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01-12-2025, 12:17 AM
This is why it's useless. You'll find a reason to ignore the facts, and attack the messenger.
I noted infant mortality is much larger here as an example.
Here's another source on the subject. Does it somehow make the statistics magically correct, that people spent decades studying and gathering data?
No worries; I'll bow out. Metrics clearly show the US health system costs more and delivers less than single payer/universal coverage plans in most of the developed world.
To refuse to understand that and try for improvement, will only help those who take profit out of providing health care.
The other countries decided it's not a service where profit should be made; rather a social service like the police or fire.
I suppose it would be nice to say all our money (roughly twice as much) delivered better care for EVERYONE. But that's not the case.
We seem to be the only country where anyone is burdened with "medical" debt. Not something to be proud of.
PS: what about the crime statistics several people have pointed out to you on several occasions?
You remember that discussion we had about population, and the gov't population stats I showed you, and yet you continued to argue I was wrong?
You're right, it's a total waste of time discussing facts with you.
01-12-2025, 07:49 AM
Paul, I read the article and so should you. Our Pre-term mortality rates are very good. The reason for the higher full-term mortality rate was listed as unknown and the article speculated on causes that do not have to do with “healthcare”.
And it’s one metric. And your article doesn’t really prove what you think it does.
I pulled that Fox article to show that the same metric exists in multiple places, not just on what you might perceive as a "liberal" site.
We're skirting the issue. It was comparing our health system deliveries, measured over decades across a wide list of data points, against single payer/universal systems in other developed nations. Don't focus on just one point, look at our performance in all of them.
We have come up short for a long time, and are paying far more for that.
Muskie in dayton
01-12-2025, 09:17 AM
I pulled that Fox article to show that the same metric exists in multiple places, not just on what you might perceive as a "liberal" site.
We're skirting the issue. It was comparing our health system deliveries, measured over decades across a wide list of data points, against single payer/universal systems in other developed nations. Don't focus on just one point, look at our performance in all of them.
We have come up short for a long time, and are paying far more for that.
The more the Government has involved itself in healthcare over the years, the faster costs have gone up and the faster the quality has gone down. I wonder how we can fix that?
01-12-2025, 10:47 AM
Let's review....with a few comments to directly address your original question about Republicans. All 7 of your concerns are in dire need of reform because neither party has taken effective actions to improve them. HOWEVER, This Trump Administration is heavy on SOLUTIONS and appears highly motivated to change that.
1. Healthcare---cost, availability, etc- The R's did give us HSA programs. Appeal is severely flawed.
2. Veterans- Both Parties have done some things positive. Not enough. Trump will focus on Vet unemployment/housing.
3. Mental Health Services- They have done nothing. I know of no proposed solutions.
4. Road and Building Infrastructure- The R's history here changed the world. TR built the Panama Canal. Eisenhower built our Interstate HWY system.
5. Homelessness/Affordable Housing- It can be argued that Trump had the most secure borders in decades. O'Biden policy creates more of #5.
6. Government Spending- Bush started it and Obama continued the Middle East wars at an astronomical cost + Covid. Trump has DOGE.
7. Education---falling behind in about every single metric vs the rest of the world yet costs keep going up- Dems own this disaster for reasons that deserve a separate thread! R's want to eliminate all Federal involvement. There will be movement on this or this Country remains on suicide watch.
This is obviously an important list. conveniently posted issues that are long lived ongoing problems that can be argued as both sides are culpable. NOT my list!! ALL if these "problems" are a direct result or related causation, due to Obama's "Fundamentally Transform America" doctrine.
1a. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI). The "EQUITY" component is Marxist. It has to be purged.
1. "Woke" creates a "grievance based society". Trans rights has become the issue at hand.
2a. "Defund the Police". Progressive ideology that seeks to reduce and restrict Law Enforcement capabilities. To " Demonize" Police among minorities.
2b. Criminal Justice Reform. Reduced prosecutions, sentencing guideline and bail norms. Designed to soften or reduce minority incarceration.
3. Biden's Open Southern Border. This massive illegal migration makes required vetting protocol impossible. Serious implications are inevitable.
4. Iran Policy. Reversal of Trump sanctions and financial restrictions. Proxies emboldened. Nuclear program unchecked.
5. The BIG ONE. Active and intentional Progressive narrative, propaganda and indoctrination that creates the reality of America as systematically racist.
Questions to be answered.
Is this not where we are presently? Is this not 100% Democrat policy? Can you point to ANY REPUBLICAN SUPPORT of these issues?
I will hang up and wait for your response.
01-12-2025, 01:54 PM
As Newsome gaslights on rebuilding LA: "Goodbye, red tape. Through an executive order, we are making it easier for victims of the SoCal fires to quickly rebuild their homes and lives."
be aware:
"How do people rebuild without bank financing? You can’t get financing if the property is uninsurable. But, you know that already, Gavin.
How do people recover when there is no coverage for loss replacement? They can’t erase the mortgage already being held - so they still owe that $$. You know that too.
The state will offer pennies on the dollar, and people will be bankrupted. Some of those people will never be able to own a home again.
That’s why permits were filed to change the zoning so multi-family units can be build where previously it was single-family. Right?
Lying to desperate people is despicable."
Do any of you still monitor what's still going on in WNC?
Make no mistake, Democrat policies on local, state and Fed levels have acted as force multipliers in HI, WNC, NOLA and LA.
01-13-2025, 08:35 AM
Let's review....with a few comments to directly address your original question about Republicans. All 7 of your concerns are in dire need of reform because neither party has taken effective actions to improve them. HOWEVER, This Trump Administration is heavy on SOLUTIONS and appears highly motivated to change that.
This is obviously an important list. conveniently posted issues that are long lived ongoing problems that can be argued as both sides are culpable. NOT my list!! ALL if these "problems" are a direct result or related causation, due to Obama's "Fundamentally Transform America" doctrine.
1a. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI). The "EQUITY" component is Marxist. It has to be purged.
1. "Woke" creates a "grievance based society". Trans rights has become the issue at hand.
2a. "Defund the Police". Progressive ideology that seeks to reduce and restrict Law Enforcement capabilities. To " Demonize" Police among minorities.
2b. Criminal Justice Reform. Reduced prosecutions, sentencing guideline and bail norms. Designed to soften or reduce minority incarceration.
3. Biden's Open Southern Border. This massive illegal migration makes required vetting protocol impossible. Serious implications are inevitable.
4. Iran Policy. Reversal of Trump sanctions and financial restrictions. Proxies emboldened. Nuclear program unchecked.
5. The BIG ONE. Active and intentional Progressive narrative, propaganda and indoctrination that creates the reality of America as systematically racist.
Questions to be answered.
Is this not where we are presently? Is this not 100% Democrat policy? Can you point to ANY REPUBLICAN SUPPORT of these issues?
I will hang up and wait for your response.
1.) As far as DEI I agree with you on the E part...the other two are great for business and really in any facet of life. I don't really care about trans rights other than i don't think they should be in womens sports.
2.) I struggle with police. It needs reform, a lot of reform quite frankly. A lot of them do some really shit work. I don't think defunding is the answer, but something needs to change in this profession and quickly. More training, better pay, psychological and mental testing.
3.) While Biden has not improved the border in any way shape or form, this is one of the things that has been a problem for decades upon decades that neither side has fixed. The bipartisan bill that was introduced was imo a step in the right direction. Not a perfect bill by any means, but it was a way forward. Trump killed it only because he didn't want to give the dems a win, its the worst kind of politics at work.
4.) Iran policy---one of if not the biggest failure of the Biden presidency imo. If we are talking baout foreign relations as a whole, I do tend to side with the Republicans view on things, but its really a case by case basis. As far as the entire Middle East, I'd personally be for turning that region into a parking lot.
5.) TBH, I think this is overblown.
A lot of this is Democrat or at least one side of the democrats' policy, I concur but outside of Foreign Relations, and the border (which both parties have fucked up for about 50 years now) these things are pretty low on my list.
Biggest issues for me are the economy, healthcare (because i work in the field and see the corruption on a daily basis) and foreign relations, and I do tend to side with republicans on 2 of the 3 and that's why i do tend to vote Republican. However, I again think a lot of our issues are because both sides just continue to kick cans down the road and never work together to solve anything. When they do try to work together, the fringes of both parties speak loudly and are able to impede progress. It's the biggest problem in politics today.
01-14-2025, 09:48 AM
The WSJ did an analysis on swing voters for Kennedy's nomination for HHS. It's pretty wild that there's a chance up to 9 Republicans (including Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell could vote against Kennedy) could vote against Kennedy....but he could conceivably get the votes of Bernie Sanders and Cory Booker. Wild times.
01-14-2025, 10:04 AM
It's wild he's even a 15,000 doctors pointed out to Congress.
And now Public Health officials join in:
01-14-2025, 10:09 AM
Confirmation season is officially here with the beginning of the Hegseth confirmation hearing this morning.
The crazies are out early trying to interrupt the hearing. I can almost hear the purple hair on the people yelling. LOL
They're going to have the clear the gallery because of these morons, I suspect.
01-14-2025, 10:33 AM
It's wild he's even a 15,000 doctors pointed out to Congress.
And now Public Health officials join in:
I'd take that he's probably a good pick then
01-14-2025, 10:36 AM
I'd take that he's probably a good pick then
If he chills out on the anti vaccine nonsense, I agree. I really don’t care if “health care professionals” are against him. They are part of the problem with health care and our food
01-14-2025, 10:36 AM
1.) As far as DEI I agree with you on the E part...the other two are great for business and really in any facet of life. I don't really care about trans rights other than i don't think they should be in womens sports.
2.) I struggle with police. It needs reform, a lot of reform quite frankly. A lot of them do some really shit work. I don't think defunding is the answer, but something needs to change in this profession and quickly. More training, better pay, psychological and mental testing.
3.) While Biden has not improved the border in any way shape or form, this is one of the things that has been a problem for decades upon decades that neither side has fixed. The bipartisan bill that was introduced was imo a step in the right direction. Not a perfect bill by any means, but it was a way forward. Trump killed it only because he didn't want to give the dems a win, its the worst kind of politics at work.
4.) Iran policy---one of if not the biggest failure of the Biden presidency imo. If we are talking baout foreign relations as a whole, I do tend to side with the Republicans view on things, but its really a case by case basis. As far as the entire Middle East, I'd personally be for turning that region into a parking lot.
5.) TBH, I think this is overblown.
Ville' is that you? Detailed opinion is not your thing.....that was fairly clear and concise.
1.) Where do you stand on Trans men in public women's restrooms? What about Trans men deployed among live COMBAT personnel?
2.) Yes. More training, BETTER PAY, psych/mental testing are in direct contradiction of "defund". Let's be honest. The "Defund the Police" narrative is oxymoronic in principal and a foundational goal of the BLM agenda. Nothing more than a reform action designed to limit police engagement with minority criminal activity....with strong intent to reduce/eliminate necessary Law Enforcement tactics.
3.) Yes. HOWEVER, Biden ERASED the record book for crossings, and nuked the mandatory vetting process. No medical screening requirements for communicable diseases during the peak of COVID!!! Suicidal policy designed to max out entry #'s quickly.
BTW. There WILL BE immediate executive orders to help reverse Biden's disaster....AND there WILL BE strict reform legislation proposed in both Houses of Congress. The timing of that ridiculous "Bi-Partisan" bill was THE obvious election year politics the Dems. The Trump call was simply proactive. Let's see how serious the Dems are about "bipartisanship" when presented with Republican authored legislation. You already know the answer.
4.) O'Biden policy already created the conditions to allow your "parking lot" reference to become reality in Gaza....because that's what it is.
Notice how Hamas is getting ready to release the hostages, only now that Trump is POTUS? Trump will get credit for ending that nightmare and the subsequent rebuild coalition. Trump WILL NOT allow a Nuclear weapon threat from Iran. I suspect unfettered International inspections are inevitable....if Iran refuses....shit will blow up.
5.) "Overblown? You can't be serious. There has been a MASSIVE coordinated campaign to establish systematic racism as FACT. This has now been widely accepted as such and promoting it has become an extremely lucrative industry. The Progressive race baiters and their corporate/media/academia allies have been given societal impunity to aggressively weave this reality into the fabric of America. Early slow burn created by Obama has become a perpetual wildfire since the rise of Trump and the O'Biden administration. This is, and will be, an irreversible force of a divided America going forward.
