View Full Version : Gta 5
09-17-2013, 12:20 PM
Who's got it/getting it? I think I'll go get it tonight. It's been a long time coming.
09-17-2013, 12:30 PM
Picking it up tonight. Last one came out the summer before I went to XU, I probably played it for 40-50 hours the first week it came out.
Unfortunately adult life won't let me do that but hopping to log some serious hours after work on Friday.
09-17-2013, 12:33 PM
I played most of three and sparingly IV. The game and that sort of genre has run its course for me. (unfortunately I have to deal with the fall out of some of the lifestyles portrayed in that game in my every day practice). It stopped being fun for me.
09-17-2013, 12:33 PM
If it's anything like the last two, I'll play it for about 5 hours this weekend and then barely touch it again ever. Just not enough time. But I'm looking forward to those 5 hours!
09-17-2013, 12:42 PM
What frustrates me is the 15-20+ min cut scenes. I just don't have the time to sit down and play video games for 3-4 hours at a time anymore (sigh miss those college days) now I'm looking at an hour or so, I'd rather be playing for the majority of it rather than watching...
Big fan of San Andreas and it seems like it will be quite similar to that.
09-17-2013, 01:07 PM
I'll be picking it up tonight after work also. I haven't been this geeked about a video game in a long, long time. I'll be house sitting towards the end of next week so I should be able to log some serious hours.
09-17-2013, 01:21 PM
I played three as well. I got into it quite a bit, but I too lost interest in these games. They require far too much time and with the new job (and also a coaching gig to boot!) I just don't have the room to fit it in my life.
09-18-2013, 07:16 AM
Logged about 2 hours last night. Definitely starting off slow...granted I explored the city a bit and didn't jump right in the missions.
09-18-2013, 08:45 AM
I played three as well. I got into it quite a bit, but I too lost interest in these games. They require far too much time and with the new job (and also a coaching gig to boot!) I just don't have the room to fit it in my life.
Welcome to real life as opposed to slacker college. :lmao:
09-18-2013, 09:04 AM
Man, I had it all planned out. It was such a fantasticly planned day, I should have known it would never happen.
I took yesterday off, expecting an empty house to both recover from Monday Night's game and to play GTA. 8 full hours of unmolested debauchery. No wife, no kids, no work. The plan held true through Monday night- I tailgated, went to the game and headed up to Walmart afterwards to pick up my copy of GTA V. I got home about 1:30 a.m. and, knowing that the game came in two discs, I fired up the ol' Xbox long enough to free up some memory space and load the first disc. By the time it was done loading, it was 2:30 a.m. and I went off to bed.
5:30 a.m. comes way too fast and my wife, who is waking up to get ready for work drops the bomb on me- my daughter is running a fever and has to stay home from daycare. Like a good and dutiful dad, I get up, start taking care of the kids (because why send the baby if we aren't sending the 2 year old?) and resign myself to the fate of only being able to play the game when the girls are down for their nap.
Nap time comes and I finally get to crack into the world of Los Santos. I couldn't wait. Only problem- an hour's worth of forced story missions that don't allow me to explore. Nearly the exact moment that the world finally opens up to me I hear the pitter patter of timy feet thudding onto the floor above me. Dammit! Unwilling to give up on my goal of exploring Los Santos for the first time I pause the game, go get my daughters' post-nap routines taken care of and plant them in the living room with me while I start to explore. Feeling guilty about pseudo-ignoring them for a video game that they shouldn't even know exists, let alone be in the same room with, I decide to be extra careful in-game to ensure that they don't see- or hear- anything untoward. Let me tell you, that is difficult.
I was the most law abiding citizen to ever visit the GTA universe. I explored as much as I could of the map in half-an-hour's time obeying every real life driving law. I didn't run any red lights or anything. It was surreal. I didn't get to see much, but what I did see made me appreciate the game that much more. The amount of superficial detail in the game is astounding. Billboards, storefronts, people, cars, aircraft- there is nothing generic in this game. The game world is fully populated with other people in the game that all convincingly appear to be living their own lives, doing their own things.
