View Full Version : Cool Strangers
10-07-2013, 11:41 AM
Title is a little shady, and certainly don't want to hear about how Nutz tried to be a "cool stranger" to someone, but thought I'd share a story and invite others to share their own. Sometimes this world can blow, and mean people suck, but sometimes good things happen out of the blue.
I was driving on my way somewhere in Parma, and on my car I have one of those window flags for the Redskins. As I pass this guy going 38 in the 35, this dude jumps in behind me and follows me as I pull into a left turn lane. He promptly jumps out, dressed in a shirt and tie, and walks up to my car. My mind was racing as to what the heck I did to this dude as he taps lightly on my window. I roll it down a little relunctantly, and he said, "I know it's weird, but I saw your flag and we jsut had an event with this guy, so I thought you'd like one of these..." He then hands me an autograph photo of Joe Theisman and wishes me a good day.
Dude may be a bit crazy, but he's a freaking champ. Made my day.
Moral of the story: It always pays to sport Skins merchandise. Theeeezman was a hell of a Redskin. He's kind of insufferable as a TV personality now. Even I think he's an obnoxious homer. But he's a guy who was willing to do anything, play any position, and sacrifice a lot to win. Not the most talented QB ever, but a former league MVP and intense son of a bitch. He was the heart of some great teams in NFL history. Good autograph to get for free on a random drive in Ohio.
10-07-2013, 12:05 PM
hahaha,, good one. I have a similar non sports story. Working down here in St Pete. I do demolition and hauling so some fairly scary hand tools are all over the place for me. I was headed back to the dump with a load of crap from a remodeling project, sitting at a light and a guy jumps out of the car next to me runs around towards my trailer and then comes to the window holding a 2 pound hand sledge in what looked like a pretty threatening way! He smiled,,,, handed it to me,,, and said it was sitting on my trailer fender. Scary, nearly demonstrated several bodily functions, and the rest of the guys in his car could tell it,,, big laugh for them
10-07-2013, 12:42 PM
Was eating at Echo before a Xavier game. Had my X gear on. When I went up to pay my bill, a lady came up and said, "You look like a huge Xavier fan, would you like my tickets?" I politely declined and said no thanks and explained I had season tickets. She said, "believe me, you'll want these; wish I could use them but I can't." She handed me seats in the 8th rows and a parking pass!
Was very cool. I gave my normal tickets to a guy with a young son who were in line to buy tickets. And Xavier beat LaSalle that day, was a great day!
10-07-2013, 12:48 PM
Title is a little shady, and certainly don't want to hear about how Nutz tried to be a "cool stranger" to someone, but thought I'd share a story and invite others to share their own. Sometimes this world can blow, and mean people suck, but sometimes good things happen out of the blue.
I was driving on my way somewhere in Parma, and on my car I have one of those window flags for the Redskins. As I pass this guy going 38 in the 35, this dude jumps in behind me and follows me as I pull into a left turn lane. He promptly jumps out, dressed in a shirt and tie, and walks up to my car. My mind was racing as to what the heck I did to this dude as he taps lightly on my window. I roll it down a little relunctantly, and he said, "I know it's weird, but I saw your flag and we jsut had an event with this guy, so I thought you'd like one of these..." He then hands me an autograph photo of Joe Theisman and wishes me a good day.
Dude may be a bit crazy, but he's a freaking champ. Made my day.
Welcome to Cleveland, Beard. Great people up here. Very generous.
The longer you live here, the more you'll see.
10-07-2013, 12:52 PM
By the way, Titan.
Sometimes I may not use one or both of my Browns tix in Section 104.
If you're interested to go with me or use them both, let me know and I'll PM you well enough in advance so you can decide.
10-07-2013, 01:07 PM
Title is a little shady, and certainly don't want to hear about how Nutz tried to be a "cool stranger" to someone, but thought I'd share a story and invite others to share their own. Sometimes this world can blow, and mean people suck, but sometimes good things happen out of the blue.