I feel the current Obama "Fundamentally Transform America" Democrat Party is about to collapse. Way too much above Progressive ideology for the majority of Americans to tolerate. If in 6 days, promises are kept, and the outcome is a safer, more prosperous and healthy America....the MAGA Republican control in Washington will continue into the foreseeable future.
01-14-2025, 11:04 AM
Ville' is that you? Detailed opinion is not your thing.....that was fairly clear and concise.
1.) Where do you stand on Trans men in public women's restrooms? What about Trans men deployed among live COMBAT personnel?
2.) Yes. More training, BETTER PAY, psych/mental testing are in direct contradiction of "defund". Let's be honest. The "Defund the Police" narrative is oxymoronic in principal and a foundational goal of the BLM agenda. Nothing more than a reform action designed to limit police engagement with minority criminal activity....with strong intent to reduce/eliminate necessary Law Enforcement tactics.
3.) Yes. HOWEVER, Biden ERASED the record book for crossings, and nuked the mandatory vetting process. No medical screening requirements for communicable diseases during the peak of COVID!!! Suicidal policy designed to max out entry #'s quickly.
BTW. There WILL BE immediate executive orders to help reverse Biden's disaster....AND there WILL BE strict reform legislation proposed in both Houses of Congress. The timing of that ridiculous "Bi-Partisan" bill was THE obvious election year politics the Dems. The Trump call was simply proactive. Let's see how serious the Dems are about "bipartisanship" when presented with Republican authored legislation. You already know the answer.
4.) O'Biden policy already created the conditions to allow your "parking lot" reference to become reality in Gaza....because that's what it is.
Notice how Hamas is getting ready to release the hostages, only now that Trump is POTUS? Trump will get credit for ending that nightmare and the subsequent rebuild coalition. Trump WILL NOT allow a Nuclear weapon threat from Iran. I suspect unfettered International inspections are inevitable....if Iran refuses....shit will blow up.
5.) "Overblown? You can't be serious. There has been a MASSIVE coordinated campaign to establish systematic racism as FACT. This has now been widely accepted as such and promoting it has become an extremely lucrative industry. The Progressive race baiters and their corporate/media/academia allies have been given societal impunity to aggressively weave this reality into the fabric of America. Early slow burn created by Obama has become a perpetual wildfire since the rise of Trump and the O'Biden administration. This is, and will be, an irreversible force of a divided America going forward.
I feel the current Obama "Fundamentally Transform America" Democrat Party is about to collapse. Way too much above Progressive ideology for the majority of Americans to tolerate. If in 6 days, promises are kept, and the outcome is a safer, more prosperous and healthy America....the MAGA Republican control in Washington will continue into the foreseeable future.
1. As far as bathrooms, yeah I guess I'd rather have them use the sex that they were assigned at birth. As far as military, I could care less who what or why they are choosing to defend our country. If they can handle a weapon, and are willing to die for our country, who am I to tell them what they can or cannot do?
Overall, I'm not excited about the Trump presidency. He's better than what was the alternative, but I'm not excited about all the retribution he is talking about and promising. I'd rather just get stuff done, stop pointing fingers at each other, and get politics back to a place of at least some kind of civil discourse and compromise. I think him speaking out about the bipartisan bill is the worst kind of politics, and I'm hoping that kind of stuff isn't a consistent theme of his presidency.
01-14-2025, 11:15 AM
Imagine that we might like competent people in very responsible opposed to people who have proven to NOT have necessary skills, character...but were on Fox News.
Hard to imagine, I know.
01-14-2025, 11:18 AM
Imagine that we might like competent people in very responsible opposed to people who have proven to NOT have necessary skills
Sounds like you and Pete Hegseth are in complete agreement. That's cool.
01-14-2025, 12:09 PM
These confirmation hearings are so pointless...and yet so addictive. :)
01-14-2025, 01:10 PM
These confirmation hearings are so pointless...and yet so addictive. :)
Is it bad I crack up every time I listen to Elizabeth Warren talk. My gawd
01-14-2025, 01:40 PM
The worst Hegseth has looked has been getting testy with Elise Slotkin, who's been nothing but polite, frankly. That's a much more constructive approach by Democrats than some of those who've been openly hostile.
01-14-2025, 03:04 PM
1. As far as bathrooms, yeah I guess I'd rather have them use the sex that they were assigned at birth. As far as military, I could care less who what or why they are choosing to defend our country. If they can handle a weapon, and are willing to die for our country, who am I to tell them what they can or cannot do?
Overall, I'm not excited about the Trump presidency. He's better than what was the alternative, but I'm not excited about all the retribution he is talking about and promising. I'd rather just get stuff done, stop pointing fingers at each other, and get politics back to a place of at least some kind of civil discourse and compromise. I think him speaking out about the bipartisan bill is the worst kind of politics, and I'm hoping that kind of stuff isn't a consistent theme of his presidency.
How are you not excited by the Trump presidency? The Republicans can finally secure the open borders that have plagued the past administration. We will see a significant reduction of unlawful entry into the country helping to stop fentanyl that has decimated communities. It’s about time Mexico paid for the southern wall to be completely built and I have full faith Trump will keep his campaign promise to get that done. Also excited about the possibility of making Canada and Greenland our 51st and 52nd? state over the next four years. This will be awesome for me as I won’t have to worry about needing a passport to go to Canada now. Hopefully like Vance said military action won’t be necessary for this to happen. This will also help boost domestic production of oil to bring down gas prices and lead to lower prices on consumable goods. So looking forward to under $2 dollar gas and groceries to be at a reasonable price.
I could go on and on but there is a lot to look forward to. You and I should fully expect America to be great again in four years time.
01-14-2025, 03:09 PM
How are you not excited by the Trump presidency? The Republicans can finally secure the open borders that have plagued the past administration. We will see a significant reduction of unlawful entry into the country helping to stop fentanyl that has decimated communities. It’s about time Mexico paid for the southern wall to be completely built and I have full faith Trump will keep his campaign promise to get that done. Also excited about the possibility of making Canada and Greenland our 51st and 52nd? state over the next four years. This will be awesome for me as I won’t have to worry about needing a passport to go to Canada now. Hopefully like Vance said military action won’t be necessary for this to happen. This will also help boost domestic production of oil to bring down gas prices and lead to lower prices on consumable goods. So looking forward to under $2 dollar gas and groceries to be at a reasonable price.
I could go on and on but there is a lot to look forward to. You and I should fully expect America to be great again in four years time.
How did that work out during his first presidency?
01-14-2025, 03:34 PM
How did that work out during his first presidency?
Knowing Xuphan's posts, I'm gonna assume his entire post was sarcasm.
01-14-2025, 04:09 PM
Knowing Xuphan's posts, I'm gonna assume his entire post was sarcasm.
01-14-2025, 04:28 PM
WSJ reports that Denmark has opened up back channel communications with Trump on Greenland.
01-15-2025, 08:31 AM
In his first term, I think he was concerned about the traditional R's who help elect him, and wanting a second term, actually had competent people in cabinet positions. This made him seem normal and set him up for the next go-around.
That fell apart over 4 years as many resigned, learning how unfit he was for the office.
It went crazy the last 2 months, with more resignations and appointments of temporaries who were dangerous for the country.
This time he is unchecked, and a lame duck. He doesn't need anything but yes men in critical positions who are loyal to him over the constitution.
It also helps that you run to Mar-a-Lago to pledge fealty, and even more if you worked for Fox News.
How any thinking person can imagine Hegseth is qualified to lead our largest department, with no experience, is mind boggling.
01-15-2025, 09:13 AM
You are amazingly consistent in your style of posts. You tend to string together a bunch of words that end up saying nothing more man bad.
If you could....break out your crystal ball and post a few predictions of how Hegseth will be unfit as SOD if nominated. What exactly do you fear will happen?
I am am thinking that is too high a hurdle for maybe list some of the wonderful accomplishments Lloyd Austin has achieved for this Country instead.
(The crickets are waiting in the wings)
01-15-2025, 09:41 AM
I think Hegseth will get confirmed after yesterday.
Today is Bondi's day. She's a lock to get confirmed, so Democrats will just look to make a little political hay in the hearing.
01-15-2025, 09:46 AM
With a 3 seat majority and tie breaking vote after Monday, the R's can have anyone they want.
I don't see any R's with the backbone to require competence; they seem to be too worried about being primaried against if they do so.
Also, I don't expect anyone who supports a felon who is rebuked by his own vice president as unfit, to understand the necessity of competence in critical government roles.
01-15-2025, 09:51 AM
Yes, elections do have consequences paul. I wonder how the Democrats could have avoided this. Such a mystery.
01-15-2025, 11:52 AM
You are amazingly consistent in your style of posts. You tend to string together a bunch of words that end up saying nothing more man bad.
If you could....break out your crystal ball and post a few predictions of how Hegseth will be unfit as SOD if nominated. What exactly do you fear will happen?
I am am thinking that is too high a hurdle for maybe list some of the wonderful accomplishments Lloyd Austin has achieved for this Country instead.
(The crickets are waiting in the wings)
Most regulars who post on this thread are amazingly consistent in their style of post. I could just look at their name and know what they are posting about without even looking at their post.
01-15-2025, 11:57 AM
Yes, elections do have consequences paul. I wonder how the Democrats could have avoided this. Such a mystery.
The Democrats are at a major crossroads in my opinion. They have lost to Trump who isn’t very popular outside of his base 2 out of 3 years though it’s debatable if they even won in 2020. What are they going to do when the MAGA Party puts up a half decent candidate. Major rebuild needed from the Dems to catch back up to the MAGA Party.
01-15-2025, 12:22 PM
With a 3 seat majority and tie breaking vote after Monday, the R's can have anyone they want.
I don't see any R's with the backbone to require competence; they seem to be too worried about being primaried against if they do so.
Also, I don't expect anyone who supports a felon who is rebuked by his own vice president as unfit, to understand the necessity of competence in critical government roles.
Paul - you trying to do your best Hiroo Onoda impression?
01-15-2025, 04:00 PM
Former President, President-elect and acting-President Donald J. Trump is already racking-up major wins:
* Canada agreeing to increase trade with US
* EU will likely be buying more natural gas from US
* Gaza
* Putin willing to talk
* Death of DEI
* Red dye
* Trump wall already being constructed on TX border
And it's only D-5
01-15-2025, 06:47 PM
Anyone heard from Bobbie, MasterofReality, or Uncle Joe? For consistent regulars they don’t seem to be on here much anymore.
X-band '01
01-15-2025, 07:09 PM
Uncle Joe is just an alias for Lou when he gets banned for going over the top.
I just assume Bobbie and the Master want a break from this thread.
01-15-2025, 08:08 PM
Yes, elections do have consequences paul. I wonder how the Democrats could have avoided this. Such a mystery.
Oh, I've already noted they are primarily responsible for the outcome by not showing up.
Still doesn't stop me from wondering how people (especially women) voted for Trump.
I remember when Republicans, especially in the Senate, had a spine. Even though they only stand every six years, they have become as complacent as the House members...assumedly worried about being primaried.
01-15-2025, 08:56 PM
Trump won the election (including the popular vote). Not generally giving him what he wants would be tremendously stupid. For the Republicans who don't like him, they can think of it as giving him the rope to hang himself.
01-15-2025, 09:28 PM
He wants sycophants.
He needs competent people to run the government.
R's are in the majority. They can give him what he wants (so far, many obviously not suited) or they can help give him and the country what both need...competency.
01-15-2025, 10:04 PM
Trump didn't hide what he planned to do in his campaign. This is what he ran on, and he won pretty convincingly. This is what the people voted for. You may not like that. A lot of Republican senators may not like that. But it's pretty clear.
So here we go.
01-16-2025, 08:35 AM
He wants sycophants.
He needs competent people to run the government.
R's are in the majority. They can give him what he wants (so far, many obviously not suited) or they can help give him and the country what both need...competency.
We've been looking for that my whole life!
01-16-2025, 09:14 AM
The Hamas/Israel cease fire deal may be fraying at the edges. If it falls apart, look for Biden and Trump, who've both been claiming credit for the deal, to start denying they have anything to do with it and point their finger at the other guy.
01-16-2025, 09:22 AM
The Hamas/Israel cease fire deal may be fraying at the edges. If it falls apart, look for Biden and Trump, who've both been claiming credit for the deal, to start denying they have anything to do with it and point their finger at the other guy.
Shocked it’s fraying. Shocked I tell ya! F that area of the world
01-16-2025, 10:04 AM
Still doesn't stop me from wondering how people (especially women) voted for Trump.
