our country at large. I'm sorry. Pillaging and looting innocent businesses- ESPECIALLY those that are in the Community and serve the needs of the good citizens of their Community is flat out bull sheet and anyone who does that is subject to whatever the authorities need to do to stop it. The death of George Floyd was a tragedy, and a felony crime of Murder, but destroying people's livelihoods under the guise of "justice" is ridiculously wrong. Protest? Absolutely, but Riot? To Hell with that.

It is also interesting though, that when there is talk of "Having A Conversation" about how these conditions occur and who fosters them, the conversation-especially in the MSM- seems to stop dead when it reaches local authorities, unless they are Republican.
Minneapolis has been controlled by Democrats for 45 years, yet the go to narrative on MSNBC and CNN is that the "culture" allegedly nurtured by Trump is responsible. But for Baltimore, whose riots occurred in 2015, there was never a word about blaming Obama. In fact, no where have I seen any finger pointing on the Minneapolis administration, zero., zilch. At least there was a smidgen in Baltimore, but very little. Democrats have had control in Baltimore for longer than Minneapolis- 53 years.

Also. Where the hell is the blame and finger pointing toward public unions-The Police Union in Minneapolis in this case? I guess "unions" are hands off from the MSM too. Why am I "Union Shaming" the Police Union in this case? Because, GawdDammit, the Minneapolis Police Union shielded and protected this rotten apple Derek Chauvin 18 times prior to this incident from citizen complaints about his misconduct. EIGHTEEN TIMES, with 2 letters of Reprimand, and he was still on the force!! Oh, and there have also been 6 complaints filed against Chauvin's partner that day, Tou Thao. Look, I know that police work is tough stuff, and everything is never just clear black and white, plus I always thank every Policeman that I see for what they do everyday, but 18 complaints being dismissed and defended by the Union?? Welp, they got themselves in the trick box now.

It....Is....Shameful. And Please! Justice for George Floyd.

XU 87
05-31-2020, 11:55 AM
He pulls shit out of his ass, and whenever anyone questions it he attacks them, and his followers believe him even though he never actually backs up what he's saying. The easiest people to lie to are those who want to believe the lie. What you're saying doesn't have to be true so much as it needs people with a desire to believe it even though it's not true. That's why it's so easy for people to lie to themselves, I guess.

Are you referring to the Russian collusion allegations?


05-31-2020, 12:03 PM
Are you referring to the Russian collusion allegations?


How about Adam Schiff directly saying on Meet The Press and other occasions that he had "Unequivocal Evidence of Collusion" ve Trump? yet he never produced it, never volunteered anything to back it up, and Chucky Todd, when he had him back on Meet The Press after Mueller's report wwas made public, never asked Schiff about it again, or challenged Schiff's earlier statememts.

Newsflash. ALL politicians pull shit out of their ass. It just depends whose shit you decide to tune out and which shit to believe. I'm pretty skeptical of all words. Just show me the actions and I'll decide.

06-01-2020, 10:59 AM
Are you referring to the Russian collusion allegations?


No, but it's perhaps a fair point that kind of furthers what I was saying. When you lie to people who want to believe you then they'll choose to believe it.

06-01-2020, 11:04 AM
No, but it's perhaps a fair point that kind of furthers what I was saying. When you lie to people who want to believe you then they'll choose to believe it.

Fox wanted to put together an exempt tournament at Xavier with us, Kentucky, Kansas, and Duke where we'd play a round robin tournament and each school would be paid over $1 million per game, but ESPN would not let those schools out of their TV contracts because they're still mad about losing the Old Big East, so the event was cancelled. Of course I can't prove this, but I know people and I know that it's true. ESPN SUCKS!!!

06-01-2020, 11:50 AM
Fox wanted to put together an exempt tournament at Xavier with us, Kentucky, Kansas, and Duke where we'd play a round robin tournament and each school would be paid over $1 million per game, but ESPN would not let those schools out of their TV contracts because they're still mad about losing the Old Big East, so the event was cancelled. Of course I can't prove this, but I know people and I know that it's true. ESPN SUCKS!!!


06-01-2020, 11:52 AM
Good Lord, Obama, wear a mask!

06-01-2020, 12:16 PM
Our country is having a hell of a year.

People who were bothered by seeing videos of passengers being physically dragged off of flights that were overbooked can't seem to figure out why other groups of people are bothered by seeing police brutality.

Those who defend the cops by saying it's just a few bad eggs don't seem to want to give that same benefit of the doubt to the protesters.

Those who defend the protesters saying that it's just a few bad eggs don't want to seem to give that same benefit of the doubt to the cops.

Those who were protesting the tyrannical actions of having to social distance during the pandemic don't seem all that bothered by curfews or the rough treatment that these protesters are experiencing.

Those who screamed bloody murder at anyone who left the house without a mask now don't seem to mind it that much.

If you try to provoke a group of protesters who are already pissed off, you will not only succeed but you will drag others into the fray that had no intention or desire to act violently, and people are doing that.

If you try to provoke the police, you will not only succeed but will drag other officers into the fray that had no intention or desire of being violent, and people are doing that.

I think most of us have had the unpleasant experience of having to work with someone who is a jackass. It sucks because they make things worse for everyone, and there really isn't much you can do about it. Well, for the cops, that's even more true and probably more frustrating. Most cops from around the country would probably love to beat the shit out of the four (now former) cops from Minneapolis. Talk about jackasses that made things worse for everyone! They murdered a man, one of them has been arrested and charged with murder, and he will hopefully (and rightfully) be convicted of murder.

Most of the cops I know remind me more of Axl Foley and Judge Reinhold than they do of Bull Connor. They're fun to be around, they don't seem to sweat the small stuff, they're passionate about their jobs, and are good at their jobs. If all cops were like that then we'd probably be a lot better off. I hate it for them that they have to deal with assholes who's main reasons for wanting to be cops is the ability to abuse the power that comes with it. I also hate it for all those who live in neighborhoods and areas where police brutality is one of many common problems they are having to live with. Many of the young men who play the sports that we love to watch fall into that category. If the coronavirus made you feel uneasy about losing your job, or paying your bills, or the economy, or afraid to interact with others due to the possibility of getting sick, a lot of people who come from low socioeconomic backgrounds have those same feelings all the time for all their lives, and again, many of the people who play the games we love to watch fall into that category. Just something to think about.

Our country is not in a good place right now. Looking for someone to blame while making no attempt whatsoever to understand or empathize isn't going to make it any better, but I have a feeling that's what most of us are going to do.

06-01-2020, 12:26 PM
I mostly blame you, 'brew. Definitely makes me feel better.

06-01-2020, 12:28 PM
I mostly blame you, 'brew. Definitely makes me feel better.


06-01-2020, 01:51 PM
Our country is having a hell of a year.

People who were bothered by seeing videos of passengers being physically dragged off of flights that were overbooked can't seem to figure out why other groups of people are bothered by seeing police brutality.

Those who defend the cops by saying it's just a few bad eggs don't seem to want to give that same benefit of the doubt to the protesters.

Those who defend the protesters saying that it's just a few bad eggs don't want to seem to give that same benefit of the doubt to the cops.

Those who were protesting the tyrannical actions of having to social distance during the pandemic don't seem all that bothered by curfews or the rough treatment that these protesters are experiencing.

Those who screamed bloody murder at anyone who left the house without a mask now don't seem to mind it that much.

If you try to provoke a group of protesters who are already pissed off, you will not only succeed but you will drag others into the fray that had no intention or desire to act violently, and people are doing that.

If you try to provoke the police, you will not only succeed but will drag other officers into the fray that had no intention or desire of being violent, and people are doing that.

I think most of us have had the unpleasant experience of having to work with someone who is a jackass. It sucks because they make things worse for everyone, and there really isn't much you can do about it. Well, for the cops, that's even more true and probably more frustrating. Most cops from around the country would probably love to beat the shit out of the four (now former) cops from Minneapolis. Talk about jackasses that made things worse for everyone! They murdered a man, one of them has been arrested and charged with murder, and he will hopefully (and rightfully) be convicted of murder.

Most of the cops I know remind me more of Axl Foley and Judge Reinhold than they do of Bull Connor. They're fun to be around, they don't seem to sweat the small stuff, they're passionate about their jobs, and are good at their jobs. If all cops were like that then we'd probably be a lot better off. I hate it for them that they have to deal with assholes who's main reasons for wanting to be cops is the ability to abuse the power that comes with it. I also hate it for all those who live in neighborhoods and areas where police brutality is one of many common problems they are having to live with. Many of the young men who play the sports that we love to watch fall into that category. If the coronavirus made you feel uneasy about losing your job, or paying your bills, or the economy, or afraid to interact with others due to the possibility of getting sick, a lot of people who come from low socioeconomic backgrounds have those same feelings all the time for all their lives, and again, many of the people who play the games we love to watch fall into that category. Just something to think about.

Our country is not in a good place right now. Looking for someone to blame while making no attempt whatsoever to understand or empathize isn't going to make it any better, but I have a feeling that's what most of us are going to do.

Public reps. Great post.

06-01-2020, 01:51 PM

Well that's good to know. I thought it was my fault.

Lamont Sanford
06-01-2020, 01:52 PM
I blame George W. Bush.

Nigel Tufnel
06-01-2020, 03:29 PM
Our country is having a hell of a year.

Our country is not in a good place right now. Looking for someone to blame while making no attempt whatsoever to understand or empathize isn't going to make it any better, but I have a feeling that's what most of us are going to do.

And our country still has a plague of locusts, murder hornets and an “unprecedented” hurricane season coming. Yay!

06-01-2020, 03:49 PM
And our country still has a plague of locusts, murder hornets and an “unprecedented” hurricane season coming. Yay!

If you have ever played Sim City for an extended period of time, eventually you get bored and turn on all of the disasters at once and watch your creation burn. I think we have hit that point...

06-01-2020, 03:54 PM
Trump calls governors 'weak', urges them to use force against protestors (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-governors-george-floyd-protests/2020/06/01/430a6226-a421-11ea-b619-3f9133bbb482_story.html)


06-01-2020, 04:08 PM
Trump calls governors 'weak', urges them to use force against protestors (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-governors-george-floyd-protests/2020/06/01/430a6226-a421-11ea-b619-3f9133bbb482_story.html)


Depends when force is needed. If people are attacking people and cops, like has been happening, then of course you have to use force. Now people being peaceful, absolutely not. I have seen business owners getting abused, my business had some thugs try to rob us in Cincy the other night and yes they were thugs. We called 911 and they ran but before they left they brutally beat, gang attacked And robbed one of our customers on the way out. Both the thugs and customer were black. So if people are attacking others and they refuse to stop, than force is sometimes needed. I am sure if you were getting the shit beat out of you to the inch of your life, you would agree with the force.

06-01-2020, 04:27 PM
Depends when force is needed. If people are attacking people and cops, like has been happening, then of course you have to use force. Now people being peaceful, absolutely not. I have seen business owners getting abused, my business had some thugs try to rob us in Cincy the other night and yes they were thugs. We called 911 and they ran but before they left they brutally beat, gang attacked And robbed one of our customers on the way out. Both the thugs and customer were black. So if people are attacking others and they refuse to stop, than force is sometimes needed. I am sure if you were getting the shit beat out of you to the inch of your life, you would agree with the force.

Obama called the Baltimore rioters after Freddie Gray, "Thugs" too, but apparently the National media didn't care about that particular word with him. Obama was accurate, though.

06-01-2020, 04:30 PM
Trump calls governors 'weak', urges them to use force against protestors (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-governors-george-floyd-protests/2020/06/01/430a6226-a421-11ea-b619-3f9133bbb482_story.html)


Washington Post- "unruly protests" .
Mostly everyone with a brain- "Lawless criminally destructive riots".

Wanna know why the WP has lost its credibility as a true news source? That's it in a nutshell.


06-01-2020, 06:35 PM
This unraveling presidency began with the Crybaby-in-Chief banging his spoon on his highchair tray to protest a photograph — a photograph — showing that his inauguration crowd the day before had been smaller than the one four years previous. Since then, this weak person’s idea of a strong person, this chest-pounding advertisement of his own gnawing insecurities, this low-rent Lear raging on his Twitter-heath has proven that the phrase malignant buffoon is not an oxymoron.

Noted liberal George Will in the Post


Sadly, I'm afraid the staunch conservative Mr. Will may be correct.

06-01-2020, 06:49 PM
It's hilarious that now covid 19 is nowhere to be found with all the liberal pearl clutchers all gathering in a ridiculous number to protest.

06-01-2020, 06:58 PM
Trump calls governors 'weak', urges them to use force against protestors (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-governors-george-floyd-protests/2020/06/01/430a6226-a421-11ea-b619-3f9133bbb482_story.html)


our KY governor and louisville mayor are two of the biggest pussies on the planet and the lefties freaking love them.

06-01-2020, 07:07 PM
It's hilarious that now covid 19 is nowhere to be found with all the liberal pearl clutchers all gathering in a ridiculous number to protest.

Yep. What happened to we are all going to die?