I was driving on my way somewhere in Parma, and on my car I have one of those window flags for the Redskins. As I pass this guy going 38 in the 35, this dude jumps in behind me and follows me as I pull into a left turn lane. He promptly jumps out, dressed in a shirt and tie, and walks up to my car. My mind was racing as to what the heck I did to this dude as he taps lightly on my window. I roll it down a little relunctantly, and he said, "I know it's weird, but I saw your flag and we jsut had an event with this guy, so I thought you'd like one of these..." He then hands me an autograph photo of Joe Theisman and wishes me a good day.
Dude may be a bit crazy, but he's a freaking champ. Made my day.
I'm glad that it turned out to be a good story. Me? Someone coming up to my car at a light/stop sign is considered permission to run said light/stop sign. That's probably why I don't have any cool fan related stories to share.
However, I did run out of gas once on 75 in no man's land between Dayton and Findlay, before everyone carried cell phones, during cold snowy weather a few days before Xmas while traveling with my younger sister. I was heading North. Guy heading South coming off of a 12 hour shift saw us, took a turnaround and came to check on us. He drove us to a gas station, drove us back to our car and even poured the gas in the tank for us. I will forever think of him as my Christmas angel.
10-07-2013, 01:07 PM
I always have a book of Phish CD's in my car. Whenever I'm in a parking lot and see someone with a sticker on their car, I slip a favorite show under their windshield wipers.
10-07-2013, 01:28 PM
I always have a book of Phish CD's in my car. Whenever I'm in a parking lot and see someone with a sticker on their car, I slip a favorite show under their windshield wipers.
I travel a lot. And people stop me more often when I have on a Phish shirt than any other type of gear I wear. It never ceases to amaze me the places and people- including some of the most non looking Phish fans you could imagine- who will stop me to just to compliment me on my shirt. Hope I run into you some time with it on, and you are generous enough to slide me one of those gems.
10-07-2013, 01:40 PM
By the way, Titan.
Sometimes I may not use one or both of my Browns tix in Section 104.
If you're interested to go with me or use them both, let me know and I'll PM you well enough in advance so you can decide.
Very interested indeed. Any chance I can have a drink with MOR, I consider it a blessing.
10-07-2013, 02:03 PM
I travel a lot. And people stop me more often when I have on a Phish shirt than any other type of gear I wear. It never ceases to amaze me the places and people- including some of the most non looking Phish fans you could imagine- who will stop me to just to compliment me on my shirt. Hope I run into you some time with it on, and you are generous enough to slide me one of those gems.
It would be a good one, no doubt.
10-08-2013, 06:35 AM
Always,,,, Always where XU gear when traveling. You meet some very interesting people
10-08-2013, 12:40 PM
Always,,,, Always where XU gear when traveling. You meet some very interesting people
Unless you think your behavior might be reflect upon X in a less than favorable way.
10-08-2013, 03:08 PM
You can see my license plate. I am back and forth to the coast many times a year...passing (or being passed) by LOTS of cars with Ohio plates heading to Hilton Head, etc.
It's fun to have someone go blowing by with a person in the back seat holding up X crossed arms. Happens a whole lot.
Kahns Krazy
10-08-2013, 04:15 PM
I think cool stranger is what Nuts calls it when he puts his left hand under an ice pack then sits on it for a minute until it is numb. Then he uses that hand to sin.
I think cool stranger is what Nuts calls it when he puts his left hand under an ice pack then sits on it for a minute until it is numb. Then he uses that hand to sin.
I think we have a winner.
10-08-2013, 07:33 PM
I think cool stranger is what Nuts calls it when he puts his left hand under an ice pack then sits on it for a minute until it is numb. Then he uses that hand to sin.
I think we have a winner.
Yes.........Yes we do.
10-09-2013, 11:11 AM
Always,,,, Always where XU gear when traveling. You meet some very interesting people
We were vacationing at Disney World one year and some Canadian guy stopped me, pointed at my X hat, and said "Nova Scotia?", to which I responded "Ummm....what?"