And this is why you are pretty much a lost cause when it comes to having any meaningful discourse.
This type of myopic statement and mindset is what divides us..congrats. I'm a moderate conservative who doesn't love Trump, but I thought he was the better choice. I can ABSOLUTELY see how men, women, white, black and people of all ages cast their ballots for Harris. She has certain stances and visions that people liked.
The fact that you are unable to see Trump's appeal and message is completely ridiculous. My wife is a highly educated, very successful, uber smart (much more than you or I) woman and she voted for Trump. The left's inability to relate and understand the things that are important to a large majority of this country is what got Donald Trump elected, and the GOP should be thanking themselves for people who think like you for creating the divide that gave us President Trump 2x.
01-16-2025, 10:10 AM
Paul, your side is to blame. Period. All they had to do was put a moderate in, and they would have won going away. Instead they put the worst candidate out there outside of newsom.
01-16-2025, 10:15 AM
Paul, your side is to blame. Period.
Well, Trump did EASILY win two Republican primaries. The Democrats aren't FULLY to blame for Trump. But yeah, they could have prevented being in this position if they weren't completely incompetent politically.
01-16-2025, 10:21 AM
Harold Ford is one of the token libs on Fox but he bluntly said last night that the dems lost a huge share of the female vote with their insane devotion to allowing demented men to play in women's sports. He pleaded for them to come to their senses.
01-16-2025, 10:32 AM
Well, Trump did EASILY win two Republican primaries. The Democrats aren't FULLY to blame for Trump. But yeah, they could have prevented being in this position if they weren't completely incompetent politically.
True, but imo as far as the general, moderates voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils, and independents/moderates are the ones who determine generals. A dem moderate like a Shapiro would have won. Instead, dems went way too far left.
01-16-2025, 09:06 PM
The Cato Institute's detailed explanation of the border crisis.
01-17-2025, 09:01 AM
We are witnessing something way overdue. Talking heads AND POLITICIANS on the Left are beginning to remove the blinders and change course.
Trump already is cultivating positive change. He WILL have a massively effective 2nd term. One that returns to some normality with far less volatility and chaos....IF THE MSM returns to reality and calls "balls/strikes" fairly.
The 24/7 Trump slander approach has put the Democrat Party on life support. The Republicans earned record support among minorities that will continue to expand.
Fact is, the 2024 elections literally changed the direction of the Country. All indications point to a reversal mandate for many elements of the "Fundamental Transformation" of the last 16 years. If Trump can avoid any major domestic terror events, empower Law Enforcement and show real positive gains economically.....this Country will begin to be far less divided.
01-17-2025, 09:08 AM
We are witnessing something way overdue. Talking heads AND POLITICIANS on the Left are beginning to remove the blinders and change course.
Trump already is cultivating positive change. He WILL have a massively effective 2nd term. One that returns to some normality with far less volatility and chaos....IF THE MSM returns to reality and calls "balls/strikes" fairly.
The 24/7 Trump slander approach has put the Democrat Party on life support. The Republicans earned record support among minorities that will continue to expand.
Fact is, the 2024 elections literally changed the direction of the Country. All indications point to a reversal mandate for many elements of the "Fundamental Transformation" of the last 16 years. If Trump can avoid any major domestic terror events, empower Law Enforcement and show real positive gains economically.....this Country will begin to be far less divided.
Interesting take considering his first term was volatility, chaos and division every single day.
01-17-2025, 09:20 AM
Interesting take considering his first term was volatility, chaos and division every single day.
That's 100% correct, but this time does feel a little different. Trump is way more prepared now (for better or for worse depending on what you think he's going to do with that preparation), and the public temperature seems to be WAY lower this time around. I think the inevitable protests will be pretty muted next week (particularly compared to last time). Trump has way more institutional support than he did last time (or at least people willing to work with him this time).
I don't think any Trump presidency is ever going to be "normal", but it seems to me that there's a far higher chance of relative success/normalcy than there was in 2017.
01-17-2025, 09:27 AM
That's 100% correct, but this time does feel a little different. Trump is way more prepared now (for better or for worse depending on what you think he's going to do with that preparation), and the public temperature seems to be WAY lower this time around. I think the inevitable protests will be pretty muted next week (particularly compared to last time). Trump has way more institutional support than he did last time (or at least people willing to work with him this time).
I don't think any Trump presidency is ever going to be "normal", but it seems to me that there's a far higher chance of relative success/normalcy than there was in 2017.
I hope you are correct. If he can chill out on his rhetoric and retribution patterns, it can be a decent four years. I'm just not sure his ego will allow him to do that.
01-17-2025, 09:41 AM
Interesting take considering his first term was volatility, chaos and division every single day.
There were well documented reasons for that.
I think you will see a clear difference between the Trump campaigning vs the Trump as POTUS this term. Everyone needs to avail themselves to the possibility that Trump (and Republicans) truly loves his Country and it's citizens. If positive change comes to fruition....proportional credit needs to be acknowledged for improvement as warranted.
If Trump, his team and his Party can follow through with promises intended to improve the lives of average Americans....the Progressive madness of the last 4 years will have a lasting negative impact on the Democrat Party going forward.
Either way, like it or not, everything Trump will continue to be the Greatest Show on Earth.
01-17-2025, 11:58 AM
We are witnessing something way overdue. Talking heads AND POLITICIANS on the Left are beginning to remove the blinders and change course.
Trump already is cultivating positive change. He WILL have a massively effective 2nd term. One that returns to some normality with far less volatility and chaos....IF THE MSM returns to reality and calls "balls/strikes" fairly.
The 24/7 Trump slander approach has put the Democrat Party on life support. The Republicans earned record support among minorities that will continue to expand.
Fact is, the 2024 elections literally changed the direction of the Country. All indications point to a reversal mandate for many elements of the "Fundamental Transformation" of the last 16 years. If Trump can avoid any major domestic terror events, empower Law Enforcement and show real positive gains economically.....this Country will begin to be far less divided.
How exactly is a second term Trump presidency going to make this country less divided? This country is more divided as ever as a result of political hate coming from both sides and policies that are either far left or far right. I would say we are closer to a civil war than we are to being a united nation.
01-17-2025, 03:40 PM
I'm guessing they moved Monday's inauguration inside because someone was afraid of a small crowd on the mall in photos.
Couldn't send Spicer back out to lie about the crowd side. Poor guy.
Kennedy was inaugurated outside in the same low temperature.
01-17-2025, 03:46 PM
Reagan won 49 states in 1984 and was inaugurated inside in similar weather in 1985.
Try not to be like the people you claim to hate, paul.
01-17-2025, 04:14 PM
Reagan won 49 states in 1984 and was inaugurated inside in similar weather in 1985.
Try not to be like the people you claim to hate, paul.
Shush up with those pesky facts...they cloud a perfectly good narrative.
01-17-2025, 04:23 PM
So does Ohio want vivek
Strange Brew
01-18-2025, 01:21 AM
So does Ohio want vivek
If not, I’d love to see him run in CO. Unless CO has become a lost cause like CA.
What are your thoughts on Biden attempting to revive a 28th Amendment? 53 years after it cleared Congress and over 40 years after the time limit expired?
As a Gen Xer, I’m understanding why the Millenials don’t like you. That said. I still don’t care. :)
01-18-2025, 08:59 AM
Reagan won 49 states in 1984 and was inaugurated inside in similar weather in 1985.
Try not to be like the people you claim to hate, paul.
I don't hate any of them; but I feel sorry for a lot of them.
As to the inauguration location, I guess Dems are just tougher and can handle a little cold, so their supporters get something besides a "commemorative ticket."
Strange Brew
01-18-2025, 09:25 AM
I don't hate any of them; but I feel sorry for a lot of them.
As to the inauguration location, I guess Dems are just tougher and can handle a little cold, so their supporters get something besides a "commemorative ticket."
Haha, Dems are tougher?
I suppose you missed the Confirmation Hearings going back to Justice Thomas.
Sorry you can’t have a repeat of Harrison. :(
This is a “college educated” board. Try to keep up. :)
I’m so very sorry the Republicans freed your slaves.
Muskie in dayton
01-18-2025, 10:29 AM
I don't hate any of them; but I feel sorry for a lot of them.
As to the inauguration location, I guess Dems are just tougher and can handle a little cold, so their supporters get something besides a "commemorative ticket."
The sun rising and Paul parroting another left wing media talking point.
If JFK were alive today, he’d be a Trump supporter.
01-18-2025, 10:44 AM
Reagan's inauguration had a 7 degree weather, with minus 24 wind chill. (Safety factor for attendees.)
This guy's would be the same as Kennedy's...22-24 degrees.
Maybe he's worried about messing up his hair.
But, if by a "Liberal," they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people - their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties - someone who believes that we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say that I'm a "Liberal." JFK
I'm pretty certain he wouldn't be a Trump supporter.
Strange Brew
01-18-2025, 04:19 PM
Reagan's inauguration had a 7 degree weather, with minus 24 wind chill. (Safety factor for attendees.)
This guy's would be the same as Kennedy's...22-24 degrees.
Maybe he's worried about messing up his hair.
I'm pretty certain he wouldn't be a Trump supporter.
Don’t know on JFK and I’m growing concerned about the threat from your White National Socialism.
01-18-2025, 09:06 PM
Reagan's inauguration had a 7 degree weather, with minus 24 wind chill. (Safety factor for attendees.)
This guy's would be the same as Kennedy's...22-24 degrees.
Maybe he's worried about messing up his hair.
I'm pretty certain he wouldn't be a Trump supporter.
He broke you...I'm sure this is tough for you. Hang in there
01-18-2025, 09:30 PM
If not, I’d love to see him run in CO. Unless CO has become a lost cause like CA.
What are your thoughts on Biden attempting to revive a 28th Amendment? 53 years after it cleared Congress and over 40 years after the timese limit expired?
As a Gen Xer, I’m understanding why the Millenials don’t like you. That said. I still don’t care. :)
As usual, you make no sense.
01-20-2025, 10:10 AM
That's 100% correct, but this time does feel a little different. Trump is way more prepared now (for better or for worse depending on what you think he's going to do with that preparation), and the public temperature seems to be WAY lower this time around. I think the inevitable protests will be pretty muted next week (particularly compared to last time). Trump has way more institutional support than he did last time (or at least people willing to work with him this time).
I don't think any Trump presidency is ever going to be "normal", but it seems to me that there's a far higher chance of relative success/normalcy than there was in 2017.
This snippet from a WSJ article today is the kind of thing I was talking about with this time around being more "normal" with Trump:
A day earlier, Michelle Garthe, 61, a retired schoolteacher, was also overcome by emotion. Garthe and her husband, Kevin, 62, had taken a train from Carbondale, Ill., to join the People’s March, a progressive protest against Trump.
It turned out to be a pale and rainy version of the original Women’s March that confronted Trump after his first victory in 2016. While that garnered an estimated million attendees around the world—including Garthe—this one was estimated to have fewer than 30,000. Many were seasoned activists—for the Palestinian cause, trans rights, climate justice, women’s rights, Congo, Sudan, and the Communist Party—as if the mainstream Democratic stock had boiled for too long and been reduced to the bones.
01-20-2025, 10:41 AM
What a shameful legacy:
01-20-2025, 10:43 AM
What a shameful legacy:
Maybe I've just not paid attention in the past, but I don't remember people getting preemptive pardons before.
01-20-2025, 10:51 AM
Kamala has to walk into the inauguration with Trump. That's rough.
01-20-2025, 11:26 AM
Maybe I've just not paid attention in the past, but I don't remember people getting preemptive pardons before.
You may not be old enough to remember Richard Nixon.
Muskie in dayton
01-20-2025, 11:32 AM
January 20, 2025. Today is the day that the Demons who are intent on destroying America feared. The fear an end to the chaos and disorder they sow - that which they use to distract us while they expand power and influence.
I know what you're thinking, but the Demons are not just one political party. No, it is all of Washington D.C. corrupted by bribes, kick-backs, and insider trading. It is the industries who hold the leash of the 3-letter agencies and the unelected bureaucrats that operate under the guise of controlling those very industries. It's those who abuse power for personal gain at the expense of the country and the citizens they claim to represent. It's those drunk with power insistent on seizing more, and the Federal law enforcement agencies that do their bidding. Yes, the D's have the affinity for more Government, but there are plenty of R's who are quite content to compromise stated values for personal gain. They are like Wiley Coyote and the Sheep Dog - they distract your attention by fighting in public, then "clock-out" and party together while Americans get fleeced.
