View Full Version : NCAA or NBA
01-04-2014, 01:50 AM
Let me preface by saying that I'm as diehard as they come when it comes to Xavier basketball. I mean, there's a pretty good chance my wife and I will be moving to Cincy in a year and a half, and that's 80% because of Xavier basketball.
That said, I love the NBA (specifically the Spurs) and find the average NBA game much more entertaining to watch than the average college game, even between top-30 programs (as fair a comparison as I could think of). For me, it's simply the skill level. I love knowing that every guy in the NBA is a star and can knock down tough shots, whereas in college the decision-making, ability to create and defense is at a much lower level.
So, given this a college bb board, I'm curious, am I in the vast minority when it comes to this? What I'm asking is, would you rather watch an average NBA regular-season game or college basketball regular-season game between top-30 teams? (I'm not talking about the NCAA tournament at all - it's the greatest sports spectacle on Earth and has no peers, in any sport, anywhere).
01-04-2014, 02:25 AM
When talking about an NBA game, I assume you're referring to one where they aren't sorta taking a night off in the 82-game season. Say, a comparison of Heat-Pacers to Arizona-Duke?
01-04-2014, 02:29 AM
I love watching both. I'm voting NCAA mainly because there are fewer games, therefore less opportunity to watch. The NBA season is long and games are on more nights of the week. The style of play in the NBA can be more satisfying sometimes, but the atmosphere and exciting in a competitive college game is like no other sporting experience to me!
01-04-2014, 03:17 AM
When talking about an NBA game, I assume you're referring to one where they aren't sorta taking a night off in the 82-game season. Say, a comparison of Heat-Pacers to Arizona-Duke?
Yeah, it's not a perfect comparison. But I had in mind any NBA game, even something like Milwaukee - Sacramento, as compared to a good college game. I know the atmosphere would be much better at the college game, and that's an important factor, but I was talking more about the pure aesthetic of the basketball being played.
Kahns Krazy
01-04-2014, 07:49 AM
I can't stand the NBA. The game is boring. I went to a Bulls game once, and it was even more boring in person. The loudest cheer came when the Bulls passed 100 points and everyone won a free Big Mac.
01-04-2014, 07:53 AM
I have no interest in the NBA. A big part of that is because I never had a team to root for as a kid (being from Baltimore, I could not stand to root for DC teams so the Wizards were out of the question). I've just never gotten hooked onto a team since and probably never will.
01-04-2014, 08:20 AM
I do not like the NBA. The playoffs are okay, though.
West is Best
01-04-2014, 11:20 AM
If the game doesn't involve Xavier, I tend to prefer watching the NBA. The NBA has changed a lot in the last 5 years... its no longer isolation clear outs and predictable fade-away 3's, and defenses have gotten a lot more complicated in response. Also, I feel like too many top college coaches stubbornly run their system year in and year out and hide the talent of the players. Syracuse and Howland-era UCLA are two examples, but there are dozens more.
PM Thor
01-04-2014, 08:27 PM
I just went to the Cavs-Orlando game on Thursday, during a freaking snowstorm. Man, the place was HOPPING!
No. Of course not. We did have use of a suite with free food and drink, but even though the game went OT, it's not even comparable to an NCAA game. There is no "urgency" to winning a game in an 80+ season, like you get in the college ranks. I had fun, but I noticed one difference that stuck out. In the NBA, they play hype music while the game is going on, with players actually running plays! You don't get that need in the NCAA.
01-04-2014, 08:29 PM
In your scenario I'd watch college game. But I prefer NBA. (xavier, first, then NBA) but two bad NBA teams vs two top 30 college teams I go college. Two average NBA teams against two average college, I go NBA easy. Avg teams in college work so hard and get a good offensive look only to brick it. Just gets boring watching missed open shot after missed open shot.
On a side note, I've asked friends if college could adopt an NBA rule which one would you want? I think end of college games would be even better if after a TO the ball moved to half court.
