View Full Version : ESPN now praising "Decision"
07-09-2013, 05:32 AM
Today is apparently the three year anniversary of "the Decision" broadcast. They had a small vignette detailing the buildup and fallout from Lebrons decision to take his talents to South Beach.
But Espn couldn't resist from patting themselves on the back. A commentator at the end (sounded like Jim Gray) closed the vignette by saying "maybe it was the right decision to broadcast the decision after all".
Too me the "the decision" was one of the worst ideas in sports marketing...thoughts?
07-09-2013, 06:37 AM
Seeing as how I am from the North Coast, my opinion may be considered biased, but...
Yeah, the worst bit of sports marketing ever. For proof, no one else has done it. it was the worst hour of hubris and ego gone wild in television history. Of course, the 4 letter network would love it.
Cleveland fans understood that he was a free agent and could have gone anywhere. Some even think that he should have gone somewhere else. That is what is misunderstood about the Cleveland reaction. Sure there was disappointment that he left, but he embarrassed the entire city and rubbed it's nose in the crap.
Note to Desert Raccoon and others. If you're going to go, just leave. Don't have "look at me moments" and don't have press conferences...except at your new digs.
07-09-2013, 06:39 AM
Definitely. This was an embarrassing moment for ESPN and Jim Gray. It's understandable why they'd attempt to spin it.
But even after winning 2 championships, Lebron's appeal remains damaged.
07-09-2013, 07:16 AM
I mean he raised what 3-4 million for Boys and Girls club by allowing ESPN to broadcast it? I mean hell how can you say that's bad?
Clearly Lebron has grown up and matured with his move to South Beach. I would hope Cleveland is over it by now, hell they have a STUD in irving and if everyone is too concerned with Lebron not being there FOUR years later then why should Kyrie stick around?
I hate Cleveland sports fans though so I am biased.
07-09-2013, 07:43 AM
I mean he raised what 3-4 million for Boys and Girls club by allowing ESPN to broadcast it? I mean hell how can you say that's bad?
Clearly Lebron has grown up and matured with his move to South Beach. I would hope Cleveland is over it by now, hell they have a STUD in irving and if everyone is too concerned with Lebron not being there FOUR years later then why should Kyrie stick around?
I hate Cleveland sports fans though so I am biased.
It's clear that he grew up and matured? What cuz he got engaged? Because he wins sports games? He's still a wild narcissist with a personality disorder who referred to himself as a bundle of talents. He'll never not be this way. His cement dried after being on the cover of Sports Illustrated at age 16 and then being treated like a god by a whole city, so no one should be surprised.
And the whole raising 2.5 million dollars for a kid's charity... sure, a fine gesture. But it doesn't mean what he did wasn't a disgusting display of narcissism and a giant slap in the face to a team's loyal fanbase.
Kyrie is a stud player, but The Cavaliers aren't even close to competing and will proly lose him soon disirregardlessly.
07-09-2013, 07:56 AM
I mean he raised what 3-4 million for Boys and Girls club by allowing ESPN to broadcast it? I mean hell how can you say that's bad?
Clearly Lebron has grown up and matured with his move to South Beach. I would hope Cleveland is over it by now, hell they have a STUD in irving and if everyone is too concerned with Lebron not being there FOUR years later then why should Kyrie stick around?
I hate Cleveland sports fans though so I am biased.
The guy got a huge contract. How about just giving 3 million to the Boys Clubs? This "fundraising" aspect was even more appalling, and some bought into it.
Sheer ludicracy.
DC Muskie
07-09-2013, 08:05 AM
I mean he raised what 3-4 million for Boys and Girls club by allowing ESPN to broadcast it? I mean hell how can you say that's bad?
Ah yes, he did it for the kids!
"Hey look everyone I raised money for kids. Never mind I'm a narcissist!"
LeBron and his boys are pleased to have duped you so easily.
DC Muskie
07-09-2013, 08:19 AM
Also I find it hilarious that someone would suggest any fan base to "get over" such a disgusting, immature move by a player of announcing his move like a 17 year kid choosing his college.
