10-17-2013, 04:34 PM
hadn't seen this till just now, must've been snoozing.
"The 10-second rule in the backcourt will be implemented for the first time since the NCAA began administering women’s championships in 1981-82."
http://www.ncaa.org/wps/wcm/connect/public/NCAA/Resources/Latest+News/2013/June/PROP+approves+rules+changes+for+mens+and+womens+ba sketball
"The 10-second rule in the backcourt will be implemented for the first time since the NCAA began administering women’s championships in 1981-82."
http://www.ncaa.org/wps/wcm/connect/public/NCAA/Resources/Latest+News/2013/June/PROP+approves+rules+changes+for+mens+and+womens+ba sketball