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X-band '01
02-04-2020, 12:01 AM
Get the popcorn and turn on CNN. The Iowa caucus results are a complete cluster.

02-04-2020, 06:14 AM
Get the popcorn and turn on CNN. The Iowa caucus results are a complete cluster.

They must have forgotten who they were stuffing the ballot box for

Muskie in dayton
02-04-2020, 07:01 AM
Get the popcorn and turn on CNN. The Iowa caucus results are a complete cluster.

The results weren’t what the DNC wanted. Look for recounts until they get it “right”.

02-04-2020, 07:43 AM
The results weren’t what the DNC wanted. Look for recounts until they get it “right”.

That’s my take, too. I think they added things up the first time and said “Shit! Bernie won in a landslide. We can’t let that out.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-04-2020, 08:34 AM
Some SOB was disrespecting our flag during the national anthem the other day.

02-04-2020, 09:05 AM
That’s my take, too. I think they added things up the first time and said “Shit! Bernie won in a landslide. We can’t let that out.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Could you imagine the backlash from the far left if he gets colluded against......again. What a shi# show

02-04-2020, 09:33 AM
I feel like I said a time or two on here that impeachment was an idiotic move by the Democrats.


02-04-2020, 09:52 AM
Get the popcorn and turn on CNN. The Iowa caucus results are a complete cluster.

Man, things really are a complete cluster right now...


02-04-2020, 10:26 AM
I feel like I said a time or two on here that impeachment was an idiotic move by the Democrats.


People have brought up how polarizing Trump has been and rightfully so. However, people seem to forget this has been going on for quite some time between the parties.

Quote from the article: “87-point gap between Republican and Democratic approval in the current poll is the largest Gallup has measured in any Gallup poll to date, surpassing the prior record, held by Trump and Barack Obama, by one point.”

Oh BTW, your assertions have been correct.

02-04-2020, 10:37 AM
Man, things really are a complete cluster right now...


The Democrats are like that basketball team that you want to play against when your team is in a slump. You see them coming up on the schedule, and you just breathe a little easier.

They lost to Donald Trump, and will likely lose again despite the fact that he's been a non-stop clown show. His argument was that anything he may have done that was unethical or illegal as president is actually legal so long as he believes it's in the best interest of the nation. AND IT SUCCEEDED!! That is how dumb the collective leadership is. The Dems can't even win against a guy like that!!

02-04-2020, 10:39 AM
They lost to Donald Trump, and will likely lose again despite the fact that he's been a non-stop clown show. His argument was that anything he may have done that was unethical or illegal as president is actually legal so long as he believes it's in the best interest of the nation. AND IT SUCCEEDED!! That is how dumb the collective leadership is. The Dems can't even win against a guy like that!!

Frankly, after last night I'm going to give Alan Dershowitz's argument another hearing. He may have been on to something.

02-04-2020, 10:49 AM
I will back any candidate that isn't a moron and that doesn't view the constitution and the rules of the land as obstacles they must overcome in order to accomplish their selfish objectives. Does that person exist?

02-04-2020, 10:50 AM
The Democrats are like that basketball team that you want to play against when your team is in a slump. You see them coming up on the schedule, and you just breathe a little easier.

They lost to Donald Trump, and will likely lose again despite the fact that he's been a non-stop clown show. His argument was that anything he may have done that was unethical or illegal as president is actually legal so long as he believes it's in the best interest of the nation. AND IT SUCCEEDED!! That is how dumb the collective leadership is. The Dems can't even win against a guy like that!!

Costanza logic never fails!

02-04-2020, 10:53 AM
Costanza logic never fails!

I think I'd prefer Constanza. He wouldn't do anything. Others would have to do his job for him. That would be an upgrade!

02-04-2020, 10:57 AM
I will back any candidate that isn't a moron and that doesn't view the constitution and the rules of the land as obstacles they must overcome in order to accomplish their selfish objectives. Does that person exist?


02-04-2020, 11:29 AM
I feel like I said a time or two on here that impeachment was an idiotic move by the Democrats.


Do I think Trump is a crappy president? Yes

Do I want him out of office? Yes

Do I think what he did in Ukraine was wrong? Yes

Do I think that this particular incident was so wrong that it rose to the level of being impeachable and that he should be removed for it? Hell no.

Did the Dems really screw this up? I think that they did. When you want to fire someone when simply admonishing them is probably sufficient enough, then you come off as looking like an agenda driven asshole. And, that's what a lot of people are going to take away from this. On top of that, they had no chance of succeeding. He was not going to be removed. So, all they really did is push more people away.

02-04-2020, 11:33 AM
Do I think Trump is a crappy president? Yes

Do I want him out of office? Yes

Do I think what he did in Ukraine was wrong? Yes

Do I think that this particular incident was so wrong that it rose to the level of being impeachable and that he should be removed for it? Hell no.

Did the Dems really screw this up? I think that they did. When you want to fire someone when simply admonishing them is probably sufficient enough, then you come off as looking like an agenda driven asshole. And, that's what a lot of people are going to take away from this. On top of that, they had no chance of succeeding. He was not going to be removed. So, all they really did is push more people away.

I think they would have faced significant blow-back from the Dem base if they didn't make an impeachment effort at some point. Pelosi pushed back for way too long in the eyes of a lot of Democratic voters.

02-04-2020, 11:40 AM
I think they would have faced significant blow-back from the Dem base if they didn't make an impeachment effort at some point. Pelosi pushed back for way too long in the eyes of a lot of Democratic voters.

You're probably right, and that's part of the problem.

If you're getting pressure from your base to make a movement toward impeachment regardless of whether or not what he's done rises to the level of being impeachable, then that's a shitty base. That will cause you to do something like...say...moving to impeach when you shouldn't have and have no chance in the world of removing him. Which is basically what happened.

To me, this is another reason why the Democrats, at least from a strategic standpoint, are not organized the way that they need to be in order to win the next election. They probably won't win the next election.

02-04-2020, 11:56 AM
You're probably right, and that's part of the problem.

If you're getting pressure from your base to make a movement toward impeachment regardless of whether or not what he's done rises to the level of being impeachable, then that's a shitty base. That will cause you to do something like...say...moving to impeach when you shouldn't have and have no chance in the world of removing him. Which is basically what happened.

To me, this is another reason why the Democrats, at least from a strategic standpoint, are not organized the way that they need to be in order to win the next election. They probably won't win the next election.

I don't agree with AOC often, but she recently said it's crazy her and Joe Biden are in the same party and she's right. The GOP has a wide tent, but the Democrats have a disagreement on capitalism in their tent. You can't possibly have a concise direction or policy with that reality. I wish the AOC's and Sanders of the world would just lean into their beliefs and split off.

02-04-2020, 12:20 PM
I don't agree with AOC often, but she recently said it's crazy her and Joe Biden are in the same party and she's right. The GOP has a wide tent, but the Democrats have a disagreement on capitalism in their tent. You can't possibly have a concise direction or policy with that reality. I wish the AOC's and Sanders of the world would just lean into their beliefs and split off.

Couldn't agree more.

They are socialists, at the very least.

Once upon a time, Washington mostly got along, in the sense that they found ways to work together to accomplish legislation. They got along because there were no or limited extreme fringes left or right.

Not now. The Far Left wants to redefine America. It would be better for the country if Bernie, AOC, et al were isolated in their own party, which would bring more clarity to their lunacy.

Lamont Sanford
02-04-2020, 12:22 PM
Do I think Trump is a crappy president? Yes

Do I want him out of office? Yes

Do I think what he did in Ukraine was wrong? Yes

Do I think that this particular incident was so wrong that it rose to the level of being impeachable and that he should be removed for it? Hell no.

Did the Dems really screw this up? I think that they did. When you want to fire someone when simply admonishing them is probably sufficient enough, then you come off as looking like an agenda driven asshole. And, that's what a lot of people are going to take away from this. On top of that, they had no chance of succeeding. He was not going to be removed. So, all they really did is push more people away.

Do I think Trump acts "presidential"? No.

Do I think Trump is a crappy president? No. By all economic measures, he's killing it.

Do I think what he did with the Ukraine aid was wrong? Hell no. They got their money...actually more than what we had agreed to give them.

Just curious as to what you Libs think about Creepy Joe Biden and his dealings with Ukraine...especially the video where he boasted of getting that prosecutor fired or he wouldn't give them that $1B. How about Unqualified Hunter Biden?

Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler are bumbling fools who will stop at nothing to get Trump out of office because they know he can't be beat.


02-04-2020, 12:38 PM
Do I think Trump acts "presidential"? No.

Do I think Trump is a crappy president? No. By all economic measures, he's killing it.

Do I think what he did with the Ukraine aid was wrong? Hell no. They got their money...actually more than what we had agreed to give them.

Just curious as to what you Libs think about Creepy Joe Biden and his dealings with Ukraine...especially the video where he boasted of getting that prosecutor fired or he wouldn't give them that $1B. How about Unqualified Hunter Biden?

Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler are bumbling fools who will stop at nothing to get Trump out of office because they know he can't be beat.


I don't really identify as a "Lib," but I don't like it and wish he'd go away. I guess I think he'd do okay as president if he ended up winning, but there is something about going after a guy who wanted to investigate foul play because of how he went about investigating it, and then trying to elect the person who played foul in the first place, that could end up not working out for the Dems.

02-04-2020, 01:12 PM
Do I think Trump acts "presidential"? No.

Do I think Trump is a crappy president? No. By all economic measures, he's killing it.

Do I think what he did with the Ukraine aid was wrong? Hell no. They got their money...actually more than what we had agreed to give them.

Just curious as to what you Libs think about Creepy Joe Biden and his dealings with Ukraine...especially the video where he boasted of getting that prosecutor fired or he wouldn't give them that $1B. How about Unqualified Hunter Biden?

Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler are bumbling fools who will stop at nothing to get Trump out of office because they know he can't be beat.


Presidential? I agree. He doesn't act "presidential", assuming "presidential" means a stiff suite where form over substance often is the priority - Teleprompter Obama comes to mind. Nonetheless, he would do himself a favor if he could find a way to tone it down, ignore the idiots in the Far Left media, and just continue to rack up successful accomplishments.

Ukraine? Trump didn't do anything wrong, period, end of story. Once we get past tomorrow, I would love it if there comes a way to pull the curtain back on Biden and his son, as well as to find a way to send Schiff, a few FBI personnel and a couple others to prison. Some serious crimes were committed in bringing forward this impeachment farce.

Biden may be run out of this race. I don't believe certain people are going to let this go after tomorrow. He'll go into the history books as a minor, very corrupt figure.

Schiff and Nadler and Pelosi are bumbling fools. Schiff has already gone too far, as mentioned earlier. They're arrogance got stuffed in the Senate.

I can see why people, especially lifelong Democrats, don't like Trump over issues having to do with personality and perceptions about his past business dealings, etc. He is bombastic. There is no denying that. Then again, with about everyone against him, he has every right to go after a liberal media, but that doesn't mean that he can't rise above that fracase now and then. Talking over the media to the people through Twitter is fine, and it also isn't fine.

What I truly don't get is that, especially juxtaposed against a Democratic lineup that will increase regulation, screw up healthcare, blow up the energy sector, open our borders to anyone, and crap up job formation, why Democrats don't recognize that Trump is about the U.S. first and foremost, and that he has absolutely racked up some great accomplishments that set up the United States well for the future (a lot of focus on trade agreements with that last statement). When you consider Trump against the Sanders, Warren, and AOC crowd, the differences become staggering: a President who is focused on strengthening the United States for the benefit of all citizens versus a few of their ilk espousing the "benefits" of socialism to the United States of America, which would have dire consequences for most citizens.

