View Full Version : Ice Bucket Challenge
08-15-2014, 12:41 PM
So Chris Mack, Fr. Graham, and countless others have gotten into this whole ordeal.
I think it's great for raising awareness to ALS. I think that they have certainly seen an increase in donations to help research it.
However, I also think it's complete bullshit.
From what I understand, you have the choice to either dump a bucket of ice water on yourself or donate within 24 hours of being nominated, correct?
So all these videos of individuals doing these challenges are simply just deciding to dunk themselves as opposed to donating, and feeling good because they get likes on Facebook and have an excuse to post a silly video.
I have some friends that have donated as well as dumped ice water on themselves, and props to those who do. I just don't care for those individuals who say they are supporting a cause by simply dumping water on themselves though. I have had employees who have family members with ALS. They are pissed about it because they see their family member slowly dying and all they see is people making it some sort of game.
If I am nominated, I'll donate. A lot more good comes from that then dunking myself with ice water.
Enough already with the stupid ice buckets.
08-15-2014, 12:56 PM
So Chris Mack, Fr. Graham, and countless others have gotten into this whole ordeal.
I think it's great for raising awareness to ALS. I think that they have certainly seen an increase in donations to help research it.
However, I also think it's complete bullshit.
From what I understand, you have the choice to either dump a bucket of ice water on yourself or donate within 24 hours of being nominated, correct?
So all these videos of individuals doing these challenges are simply just deciding to dunk themselves as opposed to donating, and feeling good because they get likes on Facebook and have an excuse to post a silly video.
I have some friends that have donated as well as dumped ice water on themselves, and props to those who do. I just don't care for those individuals who say they are supporting a cause by simply dumping water on themselves though. I have had employees who have family members with ALS. They are pissed about it because they see their family member slowly dying and all they see is people making it some sort of game.
If I am nominated, I'll donate. A lot more good comes from that then dunking myself with ice water.
You and your employees should checkout the statistics of how much money has been raised the last few weeks as compared to at the same time last year.
In fact you can see a small snippet in this article ( which was written before the campaign really took off. From the article:
The ALS Association's national president, Barbara Newhouse, said donations to the national office surged during the 10-day period that ended Thursday, to about $160,000, from $14,480 during the same period a year ago. That's not counting donations to chapter offices around the country, Newhouse said.
Those people posting the silly videos are doing a whole hell of a lot to call attention to the issue which is half the battle.
08-15-2014, 12:59 PM
Marketing 101...use your brain.
Incredible exposure for the disease and likely countless multiples of donations because of it.
08-15-2014, 01:02 PM
It was started by a guy with ALS that did it and challenged 3 friends to do the same and built organically from there. The ALS society reported that it has raised more than $4M since the campaign started, versus $1.1M during the same period last year. They have reported that MOST, not some, of the people posting videos of themselves have donated money as well. The important component is that each dowser names 3 specific people who then have to either post a video or donate. It's been going on for a few weeks and only hit the major news a few days ago so it is likely to continue for a while. I think we still haven't heard from LeBron, who has been challenged by at least two other sports celebs.
This has been a VERY successful campaign and I expect other groups will try to replicate it.
Edited to include the link (
X-band '01
08-15-2014, 01:05 PM
I think it's also fair to point out that ALS research is not the only charity benefitting from the Ice Bucket challenge. It was going on a couple of months earlier for other charities, although the premise was still the same. It just became more viral when ALS became a beneficiary. I'm sure there are also people who will still dump the ice buckets and still quietly make donations as well.
I don't think people are trying to make sport of people with ALS (not intentionally, at least) with the challenge, but I don't think it's going to go on indefinitely, either.
X-band '01
08-15-2014, 01:07 PM
BTW, if you saw the YouTube video of Chris Mack getting doused, it's quite amusing to see Gregg Doyel completely whiff on Mack and then run like hell out of the video.
Filming yourself pouring cold water on your head in the middle of the summer is not a challenge. There have literally been like two things that have prevented me from deleting my facebook account over the past several years. The ice bucket challenge may prove to be too much for those things to overcome.