They are celebrating his third anniversary of this journalistic abortion. What fan base do you know of that can "move on" when the largest sports programmer in the world is touting how great this abortion was???
Can you name one? Which group of fans have provided such level headed responses and reactions to such an event?
LeBron is a bitch. He will always be a bitch.
07-09-2013, 08:30 AM
LeBron is a bitch. He will always be a bitch.
I love this.
From the stories I've heard about him from friends of mine who played against him in high school and a girl who went to the same school as him...I will never respect the guy.
Also I find it hilarious that someone would suggest any fan base to "get over" such a disgusting, immature move by a player of announcing his move like a 17 year kid choosing his college.
They are celebrating his third anniversary of this journalistic abortion. What fan base do you know of that can "move on" when the largest sports programmer in the world is touting how great this abortion was???
Can you name one? Which group of fans have provided such level headed responses and reactions to such an event?
LeBron is a bitch. He will always be a bitch.
Weren't you the ring-leader for trying to get everyone to move on from Dez this past year, on the grounds that it's not worth reflecting on negatives? I could be wrong. In any case, Lebron is a douche bag. It's a shame Ray Allen had to make that shot in Game 6. Had that not fallen, the douche bag's legacy is vastly different today.
07-09-2013, 09:14 AM
Also I find it hilarious that someone would suggest any fan base to "get over" such a disgusting, immature move by a player of announcing his move like a 17 year kid choosing his college.
They are celebrating his third anniversary of this journalistic abortion. What fan base do you know of that can "move on" when the largest sports programmer in the world is touting how great this abortion was???
Can you name one? Which group of fans have provided such level headed responses and reactions to such an event?
LeBron is a bitch. He will always be a bitch.
Wow so I guess you're not over it.
Cleveland got screwed in the divorce.
And 4 million to the boys and girls club is a pretty big deal. Yes he got a huge contact but not everyone gives that much to charity. Clearly his ego was also in play in setting up the decision. But you know what? He can have an ego he's the best player in the game today and he's proven that.
Leaving Cleveland was clearly the best thing Lebron did for his career. Sorry that Cleveland can't get over it.
And ESPN will ALWAYS promote itself and promote its brand. It's a business. Clearly they're playing down the Big East because its no longer on their network. Kind of like how they play up Monday Night Football over Sunday Night Football etc...
It's funny because if he had chosen Cleveland than no one would've complained at all but because he clearly made the correct decision he's still lambasted about it.
I'm not a Lebron fan or a heat fan by any stretch, but having been in Ohio for the last 6 years and around Cleveland fans I just cannot stand it. I'm a basketball fan and Kyrie Irving is an incredible player, could be the best PG in the league a couple years from now but He's constantly living in Lebron's shadow because the city REFUSES to move on. Can't will til Kyrie jets off to a place that actually gives a shit about him and isn't living in the past.
Wow so I guess you're not over it.
Cleveland got screwed in the divorce.
And 4 million to the boys and girls club is a pretty big deal. Yes he got a huge contact but not everyone gives that much to charity. Clearly his ego was also in play in setting up the decision. But you know what? He can have an ego he's the best player in the game today and he's proven that.
Leaving Cleveland was clearly the best thing Lebron did for his career. Sorry that Cleveland can't get over it.
And ESPN will ALWAYS promote itself and promote its brand. It's a business. Clearly they're playing down the Big East because its no longer on their network. Kind of like how they play up Monday Night Football over Sunday Night Football etc...
It's funny because if he had chosen Cleveland than no one would've complained at all but because he clearly made the correct decision he's still lambasted about it.
I'm not a Lebron fan or a heat fan by any stretch, but having been in Ohio for the last 6 years and around Cleveland fans I just cannot stand it. I'm a basketball fan and Kyrie Irving is an incredible player, could be the best PG in the league a couple years from now but He's constantly living in Lebron's shadow because the city REFUSES to move on. Can't will til Kyrie jets off to a place that actually gives a shit about him and isn't living in the past.
I can promise you with 100% certainty that had he said, "I'm keeping my talents in Cleveland," I still would've thought it was the douchiest thing I've ever seen. There are literally thousands of athletes who donate lots and lots of money to all kinds of charities every year. Not one of them has ever done it by getting on national TV and burning his home region with such public humiliation. He has the right to be as big a douche bag as he wants to be, but make no mistake, it was a douche bag move.