01-04-2014, 09:14 PM
NCAA all the way. There's something incredible about watching college age kids playing to win and to maybe make a career out of the game. NBA players mostly appear to be going through the motions until the playoffs (and even then, it seems that all but 2 NBA teams make the playoffs, so it's still not super fun - there's no urgency). The NCAA is do or die. Most of those guys will never see the court again after they graduate and they know that, so they're playing lights out every game to make that tournament. The season isn't that long, so every game is important to the end result. To me, the best time of year is NCAA tourney season. It cannot be beat.
01-04-2014, 09:32 PM
On a side note, I've asked friends if college could adopt an NBA rule which one would you want? I think end of college games would be even better if after a TO the ball moved to half court.
This is the NBA rule that stands out to me as something the NCAA should adopt.
01-04-2014, 10:27 PM
College, by far. And I grew up watching Jordan and the Bulls.
I kind of view the NBA as entertainment. Like watching a movie. Sure I'll cheer for the Bulls, but if they lose, they lose. I don't have a strong rooting interest.
College plays such fewer games that every game means something. And while the talent isn't close to comparable, guys generally play hard every possession. I'd rather watch guys play with effort in a meaningful game vs. the NBA.
01-04-2014, 11:09 PM
I never watch the NBA. Like never ever. Never been to a game and I doubt I'll be going to one anytime soon. The only time I ever see the NBA is if I watch SportsCenter highlights or if I happen to look up former Xavier or Kansas players to see how they're doing.
I don't know if growing up in Cincinnati without a team is why I never got into the NBA, but I've just never had any interest.
01-04-2014, 11:56 PM
I think I'm probably pretty spoiled as a Spurs fan. I watch the games on replay whenever I have the chance and find regular-season games incredibly entertaining simply because of how beautiful the game is when the Spurs play. But maybe if I was watching Utah every night it'd be a different story.
I totally agree about in-game experience, though. Unless it's a marquee matchup or the playoffs, the atmosphere at a college game is way better. I've been to 4 NBA games in my life and the atmosphere was pretty bad at all of them. On the other hand, I think if you went to Thunder, Blazers or Warriors home games, you'd be pretty impressed by how they get up for run-of-the-mill games in January.
01-05-2014, 12:05 AM
I go to NBA games when the tickets are free which was a lot in Orlando, not so much in Denver, but I do get Avalanche ducats. No way I would ever buy a season ticket to any Pro Sports anymore. Like the picture on my 66 inch too much.
01-05-2014, 12:54 AM
NCAA all the way. Rivalries seem to be better and atmosphere generally is better. I don't really pay attention to the NBA until June. Season is too long for me.
01-05-2014, 09:07 AM
I agree with many of the points above favoring NCAA basketball over the NBA.
The other main reason I prefer NCAA over NBA is that the NBA seems like such an individual game versus a team game. A lot of one-on-one matchups to try and score versus team offense. Nothing like seeing the ball swing around the perimeter to get the perfect shot, and that type of thing doesn't seem to happen much in the NBA.
When talking about an NBA game, I assume you're referring to one where they aren't sorta taking a night off in the 82-game season. Say, a comparison of Heat-Pacers to Arizona-Duke?
We took our son (who played a lot of high school and AAU ball) to a game in Charlotte a few years ago. Within the first 30 seconds he said "they're not even trying!". He was right. I enjoyed having NBA season tickets growing up, but it's different now.....
01-05-2014, 10:56 AM
I agree with many of the points above favoring NCAA basketball over the NBA.
The other main reason I prefer NCAA over NBA is that the NBA seems like such an individual game versus a team game. A lot of one-on-one matchups to try and score versus team offense. Nothing like seeing the ball swing around the perimeter to get the perfect shot, and that type of thing doesn't seem to happen much in the NBA.
The post-Jordan era was like that, a hyper-individual game in the early 2000s, which is ironic, because those Bulls teams played great team ball despite having the GOAT. In recent years, though, the game is getting much better. The good teams play great team ball trying to find that perfect shot. Spurs do this wonderfully. So do the Pacers and the Heat.