Today is a day the Demons NEVER wanted to happen. They made up tales of Russian election interference. The tried impeaching him - twice. They staged a riot on the Capital and tried to call it an "insurrection". They tried to bring fabricated charges against him - four times. They tried to bankrupt him by bringing questionable civil suits highly slanted jury pools. They created a bogus Congressional Committee of political enemies. All the while, their media proxy carried their water with dozens of lies like "fine people", "suckers and losers", and "blood baths" used to fabricate a narrative to sway and brainwash the general public. The Demons even tried to assassinate multiple times (that we know of).
Trump failed to stop the Demons the first time. If he fails again and the Demons win, our Republic is lost. Focus on the real enemy.
Muskie in dayton
01-20-2025, 11:40 AM
You may not be old enough to remember Richard Nixon.
I'm glad you are admitting that Fauci, the J6 Committee, and DC Cops committed crimes to be pardoned for, just like Nixon.
Here I expected you to defend the pardons as "only protection against that evil Trump who has used his power to prosecute his political opponents". You've come a long way.
01-20-2025, 12:03 PM
Well, that just happened. Trump is President again.
01-20-2025, 12:08 PM
More pardons before leaving
01-20-2025, 12:21 PM
More pardons before leaving
Is anyone really surprised?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
01-20-2025, 12:32 PM
Really hitting the important stuff in the inauguration: changing Denali back to Mt. McKinley and the Gulf of America.
01-20-2025, 12:54 PM
January 20, 2025. Today is the day that the Demons who are intent on destroying America feared. The fear an end to the chaos and disorder they sow - that which they use to distract us while they expand power and influence.
I know what you're thinking, but the Demons are not just one political party. No, it is all of Washington D.C. corrupted by bribes, kick-backs, and insider trading. It is the industries who hold the leash of the 3-letter agencies and the unelected bureaucrats that operate under the guise of controlling those very industries. It's those who abuse power for personal gain at the expense of the country and the citizens they claim to represent. It's those drunk with power insistent on seizing more, and the Federal law enforcement agencies that do their bidding. Yes, the D's have the affinity for more Government, but there are plenty of R's who are quite content to compromise stated values for personal gain. They are like Wiley Coyote and the Sheep Dog - they distract your attention by fighting in public, then "clock-out" and party together while Americans get fleeced.
Today is a day the Demons NEVER wanted to happen. They made up tales of Russian election interference. The tried impeaching him - twice. They staged a riot on the Capital and tried to call it an "insurrection". They tried to bring fabricated charges against him - four times. They tried to bankrupt him by bringing questionable civil suits highly slanted jury pools. They created a bogus Congressional Committee of political enemies. All the while, their media proxy carried their water with dozens of lies like "fine people", "suckers and losers", and "blood baths" used to fabricate a narrative to sway and brainwash the general public. The Demons even tried to assassinate multiple times (that we know of).
Trump failed to stop the Demons the first time. If he fails again and the Demons win, our Republic is lost. Focus on the real enemy.
Lets look into the future four years from now. The Demons will still be there. The Demons are the Democratic and Republican Parties. They may differ on issues but both are corrupt to their core.
01-20-2025, 12:55 PM
More pardons before leaving
The whole pardon process is becoming a clown show now. No one needs a pardon if they are innocent.
01-20-2025, 01:01 PM
Fetterman showing up like he had a bball pickup game in 30 min. Classic
01-20-2025, 01:11 PM
Really hitting the important stuff in the inauguration: changing Denali back to Mt. McKinley and the Gulf of America.
Stay on task Donald...this fringe crap is not what people care about. Fix the border, bring down energy costs and get Putin and Zalensky to play nice in the sandbox.
01-20-2025, 01:12 PM
This whole thing is kind of weird. Trump just spent his inaugural speech trashing the Biden administration, and now here they are exchanging pleasntries on the Capitol steps. Trump and Emhoff are slapping backs like old pals. Kamala and Emhoff now are driving away in a limo that looks like a hurse (kind of appropriate, I guess). And Trump walks the Bidens to the helicopter which will whisk the Bidens away to who knows where. And they all hug it out.
Now get to the Oval and do some work. He's got insane executive orders to sign for God's sake!
01-20-2025, 01:16 PM
This whole thing is kind of weird. Trump just spent his inaugural speech trashing the Biden administration, and now here they are exchanging pleasntries on the Capitol steps. Trump and Emhoff are slapping backs like old pals. Kamala and Emhoff now are driving away in a limo that looks like a hurse (kind of appropriate, I guess). And Trump walks the Bidens to the helicopter which will whisk the Bidens away to who knows where. And they all hug it out.
Now get to the Oval and do some work. He's got insane executive orders to sign for God's sake!
Basically our politics in a nutshell. Publicly act like they don’t like each other but privately probably besties that hang out on the weekend patting each others butts knowing they are the ones in power. most of America are complete suckers for thinking otherwise.
01-20-2025, 01:21 PM
Time for Karoline Leavitt to become way more famous that she probably wants to be!
01-20-2025, 01:32 PM
You'd think one of his oligarch buddies would explain to him that foreign countries don't pay the tariffs he's thinking of imposing on them.
It's really not all that hard.
01-20-2025, 01:59 PM
You'd think one of his oligarch buddies would explain to him that foreign countries don't pay the tariffs he's thinking of imposing on them..
"oligarch buddies?" Ever hear of George Soros, etc., etc...?
"explain to him that foreign countries don't pay the tariffs" Do you mean this in the same way corporations don't pay taxes?
Ever hear of "art of the deal"?
Ever hear of fair trade?
Well, you got one thing right:
It's really not all that hard.
01-20-2025, 02:04 PM
You'd think one of his oligarch buddies would explain to him that foreign countries don't pay the tariffs he's thinking of imposing on them.
It's really not all that hard.
Tell me you don’t know how leverage and negotiation works without telling me you don’t know how leverage and negotiation works. I assume you’ve never sold a thing in your life and won.
01-20-2025, 02:48 PM
Well, this is certainly a guy you wouldn't want to take his word on something.
And of the course the tariffs in his first administration were "leverage and negotiation?"
Which caused retaliatory tariffs from other nations...which caused us to increase farm subsidies by 12 billion to offset those tariffs.
Don't be so easily duped.
A May 2019 analysis conducted by CNBC found Trump's tariffs are equivalent to one of the largest tax increases in the U.S. in decades.[20][21][22] Studies have found that Trump's tariffs reduced real income in the United States, as well as adversely affecting U.S. GDP.[23][24][25] Some studies also concluded that the tariffs adversely affected Republican candidates in elections.
01-20-2025, 02:57 PM
Well, this is certainly a guy you wouldn't want to take his word on something.
And of the course the tariffs in his first administration were "leverage and negotiation?"
Which caused retaliatory tariffs from other nations...which caused us to increase farm subsidies by 12 billion to offset those tariffs.
Don't be so easily duped.
If they were so awful, Why did your savior extend them and even increase them for China? Don’t be so easily manipulated. It’s a negotiation tactic and if they were so awful why was inflation so low during trumps first terms before Covid?
01-20-2025, 03:04 PM
Gotta love Jeff bezos’ new wife dressing like she’s about to do an OF scene in the rotunda
01-20-2025, 03:10 PM
If they were so awful, Why did your savior extend them and even increase them for China? Don’t be so easily manipulated
You think that makes them OK? You think that means the country will pay for them not the consumer?
01-20-2025, 03:12 PM
You think that makes them OK? You think that means the country will pay for them not the consumer?
How about you answer my question first instead of answering my question with another question
01-20-2025, 03:18 PM
Gotta love Jeff bezos’ new wife dressing like she’s about to do an OF scene in the rotunda
And Zuck getting caught checking out her rack.
01-20-2025, 03:25 PM
You think that makes them OK? You think that means the country will pay for them not the consumer?
Are you going to answer this one as well - or will you run again:
"explain to him that foreign countries don't pay the tariffs" Do you mean this in the same way corporations don't pay taxes?
01-20-2025, 03:38 PM
And Zuck getting caught checking out her rack.
Did he really?
01-20-2025, 03:42 PM
Did he really?
Oh yesah. It’s all over x. I’m just surprised that Clinton didn’t ask for the seat right next to her.
I just wonder who Barack is banging now and if it’s a dude
01-20-2025, 04:02 PM
Oh yesah. ItÂ’s all over x. IÂ’m just surprised that Clinton didnÂ’t ask for the seat right next to her.
I just wonder who Barack is banging now and if itÂ’s a dude
Wow, if only it was Melania. Wonder where Gaetz and Clinton were sitting?
01-20-2025, 04:06 PM
Wow, if only it was Melania. Wonder where Gaetz and Clinton were sitting?
I think gaetz was busy doing blow off some 13 year olds tits too much to care
01-20-2025, 06:26 PM
January 20, 2025. Today is the day that the Demons who are intent on destroying America feared. The fear an end to the chaos and disorder they sow - that which they use to distract us while they expand power and influence.
I know what you're thinking, but the Demons are not just one political party. No, it is all of Washington D.C. corrupted by bribes, kick-backs, and insider trading. It is the industries who hold the leash of the 3-letter agencies and the unelected bureaucrats that operate under the guise of controlling those very industries. It's those who abuse power for personal gain at the expense of the country and the citizens they claim to represent. It's those drunk with power insistent on seizing more, and the Federal law enforcement agencies that do their bidding. Yes, the D's have the affinity for more Government, but there are plenty of R's who are quite content to compromise stated values for personal gain. They are like Wiley Coyote and the Sheep Dog - they distract your attention by fighting in public, then "clock-out" and party together while Americans get fleeced.
Today is a day the Demons NEVER wanted to happen. They made up tales of Russian election interference. The tried impeaching him - twice. They staged a riot on the Capital and tried to call it an "insurrection". They tried to bring fabricated charges against him - four times. They tried to bankrupt him by bringing questionable civil suits highly slanted jury pools. They created a bogus Congressional Committee of political enemies. All the while, their media proxy carried their water with dozens of lies like "fine people", "suckers and losers", and "blood baths" used to fabricate a narrative to sway and brainwash the general public. The Demons even tried to assassinate multiple times (that we know of).
Trump failed to stop the Demons the first time. If he fails again and the Demons win, our Republic is lost. Focus on the real enemy.
Excellent post.
"If he fails again and the Demons win, our Republic is lost." I totally agree with this. And I will also add that taming the national debt is just as crucial. The national debt is growing by $1 trillion every 100 days or so. At some point we're going to hit the point of no return. For those who don't understand the "debt death spiral," it will make much of the world look like Germany in the 1920s.
01-20-2025, 11:40 PM
As expected, Trump pardoned the J6ers.
01-21-2025, 06:43 AM
Did he settle Ukraine? Missed it.
01-21-2025, 08:09 AM
As expected, Trump pardoned the J6ers.
So much for the rule of law. Wonder what the Capitol Police who were beaten and tased think?
01-21-2025, 09:40 AM
Woke-up this morning, walked outside, and I swear, the grass was greener, the sky was bluer, the birds were chirping, and the air was never sweeter.
Based alone on the two previous posts on this board, I feel better than ever that JD will continue the Trump legacy in 2029.
01-21-2025, 10:12 AM
So much for the rule of law. Wonder what the Capitol Police who were beaten and tased think?
After he got elected despite all odds, he kind of owed it to those poor saps. For most of those guys, four years in the system was plenty anyway.
01-21-2025, 10:42 AM
Weird, tried to come here and it read 'handshake error'. I was basically blocked from the site for a while.
Regardless with Trump pardoning the January 6 criminals, I would say he is very soft on crime. It's not about rule of law, it's about who does it I guess. Makes him just as bad as Biden and his pardons.
01-21-2025, 10:54 AM
Paul and Co. can rest easy. MSNBC will continue to be a place for addicted individuals with chronic TDS to get their fix.
However, it's like a funeral visitation over there....acknowledging the corpse as being the Democrat Party. They are making sure they constantly pound home Paul's favorite phrase..."1st CONVICTED FELON ever to be elected President....the J6 pardons are the most treasonous acts in the history of our Country. On and on and ALL IN.
They have shows over there that should get Emmy nominations for Best Comedy, Best Comedy actor, Best Comedy actress. It's gut busting hilarious!
01-21-2025, 11:10 AM
After he got elected despite all odds, he kind of owed it to those poor saps. For most of those guys, four years in the system was plenty anyway.
That's probably true for some of the poor saps that just got swept up in the rhetoric and wondered around the halls of Congress.
