View Full Version : Ryan Braun changes his mind

07-22-2013, 04:52 PM
Apparently, he is a cheat.

07-22-2013, 05:06 PM
Stunning. And by stunning I actually mean the opposite of stunning.

07-22-2013, 05:37 PM
I'm shocked.....said no one anywhere.

They should throw in another year for playing us like we're fools.

07-22-2013, 05:42 PM
Go ahead and toss in A-Rod and Chris Froome (won the Tour de France this year) in there also. Froome just won with an average speed over around 40.5km/hr and right around the same average speed as the LA years, but "He is" clean.

XU 87
07-22-2013, 05:42 PM
Braun's quote- "I realize now that I made some mistakes." Ryan, you JUST came to this realization? I wish he would have said the truth and said, "I'm sorry that I lied and lied and then lied again. I was a steroid user the whole time."

07-22-2013, 06:28 PM
Thanks for torpedoing my NL-only fantasy season, a-hole. You've brought shame to The U.

X-band '01
07-22-2013, 07:14 PM
Easy to come clean when a)the Brewers are not in contention this year and b)his past MVP award is no longer in jeopardy.

His publicist did write a nice apology, though.

07-22-2013, 08:47 PM
I am curious to see what evidence they do have on him. It must be pretty good if he agreed to a 65 game suspension and being a first time offender.

XU 87
07-22-2013, 08:52 PM
I thought first time suspensions only got 50 games. Braun is still technically a first time offender, so how did he get suspended for 65 games and the post season (although the Brewers won't be in the post season)?

07-22-2013, 08:58 PM
I thought first time suspensions only got 50 games. Braun is still technically a first time offender, so how did he get suspended for 65 games and the post season (although the Brewers won't be in the post season)?

That's what I always thought was bullshit about the reports leading up to this. The collective bargaining agreement spells out what the suspensions are. There is probably some vague, general clause about some crap about "ruining the integrity of the game".

07-22-2013, 09:04 PM
I thought first time suspensions only got 50 games. Braun is still technically a first time offender, so how did he get suspended for 65 games and the post season (although the Brewers won't be in the post season)?

I believe MLB actually wanted to suspend him for 100 (50 for the violation and 50 for lying), so 65 was actually a deal.

07-22-2013, 09:10 PM
I believe MLB actually wanted to suspend him for 100 (50 for the violation and 50 for lying), so 65 was actually a deal.

And that still confuses me because when did Braun lie?

Also, Melky Cabrera created a fake website and still got 50 games. If creating a fake website isn't lying then I don't know what is.

LA Muskie
07-22-2013, 09:20 PM
That's what I always thought was bullshit about the reports leading up to this. The collective bargaining agreement spells out what the suspensions are. There is probably some vague, general clause about some crap about "ruining the integrity of the game".

It was ESPN who reported it (so take it for what it's worth), but it was reported that the 50 (1st offense) and 100 (2nd offense) game suspension levels didn't apply under the CBA because they penalties don't arise out of failed drug tests. Essentially they are commissioner-determined offenses and penalties, although still subject to arbitrator review. My recollection is that Michael Weiner (MLBPA Director) was quoted as agreeing with that, although he has taken the somewhat unusual tact of distancing the union from the alleged cheats.

XU 87
07-22-2013, 09:25 PM
I'm guessing that the number of players taking steroids are now in the large minority. The large majority who aren't taking steroids are telling the union not to provide support to the cheaters.

07-22-2013, 09:39 PM
I thought first time suspensions only got 50 games. Braun is still technically a first time offender, so how did he get suspended for 65 games and the post season (although the Brewers won't be in the post season)?

Some on Twitter are speculating that the extra 15 games was for just being a jerk. The a-hole tax? Works for me.

07-22-2013, 09:40 PM
And that still confuses me because when did Braun lie?

Also, Melky Cabrera created a fake website and still got 50 games. If creating a fake website isn't lying then I don't know what is.

When did he lie? How about every time he opened his mouth and said something like "I'm not cheating. . . I don't take drugs . . . I love the game of baseball" (because how can you love the game and still actively work to destroy the integrity of it?).

07-22-2013, 09:40 PM
And that still confuses me because when did Braun lie?


07-22-2013, 09:54 PM

He may have used before or after this test but in this instance the test was thrown out because MLB broke procedure. We don't know for sure if this test was truly positive. Was it probably positive for PEDs? Yeah sure. But MLB had no one to blame but themselves.

LA Muskie
07-22-2013, 09:55 PM
I'm guessing that the number of players taking steroids are now in the large minority. The large majority who aren't taking steroids are telling the union not to provide support to the cheaters.

I think you are right. And frankly I've always thought unions should spend less time and energy defending the obviously-guilty, especially when the guilty act so starkly to the detriment of the innocent.

