View Full Version : Could have Obama been Christopher Lee?

08-24-2013, 05:27 PM
Wondering if since he could've been Trayvon Martin if he could also have been Christopher Lee?


08-24-2013, 07:42 PM

Lamont Sanford
08-24-2013, 07:57 PM
Thanks for sharing that waggy. I think we all know why the Teleprompter of the United States has not stepped in front of the cameras to add his all-important two cents to this story.

08-26-2013, 07:30 AM
Thanks for embedding it since its Fox News I know not to waste my time :)

08-26-2013, 09:31 AM
Well, what about 88 year old WW 2 vet Delbert Belton?

Rather than the black community getting all up in arms about a questionable case, how about going about cleaning up their own house and expressing outrage when crimes like this occur?


08-26-2013, 10:44 AM
Thanks for embedding it since its Fox News I know not to waste my time :)

I actually saw the "racist" angle on CNN first. They posted the pictures and twitter posts #hatethem and all on their website. Is CNN "credible" news reporting or do you need it straight from Pravda?

08-26-2013, 11:01 AM
I actually saw the "racist" angle on CNN first. They posted the pictures and twitter posts #hatethem and all on their website. Is CNN "credible" news reporting or do you need it straight from Pravda?

It's hard to get completely unbiased news reporting anywhere. Typically CNN falls closer to the center than Fox News though. I'd say there's no arguing that. But then again if people want to argue they'll always find an argument.

08-26-2013, 11:35 AM
By the way,

ANY media outlet that gives "Reverend" Al Sharpton a public forum and apparent credibility, is a non-watch in my book. That includes the major networks.

I don't see anyone giving "Reverend" Terry Jones, the Florida minister who oversaw a Koran burning a continuing forum to talk about human relationships- nor should they.

Jones burned a Koran. Sharpton burned the police, the media and the public with his false rabble rousing over the fake Tawana Brawley incident.

Same thing to me.

08-26-2013, 02:31 PM
We are raising a seriously F-ing morally bankrupt generation here. I'm not sure what the endgame for all of this is, but it's not going to be pretty. Kids are just killing innocent people for fun.

We need to start executing people who commit acts like this, and the beating of the 80 year old man in the parking lot of the VFW hall. Nobody capable of an act like this is ever going to contribute anything positive to our society, nor do they deserve a chance to.

We are all in this together. It's time for the people who have their shit together to start shaming the people who don't, and forcing them to get their shit together. America's poor are having far too many kids. Many more per capita than the wealthy. They are doing a terrible job of raising their children, which turns those children into animals by the time they hit 14 years of age.

08-26-2013, 02:59 PM
I don't think it's the financial income of people who are the problem, I think it's the level of class in this country, or lack thereof. I think that we're moving into truly terrifying territory when people are killing each other just because they can. There's no rhyme or reason to any of it, and there is a definitely a respect for life that is missing.

Now, do I think execution is the way to go? I lean toward no, but maybe it would work. Somehow I doubt it. These people doing this aren't coming from warm, comfy, loving homes. They're being raised in homes where they're obviously not getting enough love and attention, so I'm not sure that the threat of execution years and appeals down the road is enough.

Perhaps, however, if we started holding parents responsible for the acts their juvenile children commit, we'd see some changes. If your son or daughter is arrested, charged and found guilty or pleads guilty/no contest to his/her charges, then you get a fine or community service or something in addition to your child rotting in jail for years.

I think we also need to look at society's role. Big Brothers and Sisters are begging for adults to come mentor the youth they have. It's not an easy job, but damn it's an important one. We also need to make sure that we're setting good examples not just for our own children, but for the children in our communities, by volunteering to keep rec centers open, cleaning up parks, working to raise money for playground equipment, etc.

The poor, the low class, they can't do this all on their own. The cycle has been ongoing for too many decades for this to suddenly fix itself. It's going to take all of us, working together, and not worrying so much about the blame as we do about the ways we can fix the problems that will cause the solutions to appear.

08-26-2013, 03:13 PM
Perhaps, however, if we started holding parents responsible for the acts their juvenile children commit, we'd see some changes. If your son or daughter is arrested, charged and found guilty or pleads guilty/no contest to his/her charges, then you get a fine or community service or something in addition to your child rotting in jail for years.

So then we have disgruntled youth committing crimes to retaliate against their parents? No thanks.

I know plenty of kids raised in loving households who for whatever reason were just assholes at their core during their youth. I also know plenty of kids raised by awful parents who were wonderful children.

