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12-21-2024, 01:11 AM
Thanks Focker.

The military gets paid.

You are a total donkey. You probably think AOC is smart.

Really? during a government shutdown ? How many friends or family members of yours are in the military, genius? You really want to make this bet?

I have friend from x in navy intelligence, an uncle that flies helicopters in the coastguard and cousins who work for the department of homeland security. Seriously tell me again what stupid shit you believe

Strange Brew
12-21-2024, 01:50 AM
Really? during a government shutdown ? How many friends or family members of yours are in the military, genius? You really want to make this bet?

I have friend from x in navy intelligence, an uncle that flies helicopters in the coastguard and cousins who work for the department of homeland security. Seriously tell me again what stupid shit you believe

Wow, Naval Intel.

You obviously didn’t and haven’t.

They will be paid as they should.

That’s not the discussion at hand.

You are way out of you depth.


12-21-2024, 07:24 AM
Wow, Naval Intel.

You obviously didn’t and haven’t.

They will be paid as they should.

That’s not the discussion at hand.

You are way out of you depth.


So, you didn’t answer the question, still are completely wrong, and you’re a pompous ass. Do you get it now?

Trust me I’m not out of my depth, and you’re wrong. It’s actually astonishing how little you know how politics works. But hey keep reading your obscure shit that no one cares about to sound smart.

12-21-2024, 09:48 AM
It seems that pointing out that a Major General from the Pentagon says the troops won't be paid in a government shutdown can earn you a neg rep red dot.

Who knew.

12-21-2024, 09:54 AM
It seems that pointing out that a Major General from the Pentagon says the troops won't be paid in a government shutdown can earn you a neg rep red dot.

Who knew.

Ooh boy, demerits! What are we, in 3rd grade?

12-21-2024, 09:59 AM
Wow, Naval Intel.

You obviously didn’t and haven’t.

They will be paid as they should.

That’s not the discussion at hand.

You are way out of you depth.


I'm pretty sure if you brought up a topic on the farming practices of Tanzanian peasants, Ville would bash you for being on the wrong side of the topic, suggest some type of expertise, and then claim he knows a Tanzanian farmer.

Strange Brew
12-21-2024, 03:49 PM
It seems that pointing out that a Major General from the Pentagon says the troops won't be paid in a government shutdown can earn you a neg rep red dot.

Who knew.

Yeah, they get paid eventually Paul.

The World doesn’t end if the Gov’t shuts down because they can’t figure out how to spend other people’s money appropriately.

12-21-2024, 05:03 PM
It seems that pointing out that a Major General from the Pentagon says the troops won't be paid in a government shutdown can earn you a neg rep red dot.

Who knew.

Now strange realizes he was completely wrong, he says yeah but they eventually get paid as if that somehow makes him not wrong and that it makes everything ok. He’s not aware of how a military person lives, most of them live paycheck to paycheck like most Americans. Beyond stupid and void of any kind of reality for the average citizen.

12-21-2024, 06:44 PM
Now strange realizes he was completely wrong, he says yeah but they eventually get paid as if that somehow makes him not wrong and that it makes everything ok. He’s not aware of how a military person lives, most of them live paycheck to paycheck like most Americans. Beyond stupid and void of any kind of reality for the average citizen.

Exactly! Think it is people who make enough money to not have to live paycheck to paycheck being unaware how many Americans do live paycheck to paycheck.

Strange Brew
12-21-2024, 08:35 PM
Now strange realizes he was completely wrong, he says yeah but they eventually get paid as if that somehow makes him not wrong and that it makes everything ok. He’s not aware of how a military person lives, most of them live paycheck to paycheck like most Americans. Beyond stupid and void of any kind of reality for the average citizen.

I love how your think you know me.

Nope, numb nuts I’m not wrong about this. And it would be nice if our Representatives cared as much about our money as their own. Mitch, Pelosi and AOC have become fabulously wealthy being careless with the people’s money.

What’s sadly funny to me about this convo is the two “red-blooded hardasses” support giving shelter to criminals over veterans.

12-23-2024, 10:08 AM
It's almost 2025. I can't believe people are still getting their panties in a wad over the gov't shutdown kabuki theater.


12-23-2024, 02:12 PM
So Gaetz wasn't able to prevent his House Ethics report from coming out after all. Not great stuff about all the (underage) hookers and blow.

Is he still planning to try and take the Oath of Offfice for his new term in Congress in January?

He certainly would have been something as Attorney General.

12-23-2024, 02:18 PM
So Gaetz wasn't able to prevent his House Ethics report from coming out after all. Not great stuff about all the (underage) hookers and blow.

Is he still planning to try and take the Oath of Offfice for his new term in Congress in January?

He certainly would have been something as Attorney General.

Has the House Ethics Report been released?

12-23-2024, 02:20 PM
Has the House Ethics Report been released?



12-23-2024, 03:47 PM
In another stunning then of events, a politician is shown to be a terrible human being.

Where’s mid when you need him to completely dismiss all of this and say it’s no big deal and that he is a great politician? Gaetz is just draining the swamp and the wsj is trash amirite?

12-23-2024, 03:53 PM
Draining the swamp of hookers by bringing them to his house.

12-23-2024, 04:12 PM
In another stunning then of events, a politician is shown to be a terrible human being.

Where’s mid when you need him to completely dismiss all of this and say it’s no big deal and that he is a great politician? Gaetz is just draining the swamp and the wsj is trash amirite?

Was this the same guy who Trump nominated to a cabinet position just a few weeks ago? Wonder if Trump knew about this information before making this nomination? I would sure hope not.

12-23-2024, 04:19 PM
Was this the same guy who Trump nominated to a cabinet position just a few weeks ago? Wonder if Trump knew about this information before making this nomination? I would sure hope not.

Didn't everyone already pretty much know the gist of it? There was some thought that Trump nominated him to be AG to give Gaetz a viable reason to resign from Congress immediately as that usually ends ethics probes. And that everyone knew there was zero chance of Gaetz ever being approved by the Senate.

Whatever the plan/deal was, it didn't work out.

X-band '01
12-23-2024, 05:10 PM
Something tells me he'll be either the next Governor of Florida or the next US Senator out of Florida.

12-23-2024, 05:38 PM
I thought that seat was going to be Lara Trump's. Anyway, I think Gaetz is done in politics for the time being. No chance DeSantis is going to want to get himself tied up with nominating the likes of Gaetz. And I can't see him winning statewide election in a still purplish state like Florida.

12-23-2024, 06:32 PM
In another stunning then of events, a politician is shown to be a terrible human being.

Where’s mid when you need him to completely dismiss all of this and say it’s no big deal and that he is a great politician? Gaetz is just draining the swamp and the wsj is trash amirite?

Can we get an interpreter in here? WTF??

12-23-2024, 07:18 PM
Can we get an interpreter in here? WTF??

Stunning turn of events? Didn’t think that was hard to figure out. Maybe it was though.

12-23-2024, 07:25 PM
Stunning turn of events? Didn’t think that was hard to figure out. Maybe it was though.

No, we have a self-described perfectionist on this board that likes to correct everyone else's use of English and punctuation.

12-23-2024, 07:54 PM
Stunning turn of events? Didn’t think that was hard to figure out. Maybe it was though.

He knows he can’t post about gaetz, so he turns to that. I’ll let it pass though, he’s upset about trump’s best buddy.

12-23-2024, 08:40 PM
He knows he can’t post about gaetz, so he turns to that. I’ll let it pass though, he’s upset about trump’s best buddy.

How many fucking games have you been to in the last 10 years?

12-23-2024, 09:03 PM
He knows he can’t post about gaetz, so he turns to that. I’ll let it pass though, he’s upset about trump’s best buddy.

Why can’t he post about Gaetz? Can’t imagine anyone Dem or Pub would condone any of the actions in the report. Now that we got the Gaetz report finally released, when do we get to see the Epstein list and Diddy Party list?

12-23-2024, 09:21 PM
Why can’t he post about Gaetz? Can’t imagine anyone Dem or Pub would condone any of the actions in the report. Now that we got the Gaetz report finally released, when do we get to see the Epstein list and Diddy Party list?

He’s one of the crazies who actually loves trump, and gaetz by proxy. I may have voted for the guy but that’s just because the other option was as bad as it could
Possibly be.

12-23-2024, 10:56 PM
Psycho making up more stories.... like that one where he's a hoops expert because he attends one game a year.


12-23-2024, 11:48 PM
Biden vetoed a bipartisan bill to add additional judgships amid an overburdened judiciary because he doesn't want Trump to have the opportunity to appoint more judges.

12-24-2024, 07:50 AM
Why can’t he post about Gaetz? Can’t imagine anyone Dem or Pub would condone any of the actions in the report. Now that we got the Gaetz report finally released, when do we get to see the Epstein list and Diddy Party list?

Just so you know, after one of trumps rallies, he came on this thread and declared that was why he and his followers loved trump. I don’t have the time nor care to look for it. Or it may have been his alias, uncle Joe. Uncle Joe is the alias he uses on here when his other name is banned. Talk about psycho.

Anyways merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your family.

12-24-2024, 09:20 AM
I have questions:

First of all, I am so fucking proud to be a Trump supporter. If you don't understand the bond his supporters have with him and his populace movement of opposing the globalist elites, after his reaction last night, then you're probably a lost soul.

Anyway, I have questions:

1) The first is obvious as all hell: How did the Secret Service not have anyone atop the AGR building from where the assassin acted?

2) Where did the assassin receive his training? There's no way someone off the street could fire a rifle like that, with that amount of accuracy, without training. Dan Bongino suggested that he may have hurried his shot because several people were yelling of his presence.

3) In the video below, you see the counter snipers atop the building immediately on Trump's flank. Apparently these were the guys that delivered the kill shot. Presumably, how did they not see what so many others saw from their elevated vantage point?

4) On the flipside, they DO appear to be alerted to the assassin. If you watch the video closely, it looks as if they began firing on the assassin almost at the same time the assassin started firing. This begs two questions: (a) why did they presumably wait so long to act, and (b) for how long were they aware of the threat, and why didn't they send out an alert?

I'm not alleging anything, I just need answers. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever get any straight answers. [Jack Ruby] has already shot [Oswald], and the corrupt, Trump-hating DOJ/FBI/CIA's [Warren Commission] will likely be a cover-up.


Looks like Youtube is trying to censor this vid:




lol ok it was easier than I thought. Disregard the rest of his psychosis, but here’s his declaration of love for trump

12-24-2024, 09:27 AM
All talk, no action = liar.

Produce, or go home.

Just like the lie that you claim to go to 6 or 7 games a year. Everyone on this board knows exactly when you go to your one game each year - you make a big production out of it by pounding your chest like some teeny-bopper that just copped his first feel.

12-24-2024, 09:30 AM
Okay, psycho, what does that have to do with Matt G??

12-24-2024, 09:35 AM
Okay, psycho, what does that have to do with Matt G??

Merry Christmas uncle j… or Lou. I produced. Not my fault you can’t connect the dots. Oh btw I’ll be at the game on nye. I’ll see ya there!

12-24-2024, 12:15 PM
Only a complete psycho could connect those imaginary dots...

Oh, BTW, congratulations on making it to a second game this year (we'll see). Well below the 6-7 per year you claim. Will that make you an uber basketball expert now? Does that mean you have the final word on all things Xavier hoops, as you suggested with that childish retort in the other thread?

12-24-2024, 12:49 PM
Only a complete psycho could connect those imaginary dots...

Oh, BTW, congratulations on making it to a second game this year (we'll see). Well below the 6-7 per year you claim. Will that make you an uber basketball expert now? Does that mean you have the final word on all things Xavier hoops, as you suggested with that childish retort in the other thread?

Yeah this will make my 4th. I guess you can’t count either. I’ll see you there.

I’m not an expert but I’ve been around the game enough to know what I see. Certainly something you can’t claim

12-24-2024, 01:35 PM
Yeah this will make my 4th. I guess you can’t count either. I’ll see you there.

That's a 100% lie (period). There's ZERO proof in any of the other game threads that you've attended any other games this year. ZERO. In all the games you've been to over the past several years you make certain that all of us know you're there.

I busted your ass last year (or the year before) for lying about the same thing, before you edited that comment about attending 6 games when it was clear there was no way. You were caught red handed, and tacitly admitted to it.

I’m not an expert but I’ve been around the game enough to know what I see. Certainly something you can’t claim

You've "been around the game enough." Oh good Lord, are you trying to make us all think that you played in college, or coached? I don't think watching your two girls shoot hoops in the backyard counts. I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think anyone on this board is impressed with your "analysis".

What the hell, do you think we're all sitting around here assigning you with some type of street cred because you attend a game every now and then, or that you've "been around the game enough to know blah blah blah." Hell, there are dozens of blue-haired ladies that have been sitting in those stands for decades, should we assume they know more than you?

Dude, you've got some serious adequacy and low self esteem issues.

12-24-2024, 01:40 PM
That's a 100% lie (period). There's ZERO proof in any of the other game threads that you've attended any other games this year. ZERO. In all the games you've been to over the past several years you make certain that all of us know you're there.

I busted your ass last year (or the year before) for lying about the same thing, before you edited that comment about attending 6 games when it was clear there was no way. You were caught red handed, and tacitly admitted to it.

You've "been around the game enough." Oh good Lord, are you trying to make us all think that you played in college, or coached? I don't think watching your two girls shoot hoops in the backyard counts. I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think anyone on this board is impressed with your "analysis".

What the hell, do you think we're all sitting around here assigning you with some type of street cred because you attend a game every now and then, or that you've "been around the game enough to know blah blah blah." Hell, there are dozens of blue-haired ladies that have been sitting in those stands for decades, should we assume they know more than you?

Dude, you've got some serious adequacy and low self esteem issues.

Zero proof? Ok I mean you can choose to believe me or not. Why is make that up I have no idea. Went reunion weekend with 11 of my best friends from x that live all over the country and one that loves currently in London. Then went the next weekend against wake forest and took my parents. They had not been to a game since I graduated 20 years ago. They couldn’t believe how much the campus has changed.

I don’t need to justify anything to you. And I don’t know why you think I need to? I mention when I’m there sometimes because we are all Xavier fans. If that’s such a problem for you, You don’t have to read it, and certainly don’t need to comment on it. You didn’t bust anything. As you can tell I edit quite a bit of my posts. For the most part it’s just adding my thoughts instead of adding another post.

My last organized game was in high school, unless you count Xavier intramurals which of course I don’t. I’ve coached, played and watched enough to know quite a bit. I appreciate your interest so much in me. You constantly get things wrong though. I have a boy and a girl… twins. They are super excited about Santa coming. Merry Christmas. It really sounds like you need to just stop and enjoy the holiday. I’ll let you know next time I go, maybe we can meet up and you can tell me to my face the things that you say here. I’d have no problem telling you face to face exactly what I think about you. You’re a disgusting person with serious issues and have stalker tendencies. Anyways, come to a Xavier game and see if I’m lying. See you at the game against seton hall.

For now, I’m signing off. I’ll deal with you again after the holiday.

12-24-2024, 02:02 PM
Zero proof? Ok I mean you can choose to believe me or not. Why is make that up I have no idea. Went reunion weekend with 11 of my best friends from x that live all over the country and one that loves currently in London. Then went the next weekend against wake forest and took my parents. They had not been to a game since I graduated 20 years ago. They couldn’t believe how much the campus has changed.

I don’t need to justify anything to you. And I don’t know why you think I need to? I mention when I’m there sometimes because we are all Xavier fans. If that’s such a problem for you, You don’t have to read it, and certainly don’t need to comment on it. You didn’t bust anything. As you can tell I edit quite a bit of my posts. For the most part it’s just adding my thoughts instead of adding another post.

My last organized game was in high school, unless you count Xavier intramurals which of course I don’t. I’ve coached, played and watched enough to know quite a bit. I appreciate your interest so much in me. You constantly get things wrong though. I have a boy and a girl… twins. They are super excited about Santa coming. Merry Christmas. It really sounds like you need to just stop and enjoy the holiday.

ZERO proof that you went to either of those games - ZERO.

Who goes to a game with 11 other people, or their parents, and makes comments about the game on a message board? And then, makes edits to some of those comments. It's stretches the bounds of all credulity. There is nothing in your comments during those games that would lead anyone to believe that you were there. You absolutely would've pounded your chest to make sure we all knew that you were there. Sorry, but that's who you are.