08-15-2014, 01:27 PM
Filming yourself pouring cold water on your head in the middle of the summer is not a challenge. There have literally been like two things that have prevented me from deleting my facebook account over the past several years. The ice bucket challenge may prove to be too much for those things to overcome.
It's not been that warm of a summer.
DC Muskie
08-15-2014, 04:40 PM
I just got "challenged."
I will be donating ten bucks to ALS and matching that gift to one of my favorite charities charity:water. I'm not making a video of me dumping perfectly clean water over my head knowing that 3.4 million people die each year in Africa due to water related diseases. That's the population of LA.
I love the premise and the awareness even if it's over the top "look at me" spectrum. But be aware of dumping water of your head can be a bit insulting to people who are committed to providing access to clean water to about a billion people who don't have it.
I just got "challenged."
I will be donating ten bucks to ALS and matching that gift to one of my favorite charities charity:water. I'm not making a video of me dumping perfectly clean water over my head knowing that 3.4 million people die each year in Africa due to water related diseases. That's the population of LA.
I love the premise and the awareness even if it's over the top "look at me" spectrum. But be aware of dumping water of your head can be a bit insulting to people who are committed to providing access to clean water to about a billion people who don't have it.
What if it's urine? Then we don't feel so bad about it.
08-15-2014, 04:56 PM
I just got "challenged."
I will be donating ten bucks to ALS and matching that gift to one of my favorite charities charity:water. I'm not making a video of me dumping perfectly clean water over my head knowing that 3.4 million people die each year in Africa due to water related diseases. That's the population of LA.
I love the premise and the awareness even if it's over the top "look at me" spectrum. But be aware of dumping water of your head can be a bit insulting to people who are committed to providing access to clean water to about a billion people who don't have it.
How often do you shower?
08-15-2014, 04:59 PM
It's American water. If you don't pour it out, then it can't evaporate and end up in Africa.
DC Muskie
08-15-2014, 05:00 PM
What if it's urine? Then we don't feel so bad about it.
If you want to dump urine on yourself and post it on facebook, be my guest!
You don't have to feel bad about anything. The premise is donate or dump water over your head. I'm just making people aware of wasting water like that, there are people who lack access to things like proper working toilets.
How often do you shower?
Everyday. I'm about to take another here in a little bit before I head out. Why?
08-15-2014, 05:03 PM
If you want to dump urine on yourself and post it on facebook, be my guest!
You don't have to feel bad about anything. The premise is donate or dump water over your head. I'm just making people aware of wasting water like that, there are people who lack access to things like proper working toilets.
Everyday. I'm about to take another here in a little bit before I head out. Why?
I thought you were against people dumping perfectly good water over their head?
08-15-2014, 05:04 PM
I'm dumping a bucket of perfectly clean water out in my backyard tonight just to offset DC's saved bucket.
08-15-2014, 05:05 PM
there are people who lack access to things like proper working toilets.
Too little sodium's got nothing on no proper working toilets!
DC Muskie
08-15-2014, 05:06 PM
Too little sodium's got nothing on no proper working toilets!
If only those people had access to canned foods!
DC Muskie
08-15-2014, 05:07 PM
I thought you were against people dumping perfectly good water over their head?
What does me taking a shower have to do with that?
DC Muskie
08-15-2014, 05:08 PM
I'm dumping a bucket of perfectly clean water out in my backyard tonight just to offset DC's saved bucket.
Post a video of that on Facebook!
08-15-2014, 05:08 PM
Post a video of that on Facebook!
Fortunately, I don't have the Facebook.
DC Muskie
08-15-2014, 05:10 PM
Fortunately, I don't have the Facebook.
That's pretty smart actually.