I, like you, got very annoyed with Cavs fans when I was living in Ohio. Particularly because of that first Wizards-Cavs series where Lebron had two game-winning layups after eight steps and a few elbow swings. Since then, I've come to understand the NBA for what it is, but at the time, I still held out the hope that a fair series could be called in the NBA. I now realize that the NBA is entertainment over all else, and I can simply watch as a fan of basketball talent instead of the way I would watch a Xavier game. In any case, it was very, very annoying being around all the Cavs fans. You would have thought they were already the Bulls of the 90s with some of those fools. But none of that changes how big of a hot, wet, flopping bag of douche Lebron James is.
Well put, Milhouse.
I just watched the full 11 minutes of the announcement for the first time. I didn't tune in at the time, but saw clips, and just can never understand what the fuss is all about. He could have done it at a press conference, I guess. He's the most visible and famous player on the face of the earth, then and now. Big deal he does it in a live interview. The "proof" of whether it worked as a marketing move is in the number of viewers who tuned in. 10 mill says Nielsen. Pretty impressive.
He doesn't blast Cleveland or the fans in any way. He clearly makes his priority winning championships, which is what it should be about for any player, superstar or 12th man. Why is that bad, immature, narcissistic? I can't find one immature statement in the entire video. More sour grapes from the King of Grapes.
Cleveland "professional sports fans" ARE a peculiar lot...when they show up at all. Sunday vs Tigers, a "massive" 20K show up. Really?? First place in the balance, All Stars on the field. Jaysus, WTF will get fans out if not that? 15000 showed up in Columbus on the same afternoon for what passes for major league soccer, and almost 9K for a AAA baseball game (Ha, the Cleveland Indians AAA team, a major loser this season. )
The PD has one of the best, most complete sports sections in America, but that can't cure the bizarre sense of entitlement. Cleveland fans gets what they deserve: the leavings.
07-09-2013, 10:02 AM
I don't care about Cleveland people one way or another but LeBron knew the city would be upset, etc, if he left. A simple, "I love Akron and Cleveland and will always love it..." or something other than "I'm taking my talents to South Beach" probably would've been a better way to say goodbye. I'm not saying he was burning bridges but it could've been classier for sure.
Also, he wasn't exactly paying that donation himself. The whole "Decision" event funded the couple million that was donated.
From a CNBC article the week it happened...the bolded part makes me think that even after the donation, it was still a profitable 'event' for LeBron. He didn't just do the show and give all the money from it to Boys & Girls Club...
"As part of the deal with ESPN, James’ business team, LRMR Marketing, was given ad inventory to sell. They sold co-presenting sponsorships to the University of Phoenix and Bing, with McDonald’s and Sprite also having commercials in the show.
James’ team isn’t saying how much in total was raised, but Maverick Carter, CEO of LRMR, did say on Thursday afternoon that more than $2 million in net proceeds will go to the Boys & Girls Club of America.Vitaminwater and Nike also contributed in the charitable effort."
07-09-2013, 10:14 AM
Cleveland "professional sports fans" ARE a peculiar lot...when they show up at all. Sunday vs Tigers, a "massive" 20K show up. Really?? First place in the balance, All Stars on the field. Jaysus, WTF will get fans out if not that? 15000 showed up in Columbus on the same afternoon for what passes for major league soccer, and almost 9K for a AAA baseball game (Ha, the Cleveland Indians AAA team, a major loser this season. )
I take some offense to this. That's the same fanbase that sold out 455 straight baseball games. The attendance lulls in Cleveland are a complex issue. It's a combination of economics and being just plain beat down. I know you cincinnati and beyond folks are sick of hearing about Cleveland's sports woes, but these teams have been losing in dramatic, horrible ways and that cannot be denied. Add things like The Cavaliers selling out like every game and being so close, losing the best player in the league, then watching him go win two in three years right away... It's just going to take more than Nick Swisher and competing for 3 months into the marathon of a baseball season to get people back for the long run. Sure, I wish more people would go to Tribe games, and they will if they can build a little more consistent of a winner. But at the moment, we've seen this act before and know how it ends.
