View Full Version : #JimmyCarter

02-26-2014, 12:23 AM
They just called out Dayton and Jimmy Carter on ESPN's Sportscenter.

I did a double take.

Dayton lost to St. Joes tonight, got obliterated.

They ran the plays of the week I think it was, or maybe it was just highlights of the game.

At the end the ESPN guy actually said "Hashtag, Jimmy Carter"

Can anyone else confirm this?

I started the Jimmy Carter chant years ago, and Khans swore I was the biggest idiot in the world. Now, Khans is probably right anyway, but I couldn't believe my ears tonight when Dayton goes down and we aren't even playing them and ESPN says "Hashtag, Jimmy Carter"

I am not even sure what it means, other than a general insult to piss off Dayton fans. For that I am proud, I guess.

02-26-2014, 12:26 AM
And I don't have mad twitter skilz or anything, but when I searched for #jimmycarter all I got was one post from MOR in the last 24 hours as it would pertain to Dayton. If I am wrong show me how to search it. So MOR just ran some smack up the flagpole to see which way the wind was blowing, and the next thing you know it those melon humpers are being taunted on ESPN.

Well played.

Kahns Krazy
02-26-2014, 08:23 AM
Haha! You are the biggest idiot in the world, but I will give you props for yelling "Jimmy Carter" first, and it was probably in Clinton's first term. You have been yelling Jimmy Carter at random strangers for more than half the historical presidential run.

I wish I had seen the guy on ESPN say "#Jimmy Carter". That is as epic as the crosstown shootout Horsehead costume that was referenced in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. Add that to the alleged "Bob Huggins has no integrity" airplane banner incident, and I will give you credit that your particular brand of idiocy has led to some of the most hilarious sporting events I have personally witnessed.

Idiot on, my man!

02-26-2014, 08:51 AM
I think I figured it out.

I am a twitter novice. I have an account but that is about it. I follow MOR, and MOR follows Tom DeCorte, who actually did the #JimmyCarter. Tom DeCorte's profile says this:

11p SportsCenter producer. I like tweeting about the Detroit Tigers, Michigan and 49ers football, Xavier hoops & the Arsenal.

So we got a Muskie fan producing the 11pm Sportscenter, and he snuck in a #JimmyCarter reference. That is awesome.

When I searched for it last night MORs name came up on my screen as well because of I am "following" him, and he was following DeCorte.

It is nice to have a Muskie fan in high places!

Jimmy Carter!


02-26-2014, 09:17 AM
I wish I saw that.

My UD grad wife changed from her UD jacket to my Xavier sweatshirt at half time last night. It was awesome.

02-26-2014, 09:47 AM
It was Van Pelt who said it

02-26-2014, 10:21 AM
I especially like the way he worded his tweet. Just drips with irony.

Tom DeCorte ‏@TPD3 · 13h
Dayton looking good tonight. #jimmycarter

02-26-2014, 10:27 AM
I know some people frown upon it, but I enjoy reading UD Pride on days like today.

All that happened tonight, was the same thing that has happened the last 25 years or so.

Dayton had a bubble game on the road and lost.

Xavier had a bubble game on the road and won.

02-26-2014, 11:10 AM
DeCorte is an X alum and great guy. I believe he was the editor if the newswire his senior year (98).

02-26-2014, 11:30 AM
Lol love that quote from UD Pride.

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PM Thor
02-26-2014, 11:39 AM
This is just glorious.

02-26-2014, 11:46 AM
I think I figured it out.

I am a twitter novice. I have an account but that is about it. I follow MOR, and MOR follows Tom DeCorte, who actually did the #JimmyCarter. Tom DeCorte's profile says this:

So we got a Muskie fan producing the 11pm Sportscenter, and he snuck in a #JimmyCarter reference. That is awesome.

When I searched for it last night MORs name came up on my screen as well because of I am "following" him, and he was following DeCorte.

It is nice to have a Muskie fan in high places!

Jimmy Carter!


You are correct. Give Tom the credit. Tom is a Xavier grad who does produce the 11 pm Sportscenter and he was at the Providence game. I am proud to say I've had beers with him in Philly. Great guy, but even he can't lessen my disdain for ESPN. I hope that he doesn't get in trouble for expressing himself, though.

That being said, trolling dump fans with a #jimmycarter is ridiculously glorious. Atta boy, Tommy!

02-26-2014, 08:01 PM
My wife is not a Xavier grad, heck she was born and bred in Kentucky and only knew Ky BB growing up. However, over the many years we have been married she has come to know about X basketball and understands this streak.......

I just told her about is and she busted out laughing......wish I had heard this for myself....too cool!

02-26-2014, 09:09 PM
Here's something that is almost as spectacular...

"@steveisrunning: @TPD3 did you have anything to do with the #jimmycarter comment on SC last night?"

"@TPD3: @steveisrunning I plead the 5th"


02-27-2014, 02:00 PM
And this is why we love Snipe even when his 2 am musings run a bit far afield. His fandom is epic.