I did get to play for a few hours after the girls went to bed and of course I loved it. I can't wait to get deeper into the game this weekend
PM Thor
09-18-2013, 03:56 PM
I have it, and miraculously the wife is overseas when it came out so I had the whole house to myself for the last couple of days. Hell, didn't even put on pants yesterday while I played the game. I do have to say, a game has never made me feel so uncomfortable with the language being used. The N word is used constantly, gratuitously. The gameplay is pretty hilarious (anyone have to fight the aliens yet, HA!) and the map is absolutely massive. It's a pretty fun game but like others have said it's just too much, and I won't really play it that frequently in the coming weeks.
It fills a genre for me though. I buy a game in a specific genre and know that I won't ever replace it. GTA V does that, as does Red Dead Redemption, Ace Combat, and about 7 other games.
Kahns Krazy
09-18-2013, 04:41 PM
I played IV for a while, and was really into it briefly. I think I was like 40% done or so. I put it aside for a while then never picked it back up. I feel like I've lost track of what I was doing so if I got back into it it would take a couple hours just to remember what I was doing.
PM Thor
09-18-2013, 05:10 PM
That is EXACTLY my problem with Skyrim. That's a great game, and I played it for about a month, then walked away from it for probably about half a year. I can't even start it up again because it's so involved I am lost as to what is going on in it now.
09-18-2013, 06:25 PM
That is EXACTLY my problem with Skyrim. That's a great game, and I played it for about a month, then walked away from it for probably about half a year. I can't even start it up again because it's so involved I am lost as to what is going on in it now.
I had this happen with elder scrolls. I eventually had the flu for a couple of days and ended up starting over. So it seems I'm destined with skyrim as well
Blue Blobs Bro
09-19-2013, 07:18 AM
preordered special edition,got it,played it a little .greatest gta yet
09-19-2013, 01:33 PM
I went out and bought it at lunch today. It made this grown ass man very uncomfortable taking it to the register to buy it.
09-19-2013, 01:52 PM
I went out and bought it at lunch today. It made this grown ass man very uncomfortable taking it to the register to buy it.
Next time, just look oblivious and slightly confused and claim its for your 7 year old son.
09-19-2013, 01:56 PM
That works for the sports games. For GTA, it might get me arrested.
PM Thor
09-19-2013, 03:46 PM
Yeah my niece works at the local game store...and of course she had to be working when I picked it up. So there's none of the "This is for my kid" lying going on. She just knows that I'm an immature 41 year old man who likes to kill imaginary hookers in a video game.
Kahns Krazy
09-19-2013, 04:15 PM
Have you guys heard of It's this website where you can buy stuff and have it shipped to your house. It's awesome.
09-19-2013, 04:24 PM
Have you guys heard of It's this website where you can buy stuff and have it shipped to your house. It's awesome.
That requires planning ahead. I wanted it today.
09-19-2013, 04:42 PM
So many first world problems listed right here, in one thread. . . :wink:
09-19-2013, 04:55 PM
As opposed to a couple of guys interfering with your game watching experience by talking about the one dude's wife? That's not a first world problem?
If first world problems were off limits, this board would really suck.
Kahns Krazy
09-19-2013, 05:27 PM
And if it wasn't the first world, this board would be made of wood. Go first world!
09-19-2013, 06:09 PM
Geez. So touchy about your toys.
09-20-2013, 07:27 AM
Due to the bad weather tonight looks like I'll be postponing going to Oktoberfest until tomorrow. That opens the door for all night GTA 5. I for one could not be more excited.
09-20-2013, 08:44 AM
See, now where I find it crazy that you plan to stay up all night discussing the Breaking Bad finale on the Internet, staying up all night playing GTA V makes PERFECT sense to me.