Apparently there is a Xavier University in Nova Scotia, Canada as well, and he was asking if my hat was from there.
It was an interesting exchange...
10-09-2013, 11:41 AM
We were vacationing at Disney World one year and some Canadian guy stopped me, pointed at my X hat, and said "Nova Scotia?", to which I responded "Ummm....what?"
Apparently there is a Xavier University in Nova Scotia, Canada as well, and he was asking if my hat was from there.
It was an interesting exchange...
Did you tell them their basketball teams sucks?
10-09-2013, 11:46 AM
I think cool stranger is what Nuts calls it when he puts his left hand under an ice pack then sits on it for a minute until it is numb. Then he uses that hand to sin.
Public reps for that one.
Kahns Krazy
10-09-2013, 12:12 PM
We were vacationing at Disney World one year and some Canadian guy stopped me, pointed at my X hat, and said "Nova Scotia?", to which I responded "Ummm....what?"
Apparently there is a Xavier University in Nova Scotia, Canada as well, and he was asking if my hat was from there.
It was an interesting exchange...
I have a hat that a friend picked up for me from Xavier of Nova Scotia. Their colors (or at least the hat) is red and black. I wear it to UC football games sometimes as my sneaky X tribute that most of the mouth breathers over there can't figure out.
10-09-2013, 01:09 PM
OK, I'm a dumb sh$t. What would prompt you to go to a UC football game?
The last one I saw was in the 60's...and we won.
10-09-2013, 01:55 PM
Hey if you like small time college football nippert is pretty cool.
Usually you can get close when it's only have full too :)
Kahns Krazy
10-09-2013, 02:22 PM
I am in a relationship with the enemy. Despite being a UC grad, my girlfriend has enough qualities that offset that, so I have agreed to attend UC football games with her from time to time. I find game day enjoyable, and Clifton has some fun spots to do some day drinking on a Saturday. It's not a bad diversion for someone that has no real alliance to a college football team.
10-09-2013, 04:12 PM
I am in a relationship with the enemy. Despite being a UC grad, my girlfriend has enough qualities that offset that, so I have agreed to attend UC football games with her from time to time. I find game day enjoyable, and Clifton has some fun spots to do some day drinking on a Saturday. It's not a bad diversion for someone that has no real alliance to a college football team.
Ahhh, so it's all about the "fringe benefits".
Kahns Krazy
10-09-2013, 04:32 PM
Ahhh, so it's all about the "fringe benefits".
Yes, although I have never had anything against UC football. I was at the notorious "Bob Huggins Has No Integrity" game vs. Purdue well before the current little lady was around.
10-09-2013, 05:21 PM
Yes, although I have never had anything against UC football. I was at the notorious "Bob Huggins Has No Integrity" game vs. Purdue well before the current little lady was around.
True. But that attendance was for nefarious reasons.
BTW. That stunt was the greatest punk job of all time. Props to Snipe, Freddy G and you for that....."allegedly".
10-09-2013, 06:15 PM
Despite being a UC grad, my girlfriend has enough qualities that offset that
To offset that she's got to be smoking.
10-09-2013, 08:53 PM
Was driving on the highway up here in Michigan one day. A car in front of me, a Lexus, had a Xavier license plate holder and the plate read "NBA DAD". I got alone side of him and threw up the "X". He got it right away. Thank God. I was worried he would think I was trying to kill him. It was metro Detroit. Anyways, I roll down the window and so does he. I yell out, "Who's you kid?"
He yells back, "Brian Grant!" Have no clue what he was doing up there. Thought they lived in CNE. It was a decent story, anyways.
Pablo's Brother
10-10-2013, 08:39 AM
Saw Chuggins at cvg a few weeks ago. Mos def hitting the buffet line at the sizzler without mercy.
Kahns Krazy
10-10-2013, 11:32 AM
True. But that attendance was for nefarious reasons.
BTW. That stunt was the greatest punk job of all time. Props to Snipe, Freddy G and you for that....."allegedly".