You're absolutely lying again. Just like you're trying to obfuscate what really happened after editing your comment about attending 6 games at that point in the season that I busted your ass on. You have a very long record of lying and making shit up. You have ZERO credibility with me, and many other posters who know all about your shenanigans.

12-25-2024, 10:13 AM
ZERO proof that you went to either of those games - ZERO.

Who goes to a game with 11 other people, or their parents, and makes comments about the game on a message board? And then, makes edits to some of those comments. It's stretches the bounds of all credulity. There is nothing in your comments during those games that would lead anyone to believe that you were there. You absolutely would've pounded your chest to make sure we all knew that you were there. Sorry, but that's who you are.

You're absolutely lying again. Just like you're trying to obfuscate what really happened after editing your comment about attending 6 games at that point in the season that I busted your ass on. You have a very long record of lying and making shit up. You have ZERO credibility with me, and many other posters who know all about your shenanigans.

It was Reunion Weekend. Not sure you understand how that works. I hung out with 30 of my classmates from the class of '94 and about 60 from the class of '99. And I'm pretty sure sure he lives in Louisville which is only an hour and a half away. It's easy to make a 630 game and be home before 1130.

12-25-2024, 10:43 AM
I went to my reunion weekend game with a whole bunch of old classmates...and strangely we all ended up afterwards at Dana's.

Good times!

12-25-2024, 11:56 AM
I went to my reunion weekend game with a whole bunch of old classmates...and strangely we all ended up afterwards at Dana's.

Good times!

Color me shocked! [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

12-25-2024, 06:20 PM
I went to my reunion weekend game with a whole bunch of old classmates...and strangely we all ended up afterwards at Dana's.

Good times!

Thanks Paul and Bj. The amount of psychosis one has to have to believe I would lie, let alone lie about that is simply astounding. Maybe it’s something he routinely does so he thinks that’s normal? Regardless I’m done responding to him.

Paul, if you were there right after the game that night, we were there at the same time and didn’t even know it :). Great times as always. We actually decided to stay the whole weekend in Norwood at an Airbnb called the “convent.” Whoever owns it turned what was the convent at one time, an Airbnb. If you have a big group of guys ever in Cincinnati for a weekend, I’d highly recommend it. Walking distance to Cintas.

Hope everyone had a merry Christmas.

12-26-2024, 05:49 PM
More proof that Vile is a liar: there's no way in hell there are 11 people on this planet that would consider him to be a friend....

12-27-2024, 09:19 AM
Thanks Paul and Bj. The amount of psychosis one has to have to believe I would lie, let alone lie about that is simply astounding. Maybe it’s something he routinely does so he thinks that’s normal? Regardless I’m done responding to him.

Paul, if you were there right after the game that night, we were there at the same time and didn’t even know it :). Great times as always. We actually decided to stay the whole weekend in Norwood at an Airbnb called the “convent.” Whoever owns it turned what was the convent at one time, an Airbnb. If you have a big group of guys ever in Cincinnati for a weekend, I’d highly recommend it. Walking distance to Cintas.

Hope everyone had a merry Christmas.

Why are you thanking them? Are you trying to falsely imply that they support you?

12-27-2024, 11:45 AM
Why are you thanking them? Are you trying to falsely imply that they support you?

I totally support Ville!

12-27-2024, 12:39 PM
I totally support Ville!

I’ll second that support!

12-27-2024, 01:26 PM
I’ll second that support!

Thanks Pham. I know you and I got into it in the offseason and I got way too personal, so for that I apologize. It’s been a very frustrating 7 or how many ever years it’s been since this program has been rolling, and I know we both just want to see it turned around.

12-27-2024, 01:27 PM
I totally support Ville!

Thank you sir. Very much appreciated

12-27-2024, 01:38 PM
I totally support Ville!

No surprise, you're one of his sycophants...

12-27-2024, 01:40 PM
I’ll second that support!

Phan - how many shit sandwiches has Ville served you over the years? He just admitted he got way too personal, and yet you still support him?

Stockholm syndrome??

12-27-2024, 02:44 PM
I totally support Dana's. Does that count?

Strange Brew
12-29-2024, 01:14 AM
Biden vetoed a bipartisan bill to add additional judgships amid an overburdened judiciary because he doesn't want Trump to have the opportunity to appoint more judges.


Muskie in dayton
12-29-2024, 10:20 AM
The Feds released photos showing then-VP Biden meeting Hunter’s China business partners. The GOP oversight committee had financial records from subpoenas demonstrating the money laundering scheme. Yet the R’s did nothing. I wonder why? /s

The government in its current form is corrupt and unethical beyond all imagination. It must be destroyed.

12-29-2024, 12:48 PM
Phan - how many shit sandwiches has Ville served you over the years? He just admitted he got way too personal, and yet you still support him?

Stockholm syndrome??

On Ville,

The only real disagreement I had with him that I remember was with Millers timing on taking a vacation at the end of last season. I have always been raised and follow the saying “work before play”. I felt after last season being arguably the worst season in recent memory for Xavier basketball that Miller needed to nail the transfer portal to rebuild the roster for this season. Maybe I didn’t articulate my issue well enough but I would have thought taking a vacation after the portal closed would have looked better than to do right before the portal opened. Missing on not getting Ike and struggling to get a front court player to compete in the paint was a big issue and Free not being healthy. To his credit, Miller did a great job in the portal getting the backcourt recruits but in my opinion struggled again in the front court. Hughley just wasn’t the guy in my opinion and we are going to struggle in the Big East again I am afraid. Injuries haven’t helped either though. Ville wasn’t the only one so maybe I was in the wrong. Anyways, we may have disagreed but I think we both want what is best for the program.

What I really respect about Ville is that he isnÂ’t a staunch Dem or Pub on this board. Love his take on Robert Kennedy about liking his ideas about artificial food additives needing to be removed and calling him out on vaccine ideas. So refreshing to see someone actually pick the positives and negatives of these politicians and political unions instead of agreeing with everything they do or say based on if there is a D or R next to their name. I may not agree with everything he says but I know that I donÂ’t agree with everything anyone on this board says.

12-30-2024, 11:14 AM
A federal appeals court on Monday upheld a $5 million verdict that E. Jean Carroll won against Donald Trump when a jury found the U.S. president-elect liable for sexually abusing and later defaming the former magazine columnist.


Sounds like a good role model for the youth of our country.

Muskie in dayton
01-01-2025, 12:31 PM

Sounds like a good role model for the youth of our country.
Who the hell is stupid enough to take a politician as a role model? Sheesh.

Muskie in dayton
01-01-2025, 12:35 PM
Just for fun, watch the leftist media tie themselves in knots trying to avoid reporting that the NOLA attack was perpetrated by a Muslim terrorist who crossed the border illegally just a few days ago.

My New Year’s wish: the media actually reports news without lies and gaslighting.

01-01-2025, 01:18 PM
Just for fun, watch the leftist media tie themselves in knots trying to avoid reporting that the NOLA attack was perpetrated by a Muslim terrorist who crossed the border illegally just a few days ago.

My New Year’s wish: the media actually reports news without lies and gaslighting.

The suspect in Wednesday’s deadly New Orleans crowd attack had an ISIS flag at the time of the incident, two law enforcement sources tell CNN.
One of the sources also said multiple suspected explosive devices were found in an ice chest in the pickup truck used in the attack.
The FBI, which is leading the investigation, has said it is treating the incident as an “act of terrorism.”

The suspect in Wednesday’s deadly New Orleans crowd attack was a US citizen, two sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.
Officials have not released additional information on the suspect, who died at the scene


Leftist media ties itself into a knot.

Muskie in dayton
01-01-2025, 01:29 PM
Guess they can’t hide anymore. Trump effect. Can we now revisit Waukesha?

Muskie in dayton
01-01-2025, 01:44 PM
Now we have an exploding Cybertruck outside the Trump Hotel in Vegas. You leftists are wack-jobs.

01-01-2025, 03:55 PM
Why the rush to judgment. You said the New Orleans deal was "someone who crossed the border illegally just a few days ago."
Turns out he was a US citizen who had served in the army.

Now some "leftists are wack-jobs" you indicate are responsible for a Tesla truck fire/explosion in Las Vegas.
You know Teslas (built by the noted right wing wack-job Musk) occasionally burst into flame.
Just maybe that's what happened, and isn't fully known yet what the cause was.

You get some crappy news feeds there in Dayton. Oh, I get it. Trump linked New Orleans to illegal immigration.

01-01-2025, 04:13 PM
All the media outlets rush to get the story out first with little in the way of fact checking or confirmations. Too many times, once one outlet reports something, everyone else runs with it, too, even if it turns out to be wrong. Now it’s being reported that the guy in NOLA had an ISIS flag in his truck and IEDs. The Cyber Truck is reported to have been full of firework mortars. I’m sure the “facts” will keep changing for the rest of today, at a minimum

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

01-01-2025, 04:42 PM
Why the rush to judgment. You said the New Orleans deal was "someone who crossed the border illegally just a few days ago."
Turns out he was a US citizen who had served in the army.

Now some "leftists are wack-jobs" you indicate are responsible for a Tesla truck fire/explosion in Las Vegas.
You know Teslas (built by the noted right wing wack-job Musk) occasionally burst into flame.
Just maybe that's what happened, and isn't fully known yet what the cause was.

You get some crappy news feeds there in Dayton. Oh, I get it. Trump linked New Orleans to illegal immigration.

Seriously, are you saying neither of these are terrorists attacks? Sounds like someone is getting a bad news feed in SC...

Muskie in dayton
01-01-2025, 04:56 PM
Why the rush to judgment. You said the New Orleans deal was "someone who crossed the border illegally just a few days ago."
Turns out he was a US citizen who had served in the army.

Now some "leftists are wack-jobs" you indicate are responsible for a Tesla truck fire/explosion in Las Vegas.
You know Teslas (built by the noted right wing wack-job Musk) occasionally burst into flame.
Just maybe that's what happened, and isn't fully known yet what the cause was.

You get some crappy news feeds there in Dayton. Oh, I get it. Trump linked New Orleans to illegal immigration.
Re: NOLA, the truck crossed the border several days ago. There are 4-5 more co-conspirators at large. I think YOU need to let that one play out.
Re: Vegas, if walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

My news feeds are the most reliable because they are NOT legacy media. The legacy media that just told me confidently the “truck attack” caused the Sugar Bowl to be postponed. Look out friends! The trucks are attacking!

01-01-2025, 05:18 PM
"Teslas occasionally burst into flame" Oh, really Paul? Did that really look like a spontaneous burst of flame? Seriously??

Oh yea, 'built by the noted right wing wack-job Musk" Was that before or after he was a left wing wack-job?

From Elon just now:

Elon Musk

We have now confirmed that the explosion was caused by very large fireworks and/or a bomb carried in the bed of the rented Cybertruck and is unrelated to the vehicle itself.

All vehicle telemetry was positive at the time of the explosion.

01-01-2025, 05:24 PM
Re: NOLA, the truck crossed the border several days ago. There are 4-5 more co-conspirators at large. I think YOU need to let that one play out.
Re: Vegas, if walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

My news feeds are the most reliable because they are NOT legacy media. The legacy media that just told me confidently the “truck attack” caused the Sugar Bowl to be postponed. Look out friends! The trucks are attacking!

You need to heed your own advice of letting it play out. You’re the one who rushed to judgment. If it’s not “legacy” media what’s your source? X? Lol

Regardless, there are now people dead, and your first instinct is to start blaming one side or the other like a politician. Maybe have a bit of sense.

Muskie in dayton
01-01-2025, 05:25 PM
"Teslas occasionally burst into flame" Oh, really Paul? Did that really look like a spontaneous burst of flame? Seriously??

Oh yea, 'built by the noted right wing wack-job Musk" Was that before or after he was a left wing wack-job?

From Elon just now:

Elon Musk

We have now confirmed that the explosion was caused by very large fireworks and/or a bomb carried in the bed of the rented Cybertruck and is unrelated to the vehicle itself.

All vehicle telemetry was positive at the time of the explosion.
The video clearly shows this was an explosion, not one of those EV battery fires. Paul’s media wouldn’t want us to see that video.

Muskie in dayton
01-01-2025, 05:32 PM
You have one guy who used facts, but had a shitty presentation night, apparently compounded by a cold and stuttering from childhood.
“Your news sources are bad”

Muskie in dayton
01-01-2025, 05:39 PM
You need to heed your own advice of letting it play out. You’re the one who rushed to judgment. If it’s not “legacy” media what’s your source? X? Lol

Regardless, there are now people dead, and your first instinct is to start blaming one side or the other like a politician. Maybe have a bit of sense.
So let me explain something to you: X is a social media platform. News sources - left leaning, right-leaning and independent journalists post on X. The combination of those sources is far more reliable than legacy media.

When the planes hit the WTC building did you hold out assigning blame? Terrorism doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt.

01-01-2025, 05:42 PM
So let me explain something to you: X is a social media platform. News sources - left leaning, right-leaning and independent journalists post on X. The combination of those sources is far more reliable than legacy media.

When the planes hit the WTC building did you hold out assigning blame? Terrorism doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt.

It's like he's stuck in the 20th century or something...

01-01-2025, 05:47 PM
Guess who donated to ActBlue: https://x.com/DC_Draino/status/1874532234096730119

01-01-2025, 05:49 PM
So let me explain something to you: X is a social media platform. News sources - left leaning, right-leaning and independent journalists post on X. The combination of those sources is far more reliable than legacy media.

When the planes hit the WTC building did you hold out assigning blame? Terrorism doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt.

Let me explain something to you. Where do you think x “news sources” information comes from. Why do you think they post on a social media site? Anyone can say literally anything on x.

There have been things on x about this very situation that have come out to be complete nonsense. You really need should not be preaching to anyone about where they get their news from.

Regardless there are people dead, and your first reaction is to point fingers like a politician. Maybe reevaluate your life.

The wtc really? Yeah bad example considering most still don’t know from which country or who actually committed that. Also, I was more concerned with the people that were dead and or dying than pointing fingers the first day like a normal human being.

01-01-2025, 05:59 PM
Re: NOLA, the truck crossed the border several days ago.

Some Texas officials seized on the incident to call for tighter immigration controls, after Fox News reported that the truck used in the attack had recently entered the country at the southern border. The network later retracted the report, saying the truck entered the country in November — earlier than first reported — and was driven by someone who “does not appear to be the shooter.” Patrick, who is acting governor with Abbott out of the state, said Jabbar rented the truck on Dec. 30.

Ford pickup that “appears to have been rented


Why...it may have even been in Dayton last week.

01-01-2025, 06:05 PM

Why...it may have even been in Dayton last week.

Who the fuck cares. It's an irrelevant mistake. Fact is, this guy is a terrorist, and a leftist whack-job. He's one of yours!!! Mid got most of this correct from the beginning.

Pull your damn head out once in awhile.

01-01-2025, 06:21 PM
I love that terrorist = leftist. Good gawd the value of a diploma decreases by the day

01-01-2025, 06:28 PM
I love that terrorist = leftist. Good gawd the value of a diploma decreases by the day

Keep up... Reading comprehension problems again?

01-01-2025, 06:31 PM
This is quite the hilarious statement. Though I made a correction for you:

Anyone can say literally anything on xavierhoops.com.

Yea, Ville, I watched yesterday's game from the Whitehouse.

01-01-2025, 07:16 PM
Now we have an exploding Cybertruck outside the Trump Hotel in Vegas. You leftists are wack-jobs.

For the iq of Lou people

01-01-2025, 07:24 PM
Now we have an exploding Cybertruck outside the Trump Hotel in Vegas. You leftists are wack-jobs.

An exploding Cybertruck outside the Trump Hotel intentionally done by a leftist? Has Elon commented yet on how it exploded and who the leftist wack job is? This can’t be real right?

01-01-2025, 07:45 PM
If Tesla’s or any EV suddenly burst into flames (sounds it didn’t in this case), shouldn’t we pump the brakes on mandates? I agree with BJF, stories will change all the time. Unfortunately the legacy media will lose their interest if it doesn’t fit their narrative.

As for the Cybertruck explosion, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out. You know the Elon vehicle in front of a Trump tower.

01-01-2025, 07:52 PM
If Tesla’s or any EV suddenly burst into flames (sounds it didn’t in this case), shouldn’t we pump the brakes on mandates? I agree with BJF, stories will change all the time. Unfortunately the legacy media will lose their interest if it doesn’t fit their narrative.