08-26-2013, 03:17 PM
I don't think it's the financial income of people who are the problem, I think it's the level of class in this country, or lack thereof. I think that we're moving into truly terrifying territory when people are killing each other just because they can. There's no rhyme or reason to any of it, and there is a definitely a respect for life that is missing.

Maybe not entirely the financial income, but I would be surprised if it wasn't a major factor. I would have to imagine that murderers disproportionatly come from lower income families.

Now, do I think execution is the way to go? I lean toward no, but maybe it would work. Somehow I doubt it. These people doing this aren't coming from warm, comfy, loving homes. They're being raised in homes where they're obviously not getting enough love and attention, so I'm not sure that the threat of execution years and appeals down the road is enough.

I'm not really looking at the threat of execution as a deterrent. I'm looking at execution as a fast a cheap way to remove animals like this from the planet, and more importantly, the gene pool. I don't want them being paroled, and I sure as hell don't want them being paroled and having kids. At the point that they murder an innocent person I'm not too interested in how they got they way they are. I just want them gone.

Perhaps, however, if we started holding parents responsible for the acts their juvenile children commit, we'd see some changes. If your son or daughter is arrested, charged and found guilty or pleads guilty/no contest to his/her charges, then you get a fine or community service or something in addition to your child rotting in jail for years.

This would be really tough to do, but I like the concept at it's most basic form: You are responsible for the children you have. If you don't want to be responsible for your children you can give them up for adoption, but if you choose to try to raise your children you are responsible for the kind of children you raise. I love this concept.

I think we also need to look at society's role. Big Brothers and Sisters are begging for adults to come mentor the youth they have. It's not an easy job, but damn it's an important one. We also need to make sure that we're setting good examples not just for our own children, but for the children in our communities, by volunteering to keep rec centers open, cleaning up parks, working to raise money for playground equipment, etc.

I agree with this, but I think that it ultimately starts at home, with the family. All the rec centers and playground in the world aren't going to do a ton of good if the family is a mess.

The poor, the low class, they can't do this all on their own. The cycle has been ongoing for too many decades for this to suddenly fix itself. It's going to take all of us, working together, and not worrying so much about the blame as we do about the ways we can fix the problems that will cause the solutions to appear.

I do want to worry about blame. I want people to be feel shame for raising shitty kids. I want people to take pride in feeding their kids and raising good children with a strong value system. I want people's neighbors to judge them when the cops are at their house for a domestic dispute. I want people's community to judge them when their kid gets picked up for assault at 14 years old. These are things that should be embarassing for people. You can be poor and still raise kids with a good moral compass and strong values.

My problem with the whole 'there are so many factors out of people's control that contribute to them being criminals' statement is that it sort of lets people off the hook. Once you create a reason why somebody's plight isn't their fault you give them carte blanche to be the victim, and that is dangerous territory that rarely leads to prosperity. Some people definitely get dealt a better hand than others, but telling the people who got dealt the shitty hand that it isn't really their fault because they have a shitty hand doesn't help them, IMHO.

08-26-2013, 03:22 PM
You can't hold persons (even parents) responsible for the acts of others. Personal responsibility. Killers need to be executed. Quickly and publicly.

08-26-2013, 07:30 PM
Isn't the Catholic church against Capital punishment?

08-26-2013, 07:51 PM
"Who's the Pope to judge?"

08-26-2013, 07:53 PM
Isn't the Catholic church against Capital punishment?

Good question. An article by Avery Cardinal Douglas from First Things concludes:

"In coming to this prudential conclusion, the magisterium is not changing the doctrine of the Church. The doctrine remains what it has been: that the State, in principle, has the right to impose the death penalty on persons convicted of very serious crimes. But the classical tradition held that the State should not exercise this right when the evil effects outweigh the good effects. Thus the principle still leaves open the question whether and when the death penalty ought to be applied. The Pope and the bishops, using their prudential judgment, have concluded that in contemporary society, at least in countries like our own, the death penalty ought not to be invoked, because, on balance, it does more harm than good. I personally support this position."

Full Text. (http://www.firstthings.com/article/2008/08/catholicism-amp-capital-punishment-21) Fair warning, it's a long article. There are many nuances to the topic.

08-26-2013, 08:40 PM
Isn't the Catholic church against Capital punishment?

They are also against pedophilia but we all saw how that went for decades.

08-26-2013, 10:02 PM
So then we have disgruntled youth committing crimes to retaliate against their parents? No thanks.

I know plenty of kids raised in loving households who for whatever reason were just assholes at their core during their youth. I also know plenty of kids raised by awful parents who were wonderful children.