And to say The Decision wasn't a total narcissistic display is crazy. You're a crazy person.
Also, LeBron's company raised 6 million dollars from the event and gave 2.5 to the charity. Pocketed the rest.
Well put, Milhouse.
I just watched the full 11 minutes of the announcement for the first time. I didn't tune in at the time, but saw clips, and just can never understand what the fuss is all about. He could have done it at a press conference, I guess. He's the most visible and famous player on the face of the earth, then and now. Big deal he does it in a live interview. The "proof" of whether it worked as a marketing move is in the number of viewers who tuned in. 10 mill says Nielsen. Pretty impressive.
He doesn't blast Cleveland or the fans in any way. He clearly makes his priority winning championships, which is what it should be about for any player, superstar or 12th man. Why is that bad, immature, narcissistic? I can't find one immature statement in the entire video. More sour grapes from the King of Grapes.
Cleveland "professional sports fans" ARE a peculiar lot...when they show up at all. Sunday vs Tigers, a "massive" 20K show up. Really?? First place in the balance, All Stars on the field. Jaysus, WTF will get fans out if not that? 15000 showed up in Columbus on the same afternoon for what passes for major league soccer, and almost 9K for a AAA baseball game (Ha, the Cleveland Indians AAA team, a major loser this season. )
The PD has one of the best, most complete sports sections in America, but that can't cure the bizarre sense of entitlement. Cleveland fans gets what they deserve: the leavings.
You really don't see how Cleveland people took it personally? You don't think Detroit fans would react the exact same way, especially if they were on about a hundred year championship drought in all sports? Please. I have no problem with someone wanting to leave Cleveland, but anyone trying to justify the way he did it is really reaching. No immature statements? Well, yea, why would he need to say anything else? The entire charade, in and of itself, was what was narcissistic and immature.
07-09-2013, 10:34 AM
Lebron has gone on record saying he regretted doing it that way and if he could go back and do it differently he would've.
I'm sure we've all been there before the difference is our poor decisions weren't broadcast to millions/we're not in the public eye.
I'm just SO tired of people constantly bringing this up THREE YEARS LATER.
Lebron helped the city of Cleveland far more than he hurt it and even continues to with camps/charities up in akron. So in the end hate him all you want but that doesn't take the rings off his fingers or the trophies off his shelves. Sorry Cleveland couldn't build a winning culture around a once in a generation type of player. They only had 7 years to do it.....
07-09-2013, 10:39 AM
I'm just SO tired of people constantly bringing this up THREE YEARS LATER.
People named ESPN.
07-09-2013, 10:42 AM
Of course having the best player in the the world helped the city financially for a while. In no way does he do anything for the city of Cleveland now. A couple gyms in poor Akron cities does nothing for Cleveland.
I love how people act like him winning is going to make the sting go away for us. It only makes it worse. And it won't go away. Ever. Not until we finally win something, which ya know, will probably never happen. So, yeah...
And LeBron only "regretted" it because he was bashed for it by just about everyone. Not because he felt bad for being a total douche.
Lebron has gone on record saying he regretted doing it that way and if he could go back and do it differently he would've.
I'm sure we've all been there before the difference is our poor decisions weren't broadcast to millions/we're not in the public eye.
I'm just SO tired of people constantly bringing this up THREE YEARS LATER.
Lebron helped the city of Cleveland far more than he hurt it and even continues to with camps/charities up in akron. So in the end hate him all you want but that doesn't take the rings off his fingers or the trophies off his shelves. Sorry Cleveland couldn't build a winning culture around a once in a generation type of player. They only had 7 years to do it.....
Yea, I'm tired of hearing about it too. I'm tired of hearing about Lebron every ten minutes. I'm tired of hearing about how Lebron took a shit this morning, and what that might mean to the NBA over the next five years. Lebron coverage is ridiculous. It's why I stopped watching ESPN. How sick I am of all of it does not change what it was. It was a douchey move. Cleveland fans have every right to not get over it ever if that's the way it makes them feel. Even if some of those Cleveland fans think it's silly for Xavier fans not moving on a few months after Dez Wells got kicked out. Everyone is free to feel whatever they want about it. I just think it's silly to tell a fan base, of which you are not a part, how they should feel about a major event pertaining directly to them.