Section 200
01-05-2014, 09:25 PM
This is the NBA rule that stands out to me as something the NCAA should adopt.
I also like the shorter shot clock in the NBA - 35 seconds is too long
01-05-2014, 09:39 PM
If I was seeing the game in-person, NCAA. But on television I'd be more likely to watch the NBA.
I agree with Rosey that the NBA is built to be entertainment. So much so that it is more entertaining to watch on tv than in person. I like to flip it on and just marvel at how ridiculously talented those guys are. It doesn't matter at all who wins or loses, which is good when I'm trying to relax and relieve stress.
College on the other is in my mind more pure sport. The talent isn't nearly as high, which necessitates a wider variety of schemes and play styles (same with football by the way). And the difference between the atmosphere at a high-level college game and an NBA regular season game is like comparing Cedar Point to a church festival. The electricity in the building doesn't always translate to the broadcast though, which is what the poll question was about.
So for television I have to go with the NBA, even if it's just for the novelty of watching LeBron taking a mere six strides to go baseline to baseline. Unreal.
And I know it would make an unfair advantage oftentimes in the college game, but it would be nice for a jump ball to be a true jump ball. That's the rule I'd change. Advancing the ball on a timeout is good for entertainment, more buzzer beaters and all, but I don't like it for college.
01-05-2014, 09:47 PM
I also like the shorter shot clock in the NBA - 35 seconds is too long
Going to watch a college game after I've been playing NBA2K12 is unnerving. It just doesn't feel right that first one play was disrupted, then another, but there's still more than 10 seconds on the clock.
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01-06-2014, 09:02 AM
I am a season ticket holder for Xavier, and have been for most of my life.
Yet, I have the NBA Ticket on Directv to give me extra NBA games. I like the current NBA product, and with the zone defense now allowed, it forces teams to move the ball much like the college game. I enjoy the NBA game also because I watch so much college basketball, I am familiar with much of the NBA personalities. It is great entertainment to watch David Freakin West battle against LeBron and the Heat. I watched Jordan Crawford and his Celtics play the Grizz last night too.
I am also an occasional video game participant, and NBA 2K14 is a GREAT game. It really acclimates you to the NBA game, the rules, and who plays for whom.
The talent level in the NBA games is so much better than the college game, it makes for a very entertaining couple of hours.
MD Muskie
01-06-2014, 10:00 AM
This, to me at least, is not even close. Its the NCAA over the NBA every day. Just about everything about the college game is better than the NBA game. My biggest problem with the NBA is that there is basically only 4 teams that have a real shot at winning the championship. When was the last time a true Cinderella team made a fun to the finals? The NBA is about "certain players" and making sure they are in the best markets. There is a reason no one watches the Milwaukee-Sacramento games and there is a reason they are never on non-regional tv. The NY offices only care about their golden teams. At least with the college games we get to see a Wichita St make a run to the final four, or even Butler into the finals with a chance to win. Plus the atmosphere for College games will always be better than the NBA.
Now before this possibly starts a firestorm with some NBA fans here, this is just my humble opinion about the league. I am not trying to demean your views of the league and the sport, its just how I feel the NBA runs itself and I personally just don't like it. The only NBA game I watch is the last one of the playoff season.
01-06-2014, 11:21 AM
I like both the NBA and NCAA but will take college hoops every time. The atmosphere is unbeatable and I have two teams I care passionately about. I don't really have a favorite NBA team so I tend to just cheer for former Xavier and Marshall players. Those of you who haven't watched the league in a while owe it to yourselves, it is so much more entertaining than it was before they allowed zone defense.
01-06-2014, 12:22 PM
I think it just comes down to entertainment for me, as a few others have said. With college bball, I'm fanatical about Xavier and the NCAA tournament, but tend to tune the rest out. With the NBA, I find the regular season a lot more interesting because I love basketball and the players and coaching is just so good - especially when you're talking about the top 10-12 teams.