Of course, if I did the same, I'd look up at the clock and all of a sudden it would be 10am, and I'd realize that my three kids had been watching me play GTA for three hours at that point. Then I'd have a lifetime of therapist bills to pay.
09-20-2013, 08:59 AM
See, now where I find it crazy that you plan to stay up all night discussing the Breaking Bad finale on the Internet, staying up all night playing GTA V makes PERFECT sense to me.
Of course, if I did the same, I'd look up at the clock and all of a sudden it would be 10am, and I'd realize that my three kids had been watching me play GTA for three hours at that point. Then I'd have a lifetime of therapist bills to pay.
Haha unfortunately my breaking bad plans have been nixed due to budget planning that week so I won't be taking the day off.
I always thought GTA was overblown in terms of kids being around playing it....but now with GTA 5 and just the language/gore/story line etc... I don't know if I've just grown up or if its gotten a lot worse but I cannot imagine ever have kids around and playing this game. Seriously seems so much more adult than any of the other ones.
Kahns Krazy
10-01-2013, 10:43 AM
The release of GTA 5 prompted me to fire up 4 and remind myself why I stopped playing it. I think I remember. All the stupid driving in the missions. If i get shot during a mission, I don't want to have to do all the mindless driving again. All that is just added in so the gameplay appears to be longer, but it is totally a waste of time. Wherever I am currently, the mission starts with driving somewhere to pick up a truck, then driving somewhere else in the truck to get shot. I timed it, and between when I get shot and when I get back to the good part of the mission on the retry is 5 full minutes of mindless driving. Then there are the cut scenes. Ugh. I just want to play the game, which is why I find myself just punching in cheat codes and driving around blowing people up.
I'd be a much bigger fan of the game if after a couple of attempts at a mission you could restart at a check point if there is nothing but driving up to that point.
10-01-2013, 11:01 AM
The release of GTA 5 prompted me to fire up 4 and remind myself why I stopped playing it. I think I remember. All the stupid driving in the missions. If i get shot during a mission, I don't want to have to do all the mindless driving again. All that is just added in so the gameplay appears to be longer, but it is totally a waste of time. Wherever I am currently, the mission starts with driving somewhere to pick up a truck, then driving somewhere else in the truck to get shot. I timed it, and between when I get shot and when I get back to the good part of the mission on the retry is 5 full minutes of mindless driving. Then there are the cut scenes. Ugh. I just want to play the game, which is why I find myself just punching in cheat codes and driving around blowing people up.
I'd be a much bigger fan of the game if after a couple of attempts at a mission you could restart at a check point if there is nothing but driving up to that point.
The cheat codes can be very therapeutic.
10-01-2013, 11:13 AM
I mean I usually just grabbed cabs all the time in GTA 4. Like literally drive and then when I see a cab get out and get in it. Then you can skip the driving for a small small fee. It's incredibly easy. I bet I saved over 6-7 hours of actual driving by doing this for every single mission. I believe you could even call cabs on your cell in 4 also...
I've found thats harder to do in GTA 5 though for one reason or another.
Kahns Krazy
10-01-2013, 12:29 PM
I mean I usually just grabbed cabs all the time in GTA 4. Like literally drive and then when I see a cab get out and get in it. Then you can skip the driving for a small small fee. It's incredibly easy. I bet I saved over 6-7 hours of actual driving by doing this for every single mission. I believe you could even call cabs on your cell in 4 also...
I've found thats harder to do in GTA 5 though for one reason or another.
I take cabs whenever I can. The mission I'm currently on I'm driving someone else, then I have to drive the truck for the mission. Dumb. Maybe I'll try hunting pigeons or something.
10-01-2013, 12:37 PM
I have noticed in 5 a lot more you do need to drive people to specific places and then the story is advanced through dialogue I am not a fan. Also not a fan of chase missions either.
10-16-2013, 10:28 AM
If anybody has this and wants to do some stuff on GTA Online, shoot me an invite on XBL. My gamertag is the same as my name on XH. I honestly haven't had a ton of time to play lately but when I do, I wouldn't mind rolling through San Andreas with some folks on here. I have a few of you on my friends list already from RDR free roam days.