As for the Cybertruck explosion, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out. You know the Elon vehicle in front of a Trump tower.

I have to say it is quite the coincidence that it’s an Elon vehicle exploding in front of a Trump Hotel. Did the explosion come from something planted inside a MyPillow on the passenger seat? Will be interesting to see all the details play out on this one.

01-01-2025, 09:12 PM
The government in its current form is corrupt and unethical beyond all imagination. It must be destroyed.

It's not just that they're corrupt. Yes, that is true. More importantly, they are traitors. Every single person in the Biden admin is a traitor. They've sold the security of this country for God only knows what reason. I guess it comes down to letting hundreds, if not thousands of terrorists into this country was acceptable so long as they can maintain congressional seats in blue states.

It's not just terrorists, they've allowed all types of criminal gangs, rapists, and drugs that have killed more American citizens in four years than the total number of Americans killed in all wars since WWII - combined. They've allowed our cities to crumble into criminal chaos.

They are redistributing billions of Americans dollars to a phony, corrupt war in Ukraine, while allowing the victims of the hurricane in WNC to freeze in tents.

I was of the opinion that it would be best for Trump to move-on from these traitors, but I now think he has to go after all of them and punish them to fullest extent. What they've done to this country is absolutely unconscionable.

01-02-2025, 10:47 AM
It's not just that they're corrupt. Yes, that is true. More importantly, they are traitors. Every single person in the Biden admin is a traitor. They've sold the security of this country for God only knows what reason. I guess it comes down to letting hundreds, if not thousands of terrorists into this country was acceptable so long as they can maintain congressional seats in blue states.

It's not just terrorists, they've allowed all types of criminal gangs, rapists, and drugs that have killed more American citizens in four years than the total number of Americans killed in all wars since WWII - combined. They've allowed our cities to crumble into criminal chaos.

They are redistributing billions of Americans dollars to a phony, corrupt war in Ukraine, while allowing the victims of the hurricane in WNC to freeze in tents.

I was of the opinion that it would be best for Trump to move-on from these traitors, but I now think he has to go after all of them and punish them to fullest extent. What they've done to this country is absolutely unconscionable.

This might be the first post I have ever read on this thread where I agree with every sentence. The lefties are totally traitors who have destroyed our security, our economy, and our rights as Americans. I think you are right and itÂ’s finally time for Trump to Make America Great Again! So, the first thing Trump should do after passing legislation for tax cuts to the top 2% and funding for building a wall spanning the southern border is to deport all the lefties in this country. Get rid of them as they are traitors. How will he ever make America Great Again with them? I donÂ’t see how. Do massive round up of all lefties and transport them to California. A good chunk of them are there anyways. Just use voter registration to figure out who they are and go get them. They will then be shipped/deported using Disney Cruise ships to North Korea and China where their governments can deal with them. Then this country will be completely or almost completely made up of true patriots who will make this country the greatest in the world.

01-02-2025, 10:59 AM
This might be the first post I have ever read on this thread where I agree with every sentence. The lefties are totally traitors who have destroyed our security, our economy, and our rights as Americans. I think you are right and itÂ’s finally time for Trump to Make America Great Again! So, the first thing Trump should do after passing legislation for tax cuts to the top 2% and funding for building a wall spanning the southern border is to deport all the lefties in this country. Get rid of them as they are traitors. How will he ever make America Great Again with them? I donÂ’t see how. Do massive round up of all lefties and transport them to California. A good chunk of them are there anyways. Just use voter registration to figure out who they are and go get them. They will then be shipped/deported using Disney Cruise ships to North Korea and China where their governments can deal with them. Then this country will be completely or almost completely made up of true patriots who will make this country the greatest in the world.

Yes! then California will just secede from the union, and we will be ready to take over the world again! I can't wait.

01-02-2025, 11:03 AM
It would seem as if some people are still hung over from New Year's eve.

01-02-2025, 11:07 AM
Shamsud-Din Jabbar - NOLA

Matt Livelsberger - LV bomber

Ryan Routh - would be Trump assassin

All three guys have connections to Fort Bragg. Livelsberger and Routh were Ukraine sympathizers. Yes, we're starting to get a profile of what these people are. What do you think it is? Paul??

Thank God we rooted out all those "white supremacists" and all those bumpkins who wouldn't get the jab from the military!

And thank God the FBI is laser-focused on the real threats posed by all those grandmas standing in front of abortion clinics!

01-02-2025, 11:28 AM
Yes! then California will just secede from the union, and we will be ready to take over the world again! I can't wait.

Then we would have to build a border wall around California to keep all of the liberals out of America. Why not just deport all the liberals in California to Russia and let Putin deal with them. The only problem with California is that there are too many liberals. Just get rid of them and the state would be great! That’s how you Make America GREAT Again!

01-02-2025, 11:30 AM
Then we would have to build a border wall around California to keep all of the liberals out of America. Why not just deport all the liberals in California to Russia and let Putin deal with them. The only problem with California is that there are too many liberals. Just get rid of them and the state would be great! That’s how you Make America GREAT Again!

Really good points, then of course the next step is buying Canada… of course we’d have to get all the liberals out of there too. So much work to be done to make America and our 51st state great again!

01-02-2025, 11:36 AM
Just as it is about to surpass Germany to become the world's 4th largest economy.
Sounds like good planning...or the NCAA.

01-02-2025, 12:04 PM
In all seriousness, it looks like that at the least the NOLA terrorist was radicalized by ISIS. It'd be prudent to figure out the how, when and why rather than blaming things that don't connect like "leftists, border crossings, etc"

01-02-2025, 12:50 PM
In all seriousness, it looks like that at the least the NOLA terrorist was radicalized by ISIS. It'd be prudent to figure out the how, when and why rather than blaming things that don't connect like "leftists, border crossings, etc"

Any updates on the Cybertruck explosion? Just odd that a Cybertruck (Musk) blew up in front of Trump Hotel. I have heard everything from a mechanical failure in the truck itself to a leftist whacko purposely blew it up. Wondered if anyone has heard anything new updates on it.

01-02-2025, 12:53 PM
Any updates on the Cybertruck explosion? Just odd that a Cybertruck (Musk) blew up in front of Trump Hotel. I have heard everything from a mechanical failure in the truck itself to a leftist whacko purposely blew it up. Wondered if anyone has heard anything new updates on it.

Have you ever heard of Google?

01-02-2025, 12:57 PM
I love how people opine on shit when they don't even know what the hell's going on.

It's like covid all over again. The facts are staring them right in the eyes, but they refuse to connect the dots.

01-02-2025, 01:25 PM
Any updates on the Cybertruck explosion? Just odd that a Cybertruck (Musk) blew up in front of Trump Hotel. I have heard everything from a mechanical failure in the truck itself to a leftist whacko purposely blew it up. Wondered if anyone has heard anything new updates on it.

From actual news sources, fbi and investigators haven’t found a link but you’d have to think there is, right? Just too much of a coincidence. How people can be radicalized like that is scary stuff.

01-02-2025, 02:04 PM
Just for fun, watch the leftist media tie themselves in knots trying to avoid reporting that the NOLA attack was perpetrated by a Muslim terrorist who crossed the border illegally just a few days ago.

My New Year’s wish: the media actually reports news without lies and gaslighting.

So was the border crossing part of your amazing news sources from x? Maybe you should rethink your sources. American born, army man who was radicalized by isis. Consider being a more intelligent member of society

01-02-2025, 02:05 PM
Re: NOLA, the truck crossed the border several days ago. There are 4-5 more co-conspirators at large. I think YOU need to let that one play out.
Re: Vegas, if walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

My news feeds are the most reliable because they are NOT legacy media. The legacy media that just told me confidently the “truck attack” caused the Sugar Bowl to be postponed. Look out friends! The trucks are attacking!

Crossed the border days ago huh? Nope wrong again

01-02-2025, 02:08 PM
This might be the first post I have ever read on this thread where I agree with every sentence. The lefties are totally traitors who have destroyed our security, our economy, and our rights as Americans. I think you are right and itÂ’s finally time for Trump to Make America Great Again! So, the first thing Trump should do after passing legislation for tax cuts to the top 2% and funding for building a wall spanning the southern border is to deport all the lefties in this country. Get rid of them as they are traitors. How will he ever make America Great Again with them? I donÂ’t see how. Do massive round up of all lefties and transport them to California. A good chunk of them are there anyways. Just use voter registration to figure out who they are and go get them. They will then be shipped/deported using Disney Cruise ships to North Korea and China where their governments can deal with them. Then this country will be completely or almost completely made up of true patriots who will make this country the greatest in the world.

In lou and mid’s world isis= leftist. The amount of stupidity spewed by these guys on a daily basis would be hysterical if it wasn’t so sad. I guess being radicalized isn’t that hard. Lou and mid are by x and trump. Long live trump and Gaetz!

01-02-2025, 03:44 PM
In lou and mid’s world isis= leftist. The amount of stupidity spewed by these guys on a daily basis would be hysterical if it wasn’t so sad. I guess being radicalized isn’t that hard. Lou and mid are by x and trump. Long live trump and Gaetz!

Hey blind jackass: which party did the NOLA terrorist donate to? Have you seen the SM postings of the LV bomber and his wife? Pull your head out of your ass once in awhile.

Again, you're making shit up out of nowhere. You complain about twitter not being a news source, and yet you make wild-ass conclusions that come out of your ass all the time. You're always the first one to jump to the conclusion that a player must be having mental issues if they leave a team. And yet, there is NEVER a basis for these claims. ZERO. Talk about hubris. Talk about irresponsibility. Who the fuck are you to make claims like that?

Who the fuck is equating isis with leftists?

Gaetz? Again, what the fuck are you talking about?

You continue to prove that you're a congenital liar.

01-02-2025, 03:51 PM
Lou, this is a political thread. If you want to talk basketball, go over to those threads and post so the rest of the board can see how insane and stupid you are.

You made an entire post about how you haven’t equated isis = leftist while spending the first part of your post doing exactly that.

01-02-2025, 03:59 PM
Lou, this is a political thread. If you want to talk basketball, go over to those threads and post so the rest of the board can see how insane and stupid you are.

You made an entire post about how you haven’t equated isis = leftist while spending the first part of your post doing exactly that.

Reading's not your thing, is it?

01-02-2025, 04:06 PM
Guess who donated to ActBlue: https://x.com/DC_Draino/status/1874532234096730119

Just a reminder to everyone how stupid you are and how you try to gaslight people with your insanity. Please keep posting. It’s beyond amusing how everyone is laughing at you and you have such a lack of awareness you don’t even realize it

01-02-2025, 04:45 PM
Just a reminder to everyone how stupid you are and how you try to gaslight people with your insanity. Please keep posting. It’s beyond amusing how everyone is laughing at you and you have such a lack of awareness you don’t even realize it

Thanks for pointing out that you just exposed yourself as a liar!


01-02-2025, 04:48 PM
Our resident psycho lies so much he can't help himself. Does he ever tell the truth about anything?

This was just a week ago, and yet:

Thanks Paul and Bj. The amount of psychosis one has to have to believe I would lie, let alone lie about that is simply astounding. Maybe it’s something he routinely does so he thinks that’s normal? Regardless I’m done responding to him.

Paul, if you were there right after the game that night, we were there at the same time and didn’t even know it :). Great times as always. We actually decided to stay the whole weekend in Norwood at an Airbnb called the “convent.” Whoever owns it turned what was the convent at one time, an Airbnb. If you have a big group of guys ever in Cincinnati for a weekend, I’d highly recommend it. Walking distance to Cintas.

Hope everyone had a merry Christmas.


01-02-2025, 04:50 PM
Our resident psycho lies so much he can't help himself. Does he ever tell the truth about anything?

This was just a week ago, and yet:


Oh no!you got me! I almost care! But wait there’s more!

01-02-2025, 04:53 PM
Why are you thanking them? Are you trying to falsely imply that they support you?

So wait was it false, Lou? I forget. Please keep posting. Your level of psychosis is striking. Mid looks smart compared to you.

Please start posting on the basketball threads consistently too. Everyone could use some amusement in the new year

01-02-2025, 05:29 PM
So wait was it false, Lou? I forget. Please keep posting. Your level of psychosis is striking. Mid looks smart compared to you.

Please start posting on the basketball threads consistently too. Everyone could use some amusement in the new year

No need, there are enough people over there that already have you pegged.

I mean, it's not like it's some secret that you're a psycho.


01-02-2025, 05:36 PM
Run roh lou. Family is saying cyber truck explosion guy was a big trump supporter. Where were you yesterday?

I’m sure you’ll retract your statement about leftist whackjobs. I’ll hang up and listen lol.

01-02-2025, 05:38 PM
No need, there are enough people over there that already have you pegged.

I mean, it's not like it's some secret that you're a psycho.


lol oh man if you only knew

Wanna retract your statements yet? Ruh roh.

Where were you yesterday lou

Muskie in dayton
01-02-2025, 06:32 PM
So was the border crossing part of your amazing news sources from x? Maybe you should rethink your sources. American born, army man who was radicalized by isis. Consider being a more intelligent member of society
Wait, so now we’re NOT going to let this play out?!?

Muskie in dayton
01-02-2025, 06:36 PM
Run roh lou. Family is saying cyber truck explosion guy was a big trump supporter. Where were you yesterday?

I’m sure you’ll retract your statement about leftist whackjobs. I’ll hang up and listen lol.
Yes, a big Trump supporter exploded a Musk company’s vehicle in front of Trump’s hotel. Think about how ridiculous that sounds.

Maybe you went to X after they started the new curriculum, but when I was there, they taught critical thinking.

01-02-2025, 06:37 PM
Wait, so now we’re NOT going to let this play out?!?

I don’t care what the guy is, you’re the ones obsessed with it. I’m just making fun of Lou and you with your constant “leftist whack job” nonsense as if one side has a monopoly on whack jobs. You two are peas in a pod of partisan blinders

01-02-2025, 06:53 PM
Yes, a big Trump supporter exploded a Musk company’s vehicle in front of Trump’s hotel. Think about how ridiculous that sounds.

Maybe you went to X after they started the new curriculum, but when I was there, they taught critical thinking.

Take it up with his family, his Facebook posts and his internet activity. Again, I don’t care, but you and Lou really need to stop and think every once in a while before making asinine posts. I personally don’t care about a person’s political leanings that would do something like this. Its you and Lou and the rest of you partisan hacks that are obsessed with it

Muskie in dayton
01-02-2025, 06:54 PM
The FBI ran cover for the Russian election interference hoax.
The FBI manufactured the claim that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”.
The FBI raided Mar-a-largo under orders to shoot to kill and put fake “confidential” cover pages on documents.
The FBI entrapped people in the Whitmer “kidnapping plot”.
The FBI stages “Patriot Front” fake nazi rallies.
The FBI has spent the last 4 years arresting Trump supporters that didn’t even enter the Capital on 1/6, old ladies who pray in front of abortion clinics, and moms who speak out against pornography in schools.
The FBI is a Marxist shithole.

Just some things to keep in mind while the FBI “investigates” these terrorist attacks.

Muskie in dayton
01-02-2025, 06:55 PM
Take it up with his family, his Facebook posts and his internet activity. Again, I don’t care, but you and Lou really need to stop and think every once in a while before making asinine posts. I personally don’t care about a person’s political leanings that would do something like this. Its you and Lou and the rest of you partisan hacks that are obsessed with it
“Partisan”. You are so simple-minded.

01-02-2025, 06:55 PM
The FBI ran cover for the Russian election interference hoax.
The FBI manufactured the claim that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”.
The FBI raided Mar-a-largo under orders to shoot to kill and put fake “confidential” cover pages on documents.
The FBI entrapped people in the Whitmer “kidnapping plot”.
The FBI stages “Patriot Front” fake nazi rallies.
The FBI has spent the last 4 years arresting Trump supporters that didn’t even enter the Capital on 1/6, old ladies who pray in front of abortion clinics, and moms who speak out against pornography in schools.
The FBI is a Marxist shithole.

Just some things to keep in mind while the FBI “investigates” these terrorist attacks.

lol there it is. I was waiting for it.

01-02-2025, 06:59 PM
Wait, so now we’re NOT going to let this play out?!?

Thank you! Can we please wait until Elon reports what actually happened based on the Tesla data from the vehicle. Sure he will tell us what really happened.