06-01-2020, 07:08 PM
our KY governor and louisville mayor are two of the biggest pussies on the planet and the lefties freaking love them.

Facts. Louisville has been under democratic control for like 60 years and people just don’t understand why they still have the same problems today that they did 60 years ago. People can’t continue to be that dumb.

06-01-2020, 09:16 PM
Noted liberal George Will in the Post


Sadly, I'm afraid the staunch conservative Mr. Will may be correct.

That's pretty scathing. Also pretty on point. I'm sure he's not a real conservative anymore though.

06-01-2020, 10:20 PM
As a buddy of mine said...this week has been one long trump campaign ad. Guy is back in the driver's seat to get elected, and though I'm not a trump supporter and think the guy is a little damn crazy, I will take great satisfaction in watching whiny pussies cry on facebook for 4 more years

06-01-2020, 11:55 PM
It's hilarious that now covid 19 is nowhere to be found with all the liberal pearl clutchers all gathering in a ridiculous number to protest.

It's hilarious(but actually very sad) that you're equating "liberal pearl clutchers" as people who are gathering against police brutality and for basic equal human rights. The fact that you're equating someone with certain political beliefs to protests for basic human rights show just how out of touch you are.

06-02-2020, 12:15 AM
It's hilarious(but actually very sad) that you're equating "liberal pearl clutchers" as people who are gathering against police brutality and for basic equal human rights. The fact that you're equating someone with certain political beliefs to protests for basic human rights show just how out of touch you are.

Whoops sorry did I say protest? I meant loot and destroy commerce.

06-02-2020, 12:22 AM
Whoops sorry did I say protest? I meant loot and destroy commerce.

Ah yes. Something that has nothing to do with the peaceful protests. You should really learn to differentiate between two completely separate things.

06-02-2020, 12:31 AM
Ah yes. Something that has nothing to do with the peaceful protests. You should really learn to differentiate between two completely separate things.

Talk about out of touch.

06-02-2020, 12:40 AM
Talk about out of touch.

The fact that you willingly choose not to differentiate the two in order to ignore the actual issues is quite telling.

06-02-2020, 01:06 AM
My actual issue is that suddenly covid is no longer a worry since the liberal pearl clutchers are gathering in groups of hundreds of people. It's quite telling it's barely even being mentioned anymore...its almost as if covid was not the actual doom and gloom death sentence it was painted as by the MSM for months. Whatever gets the most clicks though...amirite?

As far as the protesting, whatever...I've seen enough "peaceful" protests in my lifetime. Ferguson, otr, downtown Louisville the last few nights...maybe let's try something different

Lloyd Braun
06-02-2020, 01:07 AM
As a buddy of mine said...this week has been one long trump campaign ad. Guy is back in the driver's seat to get elected, and though I'm not a trump supporter and think the guy is a little damn crazy, I will take great satisfaction in watching whiny pussies cry on facebook for 4 more years

I’m not saying he will lose but I’m not seeing how this helps him. Do you think the black vote will be worse than 2016 after this? There’s a lot of time between now and November so anything goes but Trump has seen way better weeks that’s for sure.

06-02-2020, 09:05 AM
My actual issue is that suddenly covid is no longer a worry since the liberal pearl clutchers are gathering in groups of hundreds of people. It's quite telling it's barely even being mentioned anymore...its almost as if covid was not the actual doom and gloom death sentence it was painted as by the MSM for months. Whatever gets the most clicks though...amirite?

COVID is still a significant concern, and this obviously isn't helping with contact tracing. While it may have been pushed off the front page, the reminders of it are still there when you see almost every reporter wearing a mask while reporting on the protests (not to mention most of the police and reporters).

06-02-2020, 10:23 AM
Facts. Louisville has been under democratic control for like 60 years and people just don’t understand why they still have the same problems today that they did 60 years ago. People can’t continue to be that dumb.

And Minneapolis where this latest sheetstorm started, like I posted before in #5802, has been under Democrat control for 45 years straight.
And they enabled the local Police Union to futher enable a bad apple (Cauvin) to still have a job after 18, yeah EIGHTEEN citizen complaints filed against him-with one weak letter of reprimand. The last major riot in Baltimore-under Obama, who was never blamed for it like Trump is now, has been under Democrat control for 53 years. Oh, and they've had 3 in their last group of mayors have to resign, but Dems just keep getting elected.
You reap what you sow locally.

Late edit. 5 Police officers shot in various cities last night. Where's the outrage?

06-02-2020, 10:31 AM
I’m not saying he will lose but I’m not seeing how this helps him. Do you think the black vote will be worse than 2016 after this? There’s a lot of time between now and November so anything goes but Trump has seen way better weeks that’s for sure.

I think people's individual day-to-day experiences can make it seem like this is good for Trump if, particularly you live suburban or rural Ohio / Kentucky / Indiana etc. and rarely interact with minorities. I used to live on the West Side of Cincinnati - I know that mentality well.

Many of our major cities are burning and we are still dealing with a Pandemic and likely recession. It's difficult to see any of these factors helping an incumbent President get reelected. When you sprinkle in the fact that Trump is incapable of saying the right things, it seems like an easy avenue to attack him on. Trump and his base spent the first 3 years touting the strength of the economy as evidence of his greatness. He is continuing to whip is base into a frenzy, but I'm not sure how much more engagement he can get from them.

The people that really swung the last election for him (an election in which he lost the Popular vote by 3MM votes).

Minority turnout was low: Black voter turnout dropped precipitously for the first time in 20 years. Turnout declined for 66.6% to 59.9%. This was a big help in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Women didn't vote as expected: Specifically suburban white women. The Clinton campaign thought that they would easily engage and carry

Blue Collar workers (generally union influenced): Specifically in Michigan and Wisconsin. Voted Red for the first time in a while.

Trump's Base: They turned out to vote, and should be expected to in 2020.

Minority voter turnout could be Trump's worst enemy in 2020.

I live in New Jersey but many of the people I interact and work with live in and around Philadelphia. Typically either in the city or in the affluent suburbs. None of them think this reflects well on Trump. Honestly I don't see how you could, whether you agree with the protesters or now.

D-West & PO-Z
06-02-2020, 10:39 AM
As a buddy of mine said...this week has been one long trump campaign ad. Guy is back in the driver's seat to get elected, and though I'm not a trump supporter and think the guy is a little damn crazy, I will take great satisfaction in watching whiny pussies cry on facebook for 4 more years

Is this real life? Maybe for his own base that would vote for him no matter what. For anyone in the middle or undecided, no way.

It is hard to imagine a POTUS handling this last week any worse than Trump. His "leadership" has been laughable. Sad.

I am pretty much as middle as it gets. Maybe lean slight left. I have voted republican and democrat in every election at various positions. Biden isnt a great candidate (especially at his current age/state) and I am frustrated there isnt a better option but I have literally never felt more compelled to actively campaign for a candidate. I have never campaigned for any candidate but feel a strong need to do so for Biden at this point.

Trump has been an absolute embarrassment.

D-West & PO-Z
06-02-2020, 10:42 AM
And Minneapolis where this latest sheetstorm started, like I posted before in #5802, has been under Democrat control for 45 years straight.
And they enabled the local Police Union to futher enable a bad apple (Cauvin) to still have a job after 18, yeah EIGHTEEN citizen complaints filed against him-with one weak letter of reprimand. The last major riot in Baltimore-under Obama, who was never blamed for it like Trump is now, has been under Democrat control for 53 years. Oh, and they've had 3 in their last group of mayors have to resign, but Dems just keep getting elected.
You reap what you sow locally.

Late edit. 5 Police officers shot in various cities last night. Where's the outrage?

Both parties are responsible for bad policing and not prosecuting police who break the law for sure. Both parties need to accept responsibility for failures there and work together for reform.

06-02-2020, 10:50 AM
Trump remains the betting favorite to win the November election as of this morning.

06-02-2020, 10:54 AM
I think people's individual day-to-day experiences can make it seem like this is good for Trump if, particularly you live suburban or rural Ohio / Kentucky / Indiana etc. and rarely interact with minorities. I used to live on the West Side of Cincinnati - I know that mentality well.

Many of our major cities are burning and we are still dealing with a Pandemic and likely recession. It's difficult to see any of these factors helping an incumbent President get reelected. When you sprinkle in the fact that Trump is incapable of saying the right things, it seems like an easy avenue to attack him on. Trump and his base spent the first 3 years touting the strength of the economy as evidence of his greatness. He is continuing to whip is base into a frenzy, but I'm not sure how much more engagement he can get from them.

The people that really swung the last election for him (an election in which he lost the Popular vote by 3MM votes).

Minority turnout was low: Black voter turnout dropped precipitously for the first time in 20 years. Turnout declined for 66.6% to 59.9%. This was a big help in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Women didn't vote as expected: Specifically suburban white women. The Clinton campaign thought that they would easily engage and carry

Blue Collar workers (generally union influenced): Specifically in Michigan and Wisconsin. Voted Red for the first time in a while.

Trump's Base: They turned out to vote, and should be expected to in 2020.

Minority voter turnout could be Trump's worst enemy in 2020.

I live in New Jersey but many of the people I interact and work with live in and around Philadelphia. Typically either in the city or in the affluent suburbs. None of them think this reflects well on Trump. Honestly I don't see how you could, whether you agree with the protesters or now.

I'm not convinced at all that minority voter turnout will suddenly be improved when the choices are one psychotic old white male vs an alzheimers ridden old white male.

Trump is going to win easily.

06-02-2020, 10:58 AM
I'm not sure what Joe Biden has done to impress anyone during this election cycle other than continue to be a breathing human being who is not Donald Trump. It's amazing that it may turn out to be enough.

06-02-2020, 11:01 AM
I'm not sure what Joe Biden has done to impress anyone during this election cycle other than continue to be a breathing human being who is not Donald Trump. It's amazing that it may turn out to be enough.
I recall that election sign I saw in Indian Hill a few weeks ago. It read: 2020 Any functioning adult.

D-West & PO-Z
06-02-2020, 11:03 AM
I'm not sure what Joe Biden has done to impress anyone during this election cycle other than continue to be a breathing human being who is not Donald Trump. It's amazing that it may turn out to be enough.

Honestly that is all I care about at this point. Although he just spoke and I thought did a great job with what he said and spoke well.

And to be clear I think Trump is still the favorite unfortunately. I just cant imagine anyone (who isnt fully in his camp already) seeing this past week and thinking it was a good week for Trump.

06-02-2020, 11:05 AM
Trump remains the betting favorite to win the November election as of this morning.

Not according to this source: https://www.casino.org/news/polls-odds-agree-joe-biden-man-to-beat-in-2020-presidential-election/

06-02-2020, 11:06 AM
I just cant imagine anyone (who isnt fully in his camp already) seeing this past week and thinking it was a good week for Trump.

On the other hand, what undecided voter is watching what is going on this week and thinking "Let's vote for the side participating in and/or condoning the burning of cities"?

06-02-2020, 11:07 AM
Not according to this source: https://www.casino.org/news/polls-odds-agree-joe-biden-man-to-beat-in-2020-presidential-election/

Well, I just logged onto my online betting account, and Trump is the betting line favorite. Even that article made no sense as it had both at +100 with no vig. Mine is Trump -130, Field +100.

06-02-2020, 11:13 AM
I'm not convinced at all that minority voter turnout will suddenly be improved when the choices are one psychotic old white male vs an alzheimers ridden old white male.

Trump is going to win easily.

They are rioting in the streets at a level that I don't really recall seeing in my lifetime. Maybe Rodney King? It was certainly worse in LA, but not sure it was worse nationally. I don't think this is just about George Floyd. It's about the overall situation and minorities feeling like they aren't being heard, and I think Trump is a big part of that. All he had to do was somewhat convincingly act like he cares and listen to the black community, but he can't resist. The minority vote may not be enough for Biden, but I think that they will support him. I also think we are going to see a lot of Barack Obama on the campaign trail as well as very likely a minority running mate.

Honestly that is all I care about at this point. Although he just spoke and I thought did a great job with what he said and spoke well.

And to be clear I think Trump is still the favorite unfortunately. I just cant imagine anyone (who isnt fully in his camp already) seeing this past week and thinking it was a good week for Trump.

This is my position, 100%. This dude got on a call with a bunch of governors and called them weak for not using military weaponry and tactics to 'dominate' their own citizens. Then he (allegedly) hid in a bunker underneath the White House before emerging to Tear Gas protesters on his way to a photo op. The shit show is just beginning.

06-02-2020, 11:17 AM
On the other hand, what undecided voter is watching what is going on this week and thinking "Let's vote for the side participating in and/or condoning the burning of cities"?

I don't think it's as much about that, as it is not voting for a President who seems poorly equipped to handle most difficult situations. This is just another in a long line of examples. I also think that the continuing authoritarian rhetoric should be troubling more people than it is.

We absolutely shouldn't be condoning the violence and property destruction. If we use that as a reason to de-legitimize the entire protest I think we are missing the point and will only see more of this.

