View Full Version : Butler v Lamar

11-09-2013, 07:47 PM
Lamar is probably not a top 300 team, and they've hung in with Butler for a half. I think Butler will ultimately pull away, but damn. To even let Lamar stay with them for a half is a pretty piss poor showing.

11-09-2013, 08:42 PM
Looks like a decent crowd at Hinkle based on the pictures I've seen on Facebook from Butler fans.

11-09-2013, 09:19 PM
Very slow first half of the game for us. Definitely took over starting the second half and really just played our freshmen for the majority of the second half. Great play by Khyle Marshall, Kellen Dunham shot awfully but still had a strong impact in the game. Kam Woods and Erik Fromm also came up big, and Jackson Aldridge and Devontae Morgan had some nice showings off the bench. Among the freshmen Elijah Brown really struggled to shoot the ball, but has some major potential, and Nolan Berry and Rene Castro showed some strong play. I was extremely surprised to see that there were so little fouls called after watching the foul-fest that was the Seton Hall game before us (Over 70 fouls, 102 FT). Overall a great showing for Butler.

11-10-2013, 06:48 AM
Not dissing, but just fact. Butler fans were excited about this.

"@BUtickets: 9,617 in attendance for the @ButlerMBB home opener vs. Lamar!"

Call us when they can get a few more to a game. #10250

11-10-2013, 07:21 AM
Not dissing, but just fact. Butler fans were excited about this.

"@BUtickets: 9,617 in attendance for the @ButlerMBB home opener vs. Lamar!"

Call us when they can get a few more to a game. #10250

You are really reaching ...................

11-10-2013, 07:28 AM
Lamar is probably not a top 300 team, and they've hung in with Butler for a half. I think Butler will ultimately pull away, but damn. To even let Lamar stay with them for a half is a pretty piss poor showing.

Would you like to discuss X's second half against the totally awesome Gardner Webb Bulldogs. I didn't think so.

""You can't fix stupid." Ron White"

Then all is lost on you.

11-10-2013, 07:29 AM
You are really reaching ...................

Why? When I point out that a crowd that your fans are orgasmic about is less than what Xavier averaged last year in an off year?

11-10-2013, 07:34 AM
Would you like to discuss X's second half against the totally awesome Gardner Webb Bulldogs. I didn't think so.

""You can't fix stupid." Ron White"

Then all is lost on you.

Uh, we have been on this board for two days. I assume you can read.

Welcome to the party, pal.

11-10-2013, 12:02 PM
Would you like to discuss X's second half against the totally awesome Gardner Webb Bulldogs. I didn't think so.

""You can't fix stupid." Ron White"

Then all is lost on you.

Gardner Webb is a lot better than Lamar. I know you probably only pay attention to a very small percentage of div1 teams, but there are a few planets in between Gardner Webb and Lamar. If Lamar were to transition down to div2 this year, I don't think they'd even make the div2 tournament as an at-large teams.

I get that Butler was sleepwalking and that they did open it up in the second half, but Lamar is so bad that generally you can sleep walk and still beat them.

Xavier opened up a big lead and then it was garbage time in the second half. Did anything about that go differently than you thought it would??

I didn't Lamar could stay with Sam Houston State for a half, much less Butler. I don't think that it's necessarily and indicator that Butler sucks. It's just surprising that even on a bad day they wouldn't walk all over one of the worst teams in div1. That's no exaggeration. They are that bad.

11-10-2013, 12:09 PM
Abiline Christian is a transitional team. It's their first year of div1 basketball. Last year, as a div2 team, they won twelve games.

They are picked to finish ahead of Lamar in the Southland. Just sayin.

11-10-2013, 12:33 PM
Butler had 9,000 plus to watch butler play Lamar?

11-10-2013, 02:34 PM
Would you like to discuss X's second half against the totally awesome Gardner Webb Bulldogs. I didn't think so.

""You can't fix stupid." Ron White"

Then all is lost on you.
Congratulations. You are now only the 3rd or 4th poster to warrant neg reps from me in my years on the board. I'm putting you on ignore as well. Your contribution is pointless. First you come onto the smack thread and try to call people out for what they say in an area of the site DESIGNATED FOR INSULTING OTHER TEAMS. Then you come on here, talk week smack and insult people without logic or humor. If you are going to troll another team's site at least make sure your comments are somewhat relevant to the area you are visiting.

I've had enough. Just go away.