Also, the NBA does a great job of marketing internationally, something that's almost impossible for the NCAA. I can watch all my NBA game recaps in the morning in Moscow, which is fun, or get Spurs games on demand. With Xavier, it's really tough to get up for 4 or 5 am games. I wish they had more on demand packages for college basketball (if they do, someone please tell me). Overall, I'm surprised I even got 5 others to join me in picking the NBA :) I figured I was in an even smaller minority.
Backyard Champ
01-14-2014, 10:38 AM
This, to me at least, is not even close. Its the NCAA over the NBA every day. Just about everything about the college game is better than the NBA game. My biggest problem with the NBA is that there is basically only 4 teams that have a real shot at winning the championship. When was the last time a true Cinderella team made a fun to the finals? The NBA is about "certain players" and making sure they are in the best markets. There is a reason no one watches the Milwaukee-Sacramento games and there is a reason they are never on non-regional tv. The NY offices only care about their golden teams. At least with the college games we get to see a Wichita St make a run to the final four, or even Butler into the finals with a chance to win. Plus the atmosphere for College games will always be better than the NBA.
Well, to be fair if NCAA went to a best of 7 series, you would hardly see any Cinderella stories. I do agree though, I wish there were more teams with a chance. If the east was as good as the west, you'd have an outstanding playoffs.
01-14-2014, 12:01 PM
The Western playoffs should be fantastic, though, as even the lower seeds will be dangerous. In the East, however, a Pacers-Heat rematch in the conference finals is almost a foregone conclusion.
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01-14-2014, 06:11 PM
Most likely a foregon conclusion, but dont be surprised if the Hawks (if healthy) take down the Pacers.
01-15-2014, 07:55 AM
Most likely a foregon conclusion, but dont be surprised if the Hawks (if healthy) take down the Pacers.
I know you said "if healthy," but isn't it a guarantee that Al Horford will be gone the rest of the season? Also, the Hawks could just as easily face the Heat, plus the Pacers are a much stronger team than the one that took out the Hawks in 6 last season.
01-15-2014, 08:08 AM
I had great seats last night at the Pacers game. I spent most of my time keeping track of David West and dodging balls that flew out of bounds. The pro game just doesn't hold my interest for whatever reason.
Most likely a foregon conclusion, but dont be surprised if the Hawks (if healthy) take down the Pacers.
No way, like all of Atlanta's pro franchises, the Hawks are underachievers, and pretenders.
01-15-2014, 01:16 PM
I don't watch the NBA. And, by not watching it, I mean that I literally cannot recall the last NBA game that I even saw. I went to some playoff games when the Pacers were in it a few years back, but like most people it's because I had a friend who had free tickets. My impression was that the atmosphere rated along the lines of a charged regular season college game. I don't think the games even sold out.
I don't hate the NBA. I just never got into it. Having said that, much of what I like about the college game seems to be fading away. We still have great rivalries, but the bloated conferences have killed balanced conference schedules and many traditional and geographic rivals. We still have that, but not like we used to.
There are a ton of different styles and strategies in the coaching game. I like how you have Wisconsin and Louisville. Two completely different styles of play. Two completely different sets of strengths and weaknesses, yet both are successful. I'm not doing the best job of explaining it, but I guess there is more than one road you can take to get to Rome (figuratively speaking). Yet, even this seems less true than it used to be. We still have it, but not as much. I think AAU has changed the game, but I also think it took something away. I think AAU ball does a great job of showcasing individual talent, but not so good of a job of demonstrating how this specific player will fit into this specific system. Transfers have gone up, and I don't think teams are nearly as good as they used to be.