D-West & PO-Z
06-02-2020, 11:19 AM
On the other hand, what undecided voter is watching what is going on this week and thinking "Let's vote for the side participating in and/or condoning the burning of cities"?

Anyone who truly thinks that is likely in Trumps camp already. I think most reasonable people understand Biden doesnt want burning and looting. He said as much today again. The ones burning and looting are extremists on both sides mostly.

06-02-2020, 11:24 AM
I don't think it's as much about that, as it is not voting for a President who seems poorly equipped to handle most difficult situations. This is just another in a long line of examples. I also think that the continuing authoritarian rhetoric should be troubling more people than it is.

We absolutely should be condoning the violence and property destruction. If we use that as a reason to de-legitimize the entire protest I think we are missing the point and will only see more of this.

You're either a complete fucking idiot or you don't know the meaning of the word condone.

06-02-2020, 11:27 AM
You're either a complete fucking idiot or you don't know the meaning of the word condone.

Or it was a typo.

06-02-2020, 11:27 AM
Anyone who truly thinks that is likely in Trumps camp already. I think most reasonable people understand Biden doesnt want burning and looting. He said as much today again. The ones burning and looting are extremists on both sides mostly.

I don't think Biden wants burning and looting. I DO think he's on the "side" that is doing the burning and looting or condoning it. I think it's pretty one-sided.

06-02-2020, 11:28 AM
They are rioting in the streets at a level that I don't really recall seeing in my lifetime. Maybe Rodney King? It was certainly worse in LA, but not sure it was worse nationally. I don't think this is just about George Floyd. It's about the overall situation and minorities feeling like they aren't being heard, and I think Trump is a big part of that. All he had to do was somewhat convincingly act like he cares and listen to the black community, but he can't resist. The minority vote may not be enough for Biden, but I think that they will support him. I also think we are going to see a lot of Barack Obama on the campaign trail as well as very likely a minority running mate.

This is my position, 100%. This dude got on a call with a bunch of governors and called them weak for not using military weaponry and tactics to 'dominate' their own citizens. Then he (allegedly) hid in a bunker underneath the White House before emerging to Tear Gas protesters on his way to a photo op. The shit show is just beginning.

Ferguson? Cincinnati? Baltimore?

The thing that irks me about trump haters is that everything wrong is blamed on him...it is his fault floyd died and it's his fault minorities are where they are. I think it is more prudent to look toward the democratic led cities (for decades) of st louis, Minneapolis, Detroit, Baltimore as the true reasons.

06-02-2020, 11:32 AM
I don't think Biden wants burning and looting. I DO think he's on the "side" that is doing the burning and looting or condoning it. I think it's pretty one-sided.

I think that's a bit of an over simplification. Other than a bunch of fringe whackos on twitter and probably some local politicians I don't see a lot of legitimate people condoning the burning or looting. Yes, they are on the left side of the political spectrum. They have a fringe too, just like the racists on the far right are a fringe that doesn't represent the views of the entire party.

I also think that the overall state of the country in a given election cycle, particularly when an incumbent President is running for reelection, can have a significant impact. If come November we still have COVID outbreaks, high unemployement, and social unrest I think it will weigh on Trump's reelection chances.

06-02-2020, 11:38 AM
Both parties are responsible for bad policing and not prosecuting police who break the law for sure. Both parties need to accept responsibility for failures there and work together for reform.

In Hamilton County the republican prosecutor took Ray Tensing to trial twice. I can't think of any other county/city in the country that has tried that. The results aren't what we wanted, but they certainly tried.

06-02-2020, 11:42 AM
Ferguson? Cincinnati? Baltimore?

The thing that irks me about trump haters is that everything wrong is blamed on him...it is his fault floyd died and it's his fault minorities are where they are. I think it is more prudent to look toward the democratic led cities (for decades) of st louis, Minneapolis, Detroit, Baltimore as the true reasons.

Ferguson, Cincinnati, and Baltimore were all relatively isolated riots. They spread in some pockets, but nothing like what we have seen with this.

Minorities vote Democrat, which is why all major cities are 'Democratic Led'. The two are related, but not in the way that I think you think they are: The same disadvantaged minorities that elected the Democrats are also frustrated with their overall treatment, and particularly treatment at the hand of the Police. I don't believe that they are entirely correct, and I definitely don't believe that they are going about expressing their 'frustration' in the right way. I also don't think that the Country can just ignore it. Where does that lead?

I don't believe that we have a racist system in America, but I do believe that we have a system that can feel/seem very racist. What we really have is a system designed to (in general) keep money and power in the hands of those who already have it (and their descendants). African Americans (among other groups) have not generally been able to participate in this system as they started out significantly disadvantaged. All the affirmative action in the world hasn't overcome that.

I'm also acutely aware of the fact that I am a tremendous net beneficiary of this system. It doesn't mean I don't work hard or earn what I have. It just means I have benefited tremendously for almost my whole life, as I would wager a good many of us have.

06-02-2020, 12:01 PM
I think that's a bit of an over simplification. Other than a bunch of fringe whackos on twitter and probably some local politicians I don't see a lot of legitimate people condoning the burning or looting. Yes, they are on the left side of the political spectrum. They have a fringe too, just like the racists on the far right are a fringe that doesn't represent the views of the entire party.

I think CNN et al are coming around, but there was definitely a lot of "this destruction is just a legitimate expression of rage" going on at first. And I don't necessarily disagree with what you've said, but the mainstream portion of a party always gets tainted by their extreme wing.

D-West & PO-Z
06-02-2020, 12:03 PM
In Hamilton County the republican prosecutor took Ray Tensing to trial twice. I can't think of any other county/city in the country that has tried that. The results aren't what we wanted, but they certainly tried.

Yeah I agree with that for sure.

Changing police culture has to come from somewhere not sure how or where. Wont be easy that is for sure.

06-02-2020, 12:14 PM
Ferguson, Cincinnati, and Baltimore were all relatively isolated riots. They spread in some pockets, but nothing like what we have seen with this.

Minorities vote Democrat, which is why all major cities are 'Democratic Led'. The two are related, but not in the way that I think you think they are: The same disadvantaged minorities that elected the Democrats are also frustrated with their overall treatment, and particularly treatment at the hand of the Police. I don't believe that they are entirely correct, and I definitely don't believe that they are going about expressing their 'frustration' in the right way. I also don't think that the Country can just ignore it. Where does that lead?

I don't believe that we have a racist system in America, but I do believe that we have a system that can feel/seem very racist. What we really have is a system designed to (in general) keep money and power in the hands of those who already have it (and their descendants). African Americans (among other groups) have not generally been able to participate in this system as they started out significantly disadvantaged. All the affirmative action in the world hasn't overcome that.

I'm also acutely aware of the fact that I am a tremendous net beneficiary of this system. It doesn't mean I don't work hard or earn what I have. It just means I have benefited tremendously for almost my whole life, as I would wager a good many of us have.

Want is the saying about doing the same thing over and expecting different results? Maybe the minorities should try something else like voting for a different party to see if they can get some help. Worth a shot.

06-02-2020, 12:28 PM
I think CNN et al are coming around, but there was definitely a lot of "this destruction is just a legitimate expression of rage" going on at first. And I don't necessarily disagree with what you've said, but the mainstream portion of a party always gets tainted by their extreme wing.

CNN sensationalizes everything. I do think that there were more people who were, if not condoning, more understanding of some of the property destruction etc. initially. Once things really started escalating it cast an uncomfortable light on what was/is really going on.

Want is the saying about doing the same thing over and expecting different results? Maybe the minorities should try something else like voting for a different party to see if they can get some help. Worth a shot.

So out of all the possible reasons minorities are struggling in America you single out Democratic mayors? That is just bizarre logic. You can do that with literally anything. Maybe the problem is that they all have two ears. They should try cutting one off. Worth a shot, right?

Taking that logic a step further: Why hasn't Trump helped them yet? He was going to be the best President ever for the blacks, remember?

I think that the majority of black people would tell you that it doesn't matter who is in the White House, their plight remains relatively consistent. Obama was supposed to be their savior, but I'm not sure all that much really changed when he was President. It's an extraordinarily complex problem with no clear solution.

06-02-2020, 12:37 PM
Trump remains the betting favorite to win the November election as of this morning.

Trump probably will win. If he doesn't, then he still won't go away. He may win again in 2024. I'm not a fan of the guy, but when it comes to winning elections he seems to have a plan and that plan seems to work. For better or worse. Probably for worse.

I'm not sure what Joe Biden has done to impress anyone during this election cycle other than continue to be a breathing human being who is not Donald Trump. It's amazing that it may turn out to be enough.

I agree with this. I think the problem is that while Trump knows how to win elections, the Democrats do not know how. It is to the point to where I will actually be surprised if the Dems don't do something really insanely stupid between now and the election that ends up costing them. Trump knows how to fire up his base. The Dems can't seem to keep from burning themselves whenever they try to do the same.

06-02-2020, 12:53 PM

I cannot think of where the police may get the idea that they are free to rough up those in custody.

I have been incredibly disturbed by the repeated images of the police escalating the situation rather than trying to maintain the peace. It has become clear that many of these people lack the temperament to be a police officer and would rather cos-play call of duty.

A couple of examples, but there there are hundreds more I could post:

From Cincinnati-


Grand Rapids last night, a man was shot point blank with a tear gas canister:


Minnesota shooting pepper pellets at people in their own property:


I have no love for the idiots damaging property and I hope they are prosecuted. But I also hope like hell that the cops that take these type of aggressive actions are also prosecuted and removed from the force.

06-02-2020, 01:08 PM

I cannot think of where the police may get the idea that they are free to rough up those in custody.

I have been incredibly disturbed by the repeated images of the police escalating the situation rather than trying to maintain the peace. It has become clear that many of these people lack the temperament to be a police officer and would rather cos-play call of duty.

A couple of examples, but there there are hundreds more I could post:

From Cincinnati-


Grand Rapids last night, a man was shot point blank with a tear gas canister:


Minnesota shooting pepper pellets at people in their own property:


I have no love for the idiots damaging property and I hope they are prosecuted. But I also hope like hell that the cops that take these type of aggressive actions are also prosecuted and removed from the force.

Ah yes twitter...such a non biased objective news source, a close second is facebook.

06-02-2020, 01:10 PM
Trump probably will win. If he doesn't, then he still won't go away. He may win again in 2024. I'm not a fan of the guy, but when it comes to winning elections he seems to have a plan and that plan seems to work. For better or worse. Probably for worse.

I agree with this. I think the problem is that while Trump knows how to win elections, the Democrats do not know how. It is to the point to where I will actually be surprised if the Dems don't do something really insanely stupid between now and the election that ends up costing them. Trump knows how to fire up his base. The Dems can't seem to keep from burning themselves whenever they try to do the same.

I think that Trump's win had less to do with his campaign, and more to do with th fact that the Democrats managed to nominate about the only candidate that Trump could beat...in the electoral college only because he lost the popular vote to a highly unpopular candidate.

06-02-2020, 01:14 PM
Ah yes twitter...such a non biased objective news source, a close second is facebook.

They were videos, not second hand accounts. Ignore the words, but at least watch and see if you agree with those tactics.

06-02-2020, 01:53 PM
They were videos, not second hand accounts. Ignore the words, but at least watch and see if you agree with those tactics.

I was going to respond with exactly that. I'm all for questioning the source of news and not accepting twitter as reliable, but unless you think someone doctored the video, it's a video of the actual guy actually saying that. I don't know how you 'fake news' that one.

A whole bunch of people do seem to agree with that, and it might be part of the reason we have rioting going on right now.

06-02-2020, 02:20 PM
They were videos, not second hand accounts. Ignore the words, but at least watch and see if you agree with those tactics.

That's great, but there is zero context around any of those videos...its social media

Mrs. Garrett
06-02-2020, 02:27 PM
That's great, but there is zero context around any of those videos...its social media

Your continued defense of Trump tells me all I need to know about you.

D-West & PO-Z
06-02-2020, 02:32 PM
Your continued defense of Trump tells me all I need to know about you.

He's not a Trump supporter, he just wants to watch the "whiny pussies cry on facebook for 4 more years".

06-02-2020, 02:42 PM
That's great, but there is zero context around any of those videos...its social media

What context is needed to justify shooting a tear gas canister from 5 yards away into the body of an unarmed man currently incapacitated from pepper spray? What more context do you need?

06-02-2020, 02:51 PM
Trump probably will win. If he doesn't, then he still won't go away. He may win again in 2024. I'm not a fan of the guy, but when it comes to winning elections he seems to have a plan and that plan seems to work. For better or worse. Probably for worse.

I agree with this. I think the problem is that while Trump knows how to win elections, the Democrats do not know how. It is to the point to where I will actually be surprised if the Dems don't do something really insanely stupid between now and the election that ends up costing them. Trump knows how to fire up his base. The Dems can't seem to keep from burning themselves whenever they try to do the same.