Muskie in dayton
02-04-2020, 01:32 PM
Well said XUBREW. Cutting through all the partisan crap, the impeachment comes down to one simple question: is it OK for a sitting President to leverage his position to pressure a foreign country into saying something bad about a political rival?

To me, the answer is NO - he should have been removed. And if witnesses were called, the damning evidence would have been even stronger. Why were no witnesses called? Because the Dems refuses the 1-for-1 deal because they knew that would also take down their “anointed one”.

All this process has done is weaken our democracy. Every president now has the green light to cheat. Sad that people continue to prioritize their political party over the country. Sad, sad, sad.

02-04-2020, 01:41 PM
Well said XUBREW. Cutting through all the partisan crap, the impeachment comes down to one simple question: is it OK for a sitting President to leverage his position to pressure a foreign country into saying something bad about a political rival?

To me, the answer is NO - he should have been impeached. And if witnesses were called, the damning evidence would have been even stronger. Why were no witnesses called? Because the Dems refuses the 1-for-1 deal because they knew that would also take down their “anointed one”.

All this process has done is weaken our democracy. Every president now has the green light to cheat. Sad that people continue to prioritize their political party over the country. Sad, sad, sad.

I agree that leveraging a foreign country for dirt on a political rival is not okay. Having said that, I think lots of presidents (and people in general) have done things that were not okay, but those things aren't so egregious that they require a nuclear response. Impeachment was overkill. And even if it wasn't (which it was) it was doomed to fail. And....it did. I think even most Republican senators feel that what he did was wrong, but that it wasn't so wrong that he should be removed from office for it. And, I actually agree with them.

Republicans are normally a lot smarter about these kinds of things, but if I were advising the Republican Party, I would have actually encouraged them to call witnesses. Two reasons: 1) Nothing any of the witnesses would have said would have made any difference. He was not going to be removed, and 2) This is a little more sinister, but it would have actually kept the Democratic frontrunners off of the campaign trail for longer.

Instead, it gave the dems the card of being able to say "They're trying to obstruct justice!!" Had they called witnesses, they would have still won, and the dems would not be able to make that claim. At least not as solidly as they can now.

Lamont Sanford
02-04-2020, 01:50 PM
The whole Biden - Ukraine deal is really what chaps my ass. I have read countless media pundits claim this nothing but a "theory". Really? A theory? We have the lying SOB on video bragging to an audience how he got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired to back off the investigation of Burisma or else they wouldn't get the $1B. There is no compelling evidence (like actual freaking video) that can be linked to Trump doing anything illegal.


02-04-2020, 02:00 PM
there is something about going after a guy who wanted to investigate foul play because of how he went about investigating it, and then trying to elect the person who played foul in the first place, that could end up not working out for the Dems.

this logic for some reason has escaped a lot of people. or they just ignored it

02-04-2020, 02:03 PM
is it OK for a sitting President to leverage his position to pressure a foreign country into saying something bad about a political rival?

when did he do that? he asked them to "look into the biden thing", which, in my opinion, is fine.

it's just such a clearly partisan endeavour. like if jenna bush or someone like that was getting millions from a qatari oil company and obama was still president and asked their government to look into that, i'd have no problem with that. heck, i'd be in favor. i'd be in favor of many more corruption investigations regarding foreign money tbh. this was just the thinnest pretext to impeach someone over.

02-04-2020, 02:14 PM
Well said XUBREW. Cutting through all the partisan crap, the impeachment comes down to one simple question: is it OK for a sitting President to leverage his position to pressure a foreign country into saying something bad about a political rival?

To me, the answer is NO - he should have been removed. And if witnesses were called, the damning evidence would have been even stronger. Why were no witnesses called? Because the Dems refuses the 1-for-1 deal because they knew that would also take down their “anointed one”.

All this process has done is weaken our democracy. Every president now has the green light to cheat. Sad that people continue to prioritize their political party over the country. Sad, sad, sad.


Your "damning evidence" was false and illegal.

Schiff ran a corrupt process in the House and paid for it. Witnesses weren't called because they were not going to add anything new to the proceedings. And it wasn't the Senate's job to clean-up the House's blundered escapade.

You are right about the Democrats attempting to weaken our democracy through a sham impeachment process. BTW, it has been announced that the Senate will investigate the Ukraine whistleblower, the Bidens, and FISA warrant abuse, following the conclusion of President Donald Trump's impeachment trial.

02-04-2020, 02:41 PM
I'm more concerned with the new precedence set in this process.
Having the Senate call witnesses would have at least balanced the powers of the branches.
As it is, a new "presidential immunity" has been created for all his advisors who were called to testify in the House and refused.
Not a claim of executive privilege, which is limited to particular conversations, but a blanket immunity from a legitimate House summons.
That does not bode well for our democracy.
People who favor the unitary executive theory are getting their wish. Hopefully it doesn't bite them in the ass someday.

02-04-2020, 02:43 PM
FISA warrants were all approved by republican judges, so go ahead and punish them.

02-04-2020, 02:55 PM
I'm more concerned with the new precedence set in this process.
Having the Senate call witnesses would have at least balanced the powers of the branches.
As it is, a new "presidential immunity" has been created for all his advisors who were called to testify in the House and refused.
Not a claim of executive privilege, which is limited to particular conversations, but a blanket immunity from a legitimate House summons.
That does not bode well for our democracy.
People who favor the unitary executive theory are getting their wish. Hopefully it doesn't bite them in the ass someday.

I agree completely. It's just that I strongly and equally blame both sides for all of the things that led to this.

02-04-2020, 03:08 PM
FISA warrants were all approved by republican judges, so go ahead and punish them.

If they knew they were fraudulent when they approved them, then they should join Schiff in prison as well. I could care less about party affiliation when it comes to this level of abuse of power.

02-04-2020, 03:27 PM
We are now entering a point to where both sides feel it is necessary to abuse their power in order to combat the other side from abusing their power. I'm only half kidding when I say that. Maybe not even half kidding. This could end badly. I view it as being a collective disgrace, and if people are so emotionally charged up that they cannot find fault with whatever side they identify with, then they are part of the problem.

02-04-2020, 03:44 PM
If they knew they were fraudulent when they approved them, then they should join Schiff in prison as well. I could care less about party affiliation when it comes to this level of abuse of power.

I know I am going to regret asking this, but why is Schiff going to prison?

02-04-2020, 03:46 PM
BTW, it has been announced that the Senate will investigate the Ukraine whistleblower, the Bidens, and FISA warrant abuse, following the conclusion of President Donald Trump's impeachment trial.

It’s interesting the FISA abuse case on Carter Page hasn’t gotten more coverage.

Especially since you can tie in what Trump was accused of doing. Glad to see Carter is suing the DNC and their “research firm” Perkins Coie. I mean, all they supposedly did was finance a Kremlin sourced dossier that was used by the FBI to get an illegal FISA warrant to serval a US citizen who happened to work for a political rival. Sounds like a lot shitty things were possibly done there.

Highly doubt the Senate will have the marbles or public has the patience to look all these cases tho. Now FISA is a no brainer investigation IMO because the potential civil rights abuse. Like you said in your last post, I could care less about party affiliations with the judges. Also what BREW said, both sides do some really bad stuff.

02-04-2020, 03:46 PM
FISA warrants were all approved by republican judges, so go ahead and punish them.

Well sure but false information and/or information without the context of bias or credibility issues was not included.

02-04-2020, 03:52 PM
We are now entering a point to where both sides feel it is necessary to abuse their power in order to combat the other side from abusing their power. I'm only half kidding when I say that. Maybe not even half kidding. This could end badly. I view it as being a collective disgrace, and if people are so emotionally charged up that they cannot find fault with whatever side they identify with, then they are part of the problem.

i'm not sure this has ever not been the case. one of the best things about trump is that he has helped bring these things out into the spotlight

02-04-2020, 04:11 PM
i'm not sure this has ever not been the case. one of the best things about trump is that he has helped bring these things out into the spotlight

Well, I know that we had a civil war and all that, but while there has always been tension, I think that for most of the last 244 years it has been below what it is now. Not all the time, but most of the time.

We are now at a point to where if one party controls the House and Senate and the other has the White House, that impeachment for a rather innocuous action may be commonplace. It may also be commonplace to have a "Make Me" response whenever a branch tries to exercise any sort of oversight. This is all relatively new. And, both sides are continuing to double down and hold their ground, which is making the division worse. We've gone from both sides having fundamental disagreements that, while heated, were still never thought of or reacted to as if they were existential threats. That's where we seem to be now, and although we've arguably been there before it's not where were have been for most of our history.

02-04-2020, 04:28 PM
I know I am going to regret asking this, but why is Schiff going to prison?

He won't be - - unless he is caused somehow to go under oath and then maintains his present positions on some key issues. Schiff concealed his office’s contacts with the Ukraine “whistleblower” — and he still hasn’t detailed his involvement in framing the case against Trump before the “official impeachment inquiry” even began. He has consistently lied throughout the impeachment process.

Schiff is a dirty piece of shit. He's a "get Trump at all costs" buffoon. And that should be abundantly clear to anyone with a clue.

02-04-2020, 04:33 PM
Trump committed a Flagrant 1.

X-band '01
02-04-2020, 05:32 PM
That’s my take, too. I think they added things up the first time and said “Shit! Bernie won in a landslide. We can’t let that out.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Could you imagine the backlash from the far left if he gets colluded against......again. What a shi# show

More like the robots running the DNC weren't programmed to consider Brad Stevens, err, Pete Buttigieg winning the caucus.

Muskie in dayton
02-04-2020, 05:33 PM

Your "damning evidence" was false and illegal.

Schiff ran a corrupt process in the House and paid for it. Witnesses weren't called because they were not going to add anything new to the proceedings. And it wasn't the Senate's job to clean-up the House's blundered escapade.

You are right about the Democrats attempting to weaken our democracy through a sham impeachment process. BTW, it has been announced that the Senate will investigate the Ukraine whistleblower, the Bidens, and FISA warrant abuse, following the conclusion of President Donald Trump's impeachment trial.

First sentence: I'm referring to what Bolton, Pompeo, or other "Trump guys" would have had to say under oath. Not sure what you are referring to.

Second paragraph: That's a nice Republican narrative you're parroting there. The only way to get Trump's guys to testify is if they issued a formal subpoena during the trial. Trump would have tied up in court any attempts to do so during the House investigation. You know that.

I agree with you that Biden is corrupt. I wish he would have gone down and hope he still does. But I will say his corruption is a lot less damaging to the country and our democracy than what Trump did. And don't tell me he didn't do anything wrong - if you're OK with the President trying to get a foreign leader to say something bad about his rival, than you are OK with undermining democracy. I'm not.

Let me ask you this. If (when) a Democratic president pulls this shit in a couple years, will you still say it's OK?

X-band '01
02-04-2020, 05:37 PM
That’s my take, too. I think they added things up the first time and said “Shit! Bernie won in a landslide. We can’t let that out.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Could you imagine the backlash from the far left if he gets colluded against......again. What a shi# show

I agree that leveraging a foreign country for dirt on a political rival is not okay. Having said that, I think lots of presidents (and people in general) have done things that were not okay, but those things aren't so egregious that they require a nuclear response. Impeachment was overkill. And even if it wasn't (which it was) it was doomed to fail. And....it did. I think even most Republican senators feel that what he did was wrong, but that it wasn't so wrong that he should be removed from office for it. And, I actually agree with them.