08-15-2014, 05:41 PM
I did it, and had no idea what it was. I'd never heard of the ice bucket challenge at all until three days ago, and I didn't know it had anything to do with ALS until after I had done it. I just thought it was something that athletic departments and kids who played college athletics had started to do for whatever reason. We've now got entire teams doing it, and challenging other teams to do it. XU's and UD's women's soccer teams both did it after their exhibition game the other night. Other teams in other sports have done it as well.
So, with that in mind, I kind of agree with the original post. I can see it being sort of bad form to opt to dump ice water on yourself instead of donating money. So, I now feel compelled to donate something to an ALS charity.
08-15-2014, 05:51 PM
It's spilled over into basketball. It's out of control. I'm more amazed than anything else. Pretty soon there will be videos of every basketball team dumping ice water on themselves.
08-15-2014, 07:40 PM
I just got "challenged."
I will be donating ten bucks to ALS and matching that gift to one of my favorite charities charity:water. I'm not making a video of me dumping perfectly clean water over my head knowing that 3.4 million people die each year in Africa due to water related diseases. That's the population of LA.
I love the premise and the awareness even if it's over the top "look at me" spectrum. But be aware of dumping water of your head can be a bit insulting to people who are committed to providing access to clean water to about a billion people who don't have it.
Bravo DC.
X-band '01
08-15-2014, 08:10 PM
XU's and UD's women's soccer teams both did it after their exhibition game the other night. Other teams in other sports have done it as well.
And no one even bothered to let Blackburn Review know this was going on? They would have a field day with this one.
EDIT: I guess they're holding out for Morgan Miller (Archie's wife) to take the challenge instead.
08-15-2014, 08:58 PM
EDIT: I guess they're holding out for Morgan Miller (Archie's wife) to take the challenge instead.
Well, if it is going to raise awareness....
DC Muskie
08-16-2014, 12:50 PM
I now have people on my Facebook feed who are just throwing over themselves. They haven't been challenged, just want to do it. This is now starting to get hilarious. Annoying yes, but hilarious.
08-16-2014, 01:46 PM
DC Muskie:
Thank you. As amusing as it is to see people (such as Fr. Graham) take an ice bucket or two, I was wondering when somebody would speak up over the gross abuse of water. It's not just third and fourth world nations. Think just a week or two ago in Toledo. Those citizens would have lived to have several ice buckets full of fresh clean water. Think of the droughts of California. Think off all the natural disasters such as tornados and hurricanes that are cutting our own fellow citizens off from reliable fresh local water.
Kahns Krazy
08-18-2014, 09:02 PM
Waste of water? Really?
The average American uses about 36,000 gallons of water in a year. Most of the videos I've seen have been between a quart and a half gallon of water. I'm really not opposed to spilling a little water on the ground that represents 0.0017% of the normal use of water. Far more water is wasted every day watering lawns, filling pools, by dripping faucets, running the Bellagio fountain, etc., none of which generate multiple millions of dollars to find a cure for a nasty way to die.
Not to mention that water isn't really wasted. It just goes somewhere else.
I challenge everyone in Ferguson, Missouri to dump a bucket of ice water over their heads.
PM Thor
08-18-2014, 09:15 PM
I challenge everyone in Ferguson, Missouri to dump a bucket of ice water over their heads.
Ok, this would actually be just awesome. Could you see a line of protestors doing that and then challenging the cops across from them to do it? I really, really like that.
As for the Ice bucket challenge. If you don't like it, don't freaking do it. Simple enough you morons.
And it's not really new. A "water challenge" has been around for about a year, have seen numerous challenges, it's just that this one took off. Good for them.
08-18-2014, 09:39 PM
This could lead to peace in the Middle East!!!
08-18-2014, 10:01 PM
DC Muskie:
Thank you. As amusing as it is to see people (such as Fr. Graham) take an ice bucket or two, I was wondering when somebody would speak up over the gross abuse of water. It's not just third and fourth world nations. Think just a week or two ago in Toledo. Those citizens would have lived to have several ice buckets full of fresh clean water. Think of the droughts of California. Think off all the natural disasters such as tornados and hurricanes that are cutting our own fellow citizens off from reliable fresh local water.