You don't think there are kids out there comitting crimes to retaliate against their parents right now? You must enjoy that rock you live under.

And I don't know any kids who were raised in truly loving, stable homes, who were free of mental illness, who committed senseless murder, but maybe we just don't hang out in the same circles.

08-26-2013, 10:09 PM
They are also against pedophilia but we all saw how that went for decades.

Once a young man hits sexual maturity (puberty) it ceases to technically be pedophilia, though it still is homosexual child molestation. The bulk of the cases was man on sexually mature boy from my understanding. The Church has been working earnestly to rid itself of its homosexual child molesters. Also, the rate of molestation in the Catholic Church looks like it was lower than the molestation rate in Public Schools. Other churches were not immune either, and Jews and Baptists and others also had homosexual molesters. The Catholic Church kept records though, and the Church always makes a good punch line. I can't imagine everyone joking about Jewish boys being homosexually molested. It is amazing given the nature of the crimes that people crack jokes at all. I think that the elites that control a good portion of the media and public opinion like attacking the Catholic Church too. It is not like Catholics own Hollywood or the New York Times.

08-26-2013, 10:20 PM
So then we have disgruntled youth committing crimes to retaliate against their parents? No thanks.

I know plenty of kids raised in loving households who for whatever reason were just assholes at their core during their youth. I also know plenty of kids raised by awful parents who were wonderful children.

I was an asshole at times in my youth and I can be an asshole today. I never killed anyone though, or even assaulted anyone or took someone's personal property. Kids do stupid things for sure, and as George Bush said "When I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible", which comes off like a Yogi Berra HOF type quote. Yeah I did tons of shit I wish I could take back and can't explain, and I still think of times that I was just rude or a dick to people. I try to raise my kids not to make the same mistakes, but who knows, my parents weren't bad people, so I can't blame them for being a dick. Pretty much the Golden Rule always applies. Treat people like you would like to be treated.

But as bad as I was, those kids are F-ing animals. They are killing people and if they are to be believed, it was because they were bored. It is not like the robbed him. It is not like one guy walked in with this chap humping his girlfriend. They didn't even know the guy. They killed a random white guy because they were bored.

Should we punish adults for having feral children? I think we should do something to shame them, I am with boozehound. Cut off their welfare and foodstamps for one thing. You can't fine them or sue them in court, those people don't have a pot to piss in. Cut off their welfare and sterilize them so the public won't have any more costs coming from their wombs and loins.

08-26-2013, 10:38 PM
We are raising a seriously F-ing morally bankrupt generation here. I'm not sure what the endgame for all of this is, but it's not going to be pretty. Kids are just killing innocent people for fun.

We need to start executing people who commit acts like this, and the beating of the 80 year old man in the parking lot of the VFW hall. Nobody capable of an act like this is ever going to contribute anything positive to our society, nor do they deserve a chance to.

We are all in this together. It's time for the people who have their shit together to start shaming the people who don't, and forcing them to get their shit together. America's poor are having far too many kids. Many more per capita than the wealthy. They are doing a terrible job of raising their children, which turns those children into animals by the time they hit 14 years of age.

In some communities, everything is broken. These kids are animals, and they deserve to die. And we shouldn't have to pay $100,000 a piece to execute them. Save the community some money and thin the heard quickly and effectively.

I would put a bullet in the back of all their heads, then plant their heads on spikes and mount those spikes in crime hotspots. Then I would sterilize all of their living relatives.

I totally agree that the poor are generally shitty parents. I think in many cases we should sterilize them and take their children away from them. I am not saying those kids are going to be doctor or a lawyer if I adopted him, but he sure as shit wouldn't be killing people. My wife wanted to foster children, but I was more inclined to adoption. Give me a baby right out of the womb and give him just to me and nobody else, and that kid is going to college. We still are debating. Lots of negative feedback though when you want to adopt black babies. Plenty of black people out there don't like it. Seriously. If you are a college educated couple and want to adopt a black baby, you have a better chance going to Africa ( some of the Hollywood Jet set has done that) than going to Over The Rhine, East St. Louis, Detroit or Chicago. For one thing, in America a baby is a source of income, housing and food stamps. It is why some women exist. I can't wait until we can start sterilizing those breeders. Once the money runs out, it is open season on them.

08-26-2013, 11:12 PM
I don't think it's the financial income of people who are the problem, I think it's the level of class in this country, or lack thereof. I think that we're moving into truly terrifying territory when people are killing each other just because they can. There's no rhyme or reason to any of it, and there is a definitely a respect for life that is missing.