Republicans are normally a lot smarter about these kinds of things, but if I were advising the Republican Party, I would have actually encouraged them to call witnesses. Two reasons: 1) Nothing any of the witnesses would have said would have made any difference. He was not going to be removed, and 2) This is a little more sinister, but it would have actually kept the Democratic frontrunners off of the campaign trail for longer.

Instead, it gave the dems the card of being able to say "They're trying to obstruct justice!!" Had they called witnesses, they would have still won, and the dems would not be able to make that claim. At least not as solidly as they can now.

This was probably for similar reasons as to why they didn't call witness in the House (and no, Republicans, let's not act like Trump was completely denied due process) - they didn't want to even so much as acknowledge that there was a trial or any wrongdoing to begin win.

Privately, Democrats are probably happy that witnesses weren't called - you likely would have seen Hunter Biden and Adam Schiff being called to testify along with John Bolton and other GOP cabinet members.

02-04-2020, 05:58 PM
First sentence: I'm referring to what Bolton, Pompeo, or other "Trump guys" would have had to say under oath. Not sure what you are referring to.

Second paragraph: That's a nice Republican narrative you're parroting there. The only way to get Trump's guys to testify is if they issued a formal subpoena during the trial. Trump would have tied up in court any attempts to do so during the House investigation. You know that.

I agree with you that Biden is corrupt. I wish he would have gone down and hope he still does. But I will say his corruption is a lot less damaging to the country and our democracy than what Trump did. And don't tell me he didn't do anything wrong - if you're OK with the President trying to get a foreign leader to say something bad about his rival, than you are OK with undermining democracy. I'm not.

Let me ask you this. If (when) a Democratic president pulls this shit in a couple years, will you still say it's OK?

Well, I wouldn’t count on it taking place in a couple of years.

What part of the well documented response from the Ukrainian president don’t you get?

02-04-2020, 06:33 PM
you're OK with the President trying to get a foreign leader to say something bad about his rival, than you are OK with undermining democracy. I'm not.

Let me ask you this. If (when) a Democratic president pulls this shit in a couple years, will you still say it's OK?

you keep saying this but this didn't happen. why do you continue to say it?

Muskie in dayton
02-04-2020, 06:48 PM
Well, I wouldn’t count on it taking place in a couple of years.

What part of the well documented response from the Ukrainian president don’t you get?

What part of the Ukraine President had reason to lie don’t you get? What part of the phone transcript don’t you get?

Muskie in dayton
02-04-2020, 06:53 PM
you keep saying this but this didn't happen. why do you continue to say it?

Well there’s the phone call transcript...

We’ve had this discussion before. Last time it ended with you telling me that Biden is not even a political rival. Recall?

02-04-2020, 06:56 PM
What part of the Ukraine President had reason to lie don’t you get? What part of the phone transcript don’t you get?

You were in the room!

What part of aid was held up for multiple countries, not just Ukraine don’t you get?

What part of the aid being released with no conditions and Ukraine taking no investigative action don’t you get?

I get it. You hate Trump. But you are highly likely to have five more years of him as he pursues actions and legislation that is favorable to the United States.

02-04-2020, 07:09 PM
I appreciate the Big East scheduling tonight’s X game at the same time as the State of the Union address. Makes it easy to keep my streak alive of not watching one political party sit on their hands while the other cheers, regardless of what’s being said.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

X-band '01
02-04-2020, 07:29 PM
Here's one thing everyone can agree on, from Democrats to Republicans to Xavier fans to Dayton fans to the whole human race:

The Blackburn Review Eviscerates Fordham (https://www.blackburnreview.com/2020/02/04/thats-enough-fordham/)

Muskie in dayton
02-04-2020, 07:30 PM
You were in the room!

What part of aid was held up for multiple countries, not just Ukraine don’t you get?

What part of the aid being released with no conditions and Ukraine taking no investigative action don’t you get?

I get it. You hate Trump. But you are highly likely to have five more years of him as he pursues actions and legislation that is favorable to the United States.

No you actually don’t get it. I don’t hate Trump. I do hate how he operates. In fact if you took away the unethical behaviors and juvenile conduct, I’d love Trump. Politically I agree with most of what he’s done. I constantly defend his political agenda and political actions against my clueless Democrat in-laws.

The part you don’t get is you are a biased partisan. I am not, and I also hold politicians to a high ethical standard, which sadly is a fruitless cause.

Also, how come you never answered my question above about if this was a Democrat?

Muskie in dayton
02-04-2020, 07:34 PM
I appreciate the Big East scheduling tonight’s X game at the same time as the State of the Union address. Makes it easy to keep my streak alive of not watching one political party sit on their hands while the other cheers, regardless of what’s being said.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

For sure. I missed the SHU game ant that worked out well. This will give me reason to not watch again so we can bring home another victory tonight.

02-04-2020, 07:42 PM
Well there’s the phone call transcript...

We’ve had this discussion before. Last time it ended with you telling me that Biden is not even a political rival. Recall?

and whaddaya know looks like he's about to be 5th in Iowa. he is still not a legitimate political rival, but besides that... trump never solicited the ukrainian president to "say bad things about biden" yet you keep repeating that

02-04-2020, 07:44 PM
No you actually don’t get it. I don’t hate Trump. I do hate how he operates. In fact if you took away the unethical behaviors and juvenile conduct, I’d love Trump. Politically I agree with most of what he’s done. I constantly defend his political agenda and political actions against my clueless Democrat in-laws.

The part you don’t get is you are a biased partisan. I am not, and I also hold politicians to a high ethical standard, which sadly is a fruitless cause.

Also, how come you never answered my question above about if this was a Democrat?

You and I differ on the issue of whether or not he did anything wrong. I don’t believe he did. You do believe he did.

I agree with you for the most part with respect to his demeanor and modus operandi. Nonetheless, as I’ve stated elsewhere, everyone is against him, so him lashing back isn’t too surprising and somewhat justifiable at times.

Democrat or Republican, if someone is guilty of high crimes and impeachable offenses, out they go.

Trump did nothing wrong, IMHO, and certainly nothing impeachable here.

02-04-2020, 07:51 PM
If the phone call was "perfect," why don't they release the real, complete transcript?
They have it. They locked it up.
If it's so damn perfect, why didn't they release it, instead of some partial recap of the call?

02-04-2020, 08:19 PM
If the phone call was "perfect," why don't they release the real, complete transcript?
They have it. They locked it up.
If it's so damn perfect, why didn't they release it, instead of some partial recap of the call?

National security content? I don’t know.

Overall and collectively, it certainly appears as though there is no “there” there, and we’re moving forward after tomorrow afternoon. Some focused on the nation’s business and others who are focused on continuing with an unethical power grab.

02-04-2020, 08:33 PM
I'm pretty sure a "perfect" call would warrant releasing word for word, with security concerns redacted.

That they didn't even bother and went with a potentially shaded "recap" makes me suspect it's not all that perfect.

Someday we'll know I'm sure.(or my grandkids will anyway)

Muskie in dayton
02-04-2020, 09:04 PM
and whaddaya know looks like he's about to be 5th in Iowa. he is still not a legitimate political rival, but besides that... trump never solicited the ukrainian president to "say bad things about biden" yet you keep repeating that
<<in an Iverson voice>> Iowa?? We talkin’ Iowa? C’mon, Iowa? It ain’t like Iowa is the National polls.
Bad argument.

Did your read the transcripts of the call? Did you listen to the testimony during the House investigation. I keep saying it because it happened. You keep denying it because you refuse to hear something you don’t want to hear.

02-04-2020, 10:39 PM
Pelosi is CLASSLESS. Wow.

Muskie in dayton
02-04-2020, 11:01 PM
You and I differ on the issue of whether or not he did anything wrong. I don’t believe he did. You do believe he did.

I agree with you for the most part with respect to his demeanor and modus operandi. Nonetheless, as I’ve stated elsewhere, everyone is against him, so him lashing back isn’t too surprising and somewhat justifiable at times.

Democrat or Republican, if someone is guilty of high crimes and impeachable offenses, out they go.

Trump did nothing wrong, IMHO, and certainly nothing impeachable here.

I appreciate the “beauty of Gray”, and understand how someone can absorb the facts and come to that conclusion. While I feel differently I respect your point. We’ll agree to disagree here and move on. Go X.

Muskie in dayton
02-04-2020, 11:08 PM
Pelosi is CLASSLESS. Wow.
Agree here too. That was pathetic. Frankly the whole white clothes people refusing to clap for things like low employment and the military was pathetic. God the Democrats are lost.

X-band '01
02-04-2020, 11:25 PM
Pelosi is CLASSLESS. Wow.

Classless? That was both childish and hilarious at the same time.

Lloyd Braun
02-04-2020, 11:31 PM
I would say it was quite petty. I’m sure she felt rejected by not receiving a handshake back (intentional or not) and that was her way of retaliating. Not sure there’s much “class” left anywhere to be throwing that word out however.

02-04-2020, 11:31 PM
As was refusing to shake an offered hand.

Strange Brew
02-04-2020, 11:35 PM
As was refusing to shake an offered hand.

Well that’s what you do when someone golf claps in your face previously. I would’ve come in with a slow clap right back at ya and then high five Pence.

Strange Brew
02-04-2020, 11:45 PM
Trump committed a Flagrant 1.

Wooo. Scorched Earth, I’d love to see him debate Bernie...

02-04-2020, 11:51 PM
Classless? That was both childish and hilarious at the same time.

agreed, i laughed. she's a clown

02-05-2020, 03:29 AM
Agree here too. That was pathetic. Frankly the whole white clothes people refusing to clap for things like low employment and the military was pathetic. God the Democrats are lost.

Krysten Synema seems like a very level headed Democrat in a right leaning state.

Lamont Sanford
02-05-2020, 08:29 AM
How more obvious can Democrats illustrate that they truly hate America?!? For them to sit on their hands last night was a slap in the face to every red-blooded American. They are the dividers. Not Trump. Shame on them.


02-05-2020, 08:43 AM
If you're going to criticize one side's childish, petty, and divisive actions, but at the same time cheer those same types of actions when the other side does it, then you really are part of the problem. I'd rate the maturity level of both parties at about 7th grade right now.

02-05-2020, 09:04 AM
You were in the room!

What part of aid was held up for multiple countries, not just Ukraine don’t you get?

What part of the aid being released with no conditions and Ukraine taking no investigative action don’t you get?

I get it. You hate Trump. But you are highly likely to have five more years of him as he pursues actions and legislation that is favorable to the United States.

This is why I wish that there were witnesses in the impeachment trial, as there is an outstanding question of fact.

I am actually ok with Sen. Alexander's position, the evidence shows that the action took place but that it does not rise to the level of removal from office. I do not agree with it, but I think it is a reasoned conclusion.

However on the Republican side we have positions ranging from he did it and he should be removed, he did it but it doesn't warrant removal, he did it but it wasn't illegal, and the President's own position that he didn't do it. All the while there are documents and witnesses that are being withheld that could get everyone on the same page and then make the call on 1) Did he do it 2) was it improper/illegal and 3) does it rise to the level of removal.

While I know this would never happen, I almost wish the senators had to answer the equivalent of jury interrogatories to flesh out the three questions I listed above.

02-05-2020, 09:16 AM
That’s my take, too. I think they added things up the first time and said “Shit! Bernie won in a landslide. We can’t let that out.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I lost my page on the populist playbook. Now that Bernie has either won Iowa or is second by a hair, what's the talking point? They tried to rig it against us but we were too strong? Pretty sure that's the one Trump used.

02-05-2020, 11:12 AM
How more obvious can Democrats illustrate that they truly hate America?!? For them to sit on their hands last night was a slap in the face to every red-blooded American. They are the dividers. Not Trump. Shame on them.