But, for those that planned it and violently attacked the police, it's a travesty perpetrated by people who supposedly support "law and order."
01-21-2025, 11:44 AM
Not sure why this is a surprise to anyone. He pretty much ran saying he'd pardon these J6 protestors and won the popular vote so I guess it didn't bother half the country. Now Biden said he wouldn't pardon anyone but did. See the hyprocrisy here.
01-21-2025, 11:46 AM
Not sure why this is a surprise to anyone. He pretty much ran saying he'd pardon these J6 protestors and won the popular vote so I guess it didn't bother half the country. Now Biden said he wouldn't pardon anyone but did. See the hyprocrisy here.
I was just going to post this. I went back and checked the news reports to make sure my recollection was correct that he campaigned on a promise to pardon the J6ers. For better or worse, it was part of the package that came with electing him, and he was fairly overwhelmingly elected. Over a year ago he made the promise to pardon these guys on Day 1, and he actually stayed true to his word on that one.
01-21-2025, 11:51 AM
No. Biden's preemptive pardons (which I may not agree with) were to protect people from being accused from crimes by a vindictive Trump DOJ.
No crimes alleged, no indictments brought, no criminal conduct.
Trump's pardons let people who violently assaulted cops, bragged about it, were convicted and sentence back on the street ...supported by people who proclaim to be behind our police.
See the hypocrisy there?
The department of corrections is busily notifying police officers who testified for the government against their attackers, that their attackers are soon to be back on the street. I just know that makes some of you so proud.
01-21-2025, 11:56 AM
I, and he was fairly overwhelmingly elected.
You are correct he said he would, and he did.
But less that 50% of the popular vote, and a difference of 1.5% is hardly "overwhelmingly."
Ronald Reagan with 58.8% vs Mondale with 40.6%...that's overwhelming.
01-21-2025, 11:58 AM
That's about as overwhelming as elections get these days. And in the electoral college, where elections are ACTUALLY decided, it was a landslide.
01-21-2025, 12:02 PM
No. Biden's preemptive pardons (which I may not agree with) were to protect people from being accused from crimes by a vindictive Trump DOJ.
No crimes alleged, no indictments brought, no criminal conduct.
Trump's pardons let people who violently assaulted cops, bragged about it, were convicted and sentence back on the street ...supported by people who proclaim to be behind our police.
See the hypocrisy there?
The department of corrections is busily notifying police officers who testified for the government against their attackers, that their attackers are soon to be back on the street. I just know that makes some of you so proud.
But if they didn't do anything wrong, why would they have to worry? The optics are bad for the preemptive pardons.
01-21-2025, 12:03 PM
That's about as overwhelming as elections get these days. And in the electoral college, where elections are ACTUALLY decided, it was a landslide.
Good point, and at least he won the popular vote this time. Unusual for Republicans. The electoral college results are from outsized vote importance of small population states with 2 senator votes.
01-21-2025, 12:05 PM
But if they didn't do anything wrong, why would they have to worry? The optics are bad for the preemptive pardons.
True. That's why I have a problem with them. I'm guessing he was worried because of the ridiculous, years long nonsense about his son and the efforts to impeach him on the words of a paid Russian informant.
01-21-2025, 12:13 PM
No. Biden's preemptive pardons (which I may not agree with) were to protect people from being accused from crimes by a vindictive Trump DOJ.
So are you saying that a President and party can weaponize the DOJ to go after their political opponents?
Strange Brew
01-21-2025, 12:17 PM
Good point, and at least he won the popular vote this time. Unusual for Republicans. The electoral college results are from outsized vote importance of small population states with 2 senator votes.
I agree Paul. states like VT, RI, NH and DE are way too important. :)
01-21-2025, 12:35 PM
I disagree with Trump pardoning ALL of the J6 defendants. Those who truly assaulted police, or destroyed public property, should not have been pardoned. However, I think there are a lot of them convicted for nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time, with many, maybe most, being kept locked up for political points while awaiting trial while plenty of violent, repeat offenders, walk free thanks to liberal prosecutors.
Now that Biden has preemptively pardoned his family, Congress needs to investigate the money trail that reportedly flowed to them. Since they’re pardoned, they can’t claim a fifth amendment right to refuse to answer questions since they can’t be charged with a crime.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
01-21-2025, 12:51 PM
I disagree with Trump pardoning ALL of the J6 defendants. Those who truly assaulted police, or destroyed public property, should not have been pardoned. However, I think there are a lot of them convicted for nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time, with many, maybe most, being kept locked up for political points while awaiting trial while plenty of violent, repeat offenders, walk free thanks to liberal prosecutors.
Now that Biden has preemptively pardoned his family, Congress needs to investigate the money trail that reportedly flowed to them. Since they’re pardoned, they can’t claim a fifth amendment right to refuse to answer questions since they can’t be charged with a crime.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But why would they tell the truth when there is no penalty for lying under oath?
01-21-2025, 12:52 PM
But why would they tell the truth when there is no penalty for lying under oath?
The pardon wouldn't apply to perjury. They haven't been pardoned prospectively.
01-21-2025, 01:03 PM
Not sure why this is a surprise to anyone. He pretty much ran saying he'd pardon these J6 protestors and won the popular vote so I guess it didn't bother half the country. Now Biden said he wouldn't pardon anyone but did. See the hyprocrisy here.
This is gaslighting. Both did the wrong, but only one is wrong because he didn't say he was going to do the wrong thing.
01-21-2025, 01:10 PM
So are you saying that a President and party can weaponize the DOJ to go after their political opponents?
Pardons aren't weaponizing the DOJ.
I disagree with Trump pardoning ALL of the J6 defendants. Those who truly assaulted police, or destroyed public property, should not have been pardoned.
Now that Biden has preemptively pardoned his family, Congress needs to investigate the money trail that reportedly flowed to them.
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JD Vance agrees with you on not pardoning the ones who attacked the cops.
Congress already investigated the money trail...except the guy who testified that the Biden's got bribes was a paid Russian informant, admitted to lying, and is now in jail.
01-21-2025, 01:20 PM
Woke-up this morning, walked outside, and I swear, the grass was greener, the sky was bluer, the birds were chirping, and the air was never sweeter.
Based alone on the two previous posts on this board, I feel better than ever that JD will continue the Trump legacy in 2029.
The Republican Party being in charge really has that big of an influence on your life? I get that way during the Spring. I am glad to hear you are enjoying life now. Not sure where in the world you live but it is bitter cold and gray skies here. Also snow cover so no green grass.
01-21-2025, 01:23 PM
This is gaslighting. Both did the wrong, but only one is wrong because he didn't say he was going to do the wrong thing.
But that's what Paul consistently does, probably the biggest Hyprocrite on this board. I honestly could care less who Biden or Trump pardoned.
01-21-2025, 01:27 PM
This is gaslighting. Both did the wrong, but only one is wrong because he didn't say he was going to do the wrong thing.
Both did the wrong but can’t call out both wrongs? Pretty much sums up both parties.
01-21-2025, 01:32 PM
Both did the wrong but can’t call out both wrongs? Pretty much sums up both parties.
this. There are people on a daily basis here who act like they are freaking spokespeople for either party. "Everything X party does is wrong, while Y Party is full of just upstanding morally rich citizens." It's laughable. Both parties do the same corrupt shit on a daily basis, they equally suck, and they are all laughing at you.
01-21-2025, 01:35 PM
this. There are people on a daily basis here who act like they are freaking spokespeople for either party. "Everything X party does is wrong, while Y Party is full of just upstanding morally rich citizens." It's laughable. Both parties do the same corrupt shit on a daily basis, they equally suck, and they are all laughing at you.
I voted for Trump, but I disagree with pardoning the January 6 criminals.. They deserve everything they got and it was by no means politically motivated. These two things can exist. You don't have to take everything an elected officials believes or does wholesale. You can pick and choose for yourself. You also don't own their actions.
01-21-2025, 01:40 PM
I voted for Trump, but I disagree with pardoning the January 6 criminals.. They deserve everything they got and it was by no means politically motivated. These two things can exist. You don't have to take everything an elected officials believes or does wholesale. You can pick and choose for yourself. You also don't own their actions.
I was speaking more to the four horsemen of the apocalypse on here… Paul, Bobbie, Lou and mid.
01-21-2025, 01:44 PM
I don't remember the Dems fomenting a riot on our Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
Let me see if I can find that.
Yes, the Dems do crazy shit and many are an embarrassment. Just look at Menendez.
But we can transfer power peacefully...which ought to be a basic prerequisite for any American president.
01-21-2025, 01:54 PM
Capitol Police Officer
01-21-2025, 02:34 PM
I don’t get the law suits against the DOGE committee already. So they want to make sure there’re federal bureaucrats are on a nongovernmental committee?
Think the DC bureaucrats are the main reason why we’re in this fiscal mess. Gawd forbid we give successful business leaders a chance to look at our books for potential savings.
01-21-2025, 02:42 PM
Presidential pardons have lost their way on so many levels.
01-21-2025, 02:45 PM
Presidential pardons have lost their way on so many levels.
Yep!! Not surprising though looking at the political landscape. Like one of the posters said on here, “I could care less who Biden or Trump pardon”. This train of thought is exactly why pardons are out of control.
01-21-2025, 02:55 PM
But why would they tell the truth when there is no penalty for lying under oath?
Wouldn’t that be a new crime beyond the scope of the pardon for which they could be prosecuted?
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01-21-2025, 02:58 PM
Yep!! Not surprising though looking at the political landscape. Like one of the posters said on here, “I could care less who Biden or Trump pardon”. This train of thought is exactly why pardons are out of control.
You honestly think the avg person has a say in pardons? Maybe we need to change Presidents powers but until then like I said I could care less
01-21-2025, 03:41 PM
I don’t get the law suits against the DOGE committee already. So they want to make sure there’re federal bureaucrats are on a nongovernmental committee?
Think the DC bureaucrats are the main reason why we’re in this fiscal mess. Gawd forbid we give successful business leaders a chance to look at our books for potential savings.
I like the committee itself. I, however, believe there are certain things in this world that just cannot and morally should not be run as a business. One obvious one was discussed a few pages ago is healthcare. We have seen how this goes horribly wrong. Another I fear could be on the horizon is water. Can you imagine a group of businessmen with a company on the stock exchange in control of a part of our water supply. To me, that is a terrifying idea.
01-21-2025, 03:41 PM
Pardons aren't weaponizing the DOJ.
I'll slow it down for you.
You said that Biden gave pardons to people for fear that Trump would use the DOJ to go after them. By saying that you're admitting that the party in power has the ability to weaponize the DOJ against their political opponents. Does that make sense?
01-21-2025, 03:44 PM
Wouldn’t that be a new crime beyond the scope of the pardon for which they could be prosecuted?
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Yes, as I have come to find out.
01-21-2025, 04:52 PM
I like the committee itself. I, however, believe there are certain things in this world that just cannot and morally should not be run as a business. One obvious one was discussed a few pages ago is healthcare. We have seen how this goes horribly wrong. Another I fear could be on the horizon is water. Can you imagine a group of businessmen with a company on the stock exchange in control of a part of our water supply. To me, that is a terrifying idea.
I get your point. To my knowledge, the committee was designed to give their recommendations and not force law. Let the bureaucrats fight it out once the recommendations are made.
I won’t comment on healthcare because my opinions on here are pretty clear. IMO what is morally unacceptable, 36 trillion in debt from abuse on both sides of the aisle. Obviously not sustainable.
One of the days, I’ll just stop believing Republicans rhetoric on how they want to do something about it. This is why I welcome feedback from a nongovernmental committee.
01-21-2025, 05:15 PM
01-21-2025, 05:29 PM
I'll slow it down for you.
You said that Biden gave pardons to people for fear that Trump would use the DOJ to go after them. By saying that you're admitting that the party in power has the ability to weaponize the DOJ against their political opponents. Does that make sense?
Sure. But it's only Trump that has vowed to use the DOJ to go after his political enemies, not the D's.
Also, McConnell (an R) did recommend that the justice arm of government hold Trump accountable for J6 because he was too chicken to get the R's to ban him from holding office again.
Strange Brew
01-21-2025, 06:01 PM
Sure. But it's only Trump that has vowed to use the DOJ to go after his political enemies, not the D's.
Also, McConnell (an R) did recommend that the justice arm of government hold Trump accountable for J6 because he was too chicken to get the R's to ban him from holding office again.
Speaking of gaslighting….