10-16-2013, 11:56 AM
We should get a XHoops crew going. Anyone here good at vector art that wants to make the crew emblem?
PM Thor
10-21-2013, 10:12 PM
I'm in for getting some friends on there. I don't play online that much, but would rather start doing it...Mj0llnir...I think. Meh, I'll just contact some of you.
10-22-2013, 07:24 AM
I'm down for a XHoops crew for PS3. Does everybody here have a Xbox or PS3?
10-25-2013, 11:03 AM
I have Xbox. Can you join more than one crew? I'm already a part of OS4L (Operation Sports). I haven't been able to play GTA V at all lately. Lord knows I could use a distraction every now and then.
11-11-2013, 02:32 PM
My very clever 10 year old duped his nana into buying GTA 5 and I was fortunate enough to catch on before he was able to play much of it. I'm generally pretty liberal when it comes to jr's video games but I can't have him playing that one. Long story short...nana doesn't want to return the game and I want to get rid of it. Does anyone want a nearly new GTA5 for cheap? PM me if interested.
X-band '01
11-12-2013, 05:49 AM
I had a friend who took drugs in high school.
-one of the Huxtable kids
11-12-2013, 07:26 AM
My very clever 10 year old duped his nana into buying GTA 5 and I was fortunate enough to catch on before he was able to play much of it. I'm generally pretty liberal when it comes to jr's video games but I can't have him playing that one. Long story short...nana doesn't want to return the game and I want to get rid of it. Does anyone want a nearly new GTA5 for cheap? PM me if interested.
Good job. If I was a parent, I wouldn't let my kid play this game til he was 30.
My ex GF back in high school had a little brother who was 8 and was playing whatever the current version was. His parents just let him sit in front of the screen, kill hookers, run people over, shoot them in the head... Can't be good for that age. Horrible parenting. I would show up to the house, the kid would look at me and flip me off and give me a nice "fuck you."
Disirregardlessly, I do enjoy playing the game online, my Xbox nameguy is jmledgewood. I just wish there was more fun stuff to do with the money you make. I mean, basically you buy cars, more weapons, and high priced items like choppers and planes when you have a ton of money which i cant ever see myself getting to.
11-12-2013, 10:35 AM
Good job. If I was a parent, I wouldn't let my kid play this game til he was 30.
My ex GF back in high school had a little brother who was 8 and was playing whatever the current version was. His parents just let him sit in front of the screen, kill hookers, run people over, shoot them in the head... Can't be good for that age. Horrible parenting. I would show up to the house, the kid would look at me and flip me off and give me a nice "fuck you."
Disirregardlessly, I do enjoy playing the game online, my Xbox nameguy is jmledgewood. I just wish there was more fun stuff to do with the money you make. I mean, basically you buy cars, more weapons, and high priced items like choppers and planes when you have a ton of money which i cant ever see myself getting to.
One of the things that roped me into the GTA games was watching a buddy of mine play GTA III years ago. He'd stay on top of a building at night and shoot hookers with a sniper rifle. Sick as my humor can be sometimes, I thought that was funny. Maybe it was just the alcohol we were drinking at the time. Anyway I've loved the games over the years, especially Vice City. I'd never let a kid play it though. It ain't for youngins.
As far as online goes, yeah you can only spend money on vehicles, apartments, vehicle mods, etc., but the real fun is showing that stuff off in races against friends. I've had a good time doing those with crew members and it's pretty cool seeing some of their pimped out cars. Doing joint missions and whatnot are fun too. Really hoping they add crew heists at some point.
11-12-2013, 11:25 AM
I had a friend who took drugs in high school.
I had a few friends like that in high school as well. I think I had even more friends that took drugs in college. Once I launched myself into the real world, I settled into a crowd that takes drugs all the time.
I would rather laugh with the sinners than to cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun...
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