I do like that they're trying to make the game less physical. ESPN did something over the weekend where they showed the Georgetown teams from the 1980s. They had a reputation of being this black and blue type of team, but in reality they were way less physical than anyone was coming into this year. Fans did not like all the fouls that were being called early on this year. I think it needed to happen. Refs needed to call the fouls until the players stopped fouling. I do think it's made the game better. You can't just defend a skilled player by knocking the crap out of him now.
All and all, I still love college hoops. I love the regular season. I think it is hands down the most meaningful regular season in all of major sports. I really think the NCAA should do a better job of marketing that to make people realize that. For instance, those games in November are HUGELY important. Think of how much it cost VCU when they lost some of those early games. Think of how much it helped Villanova.
-Look at the Green Bay vs Wisconsin game. Had Green Bay won that, which they almost did, they'd be ranked in the top 25 and everyone would be talking about them making the NCAAs as an at-large. Yet, it's under the radar
Look at the UCSB games against UNLV, Cal and UCLA. They almost beat UCLA, and if they had they'd have been close to getting into the rankings. Then, there was the recent game that they lost to Cal Poly. That crushed them. It was hugely important because of how damaging it was. Yet, it's under the radar
Louisiana Tech nearly beating Oklahoma State, and then beating Oklahoma was huge. That Oklahoma game was one of the more exciting games of the year that was decided in overtime. Now every game is huge for them because they have such a small margin for error if they want an at-large. Yet, it's under the radar.
From the day the season starts, there are high stakes games that impact who will make the NCAA Tournament, and what the field will look like. That's not really true with the NBA. They play so many games, and so few of them are stakes games. In college, it feels like there are about thirty to forty stakes games a week. I wish the NCAA would do a better job of marketing that.
Michigan Muskie
01-15-2014, 03:31 PM
Here's where the NBA falls in my viewing preference:
College basketball
High School basketball
Youth Rec League Basketball
My two sons playing Nerf basketball in the basement
Steel Magnolias
Like Brew, I cannot recall the last time I voluntarily watched an NBA game on TV, so for those of you who claim the brand has changed in the past few years, I guess I have no defense. I've attended two NBA games: one in Orlando and one in Atlanta...both free. Both left me begging for mercy from agonizing boredom.
I'm in the camp that feels this NBApathy likely due to no strong rooting interest in Cincinnati. Even though I've lived in Michigan for almost 12 years now, it hasn't warmed me up to the Pistons/NBA. (Now, the Red Wings, that's another story.)
But even so, I am a sports fan. And I like watching sports on TV even if I have no particular interest in who wins, including golf and tennis. So it's not just that I don't care who wins. Also, I really like the sport. I have coached it for years and absolutely love watching the college game. The NBA just doesn't do anything for me. And I totally agree with Thor about the music during game play. It makes the game seem less authentic to me -- more of a staged production than a real contest. (Although it doesn't bother me during hockey games for some reason.)
01-16-2014, 10:13 AM
As this thread sometimes shows, most college basketball fans don't dislike the NBA, but hate it. The NBA pisses them off. I'm picturing an old man yelling at kids to get off his yard.
In contrast, NBA fans come accross as more reasonable with their criticisms of college basketball (the quality of play is often meh, big talent drop from the NBA to college basketball, poor offensive play execution, morally bankrupt college coaches exploiting kids, etc...).
This all honestly puzzles me. If you like the NCAA tourney, it seems natural to like the NBA Playoffs instead of being disgusted by it.
01-16-2014, 01:23 PM
As this thread sometimes shows, most college basketball fans don't dislike the NBA, but hate it. The NBA pisses them off. I'm picturing an old man yelling at kids to get off his yard.
Maybe I need to re-read the thread, but I didn't get this at all from those of us who would rather watch the NCAA over the NBA. To me, our game last night is the perfect example of why the NCAA trumps the NBA. Save the playoffs and finals, no NBA team would care to power back from a 17 point deficit that way because there are so many games played in the season they don't have to worry about the outcome of 1. Whereas, in college, 1 game can be the difference between sitting at home in March and heading to a tournament site.