01-02-2025, 07:03 PM
Thank you! Can we please wait until Elon reports what actually happened based on the Tesla data from the vehicle. Sure he will tell us what really happened.

We should wait until trump tells us what really happened. Then, take it as gospel. The golden calf

01-02-2025, 07:05 PM
“Partisan”. You are so simple-minded.

Yeah. How’s gaetz? We should get his feelings on this. Want to discount him and his actions yet or just ignore it? Or, wait… yeah probably those fbi hacks

01-02-2025, 07:28 PM
lol there it is. I was waiting for it.

Maybe I am living under a rock? The FBI were given shoot to kill orders at Mar-a-Lago over a search for classified documents? Is that true? Who gave those orders and why weren’t they followed? The radical left?

01-02-2025, 07:59 PM
Maybe I am living under a rock? The FBI were given shoot to kill orders at Mar-a-Lago over a search for classified documents? Is that true? Who gave those orders and why weren’t they followed? The radical left?

Don't be so easily fooled by the things this guy claims. It's difficult for him to be truthful.


01-02-2025, 08:25 PM
Take it up with his family, his Facebook posts and his internet activity. Again, I don’t care, but you and Lou really need to stop and think every once in a while before making asinine posts. I personally don’t care about a person’s political leanings that would do something like this. Its you and Lou and the rest of you partisan hacks that are obsessed with it

OMG! Listen to yourself? Do you have any fucking self awareness whatsoever?

This is so fucking rich, coming from the guy who has claimed that three Xavier players have had some type of mental health issues - with nothing whatsoever to base those claims on. Jesus Christ, what the hell is wrong with you?

01-02-2025, 08:41 PM
OMG! Listen to yourself? Do you have any fucking self awareness whatsoever?

This is so fucking rich, coming from the guy who has claimed that three Xavier players have had some type of mental health issues - with nothing whatsoever to base those claims on. Jesus Christ, what the hell is wrong with you?

If you want to discuss basketball, bring it over to that forum. And please you literally have no clue what you are talking about.

01-02-2025, 08:48 PM
Wait, so now we’re NOT going to let this play out?!?

I don’t care what the guy is, you’re the ones obsessed with it. I’m just making fun of Lou and you with your constant “leftist whack job” nonsense as if one side has a monopoly on whack jobs. You two are peas in a pod of partisan blinders

It sounds like the leftwing whack job moniker has hit a little too close to home for Vile. No?

01-02-2025, 08:49 PM
If you want to discuss basketball, bring it over to that forum. And please you literally have no clue what you are talking about.

Nice attempt at diversion, clown. No one's buying it.

Muskie in dayton
01-02-2025, 08:52 PM
The FBI ran cover for the Russian election interference hoax.
The FBI manufactured the claim that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”.
The FBI raided Mar-a-largo under orders to shoot to kill and put fake “confidential” cover pages on documents.
The FBI entrapped people in the Whitmer “kidnapping plot”.
The FBI stages “Patriot Front” fake nazi rallies.
The FBI has spent the last 4 years arresting Trump supporters that didn’t even enter the Capital on 1/6, old ladies who pray in front of abortion clinics, and moms who speak out against pornography in schools.
The FBI is a Marxist shithole.

Just some things to keep in mind while the FBI “investigates” these terrorist attacks.
And as I was posting this, Congress just released a damning report of how the FBI engages in a cover up of the investigation into the J6 bombs.

The same FBI that had “at least 2 dozen” undercover agents inciting J6. How did I forget that one?

Muskie in dayton
01-02-2025, 08:55 PM
Don't be so easily fooled by the things this guy claims. It's difficult for him to be truthful.

Yes, surely the left wing “fact checkers” will set me straight. After all, they did support the Hunter laptop as Russian disinformation. <<insert clown emoji>>

01-02-2025, 09:10 PM
Nice attempt at diversion, clown. No one's buying it.

Who are you talking to? No one listens to you or likes you.

I’ll leave you to jacking off
Mid now

01-02-2025, 09:22 PM
Who are you talking to? No one listens to you or likes you.

I’ll leave you to jacking off
Mid now

You sound like a UK fan now...


Muskie in dayton
01-02-2025, 10:00 PM
The call is coming from inside your house.

01-03-2025, 01:22 AM
Now we have an exploding Cybertruck outside the Trump Hotel in Vegas. You leftists are wack-jobs.

Now that it’s been confirmed by numerous sources, I fully
Expect that you’ll issue an apology and blame the right for this atrocity.

I also fully expect that you will condemn gaetz’s actions. Or, are you just a coward like lou?

Neither side has a monopoly on whackjobs. I sincerely hope you understand that now.

I also hope that the next time something like this happens, which it will, you will just shut the fuck up and realize these are real people with real families dead.

Lou is fucking hopeless, id hope you’re not.

01-03-2025, 07:24 AM
The FBI ran cover for the Russian election interference hoax.
The FBI manufactured the claim that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”.
The FBI raided Mar-a-largo under orders to shoot to kill and put fake “confidential” cover pages on documents.
The FBI entrapped people in the Whitmer “kidnapping plot”.
The FBI stages “Patriot Front” fake nazi rallies.
The FBI has spent the last 4 years arresting Trump supporters that didn’t even enter the Capital on 1/6, old ladies who pray in front of abortion clinics, and moms who speak out against pornography in schools.
The FBI is a Marxist shithole.

Just some things to keep in mind while the FBI “investigates” these terrorist attacks.

Public reps since the man is keeping me down. This agency is at the top of the "need to drain" list in the swamp. A very present danger to the people they've sworn to protect.

01-03-2025, 10:27 AM
Muskie in dayton - be sure to ask Vile about how he was able to diagnose three different Xavier players as having mental issues based on absolutely nothing - there was absolutely ZERO basis to make any of those asinine, whack-job conclusions....

Has Vile offered an apology to those players and their families yet?

When is Vile going to condemn the pedophilia of the members of the Lincoln Project?

Now that it’s been confirmed by numerous sources, I fully
Expect that you’ll issue an apology and blame the right for this atrocity.

I also fully expect that you will condemn gaetz’s actions. Or, are you just a coward like lou?

Neither side has a monopoly on whackjobs. I sincerely hope you understand that now.

I also hope that the next time something like this happens, which it will, you will just shut the fuck up and realize these are real people with real families dead.

Lou is fucking hopeless, id hope you’re not.

01-03-2025, 10:39 AM
Muskie in dayton - be sure to ask Vile about how he was able to diagnose three different Xavier players as having mental issues based on absolutely nothing - there was absolutely ZERO basis to make any of those asinine, whack-job conclusions....

Has Vile offered an apology to those players and their families yet?

When is Vile going to condemn the pedophilia of the members of the Lincoln Project?

You are beyond stupid


If you look at Zach’s x he talks about it constantly how he suffered thru mental health issues due to his physical injuries. He’s a huge advocate. If you watch the Sean miller podcast with him, he mentions it there as well.

Trey green may or may not, but he never disclosed a physical injury. https://www.wlwt.com/article/xavier-musketeers-trey-green-health-issue-leave-absence/63162334

Again, please stop talking about things you know nothing about, and also there is a basketball forum that you are scared to post on for fear of getting banned again. You can tell about bb related things there.

I didn’t know mental health was such a crime. Maybe reevaluate your life, you could use some help. You’d think as a supposed Xavier basketball fan you’d know something about our players. It’s very obvious you don’t

01-03-2025, 11:13 AM
You are beyond stupid


If you look at Zach’s x he talks about it constantly how he suffered thru mental health issues due to his physical injuries. He’s a huge advocate. If you watch the Sean miller podcast with him, he mentions it there as well.

Trey green may or may not, but he never disclosed a physical injury. https://www.wlwt.com/article/xavier-musketeers-trey-green-health-issue-leave-absence/63162334

Again, please stop talking about things you know nothing about, and also there is a basketball forum that you are scared to post on for fear of getting banned again. You can tell about bb related things there.

I didn’t know mental health was such a crime. Maybe reevaluate your life, you could use some help. You’d think as a supposed Xavier basketball fan you’d know something about our players. It’s very obvious you don’t

1) So, Hugley and Zach were never among the three I'm referring to. I don't recall you making baseless claims against those guys. So are these 2 more guys to add to the list? As with the other three, it's more than likely you made baseless claims on these guys before anything was ever made public. How the hell would you know? Again, that's totally irresponsible on your part. How can you not recognize that?

2) You just admitted you have ZERO basis on your wild-ass assumption on Green

3) You say so much stupid shit on this board you can't even keep track of who your defaming anymore.

01-03-2025, 11:15 AM
1) So, Hugley and Zach were never among the three I'm referring to. I don't recall you making baseless claims against those guys. So are these 2 more guys to add to the list? As with the other three, it's more than likely you made baseless claims on these guys before anything was ever made public. How the hell would you know? Again, that's totally irresponsible on your part. How can you not recognize that?

2) You just admitted you have ZERO basis on your wild-ass assumption on Green

3) You say so much stupid shit on this board you can't even keep track of who your defaming anymore.

There are plenty of basketball threads you can post to regarding this subject. Go ahead and post there so everyone can see how clueless you are. Zero basis? Think it's pretty clear there is plenty of basis. I haven't defamed anyone. Go ahead and post in the basketball thread those three that you think I defamed so you can look like a complete idiot

01-03-2025, 11:18 AM
You are beyond stupid


If you look at Zach’s x he talks about it constantly how he suffered thru mental health issues due to his physical injuries. He’s a huge advocate. If you watch the Sean miller podcast with him, he mentions it there as well.

Trey green may or may not, but he never disclosed a physical injury. https://www.wlwt.com/article/xavier-musketeers-trey-green-health-issue-leave-absence/63162334

Again, please stop talking about things you know nothing about, and also there is a basketball forum that you are scared to post on for fear of getting banned again. You can tell about bb related things there.

I didn’t know mental health was such a crime. Maybe reevaluate your life, you could use some help. You’d think as a supposed Xavier basketball fan you’d know something about our players. It’s very obvious you don’t

How stupid and irresponsible do you have to be? From the Green article: "health-related issue"

Note: the word mental was never mentioned in the article. I'm really surprised you didn't conclude that he joined ISIS. Or maybe the circus.

Do you ever think before you post?

01-03-2025, 11:24 AM
How stupid and irresponsible do you have to be? From the Green article: "health-related issue"

Note: the word mental was never mentioned in the article. I'm really surprised you didn't conclude that he joined ISIS. Or maybe the circus.

Do you ever think before you post?

Just say critical thinking isn’t your strong suit so we can move on.

Great attempt at getting off topic though. As I said in the earlier post, you’re hopelesss

01-03-2025, 11:28 AM
Hey blind jackass: which party did the NOLA terrorist donate to? Have you seen the SM postings of the LV bomber and his wife? Pull your head out of your ass once in awhile.

Again, you're making shit up out of nowhere. You complain about twitter not being a news source, and yet you make wild-ass conclusions that come out of your ass all the time. You're always the first one to jump to the conclusion that a player must be having mental issues if they leave a team. And yet, there is NEVER a basis for these claims. ZERO. Talk about hubris. Talk about irresponsibility. Who the fuck are you to make claims like that?

Who the fuck is equating isis with leftists?

Gaetz? Again, what the fuck are you talking about?

You continue to prove that you're a congenital liar.

Ooops. I guess we will get a retraction from you any second now.



As far as Gaetz, I guess you missed MID's diatribe about Gaetz which suddenly he is now silent on after the House Ethics Committee released the report. I guess you missed that.

01-03-2025, 11:52 AM
Public reps since the man is keeping me down. This agency is at the top of the "need to drain" list in the swamp. A very present danger to the people they've sworn to protect.

I am curious what you think needs to happen for the swamp to be completely drained? Obviously you feel the FBI needs to gutted but what else needs to happen for the swamp to be drained in your opinion?

01-03-2025, 11:59 AM
From noted conservative Bill Kristol on what's in store:

"January 20, 2025 will mark the beginning of something new: A demagogue at the head of an authoritarian movement in control of the executive and to a considerable degree Congress, with a massive media infrastructure and oligarchs supporting him."


01-03-2025, 12:00 PM
That's not really new. It's just Republicans this time.

01-03-2025, 02:31 PM
Just say critical thinking isn’t your strong suit so we can move on.

Great attempt at getting off topic though. As I said in the earlier post, you’re hopelesss

This mental toddler pissing match "can move on" when you stop responding.

You're both a complete embarrassment. Stop cluttering up the thread with this worthless garbage. Your time and frequency posting here...nearly 24/7...tells me your lives must really suck. STFU or post something relevant.

01-03-2025, 02:59 PM
This mental toddler pissing match "can move on" when you stop responding.

You're both a complete embarrassment. Stop cluttering up the thread with this worthless garbage. Your time and frequency posting here...nearly 24/7...tells me your lives must really suck. STFU or post something relevant.

You do realize who starts this 100% of the time?

You do realize your on his shit list, and he does the exact same thing with you? He does this with about a dozen posters, some who have seemingly left the board.

Please, don't compare me to that psychopath. I can have a conversation with anyone, but this creep goes on attack mode immediately. Do you actually read the posts?

01-04-2025, 09:31 AM
This mental toddler pissing match "can move on" when you stop responding.

You're both a complete embarrassment. Stop cluttering up the thread with this worthless garbage. Your time and frequency posting here...nearly 24/7...tells me your lives must really suck. STFU or post something relevant.

It's a message board. How about you not gatekeep how much people post?

01-04-2025, 10:41 AM
It's a message board. How about you not gatekeep how much people post?

Someone had to say something. There is a lot of world changing stuff going on and there are a lot of insightful posters here that offer info concerning that "stuff". Those who are interested in that informative insight, have to sift through pages of childish nonsense to make sure those posts are not missed.

01-04-2025, 11:31 AM
You do realize who starts this 100% of the time?

You do realize your on his shit list, and he does the exact same thing with you? He does this with about a dozen posters, some who have seemingly left the board.

As I've said before. I only started to post on these non-basketball threads immediately after Biden was elected. I had a strong feeling that it would simply be a 3rd Obama term and further advance his "Fundamentally Transform America" destruction. It was mindblowingly successful. I posted here adamantly opposed to it from the beginning, predicted the Biden collapse TWO YEARS before it happened, and tried to provide a clear opinion of the dangers these marxist/progressives pose....up to and throughout the election.

'Ville is notorious for having a nutless stance on everything political. His M.O. is to play both sides of the fence, so he can tap into an endless supply of troll material. He is a finely tuned and world class TROLL KING....with an unparalleled ability to practice his craft 24/7. When I have exposed him for this, during the last 4 years, he attacked me every time. The same as he does with you and other PRO-AMERICA members here.

This election was truly about the survival of our Republic.....the "survivalists" won. The White House and all 3 branches are now in control of an AMERICA FIRST agenda. Common sense returns....continued insanity averted. Continue to push back on the Paul/bobbie/'ville's here, but try to do it with more class and relevancy.

01-04-2025, 11:54 AM
Well that certainly explains re-electing a convicted felon.
And it's a great explanation of the American success over the last 4 years. Best economy in the world coming out of the pandemic.
Record stock market, crime rate continuing it's decline, less illegal crossings this year than in Trump's last year, successful convictions of insurrectionists who attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power and put congressional lives in danger, etc.
I've got an idea; let's have another big tax break for billionaires who went to kiss the ring in Florida, and install incompetents in government departments.
Should work out real well.

01-04-2025, 12:08 PM
You are politically hopeless....along with your out of touch progressive party. The "felony" conviction will be thrown out immediately on appeal....can't wait for y'all to shut up about it.

The rest of your "broken record" narrative is why it did not come close to having a winning impact on the American voter.

Hey Paul, post us some entertaining nostalgia about how Trump & Co. are rabid fascist NAZIS. ��

01-04-2025, 02:35 PM
Are you all aware of the mass rape of girls in the UK, and the decades-long cover-up and suppression by the UK government?

Educate yourselves:




This is the result of leftist policies.

01-04-2025, 06:49 PM
Are you all aware of the mass rape of girls in the UK, and the decades-long cover-up and suppression by the UK government?

Educate yourselves:




This is the result of leftist policies.

Speaking of cover ups, are we ever going to get the Epstein list?

01-04-2025, 08:09 PM
Speaking of cover ups, are we ever going to get the Epstein list?