It's a damn shame that it happened before everyone had a video camera in their pocket. It's a largely undocumented prank. All of the alleged credit goes to Snipe. It was one of the most ridiculously hilarious things I have ever witnessed.
10-10-2013, 11:36 AM
It's a damn shame that it happened before everyone had a video camera in their pocket. It's a largely undocumented prank. All of the alleged credit goes to Snipe. It was one of the most ridiculously hilarious things I have ever witnessed.
Anyone care to fill a bearded fella in?
10-10-2013, 11:41 AM
Anyone care to fill a bearded fella in?
I believe this one involved a plane, a banner and a flight plan over Nippert, but I may be off.
10-10-2013, 12:00 PM
Anyone care to fill a bearded fella in?
I believe this one involved a plane, a banner and a flight plan over Nippert, but I may be off.
The story has been told, in times of old, but best that Sniper himself relate it again.
Just an amazingly over the top prank.
10-10-2013, 12:00 PM
Edited to comply with MOR post.
10-10-2013, 12:40 PM
In his own words from a previous thread (see the section in Bold):
For one thing, it is Mac's Pizza Pub, is it not? And at Mac's Pizza Pub I would go with the Macover as Kahns has stated. It is a deep fried Calzone. I get mine with pepperoni, sausage and bacon. I think it is called the "Heart Healthy Lite" Macover. Get some fries covered with cheese on the side.
Second, I don't think there is a "We are UC" chant. I don't think that exists. I will deny the charge. But I won't just deny it. I don't think that anyone in the crowd ever chants "We are UC". I guess I could be wrong. I think Fred is confusing "We Are UD" with "We Are UC". It is madness.
I grew up watching and rooting for UC Football. It was horrible, as history can attest. I have been a season ticket holder. I love college football. Now that UC is actually ranked higher than Fred Garvin's Buckeyes, he wants to take a shot at me.
I understand that many of you dislike anyone that roots for UC. I have been a UC football fan all my life. I grew up here. What is happening right now in Clifton is really amazing, and I suggest you don't miss it. Kelly really is behind the whole thing, and he should coach the Bengals. I think the man is a genius.
And to stress my credentials, the first sold out game at Nippert was against Purdue around a decade ago. I paid over $400 bucks to fly a banner that said "Bob Huggins Has No Integrity". It flew for an hour. It started during the second quarter, went through halftime and into the third quarter. It was a wonderful day. And Bob was there and stumbling drunk, as Fred can attest. Wait, Fred was at that game too? Me thinks Fred complains too much.
Fred Garvin can't take the Bearcats ranked higher than his overrated University of Columbus Buckeyes. That is the short version. He is stuck with Tressel, who can't coach an offense. Thank God he gave up the briefcase that Fred always loved. Garvin would give his left nut for coach Kelly.
I don't mind the people that hate UC in every sport. Do what you want. I love college football, and I grew up rooting for the home team. Fred Garvin is just jealous and bitter. Coach Kelly is the better man and he knows it.
Bengals won the battle of Ohio. Bearcats are ranked higher than tOSU. And we have taken 5 of the last 7 high school crowns. Cincinnati is a football town and the rest of Ohio can suck it.
FYI, the original thread title was "Snipes Confession" and dates back to 2009.
10-10-2013, 12:49 PM
Our friend, the new poster "floorsweeper" would probably pay for a plane to fly a banner like that over a sold out Cintas Center for a while during the first half of a game.
Oh, yeah. There's no hole in the Cintas roof.
X-band '01
10-10-2013, 12:55 PM
Is that even possible to do post 9/11? I certainly don't remember any other such banners being flown in recent memory (probably because of airspace restrictions).
10-10-2013, 01:12 PM
I have been a UC football fan all my life.
My condolences Snipe. At least Kahns has got the girlfriend excuse going for him.
Wait...has anyone ever seen this girlfriend?
10-10-2013, 03:17 PM
My condolences Snipe. At least Kahns has got the girlfriend excuse going for him.
Wait...has anyone ever seen this girlfriend?
She's real......and she's SPECTACULAR!!!
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