The Democrats have a somewhat fractured base that they don't really know how to unite without alienating the mainstream portion of the party. They have a bunch of people they need to energize that want a bunch of shit that is never going to happen (free college, National Healthcare, etc.), and they want it NOW. Then they have a bunch of people in the middle that they need to figure out how to vote for him.

The Republicans struggled with this for a while too before they ended up (somewhat inadvertently) turning the keys to the party over to Trump and his particular brand of populism. They were fractured between 'mainstream' Republicans and the extreme fiscal conservatism of the Tea Party. It turns out fiscal conservatism isn't all that popular with anyone, even most Republicans. I'm still confused by the fact that quasi totalitarian rhetoric liberally sprinkled with insults ended up being the secret sauce to bring out the vote, but it worked.

I'm not convinced that Trump is this 'election whisperer' we think he may be. He is very good at talking to his base, but not really at talking to anyone else. The Democrats ran the worst campaign ever last election and still won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. They came up with a pretty uninspiring candidate this cycle, but they did avoid the 'Bernie Sanders' Trap. Although maybe that would have worked for them similar to how Trump worked for the Republicans?

06-02-2020, 03:18 PM
CNN sensationalizes everything. I do think that there were more people who were, if not condoning, more understanding of some of the property destruction etc. initially. Once things really started escalating it cast an uncomfortable light on what was/is really going on.

So out of all the possible reasons minorities are struggling in America you single out Democratic mayors? That is just bizarre logic. You can do that with literally anything. Maybe the problem is that they all have two ears. They should try cutting one off. Worth a shot, right?

Taking that logic a step further: Why hasn't Trump helped them yet? He was going to be the best President ever for the blacks, remember?

I think that the majority of black people would tell you that it doesn't matter who is in the White House, their plight remains relatively consistent. Obama was supposed to be their savior, but I'm not sure all that much really changed when he was President. It's an extraordinarily complex problem with no clear solution.

Well I mean why vote then? If everything sucks so bad why continue to vote the same exact way forever? How is that logic to change bizarre? As for Trump maybe he has helped them. Median black income appears to be way up. Black unemployment under Trump has been at an all time low.

06-02-2020, 03:22 PM
Both parties are responsible for bad policing and not prosecuting police who break the law for sure. Both parties need to accept responsibility for failures there and work together for reform.

Both parties? Nice try when one party has held sway for 45-53 years. It don't work that way, but way to ride the fence.

06-02-2020, 03:26 PM
Your continued defense of Trump tells me all I need to know about you.

How again am I defending trump? My reply was to the twitter videos..nothing about trump. I think you have trump derangement syndrome.

D-West & PO-Z
06-02-2020, 03:29 PM
Both parties? Nice try when one party has held sway for 45-53 years. It don't work that way, but way to ride the fence.

I am not talking about any one place or city so not sure what your 45-53 years is referencing.

06-02-2020, 03:31 PM
What context is needed to justify shooting a tear gas canister from 5 yards away into the body of an unarmed man currently incapacitated from pepper spray? What more context do you need?

How do you know that guy wasnt threatening police? Walking forward while being told to stand down.... is that cop supposed to just assume he doesnt have a gun? Have you ever thought what these cops have had to deal with for the last 5 or so nights? Give me a damn break...they are putting their lives on the line every single night because of fucking idiots that cant follow directions.

06-02-2020, 03:33 PM
I am not talking about any one place or city so not sure what your 45-53 years is referencing.

Yeah just every city that has been run by one party for the last 45-53 years.

06-02-2020, 03:35 PM
Want is the saying about doing the same thing over and expecting different results? Maybe the minorities should try something else like voting for a different party to see if they can get some help. Worth a shot.

Detroit kept voting for the same "black mafia" (I don't know how else to put it, but sorry if I offended anyone) led by Coleman Young, FOR 20 YEARS, followed by his minion Dennis Archer, followed by his minion Kwame Kilpatrick. The city was decimated. Kilpatrick is STILL in jail. I kinda think Dave Bing tried to do it right, but stuff was too deep for an inexperienced non-politician. Finally after 40 years, they elected Mike Duggan, who is still a Democrat, but doing better?

At what point in the "over and over with the same result" does it finally begin to be too much? I guess in Detroit it was after 35 years with Bing. That is way too long with zero accountability.

06-02-2020, 03:44 PM
Well I mean why vote then? If everything sucks so bad why continue to vote the same exact way forever? How is that logic to change bizarre? As for Trump maybe he has helped them. Median black income appears to be way up. Black unemployment under Trump has been at an all time low.

I think they would tell you that's how they feel, and it's part of why they are frustrated and rioting. It's also one of the many reasons voter turnout in poor urban areas tends to be low. They feel hopeless. To arbitrarily pick one thing that fits with your worldview/opinion and suggest from high atop Mt Whitey that they change only that thing is bizarre. You also ignore the very real possibility that things could be worse for them with a Republican mayor. I'd like to see your sources on the Median Income and Unemployment statistics as well as how the compare (index) to total income and unemployment over time. Is the inequality gap narrowing or widening?

How again am I defending trump? My reply was to the twitter videos..nothing about trump. I think you have trump derangement syndrome.

When people use the phrase 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' that's usually a tell that they (1) support Trump and (2) consume a ton of right wing media.

06-02-2020, 03:53 PM
I think they would tell you that's how they feel, and it's part of why they are frustrated and rioting. It's also one of the many reasons voter turnout in poor urban areas tends to be low. They feel hopeless. To arbitrarily pick one thing that fits with your worldview/opinion and suggest from high atop Mt Whitey that they change only that thing is bizarre. You also ignore the very real possibility that things could be worse for them with a Republican mayor. I'd like to see your sources on the Median Income and Unemployment statistics as well as how the compare (index) to total income and unemployment over time. Is the inequality gap narrowing or widening?

When people use the phrase 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' that's usually a tell that they (1) support Trump and (2) consume a ton of right wing media.

Fair enough but I dont support trump, but I also think the haters of trump are over the top and ridiculous for blaming every issue on him.

And for the record, I dont consume any print or cable media because I think both sides are complete crap. Only watch local broadcast which I think is the last somewhat objective "news" left

06-02-2020, 04:00 PM



D-West & PO-Z
06-02-2020, 04:08 PM



I keep hearing this and it completely misses the point. I honestly havent seen one person (on this site especially) blame Trump for racism.

He does however 100% use divisive and inflammatory language that he knows will play to/rile up his base. The President is supposed to speak to the entire country. Trump does not do that, especially hasn't over the last week (when he even addresses the country at all. Twitter doesnt count).

06-02-2020, 04:33 PM
Fair enough but I dont support trump, but I also think the haters of trump are over the top and ridiculous for blaming every issue on him.

And for the record, I dont consume any print or cable media because I think both sides are complete crap. Only watch local broadcast which I think is the last somewhat objective "news" left

Look. I'm definitely a 'hater' of Trump. Have been since long before he was President. I think he is a clownish con artist. I don't think he is responsible for every issue. I do think he makes most issues worse with his consistently inflammatory and divisive rhetoric. It's not really his fault, it's our fault for electing him. He is what he always has been, we just decided for some reason that he would make a suitable President.

I keep hearing this and it completely misses the point. I honestly havent seen one person (on this site especially) blame Trump for racism.

He does however 100% use divisive and inflammatory language that he knows will play to/rile up his base. The President is supposed to speak to the entire country. Trump does not do that, especially hasn't over the last week (when he even addresses the country at all. Twitter doesnt count).


06-02-2020, 04:41 PM
I keep hearing this and it completely misses the point. I honestly havent seen one person (on this site especially) blame Trump for racism.

He does however 100% use divisive and inflammatory language that he knows will play to/rile up his base. The President is supposed to speak to the entire country. Trump does not do that, especially hasn't over the last week (when he even addresses the country at all. Twitter doesnt count).

Trump could make the most compelling and sympathetic plea to the country to stop this madness and 99% of the liberals would find fault in it, call him a liar or have some kind of issue with it. They hate him and will do anything to stop him and his agenda. It is what it is. He's seen as a rich white guy who is part of the problem. And the "white guy" is the one to blame for all of America's race issues..........

06-02-2020, 05:05 PM
So after clearing a path for a photo op yesterday with tear gas, rubber bullets and horses (including gassing some Episcopal clergy working at the photo op church), the president decides to visit one of the catholic shrines in DC today.
The archbishop was not impressed by this additional photo op crap:


06-02-2020, 07:27 PM
I am not talking about any one place or city so not sure what your 45-53 years is referencing.

Your original post was referencing "bad policing" which, of course, is all local, so if you weren't referencing a place or city, then what were you talking about? And if you read my previous posts, you'd know that the 45 years is the time that Minneapolis has been ruled by democrats consecutively. It's 53 years in Baltimore, so no, it isn't "both parties". Not at all. Zero accountability.

06-02-2020, 07:28 PM
So after clearing a path for a photo op yesterday with tear gas, rubber bullets and horses (including gassing some Episcopal clergy working at the photo op church), the president decides to visit one of the catholic shrines in DC today.
The archbishop was not impressed by this additional photo op crap:


And when he was saying nothing, he was criticized for not doing anything. Enough already.

06-02-2020, 07:32 PM
I keep hearing this and it completely misses the point. I honestly havent seen one person (on this site especially) blame Trump for racism.

He does however 100% use divisive and inflammatory language that he knows will play to/rile up his base. The President is supposed to speak to the entire country. Trump does not do that, especially hasn't over the last week (when he even addresses the country at all. Twitter doesnt count).

Divisive? Inflamatory? Why, because he's telling places to uphold the law? He's said nothing other than the act on Mr. Floyd was a crime, period. He's calling for law and order. If it's not, then he'll make sure it's upheld? Seems like when he didn't say anything Sunday night, the riots went right on without any of his fuel..and police stood by and watched. If you are referring to him calling rioters "Thugs", welp, go back to what Obama said about the Baltimore riot "Thugs". And having a Black President sure didn't stop riots in Ferguson and Baltiomre and Charlotte. Hmmmm.
So, Trump is supposed to support anarchy now? Great plan.
And, yeah. He's been called racist all over the place by *some* on here. #ChildPlease

06-02-2020, 09:30 PM
Divisive? Inflamatory? Why, because he's telling places to uphold the law? He's said nothing other than the act on Mr. Floyd was a crime, period. He's calling for law and order. If it's not, then he'll make sure it's upheld? Seems like when he didn't say anything Sunday night, the riots went right on without any of his fuel..and police stood by and watched. If you are referring to him calling rioters "Thugs", welp, go back to what Obama said about the Baltimore riot "Thugs". And having a Black President sure didn't stop riots in Ferguson and Baltiomre and Charlotte. Hmmmm.
So, Trump is supposed to support anarchy now? Great plan.
And, yeah. He's been called racist all over the place by *some* on here. #ChildPlease

Read the room MoR..."Law and Order" as a white person sees it...is different than a person of color sees it. That is the premise of these demonstrations. The "Rule of Law" is not enforced equally (see George Floyd) amongst the population so there is a problem when Trump says keep doing what you have been doing.

Muskie in dayton
06-02-2020, 10:30 PM
Read the room MoR..."Law and Order" as a white person sees it...is different than a person of color sees it. That is the premise of these demonstrations. The "Rule of Law" is not enforced equally (see George Floyd) amongst the population so there is a problem when Trump says keep doing what you have been doing.

George Floyd was murdered. That has nothing to do with the rule of law.

I won’t defend Trump’s divisive rhetoric, but do keep in mind the purpose of the Executive Branch of our government is to carry out the laws of the land. In that respect, he’s doing his job.

06-02-2020, 10:31 PM
So after clearing a path for a photo op yesterday with tear gas, rubber bullets and horses (including gassing some Episcopal clergy working at the photo op church), the president decides to visit one of the catholic shrines in DC today.
The archbishop was not impressed by this additional photo op crap:


What you get when you elect a draft dodger to be Commander-in-Chief. His tootsies didn't seem to bother him marching over there.

Muskie in dayton
06-02-2020, 10:57 PM
Ah yes. Something that has nothing to do with the peaceful protests. You should really learn to differentiate between two completely separate things.
The media needs to differentiate the two. Everyone is called a “protester” whether they are marching peacefully or breaking windows and steeling shit.

06-02-2020, 11:00 PM
George Floyd was murdered. That has nothing to do with the rule of law.

I won’t defend Trump’s divisive rhetoric, but do keep in mind the purpose of the Executive Branch of our government is to carry out the laws of the land. In that respect, he’s doing his job.

Actually it has everything to do with the rule of law. It was a Law enforcement agent that committed the murder. Understand now?

06-03-2020, 12:00 AM
What proof is there that Chauvin is racist?

06-03-2020, 07:43 AM
And when he was saying nothing, he was criticized for not doing anything. Enough already.

Hey, take it up with the archbishop; not me.
I think he did a couple photo ops for campaign videos, etc. The archbishop thinks he was using the church for this and shouldn't have.

06-03-2020, 07:48 AM
What proof is there that Chauvin is racist?