If you continue to vote Democrat, the answer is not only no, but hell no.

BTW, I just came across this: https://x.com/CRRJA5/status/1875153871133417855

I'm in no way saying there aren't Rs involved with Epstein, but the Dems are completely in bed with the deep state. I know you won't like the answer, but our only chance to get to the bottom of this and other corrupt, anti-American activities is Trump.

Sorry, I just don't see any other persons on the political landscape with the balls to take on the ingrained corruption of our entire government.

It's why they hate Trump. It's why the entire Federal government has gone to war with him.

Muskie in dayton
01-05-2025, 11:30 AM
It's a message board. How about you not gatekeep how much people post?
Bingo. And I’ll add we are in the “house of smack” section of the message board.

I’ve become fond of the exchanges. Game on.

Muskie in dayton
01-05-2025, 11:36 AM
The House passed legislation to deport illegal aliens who commit sex crimes. 158 Democrats voted against that. 158 Democrats feel it’s more important to keep illegal criminals in the country than it is to protect women and children.

Question for the Dems here: Do you support keeping illegal immigrant sex offenders here, and if so, why?

01-05-2025, 04:02 PM
The House passed legislation to deport illegal aliens who commit sex crimes. 158 Democrats voted against that. 158 Democrats feel it’s more important to keep illegal criminals in the country than it is to protect women and children.

Question for the Dems here: Do you support keeping illegal immigrant sex offenders here, and if so, why?

It’s disgusting but some Dems on here probably agree with their congressman. We are not better than UK if we don’t release the Epstein and Diddy lists.

01-05-2025, 04:23 PM
The House passed legislation to deport illegal aliens who commit sex crimes. 158 Democrats voted against that. 158 Democrats feel it’s more important to keep illegal criminals in the country than it is to protect women and children.

Question for the Dems here: Do you support keeping illegal immigrant sex offenders here, and if so, why?

Was it a single vote on only this specific issue or was in buried in a larger legislative bill? If they voted against that specific issue bill than that is totally disgraceful. If it was buried in a larger legislative bill, then context as to what was also in the bill is needed.

01-05-2025, 04:38 PM
The House passed legislation to deport illegal aliens who commit sex crimes. 158 Democrats voted against that. 158 Democrats feel it’s more important to keep illegal criminals in the country than it is to protect women and children.

Question for the Dems here: Do you support keeping illegal immigrant sex offenders here, and if so, why?

Still silent on Gaetz though. It seems Sex crimes is only an issue when it comes to the side of the aisle you align yourself with. Was this a single issue bill? I highly doubt it

01-05-2025, 05:10 PM
Raise your hand if you still think Matthew Livelsberger shot himself, as the FBI tells us: https://x.com/prayingmedic/status/1875735240943214687


What about the Signal safety number? https://x.com/APhilosophae/status/1874848350446792795

"At this point, you really have three options available to you as you’re analyzing this: (1) he’s mentally ill and needs help, (2) the FBI staged this whole thing, or (3) he’s telling the truth and it’s all real."




Gain of Fauci
JUST IN: FBI announces that they're almost done writing Matthew Livelsberger's manifesto

Follow me!
You know why the FBI doesn't release manifestos? It's because they need to be very sure there isn't dangerous information hidden in the message somehow.

When they release it right away, you can presume they aren't worried about hidden information, because they wrote it.

01-05-2025, 06:17 PM
From one of Livelsberger's letters:

Military and vets move on DC starting now. Militias facilitate and augment this activity.
Occupy every major road along fed buildings and the campus of fed buildings by the hundreds of thousands.
Lock the highways around down with semis right after everybody gets in. Hold until the purge is complete.
Try peaceful means first, but be prepared to fight to get the Dems out of the fed government and military by any means necessary. They all must go and a hard reset must occur for our country to avoid collapse.

This should have you right wing conspiracy nuts licking your chops.

01-05-2025, 06:25 PM
From one of Livelsberger's letters:


This should have you right wing conspiracy nuts licking your chops.

Well Paul, that was just the fbi writing it pretending to be him, duh lol

Muskie in dayton
01-05-2025, 07:21 PM
Still silent on Gaetz though. It seems Sex crimes is only an issue when it comes to the side of the aisle you align yourself with. Was this a single issue bill? I highly doubt it
If Gaetz did anything criminal, the DoJ would be on him like stink on shit. With your self-proclaimed astute critical thinking skills, I’d have thought that would be obvious to you. Okay, not really.

Because of your non-answer, I’ll add you to the pro-child rapist list.

Muskie in dayton
01-05-2025, 07:21 PM
Well Paul, that was just the fbi writing it pretending to be him, duh lol
You’re learning.

01-05-2025, 07:26 PM
If Gaetz did anything criminal, the DoJ would be on him like stink on shit. With your self-proclaimed astute critical thinking skills, I’d have thought that would be obvious to you. Okay, not really.

Because of your non-answer, I’ll add you to the pro-child rapist list.

Well I’m not a “dem” so I don’t need to answer your absurd question. I happen to realize the truth that most politicians on both sides are complete dirtballs. How about you answer my question… was this a single issue bill or a vote on a lot of difffeent things and this was one of them?

So you chose to ignore the house ethics report on gaetz, good deal. In case you weren’t aware, banging an underage girl is a sex crime as well as paying for sex, but ya know he’s on your side so all is well. Only place that could pursue criminal charges is the local police jurisdiction in Florida. Gee I wonder why they wouldn’t choose to do that? That’s a mystery.

01-05-2025, 07:28 PM
You’re learning.

I’m learning the amount of your crazy

01-05-2025, 10:09 PM
Nice to see Justin Trudeau is resigning.

01-05-2025, 10:19 PM
Was it a single vote on only this specific issue or was in buried in a larger legislative bill? If they voted against that specific issue bill than that is totally disgraceful. If it was buried in a larger legislative bill, then context as to what was also in the bill is needed.

Stand alone bill. Actually happened a few months ago.


Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act

This bill establishes certain criminal grounds for making non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) inadmissible and expands the crimes for which a non-U.S. national is deportable.

First, the bill establishes that a non-U.S. national is inadmissible if the individual has admitted to or is convicted of acts constituting the essential elements of stalking, child abuse, child neglect, child abandonment, a sex offense, conspiracy to commit a sex offense, a violation of certain protection orders, and domestic violence (including physical or sexual abuse or a pattern of coercive behavior when it occurs within certain close relationships).

Next, the bill establishes additional grounds for deportation. Under current law, a non-U.S. national is deportable for certain criminal convictions, including domestic violence, stalking, and child abuse. The bill makes any sex offense (including crimes against minors) or conspiracy to commit a sex offense a basis for deportation. The bill also expands the domestic violence crimes that make a non-U.S. national deportable to include physical or sexual abuse or a pattern of coercive behavior when it occurs within certain close

01-05-2025, 10:59 PM
Nice to see Justin Trudeau is resigning.

Awesome for Canadians. Ireland and Britain need to overthrow their authoritarian gov'ts as well.

01-05-2025, 11:05 PM
Nice to see Justin Trudeau is resigning.

A lot more trash needs to be taken out: https://x.com/truckdriverpleb/status/1876096571873567226

01-06-2025, 07:54 AM
A sobering reflection on where we find ourselves today:


01-06-2025, 10:09 AM
And some good news for today:


01-06-2025, 10:45 AM
It's kind of weird that the voters didn't recognize that... cough.. cough.

Maybe it was just a messaging problem!!


01-06-2025, 11:36 AM
Well that certainly explains re-electing a convicted felon.
And it's a great explanation of the American success over the last 4 years. Best economy in the world coming out of the pandemic.
Record stock market, crime rate continuing it's decline, less illegal crossings this year than in Trump's last year, successful convictions of insurrectionists who attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power and put congressional lives in danger, etc.
I've got an idea; let's have another big tax break for billionaires who went to kiss the ring in Florida, and install incompetents in government departments.
Should work out real well.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.

01-06-2025, 01:10 PM
Kamala’s Final Humiliation


01-06-2025, 03:59 PM
Guess we are getting the gaslighting talking points from democrats. Paul has posted them almost verbatim 3 times over the last several days.

For the middle and lower class, don’t think 19.6% inflation over the last 4 years is ideal for those folks. Strange definition of a great economy.

Here we go again with the jobs created thing. Some refer to it as replacing jobs after Covid.

Oh yeah Biden went back to some of Trump’s border policies. Odd thing to be boasting about coming from the white replacement theorists. Of course this ignores the record number crossings of illegals during his administration. Not to mention the vast number of gang members and potential terrorists.

Yes the stock market is doing very well… thank goodness.

Could go on but I’ll sum it up. Heard an incite full quote from a democratic strategist on why messaging is not working. Americans are telling them what they want and Democrats are telling them they are wrong. So let’s gaslight them (my words, not the strategist).

01-06-2025, 04:42 PM
Well this will make heads spin:

"This shift has resulted in more than 800,000 excess deaths from causes other than Covid or non-natural means (see Charts 3b and 4c). These deaths have come mainly as a result of the vaccine itself (see Charts 3c and 3d) – a mortality total which is 25 times greater than the 33,000 lives the CDC claimed could have been saved by the B.1.617.2-valent vaccine during the Delta Variant wave.

* The mRNA Vaccine Continues to Kill 3,000 to 5,000 Americans per Week Now – (See Charts 3, 4c, 10, 11, 12, and 13)

* We Also Have a Cancer Emergency Developing in Its Early Stages – (See Charts 6, 7, and 11)"

"Speaking with an actuary (40 years experience) at one of the largest insurance companies in the world saying the Mortality Statistics are being dramatically underreported and the actual numbers could be 10 times higher. The number of deaths by drug overdoses, suicides, homicides, traffic accidents, aggressive cancers (including colon cancers as young as 15), blood clots, myocarditis, enlarged hearts, strokes have dramatically increased since 2022."
~ Tony Seruga, Boardmember at Greenlaw Capital



Muskie in dayton
01-06-2025, 09:33 PM
Trump victory certified.
Trudeau resigns in disgrace.
Britain government exposed for hiding the Rotherham child rape.

This Patriot’s Day will be remembered as the day Woke died. What a great day.

Muskie in dayton
01-06-2025, 09:34 PM
I’m learning the amount of your crazy
Okay, pedo.

Muskie in dayton
01-06-2025, 09:41 PM
Well I’m not a “dem” so I don’t need to answer your absurd question. I happen to realize the truth that most politicians on both sides are complete dirtballs. How about you answer my question… was this a single issue bill or a vote on a lot of difffeent things and this was one of them?

So you chose to ignore the house ethics report on gaetz, good deal. In case you weren’t aware, banging an underage girl is a sex crime as well as paying for sex, but ya know he’s on your side so all is well. Only place that could pursue criminal charges is the local police jurisdiction in Florida. Gee I wonder why they wouldn’t choose to do that? That’s a mystery.
I know exactly what the house ethics report said, and I knew it before it was released. I also know why it wasn’t a crime, and hence why DoJ has not charged him. Let’s just say things would get real ugly for some people not named Gaetz if this went to legal discovery.

I find it strange that you appear so agitated about sex with a 17 year old girl. Apparently you only support child rape when it’s not statutory.

01-06-2025, 11:57 PM
I know exactly what the house ethics report said, and I knew it before it was released. I also know why it wasn’t a crime, and hence why DoJ has not charged him. Let’s just say things would get real ugly for some people not named Gaetz if this went to legal discovery.

I find it strange that you appear so agitated about sex with a 17 year old girl. Apparently you only support child rape when it’s not statutory.

Yeah I don’t support it.
I’m not blinded by partisanship like some here. Doj was only concerned with sex trafficking. Never said that is what happened here.

Paying for sex, and having sex with minors are sex crimes. It’s one of the things that the immigrant could be a sex offender for. However, in this case, it’s now happened outside the statute of limitations for criminal charges, and would need to be filed at local jurisdiction . If you are going to say things at least have the facts straight.

01-07-2025, 07:44 AM
Wonder why Trump has gone to court to stop Jack Smith's report?

Muskie in dayton
01-08-2025, 08:20 PM
The House passed legislation to deport illegal aliens who commit sex crimes. 158 Democrats voted against that. 158 Democrats feel it’s more important to keep illegal criminals in the country than it is to protect women and children.

Question for the Dems here: Do you support keeping illegal immigrant sex offenders here, and if so, why?

Still not one response here disavowing those 158 Dem rape-lovers. It’s telling. Stay away from my daughters you animals.

01-08-2025, 08:54 PM
Still not one response here disavowing those 158 Dem rape-lovers. It’s telling. Stay away from my daughters you animals.

And you’re cool with statutory rape and having sex with prostitutes. So, yeah

01-08-2025, 10:30 PM
Plan your vacation now on the Gulf of America.

01-09-2025, 09:14 AM
Hatred for Democrats and leftists across the world is boiling over.

If the Trump-Harris election were held today, California would go red.

Don't be surprised to see the UK gov't fall in the next few weeks.

01-09-2025, 10:05 AM
Still not one response here disavowing those 158 Dem rape-lovers. It’s telling. Stay away from my daughters you animals.

It's pretty disgusting really. Why they will continue to lose voters, Fetterman is dead on and other smart dems will follow

01-09-2025, 11:05 AM
Hatred for Democrats and leftists across the world is boiling over.

If the Trump-Harris election were held today, California would go red.

Don't be surprised to see the UK gov't fall in the next few weeks.

No doubt....and it's abundantly clear the reasons why.

It begins with the Obama "Fundamentally Transform America" agenda circa 2008. The entire Democrat Party, the mass media, Hollywood/entertainment, Corporate America have been "all in" on this madness. These entities infrastructure has been "re-tooled" to aggressively implement this agenda....the "leadership" has become devoted "change agents" of these Anti-American policies.

I can (and have) make a laundry list of specific elements of policy that has effectively "Transformed" America. The most damaging of which are basically text book MARXISM. All of which have now been deeply entrenched....in just over 15 short years.

So, my ultimate question remains for every Harris voter...AND our resident DIEHARD DEMS here. HTF can ANYONE use their vote and be complicit in this obvious disaster? I am guessing, as always, none of these folks will post shit in support.

Maybe this will initiate some response. America killing Democracy policy is easily identified. It's has become very confused. Someone here needs to post ANY equally damaging Republican policies that make voting Democrat worth the destruction it's caused.

01-09-2025, 11:18 AM
Some of you still don't understand that the only Democrat who routinely posts here is Paul. I don't know who you guys are even talking to? Most people understand this thread is just a cesspool, and not to be taken seriously. I just come here for the laughs.

01-09-2025, 11:48 AM

01-09-2025, 11:54 AM
No doubt....and it's abundantly clear the reasons why.

It begins with the Obama "Fundamentally Transform America" agenda circa 2008. The entire Democrat Party, the mass media, Hollywood/entertainment, Corporate America have been "all in" on this madness. These entities infrastructure has been "re-tooled" to aggressively implement this agenda....the "leadership" has become devoted "change agents" of these Anti-American policies.

I can (and have) make a laundry list of specific elements of policy that has effectively "Transformed" America. The most damaging of which are basically text book MARXISM. All of which have now been deeply entrenched....in just over 15 short years.

So, my ultimate question remains for every Harris voter...AND our resident DIEHARD DEMS here. HTF can ANYONE use their vote and be complicit in this obvious disaster? I am guessing, as always, none of these folks will post shit in support.

Maybe this will initiate some response. America killing Democracy policy is easily identified. It's has become very confused. Someone here needs to post ANY equally damaging Republican policies that make voting Democrat worth the destruction it's caused.

Now, to get back to the discussion at hand...

A large percentage, don't know how much, of the Democrat voters are American-hating communists themselves, and believe in all this destruction. Perhaps a larger percentage don't have a clue as to what's going on. There are so many wholly-ignorant Democrat voters out there who aren't aware of the destructive policies they're voting for. This is being accomplished by a dishonest and corrupt media, who mostly belong in the first bucket. If our media called balls and strikes the way they're supposed to do, Trump would've won 2/3 of the vote. No sane person would ever vote for the destructive policies of the left.

01-09-2025, 12:05 PM
Some of you still don't understand that the only Democrat who routinely posts here is Paul. I don't know who you guys are even talking to? Most people understand this thread is just a cesspool, and not to be taken seriously. I just come here for the laughs.

How your able to monitor this board 24/7 365 is uncanny. Clearly your troll appetite can never be satisfied.