My guess is that you are joking. Probably one daily golf course watering in the August heat at Kenwood would cover it, altho, I think the next civil war may be out here in the West over who gets the water. Toledo was just a warning shot.
DC Muskie
08-20-2014, 03:45 PM
I will say I did enjoy Dubya's video where he challenged Bill Clinton. "For his birthday, my present to him is a bucket of cold water."
Well played.
08-20-2014, 05:00 PM
And our Archbishop has come out against the Ice Bucket Challenge, because the underlying charity is using the money for morally offensive cell research, per Catholic doctrine
X-band '01
08-20-2014, 05:14 PM
Cincinnati Enquirer - Archdiocese weighs in (
The Archdiocese does suggest an alternative charity - John Paul II Medical Research Institute (Iowa City, IA).
It should be noted that the Archdiocese isn't against the video portion itself, but rather it's against donations going to ALSA since some of the donations are going towards embryonic stem-cell research. The JPII Medical Research Institute only conducts research with adult stem cells.
08-20-2014, 05:28 PM
The archdiocese really should put its energy elsewhere than to try and discourage donations to a good cause ... does't the Catholic Church have bigger problems, many of its own making???
Cincinnati Enquirer - Archdiocese weighs in (
The Archdiocese does suggest an alternative charity - John Paul II Medical Research Institute (Iowa City, IA).
It should be noted that the Archdiocese isn't against the video portion itself, but rather it's against donations going to ALSA since some of the donations are going towards embryonic stem-cell research. The JPII Medical Research Institute only conducts research with adult stem cells.
X-band '01
08-20-2014, 05:50 PM
It's twisting their words to imply they're discouraging donations against ALS research; they're just saying there are alternative charities that go towards research that doesn't harm the dignity of embryos and their stem cells.
Where's Roach when you need him?
08-20-2014, 05:54 PM
It's simply tone deaf by an organization that actively discriminates against classes of people.
It's twisting their words to imply they're discouraging donations against ALS research; they're just saying there are alternative charities that go towards research that doesn't harm the dignity of embryos and their stem cells.
Where's Roach when you need him?
08-20-2014, 06:34 PM
It's simply tone deaf by an organization that actively discriminates against classes of people.
What does that have to do with anything? You can agree or disagree with their take on the use of embryonic stem cells for research, but what does their "discrimination against classes of people" have to do with this issue? I'd think that in order to be consistent in its ideology that Church is often required to be tone deaf, frankly. That should be the last thing the Church is concerned about.
08-20-2014, 06:47 PM
It's simply tone deaf by an organization that actively discriminates against classes of people.
Who do they discriminate against?
PM Thor
08-20-2014, 07:54 PM
Once again, the Cincinnati archdiocese being Debbie Downer.
DC Muskie
08-20-2014, 07:57 PM
Once again, the Cincinnati archdiocese being Debbie Downer.
I don't see it that way. They are just raising awareness about an issue that is important to them. I had no idea about the stem cell issue until I saw it a few days ago.
Doesn't mean I have to donate to the organization they suggested, but it's good to know for people that might care about it.
Saying all of that, I'm ready to have this thing come to an end. Yes, I'm a jerk.
08-20-2014, 08:28 PM
Who do they discriminate against?
I'm betting he's alluding to one of the "g" words that typically derails threads around here.
The archdiocese really should put its energy elsewhere than to try and discourage donations to a good cause ... does't the Catholic Church have bigger problems, many of its own making???
It's encouraging to see the Church taking a public stand in defense of its doctrine. When it DOESN'T do that, that's when the bigger problems occur.
And to be fair, they aren't discouraging donations, just suggesting an alternative organization that does not offend the truth that life begins at conception.
DC Muskie
08-20-2014, 08:32 PM
I'm betting he's alluding to one of the "g" words that typically derails threads around here.
PM Thor
08-20-2014, 08:33 PM
It's encouraging to see the Church taking a public stand in defense of its doctrine. When it DOESN'T do that, that's when the bigger problems occur.