People who make more income tend to be better parents. That doesn't always translate though. I know a kid that killed himself and his dad was eventually the CEO of P&G. His dad used to lock him in his room. He took everything out of his room, all the books or anything he could interest himself with. All he left as far as furniture was the mattress, and he even took the sheets off of the mattress. He was in lockdown solitary confinement with just a bare mattress. When he was 14, he threw himself off a building. Now his other siblings are wildly successful, and mightily wealthy too, so I guess it works for some and not for others. I have no knowledge if he did the same things to them.

I also know this: You could double the income of poor black single mothers and not have any noticeable increase in the achievement of their children. A liberal lady out of Chicago wrote a book about it a few years ago. They artificially raised the incomes of some poor black single mothers, and nothing happened with the kids. Go figure. I didn't do a study, or write a book, but I live in the hood. You could give a random single black mother 1 million dollars tomorrow and I doubt in 20 years time it would materially uplift the trajectory of the family bloodline. We like to talk about income inequality, but I think it is more just straight inequality without income involved. We are all different and unequal. I could lose every cent I have today in the market and my house could burn down and I neglected to pay the insurance, and I would still find a way to father my children even though I would be homeless. It would happen. I wouldn't turn to a life of crime and I wouldn't start raping people.

It is time to thin the herd. They really are different than us. We should pay them not to reproduce, because that is non-violent and cheaper in the long run. Right now we actually pay them to reproduce, instead of the opposite. We need to reverse that trend. At least cut off the payments. And of course we need to cut off the new supply of breeders that come to our shores and cross our borders every year.

Now, do I think execution is the way to go? I lean toward no, but maybe it would work. Somehow I doubt it. These people doing this aren't coming from warm, comfy, loving homes. They're being raised in homes where they're obviously not getting enough love and attention, so I'm not sure that the threat of execution years and appeals down the road is enough.

Perhaps, however, if we started holding parents responsible for the acts their juvenile children commit, we'd see some changes. If your son or daughter is arrested, charged and found guilty or pleads guilty/no contest to his/her charges, then you get a fine or community service or something in addition to your child rotting in jail for years.

Those welfare parent aren't going to pay your fine. They don't have a pot to piss in. Many times you can't even tell who the father is, so how do we go after the gang-banging playa who authored the feral youth 14 years ago but never met him? How do we hold him accountable?

We could make rules that you can't access welfare without both a mother and father on file. We could also stipulate that if the mother and father need welfare and can raise their own children, we can give them welfare if we are allowed to sterilize both the mother and the father. Our best technique at eliminating poverty, like Yogi Berra might say, is actually eliminating poverty. Sterilize them. Don't live in your false belief that they could ever be like you, just sterilize them and be down with it, at least the criminal/welfare class.

I think we also need to look at society's role. Big Brothers and Sisters are begging for adults to come mentor the youth they have. It's not an easy job, but damn it's an important one. We also need to make sure that we're setting good examples not just for our own children, but for the children in our communities, by volunteering to keep rec centers open, cleaning up parks, working to raise money for playground equipment, etc.

The poor, the low class, they can't do this all on their own. The cycle has been ongoing for too many decades for this to suddenly fix itself. It's going to take all of us, working together, and not worrying so much about the blame as we do about the ways we can fix the problems that will cause the solutions to appear.

We do need to look at society's role. We pay these people to reproduce. You reap what you sow, quite literally. Big Brothers and Sisters is nice, but we need to take their children away from them strait away and raise them by civilized people. I could raise a black baby and I am sure he would not be a killer. I think I could do well. I see the feral kids, and I could do much better.

We kind of already do this. Many college grads, including Ivy League grads go into teaching. The most successful programs on record involved concentrated Ivy League grads in specialized schools. They encourage the parents to drop off the kids early in the day and pick them up late. They also stay in school for most of the year instead of nine months. The best programs we have for poor black children are intense and mostly they are about getting the children away from their destructive parents for the most time possible. They found that the more time they spent with their destructive parents, the harder they were to educate.

If we wanted to truly maximize the return on these kids, we would simply take those kids away from the parents and sterilize the parents.

You can not imagine how many parents that I have met that don't deserve the privilege. And they just don't have one, they have a litter, from many different men.

I can't see how this all ends well. It is completely broken.

The time has come to thin the herd. If you think different, come and live with 'em for awhile. It is an eye opening experience.