The last time I really enjoyed watching the NBA was when Brian Grant was playing for Portland. He didn't take s**t from O'Neal or Malone and it was awesome, especially when they kept meeting up in the playoffs. I've also enjoyed watching David West play and Posey, but it's just not the same.
01-16-2014, 01:40 PM
As this thread sometimes shows, most college basketball fans don't dislike the NBA, but hate it. The NBA pisses them off. I'm picturing an old man yelling at kids to get off his yard.
In contrast, NBA fans come accross as more reasonable with their criticisms of college basketball (the quality of play is often meh, big talent drop from the NBA to college basketball, poor offensive play execution, morally bankrupt college coaches exploiting kids, etc...).
This all honestly puzzles me. If you like the NCAA tourney, it seems natural to like the NBA Playoffs instead of being disgusted by it.
College basketball is probably my favorite sport, but I'm more than willing to talk about all the things that I think are wrong with it to anyone that will listen for as long as they'll listen.
I don't hate the NBA any more than I hate the semi-pro volleyball league in Italy. It's just that I watch one as often as I watch the other, which is to say, never. I couldn't care less about it. I know that it's there and I'm fine with that.
I think there are TONS of things that could make the college game better. That may have to be its own thread.
01-16-2014, 01:52 PM
Maybe I need to re-read the thread, but I didn't get this at all from those of us who would rather watch the NCAA over the NBA. To me, our game last night is the perfect example of why the NCAA trumps the NBA. Save the playoffs and finals, no NBA team would care to power back from a 17 point deficit that way because there are so many games played in the season they don't have to worry about the outcome of 1. Whereas, in college, 1 game can be the difference between sitting at home in March and heading to a tournament site.
Maybe I went too far. X fans are a reasonable group and this thread is likewise reasonable.
But I strongly disagree with the argument that NBA players care less than college players. It's one of those argument that you constantly hear from college basketball fans that couldn't be further from the truth.
Just as the commericials state, the NBA Cares.
College basketball is probably my favorite sport, but I'm more than willing to talk about all the things that I think are wrong with it to anyone that will listen for as long as they'll listen.
I don't hate the NBA any more than I hate the semi-pro volleyball league in Italy. It's just that I watch one as often as I watch the other, which is to say, never. I couldn't care less about it. I know that it's there and I'm fine with that.
I think there are TONS of things that could make the college game better. That may have to be its own thread.
I don't think it's an accident that the rule changes that have been made and that will likely be made are primarily influenced by the NBA (call more fouls that impede freedom of movement, possibly shortening the shotclock, possibly moving to a NBA timeout system to improve flow, creating a restricted area under the hoop, etc).
01-16-2014, 03:09 PM
I hate the NBA.
I hate the fact that everyone looks like they're just going through the motions a solid 80-90% of the time up and down the court.
I hate the fact that they allow in-arena music (or piped-in cheers) to play over the PA system while the ball is in play.
I hate the continuation rule.
I hate the NBA.
01-16-2014, 04:34 PM
To me, our game last night is the perfect example of why the NCAA trumps the NBA. Save the playoffs and finals, no NBA team would care to power back from a 17 point deficit that way because there are so many games played in the season they don't have to worry about the outcome of 1.
Happened last night two, but with less than five minutes to play. LA actually mentioned in the game thread that he got to see both his teams overcome 17-point deficits lol.
01-17-2014, 07:42 AM
I really enjoy the NBA. Why? Because I enjoy basketball. It's the best of the best playing. I enjoy the NBA playoffs 2nd to only the NCAA tournament (now this will most likely change with NCAA football playoff).
That said I very rarely watch any regular season games. As others have said 81 is just too many. Heck even 7 game series are too much, save for the championship round.
I don't really have a team but more individual players I root for/follow.
01-21-2014, 06:33 PM
Do they play basketball in the NBA? It doesn't look like it to me. CALL THE BLOODY TRAVEL!!!! They stopped playing basketball years ago. It's all about "the show" now.
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