There is no other way to look at it than as you describe it here. The optics for the Democrats are beyond bad.

Trump was right not to shake Pelosi's hand - - she allowed a sham impeachment process to move forward and she's a babbling idiot. It was also a clear statement about "we're moving forward on these initiatives with or without you."

But to be on camera and then rather dramatically rip up a State of the Union speech from that chair on national TV was less than a good idea.

All this against the backdrop of the Democrats cheating and blundering themselves in Iowa and today's crushing of a bogus impeachment attempt.

02-05-2020, 12:05 PM
The optics for the Democrats are beyond bad.

Yes, they are.

Trump was right not to shake Pelosi's hand

No, he wasn't.

Again, people applauding the divisive actions of one side and condemning the divisive actions of the other side is a big part of the problem. They were both really childish. I mean seriously, where the hell are the grownups??

There have been times where I've been in situations that required me to shake hands with real dickbags. If I can do it, then surely the President can do it. It's pretty much a requirement when you consider some of the other foreign leaders he needs to associate with. I've also been snubbed before. Sometimes you just gotta walk away and let it go. It sucks that the vast majority of our leaders have the maturity of a bunch of 12 year olds, and it sucks worse that they seem to be dragging so many people right along with them. That is the exact opposite of leadership.

02-05-2020, 12:38 PM
Yes, they are.

No, he wasn't.

Again, people applauding the divisive actions of one side and condemning the divisive actions of the other side is a big part of the problem. They were both really childish. I mean seriously, where the hell are the grownups??

There have been times where I've been in situations that required me to shake hands with real dickbags. If I can do it, then surely the President can do it. It's pretty much a requirement when you consider some of the other foreign leaders he needs to associate with. I've also been snubbed before. Sometimes you just gotta walk away and let it go. It sucks that the vast majority of our leaders have the maturity of a bunch of 12 year olds, and it sucks worse that they seem to be dragging so many people right along with them. That is the exact opposite of leadership.

Can't argue with your logic and point.

But, she is a POS, so screw her.

02-05-2020, 12:48 PM
At the end of the day, the country has bigger problems than who shook who’s hand. Not a big deal at all

02-05-2020, 01:04 PM
At the end of the day, the country has bigger problems than who shook who’s hand. Not a big deal at all

You are right.

Worse yet for the Democrats, Trump did not shake Pence’s hand either. It is clear as day on the video of that opening sequence.

02-05-2020, 01:16 PM
Again, people applauding the divisive actions of one side and condemning the divisive actions of the other side is a big part of the problem. They were both really childish. I mean seriously, where the hell are the grownups??

There have been times where I've been in situations that required me to shake hands with real dickbags. If I can do it, then surely the President can do it. It's pretty much a requirement when you consider some of the other foreign leaders he needs to associate with. I've also been snubbed before. Sometimes you just gotta walk away and let it go. It sucks that the vast majority of our leaders have the maturity of a bunch of 12 year olds, and it sucks worse that they seem to be dragging so many people right along with them. That is the exact opposite of leadership.

I really want to see someone emerge with enough character to rise above the pettiness we have seen the past several years on both sides of the aisle.

Don't be a dick. No one. No one be a dick to the other person. Shake the old lady's hand....don't respond by ripping up the speech like a child. It's beyond ridiculous. It really is.

Muskie in dayton
02-05-2020, 01:48 PM
You are right.

Worse yet for the Democrats, Trump did not shake Pence’s hand either. It is clear as day on the video of that opening sequence.

You know I’m not a Trump apologist, so no one take this that way, but I don’t know that it was an intentional snub - or a snub at all. He turned around and handed something to both Pence and her and didn’t seem to see her limply extended hand. Plus I was reading something today where she was talking about ripping up the speech and she didn’t mention a hand shake snub.

02-05-2020, 01:56 PM
Nadler to continue Ukraine investigation. Yay!

Who doesn’t like a mulligan

02-05-2020, 02:07 PM
Nadler to continue Ukraine investigation. Yay!

Who doesn’t like a mulligan

They can't see how much they are making themselves look like clowns through their hate and Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I guess the fact that through all of this mainstream media supported Impeachment BS, Trump's Gallup Poll Approval rating reached an all time high at 49% yesterday, that means nothing to them.

Between Pelosi tearing up a speech (nah, Trump didn't shake Pence's hand either, plus he was turning around and not even sure if he saw Pelosi's wet fish) and this continual sham, the Dems just keep stomping on their own feet. The self-destruction is incredible to see.

02-05-2020, 02:45 PM
I really want to see someone emerge with enough character to rise above the pettiness we have seen the past several years on both sides of the aisle.

Don't be a dick. No one. No one be a dick to the other person. Shake the old lady's hand....don't respond by ripping up the speech like a child. It's beyond ridiculous. It really is.

A large part of the reason I like Yang is that he's exactly this. He's clear that he's not a fan of Trump, but he is willing to acknowledge that there are reasons Trump is in office and that those problems need to be addressed. Obsessing over every Trump tweet doesn't fix problems.

02-05-2020, 03:26 PM
Someone call Mitt Romney and let him know the impeachment process was BS.

02-05-2020, 03:28 PM
Someone call Mitt Romney and let him know the impeachment process was BS.
Mitt Romney, much like John Bolton and Justin Amash, is a secret Democrat.

02-05-2020, 03:36 PM
Someone call Mitt Romney and let him know the impeachment process was BS.

Someone call all the dickbags praising Mitt Romney today (not you paul) who were bashing him over some petty bullshit in the run-up to the 2012 election. You shit on people like Romney, and you get people like Trump.

02-05-2020, 04:31 PM
Since no one is paying attention, I'll go ahead and mention that impeachment is over.

02-05-2020, 04:39 PM
Someone call all the dickbags praising Mitt Romney today (not you paul) who were bashing him over some petty bullshit in the run-up to the 2012 election. You shit on people like Romney, and you get people like Trump.

Thank you!! What do all of those people think of Mitt Romney now? If he'd had won in 2012 then we're probably better off today by a ton.

X-band '01
02-05-2020, 05:20 PM
Krysten Synema seems like a very level headed Democrat in a right leaning state.

I wonder when the light will turn on for Democrats that they should consider moving from California to Arizona like they did when they flipped Virginia in the past decade. Nevada is another state that used to be purplish but is now more light blue.

Strange Brew
02-05-2020, 05:46 PM
I wonder when the light will turn on for Democrats that they should consider moving from California to Arizona like they did when they flipped Virginia in the past decade. Nevada is another state that used to be purplish but is now more light blue.

Please don’t. They’ve ruined so many States already.

02-05-2020, 06:45 PM
Since no one is paying attention, I'll go ahead and mention that impeachment is over.

Until they start another one, assuming Trump is re-elected and the Democrats keep control of the House. If that happens, it’s almost assured they’ll impeach him again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-05-2020, 07:09 PM
Hmm. Yeah I think to avoid confusion maybe it should be "leave office." I'm willing to put $20 on it and loser donates to site. Come on everyone wins, even this deranged place of lunacy we call Xavier Hoops. Either that or I'm suffering withdrawals until the Preakness.

I'm in for $20. Wouldn't be surprised to lose that one for any number of reasons, but I don't think it will be Russia. Most likely loss for me (IMO): he just gets tired of it and claims some sort of health issue and resigns. Or he randomly grabs a stranger by the pussy. Equally likely.

OK SP, with today's news you should be budgeting $20 towards your donation to XavierHoops.

XU 23
02-05-2020, 07:14 PM
Did Romney vote guilty?

02-05-2020, 07:30 PM
Did Romney vote guilty?


02-05-2020, 07:56 PM
lol, Mitt...

XU 23
02-05-2020, 08:05 PM
Mitt... say goodbye to your senate seat. In Utah at least. Maybe when Massachusetts opens up he can win as a Democrat.

02-05-2020, 09:11 PM
Someone call Mitt Romney and let him know the impeachment process was BS.

He might be busy...think they should call Pierre Delecto instead.

02-05-2020, 09:45 PM
Mitt... say goodbye to your senate seat. In Utah at least. Maybe when Massachusetts opens up he can win as a Democrat.

He got 73% of the last primary vote, so don't think he's going anywhere.

02-05-2020, 10:07 PM
He got 73% of the last primary vote, so don't think he's going anywhere.

ehh i'd be very surprised if he hangs on to that seat

02-06-2020, 12:47 AM
Please don’t. They’ve ruined so many States already.

They move from these states because they no longer can afford to live there and then bring the same failed policies to their new states. It's remarkably stupid.

02-06-2020, 08:16 AM
Thank you!! What do all of those people think of Mitt Romney now? If he'd had won in 2012 then we're probably better off today by a ton.

Serious question: How do you feel we would be better off today with Romney in office, and who is we? Economy, job market, trade policies, foreign policy, border security, social issues, military, deficit, infrastructure?

02-06-2020, 08:38 AM
Serious question: How do you feel we would be better off today with Romney in office, and who is we? Economy, job market, trade policies, foreign policy, border security, social issues, military, deficit, infrastructure?

Serious answer...I really don't know that we would be. From the Democrats' point of view they thought that the world was going to end if they won, and they kind of went overkill with the negative campaigns on a guy that, quite frankly, nothing like that. Well, now their attitude toward him is a little different.

02-06-2020, 08:44 AM
I think the only potential way we would be better off had Romney won would be a less divided country than we have now. It has gotten to the point of adults acting like three year olds with temper tantrums. Obama getting elected and then reelected in 12, was a catalyst for trump getting elected and here we are.

02-06-2020, 08:59 AM
I think the only potential way we would be better off had Romney won would be a less divided country than we have now. It has gotten to the point of adults acting like three year olds with temper tantrums. Obama getting elected and then reelected in 12, was a catalyst for trump getting elected and here we are.

I feel this way about McCain's election. I think of his decision to pick Palin as a turning point, especially after it later came out he really wanted Lieberman. A split party White House, or just a Presidential ticket, could have done the country a lot of good. Of course there's probably 1000 examples like this.

02-06-2020, 09:44 AM
I think the only potential way we would be better off had Romney won would be a less divided country than we have now. It has gotten to the point of adults acting like three year olds with temper tantrums. Obama getting elected and then reelected in 12, was a catalyst for trump getting elected and here we are.

In my opinion, that is not a small thing

02-06-2020, 09:55 AM
In my opinion, that is not a small thing

True, I just dont know whether who got elected would have made a difference, maybe yes, maybe no. There are a lot of things that have occurred over the last 10 or so years that I think are also big contributors to this division; the rise of social media, the 24/7 news cycle that instead of objectively reporting the news insert their extreme opinions, etc etc.

I'll give a quick anecdote about the news media...was watching the first few minutes of the today show this morning and they were talking about trump's acquittal, and spent about five minutes talking about Romney's vote. Instead of just objectively stating that and Romney's reasons for why, they had to get into their opinion of how trump has divided the Republican party and what does this mean for the election blah blah blah. It's complete nonsense, but is indicative of how the news media reports events nowadays.

02-06-2020, 10:38 AM
True, I just dont know whether who got elected would have made a difference, maybe yes, maybe no. There are a lot of things that have occurred over the last 10 or so years that I think are also big contributors to this division; the rise of social media, the 24/7 news cycle that instead of objectively reporting the news insert their extreme opinions, etc etc.

I'll give a quick anecdote about the news media...was watching the first few minutes of the today show this morning and they were talking about trump's acquittal, and spent about five minutes talking about Romney's vote. Instead of just objectively stating that and Romney's reasons for why, they had to get into their opinion of how trump has divided the Republican party and what does this mean for the election blah blah blah. It's complete nonsense, but is indicative of how the news media reports events nowadays.