07-09-2013, 10:50 AM
Yea, I'm tired of hearing about it too. I'm tired of hearing about Lebron every ten minutes. I'm tired of hearing about how Lebron took a shit this morning, and what that might mean to the NBA over the next five years. Lebron coverage is ridiculous. It's why I stopped watching ESPN. How sick I am of all of it does not change what it was. It was a douchey move. Cleveland fans have every right to not get over it ever if that's the way it makes them feel. Even if some of those Cleveland fans think it's silly for Xavier fans not moving on a few months after Dez Wells got kicked out. Everyone is free to feel whatever they want about it. I just think it's silly to tell a fan base, of which you are not a part, how they should feel about a major event pertaining directly to them.
That is so got dang true. I am not asking for a sympathy card, but I am also asking not to be told to get over it and to stop hating. I will always hate. HATE I SAY!!!!
07-09-2013, 10:52 AM
I was a fan of Lebron before the decision, after that I will always root against him. I couldn't believe he left LIKE THAT. I can see leaving your hometown, but not like that. I was certain he was going to stay because who in their right mind would leave their hometown LIKE THAT?
Not that I think about it a lot, or watch much NBA. One thing I always thought about Lebron was how mature he seemed for his young age and astounding fame and fortune. That ended that night.
07-09-2013, 10:57 AM
I was a fan of Lebron before the decision, after that I will always root against him.
Me, too. And I don't have any connection to or loyalty to the Cavs.
I take some offense to this. That's the same fanbase that sold out 455 straight baseball games. The attendance lulls in Cleveland are a complex issue. It's a combination of economics and being just plain beat down. I know you cincinnati and beyond folks are sick of hearing about Cleveland's sports woes, but these teams have been losing in dramatic, horrible ways and that cannot be denied. Add things like The Cavaliers selling out like every game and being so close, losing the best player in the league, then watching him go win two in three years right away... It's just going to take more than Nick Swisher and competing for 3 months into the marathon of a baseball season to get people back for the long run. Sure, I wish more people would go to Tribe games, and they will if they can build a little more consistent of a winner. But at the moment, we've seen this act before and know how it ends.
And to say The Decision wasn't a total narcissistic display is crazy. You're a crazy person.
Also, LeBron's company raised 6 million dollars from the event and gave 2.5 to the charity. Pocketed the rest.
That's a pretty sad apologia for Cleveland sports fans: We're beaten down. We're waiting until we have a team in contention in September to show up. We won't support anything but a proven winner. I'm surprised Art Modell's midnight exit hasn't been invoked.
The attendance figures don't lie: Cleveland is marginalizing itself as a major league city. On top of that, hating on LeBron for the Rest of Time is just another example of pissing in the pot, poisoning your own well. No superstar talent wants to go to a town where a guy gives it his all for seven seasons, can see the handwriting on the wall about the resources of the team ownership, and will want to go somewhere where he can win, and get flamed and flyed forever.
Our obsession with sports, sports news, sport reporting, paying for sports tickets and bling..all of these behaviors create, feed and nourish the egotism and narcissism that leads to this behavior. We create the monster, then turn on it when the monster wants to be fed more pub, more money, more status, more everything.
LeBron wants to win. After trying very hard and failing in Cleveland, he wisely selected an alternative and correct path to winning, and is getting paid handsomely in the bargain. Why is that any different than any great player who jumps from his first franchise to a better contenting team? Hossa, Roger Clements, Reggie Jackson come to mind for starters. That makes him a douche?
07-09-2013, 11:13 AM
We're not the only city to have much higher gate numbers with winning teams. Hence the Cavs selling out all the time when they were great. Browns games will always sell out no matter what. How many Bengals games will be blacked out this year? Will the town even get to see a playoff game if they make it?
If Cincinnati went through half the shit Cleveland did, I wonder what their numbers would look like all around. How about the Cincinnati Royals?