Exactly. He is an idiot for not letting up and should be sent to prison, but there is nothing that says he is racist just as there is no proof the other three non white cops with him are racist too. Just as any time a black cop kills a white guy or even a black guy, it doesn’t mean they are racist. Maybe they make a mistake and get to heated or in some cases they are scared shitless so they shoot and kill a guy, but I don’t think we have a race problem within our law enforcement system. Hell a lot of departments are run by black people. The media and in my opinion, a lot of left leaning people want to keep race and hate alive. People claim to want racial harmony but I don’t see it. Constantly telling a race that people hate you and your life is unfair and you can’t get ahead because of your skin color and the cops are after you and you know that your ancestors were slaves, does nothing but fuel the hate and racial divide. Enough is enough.

06-03-2020, 07:55 AM
George Floyd was murdered. That has nothing to do with the rule of law.

I won’t defend Trump’s divisive rhetoric, but do keep in mind the purpose of the Executive Branch of our government is to carry out the laws of the land. In that respect, he’s doing his job.

But that's the question isn't it: his divisive rhetoric is not really "doing his job." One might argue that it's the exact opposite.
As the chief of police in Houston has noted

“Let me just say this to the president of the United States on behalf of the police chiefs in this country. Please, if you don’t have anything constructive to say, keep your mouth shut. Because you’re putting men and women in their early 20s at risk,” Acevedo told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.
“It’s not about dominating, it’s about winning hearts and minds,”

“And it hurts me to no end because whether we vote for someone or we don’t vote for someone, he’s still our president, but it’s time to be presidential and not try to be like you’re on ‘The Apprentice,’” he added. “This is not Hollywood, this is real life, and real lives are at risk

Muskie in dayton
06-03-2020, 08:13 AM
Actually it has everything to do with the rule of law. It was a Law enforcement agent that committed the murder. Understand now?
You’re confusing law and law enforcement. The killer will be dealt with by the rule of law.

Muskie in dayton
06-03-2020, 08:22 AM
What proof is there that Chauvin is racist?
You mean other than the dead body?

06-03-2020, 08:45 AM
You mean other than the dead body?

So anytime a person of opposite color kills someone, it’s racist? That’s the problem with this country. Not everything has to be because the color of ones skin. Are there racists? Absolutely. It doesn’t discriminate, people of all colors have racism with in it. Until we get over that then we will be in the same situation we have been forever. Stop making everything about race. Just do a google search of white people killed by cops and everything that comes up is the number of black people who were killed by cops. That just fuels the fire. Black lives matter gets clicks, white people killed, not so much.

D-West & PO-Z
06-03-2020, 09:12 AM
Divisive? Inflamatory? Why, because he's telling places to uphold the law? He's said nothing other than the act on Mr. Floyd was a crime, period. He's calling for law and order. If it's not, then he'll make sure it's upheld? Seems like when he didn't say anything Sunday night, the riots went right on without any of his fuel..and police stood by and watched. If you are referring to him calling rioters "Thugs", welp, go back to what Obama said about the Baltimore riot "Thugs". And having a Black President sure didn't stop riots in Ferguson and Baltiomre and Charlotte. Hmmmm.
So, Trump is supposed to support anarchy now? Great plan.
And, yeah. He's been called racist all over the place by *some* on here. #ChildPlease

Honestly when you post things like this, they arent even worth a reply.

Did I say he was supposed to support anarchy? No, you made that up. FAKE NEWS

Did I say he hasn't been called a racist? No, you made that up. FAKE NEWS

D-West & PO-Z
06-03-2020, 09:21 AM
Exactly. He is an idiot for not letting up and should be sent to prison, but there is nothing that says he is racist just as there is no proof the other three non white cops with him are racist too. Just as any time a black cop kills a white guy or even a black guy, it doesn’t mean they are racist. Maybe they make a mistake and get to heated or in some cases they are scared shitless so they shoot and kill a guy, but I don’t think we have a race problem within our law enforcement system. Hell a lot of departments are run by black people. The media and in my opinion, a lot of left leaning people want to keep race and hate alive. People claim to want racial harmony but I don’t see it. Constantly telling a race that people hate you and your life is unfair and you can’t get ahead because of your skin color and the cops are after you and you know that your ancestors were slaves, does nothing but fuel the hate and racial divide. Enough is enough.

It's funny you think the media has to tell them that. Hilarious actually.

I love white people telling black people there is no racism. :facepalm:

What do you have to say to the millions of black people out there who experience it during their daily life? They are wrong? They are making it up? They are just looking for a victim mentality? Why are you completely dismissive of their experiences? Have you talked to any of them?

06-03-2020, 09:53 AM
So anytime a person of opposite color kills someone, it’s racist? That’s the problem with this country. Not everything has to be because the color of ones skin. Are there racists? Absolutely. It doesn’t discriminate, people of all colors have racism with in it. Until we get over that then we will be in the same situation we have been forever. Stop making everything about race. Just do a google search of white people killed by cops and everything that comes up is the number of black people who were killed by cops. That just fuels the fire. Black lives matter gets clicks, white people killed, not so much.

At this point, you have to have your head in the sand to think white Americans and black Americans have the same experience with police, or that there isn't merit to the idea that black people are treated less fairly by police. Is that not racism? Yes, I've seen the stats that cops kill more white people than black people. The nuance that folks pointing to those numbers (willfully) miss is that this difference in treatment isn't borne out by one or two statistics. It's made up largely of the subtle difference in treatment during routine stops, patrols, etc. that add up every day for years and years. Pretty much everyone is intelligent enough to process a somewhat intangible concept like this, but many choose not to and hide behind pure statistics as a shield. Not to cheapen the dialogue, but for a tongue in cheek Xavier example of how statistics may not tell the whole story, note that Quentin Goodin is fourth on Xavier's all time assists chart.

Unless, as D-West poses (sarcastically), all these black Americans are simply making this up. Which I guess they would do for "clicks"?

(MOR - I can already hear you typing #FAKENEWS and #SHOWYOURMATH, so you might want to come up with something else).

06-03-2020, 10:32 AM
At this point, you have to have your head in the sand to think white Americans and black Americans have the same experience with police, or that there isn't merit to the idea that black people are treated less fairly by police. Is that not racism? Yes, I've seen the stats that cops kill more white people than black people. The nuance that folks pointing to those numbers (willfully) miss is that this difference in treatment isn't borne out by one or two statistics. It's made up largely of the subtle difference in treatment during routine stops, patrols, etc. that add up every day for years and years. Pretty much everyone is intelligent enough to process a somewhat intangible concept like this, but many choose not to and hide behind pure statistics as a shield. Not to cheapen the dialogue, but for a tongue in cheek Xavier example of how statistics may not tell the whole story, note that Quentin Goodin is fourth on Xavier's all time assists chart.

Unless, as D-West poses (sarcastically), all these black Americans are simply making this up. Which I guess they would do for "clicks"?

(MOR - I can already hear you typing #FAKENEWS and #SHOWYOURMATH, so you might want to come up with something else).

Where did I say that they have the same issues as blacks with police? What I said that people of all races experience racism. Some black people hate white people and vice versa. I have friends that are cops and they deal with this shit daily. Media puts a bounty on their heads. It’s really sad we have to paint everything black and white and blame the cops for everything. Go work the in the shoes of good cops and let me know what you experience. It’s really sad. The real problem with black America is not cops, it’s lack of leadership and understanding and working together rather then blame. Is it the cops fault that a lot of people refuse to obey the law? Shoot people? Rob people, deal drugs? And that’s not a black thing that’s a societal thing. We need good cops but we also need good people just as much.

06-03-2020, 10:35 AM
The real problem with black America is not cops, it’s lack of leadership and understanding and working together rather then blame.

If you delete "black" from this sentence, it's also true.

06-03-2020, 10:37 AM
It's funny you think the media has to tell them that. Hilarious actually.

I love white people telling black people there is no racism. :facepalm:

What do you have to say to the millions of black people out there who experience it during their daily life? They are wrong? They are making it up? They are just looking for a victim mentality? Why are you completely dismissive of their experiences? Have you talked to any of them?

Who said there was no racism? I clearly said it exists in all cultures. It does not discriminate. I work in the inner city. When I get called cracker, white devil, told I could be shot working around here and other things is racist any way you want to slice it. Most of my employees are African American and we have great relationships. They work hard and are compensated well and I support them as they do me. It has nothing to do with race with us. But some people out side of that relationship where I work, have racist views vs white people, just as some white people have racist views toward black people. Until we work together to understand rather than blame, it will continue to be that way.

06-03-2020, 10:38 AM
If you delete "black" from this sentence, it's also true.

100% agree.

06-03-2020, 10:48 AM
Who said there was no racism? I clearly said it exists in all cultures. It does not discriminate. I work in the inner city. When I get called cracker, white devil, told I could be shot working around here and other things is racist any way you want to slice it. Most of my employees are African American and we have great relationships. They work hard and are compensated well and I support them as they do me. It has nothing to do with race with us. But some people out side of that relationship where I work, have racist views vs white people, just as some white people have racist views toward black people. Until we work together to understand rather than blame, it will continue to be that way.

Racism without power is different than racism with power. I think that's a distinction worth recognizing. White people have the power in our society and they make the rules. That guy calling you a White Devil (which I agree is racist) can't really do anything to impact your life from a policy perspective.

06-03-2020, 10:55 AM
Racism without power is different than racism with power. I think that's a distinction worth recognizing. White people have the power in our society and they make the rules.

Oh man, the kool aid has been consumed. It's too late.

06-03-2020, 11:23 AM
Racism without power is different than racism with power. I think that's a distinction worth recognizing. White people have the power in our society and they make the rules. That guy calling you a White Devil (which I agree is racist) can't really do anything to impact your life from a policy perspective.

Geezus this is the most white guilt bs I have ever heard.

06-03-2020, 11:33 AM
Oh man, the kool aid has been consumed. It's too late.

You don't agree? I don't think anything 'racist' that has even been said or done to me has had a negative impact on my life in any way other than potentially making me feel momentarily uncomfortable or threatened. It's not that it isn't racist, it's just that it doesn't impact me.

The system in America has worked quite well for me, but it hasn't for everyone. My parents are fairly wealthy White people (super white actually - Canadian immigrants), and now I'm a now a fairly wealthy White person. It honestly took me a while to recognize and understand the amount of privilege (both white privilege and economic privilege) that I have benefited from in my life. It doesn't mean that my accomplishments aren't valid or that I don't work hard, it just means that I started out with an advantage that many people don't have. Shit, even in this Pandemic my job is secure and my company is performing incredibly well.

When groups of people attain power and wealth they generally seek to expand and preserve said power and wealth. There is typically some group (or groups) that are on the losing end of that deal. They don't have wealth or power and if they were to gain wealth (particularly) power it typically has to come at the expense of the group that currently wields it. Eventually if the power gets concentrated enough and the masses get sufficiently restless we all end up getting our heads chopped off. It's happened plenty of times before and it will happen again.

06-03-2020, 11:37 AM
Geezus this is the most white guilt bs I have ever heard.

I guess I don't really care? I don't think I feel guilty, I feel lucky and privileged. I also don't think that's a particularly bad way to go through life.

06-03-2020, 11:54 AM
You don't agree?

I think there are a lot of very poor, uneducated white folks who would very very surprised to learn that they have power and make the rules in society.

Rich people make the rules.

06-03-2020, 12:08 PM
I think there are a lot of very poor, uneducated white folks who would very very surprised to learn that they have power and make the rules in society.

Rich people make the rules.

Oh yeah, of course. That's the golden rule. Money is the biggest divide. The rich people are virtually all white though (especially the megarich) in America. Given that, I can understand how black people feel like there is more racism in the system than white people do. They are disproportionately not represented in the upper classes.

As far as why, there are probably a lot of contributing factors, but I'm not sure it's a huge stretch to suggest that the black community was negatively impacted by largely 'sitting out' the post WW2 expansion in which middle class white families gained a lot of wealth. For example, segregation in schools didn't end until (I believe) the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

I'm not saying we should be paying reparations or anything, just that I kind of understand why they feel the deck has been stacked against them.

Mrs. Garrett
06-03-2020, 12:13 PM
I think there are a lot of very poor, uneducated white folks who would very very surprised to learn that they have power and make the rules in society.

Rich people make the rules.

Tell that to Sterling Brown and Thabo Safolosha. They're rich and victims of police brutality.

06-03-2020, 12:14 PM
Money is the biggest divide.

So why are we still talking about race? Let's talk about money. There are more poor white people than poor black people. There are LOTS of wealthy black people. I'm 100% for affirmative action. But it has to be based on (lack of) wealth and not on race.

My overall point: the notion that only white racism matters because whites have "power" is nonsense. Some small slice of rich whites have power (along with a still smaller slice of rich POC).

06-03-2020, 12:17 PM
Tell that to Sterling Brown and Thabo Safolosha. They're rich and victims of police brutality.

Do you have their cell #s? I'll text them.

06-03-2020, 12:41 PM
Some of these stances by some in here have been nothing short of gross. And have been for a long time. Wake up.