LA Muskie
07-22-2013, 09:56 PM
He may have used before or after this test but in this instance the test was thrown out because MLB broke procedure. We don't know for sure if this test was truly positive. Was it probably positive for PEDs? Yeah sure. But MLB had no one to blame but themselves.
Actually, he got lucky. It was a technicality, and the arbitrator bought it. The vast majority of experts who have been polled have suggested that the deviation from standard protocol almost certainly did not affect the result.

07-22-2013, 10:44 PM
Actually, he got lucky. It was a technicality, and the arbitrator bought it. The vast majority of experts who have been polled have suggested that the deviation from standard protocol almost certainly did not affect the result.

I don't understand why some baseball pundits think Braun needs to apologize to the collector. Unless they attacked the guy's character, which I honestly don't remember if they did, didn't his legal team just expose a flaw in the process and get off on a technicality, like you said?

Mel Cooley XU'81
07-22-2013, 11:39 PM
I was sitting right behind the Brewers's dugout at Wrigley, September, 2011.

As Braun was coming off the field between innings a guy yelled to him, "Hey Ryan Braun, you're a fine ballplayer. I admire the way you play."

Weird thing to yell I thought at the time, but it sounded sincere.

Braun, looked up towards the guy, gave a crisp nod of acknowledgment and said, "Thank you."

I remember this very clearly.

What a jerk.

LA Muskie
07-23-2013, 12:06 AM
I don't understand why some baseball pundits think Braun needs to apologize to the collector. Unless they attacked the guy's character, which I honestly don't remember if they did, didn't his legal team just expose a flaw in the process and get off on a technicality, like you said?
Yeah I saw Buster Olney wrote that. This "apology" stuff is a joke. Although Olney is right that MLB's press release "commending" Braun is an even bigger joke.

07-23-2013, 01:03 AM
Actually, he got lucky. It was a technicality, and the arbitrator bought it. The vast majority of experts who have been polled have suggested that the deviation from standard protocol almost certainly did not affect the result.

But it could have affected the result and the guy did break protocol. There are procedural rules for a reason. MLB fired that employee for a reason. He screwed up his job.

07-23-2013, 02:27 AM
But it could have affected the result and the guy did break protocol. There are procedural rules for a reason. MLB fired that employee for a reason. He screwed up his job.

The MLB arbitrator who was the deciding vote (2-1) to absolve Braun of wrongdoing for the 'technicality' was also fired.

The collector had to have been a mutually respected party, no? As in the Players Union and MLB must have trusted the guy to collect the sample, be alone with it, and to get it where it needed to go. My understanding is that the sample wasn't sent off and was taken home by the collector because of a FedEx issue. Now don't you think if he wanted to doctor the sample that he could have done so on the way to FedEx just as easily as he could have by taking it home with him? And what on earth would his motive have been to doctor a Ryan Braun sample? It just doesn't add up.

I bet Braun is reallllllly upset about his suspension. He uses steroids, wins an MVP because of it, signs a $100+ million deal because of it and his punishment is to forfeit $3.4 million and NOT play the last 65 games for a last place team? What a punishment.

Ban the scum for life.

Free Pete.

07-23-2013, 07:54 AM
Ryan Braun is trash. That's all I have to say about this. Taking steroids is bad, but to lie the way that he did after his arbitration case was over was unbelievable. I'm glad the MLB went after him and punished him, although I don't nearly believe this punishment is enough.

07-23-2013, 07:56 AM
Ban the scum for life.

Free Pete.

Free Pete!

07-23-2013, 09:22 AM
The cover up is always worse than the crime. Had he pulled a Jason Giambi, and came clean last year instead of trying to lie his way through this, he would have saved SOME face. The fact he was so steadfast, and backed himself into a corner, makes him just plain slimy.

If Pete Rose has taught us anything the past 25 years, it's that a cover up of this magnitude will only hurt your cause.

Ryan Braun is a scum bag.

07-23-2013, 09:50 AM
I've come to realize in the past few months that I just don't care about baseball anymore (which I know is sacrilege in a baseball town like Cincy, but removed here in Indianapolis is acceptable). I enjoy going to Wrigley once per year with friends or to Great America for a game here or there, but that's about it. PED's and the way they have been handled have soured my relationship. My time is valuable, I just don't have it to invest in professional baseball anymore.

07-23-2013, 09:59 AM
My time is valuable, I just don't have it to invest in professional baseball anymore.

Baseball should be concerned with this thinking, because I believe you are not alone in your opinion. I watch the game and don't think about who is eating greenies, adderrol, steroids, etc. I can't say my love for baseball has dropped, but I think my relationship with the game is much more related to the success of the Reds. If the Reds are competitive, I care about baseball....if not, I don't.