No, him selecting a new team didn't make him a douche, The Decision makes him a douche.
07-09-2013, 11:15 AM
Kyrie is a stud player, but The Cavaliers aren't even close to competing and will proly lose him soon disirregardlessly.
Is this a word? Never heard it before. What does it mean?
Just curious
That's a pretty sad apologia for Cleveland sports fans: We're beaten down. We're waiting until we have a team in contention in September to show up. We won't support anything but a proven winner. I'm surprised Art Modell's midnight exit hasn't been invoked.
The attendance figures don't lie: Cleveland is marginalizing itself as a major league city. On top of that, hating on LeBron for the Rest of Time is just another example of pissing in the pot, poisoning your own well. No superstar talent wants to go to a town where a guy gives it his all for seven seasons, can see the handwriting on the wall about the resources of the team ownership, and will want to go somewhere where he can win, and get flamed and flyed forever.
Our obsession with sports, sports news, sport reporting, paying for sports tickets and bling..all of these behaviors create, feed and nourish the egotism and narcissism that leads to this behavior. We create the monster, then turn on it when the monster wants to be fed more pub, more money, more status, more everything.
LeBron wants to win. After trying very hard and failing in Cleveland, he wisely selected an alternative and correct path to winning, and is getting paid handsomely in the bargain. Why is that any different than any great player who jumps from his first franchise to a better contenting team? Hossa, Roger Clements, Reggie Jackson come to mind for starters. That makes him a douche?
Come on, Emp. I went to a Lions game a few years ago with upper level seats and sat in the sixth row behind the end zone. Please don't play that card, as your beloved Detroit is no different. The bottom line is, no matter how good or bad the fan base, how much a stadium is filled is pretty much always reliant on the state of the team/franchise. But that aside, you are ignoring the main point everyone is making. I still haven't read one opinion that Lebron is a douche because he left or because he thought he could win easier elsewhere. It's HOW he did it. He's a douche because of how he did it to his home region who supported him.
07-09-2013, 11:29 AM
Particularly because of that first Wizards-Cavs series where Lebron had two game-winning layups after eight steps and a few elbow swings.
That's why I no longer care about the NBA. They stopped playing basketball decades ago. The show became more important than the game.
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BBC 08
07-09-2013, 12:06 PM
You know what this thread needs? This picture:
BBC 08
07-09-2013, 12:07 PM
I cannot stop laughing at that picture. It brings me so much joy.
07-09-2013, 12:08 PM
We're not the only city to have much higher gate numbers with winning teams. Hence the Cavs selling out all the time when they were great. Browns games will always sell out no matter what. How many Bengals games will be blacked out this year? Will the town even get to see a playoff game if they make it?
If Cincinnati went through half the shit Cleveland did, I wonder what their numbers would look like all around. How about the Cincinnati Royals?
No, him selecting a new team didn't make him a douche, The Decision makes him a douche.
Actually Bengals attendance is on the rise and just several years ago they sold out what? 70 something straight? The city is finally coming back to the team. But Cincinnati will always be a baseball town first
And the Cincinnati Royals...well seeing as how they left in the early 70s and the sports landscape has radically changed its hard to say what it would be like today, but they'd be competing with Xavier/UC for ticket sales. The cavs aren't exactly competing with Cleveland State numbers there.
In response to you're if Cincinnati went through what Cleveland went through:
I just can't stand the Cleveland Sports fans and their attitudes "next year" blah blah blah. Be mad about Lebron whatever but please don't let some decision or "how he made it" that a 25 year old made ruin your life as a sports fan.
07-09-2013, 12:33 PM
[QUOTE=Milhouse;399088]Actually Bengals attendance is on the rise and just several years ago they sold out what? 70 something straight? The city is finally coming back to the team. But Cincinnati will always be a baseball town first
i love when people just make things up to fit their own agenda. Cincinnati Bengals attendance is pathetic and has always been pathetic and will always be pathetic. Since 2008...the Bengals home attendance has ranked 22nd, 23rd, 27th, 32nd, and 24th in the league. Give me a break...your "baseball town" is the middle of the pack when it comes to baseball attendance, and the only time it is ever full is when the cubs or the cardinals are in town because half the stadium is full of cards and cubs fans..I lived in Cincinnati for 8 plus years and I have never seen a more fickle fan base in my life.