It is essentially sports coverage. The coverage of the results is minimum as compared to the punditry of predicting the results in the lead up to the event.

02-06-2020, 10:51 AM
If I recall (perhaps incorrectly) after Clinton's acquittal, he made a statement admitting his mistakes, the harm he had caused, and apologized for his actions.

For some reason I'm thinking Trump's statement today will not be in that vein. Hope I'm wrong. Maybe he'll surprise me.

02-06-2020, 11:04 AM
If I recall (perhaps incorrectly) after Clinton's acquittal, he made a statement admitting his mistakes, the harm he had caused, and apologized for his actions.

For some reason I'm thinking Trump's statement today will not be in that vein. Hope I'm wrong. Maybe he'll surprise me.

Paul, Clinton literally lied and was caught at it.

What mistakes did Trump make?

And even if he made "mistakes", as a fair and balanced QUID PRO QUO, how about you have your boy Schiffy and company step to the podium and admit what they did in all this. Oh, and have the Bidens step up to the podium as well.

02-06-2020, 11:19 AM
Paul, Clinton literally lied and was caught at it.

Yeah, the last thing we need is a president who does things like that.

02-06-2020, 12:12 PM
Yeah, the last thing we need is a president who does things like that.

They all lie....ALL of them.

However lying under oath and getting caught is something that is not the norm.

02-06-2020, 12:34 PM
They all lie....ALL of them.

However lying under oath and getting caught is something that is not the norm.

True, but I’m just wondering which part is the not the norm part. The ‘lying under oath’ or the ‘getting caught.’

02-06-2020, 12:59 PM
Iowa appears to be heading for a do-over. No, I'm not kidding.

02-06-2020, 01:09 PM
Iowa appears to be heading for a do-over. No, I'm not kidding.

I can't take complete credit for this, but in the last couple of days Iowa has shown they cannot play defense, cannot score, and cannot count. GOOD JOB IOWA!!

02-06-2020, 01:13 PM
Iowa appears to be heading for a do-over. No, I'm not kidding.

Tom Perez has made an absolute disgrace of what's left of the Democratic Party. The fact that they can't even handle a caucus election in one small state sure doesn't inspire confidence in the general public that they can be trusted with anything.
Plus now, they're trying to throw a life preserver to Bloomberg, the same Bloomberg who was all supporting Rudy Guiliani, was a Republican, then an Independent, now a alleged Dem. They'll change the debate rules for an old white guy who got less than one percent of the vote in Iowa but wouldn't change them for Harris or Corey Booker. How inclusive!!!

The fact of the matter is that there is no Dem candidate on the docket who will get the Minority vote out, they'll just sit out, and there's no way any Dem wins without that segment. Landslide is on the way...for Donny boy.

02-06-2020, 01:42 PM
First sentence: I'm referring to what Bolton, Pompeo, or other "Trump guys" would have had to say under oath. Not sure what you are referring to.

Second paragraph: That's a nice Republican narrative you're parroting there. The only way to get Trump's guys to testify is if they issued a formal subpoena during the trial. Trump would have tied up in court any attempts to do so during the House investigation. You know that.

I agree with you that Biden is corrupt. I wish he would have gone down and hope he still does. But I will say his corruption is a lot less damaging to the country and our democracy than what Trump did. And don't tell me he didn't do anything wrong - if you're OK with the President trying to get a foreign leader to say something bad about his rival, than you are OK with undermining democracy. I'm not.

Let me ask you this. If (when) a Democratic president pulls this shit in a couple of decades , will you still say it's OK?

Fixed that for you.

02-06-2020, 01:47 PM
Not sure there’s much “class” left anywhere to be throwing that word out however.

Wait... Is Butler giving us the "No Class" treatment again??

02-06-2020, 04:34 PM
Paul, Clinton literally lied and was caught at it.

What mistakes did Trump make?

And even if he made "mistakes", as a fair and balanced QUID PRO QUO, how about you have your boy Schiffy and company step to the podium and admit what they did in all this. Oh, and have the Bidens step up to the podium as well.

My comment was concerning how to handle the situation like a statesman. Was hoping. Was wrong.

02-06-2020, 04:44 PM
So is Tyrique unchained or no?

X-band '01
02-06-2020, 05:02 PM
They move from these states because they no longer can afford to live there and then bring the same failed policies to their new states. It's remarkably stupid.

We'll see if California finally starts to lose electoral votes after the 2020 Census. States in the Northeast (especially New York) have been hemorraging EVs down to the Sun Belt and places in the West like Arizona and Nevada.

02-06-2020, 06:38 PM
ehh i'd be very surprised if he hangs on to that seat

Romney has almost 5 years left on his term.

Muskie in dayton
02-06-2020, 08:10 PM
Fixed that for you.
Thanks, you’re right. But in fairness I did post that before the SOTU when the Dems acted like a bunch of petulant babies.

02-07-2020, 07:43 AM
lol, Mitt...

Mitt Romney is the only Senator in history you can unequivocally say voted based on his actual opinion in an impeachment trial.

I'm sure there are a lot of Democrats who didn't want to vote to convict but had to in fear of being ripped from their seat. The same could be said for Republicans. So many people decry polarization and then mock stuff like this.

Muskie in dayton
02-07-2020, 07:52 AM
Mitt Romney is the only Senator in history you can unequivocally say voted based on his actual opinion in an impeachment trial.

I'm sure there are a lot of Democrats who didn't want to vote to convict but had to in fear of being ripped from their seat. The same could be said for Republicans. So many people decry polarization and then mock stuff like this.

Romney has emerged as the only beacon of hope for this country and our shitty partisanship. When I rule the world and put all the republicans and democrats on trial for treason, Romney will be excused.

02-07-2020, 10:46 AM
Mitt Romney voted for what he believed should happen and good for him for doing that. What I will say is that he should never have had that chance to begin with. I don't think someone who was a Congressman (woman), Senator, Governor, etc in one state should then be able to go run for office in another state. That's just my opinion though. But alas, there are many on both sides who are career politicians and that won't be ending any time soon.

02-07-2020, 11:36 AM
Thanks, you’re right. But in fairness I did post that before the SOTU when the Dems acted like a bunch of petulant babies.


02-07-2020, 11:39 AM
We'll see if California finally starts to lose electoral votes after the 2020 Census. States in the Northeast (especially New York) have been hemorraging EVs down to the Sun Belt and places in the West like Arizona and Nevada.

This is a really good point, Band.

It will be interesting to see if the Sun Belt becomes more Blue, or whether all the snowbirds just get absorbed in the Red Sea with zero influence.

02-10-2020, 04:22 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned how Trump fired Vindland and Sondland. On the surface, this looks like an abuse of authority. But, maybe it only looks that way. I do have one question, though. If these two are guilty of presenting false information to congress, then why not charge them with a crime?? I can't help but wonder if one of the reasons they haven't been charged is because they don't want them to have the opportunity to prove their innocence in court. With witnesses and all.

02-10-2020, 04:35 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned how Trump fired Vindland and Sondland. On the surface, this looks like an abuse of authority. But, maybe it only looks that way. I do have one question, though. If these two are guilty of presenting false information to congress, then why not charge them with a crime?? I can't help but wonder if one of the reasons they haven't been charged is because they don't want them to have the opportunity to prove their innocence in court. With witnesses and all.

Why is it surprising?

Their opinions and thoughts are subordinate to those of the President of the United States and they were insubordinate. They were removed for good and obvious reason. There was absolutely no abuse of authority on Trump's part. That tak is a bunch of Far Left drivel.

They aren't innocent of anything.

02-10-2020, 04:36 PM
Why is it surprising?

Their opinions and thoughts are subordinate to those of the President of the United States and they were insubordinate. They were removed for good and obvious reason. There was absolutely no abuse of authority on Trump's part. That tak is a bunch of Far Left drivel.

They aren't innocent of anything.

Then charge them with a crime!

02-10-2020, 04:45 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned how Trump fired Vindland and Sondland. On the surface, this looks like an abuse of authority. But, maybe it only looks that way. I do have one question, though. If these two are guilty of presenting false information to congress, then why not charge them with a crime?? I can't help but wonder if one of the reasons they haven't been charged is because they don't want them to have the opportunity to prove their innocence in court. With witnesses and all.

Sondland and Vinland served at the pleasure of the President and are not protected by Civil Service Laws. There would be no abuse of authority. Their jobs were to provide policy advice and execute the President's policies toward their respective countries/bodies. There isn't a President alive or dead who would't have canned them after the trial. In Vinland's case, he was just reassigned and is still an acting Lt. Col.

02-10-2020, 04:50 PM
Sondland and Vinland served at the pleasure of the President and are not protected by Civil Service Laws. There would be no abuse of authority. Their jobs were to provide policy advice and execute the President's policies toward their respective countries/bodies. There isn't a President alive or dead who would't have canned them after the trial. In Vinland's case, he was just reassigned and is still an acting Lt. Col.

Okay, then if they provided false, misleading, or purposefully biased information to congress, then charge them with a crime. Let's start cleaning up the deep state!

02-10-2020, 05:37 PM
Okay, then if they provided false, misleading, or purposefully biased information to congress, then charge them with a crime. Let's start cleaning up the deep state!

Oh, I absolutely agree with that.

02-10-2020, 09:26 PM
Okay, then if they provided false, misleading, or purposefully biased information to congress, then charge them with a crime. Let's start cleaning up the deep state!

If you listened to his testimony, which was corroborated by others, that might prove difficult to do.

02-10-2020, 09:50 PM
On the request line, here's one for Joe from Delaware.


Just as an aside, NFL films music like this from the 70's is massively underrated.

02-10-2020, 11:44 PM
If you listened to his testimony, which was corroborated by others, that might prove difficult to do.

Ya think?

02-12-2020, 11:48 AM
Questions for political experts and legal experts....

In regards to Roger Stone, was the original sentencing recommendation what you would expect for that kind of a crime?? And, are there previous examples of the AG commenting on sentencing recommendations in the past??

'm not trying to take sides. I'm just trying to educate myself on what the standard sentence for something like this actually is, and whether an AG has ever inserted themselves like this in the past.

Thanks in advance.

02-12-2020, 12:59 PM
Deval Patrick has ended his presidential campaign and by doing so becomes the first candidate to exit a race no one actually knew he was in.

02-12-2020, 01:12 PM
Democrats are calling for Barr to resign and are demanding an investigation. That's nice. I mean...the last investigation went so smoothly!

02-12-2020, 02:37 PM
Then charge them with a crime!

It isn't a crime when you have differences over policy with your boss, unless that is a crime at the federal level when it comes to foreign policy matters - - it doesn't appear to be, given that the idiot was terminated from his position and sent back to the Pentagon, along with his toad brother. So, this piece of shit is in no position to be charged, especially with how he weaseled his way through his testimony.

Fabricating false charges. Well, that bone should have plenty of meat on it.

The Far Left had better be careful about pursuing too many investigations. Quid Pro Joe has already been caught up in that and is about to be run out of the 2020 Presidential Race. The old guard in the Democratic Party are beside themselves right now. Bernie Sanders, at least for now. Let that sink in.

02-12-2020, 02:50 PM
Does Trump had an elementary school bully nickname for Klobuchar yet? I'm going with "Angry Amy"

02-12-2020, 02:54 PM
Does Trump had an elementary school bully nickname for Klobuchar yet? I'm going with "Angry Amy"

Doubtful. He's probably too scared of her. With good reason.