01-21-2025, 06:27 PM
I see he has been sued 18x already.should a decision on something by primary time.
Strange Brew
01-21-2025, 06:41 PM
I see he has been sued 18x already.should a decision on something by primary time.
Correction. The U.S. Govt has been sued.
01-21-2025, 06:50 PM
Wonder if sb and others will be welcome the 1500 to their neighborhood
01-21-2025, 06:53 PM
Wonder if sb and others will be welcome the 1500 to their neighborhood
I'm guessing about 1490 of the 1500 are pretty similar to people I work with, live near and have kids in the same school as.
I also wouldn't be too worried about living near most of the folks Biden pardoned/commuted. I definitely wouldn't want Hunter in the neighborhood, but most of the others are probably fine.
Strange Brew
01-21-2025, 07:06 PM
Wonder if sb and others will be welcome the 1500 to their neighborhood
All of them? That’s a lot of people. However, not sure what the issue would be?
01-21-2025, 09:26 PM
Wonder if sb and others will be welcome the 1500 to their neighborhood
If you think that is bad go check out a local sex offender map and see who how many sex offenders live around you. I was blown away how many live in my small town and the type of offenses they have committed. Absolutely sickening.
01-21-2025, 10:02 PM
I'm guessing about 1490 of the 1500 are pretty similar to people I work with, live near and have kids in the same school as.
I also wouldn't be too worried about living near most of the folks Biden pardoned/commuted. I definitely wouldn't want Hunter in the neighborhood, but most of the others are probably fine.
Go, these folks are all planning on moving to a neighborhood near you.
01-21-2025, 10:07 PM
The one guy from Kansas lives in the wrong spot. Olathe?!? Lib city. Not a great place to be a Proud Boy!
01-22-2025, 02:14 PM
It was four degrees below zero when I woke up for work this morning. Trump has seemingly solved global warming within 48 hours!! Credit where credit is due!!!
01-22-2025, 02:45 PM
Saw Ross Ulbricht got the pardon yesterday, fulfilling a promise Trump made to Libertarians on the campaign trail. Reading a bit about his case, life in prison seems a bit extreme.
01-22-2025, 05:38 PM
It was four degrees below zero when I woke up for work this morning. Trump has seemingly solved global warming within 48 hours!! Credit where credit is due!!!
Love the sarcasm! Public reps.
01-23-2025, 05:37 PM
All of them? That’s a lot of people. However, not sure what the issue would be?
Child porn. 170 attacks on cops to name a couple
01-23-2025, 06:53 PM
Child porn. 170 attacks on cops to name a couple
Wait what?
01-23-2025, 10:06 PM rf7k3s5uq@jpeg
01-24-2025, 07:21 AM
I think you’ll find most of the Right don’t support the blanket pardon. Those who attacked officers should not have been given a pardon. A commutation of the sentences would have been a better option. FWIW, most convictions in this area for assaulting a police officer result in a jail term of 3-5 years.
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01-24-2025, 12:13 PM
Murkowski and Collins get their political cover, and Hegseth is looking like he will be confirmed 51-49.
Trump is now worried about McConnell and Tillis. Will be high drama.
01-24-2025, 10:38 PM
Hegseth needed every last vote. 50-50
01-24-2025, 10:40 PM
I'd be willing to bet he's the most unqualified person every to get that job.
Was counting on the R senators to be better. Ugh.
Muskie in dayton
01-25-2025, 09:46 AM
I'd be willing to bet he's the most unqualified person every to get that job.
Was counting on the R senators to be better. Ugh.
Parrot Paul!
The only qualification he lacks is he doesn’t wear a dress or suck cock, which is all Dems care about.
01-25-2025, 09:58 AM
Parrot Paul!
The only qualification he lacks is he doesn’t wear a dress or suck cock, which is all Dems care about.
It’s ok to admit he’s a garbage choice even if he’s on your side of the aisle. Let alone the fact that he has very few credentials for the job, he’s also a degenerate alcoholic and has a very long record of being a piss of shit to women.
I’m not naive to the fact that people in politics just hire their buddies, trump isn’t alone in that department but this is a pretty important position that should be handled by someone that actually has a moral compass
Strange Brew
01-25-2025, 10:08 AM
It’s ok to admit he’s a garbage choice even if he’s on your side of the aisle. Let alone the fact that he has very few credentials for the job, he’s also a degenerate alcoholic and has a very long record of being a piss of shit to women.
I’m not naive to the fact that people in politics just hire their buddies, trump isn’t alone in that department but this is a pretty important position that should be handled by someone that actually has a moral compass
Meh, I’m not sure he’s all of those things.
He was an officer, a 2x Ivy grad and the military personnel that worked him seem to like him. I think too much is being made of his nomination. Personally, I like him more than Panetta. And he’s more qualified than Leon was.
01-25-2025, 11:06 AM
When Mitch McConnell votes against a Republican presidential know he's not qualified.
01-25-2025, 07:40 PM
Pretty sure if you work in medical resarch or science you just vOted yourself out of a job
Muskie in dayton
01-26-2025, 09:18 AM
Meh, I’m not sure he’s all of those things.
He was an officer, a 2x Ivy grad and the military personnel that worked him seem to like him. I think too much is being made of his nomination. Personally, I like him more than Panetta. And he’s more qualified than Leon was.
Exactly. He was also a decorated combat veteran. His military awards include two Bronze Star Medals, the Joint Commendation Medal, two Army Commendation Medals, the Combat Infantryman Badge and the Expert Infantryman Badge. He’s just fine for the job.
@Xville, my side is anyone who the Establishment hates. Which is also those who get smeared the most. If you put credence into the crap they said about him, you still have learned nothing.
Just wait for all the bullshit to fly when it’s Tulsi and RFK Jr.’s turn.
Muskie in dayton
01-26-2025, 09:20 AM
When Mitch McConnell votes against a Republican presidential know he's not qualified.
If McConnell votes against someone, they are PERFECT for the job. There is no greater piece of shit swamp creature than that turtle fossil.
Muskie in dayton
01-26-2025, 09:23 AM
Pretty sure if you work in medical resarch or science you just vOted yourself out of a job
If your “research” involves gain of function, then yes. If your “science” is propaganda and not actual science, then yes.
01-26-2025, 09:36 AM
Exactly. He was also a decorated combat veteran. His military awards include two Bronze Star Medals, the Joint Commendation Medal, two Army Commendation Medals, the Combat Infantryman Badge and the Expert Infantryman Badge. He’s just fine for the job.
@Xville, my side is anyone who the Establishment hates. Which is also those who get smeared the most. If you put credence into the crap they said about him, you still have learned nothing.
Just wait for all the bullshit to fly when it’s Tulsi and RFK Jr.’s turn.
What do you think is so wonderful about these people that manipulate you into believing they are “anti-establishment?” They want power, just like every politician. Hegseth is a known adulterer and a known alcoholic. That’s not “what they said about him.” I believe that in that position you need someone of a high moral code, thru examples of fact, he’s known to not be one. Trump hired him because he’s nice to him and considers him a friend just like every politician.
Strange Brew
01-26-2025, 11:38 AM
What do you think is so wonderful about these people that manipulate you into believing they are “anti-establishment?” They want power, just like every politician. Hegseth is a known adulterer and a known alcoholic. That’s not “what they said about him.” I believe that in that position you need someone of a high moral code, thru examples of fact, he’s known to not be one. Trump hired him because he’s nice to him and considers him a friend just like every politician.
Maybe, however he is qualified and likely won’t be awol during his tenure like his predecessor.
01-26-2025, 12:12 PM
By 51-50, we now have a deeply compromised, unqualified, D-list Fox host running the US military at the command of a convicted felon who once hosted a reality show.
Just as the Founders intended.
01-26-2025, 12:16 PM
After having an AWOL leader supervised by a dementia patient. Seems we're on the upswing!
01-26-2025, 12:43 PM
I think he got so much push back on illegal ideas the first time around, he decided to just fill the jobs with toadies.
What could be better than a Fox News guy whose background seems frighteningly similar. Makes perfect sense.
(I thought the ultimate childish behavior was not hanging the former president's portrait, then came the running away from an inauguration and common handover courtesies; now it's taking down the picture of the last chief of staff from the wall in the Pentagon where they all hang. What a baby.)
01-26-2025, 12:49 PM
By 51-50, we now have a deeply compromised, unqualified, D-list Fox host running the US military at the command of a convicted felon who once hosted a reality show.
Just as the Founders intended.
Again, maybe discuss how the Democratic Party lost to a convicted felon. When you live in a country where two political unions have control over the government, people have limited options. One was a convicted felon and the other wasn’t good enough. Maybe ask yourself how the Democrats couldn’t beat a convicted felon because the American public would rather have a felon in charge than the Democratic Party.
He needed a tie breaker vote to be confirmed which says a lot but them the rules. Don’t like it? Expect and demand better from the Democratic Party.
01-26-2025, 01:40 PM
What do you think is so wonderful about these people that manipulate you into believing they are “anti-establishment?” They want power, just like every politician. Hegseth is a known adulterer and a known alcoholic. That’s not “what they said about him.” I believe that in that position you need someone of a high moral code, thru examples of fact, he’s known to not be one. Trump hired him because he’s nice to him and considers him a friend just like every politician.
He's a drunk, alcoholics go to meetings. :crazy:
01-26-2025, 02:17 PM
In an ideal world, hoping any president would hire a very qualified and competent person. Mayorkas was qualified on paper but turned out to be one of the most incompetent.
Every time something broke down, he was in charge. This includes record boarder crossings (lack of security), FEMA’s horrible response in WNC and avoiding assistance to those who had Trump signs in FL. Oh yeah, the SS not properly securing the perimeter in Butler, PA. The buck stops with the person on top of that agency.
01-26-2025, 03:44 PM
He's a drunk, alcoholics go to meetings. :crazy:
He said he would quit drinking if he got the job. Don't think it works that way.
01-26-2025, 04:23 PM
I think he got so much push back on illegal ideas the first time around, he decided to just fill the jobs with toadies.
What could be better than a Fox News guy whose background seems frighteningly similar. Makes perfect sense.
(I thought the ultimate childish behavior was not hanging the former president's portrait, then came the running away from an inauguration and common handover courtesies; now it's taking down the picture of the last chief of staff from the wall in the Pentagon where they all hang. What a baby.)
Well, THAT DOES IT!!!!!!!
I've never been a fan of Trump, but THIS is over the line!!!! The lies, the felonies, the disregard for political norms, and checks, and balances, the dishonest business dealings, the unnecessary personal attacks were all bad, and the long history of not being able to hire and appoint competent people to important positions was bad enough!! BUT NOW HE'S PUTTING PICTURES UP IN THE OFFICES THAT ARE NOT TO MY LIKING!!! THIS HAS GONE WAAAY TO FAR!!!!!
01-26-2025, 04:50 PM
It's not "putting up pictures", it's taking them down.
It's not incompetence (there's quite enough examples of that), it's petty, childish behavior.
No other president that I can think of is quite such little person.
No wonder other world leaders laugh at him.
01-27-2025, 02:33 PM
It's not "putting up pictures", it's taking them down.
It's not incompetence (there's quite enough examples of that), it's petty, childish behavior.
No other president that I can think of is quite such little person.
No wonder other world leaders laugh at him.
1) It was obviously tongue-in-cheek
2) It really doesn't matter. There are plenty of legit things to be critical of. What pictures he chooses to put on or take off the walls means nothing to me and shouldn't mean anything to anyone else either. Let's stick with the actual issues.
01-27-2025, 09:19 PM
My apologies for believing in the value of respect and honor.
01-28-2025, 05:19 AM
A 100% lockdown of our sovereign borders is of the highest priority.
Islamic terrorist are coming in with really bad intentions.
01-28-2025, 04:18 PM
So all grants are reportedly being put on hold. That’s…interesting??? I guess I’ll go with that. That’s interesting!!
01-28-2025, 05:57 PM
Have to say, trump is exceeding my expectation as a scumbag.
01-28-2025, 06:46 PM
Democrats: "Trump is going to target his political opposition!!!"
Also Democrats, after one week of Trump in office: "Impeach him!!!"
Strange Brew
01-28-2025, 06:51 PM
So all grants are reportedly being put on hold. That’s…interesting??? I guess I’ll go with that. That’s interesting!!
So, it’s about time someone took a look at how the money is spent.
Don’t worry though, a Biden appointee blocked it so the unaccountable spending shall continue for now.
01-28-2025, 07:32 PM
So, it’s about time someone took a look at how the money is spent.