08-26-2013, 11:58 PM
Of course he couldn't be Christopher Lee, he wasn't born in Australia. He was born in Kenya. Right guys?

08-27-2013, 12:02 AM
Snipe doing his best Adolf Hitler impression the last few posts. Some of the things you are writing are actually terrifying / we should alarm someone worthy.

08-27-2013, 12:19 AM
Godwin's law (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law)

Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies[1][2]) is an assertion made by Mike Godwin in 1990[2] that has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[2][3] In other words, Godwin said that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis.

Although in one of its early forms Godwin's law referred specifically to Usenet newsgroup discussions,[4] the law is now often applied to any threaded online discussion, such as forums, chat rooms and blog comment threads, and has been invoked for the inappropriate use of Nazi analogies in articles or speeches.[5] The law is sometimes invoked prescriptively to mark the end of a discussion when a Nazi analogy is made, with the writer who made the analogy being considered to have lost the argument.

08-27-2013, 05:56 AM
I understand how the talk of sterilization lends itself to the Hitler comparison, but think about it for a moment.

Sterilization may be too permanent, but I would love to see a program in which welfare recipients have to take some kind of birth control, and/or are 'kicked off' of welfare if they have another child while on the dole. My opinion is that if you are on welfare you have basically admitted that you are incapable (at least at the present time) of taking care of yourself and your family. You are asking society as a whole to take care of you and your family. The idea that you would then have another child while on welfare is absolutely insane. If you were giving a friend money to pay their rent and you found out they were spending it on drugs would you keep giving them money?

08-27-2013, 06:27 AM
Sterilization may be too permanent, but I would love to see a program in which welfare recipients have to take some kind of birth control,

See how well that goes over with your local pastor when you bring it up next Sunday.

08-27-2013, 08:45 AM
See how well that goes over with your local pastor when you bring it up next Sunday.

You're barking up the wrong tree with that one. My interpretation of Church doctrine is extremely liberal.

08-27-2013, 08:47 AM
**checks calendar

Basketball season is almost here (Thank goodness).

** closes thread

More Cowbell
08-27-2013, 09:51 AM
**checks calendar

Basketball season is almost here (Thank goodness).

** closes thread

Any word on Musketeer Madness? Despite the rule change, I'm thinking they will still do it near the end of October.

08-27-2013, 11:51 AM
I actually saw the "racist" angle on CNN first. They posted the pictures and twitter posts #hatethem and all on their website. Is CNN "credible" news reporting or do you need it straight from Pravda?
CNN is as credible as Entertainment Tonight. They'll go with anything sensationalistic; anything that gets them views and clicks. It doesn't matter how credible.

I understand how the talk of sterilization lends itself to the Hitler comparison, but think about it for a moment.

Sterilization may be too permanent, but I would love to see a program in which welfare recipients have to take some kind of birth control, and/or are 'kicked off' of welfare if they have another child while on the dole. My opinion is that if you are on welfare you have basically admitted that you are incapable (at least at the present time) of taking care of yourself and your family. You are asking society as a whole to take care of you and your family. The idea that you would then have another child while on welfare is absolutely insane. If you were giving a friend money to pay their rent and you found out they were spending it on drugs would you keep giving them money?

I've believed this for some time. And anyone that has religious beliefs against birth control can go to their church for assistance. I just don't see the moral issue. Practically speaking, the state should not be subsidizing the birth of children. The care of? Maybe. I have yet to hear a compelling argument as to why it's morally repugnant to refuse to allow people who cannot support themselves to both take public monies and have more children. It seems the greater moral crime is against society and these children. The birth control needs to be taken by both parents of the child in question, though. If the child receives public funds, the male involved needs to pony up or get clipped, even if he doesn't receive direct support.

I say for every person cut off from welfare because they had too many children, we fund subsidized daycare for the working poor who deserve our support more than those not working. We should also increase salaries for competent social workers. One of the major problems I see with requiring more oversight of families with juvenile criminals is that most social workers have oversized caseloads. If you want to take children away from criminally incompetent parents, you need to fund the system to do so.

We need to reform the system entirely and focus on supporting the working poor and leave those with long histories of needing support to fend for themselves. If they have kids they cannot afford, they can give them up. I'd rather my tax dollars go to help a working mother with daycare so she doesn't have to work a 2nd job and can spend her evenings home with her kids so they don't wander the streets.

08-27-2013, 11:57 AM
Any word on Musketeer Madness? Despite the rule change, I'm thinking they will still do it near the end of October.

Supposedly it will be on October 25 and televised on Fox Sports 1.