View Full Version : A Show of Bipartisanship in Ohio

10-14-2013, 09:36 PM
http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2013/10/bill_to_give_ariel_castros_vic.html#incart_river_d efault

So, here it is folks. An example of bipartisanship. The "protect the victim" wing has coalesced with the "pick yourself up from your bootstrap" crowd and agreed to this for the Castro victims in Cleveland.

Fire away Muskie Nation!

10-14-2013, 11:01 PM
Is this a game of one-upsmanship? The government sees how much private individuals have donated and needs to top that amount? This is ridiculous. Government is supposed to step in when there is no one else helping, not where EVERYONE is helping. Heck, even the guy that called it in gave his reward money to a fund for the girls, didn't he?

I don't begrudge these ladies anything. What they went through was terrible. But this just looks like more games politicians are playing with people's money.