And to be fair, they aren't discouraging donations, just suggesting an alternative organization that does not offend the truth that life begins at conception.
Absolutely true. But go to any of the local news sites and see how they are playing it. It's despicable. This is the Channel 5 page...
Catholic school officials partake in ALS challenge despite warning
Read more:
Nigel Tufnel
08-20-2014, 08:33 PM
Saying all of that, I'm ready to have this thing come to an end. Yes, I'm a jerk.
You certainly can can I. But I'm with you on this thing coming to an end.
08-20-2014, 08:34 PM
Not the "g" I was thinking of, but there goes the thread anyways. Now Nuts is going to post some "ice water" pictures I'm sure.
I'm betting he's alluding to one of the "g" words that typically derails threads around here.
You mean "girls"? I seem to like girls more than the church does. Ohhh, maybe a different "g" word... Plenty of discrimination to go around.
08-20-2014, 08:36 PM
We have liftoff.
Not the "g" I was thinking of, but there goes the thread anyways. Now Nuts is going to post some "ice water" pictures I'm sure.
I think you're right. I'll stay tuned. I think Nuts is good for ratings.
DC Muskie
08-20-2014, 08:39 PM
You certainly can can I. But I'm with you on this thing coming to an end.
Yeah and I hate to come across as a jerk, but really how many more people are out there who haven't done this?
Not the "g" I was thinking of, but there goes the thread anyways. Now Nuts is going to post some "ice water" pictures I'm sure.
It's a thread about dumping water over your head. I'm not sure this thread had much value to begin with.
08-20-2014, 08:43 PM
They let gay people go to confession, no?
The only "G" words I can think of that have caused more fights on this board than any others are "Gary" and "Griffin". And I hope he's logged in from heaven laughing at us idiots...
The only "G" words I can think of that have caused more fights on this board than any others are "Gary" and "Griffin". And I hope he's logged in from heaven laughing at us idiots...
I love the re-direct and I merrily confess to being an "i" word.
X-band '01
08-20-2014, 08:50 PM
You're underestimating Gangstas on this board. Not thugs.
X-band '01
08-20-2014, 09:05 PM
The only "G" words I can think of that have caused more fights on this board than any others are "Gary" and "Griffin". And I hope he's logged in from heaven laughing at us idiots...
If he's not, surely DAllen15 will have a good laugh as well.
Nigel Tufnel
08-20-2014, 09:31 PM
Yeah and I hate to come across as a jerk, but really how many more people are out there who haven't done this? .
The thing that annoys me is how many people (doing it with kids) don't realize they are still supposed to donate. I would guess 90% of the families whose kids are doing this "challenge" online aren't paying the $10. Too inconvenient...but it was cute to see a 6-18 year old getting doused with ice water on Facebook. I told my wife tonight....we are donating $30 if our 3 kids did this whole ice bucket thing. I hope everyone e is donating their $10....but I sincerely doubt it.
08-20-2014, 09:38 PM
My daughter's gymnastics team did it today, and I'm not giving $10. If I want to give 10 bucks to ALS research, I'll give 10 bucks to ALS research. I certainly don't feel compelled to give just because her team participated in a Facebook fad.
I don't blame a single soul who doesn't want to feel pressured into anything like that. It happens to be my personality to feel the same way. I did get such a kick out of watching my wife do it tonight that I'm glad to have seen the video and I'm glad she's paying. It made her happy. I'm traveling right now, so I've offered to help her re-enact the whole thing to be sure the water temp is sufficiently cold, and I want to be in charge of a nice slow, steady pour. Hey, if your going to do it, do it right!
I love this thing. Social media can be such a pain that's it's really nice to finally see it being used in a positive way.
Nigel Tufnel
08-20-2014, 10:21 PM
My daughter's gymnastics team did it today, and I'm not giving $10. If I want to give 10 bucks to ALS research, I'll give 10 bucks to ALS research. I certainly don't feel compelled to give just because her team participated in a Facebook fad.