11-10-2013, 04:31 PM
Congratulations. You are now only the 3rd or 4th poster to warrant neg reps from me in my years on the board. I'm putting you on ignore as well. Your contribution is pointless. First you come onto the smack thread and try to call people out for what they say in an area of the site DESIGNATED FOR INSULTING OTHER TEAMS. Then you come on here, talk week smack and insult people without logic or humor. If you are going to troll another team's site at least make sure your comments are somewhat relevant to the area you are visiting.

I've had enough. Just go away.

Chris Holtmann was at Gardner Webb last year, so it is kind of humorous that he would imply they're as bad as Lamar. But, it was humorous at his expense.

11-10-2013, 05:34 PM
Chris Holtmann was at Gardner Webb last year, so it is kind of humorous that he would imply they're as bad as Lamar. But, it was humorous at his expense.

Do you think he knew that?

11-10-2013, 05:53 PM
Would you like to discuss X's second half against the totally awesome Gardner Webb Bulldogs. I didn't think so.

""You can't fix stupid." Ron White"

Then all is lost on you.

Man, this is a weak-ass attempt at smack.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

11-10-2013, 06:05 PM
Would you like to discuss X's second half against the totally awesome Gardner Webb Bulldogs. I didn't think so.

""You can't fix stupid." Ron White"

Then all is lost on you.

He isn't reaching at all.

In fact, I'm happy that Butler pulled off that attendance figure, because Butler historically has been a program in a weak Horizon league with poor fan support, regardless of its on court results.

If I understand it correctly, the Hinkle remodel, whenever it gets funded, is taking capacity under 10k. I can only hope that includes taking those third world, cheesy billboards down. My God that is embarrassing. Get that dump cleaned up, then act like you belong.

Finally, if it's about not being able to fix stupid, we'll continue to expect to see you futilely post here. You're making a fool of yourself. You aren't doing much for the reputation of the Butler fan base while you're at it. We all get that you are very jealous of Xavier's PROGRAM.

11-10-2013, 08:02 PM
Would you like to discuss X's second half against the totally awesome Gardner Webb Bulldogs. I didn't think so.

""You can't fix stupid." Ron White"

Then all is lost on you.

I love when a troll calls us stupid via writing that suggests English is his second or even third language.

11-10-2013, 08:31 PM
There are a lot of reasons for the attendance averages we (Butler) have, but thankfully it doesn't change (or reflect) the success we've had in this program in recent years. The growth in our attendance is reflective, but I do wish we could sell out the place on a regular basis. It would be interesting to see what we'd average if there wasn't a NBA team in town, or such a large Big 10/ IU presence. You guys are sounding dangerously close to that other program in Dayton that you all like so much with their attendance complex...

Regardless, the great crowd we had for Lamar was largely due to it being Parents weekend this past weekend, and had a lot of families on campus that wouldn't have otherwise been there. I would be surprised if there are that many on hand for Princeton next weekend.

And, I agree with whomever said what was said about the advertisements... it looks minor league. Unfortunately, it is one of the few areas in the fieldhouse to generate advertising revenue... I think they are going to do away with them from the drawings I've seen. I believe there will be LED banner signage in the corners of the balcony, and the middle sections will be left open. The baseline student sections will supposedly be expanded, and the band area moved upstairs, so students will finally be able to fill both baselines. Hinkle will be vastly improved next summer. I do hope they keep the urinal troughs in the restrooms for the charm they bring...

11-10-2013, 08:42 PM
Dayton fans talk about attendance all the time because that's ALL they have going for them. Xavier fans talk about attendance because they expect good programs to be able to fill the seats, which Butler has trouble doing for some reason.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

11-10-2013, 08:51 PM
True. I think the primary issue prior to last year, was our schedule filled with teams that nobody cared to watch from the Horizon... the A10 helped that significantly last year with several sellouts and near-full games, and I believe the Big East opponents will push us over the top with sellouts and full houses.

Adding to that will be the major improvements to Hinkle next year.

11-10-2013, 09:03 PM
On the topic of Hinkle's renovation, not sure if you have seen these images of the plans for the updates that will be complete for next year:


These probably will have more info for those who are familiar with Hinkle:

These are HUGE improvements that will bring the best of both worlds with the modern improvements and keep the historical charm.

11-10-2013, 09:26 PM
This is going all over the place.

I thought it was disappointing that Lamar stayed with Butler for a half. Nothing more. Nothing less. If Xavier gets out there against Abilene Christian and is sloppy as all hell in the first half and it's still a game at halftime, I'll probably post the same thing. That it was a piss poor showing against a complete tire fire of a team.