Out of your over 17 THOUSAND posts....a significant amount have been useless here.

I can only assume most people here are Americans. Most, I assume, take the current state of our Country as "serious"....the election results definitely makes that perfectly clear.

You may come here for laughs....but really you are simply looking for your insatiable troll fix.

Your input here is well documented and always worthless. You have proven over and over that you have no ability to engage in any political discussion with clear substance.

01-09-2025, 12:12 PM
Now, to get back to the discussion at hand...

A large percentage, don't know how much, of the Democrat voters are American-hating communists themselves, and believe in all this destruction. Perhaps a larger percentage don't have a clue as to what's going on. There are so many wholly-ignorant Democrat voters out there who aren't aware of the destructive policies they're voting for. This is being accomplished by a dishonest and corrupt media, who mostly belong in the first bucket. If our media called balls and strikes the way they're supposed to do, Trump would've won 2/3 of the vote. No sane person would ever vote for the destructive policies of the left.

Man....that was well said, is reality and is a HUGE PROBLEM.

However, there is a massive number of these politicians and voters who are well informed and STILL vote willingly in support of further continued destruction.

Looking forward to those folks to be ruthlessly exposed in quick order.

01-09-2025, 12:15 PM
How your able to monitor this board 24/7 365 is uncanny. Clearly your troll appetite can never be satisfied.

Out of your over 17 THOUSAND posts....a significant amount have been useless here.

I can only assume most people here are Americans. Most, I assume, take the current state of our Country as "serious"....the election results definitely makes that perfectly clear.

You may come here for laughs....but really you are simply looking for your insatiable troll fix.

Your input here is well documented and always worthless. You have proven over and over that you have no ability to engage in any political discussion with clear substance.

Cool. Glad you’re able to take the time to identify and decipher each one of my posts. My point remains. You’ve proven over and over you have no desire to engage in substance outside of your own personal beliefs and believe you are some political savant. Keep posting though, it’s hysterical. You ever wonder why the other side outside of Paul, have stopped posting here?

01-09-2025, 12:30 PM
Cool. Glad you’re able to take the time to identify and decipher each one of my posts. My point remains. You’ve proven over and over you have no desire to engage in substance outside of your own personal beliefs. Keep posting though, it’s hysterical

Stop with the ridiculous gaslighting. Some here, myself included, have gone to great lengths to initiate engagement. There is NO willingness to do that here...or basically anywhere else is my experience. Reason? Obamaism is indefensible. Supporters know this and lack courage in any attempt to justify it.

Your deeply ingrained Troll existence prevents you from understanding the difference between "personal beliefs" and obvious COMMON SENSE.

Troll on!!!

01-09-2025, 12:34 PM
Stop with the ridiculous gaslighting. Some here, myself included, have gone to great lengths to initiate engagement. There is NO willingness to do that here...or basically anywhere else is my experience. Reason? Obamaism is indefensible. Supporters know this and lack courage in any attempt to justify it.

Your deeply ingrained Troll existence prevents you from understanding the difference between "personal beliefs" and obvious COMMON SENSE.

Troll on!!!

It’s funny you actually believe that’s the reason. Self awareness is lost on you

01-09-2025, 03:33 PM
Now, to get back to the discussion at hand...

A large percentage, don't know how much, of the Democrat voters are American-hating communists themselves, and believe in all this destruction. Perhaps a larger percentage don't have a clue as to what's going on. There are so many wholly-ignorant Democrat voters out there who aren't aware of the destructive policies they're voting for. This is being accomplished by a dishonest and corrupt media, who mostly belong in the first bucket. If our media called balls and strikes the way they're supposed to do, Trump would've won 2/3 of the vote. No sane person would ever vote for the destructive policies of the left.

You sound like a blast at parties.

I voted mostly democrat and typically do, but this time I voted for Trump. I would say my vote falls 3 to 1 normally. I am near 50 now and have come upon all types of people in this world. The ones I fear most are those that recognize problems, but that they can only be solved by one person or one small group of them. They live in echo chambers and search only for items that support their own confirmation bias.

The country's issues have been created by both sides of the political aisle. They need to be solved by both sides. Yes Trump/Republicans won this time but anyone old enough knows politics are cyclical.

Your post sounds like the ramblings of an old man shouting at clouds. American hating communists? Are you on the Army-McCarthy panel from the 50s?

01-09-2025, 03:39 PM
You sound like a blast at parties.

I voted mostly democrat and typically do, but this time I voted for Trump. I would say my vote falls 3 to 1 normally. I am near 50 now and have come upon all types of people in this world. The ones I fear most are those that recognize problems, but that they can only be solved by one person or one small group of them. They live in echo chambers and search only for items that support their own confirmation bias.

The country's issues have been created by both sides of the political aisle. They need to be solved by both sides. Yes Trump/Republicans won this time but anyone old enough knows politics are cyclical.

Your post sounds like the ramblings of an old man shouting at clouds. American hating communists? Are you on the Army-McCarthy panel from the 50s?

Dart meet bullseye.

01-09-2025, 04:05 PM
You sound like a blast at parties.

I voted mostly democrat and typically do, but this time I voted for Trump. I would say my vote falls 3 to 1 normally. I am near 50 now and have come upon all types of people in this world. The ones I fear most are those that recognize problems, but that they can only be solved by one person or one small group of them. They live in echo chambers and search only for items that support their own confirmation bias.

The country's issues have been created by both sides of the political aisle. They need to be solved by both sides. Yes Trump/Republicans won this time but anyone old enough knows politics are cyclical.

Your post sounds like the ramblings of an old man shouting at clouds. American hating communists? Are you on the Army-McCarthy panel from the 50s?

Dude - it sounds like you really need to pull your head out of your ass and look at the facts. I'm not going to argue with people who aren't aware of what's happening in the world - right now. Not some amorphous time period where politics sway from one side of the pendulum to the next, but right now

Either you don't know what the hell is going on, or you don't have any core principles.

01-09-2025, 04:08 PM
Dude - it sounds like you really need to pull your head out of your ass and look at the facts. I'm not going to argue with people who aren't aware of what's happening in the world - right now. Not some amorphous time period where politics sway from one side of the pendulum to the next, but right now

Either you don't know what the hell is going on, or you don't have any core principles.

Ah yes Mr I can have a conversation with anyone… as long as that person agrees with everything I say anyways

01-09-2025, 04:46 PM
Ah yes Mr I can have a conversation with anyone… as long as that person agrees with everything I say anyways

Actually, Ville, I feel sorry for you.

01-09-2025, 04:47 PM
Dude - it sounds like you really need to pull your head out of your ass and look at the facts. I'm not going to argue with people who aren't aware of what's happening in the world - right now. Not some amorphous time period where politics sway from one side of the pendulum to the next, but right now

Either you don't know what the hell is going on, or you don't have any core principles.

Wait is your point here? Do you disagree that politics are cyclical?

Do you just think that everyone who doesn't believe EXACTLY what you is either "don't know what the hell is going on, or you don't have any core principles"? Break that post down, you sound like Darth Vader in some stupid Star Wars movie.

Fact is, most people in this world vote and hope for the best. It's not some deeper referendum on the overall ills of the country. The difference was a mere 1.5%.

Side note, people do evil in this world. They commit violence for various reasons whether it be for profit/terrorism/revenge/etc. To pair the crimes committed by some to a specific political party is just stupid. A democrat doesn't own the crimes of others any more than a republican does. These aren't teams we root for. You vote and hope for the best. Then you do it all over again. We got away from that to all our detriment.

01-09-2025, 04:57 PM
Actually, Ville, I feel sorry for you.

You should. There are people like you on this thread and more importantly out there in the real world I come into contact with.

01-09-2025, 05:23 PM
Wait is your point here? Do you disagree that politics are cyclical?

Do you just think that everyone who doesn't believe EXACTLY what you is either "don't know what the hell is going on, or you don't have any core principles"? Break that post down, you sound like Darth Vader in some stupid Star Wars movie.

Fact is, most people in this world vote and hope for the best. It's not some deeper referendum on the overall ills of the country. The difference was a mere 1.5%.

Side note, people do evil in this world. They commit violence for various reasons whether it be for profit/terrorism/revenge/etc. To pair the crimes committed by some to a specific political party is just stupid. A democrat doesn't own the crimes of others any more than a republican does. These aren't teams we root for. You vote and hope for the best. Then you do it all over again. We got away from that to all our detriment.

It's not just about crimes, my friend, it's about policy and corruption. I'm not going to write a dissertation to make my point.

Maybe do a little research on your end from sources you don't normally consider, think about it, and then get back to me.

01-09-2025, 05:29 PM
It's not just about crimes, my friend, it's about policy and corruption. I'm not going to write a dissertation to make my point.

Maybe do a little research on your end from sources you don't normally consider, think about it, and then get back to me.

And the fraud of Lou has been exposed again. I’ll have a conversation with anyone as long as they agree with everything I say.

Challenged once again and turtles up like the little bitch that you are per usual.

You’re a joke lol

01-09-2025, 07:05 PM
You sound like a blast at parties.

I voted mostly democrat and typically do, but this time I voted for Trump. I would say my vote falls 3 to 1 normally. I am near 50 now and have come upon all types of people in this world. The ones I fear most are those that recognize problems, but that they can only be solved by one person or one small group of them. They live in echo chambers and search only for items that support their own confirmation bias.

The country's issues have been created by both sides of the political aisle. They need to be solved by both sides. Yes Trump/Republicans won this time but anyone old enough knows politics are cyclical.

Your post sounds like the ramblings of an old man shouting at clouds. American hating communists? Are you on the Army-McCarthy panel from the 50s?

Yep, that’s why neither party has control of the presidency for very long. If either party was doing a great job, the other party wouldn’t exist.

01-10-2025, 09:43 AM
I voted mostly democrat and typically do, but this time I voted for Trump. I would say my vote falls 3 to 1 normally. I am near 50 now and have come upon all types of people in this world. The ones I fear most are those that recognize problems, but that they can only be solved by one person or one small group of them. They live in echo chambers and search only for items that support their own confirmation bias.

The country's issues have been created by both sides of the political aisle. They need to be solved by both sides. Yes Trump/Republicans won this time but anyone old enough knows politics are cyclical.

There has been very little, honest debate on issues here. Mostly name calling, gaslighting, trolling. The above post is none of that.

However, it is a typical "everybody knows that" style post with no substance.

If you had went a different direction after "I voted for Trump"....the post would have opened an opportunity for meaningful discussion.

The "WHY" you voted for Trump over Harris, from people like you, is missing here and very much needed. If you could post a few sentences about your 2024 POTUS decision....it would be very appreciated.

01-10-2025, 09:55 AM
There has been very little, honest debate on issues here. Mostly name calling, gaslighting, trolling. The above post is none of that.

However, it is a typical "everybody knows that" style post with no substance.

If you had went a different direction after "I voted for Trump"....the post would have opened an opportunity for meaningful discussion.

The "WHY" you voted for Trump over Harris, from people like you, is missing here and very much needed. If you could post a few sentences about your 2024 POTUS decision....it would be very appreciated.

Because all you want to hear is why someone agrees with you.

Let's try something...we have a lot of problems in this country of ours. Please explain in detail what Republicans have done to correct these problems that have been going on for however many years:

1. Healthcare---cost, availability, etc
2. Veterans
3. Mental Health Services
4. Road and Building Infrastructure
5. Homelessness/Affordable Housing
6. Government Spending
7. Education---falling behind in about every single metric vs the rest of the world yet costs keep going up

I could list more but you get the point. Both political parties have a hand in our problems, and no one cares to fix it.

And btw, if you think Obama and Trump are really any different, why were they chumming it up yesterday at Carter's funeral? Most politicians are all the same. All they care about is power, and manipulating the everyday person into believing they care about them.

01-10-2025, 10:34 AM
Because all you want to hear is why someone agrees with you.

Let's try something...we have a lot of problems in this country of ours. Please explain in detail what Republicans have done to correct these problems that have been going on for however many years:

1. Healthcare---cost, availability, etc
2. Veterans
3. Mental Health Services
4. Road and Building Infrastructure
5. Homelessness/Affordable Housing
6. Government Spending
7. Education---falling behind in about every single metric vs the rest of the world yet costs keep going up

I could list more but you get the point. Both political parties have a hand in our problems, and no one cares to fix it.

And btw, if you think Obama and Trump are really any different, why were they chumming it up yesterday at Carter's funeral? Most politicians are all the same. All they care about is power, and manipulating the everyday person into believing they care about them.

This is child's play. Instead of posting on this board all day, maybe you should try staying engaged with the real world - - then you would know the answers to these issues.

01-10-2025, 10:36 AM
This is child's play. Instead of posting on this board all day, maybe you should try staying engaged with the real world - - then you would know the answers to these issues.

How about answering? I know the answers to these questions. I'm seeing if Xuperman or you can answer them with any kind of validity.

01-10-2025, 10:46 AM
How about answering? I know the answers to these questions. I'm seeing if Xuperman or you can answer them with any kind of validity.

Here's an idea - why don't YOU lay out your thoughts first, in detail, and then we'll all comment, eh?

01-10-2025, 10:50 AM
Here's an idea - why don't YOU lay out your thoughts first, in detail, and then we'll all comment, eh?

How about you answer the question. I'm the one who asked it. Any time anyone challenges you on anything, you turtle up. Your natural responses encompass anything from "do your own research" to a diatribe about "leftist policies" or "core principles" to whatever other nonsensical bs you can come up with. Why?

1.) Because you can't answer without looking like a complete fool.
2.) Your only contributions to this thread are spreading your own propaganda based on what you ingest on a daily basis. Get out of your echo chamber.

01-10-2025, 11:09 AM
How about you answer the question. I'm the one who asked it. Any time anyone challenges you on anything, you turtle up. Your natural responses encompass anything from "do your own research" to a diatribe about "leftist policies" or "core principles" to whatever other nonsensical bs you can come up with. Why?

1.) Because you can't answer without looking like a complete fool.
2.) Your only contributions to this thread are spreading your own propaganda based on what you ingest on a daily basis. Get out of your echo chamber.

Nice try.... Trust me, we all know your playbook.

You said you're the expert on all these topics, so we'll wait for you to tell us the answers.

C'mon, we'll all have a good laugh about it afterwards, right? Isn't that why you're here?

01-10-2025, 11:18 AM
Nice try.... Trust me, we all know your playbook.

You said you're the expert on all these topics, so we'll wait for you to tell us the answers.

C'mon, we'll all have a good laugh about it afterwards, right? Isn't that why you're here?

As I thought you have no idea, yet you said it’s child’s play. If it’s so easy for you, why not answer? We all know why. Let’s see if xup can save you since ya know I asked him first before you rudely commented

01-10-2025, 01:44 PM
Because all you want to hear is why someone agrees with you.

Let's try something...we have a lot of problems in this country of ours. Please explain in detail what Republicans have done to correct these problems that have been going on for however many years:

1. Healthcare---cost, availability, etc
2. Veterans
3. Mental Health Services
4. Road and Building Infrastructure
5. Homelessness/Affordable Housing
6. Government Spending
7. Education---falling behind in about every single metric vs the rest of the world yet costs keep going up

I could list more but you get the point. Both political parties have a hand in our problems, and no one cares to fix it.

And btw, if you think Obama and Trump are really any different, why were they chumming it up yesterday at Carter's funeral? Most politicians are all the same. All they care about is power, and manipulating the everyday person into believing they care about them.

Happy to oblige.

In order to respond, ALL the issues you listed have to be discussed in FULL ACKNOWLEDGMENT that Obama policy has dominated 12 of the last 16 years..... and Trump's 4 year "speed bump" had to deal with being a DC outsider and constant attacks from the Democrat propaganda agents in MSM.

1- I am not crazy about Obamacare. Only because it is the beginning of a ONE PAYER GOVERNMENT system. The "like your doctor, keep your doctor" lie and the expected savings makes it a Dem failure for me, but it's is working for some.

2- Veteran affairs are a big loser for the Democrats. There has been some positive legislation from both Biden and Trump


HOWEVER, the Obama Iran skids of cash, ISIS JV team comment, Biden's disastrous Afghanistan debacle and the implementation of insane "Woke" policy by his D.O.D and throughout our military has created serious negative opinions among Vets....especially the older ones. The Veterans thing is not close to a winner for Dems.