I'm giving you a Fletch quote on that....
I'm donating out of spite because I'm 100% sure 90% of the people posting on my wife's Facebook (I don't have an account...Thank God) won't donate a penny....
A spite ALS donation....sounds like a Larry David sitcom episode....
08-20-2014, 10:29 PM
Thanks Nige. I get that a lot.
08-21-2014, 07:53 AM
The only "G" words I can think of that have caused more fights on this board than any others are "Gary" and "Griffin". And I hope he's logged in from heaven laughing at us idiots...
The G Effect is wide-ranging. I blame Go for this state of affairs.
Kahns Krazy
08-21-2014, 12:54 PM
I think it's cool that it was effective at raising ALS funding for a bit, and I have no problem with the church raising their issue as well. I lost a grandmother to ALS, so I have a bit of a personal stake in it. I'm quite certain that most of the people that posted their videos have no more awareness of what the actual disease is, but at the end of the day, it's dumping a bucket of icewater on your head, not a miracle.
Even with that, I won't be sad when it's over. I am cringing about the thought of the copycat challenges that I'm sure a huge number of causes are dreaming up at this point.
I also hate guilt-forced giving.
X-band '01
08-21-2014, 01:11 PM
Public reps to Kahns for a new "G" since I can't do it privately.
08-21-2014, 02:29 PM
It is spreading awareness for a horrible disease and donations are up something like 700% from this time last year to this year. If it takes videos of people dumping water all over themselves and posting it to facebook to raise contributions, who cares. I'm sorry that some of your all's lives are so unhappy that you need to complain about everything.
08-21-2014, 02:41 PM
It is spreading awareness for a horrible disease and donations are up something like 700% from this time last year to this year. If it takes videos of people dumping water all over themselves and posting it to facebook to raise contributions, who cares. I'm sorry that some of your all's lives are so unhappy that you need to complain about everything.
So to be clear, you are now complaining about other people complaining.
Uh ok, that makes sense...
08-21-2014, 02:44 PM
And I'm complaining about you complaining about him complaining about all those other complainers. Complainer X 5.
08-21-2014, 03:26 PM
I'm giving you a Fletch quote on that....
I'm donating out of spite because I'm 100% sure 90% of the people posting on my wife's Facebook (I don't have an account...Thank God) won't donate a penny....
A spite ALS donation....sounds like a Larry David sitcom episode....
Oh! Like on Friends when Phoebe donates to public television even though she doesn't watch TV in an attempt commit a truly altruistic act!!
Just a couple articles I've tripped across for those that are not enamored with the phenomenon but are trying come to terms with the fact it isn't going away any time soon.
Why the the ice bucket challenge isn't stupid. (
What an ALS family REALLY thinks about the ice bucket challenge. (
08-21-2014, 04:01 PM
Drinking the Wall at Danas was the best challenge in history.
And I'm complaining about you complaining about him complaining about all those other complainers. Complainer X 5.
I'd complain about your post but, well, quite frankly... I don't think I'm up to the task.
Drinking the Wall at Danas was the best challenge in history.
I'm not familiar with the Drinking the Wall at Danas Challenge. I've seen plenty succeed in the Drinking to the Floor Challenge there. Is that the same thing? Related in any way?
08-22-2014, 05:32 PM
I miss the bowling machine.
08-22-2014, 07:21 PM
Having just watched a 10 minute compilation video of ice bucket challenge fails. Some pointers:
Don't use styrofoam coolers - those collapse when hoisted Ironically the ice cube trays out of freezers seem to also fall apart
Be realistic about the size bucket. I know it's macho to use the largest container you can find. But ice and water gets heavy fast. Especially when being hoisted or tipped over a railing. Don't conk yourself or others in the head with the bucket.
On the other hand don't go too small, it lacks humor value.
08-23-2014, 12:22 AM
Oh, and if you get the fire department to help by dumping water from the top of a ladder truck - don't get shocked in the process.
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