Muskie in dayton
06-03-2020, 12:45 PM
So anytime a person of opposite color kills someone, it’s racist? That’s the problem with this country. Not everything has to be because the color of ones skin. Are there racists? Absolutely. It doesn’t discriminate, people of all colors have racism with in it. Until we get over that then we will be in the same situation we have been forever. Stop making everything about race. Just do a google search of white people killed by cops and everything that comes up is the number of black people who were killed by cops. That just fuels the fire. Black lives matter gets clicks, white people killed, not so much.
It was an “A Few Good Good Men” allusion. I know, a bit obscure...

I agree we don’t know for sure that POS cop was racist. Also we don’t know Floyd’s history. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that passing a fake $20 is the worst he’s done and hasn’t had a long criminal history or has fought with cops before. All those things lend context to what happened.

Time will tell.

06-03-2020, 12:46 PM
Some of these stances by some in here have been nothing short of gross. And have been for a long time.

Which ones? Why do you feel this way?

06-03-2020, 12:54 PM
So why are we still talking about race? Let's talk about money. There are more poor white people than poor black people. There are LOTS of wealthy black people. I'm 100% for affirmative action. But it has to be based on (lack of) wealth and not on race.

My overall point: the notion that only white racism matters because whites have "power" is nonsense. Some small slice of rich whites have power (along with a still smaller slice of rich POC).

I'm not sure how much the percentages support your point. I would be surprised if white people in America don't have more wealth as a % of population than blacks.

I guess I'm just open to the possibility that there may be some systemic racial discrimination that I probably have never experienced. I did make a point about blacks largely sitting out of arguably the most prosperous period in American history - the post WWII expansion. I think that significantly impacted black people in a negative way during a time when white America was building a robust and successful middle class. Taking that a bit further, we did bring them here as slaves and for a long time after they were freed we considered them less than a whole person. As recently as 50 years ago we still had 'separate but equal' facilities in some states as a matter of policy.

I don't necessarily think that there is some kind of 'Department of Discrimination' that figures out how to specifically target black people (don't tell Trump about that idea though), but there has been quite a bit of discrimination in the not too distant past. I don't think is outlandish to consider the possibility that some still exists. Even if it doesn't (which I don't believe), I can certainly understand how it might appear that way to black people.

06-03-2020, 01:01 PM
Of course racism, prejudice and discrimination still exist. I'm simply objecting to this notion that white people have some "power" that black people do not and therefore are the only ones capable of racism. Some small percentage of white people have a disproportionate amount of power. Not white people as a whole.

And yes, of course, white people have a disproportionate amount of wealth in this country. And of course there are historical reasons for that. But there are still in absolute terms more white people than black people in poverty in America. We should be looking to help that entire group.

D-West & PO-Z
06-03-2020, 01:48 PM
Of course racism, prejudice and discrimination still exist. I'm simply objecting to this notion that white people have some "power" that black people do not and therefore are the only ones capable of racism. Some small percentage of white people have a disproportionate amount of power. Not white people as a whole.

And yes, of course, white people have a disproportionate amount of wealth in this country. And of course there are historical reasons for that. But there are still in absolute terms more white people than black people in poverty in America. We should be looking to help that entire group.

It isnt about the number of white people who have the wealth. That is completely missing the point.

If you want very real examples of systemic racism that exists still in this country I can provide them. And they dont have anything to do with wealth.

D-West & PO-Z
06-03-2020, 01:52 PM
It was an “A Few Good Good Men” allusion. I know, a bit obscure...

I agree we don’t know for sure that POS cop was racist. Also we don’t know Floyd’s history. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that passing a fake $20 is the worst he’s done and hasn’t had a long criminal history or has fought with cops before. All those things lend context to what happened.

Time will tell.

This literally has zero bearing on what the cop did. He could have been a career petty theft criminal and it would not change that he was murdered by 4 thug police officers.

Please elaborate on how his history would have any bearing? If he had been arrested 50 times before, the murder was justified?

06-03-2020, 01:57 PM
It isnt about the number of white people who have the wealth. That is completely missing the point.

I think it IS the point, honestly. Find a way to effectively help the poor, and you're going to be disproportionately helping black families. Just not ONLY black families.

Again, this is a conversation about whether racism is a one way street because of "power". I simply think that's an absurd notion that way too many people just take as fact.

D-West & PO-Z
06-03-2020, 02:03 PM
I think it IS the point, honestly. Find a way to effectively help the poor, and you're going to be disproportionately helping black families. Just not ONLY black families.

Again, this is a conversation about whether racism is a one way street because of "power". I simply think that's an absurd notion that way too many people just take as fact.

I dont disagree about helping the poor will help black families as well. I am specifically saying the number of white rich people has nothing to do with the fact that the system was built to negatively affect black people. In the beginning intentionally now less so intentionally imo but it still does.

I have a family member who think all white people are racist just bc they are white and that it is impossible to be racist if you are black or any other minority. I think that is crazy and over the top. I dont believe either of those things. I do think power and influence play some role though.

06-03-2020, 02:07 PM
I enjoy reading Libertarian syndicated columnist Walter E. Williams on topics like this. Being 83, growing in poverty, and black, he always brings an interesting perspective. Haven’t seen a current article on this case, but here are a few interesting reads.



Mrs. Garrett
06-03-2020, 02:08 PM
I think it IS the point, honestly. Find a way to effectively help the poor, and you're going to be disproportionately helping black families. Just not ONLY black families.

Again, this is a conversation about whether racism is a one way street because of "power". I simply think that's an absurd notion that way too many people just take as fact.

I would say a poor white is far less likely to be profiled that an affluent black person. Some of this comes from the experience of going to a relatively diverse high school and having close friends of many races. I've seen the subtle racism in action many times.

06-03-2020, 02:12 PM
I dont disagree about helping the poor will help black families as well. I am specifically saying the number of white rich people has nothing to do with the fact that the system was built to negatively affect black people. In the beginning intentionally now less so intentionally imo but it still does.

I have a family member who think all white people are racist just bc they are white and that it is impossible to be racist if you are black or any other minority. I think that is crazy and over the top. I dont believe either of those things. I do think power and influence play some role though.

I'm not arguing about structural racism here (which I think is a horrible, counterproductive, unnecessarily provocative name for the concept it is meant to capture). Really just talking about the racism point, on which we apparently agree.

06-03-2020, 02:13 PM
I would say a poor white is far less likely to be profiled that an affluent black person. Some of this comes from the experience of going to a relatively diverse high school and having close friends of many races. I've seen the subtle racism in action many times.

Agree, but different topic. See above.

06-03-2020, 03:03 PM

06-03-2020, 04:29 PM
I wonder if I should be concerned that there are unmarked troops patrolling our nation's capital, who won't identify themselves.
Can't decide if it's 1984...or 1933.

Think I'll go away for just a tiny little short period of time, and inspect my basement.

06-03-2020, 05:01 PM
I wonder if I should be concerned that there are unmarked troops patrolling our nation's capital, who won't identify themselves.
Can't decide if it's 1984...or 1933.

Think I'll go away for just a tiny little short period of time, and inspect my basement.

We have vigilantes prowling the streets here in Philly. Good times. Remember when we were going to be winning so much that we would be getting tired of winning?

06-03-2020, 05:22 PM
We have vigilantes prowling the streets here in Philly. Good times. Remember when we were going to be winning so much that we would be getting tired of winning?

We were...we had what 5 or so years of prosperity? Then we decided to shut down the economy for a virus that kills some unhealthy old people and everything went to hell.

Muskie in dayton
06-03-2020, 05:43 PM
This literally has zero bearing on what the cop did. He could have been a career petty theft criminal and it would not change that he was murdered by 4 thug police officers.

Please elaborate on how his history would have any bearing? If he had been arrested 50 times before, the murder was justified?

First, history does have "literally zero" to do with the murder being justified. There is absolutely no justification for what happened. Also there was "literally zero" in my post to insinuate that I am saying it does. Please stop putting words in peoples mouths.

I don't think it needs to be explained how history matters, but consider the below to shed some light:

Scenario 1: Cop is a KKK member, all 18 complaints were related to physical or verbal abuse toward blacks, and his best character witness compares him to David Duke. Meanwhile Floyd is a model citizen with no record who accidentally passed a bad bill. Along came David Duke and his KKK cronies and performed a modern day lynching. He's proud of what he did.

Scenario 2: Cop has been known in the community as a great guy without a racist bone in his body. He volunteers at homeless shelters and inner city schools. Meanwhile Floyd has numerous arrests and has put cops on disability through resisting and fighting. He is known for to be a challenge and has to be handled like Hannibal Lecter.

Do you think the charge(s) he's found guilty of and the resulting sentence will be the same in both scenarios?

Strange Brew
06-03-2020, 06:43 PM
RIP David Dorn and thank you for your service as a retired police officer. All you did was protect property (unarmed) from “peaceful” protesters and took a bullet for it.

Some animal live streamed him while he bled out on the sidewalk. Time for the Insurrection Act.

Please look up this story. If the protesters really believe in their cause I expect to see his pictures included in their marches.

06-03-2020, 07:48 PM
This guy gets it. I actually live close to where he works and I drove by on Sunday and as protestors were holding Signs saying F the police and yelling stuff at the officers as the officers were going around at the same time and handing water and food to those cursing them.


06-03-2020, 08:44 PM
Jim Mattis Issues Statement (https://www.wsj.com/articles/former-defense-secretary-jim-mattis-says-trump-tries-to-divide-us-11591224341?mod=politics_lead_pos3)

I remember when Trump first got elected and his bootlickers were touting the hiring of Jim Mattis as an example of Trump surrounding himself with the best people. It didn't matter that Trump was inexperienced, thin-skinned, and impulsive because he had staffed key cabinet roles with people like Mattis (and John Kelly for that matter). Mattis didn't last too long and it seems doesn't have a very high opinion of the President.

You would think this might cause some people to do some hard thinking, but I seriously doubt it.

06-03-2020, 08:51 PM
Jim Mattis Issues Statement (https://www.wsj.com/articles/former-defense-secretary-jim-mattis-says-trump-tries-to-divide-us-11591224341?mod=politics_lead_pos3)

I remember when Trump first got elected and his bootlickers were touting the hiring of Jim Mattis as an example of Trump surrounding himself with the best people. It didn't matter that Trump was inexperienced, thin-skinned, and impulsive because he had staffed key cabinet roles with people like Mattis (and John Kelly for that matter). Mattis didn't last too long and it seems doesn't have a very high opinion of the President.

You would think this might cause some people to do some hard thinking, but I seriously doubt it.

Mattis also quit because he wanted to get more involved in Syria with more American troops in another hopeless situation in the Middle East and Trump said no. Mattis quit.

06-03-2020, 08:59 PM
Mattis also quit because he wanted to get more involved in Syria with more American troops in another hopeless situation in the Middle East and Trump said no. Mattis quit.

There it is. That train is never late!

X Factor
06-03-2020, 09:16 PM
Jim Mattis Issues Statement (https://www.wsj.com/articles/former-defense-secretary-jim-mattis-says-trump-tries-to-divide-us-11591224341?mod=politics_lead_pos3)

I remember when Trump first got elected and his bootlickers were touting the hiring of Jim Mattis as an example of Trump surrounding himself with the best people. It didn't matter that Trump was inexperienced, thin-skinned, and impulsive because he had staffed key cabinet roles with people like Mattis (and John Kelly for that matter). Mattis didn't last too long and it seems doesn't have a very high opinion of the President.

You would think this might cause some people to do some hard thinking, but I seriously doubt it.

Jim Mattis wants to be liked by the left.

The media wants to divide America.

06-03-2020, 09:24 PM
Jim Mattis wants to be liked by the left.

The media wants to divide America.

This is true regarding the media. Anyone who doesn’t understand and see this is either blind, doesn’t want to believe it or wants to keep the country divided.

06-03-2020, 09:45 PM
These responses have definitely delivered so far. Bonus points for the first one who links to an article from the Blaze or Breitbart disparaging Mattis' military career. I'll be surprised if we make it through tomorrow without that happening.

Jim Mattis wants to be liked by the left.

The media wants to divide America.

This makes no sense, and is insulting to a decorated Military Veteran who has spent nearly 50 years serving his Country. Are you implying that Mattis doesn't believe what he wrote? Are you guys going to turn on him like you all turned on John McCain when he criticized your god?

This is true regarding the media. Anyone who doesn’t understand and see this is either blind, doesn’t want to believe it or wants to keep the country divided.

Do you believe that the media is trying to divide America but Trump isn't? If that is the case, I really have to question your critical thinking ability. At least Jim Mattis seems to agree with me.

06-03-2020, 09:46 PM
There it is. That train is never late!

So when Trump stands up to Mattis with a decision that I think most would agree was the correct decision, Trump is still the bad guy?

Mattis now tries to make it seem like he quit because he was too moral for the Trump administration. My point is that isn't correct. Mattis got pissed and quit because Trump said no to him, not because he was taking a stand against Trump.

All that being said, overall Mattis deserves a lot of respect for his service to his country. I just think there is a difference between Mattis in the military and Mattis in the political world.