In football, if Florida International is in the game with LSU at the half, people are going to point that out because it's rare that FIU is in a game with anyone, much less LSU. That's all this was.

I don't think Butler sucks. I don't take any particular pleasure in them losing. I root for them more than I root against them. But, they looked like utter dog vomit in the first half of that game.

11-10-2013, 10:14 PM
There are a lot of reasons for the attendance averages we (Butler) have, but thankfully it doesn't change (or reflect) the success we've had in this program in recent years. The growth in our attendance is reflective, but I do wish we could sell out the place on a regular basis. It would be interesting to see what we'd average if there wasn't a NBA team in town, or such a large Big 10/ IU presence. You guys are sounding dangerously close to that other program in Dayton that you all like so much with their attendance complex...

Regardless, the great crowd we had for Lamar was largely due to it being Parents weekend this past weekend, and had a lot of families on campus that wouldn't have otherwise been there. I would be surprised if there are that many on hand for Princeton next weekend.

And, I agree with whomever said what was said about the advertisements... it looks minor league. Unfortunately, it is one of the few areas in the fieldhouse to generate advertising revenue... I think they are going to do away with them from the drawings I've seen. I believe there will be LED banner signage in the corners of the balcony, and the middle sections will be left open. The baseline student sections will supposedly be expanded, and the band area moved upstairs, so students will finally be able to fill both baselines. Hinkle will be vastly improved next summer. I do hope they keep the urinal troughs in the restrooms for the charm they bring...

XUFAN09 provided an excellent response to the attendance issue: top shelf programs act like top shelf programs, including demonstrating a very strong fan base. We'll see how Butler makes out in the future on this metric, as we both settle into the Big East.

The only other thing I'll add about the attendance issue itself is that your comment about us sounding dangerously close to Dayton fans is terribly misplaced. One of your fellow Butler fans is trolling this site. He's not impactful and he's making himself look like an idiot for spending his life that way, but he is over here, weakly trying to stir things up. So be it if he wants to turn himself into a punching bag. Either way, some easy return fire will be sent back Butler's way, and taking shots at your attendance numbers is an easy target.

Beyond all that is the fact that most Xavier fans probably have respect for Butler the institution and Butler the basketball program. I'm sure what Butler does with Hinkle will be nice for Hinkle, regardless of the limitations imposed on the remodel due to the age of the structure and its status as a landmark. I suspect we both want each program to be successful for the sake of the new conference, understanding that we want to beat the crap out of each other when we go head-to-head.

I would much rather enjoy a friendly rivalry with Butler than have to put up with jealous tools from UD who have an inferiority complex. But, for as much as many of you guys paint yourself with the "Butler Way" brush and hold yourselves to some kind of fan base standard that, excuse me, reminds me of how Dayton fans regard themselves, I'll point out to you that posts on your message boards that refer to Xavier's program as a "gangsta" program are very idiotic an indicative of some kind of pent-up frustration with Xavier.

As has now been explained, the comments were primarily about first half performance against a bad team. It's done and over and you pulled away nicely. No one in their right mind from anywhere, including this fanbase, wants to see a fellow conference mate go down in the OOC.

11-10-2013, 10:48 PM
I even always rooted for Dayton in the non-conference part of the schedule because of the benefit it provided to the conference and to Xavier. Once they reached the conference schedule, though, I rooted against them every single game of course.

11-11-2013, 08:16 AM
On the topic of Hinkle's renovation, not sure if you have seen these images of the plans for the updates that will be complete for next year:


These probably will have more info for those who are familiar with Hinkle:

These are HUGE improvements that will bring the best of both worlds with the modern improvements and keep the historical charm.

This is a reasonable positive discussion. Looks like nice renovations coming. I would think that they would want to put the rotating electronic billboards in, though..as long as they aren't distracting to the players behind the baskets.

I also hope, however, that they don't go all modern in Hinkle. People would kill the Red Sox and Cubs if they ever took the old flavor out of their parks. You can do tasteful renovations and updating without eliminating the old style charm.

One thing that always bothered me about Hinkle was the big windows that let in bright sunlight during afternoon games and reflected on the floor. Hopefully that is gone for good.

11-11-2013, 09:17 AM
This is a reasonable positive discussion.

Which is always welcome from opposing fans. It is the inane ramblings of a floor sweeper that are the target of most of our barbs.

Reasonable discussion is fine, but I see no point in some douche bag spending time on another teams message board for the sole purpose of "stirring the pot".

