View Full Version : What is your college basketball team worth if it could be sold?

04-06-2016, 01:27 AM

04-06-2016, 07:16 AM

I'll bite. How is _ayton more valuable than X?

I can only think that because they host the First Four...seeing as our arena is better, league is better, record is better, and London Warren still wakes up in cold sweats worried that Drew Lavender is nearby.

04-06-2016, 09:04 AM
I'll bite. How is _ayton more valuable than X?

I can only think that because they host the First Four...seeing as our arena is better, league is better, record is better, and London Warren still wakes up in cold sweats worried that Drew Lavender is nearby.

That was my second question as I started at the top and worked down. The first head scratcher was anyone being ahead of Kentucky. I guess I'm heavily influenced by the way they travel. They take over a city in Tournament time!

04-06-2016, 09:17 AM
Louisville has an arena deal that is insanely university friendly. I assume that's why they're on top.

04-06-2016, 09:22 AM
Louisville has an arena deal that is insanely university friendly. I assume that's why they're on top.

...and by a good margin. Nice deal indeed!

Geez, even after all the stripper expenses.

04-06-2016, 09:34 AM

Anybody else notice that the Big East must not be worth much? We're the highest ranked BE team, followed by Marquette (35) and SJU (37). Kind of head scratching that Nova isn't on this list. Or Creighton? They're notorious for selling out one of the biggest arenas in College Basketball.

04-06-2016, 09:39 AM
The analysis is probably to just take a multiple of revenue. Revenue is principally TV driven so that's why you see all the Big 10 teams high up, even those with questionable basketball pedigree. As for Louisville, they average like 20,000 a game. That's a lot of revenue. And as for Dayton, perhaps because there is so little else to do, they do draw awfully well. Again, results in a lot of revenue.

04-06-2016, 10:17 AM
Dayton sells more tickets than X and always will. Supporters still travel better than X.

04-06-2016, 10:24 AM
I'll bite. How is _ayton more valuable than X?

This amount does not include the costly renovations that would be needed to rectify the sewage issue.

04-06-2016, 12:00 PM
I think we need to consider NCAA Unit revenue here.

Dayton is living off our A10 contribution that we abandoned in favor of joining the Big East. They've now contributed some units to the A10, but still.

On the other hand, we walked away from that revenue stream, and it is affecting us now.

The good news: "The Big East Earned $20 Million in 17 Days" was the headline of a recent article about the BE's tournament performance this year. We all know that 4 and then 6 were placed in the Tournament for our first two years, respectively.

We'll start to re-gen the Tournament revenue stream, and that will take care of these rankings.

04-06-2016, 12:04 PM
I'll bite. How is _ayton more valuable than X?

I can only think that because they host the First Four...seeing as our arena is better, league is better, record is better, and London Warren still wakes up in cold sweats worried that Drew Lavender is nearby.

I remember this from last year, and looked at the variables he used. I'm too lazy and don't care enough about it to look it up again, but....

Dayton spends less, and the Dayton market generates higher TV ratings for college basketball. That's essentially why they're worth more according to this guy.

You and I could come up with a list of completely different variables, such as NCAA Tournament success, market SIZE (and not ratings), and ratings/viewers FOR YOUR TEAM'S GAMES (and not just college basketball in general). It would be every bit as credible (at least in my opinion) and we could determine that Xavier is clearly worth more. In the areas that matter, I definitely think that we are. But, I understand how he got the numbers that he did.

04-06-2016, 12:11 PM
Dayton spends less, and the Dayton market generates higher TV ratings for college basketball. That's essentially why they're worth more according to this guy.

Dayton does post good numbers for TV ratings. But...there's not a lot of ways to show the folks IN Dayton are actually watching Dayton basketball, as opposed to all the basketball that is shown on all the networks. I suspect the market is watching ESPN games that aren't broadcasting the Fayers.

04-06-2016, 12:32 PM
Dayton does post good numbers for TV ratings. But...there's not a lot of ways to show the folks IN Dayton are actually watching Dayton basketball, as opposed to all the basketball that is shown on all the networks. I suspect the market is watching ESPN games that aren't broadcasting the Fayers.

I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm not agreeing with how he ranked the programs. I'm merely explaining how I think he did it. Nothing more.

You're right. The games that are on premium tier networks rate pretty low nationally. Like....0.1 is typically as high as it gets. I would think that would make a program less valuable, but this guy doesn't.

04-06-2016, 01:31 PM
Does Dayton own their facility? On the other hand there's not really anything else Dayton could host b/c its a dump of a town.

04-06-2016, 01:34 PM
Don't care about Dayton, especially in this list compiled by what seems like somewhat subjective information

04-06-2016, 07:47 PM
Normally X is in the top 20. I have no doubt that X will climb back up again.

04-06-2016, 08:01 PM
Normally X is in the top 20. I have no doubt that X will climb back up again.

They still are, depending on who you talk to.

04-06-2016, 08:58 PM
True, but we also get 4.2 mill a yr. TV vs 350k in the the A-10.