06-03-2020, 09:50 PM
So when Trump stands up to Mattis with a decision that I think most would agree was the correct decision, Trump is still the bad guy?
Trump abandoned 130,000 of our allies, the Kurds, to be slaughtered by Erdowan, so no...

06-03-2020, 09:53 PM
So when Trump stands up to Mattis with a decision that I think most would agree was the correct decision, Trump is still the bad guy?

Mattis now tries to make it seem like he quit because he was too moral for the Trump administration. My point is that isn't correct. Mattis got pissed and quit because Trump said no to him, not because he was taking a stand against Trump.

All that being said, overall Mattis deserves a lot of respect for his service to his country. I just think there is a difference between Mattis in the military and Mattis in the political world.

So you think Mattis 'deserves a lot of respect' but you are giving him no respect by assuming he is petty enough that he issued this statement out of some kind of spite because he disagreed with Trump on Syria withdrawal? How the hell do you know why he quit or what the details around it were? You are crafting assumptions to fit your preconceived viewpoint even if it means basically calling Mattis a liar with (presumably) no actual knowledge of your own with which to refute anything he said.

Why did he wait until now? Why not say something earlier?

06-03-2020, 09:57 PM
So you think Mattis 'deserves a lot of respect' but you are giving him no respect by assuming he is petty enough that he issued this statement out of some kind of spite because he disagreed with Trump on Syria withdrawal? How the hell do you know why he quit or what the details around it were? You are crafting assumptions to fit your preconceived viewpoint even if it means basically calling Mattis a liar with (presumably) no actual knowledge of your own with which to refute anything he said.

Why did he wait until now? Why not say something earlier?

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a living Marine Corps legend who made history by securing special permission from Congress to lead the Pentagon, is stepping down after a slow freeze-out by President Trump.

Drift between the two men reached a point at which Mattis objected so strongly to the president's policy choices that he opted to resign rather than go along.

The final break appeared to be over major withdrawals of American forces from Syria and Afghanistan, which Trump ordered over the objections of his national security advisers, including Mattis.


It's possible to disagree with someone at a certain point but still respect that person.

Strange Brew
06-03-2020, 10:04 PM
Trump abandoned 130,000 of our allies, the Kurds, to be slaughtered by Erdowan, so no...

Can you send a link to this genocide? I can’t find it.

06-04-2020, 07:35 AM

It's possible to disagree with someone at a certain point but still respect that person.

This is what you said, in writing, a few posts ago

Mattis now tries to make it seem like he quit because he was too moral for the Trump administration. My point is that isn't correct. Mattis got pissed and quit because Trump said no to him, not because he was taking a stand against Trump.

But what you are doing isn't just disagreeing with him, it's assigning motives to his actions that are less than honorable. He is saying he is speaking out right now because he feels an obligation to do so in light of recent events, whereas you seem to be trying to twist it into him speaking out because of some sort of childish anger against Trump.

If you read the statement it doesn't really address his reason for leaving much at all - it's about recent events. That makes it even stranger to tie it back to some bitterness around his departure from the White House 18 months ago. The man is a 4 Star General, not a petulant child.

I'm not sure what your motivation for that would/could be, other than perhaps an infatuation with Trump causes a knee-jerk reaction to slander anyone who speaks out against him regardless of who that person is or what they have done.

06-04-2020, 09:40 AM
This is what you said, in writing, a few posts ago

But what you are doing isn't just disagreeing with him, it's assigning motives to his actions that are less than honorable. He is saying he is speaking out right now because he feels an obligation to do so in light of recent events, whereas you seem to be trying to twist it into him speaking out because of some sort of childish anger against Trump.

If you read the statement it doesn't really address his reason for leaving much at all - it's about recent events. That makes it even stranger to tie it back to some bitterness around his departure from the White House 18 months ago. The man is a 4 Star General, not a petulant child.

I'm not sure what your motivation for that would/could be, other than perhaps an infatuation with Trump causes a knee-jerk reaction to slander anyone who speaks out against him regardless of who that person is or what they have done.

Yes, I am saying that Mattis and Trump had a legitimate disagreement over foreign policy and military affairs. Mattis quit because Trump made a choice against him. I believe Mattis is coming out now because he still holds a grudge against Trump over disagreements from months ago.

And I don't have an infatuation with Trump. I find the "Orange man bad" talk to be incessant and often stupid. Liberals loved to talk crap about Mattis but when he suddenly comes out of nowhere to talk shit about Trump, it's now "what an honorable man!"

It's ok dude. I'm not too worked up about this. Kasich will say something about Trump or Dewine will or some other "good" Republican like Mitt Romney and you'll point to it and say that we are all wrong for supporting Trump. We support Trump because he does things different than the old guard of the Republican party. He actually has made some small steps in bringing troops back from an endless war (that the large majority of us were all wrong about). If you think we are all so stupid because we blindly support Trump, why do you come on here and try to convince the unconvincing to change their minds?

06-04-2020, 10:34 AM
My online book has Trump as the underdog in November for the first time today. Biden is -130 and Trump +100.

06-04-2020, 11:11 AM
Yes, I am saying that Mattis and Trump had a legitimate disagreement over foreign policy and military affairs. Mattis quit because Trump made a choice against him. I believe Mattis is coming out now because he still holds a grudge against Trump over disagreements from months ago.

And I don't have an infatuation with Trump. I find the "Orange man bad" talk to be incessant and often stupid. Liberals loved to talk crap about Mattis but when he suddenly comes out of nowhere to talk shit about Trump, it's now "what an honorable man!"

It's ok dude. I'm not too worked up about this. Kasich will say something about Trump or Dewine will or some other "good" Republican like Mitt Romney and you'll point to it and say that we are all wrong for supporting Trump. We support Trump because he does things different than the old guard of the Republican party. He actually has made some small steps in bringing troops back from an endless war (that the large majority of us were all wrong about). If you think we are all so stupid because we blindly support Trump, why do you come on here and try to convince the unconvincing to change their minds?

I don't think you are stupid, which is why I'm so interested in the opinions of people on this board. I assume this is a generally educated group of non-idiots (with some exceptions, probably). I'm honestly trying to understand: Where is the line? Is there a line? Is there anything that Trump could do that you make you reconsider your support? What would an example of that be?

Jim Mattis thought that what Donald Trump is doing is dangerous enough the he basically called him a threat to the constitution. Publicly, and in writing. Think about what that means. This is a decorated general with a history of distinguished service and no history of shooting his mouth off without thinking. He felt compelled to speak out on behalf of the country he spent literally his entire adult life serving.

Similarly, (Republican-appointed) former Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen voiced similar concerns, in particular around the politicization of the Military (which, BTW, is some banana republic shit).

Still people support him seemingly without question. Is it all because he 'does things differently'? What does that really mean? He has been more talk than action around troop removal. Even the Syria withdrawal was walked-back somewhat. Is a minor reduction in overseas troop presence worth this?

Is there a line? Is there a limit to what you are willing to give up for Trump?

06-04-2020, 11:20 AM
I don't think you are stupid, which is why I'm so interested in the opinions of people on this board. I assume this is a generally educated group of non-idiots (with some exceptions, probably). I'm honestly trying to understand: Where is the line? Is there a line? Is there anything that Trump could do that you make you reconsider your support? What would an example of that be?

Jim Mattis thought that what Donald Trump is doing is dangerous enough the he basically called him a threat to the constitution. Publicly, and in writing. Think about what that means. This is a decorated general with a history of distinguished service and no history of shooting his mouth off without thinking. He felt compelled to speak out on behalf of the country he spent literally his entire adult life serving.

Similarly, (Republican-appointed) former Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen voiced similar concerns, in particular around the politicization of the Military (which, BTW, is some banana republic shit).

Still people support him seemingly without question. Is it all because he 'does things differently'? What does that really mean? He has been more talk than action around troop removal. Even the Syria withdrawal was walked-back somewhat. Is a minor reduction in overseas troop presence worth this?

Is there a line? Is there a limit to what you are willing to give up for Trump?

When the choices are Trump or Clinton/Biden, there is no limit. Those two are full of just as much shit and probably more than Trump. Biden was in the senate for decades and VP for 8 years. We have the receipts of all the bullshit he has done as a politician that he's now trying to walk back. And on top of it, he's moving more to the left, which is an ideology than I am opposed to. So to summarize, until the Dems stop moving even further to the left or putting up absolute dog shit candidates who have proven to be ineffective, I'll keep supporting Trump because he fights for his supporters even if he does it in less than presidential ways. He's the first Republican politician in a long time that doesn't cower in front of the media and daily hit jobs they think up. Bush just took it and apologized. Romney just let them spread lies about him both politically and personally.

D-West & PO-Z
06-04-2020, 11:51 AM
So Trump really could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters." ?

06-04-2020, 12:11 PM
Trump gets "daily hit jobs" bcuz he stands there and lies his ass off and then doubles down on the lie when challenged. He even goes as far as lying about something he just f#ing said the day or hours before, (video tape evidence), so who wouldn't ask him about it? He lies about everything all the time. Fact.

Muskie in dayton
06-04-2020, 12:19 PM
When the choices are Trump or Clinton/Biden, there is no limit. Those two are full of just as much shit and probably more than Trump. Biden was in the senate for decades and VP for 8 years. We have the receipts of all the bullshit he has done as a politician that he's now trying to walk back. And on top of it, he's moving more to the left, which is an ideology than I am opposed to. So to summarize, until the Dems stop moving even further to the left or putting up absolute dog shit candidates who have proven to be ineffective, I'll keep supporting Trump because he fights for his supporters even if he does it in less than presidential ways. He's the first Republican politician in a long time that doesn't cower in front of the media and daily hit jobs they think up. Bush just took it and apologized. Romney just let them spread lies about him both politically and personally.

There are other choices. Only voting D or R is the reason why we have those two crooked buffoons.

06-04-2020, 12:27 PM
There are other choices. Only voting D or R is the reason why we have those two crooked buffoons.

And I voted for Gary Johnson in the last presidential election.

Muskie in dayton
06-04-2020, 12:53 PM
And I voted for Gary Johnson in the last presidential election.
Good, I did as well. There’s even the option of a write-in. I voted for a Skip Prosser - Jeff Battle ticket in 2000 :-).

For those who won’t do that, just remember when you pick the lesser of 2 evils, you’re still voting for an evil.

06-04-2020, 01:40 PM
When the choices are Trump or Clinton/Biden, there is no limit. Those two are full of just as much shit and probably more than Trump. Biden was in the senate for decades and VP for 8 years. We have the receipts of all the bullshit he has done as a politician that he's now trying to walk back. And on top of it, he's moving more to the left, which is an ideology than I am opposed to. So to summarize, until the Dems stop moving even further to the left or putting up absolute dog shit candidates who have proven to be ineffective, I'll keep supporting Trump because he fights for his supporters even if he does it in less than presidential ways. He's the first Republican politician in a long time that doesn't cower in front of the media and daily hit jobs they think up. Bush just took it and apologized. Romney just let them spread lies about him both politically and personally.

And I voted for Gary Johnson in the last presidential election.

You can vote for Trump as the lesser to two evils and not support all of his actions. I think it's a pretty slippery slope when you start equating voting for a candidate with unequivocal support. It seems to be a recent thing in our political system.

Why is it so important that the President get involved in a divisive war of words with the media? It seems like a bizarre Latin Machismo thing almost. Do we want our President to be so thin skinned that he has to get into a flame war with anyone who criticizes him?

I actually think that Bush handled a lot of unfair criticism very well. He never gave in to fostering division and always took the high road and spoke to the American people as one. He never broke the country into 'his people' and 'other people'. History has (rightfully) been kind to him for that.

To be bi-partisan I also thought Obama handled some unfair allegations pretty well. An example would be the birther controversy which was ridiculous from day 1.

I just assumed not reacting to every minor slight was part of being the President.

06-04-2020, 02:28 PM
I can't imagine anyone supporting using troops to clear out a peaceful assembly of citizens, using rubber bullets, some sort of gas, horses, and flash bangs...all so the president can stroll across the street for a photo op.

I mean really. Does anyone here really support that action?

(I'm trying to imagine what would have happened in our country if Obama had tried that.)

06-04-2020, 02:29 PM
You can vote for Trump as the lesser to two evils and not support all of his actions. I think it's a pretty slippery slope when you start equating voting for a candidate with unequivocal support. It seems to be a recent thing in our political system.

Why is it so important that the President get involved in a divisive war of words with the media? It seems like a bizarre Latin Machismo thing almost. Do we want our President to be so thin skinned that he has to get into a flame war with anyone who criticizes him?

I actually think that Bush handled a lot of unfair criticism very well. He never gave in to fostering division and always took the high road and spoke to the American people as one. He never broke the country into 'his people' and 'other people'. History has (rightfully) been kind to him for that.

To be bi-partisan I also thought Obama handled some unfair allegations pretty well. An example would be the birther controversy which was ridiculous from day 1.

I just assumed not reacting to every minor slight was part of being the President.