3- Both sides acknowledge the lack of focus needed in this area. That's about it. Again....Dems had 12 and Trump had 4 chaotic years to address the problem. It is overwhelming complex....no winners here.

4- "Build back Better" is full of massive unrelated spending and useless pork. I think 5G has expanded, but I am not aware of much other Federal infrastructure improvements from it. How many of the EV charging stations have been built? Bad politics at play here.

5- This is a BIG LOSER for Dems. Again 12 years vs 4. Nearly all of the catastrophic homelessness exists in Big Blue Cities. At the Federal level, progressive policies provide no real deterrent to address the "tent city" epidemic. Sanctuary city laws keep their hands tied, but there is no political will to make changes regardless. The open Biden border does 2 things. It fuels the fentanyl supply addiction that creates a lot of homeless. AND the illegal invasion puts a massive burden on housing availability. Trump WILL reverse this. R's win going away here.

6- Government spending? This is an absolute National Tragedy. Both sides to blame for sure. The corrupt Republican establishment uses a constant campaign of cutting Federal spending, but politically does the exact opposite. Let's see if DOGE has any teeth. It will be painful for the bloated Federal Bureaucracies, but if it does start slashing.....R's win BIG!

7- Education? My God man. You can try and pin this decades long battle to the bottom on Republicans, but the Democrat party, their hardened and corrupt allies in the DOE/Teachers Unions OWN this one. Federal control/oversight of the Public School Systems has yielded catastrophic results....zero debate here. Solution? Eliminate Federal involvement and return responsibility to the States. Pass long held Republican goals of channeling a vast % of Education dollars to voucher programs and let the FREE MARKET do it's thing. Winner, in theory, R's big-time!

That's only your 7. Good list, but my top concerns are not really among them....I will post something later about that. Maybe you can get out of character and respond proportionally when I do.

01-10-2025, 04:24 PM
Happy to oblige.

In order to respond, ALL the issues you listed have to be discussed in FULL ACKNOWLEDGMENT that Obama policy has dominated 12 of the last 16 years..... and Trump's 4 year "speed bump" had to deal with being a DC outsider and constant attacks from the Democrat propaganda agents in MSM.

1- I am not crazy about Obamacare. Only because it is the beginning of a ONE PAYER GOVERNMENT system. The "like your doctor, keep your doctor" lie and the expected savings makes it a Dem failure for me, but it's is working for some.

2- Veteran affairs are a big loser for the Democrats. There has been some positive legislation from both Biden and Trump


HOWEVER, the Obama Iran skids of cash, ISIS JV team comment, Biden's disastrous Afghanistan debacle and the implementation of insane "Woke" policy by his D.O.D and throughout our military has created serious negative opinions among Vets....especially the older ones. The Veterans thing is not close to a winner for Dems.

3- Both sides acknowledge the lack of focus needed in this area. That's about it. Again....Dems had 12 and Trump had 4 chaotic years to address the problem. It is overwhelming complex....no winners here.

4- "Build back Better" is full of massive unrelated spending and useless pork. I think 5G has expanded, but I am not aware of much other Federal infrastructure improvements from it. How many of the EV charging stations have been built? Bad politics at play here.

5- This is a BIG LOSER for Dems. Again 12 years vs 4. Nearly all of the catastrophic homelessness exists in Big Blue Cities. At the Federal level, progressive policies provide no real deterrent to address the "tent city" epidemic. Sanctuary city laws keep their hands tied, but there is no political will to make changes regardless. The open Biden border does 2 things. It fuels the fentanyl supply addiction that creates a lot of homeless. AND the illegal invasion puts a massive burden on housing availability. Trump WILL reverse this. R's win going away here.

6- Government spending? This is an absolute National Tragedy. Both sides to blame for sure. The corrupt Republican establishment uses a constant campaign of cutting Federal spending, but politically does the exact opposite. Let's see if DOGE has any teeth. It will be painful for the bloated Federal Bureaucracies, but if it does start slashing.....R's win BIG!

7- Education? My God man. You can try and pin this decades long battle to the bottom on Republicans, but the Democrat party, their hardened and corrupt allies in the DOE/Teachers Unions OWN this one. Federal control/oversight of the Public School Systems has yielded catastrophic results....zero debate here. Solution? Eliminate Federal involvement and return responsibility to the States. Pass long held Republican goals of channeling a vast % of Education dollars to voucher programs and let the FREE MARKET do it's thing. Winner, in theory, R's big-time!

That's only your 7. Good list, but my top concerns are not really among them....I will post something later about that. Maybe you can get out of character and respond proportionally when I do.

Thanks. I didn’t ask you to say anything about what dems have or will do with any of the 7 issues, so not sure why you added it. It’s not what I asked.

In regards to what you state about the right, it’s clear that you don’t believe they have done much if at all with any of these issues either, which is my point all along. Yes dems have held the presidency in recent years, but 1.) these are problems that have existed way longer than 16 years and 2.) congress has been controlled by both dems and republicans pretty equally over the last 40 or so years so each side is plenty culpable and have had plenty of chances. Again, this is my point.

You could add the overall economy as an 8th point. The middle class that drives everything forward has been lagging further and further behind since the 60s. Rs and ds both are complete failures in this regard as well. Back in the 50s-60s, one parent could work, while the other raised children and you could live a pretty damn comfortable life, complete with a pension by retirement age. Nowadays, two people work their ass off and you better be making pretty damn good money if you have more than one kid to be middle class.

01-10-2025, 04:49 PM
Happy to oblige.

In order to respond, ALL the issues you listed have to be discussed in FULL ACKNOWLEDGMENT that Obama policy has dominated 12 of the last 16 years..... and Trump's 4 year "speed bump" had to deal with being a DC outsider and constant attacks from the Democrat propaganda agents in MSM.

1- I am not crazy about Obamacare. Only because it is the beginning of a ONE PAYER GOVERNMENT system. The "like your doctor, keep your doctor" lie and the expected savings makes it a Dem failure for me, but it's is working for some.

2- Veteran affairs are a big loser for the Democrats. There has been some positive legislation from both Biden and Trump


HOWEVER, the Obama Iran skids of cash, ISIS JV team comment, Biden's disastrous Afghanistan debacle and the implementation of insane "Woke" policy by his D.O.D and throughout our military has created serious negative opinions among Vets....especially the older ones. The Veterans thing is not close to a winner for Dems.

3- Both sides acknowledge the lack of focus needed in this area. That's about it. Again....Dems had 12 and Trump had 4 chaotic years to address the problem. It is overwhelming complex....no winners here.

4- "Build back Better" is full of massive unrelated spending and useless pork. I think 5G has expanded, but I am not aware of much other Federal infrastructure improvements from it. How many of the EV charging stations have been built? Bad politics at play here.

5- This is a BIG LOSER for Dems. Again 12 years vs 4. Nearly all of the catastrophic homelessness exists in Big Blue Cities. At the Federal level, progressive policies provide no real deterrent to address the "tent city" epidemic. Sanctuary city laws keep their hands tied, but there is no political will to make changes regardless. The open Biden border does 2 things. It fuels the fentanyl supply addiction that creates a lot of homeless. AND the illegal invasion puts a massive burden on housing availability. Trump WILL reverse this. R's win going away here.

6- Government spending? This is an absolute National Tragedy. Both sides to blame for sure. The corrupt Republican establishment uses a constant campaign of cutting Federal spending, but politically does the exact opposite. Let's see if DOGE has any teeth. It will be painful for the bloated Federal Bureaucracies, but if it does start slashing.....R's win BIG!

7- Education? My God man. You can try and pin this decades long battle to the bottom on Republicans, but the Democrat party, their hardened and corrupt allies in the DOE/Teachers Unions OWN this one. Federal control/oversight of the Public School Systems has yielded catastrophic results....zero debate here. Solution? Eliminate Federal involvement and return responsibility to the States. Pass long held Republican goals of channeling a vast % of Education dollars to voucher programs and let the FREE MARKET do it's thing. Winner, in theory, R's big-time!

That's only your 7. Good list, but my top concerns are not really among them....I will post something later about that. Maybe you can get out of character and respond proportionally when I do.

So, as predicted, Ville had virtually nothing to say in response to you. Moreover, he clearly shows that he doesn't really have a grasp of the issues. (no wonder! LOL)

He wants us to explain to him the complete history of several complex issues on a message board, but provides a simplistic answer that's not only based in fiction, but sounds like something a 6th grader would provide as an answer.

Dude is lazy as all hell...

01-10-2025, 04:53 PM
So, as predicted, Ville had virtually nothing to say in response to you. Moreover, he clearly shows that he doesn't really have a grasp of the issues. (no wonder! LOL)

He wants us to explain to him the complete history of several complex issues on a message board, but provides a simplistic answer that's not only based in fiction, but sounds like something a 6th grader would provide as an answer.

Dude is lazy as all hell...

“Lazy as all hell” ——says the guy who wouldn’t even answer the question because he doesn’t know how to answer for the fears I’ve already stated. Just stop, you’re embarrassing yourself. Earlier you said this was child’s play, now you say they are complex issues. Which is it lou? I thought you had core principles and strong convictions. Hmm guess not with all your flip flopping around.

Btw this was a conversation between me and xup. Yet, you can’t help yourself…look at me, look at me! You need attention that bad, loser?

01-10-2025, 05:14 PM
“Lazy as all hell” ——says the guy who wouldn’t even answer the question because he doesn’t know how to answer for the fears I’ve already stated. Just stop, you’re embarrassing yourself. Earlier you said this was child’s play, now you say they are complex issues. Which is it lou? I thought you had core principles and strong convictions. Hmm guess not with all your flip flopping around.

Btw this was a conversation between me and xup. Yet, you can’t help yourself…look at me, look at me! You need attention that bad, loser?

You lost your privilege to debate me a long time ago, simpleton.

01-10-2025, 05:19 PM
You lost your privilege to debate me a long time ago, simpleton.

lol you have zero clue how to debate, get over yourself . It’s evident with every single interaction with anyone that thinks differently than you. Need present evidence? Arizona proved it yet again.

So which is it lou, it it child’s play or is it complex? Lol

I can have a conversation with anyone lol. Keep talking dumbass

Strange Brew
01-10-2025, 05:56 PM
Thanks. I didn’t ask you to say anything about what dems have or will do with any of the 7 issues, so not sure why you added it. It’s not what I asked.

In regards to what you state about the right, it’s clear that you don’t believe they have done much if at all with any of these issues either, which is my point all along. Yes dems have held the presidency in recent years, but 1.) these are problems that have existed way longer than 16 years and 2.) congress has been controlled by both dems and republicans pretty equally over the last 40 or so years so each side is plenty culpable and have had plenty of chances. Again, this is my point.

You could add the overall economy as an 8th point. The middle class that drives everything forward has been lagging further and further behind since the 60s. Rs and ds both are complete failures in this regard as well. Back in the 50s-60s, one parent could work, while the other raised children and you could live a pretty damn comfortable life, complete with a pension by retirement age. Nowadays, two people work their ass off and you better be making pretty damn good money if you have more than one kid to be middle class.

The last 40s years is interesting when your argument goes back 60+ years.

On Healthcare, much of the current mess goes back to wage controls and HMOs. Both Dem policies. I’ll let you research it yourself and figure it out.

Based on your timeline we could discuss “The Great Society” programs and the economic/cultural impacts on the middle class.

01-10-2025, 06:37 PM
1- I am not crazy about Obamacare. Only because it is the beginning of a ONE PAYER GOVERNMENT system. The "like your doctor, keep your doctor" lie and the expected savings makes it a Dem failure for me, but it's is working for some.

I’m afraid we might eventually have to go to a one payer government system. Our current system is not sustainable. It’s gotten way too expensive to get medical care, including prescriptions. We’re paying way more than most first world nations, especially when it comes to prescriptions. I think a major part of that is the governments of the other nations negotiate lower prices and the pharmaceutical companies make it up by overcharging in the US. Unfortunately, I think the only way to stop that is for the government to play hardball and negotiate similar prices here for everyone. The only way to do that is with a single payer system, which I’m sure our government would colossally screw up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-10-2025, 07:17 PM
The last 40s years is interesting when your argument goes back 60+ years.

On Healthcare, much of the current mess goes back to wage controls and HMOs. Both Dem policies. I’ll let you research it yourself and figure it out.

Based on your timeline we could discuss “The Great Society” programs and the economic/cultural impacts on the middle class.

Healthcare is actually something I am an expert on, since I have been in the field for a number of years. Most of the problem has everything to do with government not regulating anything because they have had their pockets lined for so long. I’m usually not for government regulation but in this case, it’s badly needed.

The other issue is that we pay for everyone else’s r&d which cause our scripts to already be more than any other nations and that’s before everyone lines their pockets at every step of the way until it’s in the consumers hands.

My main point in all of this is that to blame all our country’s problems on one side of the aisle is at best disingenuous and at worst just being completely stupid. I think many posters on here could accept that both sides are responsible, there are a couple of posters, that will fight to the death believing it’s all one side or the other—-which is just being ignorant.

01-10-2025, 07:38 PM
Healthcare is actually something I am an expert on, since I have been in the field for a number of years. Most of the problem has everything to do with government not regulating anything because they have had their pockets lined for so long. I’m usually not for government regulation but in this case, it’s badly needed.

The other issue is that we pay for everyone else’s r&d which cause our scripts to already be more than any other nations and that’s before everyone lines their pockets at every step of the way until it’s in the consumers hands.

My main point in all of this is that to blame all our country’s problems on one side of the aisle is at best disingenuous and at worst just being completely stupid. I think many posters on here could accept that both sides are responsible, there are a couple of posters, that will fight to the death believing it’s all one side or the other—-which is just being ignorant.

Oh yea, is this like you "being around the game"? Again, just because you're a customer service rep for Humana, doesn't make you an expert on anything.

Your answer is complete nonsense.

01-10-2025, 07:40 PM
Oh yea, is this like you "being around the game"? Again, just because you're a customer service rep for Humana, doesn't make you an expert on anything.

Your answer is complete nonsense.

Good one. I’ve been in the field for twenty years. Stop making yourself look like an idiot. If you think my answer is complete nonsense, than it’s clear you have no clue how our healthcare system and especially the pharmaceutical industry works. Educate yourself and stop making yourself look stupid

Strange Brew
01-10-2025, 07:52 PM
Healthcare is actually something I am an expert on, since I have been in the field for a number of years. Most of the problem has everything to do with government not regulating anything because they have had their pockets lined for so long. I’m usually not for government regulation but in this case, it’s badly needed.

The other issue is that we pay for everyone else’s r&d which cause our scripts to already be more than any other nations and that’s before everyone lines their pockets at every step of the way until it’s in the consumers hands.

My main point in all of this is that to blame all our country’s problems on one side of the aisle is at best disingenuous and at worst just being completely stupid. I think many posters on here could accept that both sides are responsible, there are a couple of posters, that will fight to the death believing it’s all one side or the other—-which is just being ignorant.

Ok, which party requires(d) you must take Pharma products to go to work/school and also mandated you buy their (Party, not company) approved health insurance plans?

01-10-2025, 08:26 PM
Good one. I’ve been in the field for twenty years. Stop making yourself look like an idiot. If you think my answer is complete nonsense, than it’s clear you have no clue how our healthcare system and especially the pharmaceutical industry works. Educate yourself and stop making yourself look stupid

It's amazing how you self-proclaim to be an expert on just about every topic that comes on this board. Your answer proves you're just a grunt.

How many games have you been to in the last 10 years?

01-10-2025, 09:25 PM
Ok, which party requires(d) you must take Pharma products to go to work/school and also mandated you buy their (Party, not company) approved health insurance plans?

Ok. and? I’m not denying that both parties aren’t part of the problem. They are.

01-10-2025, 11:14 PM
Ok. and? I’m not denying that both parties aren’t part of the problem. They are.

I know this might be hard for you to comprehend, but he's pointing out that your analysis has been extremely narrow. He's calling you out for being woefully ill-informed, considering, you know, that you're supposed to be a 20-year veteran / expert.

The fact that you haven't mentioned obvious major legislation/policies implemented by Dems in the last several decades, and can't answer basic questions leads me to believe that you've been processing claims for the past 20 years, or something along the lines.

01-11-2025, 04:47 AM
I know this might be hard for you to comprehend, but he's pointing out that your analysis has been extremely narrow. He's calling you out for being woefully ill-informed, considering, you know, that you're supposed to be a 20-year veteran / expert.