11-11-2013, 09:38 AM
Which is always welcome from opposing fans. It is the inane ramblings of a floor sweeper that are the target of most of our barbs.

Reasonable discussion is fine, but I see no point in some douche bag spending time on another teams message board for the sole purpose of "stirring the pot".

I personally enjoy the comments and discussion added from members of other fanbases, so long as they are constructive and add insight. I don't understand why someone would come onto another message board just to say stupid shit though. Then again, my life isn't nearly as sad or pathetic as any of those db's, so how could I?

11-11-2013, 09:42 AM
Xavier might have announced a sell out for last Fridays game but looking around it wasnt even close. A lot of the upper bowl had spots of empty seats. HS football hurt attendance I assume, plus reunion weekend I bet a lot of people got tickets and never left Danas or went to the Joseph club.

11-11-2013, 09:45 AM
What's the Joseph Club??

11-11-2013, 09:55 AM
What's the Joseph Club??

It's a magical place where beer flows aplenty, people bring you popcorn, and you can shout things at people from your seats and they can't get you.

11-11-2013, 09:59 AM
It's a magical place where beer flows aplenty, people bring you popcorn, and you can shout things at people from your seats and they can't get you.

And it should require togas as the preferred means of attire, as should the suites. Popcorn should be combined with fresh grapes and Egyptian feather fanning babes.

Thumbs down by all who are robed to all opposing teams who dare enter the Cintas Center.

11-11-2013, 10:07 AM
What's the Joseph Club??

The bar at the end of the arena reserved for the club seat owners, bearded guys with connections, and high rolling big spending donors. You can stay in the Joseph Club and watch the entire game from comfortable seats, with an open bar a mere 10 step walk away from anywhere in the room.

11-11-2013, 11:49 AM
The bar at the end of the arena reserved for the club seat owners, bearded guys with connections, and high rolling big spending donors. You can stay in the Joseph Club and watch the entire game from comfortable seats, with an open bar a mere 10 step walk away from anywhere in the room.

Open Bar?

11-11-2013, 11:59 AM
Open Bar?

Not open, my apologies. That would be friggin awesome if true. You have to pay for your drinks.

11-11-2013, 12:24 PM
I personally enjoy the comments and discussion added from members of other fanbases, so long as they are constructive and add insight. I don't understand why someone would come onto another message board just to say stupid shit though. Then again, my life isn't nearly as sad or pathetic as any of those db's, so how could I?

I don't even mind if they miss that mark, so long as they are at least amusing. I'll take some good smack over the random whiny crap Floorsweeper is peddling.

11-11-2013, 01:02 PM
And it should require togas as the preferred means of attire, as should the suites. Popcorn should be combined with fresh grapes and Egyptian feather fanning babes.

Thumbs down by all who are robed to all opposing teams who dare enter the Cintas Center.

Boo those men, I say, boo!

11-11-2013, 01:03 PM
The bar at the end of the arena reserved for the club seat owners, bearded guys with connections, and high rolling big spending donors. You can stay in the Joseph Club and watch the entire game from comfortable seats, with an open bar a mere 10 step walk away from anywhere in the room.

There are servers there too who will BRING you said drinks; promoting laziness and merriment.

11-11-2013, 01:15 PM
There are servers there too who will BRING you said drinks; promoting laziness and merriment.

And delaying how long until you realize how much said merriment has affected your ability to walk!

Maybe if they ever build a hotel within walking distance they'll expand membership to the Joseph Club and offer packages that include a hotel stay say they don't have to worry about the great unwashed drinking too much hard liquor and driving home. Not that we unwashed are prevented from drinking too much beer or heading to Dana's but such things do slow us down.

11-11-2013, 01:34 PM
And delaying how long until you realize how much said merriment has affected your ability to walk!

Maybe if they ever build a hotel within walking distance they'll expand membership to the Joseph Club and offer packages that include a hotel stay say they don't have to worry about the great unwashed drinking too much hard liquor and driving home. Not that we unwashed are prevented from drinking too much beer or heading to Dana's but such things do slow us down.

There was an AM Dayton game a few years back on Saturday. It was when I was living with a few UD grads, and there was an actual chance Dayton could have won (needless to say, it didn't happen and I had faith the whole time). Howver, before tip off, the server kept bringing me Blue Moons...and alas, I was far too many back before tip off. I don't remember much about the game. I ended up hanging out on campus afterwards for a while to sober up and eventually just ended up calling a friend for a ride home. Joseph Club is a dangerous drug.