Don’t worry though, a Biden appointee blocked it so the unaccountable spending shall continue for now.
You mean like sending 37m to Gaza for condoms?! Ridiculous
Strange Brew
01-28-2025, 07:39 PM
You mean like sending 37m to Gaza for condoms?! Ridiculous
That’s a good example. See people that’s $37M that could go to disaster relief, in the U.S., you have to be specific with some people. Orrrr, cut from the budget.
01-29-2025, 08:57 AM
So, Biden's admin knew all about the drones around NJ and even authorized them.
Biden National Security Advisor John Kirby had told an interviewer “the government ‘does not know’ what the flying objects are, adding ‘I wish I could tell you why we don’t know what we don’t know.’”
Don't know whether to laugh or cry.
01-29-2025, 11:15 AM
So, it’s about time someone took a look at how the money is spent.
Don’t worry though, a Biden appointee blocked it so the unaccountable spending shall continue for now.
I honestly don't know quite what to make of it. I'm not sure if it's good, bad, both, or neither. The only thing I am sure of is that it was an interesting thing to do.
01-29-2025, 12:01 PM
Elizabeth Warren going to bat for big pharma in Kennedy's confirmation hearing. Interesting.
01-29-2025, 12:12 PM
Elizabeth Warren going to bat for big pharma in Kennedy's confirmation hearing. Interesting.
I think we are going to know who gets paid the most from the healthcare lobby thru this confirmation hearing
01-29-2025, 01:10 PM
I completely forgot Kennedy was married to the Curb actress.
01-29-2025, 07:58 PM
He’s nuttier than the proverbial fruitcake.
01-29-2025, 10:18 PM
He’s nuttier than the proverbial fruitcake.
Not really. He made great points today…. Why are you so in favor of big pharma?
01-30-2025, 09:26 AM
Not really. He made great points today…. Why are you so in favor of big pharma?
I certainly am not in favor of big pharma; they've been ripping the public off for a long time.
But this guy is nutty. Supporting the efficacy of scientifically proven vaccines is not supporting big pharma.
Why we want to turn the leadership of government agencies over to unqualified people like Hegseth or RFK is beyond me.
There are lots of qualified R's out there who could be trusted to at least competently lead the departments.
But they probably didn't have a "Maga revelation" moment. 7qnbqimye@jpeg
01-30-2025, 09:34 AM
I certainly am not in favor of big pharma; they've been ripping the public off for a long time.
But this guy is nutty. Supporting the efficacy of scientifically proven vaccines is not supporting big pharma.
Why we want to turn the leadership of government agencies over to unqualified people like Hegseth or RFK is beyond me.
There are lots of qualified R's out there who could be trusted to at least competently lead the departments.
But they probably didn't have a "Maga revelation" moment. 7qnbqimye@jpeg
How do you think RFK is unqualified? There is something seriously wrong with our pharma and our food. Outside of some third world countries, we are the unhealthiest country in the world. Why is that? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist. I for one am happy to not have someone that’s been bought and paid for by the fda and pharma in this position. He’s spent most of his life infiltrating and disrupting agencies just like these, and getting rid of the corruption. That’s who we need in this position, and not someone that will just continue to do what we have been doing.
Warren made an absolute fool of herself yesterday. I mean just say “big pharma pays me a shit ton of money and I want to protect them.” At least then she wouldn’t have looked like a complete lunatic
01-30-2025, 09:36 AM
Tough first day on the job for Duffy (and third or fourth day on the job for Hegseth).
01-30-2025, 10:44 AM
How do you think RFK is unqualified? There is something seriously wrong with our pharma and our food. Outside of some third world countries, we are the unhealthiest country in the world. Why is that? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist. I for one am happy to not have someone that’s been bought and paid for by the fda and pharma in this position. He’s spent most of his life infiltrating and disrupting agencies just like these, and getting rid of the corruption. That’s who we need in this position, and not someone that will just continue to do what we have been doing.
Warren made an absolute fool of herself yesterday. I mean just say “big pharma pays me a shit ton of money and I want to protect them.” At least then she wouldn’t have looked like a complete lunatic
The editorial page today of the Wall Street Journal begs to differ with your characterization of Warren's performance yesterday.
01-30-2025, 10:52 AM
The editorial page today of the Wall Street Journal begs to differ with your characterization of Warren's performance yesterday.
Good for them. Do you know that Sanders and Warren are 1 and 2 respectively on amount of campaign contributions from Big Pharma? It's laughable how she tried to discredit Kennedy because of making money off lawsuits....just a tiny bit hypocritical.
He can't sue while in that position. She just doesn't want him to do it after the four years in office, because she is protecting her money trail.
01-30-2025, 11:29 AM
Trump is prattling on about air traffic control standards under Obama, Biden and the Democrats in his remarks this morning. Read the room, buddy.
01-30-2025, 12:38 PM
Trump is prattling on about air traffic control standards under Obama, Biden and the Democrats in his remarks this morning. Read the room, buddy.
Was listening on the radio at work. All I was thinking is shut up already.
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01-30-2025, 01:54 PM
Good for them. Do you know that Sanders and Warren are 1 and 2 respectively on amount of campaign contributions from Big Pharma? It's laughable how she tried to discredit Kennedy because of making money off lawsuits....just a tiny bit hypocritical.
He can't sue while in that position. She just doesn't want him to do it after the four years in office, because she is protecting her money trail.
I have a hard time understanding why it's even legal for me to see drug advertisements on the TV or anywhere else. Drugs should exist and doctors prescribe them. Does anyone think that the opioid epidemic would be/been this large if advertising and sales people weren't allowed?
I think there are things in this world that are so necessary for the public good that the profit motive should be limited or removed entirely. Healthcare is one of those things, give it time and larger populations and water will be that as well. I have zero issue heavily regulating big Pharma, but if we see the RFK that questions every single vaccine we will be in trouble.
01-30-2025, 02:00 PM
I think there are things in this world that are so necessary for the public good that the profit motive should be limited or removed entirely. Healthcare is one of those things
I certainly understand and appreciate that perspective, but it's also true that incentives matter. And a lot of the really smart people who have researched and developed new drugs would have gone into banking or tech or oil and gas or something else more profitable if there could be no profit motive in healthcare. The profit motive irrefutably makes things a point. There certainly needs to be a balance somewhere between unfetterd, unregulated capitalism in medicine and no profit motive.
01-30-2025, 02:38 PM
Rfk Jr got 2 million for "referrals". I.E. picking up the phone. Nice work.
01-30-2025, 04:43 PM
How do you think RFK is unqualified? There is something seriously wrong with our pharma and our food. Outside of some third world countries, we are the unhealthiest country in the world. Why is that? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist. I for one am happy to not have someone that’s been bought and paid for by the fda and pharma in this position. He’s spent most of his life infiltrating and disrupting agencies just like these, and getting rid of the corruption. That’s who we need in this position, and not someone that will just continue to do what we have been doing.
Warren made an absolute fool of herself yesterday. I mean just say “big pharma pays me a shit ton of money and I want to protect them.” At least then she wouldn’t have looked like a complete lunatic
I am not big on his vaccine stance but it is refreshing to hear his thoughts and ideas about big pharma and the FDA.
01-30-2025, 04:46 PM
Trump just can’t help himself from sounding like an idiot. Sometimes, just don’t say anything at all, it’s ok donald
01-30-2025, 04:52 PM
Trump just can’t help himself from sounding like an idiot. Sometimes, just don’t say anything at all, it’s ok donald
He needs to remind everyone that he is the smartest person in the room(and fails miserably).
01-30-2025, 07:43 PM
I have a hard time understanding why it's even legal for me to see drug advertisements on the TV or anywhere else. Drugs should exist and doctors prescribe them. Does anyone think that the opioid epidemic would be/been this large if advertising and sales people weren't allowed?
I think there are things in this world that are so necessary for the public good that the profit motive should be limited or removed entirely. Healthcare is one of those things, give it time and larger populations and water will be that as well. I have zero issue heavily regulating big Pharma, but if we see the RFK that questions every single vaccine we will be in trouble.
I still don't get the whole proliferation of drug ads. I know I've never gone to my doctor and said, "No, I don't want that Drug A you recommend. I saw a commercial, so I want Drug B."
Yet there must be mega millions spend on ads. Why?
Strange Brew
01-30-2025, 08:20 PM
I still don't get the whole proliferation of drug ads. I know I've never gone to my doctor and said, "No, I don't want that Drug A you recommend. I saw a commercial, so I want Drug B."
Yet there must be mega millions spend on ads. Why?
Companies buy time from media for ads. Buy enough and…
01-30-2025, 08:34 PM
Trump is prattling on about air traffic control standards under Obama, Biden and the Democrats in his remarks this morning. Read the room, buddy.
Our hearts go out to your tragedy. What a disaster for the skate team.
01-30-2025, 09:24 PM
Trump's idiocy drew out Olberman's and AOC's idiocy.
So we got that going for us...which is nice.
Strange Brew
02-01-2025, 03:46 AM
Trump's idiocy drew out Olberman's and AOC's idiocy.
So we got that going for us...which is nice.
That’s a very safe hedge by you GO.
A spine is a terrible thing to waste…
02-01-2025, 08:14 AM
Which of Trump, AOC and Olberman would you say DIDN'T make an ass of themselves in the aftermath of this week's plane crash, Brew?
Muskie in dayton
02-01-2025, 09:05 AM
I have a hard time understanding why it's even legal for me to see drug advertisements on the TV or anywhere else. Drugs should exist and doctors prescribe them. Does anyone think that the opioid epidemic would be/been this large if advertising and sales people weren't allowed?
I think there are things in this world that are so necessary for the public good that the profit motive should be limited or removed entirely. Healthcare is one of those things, give it time and larger populations and water will be that as well. I have zero issue heavily regulating big Pharma, but if we see the RFK that questions every single vaccine we will be in trouble.
Vaccines are developed by science. If we stop questioning science, we are in trouble.
I enjoyed watching the Dems expose themselves as nothing but big pharma shills. Watching people realize in real-time that todays D's are nothing but yesterday's R's makes my heart sing. Keep it up Pocohontas.
02-01-2025, 09:51 AM
Vaccines are developed by science. If we stop questioning science, we are in trouble.
I enjoyed watching the Dems expose themselves as nothing but big pharma shills. Watching people realize in real-time that todays D's are nothing but yesterday's R's makes my heart sing. Keep it up Pocohontas.
Let’s be honest here, republicans are also bought and paid for by big pharma. They don’t do anything to fix our healthcare either. There is a difference in questioning new vaccines and ones that have already been found by science to work effectively. I like a lot of rfks views but his vaccines causes autism crap is ridiculous. He’s basing it on one study that’s been debunked about a hundred times but he’s still been peddling it. Get the crap out of our food, that’s been the problem now for fifty plus years in our country.
02-01-2025, 11:04 AM
…….Get the crap out of our food, that’s been the problem now for fifty plus years in our country.
I think we can all agree on this. It seems reasonable to that there’s a connection between all the chemicals and additives in our food that are banned in other countries and the fact that we lead the world in allergies, autism, diabetes, obesity, etc.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
02-01-2025, 11:22 AM
Vaccines are developed by science. If we stop questioning science, we are in trouble.
I enjoyed watching the Dems expose themselves as nothing but big pharma shills. Watching people realize in real-time that todays D's are nothing but yesterday's R's makes my heart sing. Keep it up Pocohontas.
If he brought a good faith reason to question the efficacy of vaccines then fine. He still peddles the long debunked single study that cost a British doctor his license. That is RFKs problem. His complaints come from fantasyland not reality. Stick to food, that is where he could make a difference.
02-01-2025, 11:23 AM
I think we can all agree on this. It seems reasonable to that there’s a connection between all the chemicals and additives in our food that are banned in other countries and the fact that we lead the world in allergies, autism, diabetes, obesity, etc.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Correlation does not prove causation, certainly apart of increased autism is merely what we consider autistic and significantly better testing.
02-01-2025, 11:26 AM
I think we can all agree on this. It seems reasonable to that thereÂ’s a connection between all the chemicals and additives in our food that are banned in other countries and the fact that we lead the world in allergies, autism, diabetes, obesity, etc.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah you can pretty much trace everything back to the rise of quick meals and fast food to the rise of most of our chronic health problems. Instead of just fixing that issue, we compounded it by growing big pharma that only masks or further complicates the issue in many cases.
Strange Brew
02-01-2025, 03:02 PM
That’s a very safe hedge by you GO.