I believe the game had great TV ratings last season, but the youth of America will be less inclined to play pick up baseball. This is the generation I am concerned with. The younger people that have heard about PED's since they started paying attention to the game, will have a tough time staying with the sport for long. No one wants to hear bout stuff like that, but this is the state of today's game.

Kid's today are the "have it now" generation, who have a tough time playing outside until dark like we did when we were kids. I just think the ones who do play the game will grow sick and tired of the PED investigations, finding out their favorite players have burned them, and seeing the stars of the game scrutinized beyond belief.

07-23-2013, 10:20 AM
Free Pete!

LA Muskie
07-23-2013, 11:13 AM
But it could have affected the result and the guy did break protocol. There are procedural rules for a reason. MLB fired that employee for a reason. He screwed up his job.

No doubt there was a screw-up, albeit on a technicality. Whether it justified reversing the penalty, I don't know. But the odds it affected the result are infinitesimally small.

07-23-2013, 11:20 AM
No doubt there was a screw-up, albeit on a technicality. Whether it justified reversing the penalty, I don't know. But the odds it affected the result are infinitesimally small.

Rules say something like 24 hours and this guy took 72 hours. I don't half wonder if Braun tossed him a little kicker to drive slow.

LA Muskie
07-23-2013, 11:30 AM
Rules say something like 24 hours and this guy took 72 hours. I don't half wonder if Braun tossed him a little kicker to drive slow.
My recollection is that he collected on a Friday and couldn't get to a FedEx location that was still open so he kept it at home (thinking it was better than leaving it in a FedEx collection box for 3 days) until Monday.

07-23-2013, 11:51 AM
No doubt there was a screw-up, albeit on a technicality. Whether it justified reversing the penalty, I don't know. But the odds it affected the result are infinitesimally small.

Fact: under MLB rules then in place, Laurenzi did mishandle the sample. He didn’t taint it or do anything sinister, but he did, technically speaking under the letter of the rules he was to follow, mishandle it. That gave Braun his opening and he and his lawyers took it. If you dispute that just stop reading because that’s simply a statement of fact. MLB even changed its rules after the fact in order to address it, so they acknowledged a problem too.


LA Muskie
07-23-2013, 12:42 PM

I don't dispute it. Like I said, there was a screwup. It was a technicality that almost certainly (like 99%+) did not affect the test result, but it was a screwup. It did not require reversal. But 2 arbitrators took the bait. It happens. Braun had good -- and I'm sure well paid -- lawyers. This is America. Many a guilty man gets off.

07-23-2013, 01:26 PM
Douche of the Year. All-Time All Star Douche Team. After lying under oath at his Arbitration hearing, and then going all Lance Armstrong on the public statements, I can't believe this guy gets to come back next season.

DC Muskie
07-23-2013, 02:06 PM
Do I have this right...this guy got off on a technicality from one test, then went out and did more butt needles and got caught a second time? Is that what happened or is this based on the original test?

07-23-2013, 02:56 PM
Do I have this right...this guy got off on a technicality from one test, then went out and did more butt needles and got caught a second time? Is that what happened or is this based on the original test?

That was my understanding from reading the article.

Seven Eighths
07-23-2013, 04:03 PM
Baseball should be concerned with this thinking, because I believe you are not alone in your opinion. I watch the game and don't think about who is eating greenies, adderrol, steroids, etc. I can't say my love for baseball has dropped, but I think my relationship with the game is much more related to the success of the Reds. If the Reds are competitive, I care about baseball....if not, I don't.

I believe the game had great TV ratings last season, but the youth of America will be less inclined to play pick up baseball. This is the generation I am concerned with. The younger people that have heard about PED's since they started paying attention to the game, will have a tough time staying with the sport for long. No one wants to hear bout stuff like that, but this is the state of today's game.

Kid's today are the "have it now" generation, who have a tough time playing outside until dark like we did when we were kids. I just think the ones who do play the game will grow sick and tired of the PED investigations, finding out their favorite players have burned them, and seeing the stars of the game scrutinized beyond belief.

I agree.

Baseball players have been cheating in some manner for decades. Steroids is just the latest type and obviously more scrutinized due to the era we live in with media reporting on everything to simply keep their jobs.

Rose admitted to using greenies and some think he corked his bat from time to time. This does not bother me because it was something most did while he was playing.

I think most currently playing are "cheating" in some manner or another. I also think that the percentage that are is about the same as it was in the 1960's. Players are always looking for an edge and will do almost anything to attain it.

07-23-2013, 04:10 PM
Do I have this right...this guy got off on a technicality from one test, then went out and did more butt needles and got caught a second time? Is that what happened or is this based on the original test?