02-12-2020, 03:54 PM
At this point, Trump deeming you unworthy of a nickname is maybe the biggest burn of all.

02-12-2020, 04:02 PM
At this point, Trump deeming you unworthy of a nickname is maybe the biggest burn of all.

I always thought the most sure-proof piece of evidence that Putin has dirt on him is that he never gave Putin a nickname.

02-12-2020, 04:28 PM
The other side of the Vindman coin from the Military Times:

But one of Vindman’s former commanders countered Trump’s characterization. Retired Army Brig. Gen. Peter Zwack, who commanded then-Maj. Vindman from 2012 to 2014, said he wanted to “correct the record” about Vindman

“I would trust Alex with my life,” Zwack added, referring to Vindman by his first name. “It was literally important — we were in a difficult operational environment as attachés representing the United States to the Russians. We really had to be reliable, we had to be accurate, we had to be diplomats and Alex was good at all of it.”

“I’ve traveled with him deep into Russia on various occasions,” Zwack said, adding that Vindman was “always smart, interesting, and had good judgement ... I trusted him completely.”


02-12-2020, 04:49 PM
The other side of the Vindman coin from the Military Times:


Paul, that is one person's opinion. And "good behavior" then doesn't mean that a guy can't go rogue when he disagrees with his boss's approach to something later on.

And how do you explain that his brother just so happens to get leaky to the NYT about Bolton's book at the precise "right" time?

Let's see: the Ukrainian President said it was a clean call. And something like 12 people were listening in on the call and Trump knew that, So, we end up with a whistle blower who has now been documented in photographs with every disgusting Far Left POS Democrat still breathing, from Schiff to Hilliary to Pelosi.

The Far Left should be careful about their current course. The means virtually never justify the end. And it may not be over any time soon, albeit it now may be about what goes around, comes around: https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/419901-fbi-email-chain-may-provide-most-damning-evidence-of-fisa-abuses-yet

X-band '01
02-12-2020, 05:01 PM
At this point, Trump deeming you unworthy of a nickname is maybe the biggest burn of all.

So is the other guy Slippery Pete? I don't follow El Presidente on Twitter.

02-12-2020, 06:35 PM
Deval Patrick has ended his presidential campaign and by doing so becomes the first candidate to exit a race no one actually knew he was in.

Who? Never heard of him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-12-2020, 09:17 PM
Dash, makes you wonder if Vindman wasn't giving an accurate recount of what he heard, why didn't those other people testify and dispute his recollection?
I think he followed proper procedure in reporting his concerns to the White House counsel, but I may be wrong.

02-12-2020, 09:50 PM
So is the other guy Slippery Pete? I don't follow El Presidente on Twitter.

i think he called him alfred e neumann a while ago, but he really hasn't gone after pete very much

02-12-2020, 10:12 PM
Dash, makes you wonder if Vindman wasn't giving an accurate recount of what he heard, why didn't those other people testify and dispute his recollection?
I think he followed proper procedure in reporting his concerns to the White House counsel, but I may be wrong.

Paul, he simply didn’t do anything that was impeachable, and it certainly appears now that he didn’t do anything wrong at all.

I respect that you do not like Donald Trump.

Frankly, what I am not hearing enough, from good people regardless of political persuasion, is pure disdain for how the Democrats navigated this process to get those two bullshit charges into the Senate for consideration. I mean really.

02-13-2020, 08:22 AM
Dash, makes you wonder if Vindman wasn't giving an accurate recount of what he heard, why didn't those other people testify and dispute his recollection?
I think he followed proper procedure in reporting his concerns to the White House counsel, but I may be wrong.

John Kelly Finally Lets Loose on Trump - Atlantic (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/02/john-kelly-alexander-vindman-north-korea-and-trump/606496/)

John Kelly thinks he was just doing his job.

02-13-2020, 09:36 AM
Paul, he simply didn’t do anything that was impeachable, and it certainly appears now that he didn’t do anything wrong at all.

I respect that you do not like Donald Trump.

Frankly, what I am not hearing enough, from good people regardless of political persuasion, is pure disdain for how the Democrats navigated this process to get those two bullshit charges into the Senate for consideration. I mean really.

I don't like or dislike Trump. I am tremendously concerned that he was/is unfit for the job, and his time in office has damaged long-standing traditions which I believe are important for maintaining our republic.

Most importantly I think people like Kelly (as noted in the link above) are also concerned...especially about our military, State Department, and the rule of law.

Kelly notes that Vindman followed correct procedures. If what he offered in testimony, corroborated by people like Sondland, was wrong...then the other people in the room should have testified to correct it...rather than claiming some immunity that doesn't exist. The fact that they didn't speaks volumes.

02-13-2020, 12:41 PM
When pressed, didn’t Vindman testify that him saying Trump was asking for a quid pro quo was based on his interpretation of what he heard was said, not what was actually said?

As to the people not testifying, if the House Democrats really wanted them to testify, they needed to go to court to get a ruling on it. However, that would take an undetermined amount of time,possibly too close to the election, and they couldn’t afford to wait. Instead, they charge the President with obstruction of Congress because he wouldn’t let them testify. Yeah, that doesn’t work.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-13-2020, 12:53 PM
I don't like or dislike Trump. I am tremendously concerned that he was/is unfit for the job, and his time in office has damaged long-standing traditions which I believe are important for maintaining our republic.

Most importantly I think people like Kelly (as noted in the link above) are also concerned...especially about our military, State Department, and the rule of law.

Kelly notes that Vindman followed correct procedures. If what he offered in testimony, corroborated by people like Sondland, was wrong...then the other people in the room should have testified to correct it...rather than claiming some immunity that doesn't exist. The fact that they didn't speaks volumes.

Dispute, accept, whatever - - it's your call, but please don't be concerned about Donald Trump being fit for the job:


The one key longstanding tradition that has been totally abused is the failure of mainstream media to report news on an unbiased basis, a la Walter. The major newspapers aren't what they used to be, back when they reported news and not opinion pieces offered as factual reporting.

02-13-2020, 01:30 PM
I'd like Trump a lot more if he'd....

A) Stop lashing out on Twitter and in the media against other Americans, and for that matter anyone else. A good leader doesn't do that to the people they are supposed to be leading, even if he/she feels like they're being provoked. There are differences between being a good leader and a good manager, and he's not very good at being the former. What he's doing is divisive.

B) Understand and accept, and perhaps even welcome, the concept of checks and balances that our government is structured on, and try to work with the other two branches instead of seemingly trying to control them.

Mrs. Garrett
02-13-2020, 01:34 PM
Dispute, accept, whatever - - it's your call, but please don't be concerned about Donald Trump being fit for the job:


The one key longstanding tradition that has been totally abused is the failure of mainstream media to report news on an unbiased basis, a la Walter. The major newspapers aren't what they used to be, back when they reported news and not opinion pieces offered as factual reporting.

Well this is coming from the most credible source.

02-13-2020, 01:39 PM
Well this is coming from the most credible source.

Exactly. Because you aren't going to see it on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, et al.

Anything in that list you care to dispute?

Mrs. Garrett
02-13-2020, 01:55 PM
Exactly. Because you aren't going to see it on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, et al.

Anything in that list you care to dispute?

Economic growth was more like 2% in Q4 2019. People are being kicked off food stamps not lifted off because they are doing better, Just kicked off when they still need them. But it's a cute attempt at a positive spin.

02-13-2020, 02:01 PM
I'd like Trump a lot more if he'd....

A) Stop lashing out on Twitter and in the media against other Americans, and for that matter anyone else. A good leader doesn't do that to the people they are supposed to be leading, even if he/she feels like they're being provoked. There are differences between being a good leader and a good manager, and he's not very good at being the former. What he's doing is divisive.

B) Understand and accept, and perhaps even welcome, the concept of checks and balances that our government is structured on, and try to work with the other two branches instead of seemingly trying to control them.

Agree with you on both points, but with two things to consider:

Re A: He is under attack from all quarters. The Far Left press loved the Community Organizer, even though he was a terrible, ineffective President. They loathe Trump. If you're asking him to, as an example, refer to Joe Biden as Senator Biden or Mr. Biden instead of "Sleepy Joe", I'm not sure that's a fair request, given what Biden has and is saying about Trump. You say "well, rise above that fracas" and be a statesman. I'm simply saying it hasn't been a fair contest with Trump. Do I think he should lay off Twitter completely? No, because he is talking over the Far Left media to the people. Do I believe some of his tweets about celebrities and such would have been better left unsent? Absolutely.

Re B: Bullshit on one key point that you are failing to acknowledge. The House, under Pelosi, is operating in full obstructionist mode. He has tried to work with these idiots in the past.

The Speaker of the House, in one of the greatest bullshit moves in the history of the United States, tore-up the President's State of the Union speech on live television. BOTH sides have to find a way to get back to a working relationship. But I have news for you: the Far Left is taking over and ruining the Democratic Party. AOC and her ilk are looking for a revolution.

Trump stands there talking about policies and efforts on multiple matters that are for the United States and its citizens. He notes government data of documented progress. He makes a Tuskegee airman a general. He announces a scholarship for a little African-American girl that had been out of reach for her up until that point. It goes on and on that evening, and yet, when the television cameras pan to the Democrats in the room, they mostly sit still, appearing as though they are against economic vitality, protecting borders, proper immigration, a strong military, etc.

Trump is divisive. He would do well to tone it down a little and become more "presidential" through this election cycle. Of course, he would be accused of not being sincere about it. But this conversation doesn't end with him. Pelosi and her band of ignorant disciples have to come around, too.

In summary, you are missing a "C": what the Democrats must do in order to foster an environment of working together. "C" will not be forthcoming anytime soon. That is the Democrats fault. And as it presently sits, they're going to pay dearly for it in November.

02-13-2020, 02:01 PM
Economic growth was more like 2% in Q4 2019. People are being kicked off food stamps not lifted off because they are doing better, Just kicked off when they still need them. But it's a cute attempt at a positive spin.

Show me data that supports your statement.

Mrs. Garrett
02-13-2020, 02:06 PM
Show me data that supports your statement.

You haven't presented any data.

Let me guess it comes from the White House.

02-13-2020, 02:25 PM
Economic growth was more like 2% in Q4 2019. People are being kicked off food stamps not lifted off because they are doing better, Just kicked off when they still need them. But it's a cute attempt at a positive spin.

Where are you seeing the 2% number and where are you seeing that people are getting 'kicked off' food stamps? Are they getting kicked off because they no longer qualify?

02-13-2020, 02:31 PM
You haven't presented any data.

Let me guess it comes from the White House.


02-13-2020, 02:52 PM
Where are you seeing the 2% number and where are you seeing that people are getting 'kicked off' food stamps? Are they getting kicked off because they no longer qualify?

This is why UBI is/was attractive to me. Nothing to fight about. No program to verify eligibility for. Are you breathing? Here's a grand.

02-13-2020, 03:25 PM
Political Reality TV or The Greatest running daily Sitcom ever.....You make the call.

02-13-2020, 03:35 PM
but please don't be concerned about Donald Trump being fit for the job:

It's settled then.

02-13-2020, 03:36 PM
I'd like Trump a lot more if he'd....

A) Stop lashing out on Twitter and in the media against other Americans, and for that matter anyone else. A good leader doesn't do that to the people they are supposed to be leading, even if he/she feels like they're being provoked. There are differences between being a good leader and a good manager, and he's not very good at being the former. What he's doing is divisive.

B) Understand and accept, and perhaps even welcome, the concept of checks and balances that our government is structured on, and try to work with the other two branches instead of seemingly trying to control them.

C) Not committing treason would be nice too.

