View Full Version : Madden 25

08-24-2013, 09:43 AM
Ok, I got my review copy of Madden the other day and, with the launch of the Xavierhoops NCAA Dynasty, I figured I'll set up one for Madden 25. So, if you plan on getting the game and want to be in the dynasty, let me know. I'll figure out the teams, rules, etc that we'll play under later. Just want to get an idea for how many teams want to be part of it.

As for the review of the game, I honestly haven't put in enough time with it to say. But hopefully I'll get a few more hours in today and be able to let everyone know if it's worth the purchase (if not, then maybe the league won't happen! :laugh: ). Keep you posted...

08-29-2013, 11:21 PM
OK, so now that Madden is in the stores and I'm sure a decent number of you will be picking it up, who is in for a Madden Dy-nasty on Xbox? I'm not going to start it in the next couple days (want to give people time to pick it up!), but I would like to get it going fairly soon. Let me know here if you're interested.

08-30-2013, 06:12 AM
From what I've read, they killed this year's game with the "super juke" button. what are your thoughts?

Either way, the only game I'm getting for the 360 is possibly GTA V. All other video game purchases are being put on hold until the launch of the new generation consoles.

08-30-2013, 07:28 AM
I havent played it much, but I'm totally down for playing in amother dy-nasty.

09-04-2013, 09:23 AM
From what I've read, they killed this year's game with the "super juke" button. what are your thoughts?

Either way, the only game I'm getting for the 360 is possibly GTA V. All other video game purchases are being put on hold until the launch of the nehw generation consoles.

Haven't noticed it being too bad yet, but could be issue as i play more.

09-04-2013, 09:25 AM
Planning on getting the dynasty (xbox) rolling in the next week or so. If anyone else wants in, let me know.

09-04-2013, 09:26 AM
Planning on getting the dynasty (xbox) rolling in the next week or so. If anyone else wants in, let me know.

You know I'm in

09-14-2013, 10:31 PM
You know I'm in

Yup, should have things set up tonight or tomorrow. Will send invites to you and others in the NCAA league (not sure if everyone has Madden, but they'll get invited anyway!). Here's what I'm planning:

-Coach Mode only (didn't want to go Player route and owner just has too much extra crap to worry about)
-Draft classes will be imported so we'll be using real players - at least for the first few seasons
-No restrictions on what team you can take; if it's available, you can have it
-Will probably be 7 min. quarters
-All-Pro settings