A spine is a terrible thing to waste…
The FAA is understaffed due to their hiring practices. I’ll let you figure it out.
Strange Brew
02-01-2025, 03:13 PM
Vaccines are developed by science. If we stop questioning science, we are in trouble.
I enjoyed watching the Dems expose themselves as nothing but big pharma shills. Watching people realize in real-time that todays D's are nothing but yesterday's R's makes my heart sing. Keep it up Pocohontas.
I know right. “Science” got a pre-emotive pardon after all.
Strange Brew
02-01-2025, 03:24 PM
Correlation does not prove causation, certainly apart of increased autism is merely what we consider autistic and significantly better testing.
Maybe the amount of dead or dormant viruses we’re injecting into people at a young age is excessive?
For the record, the Polio, Measles and Small Pox vaxes were a godsend. Chicken Pox. It was a shared experience in the 80’s. :)
BTW, there’s a reason why Drs no longer prescribe antibiotics for a cold. It’s because an anti-bacterial is nonsense against a virus. Two different organisms attracting the body.
Strange Brew
02-01-2025, 03:30 PM
If he brought a good faith reason to question the efficacy of vaccines then fine. He still peddles the long debunked single study that cost a British doctor his license. That is RFKs problem. His complaints come from fantasyland not reality. Stick to food, that is where he could make a difference.
Were you not the anti-science individual who wanted to ban all natural gas and natural oil?
02-01-2025, 04:50 PM
I have a hard time understanding why it's even legal for me to see drug advertisements on the TV or anywhere else. Drugs should exist and doctors prescribe them. Does anyone think that the opioid epidemic would be/been this large if advertising and sales people weren't allowed?
I think there are things in this world that are so necessary for the public good that the profit motive should be limited or removed entirely. Healthcare is one of those things, give it time and larger populations and water will be that as well. I have zero issue heavily regulating big Pharma, but if we see the RFK that questions every single vaccine we will be in trouble.
I still don't get the whole proliferation of drug ads. I know I've never gone to my doctor and said, "No, I don't want that Drug A you recommend. I saw a commercial, so I want Drug B."
Yet there must be mega millions spend on ads. Why?
It's to shield themselves from criticism from the news media.
02-01-2025, 04:56 PM
I think we can all agree on this. It seems reasonable to that there’s a connection between all the chemicals and additives in our food that are banned in other countries and the fact that we lead the world in allergies, autism, diabetes, obesity, etc.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
100% there is a connection between chemicals/additives in food, and allergies, diabetes and obesity.
Autism: Seems to me that chemicals and additives in food have not had enough time to accumulate in a young body. If chemicals and additives in food were the culprits, it would seem that the onset of autism would increase with age. I don't think that's the case. Methinks something else is going on.
Strange Brew
02-01-2025, 05:24 PM
It's to shield themselves from criticism from the news media.
No. It is not. They buy adverts to become the largest revenue stream.
And to get “medical professionals” like yourself to hand over the drugs.
02-01-2025, 05:31 PM
Vaccines are developed by science. If we stop questioning science, we are in trouble.
For some reason there are a lot of people in this country who think that the FDA and big pharma are infallible. Just because drugs and vaccines are on the market right now, doesn't mean they're safe. Why did it take until 2 weeks ago for the FDA to ban red dye 3? The EU banned it in 1994!
There are dozens of additives, antibiotics and pesticides that the EU has banned, but are still approved by the FDA: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
"Below are the 35 drugs we could find that have been recalled from the US market since the 1970s, some that had been in use since the 1930s. A sample of advertisements for only some of the drugs are included because there is a scarcity of ads for withdrawn drugs online due to manufacturers removing ads for withdrawn drugs as part of the agreement to no longer market the drugs.
According to the FDA, a “drug is removed from the market when its risks outweigh its benefits. A drug is usually taken off the market because of safety issues with the drug that cannot be corrected, such as when it is discovered that the drug can cause serious side effects that were not known at the time of approval."
One-Third Of New Drugs Had Safety Problems After FDA Approval:
Can you really trust the FDA?
02-01-2025, 05:40 PM
No. It is not. They buy adverts to become the largest revenue stream.
And to get “medical professionals” like yourself to hand over the drugs.
1) It depends on who's answering the question.
2) "They buy adverts to become the largest revenue stream." Yes, the media loves it b/c pharma is outbidding other marketers, which obviously helps their bottom line. On the flipside, now you see why it becomes hard to criticize the pharmas. Honestly, other than possibly Tucker on Fox, I don't ever recall hearing anyone on network or cable news criticizing big pharma in anyway, or even presenting any type of negative news. It may have happened, but I don't remember.
3) Like myself? Surely you don't think that I'm a “medical professional"???
Strange Brew
02-01-2025, 06:20 PM
1) It depends on who's answering the question.
2) "They buy adverts to become the largest revenue stream." Yes, the media loves it b/c pharma is outbidding other marketers, which obviously helps their bottom line. On the flipside, now you see why it becomes hard to criticize the pharmas. Honestly, other than possibly Tucker on Fox, I don't ever recall hearing anyone on network or cable news criticizing big pharma in anyway, or even presenting any type of negative news. It may have happened, but I don't remember.
3) Like myself? Surely you don't think that I'm a “medical professional"???
On 3). Your have presented yourself as such.
On everything else. We’re in agreement.
02-01-2025, 07:02 PM
A letter submitted to the U.S. Senate that states it was sent by physicians in support of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination as secretary of Health and Human Services includes the names of doctors who have had their licenses revoked, suspended or faced other discipline, The Associated Press has found.
No kidding.
02-01-2025, 09:51 PM
Do you think these Tweets are related? Americans began sensing the same thing was happening in this country, and thus was one of the reasons Trump was elected president. It's precisely why the globalists hate Trump. We may have awakened just in time. In Europe, sadly, it may be too late.
While Irish restaurants are closing down on a daily basis, a new Somalian restaurant has opened in Dublin.
It is an extremely uncomfortable feeling to witness your people, culture and history disappear before your eyes.
Islamic scholar considers Sweden conquered: “If Swedes don't have children and Muslims have 5/7 of them, within a generation many Swedish cities will have a Muslim majority."
Crazy Vibes
This how you take over a nation in one generation ����������
The Mayor of London is a Muslim.
The mayor of Birmingham is a Muslim.
The Mayor of Leeds is Muslim.
Mayor of Blackburn - Muslim.
The mayor of Sheffield is a Muslim.
The mayor of Oxford is a Muslim.
The mayor of Luton is a Muslim.
The mayor of Oldham is Muslim.
The mayor of Rochdale is Muslim
All this was achieved by only 4 million Muslims out of 66 million people in England:
Today there are over 3,000 mosques in England.
There are over 130 sharia courts.
There are more than 50 Sharia Councils.
78 percent of Muslim women do not work, receive state support + free accommodation.
63 percent of Muslims do not work, receive state support + free housing.
State-supported Muslim families with an average of 6 to 8 children receive free accommodation.
Now every school in the UK is required to teach lessons about Islam.
Did anyone actually vote for this?
02-01-2025, 10:24 PM
lol now you know how the Indians felt.
Strange Brew
02-01-2025, 10:50 PM
lol now you know how the Indians felt.
Once they were done fighting amongst themselves. I feel bad for you. I truely do…
You’re learning. And it’s good.
02-02-2025, 09:33 AM
Do you think these Tweets are related?
The hate is strong within you young Padawan
02-02-2025, 09:38 AM
Try not to post false of misleading shit you find on X, as you wonder around the right wing hate posters.
02-02-2025, 09:39 AM
The hate is strong within you young Padawan
Yeah that was more my point. Also the throwing rocks at glass houses, considering our country was founded by wiping an entire culture and civilization off the map.
02-02-2025, 09:58 AM
Paul - you clearly don't know what the hell you're talking about. Now go back to your Richard Maddow shows...
02-02-2025, 10:02 AM
The analogy is extremely ignorant. But what else would you expect??
A superior civilization overwhelmed an inferior civilization, versus a superior civilization knowingly surrendering to an inferior civilization.
Where's the connection?
02-02-2025, 10:23 AM
The analogy is extremely ignorant. But what else would you expect??
A superior civilization overwhelmed an inferior civilization, versus a superior civilization knowingly surrendering to an inferior civilization.
Where's the connection?
If you can’t understand the correlation, you’re more dense than I thought. You watch too much trump tv, read too much x propaganda whose sole purpose is driving engagement for profit regardless of any fact finding , and have become an angry little elf.
Strange Brew
02-02-2025, 01:17 PM
Yeah that was more my point. Also the throwing rocks at glass houses, considering our country was founded by wiping an entire culture and civilization off the map.
Haha. No, that is not what happened.
02-02-2025, 01:21 PM
Haha. No, that is not what happened.
Uh yeah that’s what happened, it happened over 150 or so years, but it happened. However, go ahead and choose to rewrite history. You’re good at it.
Strange Brew
02-02-2025, 02:26 PM
Uh yeah that’s what happened, it happened over 150 or so years, but it happened. However, go ahead and choose to rewrite history. You’re good at it.
Uh no. That’s not how the country was founded.
That/your view is very simple minded and ignorant. It just is.
02-02-2025, 02:37 PM
Uh no. That’s not how the country was founded.
That/your view is very simple minded and ignorant. It just is.
So how many Indians were there in 1607? How many were there by the 1920s? You choosing to rewrite history is fascinating. Please go on and share with us how you think over the course of 200 plus years, the newly found inhabitants of this country didn’t obliterate an entire culture and way of life?
I guess this is all just fake news
Strange Brew
02-02-2025, 02:48 PM
So how many Indians were there in 1607? How many were there by the 1920s? You choosing to rewrite history is fascinating. Please go on and share with us how you think over the course of 200 plus years, the newly found inhabitants of this country didn’t obliterate an entire culture and way of life?
I guess this is all just fake news
I don’t think the US was a country in 1607. I don’t believe I’m wrong about that.
Huh, did the Indians not fight and lose? Pretty sure there was a whole war or two they were involved in. Also, how do you feel about indentured servitude and anti Catholic discrimination?
How’s the view from that high horse?
02-02-2025, 02:50 PM
I don’t think the US was a country in 1607. I don’t believe I’m wrong about that.
Huh, did the Indians not fight and lose? Pretty sure there was a whole war or two they were involved in. Also, how do you feel about indentured servitude and anti Catholic discrimination?
How’s the view from that high horse?
I’m not the one with the high horse. Speak to Lou about that and his views on anyone that looks different than him. Don’t be stupid, you know what 1607 is, and if you don’t, pick up a history book.
Strange Brew
02-02-2025, 02:57 PM
I’m not the one with the high horse. Speak to Lou about that. Don’t be stupid, you know what 1607 is, and if you don’t, pick up a history book.
No, Ville. I’ve read a lot of history and no, the country was not founded in the manner you think.
The US was not a country in 1607. Don’t be stupid Ville.
02-02-2025, 03:01 PM
No, Ville. I’ve read a lot of history and no, the country was not founded in the manner you think.
The US was not a country in 1607. Don’t be stupid Ville.
I’m aware but thank you for that history lesson. Since you have chosen to be obtuse about everything per usual, ill see myself out
02-02-2025, 03:04 PM
No, Ville. I’ve read a lot of history and no, the country was not founded in the manner you think.
The US was not a country in 1607. Don’t be stupid Ville.
I'd like to know why he and Paul are excusing, or maybe even advocating for the destruction of western culture.
Why bring up the Indians? Do two wrongs make a right in their eyes? Very strange reactions from those two....
02-02-2025, 03:19 PM
I'd like to know why he and Paul are excusing, or maybe even advocating for the destruction of western culture.
Why bring up the Indians? Do two wrongs make a right in their eyes? Very strange reactions from those two....
My point is that it’s rich to complain about someone different from you being in a position of power, and “destroying a culture” considering our own country’s history. You also heavily implied that just because they are Muslim, that’s a bad thing. Pretty discriminatory of you. But I’d expect nothing less.
Strange Brew
02-02-2025, 03:40 PM
My point is that it’s rich to complain about someone different from you being in a position of power, and “destroying a culture” considering our own country’s history. You also heavily implied that just because they are Muslim, that’s a bad thing. Pretty discriminatory of you. But I’d expect nothing less.
Hmmm, so is it your position that the US gives back the land?
I’m confused by your position. You stated the Country was founded through exploitation. That is not true. It was founded through blood and battle.
What are your thoughts on North Africa during Jefferson’s tenure?
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