02-13-2020, 03:40 PM
Where are you seeing the 2% number and where are you seeing that people are getting 'kicked off' food stamps? Are they getting kicked off because they no longer qualify?

The St. Louis Fed's "fred" database has the growth rate at 2.1% for real GDP in Q4, 2019. Here's the link: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/A191RL1Q225SBEA

02-13-2020, 04:37 PM
Dash, just a little perspective.

You can go through that list you posted and find all sorts off discrepancies.
Taking credit for signing the VA Choice Act for example...actually signed by Obama.
Or take your comments about the state of the union address. The little girl had already left her earlier school, and was in a charter school where she didn't need any scholarship. It was all for show. Sometimes you just have to get behind whichever opinion articles you are reading.

You are right that we need better working relationships on both sides of the isle. Unfortunately he keeps stoking the flames of division.
Even Barr is apparently unhappy about his tweets and comments about the Justice Department. (although after Iran Contra I wouldn't trust Barr to do anything now but cover for Trump. He may just be playing to the media.)

02-13-2020, 05:06 PM
The St. Louis Fed's "fred" database has the growth rate at 2.1% for real GDP in Q4, 2019. Here's the link: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/A191RL1Q225SBEA

That's a great example of why people should check stuff out for themselves.
The White House talking points said:

Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.

Now, maybe they have their own calculation for economic growth. A lot of people look to the GDP.
Here's the last year. One quarter slightly over 3%. Never hits 4% and has been flat lined around 2% for a three quarters.


So how do you get 4.2% out of that to put on the official White House page of accomplishments?

02-13-2020, 05:49 PM
Dash, just a little perspective.

You can go through that list you posted and find all sorts off discrepancies.
Taking credit for signing the VA Choice Act for example...actually signed by Obama.
Or take your comments about the state of the union address. The little girl had already left her earlier school, and was in a charter school where she didn't need any scholarship. It was all for show. Sometimes you just have to get behind whichever opinion articles you are reading.

You are right that we need better working relationships on both sides of the isle. Unfortunately he keeps stoking the flames of division.
Even Barr is apparently unhappy about his tweets and comments about the Justice Department. (although after Iran Contra I wouldn't trust Barr to do anything now but cover for Trump. He may just be playing to the media.)

Paul, if you are going to accuse Trump of stoking the flames of division, then I would think you would be fair about it and acknowledge that the Democrat's leadership, Pelosi and Schumer, in particular, do the same and at the same damaging level.

It's true that both sides need better working relationships. It also is true that BOTH sides are screwing the pooch in that category right now.

As for the list, while there may be things that are disputable, it seems clear that Trump is working ON BEHALF OF the United States, not against it, and that his overall body of work is very solid.

02-13-2020, 08:38 PM
Diversity ratings proposed by Dems for inclusion in the bank CAMEL scoring process. No, I’m not making that up.

Oh, I’m sure most Democrats are proud of the NEW WAY FORWARD ACT legislation. Unbelievable.

02-21-2020, 08:20 PM
DNC/Media machine running the "RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE" play on bernie now. it's a joke

02-21-2020, 09:16 PM
What our intelligence services discover is a joke now? Boy are we in trouble.

02-21-2020, 09:41 PM
What our intelligence services discover is a joke now? Boy are we in trouble.

Yes and yes. We are indeed in big trouble

02-21-2020, 11:27 PM
The bigger problem IMO would be that our intelligence services would be leaking info to the media. That doesn't seem to intelligent. Just saying

02-22-2020, 09:46 AM
Friend of mine, a JAG lawyer, just made an interesting point about Russia/Sanders,

“Wait, I thought the protocol was to not brief the campaign and get an illegal warrant to surveil staffers?”

02-22-2020, 10:28 AM
Friend of mine, a JAG lawyer, just made an interesting point about Russia/Sanders,

“Wait, I thought the protocol was to not brief the campaign and get an illegal warrant to surveil staffers?”

Great point! Whatever Russia tried to do in our elections is dwarfed (understatement) by what we have done to ourselves by this meddling stuff. Yes serious, but Putin is laughing his ass off.

02-22-2020, 10:54 AM
DNC/Media machine running the "RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE" play on bernie now. it's a joke

What's your reasoning for trusting Russia more than the DNC or the Washington Post?

02-22-2020, 11:11 AM
The bigger problem IMO would be that our intelligence services would be leaking info to the media. That doesn't seem to intelligent. Just saying

The intelligence services are the media. Half of cnns correspondents are former fbi/cia. There’s no daylight between the two

02-25-2020, 09:47 AM
So the November election is really going to be Bernie Sanders vs. Trump barring a miracle at this point, it seems. Wow.

02-25-2020, 09:50 AM
So the November election is really going to be Bernie Sanders vs. Trump barring a miracle at this point, it seems. Wow.

If Bernie wins, this nation is going to be extremely divided.

If Trump wins, this nation will remain extremely divided.

I guess Russia has already won reelection!!

Russia is using our own stupidity against us, and it's working.

02-25-2020, 06:40 PM
If Bernie wins, this nation is going to be extremely divided.

If Trump wins, this nation will remain extremely divided.

I guess Russia has already won reelection!!

Russia is using our own stupidity against us, and it's working.

Er go we should all learn to speak Russian very soon?

02-25-2020, 06:56 PM
lol russia is the least of our foreign enemies. seriously

stay worried about them posting memes on facebook though

X-band '01
02-26-2020, 12:48 AM
Er go we should all learn to speak Russian very soon?

No, we should be studying Spanish/Fidel Castro.

02-26-2020, 08:59 AM
lol russia is the least of our foreign enemies. seriously

stay worried about them posting memes on facebook though

I'm not worried about THEM. I'm worried about US. Their whole goal was to cause division. They succeeded. In fact we did most of the work for them. They just needed to give it a few little pushes. If it is Sanders v Trump, which it looks like it will be, we'll have two camps that are both equally convinced that the country will collapse if the other camp wins. That makes Russia happy. Maybe they had a lot to do with that. they nothing at all to do with that. But either way, Putin is smiling. I don't think he cares who wins as long as it's one of those two. So, it looks like Russia has already won the 2020 election.

02-26-2020, 10:11 AM
The return on investment that Putin got for helping Trump get elected in 2016 has definitely paid off for him.

02-26-2020, 10:34 AM
Every time I think that Trump can't go any lower, he proves me wrong. The latest, his claims that the coronavirus is being hyped by the media and Democrats to hurt HIM, is mind-boggling. Shouldn't he be more concerned that the science is suggesting that the risks are real, and that the US and other countries should be preparing for the worst while hoping for the best, rather than what impact the market responses (all over the world, I might add) might have on his short-term political interests? The man just needs to go away.

02-26-2020, 11:05 AM
Every time I think that Trump can't go any lower, he proves me wrong. The latest, his claims that the coronavirus is being hyped by the media and Democrats to hurt HIM, is mind-boggling. Shouldn't he be more concerned that the science is suggesting that the risks are real, and that the US and other countries should be preparing for the worst while hoping for the best, rather than what impact the market responses (all over the world, I might add) might have on his short-term political interests? The man just needs to go away.

Accusing members of the Supreme Court of having not having integrity was probably worse. Strange how he never accuses someone's integrity unless they do or say something that is not in his own personal interest.

02-26-2020, 11:11 AM
No, we should be studying Spanish/Fidel Castro.

Looks Bernie and Marge Schott have a similar perception of history. Didn’t Marge once say Hitler started off good, but he went too far?

02-27-2020, 09:17 AM
Looks Bernie and Marge Schott have a similar perception of history. Didn’t Marge once say Hitler started off good, but he went too far?

Castro gave them education (communist pro Castro indoctrination, at best).

And Hitler made the trains run on time.

03-02-2020, 04:38 PM
Well, the Democrats have come together once again to fuck Bernie Sanders. And I thank them heartily!

03-02-2020, 04:42 PM
Well, the Democrats have come together once again to fuck Bernie Sanders. And I thank them heartily!

Mayor Pete and Kloubuchar out. They couldn't claim any vote from People of Color.

Now we're left with Bloomberg, Sanders, Biden and Warren. Still a rogues gallery of trash.

03-02-2020, 07:25 PM
Well, the Democrats have come together once again to fuck Bernie Sanders. And I thank them heartily!

Thank God.

03-03-2020, 11:05 AM
Well, the Democrats have come together once again to fuck Bernie Sanders. And I thank them heartily!

What does it tell you about the Democrat minions that Sanders still seems to lead all the polls?

03-03-2020, 11:08 AM
What does it tell you about the Democrat minions that Sanders still seems to lead all the polls?

He doesn't lead all the polls anymore. He plummeted in polls the last couple of days post-SC and all the dropouts/Biden endorsements. Not great timing for Sanders given that today is, you know, Super Tuesday. I think he's going to get humiliated today, and then it will just be a matter of whether he wants a bloody convention battle or if he's had enough.

My money is on bloody convention battle.

03-03-2020, 11:10 AM
He doesn't lead all the polls anymore. He plummeted in polls the last couple of days post-SC and all the dropouts/Biden endorsements. Not great timing for Sanders given that today is, you know, Super Tuesday. I think he's going to get humiliated today, and then it will just be a matter of whether he wants a bloody convention battle or if he's had enough.

My money is on bloody convention battle.

Actually agree.

What I'm really interested in is how long Warren stays in and whether Bloomberg can actually make a move. Dude ain't gonna stop spending money.
Actually saw the first ads for Warren in Ohio this week.

03-03-2020, 03:46 PM
Damn, Hillary Clinton came out today and put a dagger in Bernie's back. Not sure if that helps or hurts Biden's cause, to be honest.

03-03-2020, 04:08 PM
Damn, Hillary Clinton came out today and put a dagger in Bernie's back. Not sure if that helps or hurts Biden's cause, to be honest.

I read the soundbite and I don't think it does much for Biden. She's pretty toxic these days and is desperately trying her best to stay relevant in a shifting landscape and party. One of the most laughable things she said was that she thinks Bernie should just play by the rules when it comes to delegates and getting the nomination. Coming from you, Hillary? That's rich...

03-03-2020, 04:12 PM
Extremely surprised when he told the reporters his daughter was voting for Trump.


03-03-2020, 04:17 PM
Just remember: that makes her “stubborn“.

03-04-2020, 09:45 AM
I'm trying to wrap my mind around the '#RiggedPrimary' whining by Bernie supporters. 2 moderates in the same lane as Biden exit the race after it becomes clear they have no path and black people can't stand them. That's rigging? Even after Bloomberg, another moderate in the exact same lane as Biden entered the race in November and spent un-Godly amounts of money?

Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg are apparently way more powerful than the polls showed for that argument to hold true. Newsflash: AOC and Bernie Sanders stink. They have no charisma and no message other than everything sucks including you. Works great for twitter, but that's about it.

XU 23
03-04-2020, 10:22 AM
Bloomberg drops out. That was quick. I’d like to know how much $$$ he spent on ads.

03-04-2020, 10:47 AM
Bloomberg drops out. That was quick. I’d like to know how much $$$ he spent on ads.

Not as much as he'll be spending between now and 11/3.

03-04-2020, 11:06 AM
Not as much as he'll be spending between now and 11/3.

It will be interesting to see how he plays it from here. He spent A LOT, between the ads and his organizational expenses.

Perhaps he'll buy the VP slot from Sleepy Joe. Imagine that: Mike Bloomberg working for Joe Biden.

Lamont Sanford
03-04-2020, 12:17 PM
Calling it now...Sleepy Creepy Joe will have either Hil-LIAR-y or Pocahontas or Michelle Obama as his VP.