It apparently is because of his involvement in the Biogenesis scandal, but his statement and MLB have not clarified exactly why he was suspended that I have seen. I think he got away with the test, but there was too much evidence for him to deny his involvement with the Biogenesis lab.

The 65 games was a settlement between Braun and MLB, but for what, I have no idea. It was suspected that most Biogenesis related players would be suspended for 50 games for the infractions and 50 more if they lied about it. This leads me to believe Braun negotiated his suspension down from 100 games to 65...in large part so he can recover from his injuries and avoid the last few meaningless months of a terrible Brewers season.

07-23-2013, 06:08 PM
My recollection is that he collected on a Friday and couldn't get to a FedEx location that was still open so he kept it at home (thinking it was better than leaving it in a FedEx collection box for 3 days) until Monday.

I remember now, lamest excuse I have ever heard. The best the MLB has to offer as it comes to urine sample collecting is a fedex collection box? Didn't someone on here say the MLB employee was fired over this. Like I said, Braun knew he was screwed and it took him a bit to come up with some coin to bribe this guy.

07-23-2013, 06:10 PM
Do I have this right...this guy got off on a technicality from one test, then went out and did more butt needles and got caught a second time? Is that what happened or is this based on the original test?

I thought he was nailed with the info they got from that sleazy lab guy, which info is also floating around over A Rod and others heads.

X-band '01
07-23-2013, 06:45 PM
It apparently is because of his involvement in the Biogenesis scandal, but his statement and MLB have not clarified exactly why he was suspended that I have seen. I think he got away with the test, but there was too much evidence for him to deny his involvement with the Biogenesis lab.

The 65 games was a settlement between Braun and MLB, but for what, I have no idea. It was suspected that most Biogenesis related players would be suspended for 50 games for the infractions and 50 more if they lied about it. This leads me to believe Braun negotiated his suspension down from 100 games to 65...in large part so he can recover from his injuries and avoid the last few meaningless months of a terrible Brewers season.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

07-23-2013, 06:54 PM
I can not recall one player, in any sport, who has been linked to PED's, who it is later proved he had zero involvement.
Each and every one I can remember eventually fesses up, or looks like a complete jackass continuing to deny it after the proof is out there.

07-23-2013, 07:39 PM
This post on Deadspin is a good representation of how I feel about the steroid issue and baseball.

Also, I still don't understand why everyone freaks out about baseball when the Seattle Seahawks have had 5 suspensions since 2010 for PEDs. And somehow baseball has the problem? Why aren't parents in Seattle having such a hard time explaining steroids' evils to their crappy kids that Brewers' fans are?

07-23-2013, 07:44 PM
I think it's because individual player stats in baseball are much more celebrated. Football is more of a team game, careers are shorter, and individual stats are not celebrated at the same level. That's part of it.

07-23-2013, 07:48 PM
I can not recall one player, in any sport, who has been linked to PED's, who it is later proved he had zero involvement.
Each and every one I can remember eventually fesses up, or looks like a complete jackass continuing to deny it after the proof is out there.

Tiger Woods links to PED's seem to have been swept under the rug. Somebody zipped that shit up.

07-23-2013, 07:49 PM
I think it's because individual player stats in baseball are much more celebrated. Football is more of a team game, careers are shorter, and individual stats are not celebrated at the same level. That's part of it.

And I can agree with that but no one writes or says that. Every writer gets on their high horse, calls the baseball player a horrible person who doesn't love kids, etc. They speak about steroids in terms of morality. So does baseball only have morals and not football?

07-23-2013, 07:52 PM
Writers write all kinds of crap to generate traffic and comments. The more off the wall, the more it pisses someone off, the more a position of higher moral ground can be taken, the better.

07-24-2013, 12:01 PM
...Also, I still don't understand why everyone freaks out about baseball when the Seattle Seahawks have had 5 suspensions since 2010 for PEDs. And somehow baseball has the problem? Why aren't parents in Seattle having such a hard time explaining steroids' evils to their crappy kids that Brewers' fans are?
I wonder how much the pace of the game impacts expectations. Football is so insane even the SPECTATORS appear to be on PEDs. Baseball by comparison is calm and reflective, making any disruption--rule-breaking, fights, summersaults, fist-pumping, swearing--seam such a jarring violation of expected tranquility.

07-24-2013, 12:09 PM
I wonder how much the pace of the game impacts expectations. Football is so insane even the SPECTATORS appear to be on PEDs. Baseball by comparison is calm and reflective, making any disruption--rule-breaking, fights, summersaults, fist-pumping, swearing--seam such a jarring violation of expected tranquility.

I think this is exactly right. Football players are huge people built to manhandle other huge people as necessitated by the nature of the game. Baseball is not such a game.