1) If you think the media has been fair or remotely truthful about what Trump has or hasn't done, you're an insane person. He's defending himself. It's what republicans have been begging for. Is it always polished? Nope. Is he always right? Nope.
2) Bush was called a racist, a sexist, an idiot, a war criminal, and god knows what else. He continually just took it because he was a nice guy. Only now, over a decade later, do democrats and the media say nice things about him.

06-04-2020, 02:57 PM
1) If you think the media has been fair or remotely truthful about what Trump has or hasn't done, you're an insane person. He's defending himself. It's what republicans have been begging for. Is it always polished? Nope. Is he always right? Nope.
2) Bush was called a racist, a sexist, an idiot, a war criminal, and god knows what else. He continually just took it because he was a nice guy. Only now, over a decade later, do democrats and the media say nice things about him.

Why are you so worried about what people say about Trump though, and whether it's fair? It's almost like you view him as some kind of surrogate for yourself, or something. There is always a group of people who talk shit about the President. It seems like the best thing to do is ignore it, and the worst thing to do is spend a bunch of time and energy getting involved in some kind of back and forth with a large portion of the citizens of the Country you are supposed to be leading. How is that now a positive thing?

I agree with you on Bush. I just don't really think that he should have been firing back at every asshole that criticized him. It's part of the job. He was President of the United States of America. Let the lunatic fringe of the left say whatever the hell they want and just focus on running the Country. I also don't think Bush really gave a shit about the criticism because he was a mature adult. Also the Leader of the Free World. You don't have to respond to every insult. Who cares? Turn the other cheek.

06-04-2020, 03:14 PM
I don't know where to put this, and perhaps it's already been noted, but in an email the University said it was revoking the offer of admission for an incoming student because of racially charged posts made on social media.

Seems like that raises a number of questions about free speech, but maybe it analogous to yelling fire in a crowded theater.

06-04-2020, 03:23 PM
I don't know where to put this, and perhaps it's already been noted, but in an email the University said it was revoking the offer of admission for an incoming student because of racially charged posts made on social media.

Seems like that raises a number of questions about free speech, but maybe it analogous to yelling fire in a crowded theater.

Not really. He's not being charged with a crime. You can't prosecute someone for saying something really stupid, but you can sure as hell fire them, or cut them, or expel them. This is along the lines of that assistant football coach (from I forget where) who when asked who would he most like to have dinner with, answered Hitler because of how great of a leader he was. Yes, you can get rid of someone for that.

06-04-2020, 03:24 PM
He's not arrested. So his First Amendment rights are still intact. Xavier doesn't have to offer admissions to knuckleheads (though the fact that a great number of us on this board are alumni speaks to the fact that Xavier has offered admission to MANY knuckleheads).

Lamont Sanford
06-04-2020, 03:42 PM
I can't imagine anyone supporting using troops to clear out a peaceful assembly of citizens, using rubber bullets, some sort of gas, horses, and flash bangs...all so the president can stroll across the street for a photo op.

I mean really. Does anyone here really support that action?

(I'm trying to imagine what would have happened in our country if Obama had tried that.)

Paul -

The whole photo op outside St John's Episcopal Church was ridiculous. Hard to defend DJT or whoever the moron aide (Jared Kushner?) was that suggested he do it. He looked foolish and awkward with the Bible in his hand...almost as if he'd never seen or held one.

With that said, your assumption that if Barack Hussein Obama did it he would be equally or worse vilified is absurd. BHO walked on water according to the MSM and he could do no wrong. BHO was wrong on sooooooo many things, but he got the ole Texas El Paso during his 8 years in office.

06-04-2020, 03:47 PM
He's not arrested. So his First Amendment rights are still intact. Xavier doesn't have to offer admissions to knuckleheads (though the fact that a great number of us on this board are alumni speaks to the fact that Xavier has offered admission to MANY knuckleheads).

Would be interesting to see how they handle someone of an opposite race that says the same things or if he was a star incoming basketball player. Kid seems like he needs some guidance and said some really stupid stuff and Xavier probably did what they had to, but would it be handled the same way if the kid wasn’t white? There is a lot of racist crap being thrown around by people of color right now toward white people. Saw one from a highly recruited black football player that said how he hated white people and that white people are trash. No one is pulling his offers.

06-04-2020, 03:58 PM
The democrats want to elect Joe Biden. Let that sink in. He and Obama had 8 years to initiate police reform and improve race relations. What happened?

06-04-2020, 04:04 PM
For any XU fans in and around LA, this seems like a very ominous turn of events:


06-04-2020, 04:06 PM
The democrats want to elect Joe Biden. Let that sink in. He and Obama had 8 years to initiate police reform and improve race relations. What happened?

The Democrats aren't very smart. They'll do something like nominate Hillary Clinton as his running mate, and then not be able to figure out why they lost again.

06-04-2020, 04:11 PM
For any XU fans in and around LA, this seems like a very ominous turn of events:


Not sure that this is a good idea...

06-04-2020, 04:27 PM
For any XU fans in and around LA, this seems like a very ominous turn of events:



06-04-2020, 04:38 PM
Saw one from a highly recruited black football player that said how he hated white people and that white people are trash. No one is pulling his offers.

Well, the Xavier cross country recruit has power and makes the rules in society. A black football player, on the other hand, is oppressed.

06-04-2020, 04:41 PM
For any XU fans in and around LA, this seems like a very ominous turn of events:


The Police Dept. will not only see a 43%-48% increase in their budget next year instead of the instead of a 56% increase.

"The Los Angeles Police Department was set to receive a large increase in its annual budget from $1.189 billion (http://www.lapdonline.org/inside_the_lapd/content_basic_view/834) last year to $1.86 billion (https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-03/lapd-budget-unrest-garcetti) (most of the budget increases were for new police bonuses) for 2020-2021 before Garcetti axed that move Wednesday, cutting $100-$150 million"

06-04-2020, 04:49 PM
It seems to me that the large gatherings that are still occurring, might not be if 40 million weren't out of work.
If you had to get up to, or were at, work, it would (I think) have dissipated by now.

06-04-2020, 04:51 PM
Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) Tweeted:
Confession: #GeorgeFloyd is neither a martyr or a hero. But I hope his family gets justice. https://t.co/Lnxz0usrp5

06-04-2020, 05:00 PM

06-04-2020, 05:05 PM

Ingraham is an idiot. As is Owens (why is someone quoting her?). The Brees struggle session today is pretty amusing, though.

06-04-2020, 05:05 PM
Would be interesting to see how they handle someone of an opposite race that says the same things or if he was a star incoming basketball player. Kid seems like he needs some guidance and said some really stupid stuff and Xavier probably did what they had to, but would it be handled the same way if the kid wasn’t white? There is a lot of racist crap being thrown around by people of color right now toward white people. Saw one from a highly recruited black football player that said how he hated white people and that white people are trash. No one is pulling his offers.

Source? QAnon?

06-04-2020, 05:09 PM
Watching some news now, with video of marchers in New York, I think walking over the Brooklyn bridge.
There's a guy with an X ball cap, and my wife keeps jumping up and pointing to him every time they happen to pan over that section of the crowd.

(We need sports back in a BAD way)

06-04-2020, 05:28 PM
[QUOTE=GoMuskies;676605]Ingraham is an idiot. As is Owens (why is someone quoting her?).

Owens tweeted a video along with that quote. Some here might find it an interesting slant. https://t.co/Lnxz0usrp5

She does have over 2 million followers...

06-04-2020, 05:58 PM
Black woman saying crazy wingnut stuff is a certain kind of Republican's wet dream.

X Factor
06-04-2020, 06:08 PM
Black woman saying crazy wingnut stuff is a certain kind of Republican's wet dream.

Why is it crazy wingnut stuff? You don't think she as a black woman has experienced racism growing up and as an adult? Just because she doesn't go along with what she is "supposed" to think like as a black person?

06-04-2020, 06:15 PM
Apply that logic to serious people like Clarence Thomas and Condoleezza Rice, and I agree. For people like Owens and Omarossa, not so much.

06-04-2020, 07:04 PM
The NYT may have been fundamentally changed today because they published a moderately provocative OP-ed from a sitting US Senator. Wild times.

Former authors of NYT OP-ed pieces that caused no such stir/issues: Adolph Hitler. Muammar Gaddafi. Vladimir Putin.

06-04-2020, 07:12 PM
Lisa Murkowski slipped up:

"When I saw General Mattis' comments yesterday I felt like perhaps we are getting to a point where we can be more honest with the concerns that we might hold internally and have the courage of our own convictions to speak up."

06-04-2020, 07:51 PM
The NYT may have been fundamentally changed today because they published a moderately provocative OP-ed from a sitting US Senator. Wild times.

Former authors of NYT OP-ed pieces that caused no such stir/issues: Adolph Hitler. Muammar Gaddafi. Vladimir Putin.

Nope. They have now apologized for publishing that Op-Ed, saying they need to rethink their editorial review process.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-04-2020, 07:57 PM
Nope. They have now apologized for publishing that Op-Ed, saying they need to rethink their editorial review process.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes, that's my point. They are going to reduce the number of op eds.

06-04-2020, 08:20 PM
The Police Dept. will not only see a 43%-48% increase in their budget next year instead of the instead of a 56% increase.

"The Los Angeles Police Department was set to receive a large increase in its annual budget from $1.189 billion (http://www.lapdonline.org/inside_the_lapd/content_basic_view/834) last year to $1.86 billion (https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-03/lapd-budget-unrest-garcetti) (most of the budget increases were for new police bonuses) for 2020-2021 before Garcetti axed that move Wednesday, cutting $100-$150 million"

Having a little trouble understanding your post. Are you saying LA police is still getting 43% to 48% increase in pay? If so, not sure I’m reading this one the same way. Please bear with me because I’m probably one of the knuckleheads on this site.

Looks like they’re not getting any extra money next year and decreasing the budget about 1.5 million. I’ve seen articles that state the proposed 53% increase was already downgraded to 7% before this last request. We all know the lack of tax revenues is going to strain a lot of local governments budgets this year because of covid. This situation obviously gives all municipalities an opportunity to cut the overall budgets and make (some) people fill good about it.


Interesting letter from the LA city council.

06-04-2020, 08:30 PM
Having a little trouble understanding your post. Are you saying LA police is still getting 43% to 48% increase in pay? If so, not sure I’m reading this one the same way. Please bear with me because I’m probably one of the knuckleheads on this site.

Looks like they’re not getting any extra money next year and decreasing the budget about 1.5 million. I’ve seen articles that state the proposed 53% increase was already downgraded to 7% before this last request. We all know the lack of tax revenues is going to strain a lot of local governments budgets this year because of covid. This situation obviously gives all municipalities an opportunity to cut the overall budgets and make (some) people fill good about it.


Interesting letter from the LA city council.

I read that as the cut was from the increase. But maybe I interpreted that wrong.

06-04-2020, 08:41 PM
I read that as the cut was from the increase. But maybe I interpreted that wrong.

Or maybe I’m reading the article wrong. Guess we’ll eventually see.

06-04-2020, 08:44 PM
The NYT may have been fundamentally changed today because they published a moderately provocative OP-ed from a sitting US Senator. Wild times.

Former authors of NYT OP-ed pieces that caused no such stir/issues: Adolph Hitler. Muammar Gaddafi. Vladimir Putin.

The Taliban and Nicolas Maduro as well.

And this piece of "journalism"

06-04-2020, 11:21 PM
Can we please sign a transfer or get a 2021 commit. I'm sick of this and the Covid thread. I'm sick of the Dem and Rep mayors and governors that have ruined the economy, lost 40 million jobs, botched a pandemic, and lost control of most major city police forces. Let's get back to basketball.

06-04-2020, 11:29 PM
Nope. They have now apologized for publishing that Op-Ed, saying they need to rethink their editorial review process.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, their 4th year Journalism class of writers had a campus revolt, and their administration, which is the equivalent of Dean Vernon Wormer, caved.
#RIP The First Amendment in the New York Times. It is now officially Pravda.

D-West & PO-Z
06-05-2020, 12:11 AM
Black woman saying crazy wingnut stuff is a certain kind of Republican's wet dream.

You got that right.

How is she even a thing? I guess bc what you said, a black women spouting far right wing talking points. She definitely saw a need and filled it. Just a few years ago she was a liberal who criticized republicans and trump. I mean she doesn’t have a college degree, or political experience, or any experience that makes her an expert on anything.

06-05-2020, 05:07 AM
I would imagine the Governor of Michigan is now good with fans in the stands for football this fall? Or does she get to pick and choose? Doesn’t appear she cares too much about social distancing any more.


06-05-2020, 06:25 AM
Source? QAnon?

Still waiting.

06-05-2020, 08:39 AM
That's great, but there is zero context around any of those videos...its social media

Do you need more context on this video, or can we agree that maybe the police also need to work to deescalate the situation:


06-05-2020, 08:50 AM
Do you need more context on this video, or can we agree that maybe the police also need to work to deescalate the situation:


I agree some police need to do better to deescalate the situation and I am sure a lot of them do, but it won’t make the news.