The fact that you haven't mentioned obvious major legislation/policies implemented by Dems in the last several decades, and can't answer basic questions leads me to believe that you've been processing claims for the past 20 years, or something along the lines.

Lou, I didn’t ask you. I’m very well aware of what each party has not done to fix healthcare. It’s very obvious that you do not. You don’t even understand why your rates are higher on the exchange and why they have jumped a considerable amount . Those damn dems! lol Let the adults in the room talk and you can just sit back and try not to look like an idiot.

01-11-2025, 05:05 AM
Here are some questions to ponder:

Why does the U.S. pay for most of the r&d when it comes to pharma? Which party is responsible for that?

Why do pbms exist? Why are they unregulated by the government? Who is responsible?

Why is there a lack of price transparency for most services in healthcare? (Admittedly there are a few changes happening around this) why has government done little to change this?

The point is that both parties have their hands in the cookie jar, and neither one of them have done much of anything to prevent drug and healthcare costs from skyrocketing.

While some republicans want to blame it all on ACA, it’s much more complex than that, and at least it allowed for coverage of preexisting conditions like Lou’s brain damage.

Strange Brew
01-11-2025, 09:40 AM
Here are some questions to ponder:

Why does the U.S. pay for most of the r&d when it comes to pharma? Which party is responsible for that?

Why do pbms exist? Why are they unregulated by the government? Who is responsible?

Why is there a lack of price transparency for most services in healthcare? (Admittedly there are a few changes happening around this) why has government done little to change this?

The point is that both parties have their hands in the cookie jar, and neither one of them have done much of anything to prevent drug and healthcare costs from skyrocketing.

While some republicans want to blame it all on ACA, it’s much more complex than that, and at least it allowed for coverage of preexisting conditions like Lou’s brain damage.

My guess is because the major companies are based here?

PBMs arose to help negotiate drug prices as a middle org. Not sure it’s a driving cost factor however I don’t care either way if they exist.

Lack of price transparency is due to the use of health insurance m. A third party.

Which party created the cookie jar to feast from? I’ve given you that answer.

Ville, the Dems have owned the Healthcare issue for 30-40 years. It’s been their pet project. The ACA was passed with 0 R votes. And D states have messed around with the system multiple times a failed miserably.

If you want to blame both parties for an issue, this one is not it.

Also, you act as if these companies are unregulated and have yet to mention the FDA. You know the agency that decides what drugs are able to be released.

01-11-2025, 09:53 AM
My guess is because the major companies are based here?

PBMs arose to help negotiate drug prices as a middle org. Not sure it’s a driving cost factor however I don’t care either way if they exist.

Lack of price transparency is due to the use of health insurance m. A third party.

Which party created the cookie jar to feast from? I’ve given you that answer.

Ville, the Dems have owned the Healthcare issue for 30-40 years. It’s been their pet project. The ACA was passed with 0 R votes. And D states have messed around with the system multiple times a failed miserably.

If you want to blame both parties for an issue, this one is not it.

The reason I can blame both parties is because neither has been instrumental in changing anything for the better. You blame aca and while it hasn’t helped anything, it’s not a main cost driver for why things are the way they are.

You should care about pbms and why they are allowed to do the things that they do, unchecked. They do things that in any other industry is completely illegal. They make a ton of money at every step of the pharmaceutical process from manufacturing, to transportation to dispensing medication. Spread pricing, formulary manipulation, “rebates” from manufacturing etc etc. and why are they allowed to do all this? Because they have powerful lobbyists in Washington that line congress’ pockets. In a lot of cases, pharma is outpacing costs and claims vs medical. It’s one of the biggest drivers in costs in healthcare today.

Lack of price transparency has little to do with Insurance companies. It has mostly to do with hospitals, and clinics. They are the ones that are able to charge whatever they want without any oversight. Ins companies just negotiate those prices or cover a portion of whatever that price is. Not saying ins companies don’t have a hand in rising costs but price transparency isn’t one of them.

Strange Brew
01-11-2025, 10:04 AM
The reason I can blame both parties is because neither has been instrumental in changing anything for the better. You blame aca and while it hasn’t helped anything, it’s not a main cost driver for why things are the way they are.

You should care about pbms and why they are allowed to do the things that they do, unchecked. They do things that in any other industry is completely illegal. They make a ton of money at every step of the pharmaceutical process from manufacturing, to transportation to dispensing medication. Spread pricing, formulary manipulation, “rebates” from manufacturing etc etc. and why are they allowed to do all this? Because they have powerful lobbyists in Washington that line congress’ pockets. In a lot of cases, pharma is outpacing costs and claims vs medical. It’s one of the biggest drivers in costs in healthcare today.

Lack of price transparency has little to do with Insurance companies. It has mostly to do with hospitals, and clinics. They are the ones that are able to charge whatever they want without any oversight. Ins companies just negotiate those prices or cover a portion of whatever that price is. Not saying ins companies don’t have a hand in rising costs but price transparency isn’t one of them.

So, the ACA made things worse?

The Ds have owned the issue and have created the “cookie jar”.

The examples I gave previously are why the health insurance industry is what is is today.

If you want to blame the Rs for a mess, we could talk about military spending. However, it seems the new generation of Rs are sick of funding and fighting endless wars.

01-11-2025, 10:13 AM
Here are some questions to ponder:

Why does the U.S. pay for most of the r&d when it comes to pharma? Which party is responsible for that?

Why do pbms exist? Why are they unregulated by the government? Who is responsible?

Why is there a lack of price transparency for most services in healthcare? (Admittedly there are a few changes happening around this) why has government done little to change this?

The point is that both parties have their hands in the cookie jar, and neither one of them have done much of anything to prevent drug and healthcare costs from skyrocketing.

While some republicans want to blame it all on ACA, it’s much more complex than that, and at least it allowed for coverage of preexisting conditions like Lou’s brain damage.

This is such a typical post from you!!

You can't explain the situation, so your response is to ask more questions to obfuscate your lack of knowledge on the topic.

You're not fooling anyone!!

You're trying to pass yourself off as some high level executive - by claiming to be an "expert", when it's clearly obvious you're not. Moreover, you're on this damn website throughout the day - everyday. What kind of an employee claiming to be an expert has the time to blow on a website every single day??

I'm calling bullshit!

01-11-2025, 10:35 AM
So, the ACA made things worse?

The Ds have owned the issue and have created the “cookie jar”.

The examples I gave previously are why the health insurance industry is what is is today.

If you want to blame the Rs for a mess, we could talk about military spending. However, it seems the new generation of Rs are sick of funding and fighting endless wars.

I’m not saying made things worse I’m saying it isn’t any better. It’s not the main cost driver of what is occurring in health care today as I’ve illustrated

Strange Brew
01-11-2025, 11:04 AM
I’m not saying made things worse I’m saying it isn’t any better. It’s not the main cost driver of what is occurring in health care today as I’ve illustrated

So it should be repealed then, correct?

01-11-2025, 11:09 AM
I’m afraid we might eventually have to go to a one payer government system. Our current system is not sustainable. It’s gotten way too expensive to get medical care, including prescriptions. We’re paying way more than most first world nations, especially when it comes to prescriptions. I think a major part of that is the governments of the other nations negotiate lower prices and the pharmaceutical companies make it up by overcharging in the US. Unfortunately, I think the only way to stop that is for the government to play hardball and negotiate similar prices here for everyone. The only way to do that is with a single payer system, which I’m sure our government would colossally screw up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hmmm. That would be a heck no from me on total government controlled healthcare.

1) just imagine how much more control, power, and financial responsibility we will be giving the federal government.

2) why reward the entity that is partially responsible for the mess we are in.

I obviously don’t have the answers but government control is not. Not to saying you’re advocating, but government is not the answer. And you are correct, they would totally screw it up.

01-11-2025, 11:26 AM
So it should be repealed then, correct?

I think there are good elements and bad elements. I don’t think it should be repealed but there are certainly elements of it I would personally change.

The good parts of getting rid of preexisting conditions even as something as silly as pregnancy was sorely needed, and I’m for more people having the ability to be covered.

With that said, I’d enhance it by offering things like catastrophic plans which went away when it was enacted. People should be free to choose their own plan design if it’s something like that, especially for younger, healthier single folk. There are other things I’d change to, but I don’t want to write a thesis.

I don’t think it’s all good or all bad, I don’t think overall it did much positively or negatively in terms of cost driving. Other elements of our healthcare system are way more to blame.

01-11-2025, 11:29 AM
Hmmm. That would be a heck no from me on total government controlled healthcare.

1) just imagine how much more control, power, and financial responsibility we will be giving the federal government.

2) why reward the entity that is partially responsible for the mess we are in.

I obviously don’t have the answers but government control is not. Not to saying you’re advocating, but government is not the answer. And you are correct, they would totally screw it up.

Agree with these points. Regulation is badly needed, but like with all things government touches, I worry it would just be made worse. Something needs to be done, and it starts with getting pharma way under control. I just don’t think the government gives a crap to fix it properly. Everyone is just making too much money.

01-11-2025, 11:36 AM
Single payer does NOT equal government run health plan (only in Great Britain)
The European and other models that perform so much better than ours at less cost, are non-profits for the most part.
They just remove the overhead of insurance companies, standardize administration, don't need PBM's and cover everybody.

You may not like the ACA, but there are millions of Americans who now have some form of insurance that didn't have it before.

01-11-2025, 12:16 PM
Anyone who thought the ACA was going to reduce premiums doesn’t have a clue how insurance works. In theory, it could have if EVERYONE who didn’t have insurance signed up for it, but that didn’t happen. The penalty for not signing up was small enough, that all the young, healthy, people that the ACA was counting on signing up, paying premiums, and having little to no claims, didn’t. It was cheaper for them to pay the “tax”, which is the only reason it wasn’t overturned by the SCOTUS. Instead, we ended up with a lot of adverse selection, meaning most of the people who signed up were older, needed coverage, and many times had expensive preexisting conditions. The result? Claims a hell of a lot more than expected resulting in skyrocketing premiums for everyone.

As someone else said, the business model of PBMs would be illegal in most industries with the collusion and kickbacks involved. In many cases, prescriptions are cheaper when you pay the cash price without using insurance, or using a service like GoodRX. If PBMs were truly saving all the money they claim, the cash price shouldn’t be less.

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01-11-2025, 12:25 PM
Is that really true? The older people were already covered by Medicare.
The actual enrollment numbers show very few people over 65 signed up.
5 million over 54, but 15 million under 54.

https://www.kff.org/affordable-care-act/state-indicator/marketplace-plan-selection-by-age/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22 :%22asc%22%7D

Strange Brew
01-11-2025, 01:08 PM
Single payer does NOT equal government run health plan (only in Great Britain)
The European and other models that perform so much better than ours at less cost, are non-profits for the most part.
They just remove the overhead of insurance companies, standardize administration, don't need PBM's and cover everybody.

You may not like the ACA, but there are millions of Americans who now have some form of insurance that didn't have it before.

I disagree on the performance of the Euro models.

Are you saying their “non-profit” systems operate at a loss?

01-11-2025, 01:41 PM
I disagree on the performance of the Euro models.

Are you saying their “non-profit” systems operate at a loss?

No, I'm not saying they operate at a loss. They just don't generate profits for middle men like insurance companies and PBM's.
There are some good metrics from organizations that have tracked performance for decades on this subject. Here are a couple to look at;



Strange Brew
01-11-2025, 01:55 PM
No, I'm not saying they operate at a loss. They just don't generate profits for middle men like insurance companies and PBM's.
There are some good metrics from organizations that have tracked performance for decades on this subject. Here are a couple to look at;



So they are for profit and I’m sure there are plenty of layers of gov’t waste that are paid throughout the system.

I’m not sure I trust those that promoted and passed the ACA with fixing anything for a long time.

And for anyone interested. The Commonwealth Fund is Progressive Left outfit. Their mission statement makes that very clear.

01-11-2025, 03:32 PM
It would be nice to have a reasonable discussion.
What’s the point if one doesn’t understand nonprofit means nonprofit?
What’s the point if you’re worried about the gatherer of facts, instead of the facts?
An infant mortality rate is just that, regardless of who published it.
Sorry. I tried. I’ll learn someday.

Strange Brew
01-11-2025, 04:39 PM
It would be nice to have a reasonable discussion.
What’s the point if one doesn’t understand nonprofit means nonprofit?
What’s the point if you’re worried about the gatherer of facts, instead of the facts?
An infant mortality rate is just that, regardless of who published it.
Sorry. I tried. I’ll learn someday.

I brought up “profit” because you seem to insinuate that the “non-profit” works better. They operate on a “profit”.

The source matters as we’ve all found out the past number of years. The source has an agenda and uses the”facts” to prove its agenda. Kind of like the recent crime “facts” from the Fed Gov’t.

What do you want to discuss? A National Healthcare System?

01-11-2025, 05:05 PM
I brought up “profit” because you seem to insinuate that the “non-profit” works better. They operate on a “profit”.

In theory, a health care system operated by nonprofit entities should reduce costs since they don’t have to worry about maximizing shareholder wealth. In theory.

I was at a seminar years ago where the presenter was involved in negotiating rates between hospitals and insurance companies. He explained why there can be such disparities between hospitals for the same service. If a hospital recently built a new magnetic imaging center, they need to show their board that the money spent is generating a good return, so they won’t discount those services too much. However, that same hospital might have a cardiac care center that was essentially paid for years ago, so they’ll give big discounts there, resulting in an “acceptable” overall discount to both the hospital and the insurance companies. Another hospital with a new cardiac care center and an older MRI center will negotiate the opposite way, resulting in big price differences for the same service, depending on the facility. Never thought about it that way before that seminar, but it makes sense.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-11-2025, 07:02 PM
The source matters as we’ve all found out the past number of years. The source has an agenda and uses the”facts” to prove its agenda. Kind of like the recent crime “facts” from the Fed Gov’t.

This is why it's useless. You'll find a reason to ignore the facts, and attack the messenger.
I noted infant mortality is much larger here as an example.
Here's another source on the subject. Does it somehow make the statistics magically correct, that people spent decades studying and gathering data?


No worries; I'll bow out. Metrics clearly show the US health system costs more and delivers less than single payer/universal coverage plans in most of the developed world.
To refuse to understand that and try for improvement, will only help those who take profit out of providing health care.
The other countries decided it's not a service where profit should be made; rather a social service like the police or fire.
I suppose it would be nice to say all our money (roughly twice as much) delivered better care for EVERYONE. But that's not the case.
We seem to be the only country where anyone is burdened with "medical" debt. Not something to be proud of.

01-11-2025, 09:12 PM
This is why it's useless. You'll find a reason to ignore the facts, and attack the messenger.
I noted infant mortality is much larger here as an example.
Here's another source on the subject. Does it somehow make the statistics magically correct, that people spent decades studying and gathering data?


No worries; I'll bow out. Metrics clearly show the US health system costs more and delivers less than single payer/universal coverage plans in most of the developed world.
To refuse to understand that and try for improvement, will only help those who take profit out of providing health care.
The other countries decided it's not a service where profit should be made; rather a social service like the police or fire.
I suppose it would be nice to say all our money (roughly twice as much) delivered better care for EVERYONE. But that's not the case.
We seem to be the only country where anyone is burdened with "medical" debt. Not something to be proud of.

You're basing your decision on one metric? No wonder LA is in flames....

Strange Brew
01-11-2025, 09:57 PM
This is why it's useless. You'll find a reason to ignore the facts, and attack the messenger.
I noted infant mortality is much larger here as an example.
Here's another source on the subject. Does it somehow make the statistics magically correct, that people spent decades studying and gathering data?


No worries; I'll bow out. Metrics clearly show the US health system costs more and delivers less than single payer/universal coverage plans in most of the developed world.
To refuse to understand that and try for improvement, will only help those who take profit out of providing health care.
The other countries decided it's not a service where profit should be made; rather a social service like the police or fire.
I suppose it would be nice to say all our money (roughly twice as much) delivered better care for EVERYONE. But that's not the case.
We seem to be the only country where anyone is burdened with "medical" debt. Not something to be proud of.

Paul, I read the article and so should you. Our Pre-term mortality rates are very good. The reason for the higher full-term mortality rate was listed as unknown and the article speculated on causes that do not have to do with “healthcare”.

And it’s one metric. And your article doesn’t really prove what you think it does.