View Full Version : San Diego - Gonzaga.

Kahns Krazy
03-11-2008, 01:57 PM
Two things I found interesting from last night's game.

1) San Diego got T'd up for hanging on the rim following a dunk. What made it interesting to me was that a) there were only 8 seconds left in the game b) the dunk gave SD a 10 point lead, and c) there was someone in the vicinity of the player dunking.

I haven't seen the T for a dunk in quite some time. It seems like a call they are getting away from in favor of player safety. I wonder if that varies from league to league. I wonder if stats are even kept on the reasons for technical fouls.

2) San Diego's Rob Jones is the son of Jim Jones Jr., the adopted son of Jim Jones, of the Jonestown massacre. That must be f'ed up. Even as the announcers were telling this, they noted that Jones himself has expressed that it is not something he wishes to discuss. I can't imagine having a family legacy that included my grandfather orchastrating the death of 909 people, 287 of them children.

Even more interesting was that Rob Jones' father escaped the massacre because he was on tour playing basketball. For most people, basketball is just a game. In the case of Rob Jones, he wouldn't exist if it weren't for basketball.

Jim Jones Jr. was the first African-American child adopted by a white couple in the state of Indiana, according to a PBS biography. It is hard to imagine a less successful adoption screening process.

03-11-2008, 02:36 PM

03-11-2008, 04:49 PM
So who's making the Jim Jones posters if San Diego ends up with a 13 or 14 seed and plays Xavier in the first round?

Kahns Krazy
03-11-2008, 05:16 PM
Or starting the "Drink the Kool-Aid" chant.

Fred Garvin
03-11-2008, 05:27 PM
There was a great Outside the Lines about this kid and Jonestown. Surprising since OTL is usually so sensationalized. I hate Bob Ley.

Fred Garvin
03-11-2008, 06:14 PM
I just went back and revisited the ESPN write-up on that kid. It says that after everything went down, Jim Jr. returned to San Francisco to rebuild his life. Can you imagine that? After all that notoriety Jim Jones Jr. returned to San Francisco. The same city whose newspapers brought the attention that led Jim Sr. to flee in the first place.