11-11-2013, 01:52 PM
What's the Joseph Club??

Tell anybody @ X you are an alumnus or would like to discuss a donation. You will immediately be escorted there.

11-11-2013, 02:32 PM
Tell anybody @ X you are an alumnus or would like to discuss a donation. You will immediately be escorted there.

Odd, they never hit me up for money... Must be the beard that frightens them.

11-11-2013, 03:07 PM
"Get that dump cleaned up, then act like you belong. "

Interesting comment considering Xavier is located in a ghetto and has to hire armed security to patrol their parking lot to keep the muggers away. I will agree however the advertising in Hinkle is crappy looking.

You guys are the best I tell you, the absolute best.

11-11-2013, 03:27 PM
"Get that dump cleaned up, then act like you belong. "

Interesting comment considering Xavier is located in a ghetto and has to hire armed security to patrol their parking lot to keep the muggers away. I will agree however the advertising in Hinkle is crappy looking.

You guys are the best I tell you, the absolute best.

That's funny...Once again, Butler is confusing theory with reality....as if they are located in Pleasantville where everyone is an all american. I have personally been mugged near Butler's campus...never once spending 4 years at Xavier. Now there is crime at Xavier, but Ghetto it isn't, and Pleasantville-Butler is not.


11-11-2013, 03:36 PM
That's funny...Once again, Butler is confusing theory with reality....as if they are located in Pleasantville where everyone is an all american. I have personally been mugged near Butler's campus...never once spending 4 years at Xavier. Now there is crime at Xavier, but Ghetto it isn't, and Pleasantville-Butler is not.


Any University or organization who doesn't hire outside security during major sporting events is begging for a lawsuit. That's been shown with the Dodgers/Giants series and Brian Stow being beaten to an inch of his life. The Dodgers didn't have enough lighting and were named in a lawsuit by the family. If you have the number of security personnel already hired and on university payroll to control such events, then good for you... Then again, doesn't that say something about your school in the first place if you need so many?

It's the times we live in. People will find anything to sue a wealthy organization or institution. Because there's crime near Xavier and we hire out police to patrol the parking lots, doesn't mean we are any safer or more dangerous than any other univeristy. Ignorance must be bliss for this asshat.

11-11-2013, 03:48 PM
Trying to compare Butler-Tarkington to Avondale-Evanston is like comparing Bel-Air to Compton.

11-11-2013, 03:51 PM
Trying to compare Butler-Tarkington to Avondale-Evanston is like comparing Bel-Air to Compton.

Nice! Good one! Very apt comparison!

11-11-2013, 04:18 PM
I am sorry to say, but the figure you are throwing around is not the actual attendance from last season. That number is tickets sold, not people in attendance. And if you were in attendance to any of the games last year you would have seen that. Attendance was miserable last year, and judging by the attendance at the Gardner Webb game, it has not gotten better. For the amount of buzz around the new conference and new players, people certainly did not show up. I would have loved Xavier to have had 9,000 on opening night, but that simply wasn't the case, not even close.

11-11-2013, 04:27 PM
About 300 of the 340+ Division 1 basketball programs would kill to have that "miserable" attendance.


11-11-2013, 06:30 PM
About 300 of the 340+ Division 1 basketball programs would kill to have that "miserable" attendance.


You are the idiot who made the snarky comment about Butler being happy with 9600. So not only are you stupid but a hypocrite as well. Cheesh indeed....

Self anointing yourself "The Voice of Reason" is priceless................

11-11-2013, 06:46 PM
Trying to compare Butler-Tarkington to Avondale-Evanston is like comparing Bel-Air to Compton.

Look pal, at least I don't remember a Xavier cop being shot and killed on campus, like happened at Butler in 2004. This was by one of the fine neighbors of Butler who gunned down one of their cops.

11-11-2013, 06:49 PM
Why would anyone start a thread about Butler v Lamar? These things apparently attract some crazy folks.

11-11-2013, 07:34 PM
I think floorsweeper has had one too many sniffs of the old cleaning supplies.

11-11-2013, 09:03 PM
UMBC needed overtime to beat a div3 team that won just six games last year.

They're probably worse than Lamar.

Blue Blobs Bro
11-12-2013, 06:57 AM
Would you like to discuss X's second half against the totally awesome Gardner Webb Bulldogs. I didn't think so.

""You can't fix stupid." Ron White"

Then all is lost on you.

just wait till the game, its gonna be all more embarrassing for you after all this smack.