03-04-2020, 12:37 PM
Calling it now...Sleepy Creepy Joe will have either Hil-LIAR-y or Pocahontas or Michelle Obama as his VP.

I'm thinking Bloomberg. To much money to pass up.

D-West & PO-Z
03-04-2020, 01:26 PM
No way Biden picks Bloomberg. That would be a massive mistake.

03-04-2020, 01:44 PM
Bloomberg drops out. That was quick. I’d like to know how much $$$ he spent on ads.

Supposedly $500 million down the crapper! The TV networks loved the guy, the rest of the country not so much.

03-04-2020, 02:01 PM
No way Biden picks Bloomberg. That would be a massive mistake.

Yeah endorsement is good enough for his supporters. Bloomberg has promised money, but even if he doesn't we've seen that's not life or death. Kamala Harris or Stacey Abrams seem to be the most likely.

03-04-2020, 02:16 PM
Calling it now...Sleepy Creepy Joe will have either Hil-LIAR-y or Pocahontas or Michelle Obama as his VP.

Don't you have a denigrating name for Michelle Obama? That seems to fit your style.

03-04-2020, 02:54 PM
Supposedly $500 million down the crapper! The TV networks loved the guy, the rest of the country not so much.

From what I saw, that was roughly 11.6 million per delegate he got. Not a very good ROI.

03-04-2020, 02:59 PM
From what I saw, that was roughly 11.6 million per delegate he got. Not a very good ROI.

I am not going to sit here while you bad mouth American Samoa. Good day sir.

03-04-2020, 03:35 PM
I'm thinking Bloomberg. To much money to pass up.

From what he's said, Bloomberg doesn't need the VP spot to spend money on Democratic candidates. That's about all he's good for.

03-04-2020, 03:36 PM
I am not going to sit here while you bad mouth American Samoa. Good day sir.

Public reps.

03-04-2020, 04:41 PM
I am not going to sit here while you bad mouth American Samoa. Good day sir.

Agree with Dash, great and funny post!

X-band '01
03-04-2020, 05:13 PM
Yeah endorsement is good enough for his supporters. Bloomberg has promised money, but even if he doesn't we've seen that's not life or death. Kamala Harris or Stacey Abrams seem to be the most likely.

Probably Abrams - this is probably why she hasn't decided to run again for either of the Georgia Senate seats up for grabs in November.

X-band '01
03-04-2020, 05:15 PM
I'm trying to wrap my mind around the '#RiggedPrimary' whining by Bernie supporters. 2 moderates in the same lane as Biden exit the race after it becomes clear they have no path and black people can't stand them. That's rigging? Even after Bloomberg, another moderate in the exact same lane as Biden entered the race in November and spent un-Godly amounts of money?

Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg are apparently way more powerful than the polls showed for that argument to hold true. Newsflash: AOC and Bernie Sanders stink. They have no charisma and no message other than everything sucks including you. Works great for twitter, but that's about it.

It will be a shame when Cortez gets primaried out in 2022 when New York loses a couple of House seats.

03-04-2020, 05:32 PM
It will be a shame when Cortez gets primaried out in 2022 when New York loses a couple of House seats.

MCC is taking down AOC in 2020.


Lamont Sanford
03-05-2020, 02:25 PM
Don't you have a denigrating name for Michelle Obama? That seems to fit your style.

Putting me on the spot here. How about "The First Man"? She was more manly than Barry Hussein was.

Lamont Sanford
03-05-2020, 02:59 PM
Buh bye Pocahontas.

03-05-2020, 04:33 PM
Buh bye Pocahontas.

Don't you care about all those little girls that will have to wait four more years to have someone to idolize?

03-05-2020, 04:38 PM
Don't you care about all those little girls that will have to wait four more years to have someone to idolize?

So long as the Tokyo Olympics go on as planned, my little girl won't have to wait. Simone Biles will more than do.

03-06-2020, 08:32 AM
So long as the Tokyo Olympics go on as planned, my little girl won't have to wait. Simone Biles will more than do.

I will have considered myself a failed parent if my daughters idolize anyone on the US political spectrum. Soooo many better, cleaner options out there

03-06-2020, 10:42 AM
Larry Kudlow on coronavirus: ""I will still argue to you this is contained." Does anyone actually believe this?

03-06-2020, 11:19 AM
Larry Kudlow on coronavirus: ""I will still argue to you this is contained." Does anyone actually believe this?

Who cares....the widespread panic the media has caused is possibly the dumbest thing they have done and that is really saying something.

I dont know what is more ridiculous, the movie outbreak or the way in which this has been portrayed in the media.

If you are old and/or you are already sick, coronavirus can be extremely serious, otherwise yeah you may get it, but you'll be fine. The media is acting like this is a freaking zombie apocalypse

X Factor
03-06-2020, 12:13 PM

Elite math by elite journalists.

03-06-2020, 01:03 PM
Who cares....the widespread panic the media has caused is possibly the dumbest thing they have done and that is really saying something.

I dont know what is more ridiculous, the movie outbreak or the way in which this has been portrayed in the media.

If you are old and/or you are already sick, coronavirus can be extremely serious, otherwise yeah you may get it, but you'll be fine. The media is acting like this is a freaking zombie apocalypse

It can be extremely serious for the sick and elderly, but who cares?

03-06-2020, 01:27 PM
It can be extremely serious for the sick and elderly, but who cares?

So can the flu, and a million other diseases that's the point. The media, which is a common occurrence these days, has blown this completely out of proportion.

03-06-2020, 01:35 PM
My impression is that it's just another form of the flu. The fact that they don't have a vaccine for it yet is the biggest issue, but that's typical with any new strain of the flu.

D-West & PO-Z
03-06-2020, 01:35 PM
It can be extremely serious for the sick and elderly, but who cares?

I myself have an immune-deficiency. I infuse meds every other week to bring my immune system to "normal" but at the end of the 2 weeks before I infuse again I am more susceptible. So I have have some heightened concern with the coronavirus.

I think the reason it is more serious is because there isnt an understanding on how it will mutate, there is no vaccine, and there are new cases everyday. It has hospitalized younger healthy people. Most people I understand will be fine. So it may be somewhat overblown but I dont think it should be dismissed as not a concern as some people think.

03-06-2020, 01:36 PM
So regardless of who gets the Democratic nomination, Who do you think is most likely to get the VP position?

Most keep saying it will be a woman, but who?

03-06-2020, 01:38 PM
So can the flu, and a million other diseases that's the point. The media, which is a common occurrence these days, has blown this completely out of proportion.

If that's the case, then why in the same interview, would Kudlow say this, "With respect to Seattle, all right, that would be a place you would avoid for now"?

03-06-2020, 01:43 PM
I myself have an immune-deficiency. I infuse meds every other week to bring my immune system to "normal" but at the end of the 2 weeks before I infuse again I am more susceptible. So I have have some heightened concern with the coronavirus.

I think the reason it is more serious is because there isnt an understanding on how it will mutate, there is no vaccine, and there are new cases everyday. It has hospitalized younger healthy people. Most people I understand will be fine. So it may be somewhat overblown but I dont think it should be dismissed as not a concern as some people think.

Agreed. We can debate overblown/underblown until the cows come home, but it's a risk to many. It's spreading enough that we are trying to contain it, so I can't think of a reason to say it is contained besides trying to calm the stock market.

03-06-2020, 01:47 PM
If that's the case, then why in the same interview, would Kudlow say this, "With respect to Seattle, all right, that would be a place you would avoid for now"?

If there was a place with the flu, I'd avoid it too.

03-06-2020, 01:54 PM
If there was a place with the flu, I'd avoid it too.

Washington and Hawaii are the only states with "Regional" flu cases. Everywhere else is widespread.


03-06-2020, 01:58 PM
Washington and Hawaii are the only states with "Regional" flu cases. Everywhere else is widespread.


Guess I should just stay home in a bubble and have reflection sessions.

03-06-2020, 02:10 PM
Guess I should just stay home in a bubble and have reflection sessions.

Your words, not mine.

03-06-2020, 02:15 PM
Saying its contained is ludicrous yes, but the widespread panic by the media and people paying 50 dollars on the internet for hand sanitizer is also ludicrous.

Every few years there is something new that comes up that is overblown by the media that's going to kill us all.....mad cow disease, sars, bird flu, h1n1, Zika, trump getting elected....etc etc.

03-06-2020, 02:47 PM
Saying its contained is ludicrous yes, but the widespread panic by the media and people paying 50 dollars on the internet for hand sanitizer is also ludicrous.

Every few years there is something new that comes up that is overblown by the media that's going to kill us all.....mad cow disease, sars, bird flu, h1n1, Zika, trump getting elected....etc etc.

I totally agree.

03-06-2020, 04:38 PM
Putting me on the spot here. How about "The First Man"? She was more manly than Barry Hussein was.

Who is "Barry Hussein"?

03-06-2020, 09:46 PM
Saying its contained is ludicrous

This. The only reason WA/Seattle has so "few" cases is that no one is being tested despite the fact that it has been moving around the community for at least 6 weeks. I suspect the actual number of infections is 10-100 higher.

03-06-2020, 09:47 PM
Who is "Barry Hussein"?

Barack Hussain Obama

03-07-2020, 07:01 AM
Barack Hussain Obama

Then why call him "Barry Hussein"?

03-07-2020, 08:12 AM
Saying its contained is ludicrous yes, but the widespread panic by the media and people paying 50 dollars on the internet for hand sanitizer is also ludicrous.

Every few years there is something new that comes up that is overblown by the media that's going to kill us all.....mad cow disease, sars, bird flu, h1n1, Zika, trump getting elected....etc etc.

EBOLA wants a piece of that!!

Lloyd Braun
03-07-2020, 08:14 AM
Birther nut jobs emulate their hero and current US President who loves to use Obama’s middle name as veiled racism. Dropping his last name further promotes the subconscious to believe he was Muslim, which most right wing extremists fear.

It’s not far fetched to believe that without the ridiculous conspiracy theories of Obama’s birthplace, religion, etc. that Donald Trump may not be President today. Trump used that platform to catapult himself into the political spotlight. I actually don’t think Trump believed any of it at first, but I suppose if you continue to regurgitate garbage eventually you will believe it. My good friend George Costanza taught me that. “It’s not a lie if you believe it.”

03-07-2020, 08:29 AM
Birther nut jobs emulate their hero and current US President who loves to use Obama’s middle name as veiled racism. Dropping his last name further promotes the subconscious to believe he was Muslim, which most right wing extremists fear.

It’s not far fetched to believe that without the ridiculous conspiracy theories of Obama’s birthplace, religion, etc. that Donald Trump may not be President today. Trump used that platform to catapult himself into the political spotlight. I actually don’t think Trump believed any of it at first, but I suppose if you continue to regurgitate garbage eventually you will believe it. My good friend George Costanza taught me that. “It’s not a lie if you believe it.”

Way to call the Americans people stupid. Trump won because Hillary was a garbage candidate, who somehow screwed up a huge advantage with a fawning media. Period.

Lloyd Braun
03-07-2020, 09:17 AM
Way to call the Americans people stupid. Trump won because Hillary was a garbage candidate, who somehow screwed up a huge advantage with a fawning media. Period.

Way to completely not read what I said. Why was Trump in the political picture? That was my point, not anything to do with the election itself. Also the media was not kind to Hillary, if they were they would have buried the whole “emails” thing (which turned out not to be a thing anyways) as opposed to nonstop coverage on emails while Trump continued to spew out lies.

03-07-2020, 09:25 AM
61,000 people died from the flu last year
29,000 people have died from the flu this year