07-09-2013, 01:00 PM
[QUOTE=Milhouse;399088]Actually Bengals attendance is on the rise and just several years ago they sold out what? 70 something straight? The city is finally coming back to the team. But Cincinnati will always be a baseball town first
i love when people just make things up to fit their own agenda. Cincinnati Bengals attendance is pathetic and has always been pathetic and will always be pathetic. Since 2008...the Bengals home attendance has ranked 22nd, 23rd, 27th, 32nd, and 24th in the league. Give me a break...your "baseball town" is the middle of the pack when it comes to baseball attendance, and the only time it is ever full is when the cubs or the cardinals are in town because half the stadium is full of cards and cubs fans..I lived in Cincinnati for 8 plus years and I have never seen a more fickle fan base in my life.
Yeah attendance is on the rise after the whole Carson Palmer debacle.
Fickle fan base? Are you talking about UC fans? Reds are about to hit an attendance record this year.
Sorry if you're a Cleveland fan and just lashing out.
07-09-2013, 01:07 PM
Yeah attendance is on the rise after the whole Carson Palmer debacle.
Was Carson responsible for losing more games in a decade than any team in NFL history? The Mike Brown debacle continues, enjoy! 23 years and counting!
07-09-2013, 01:12 PM
Yeah attendance is on the rise after the whole Carson Palmer debacle.
Fickle fan base? Are you talking about UC fans? Reds are about to hit an attendance record this year.
Sorry if you're a Cleveland fan and just lashing out.
I'm not a Cleveland fan at all..I'm lashing out because you are just making things up and trying to justify them as fact. I came back and showed you actual facts and figures, so now it's "Well they are coming back after the whole Carson Palmer debacle"....well what happened to the made up "sold out for 70 straight games" that is never even been close to happening...they can't even sell out a season let alone 8 plus seasons straight. The reds might hit an attendance record at about 2.5 million for the season based on their avg. attendance figures so far thru the season. That doesn't even put them in the top ten in baseball attendance...not exactly great for "a baseball town," but don't let facts get in the way of your arguments. Don't rip on Cleveland fans and then make up numbers in your head to make your city look makes you look stupid.
07-09-2013, 01:25 PM
I'm not a Cleveland fan at all..I'm lashing out because you are just making things up and trying to justify them as fact. I came back and showed you actual facts and figures, so now it's "Well they are coming back after the whole Carson Palmer debacle"....well what happened to the made up "sold out for 70 straight games" that is never even been close to happening...they can't even sell out a season let alone 8 plus seasons straight. The reds might hit an attendance record at about 2.5 million for the season based on their avg. attendance figures so far thru the season. That doesn't even put them in the top ten in baseball attendance...not exactly great for "a baseball town," but don't let facts get in the way of your arguments. Don't rip on Cleveland fans and then make up numbers in your head to make your city look makes you look stupid.
I didn't "make up numbers"
Sorry Sellout streak was at 57 not 70 and it didn't last 8 seasons but it did last 7
And also since there are well over 10 ball parks that can seat more than Great American that doesn't mean this city doesn't love or support its team.
I didn't make up numbers I had them wrong, and I'll rip on Cleveland all I want but please continue to come back with these great "facts and figures" because they are quite exhilarating.
07-09-2013, 01:54 PM
I didn't "make up numbers"
Sorry Sellout streak was at 57 not 70 and it didn't last 8 seasons but it did last 7
And also since there are well over 10 ball parks that can seat more than Great American that doesn't mean this city doesn't love or support its team.
I didn't make up numbers I had them wrong, and I'll rip on Cleveland all I want but please continue to come back with these great "facts and figures" because they are quite exhilarating.
I'll admit I was wrong when it came to "the sell out streak" Even though I have been in that stadium during that "streak" and the stadium has been maybe 3/4ths full. As for the Reds, just because you have a smaller ballpark doesn't have anything to do with your middle of the road support. It isn't like the place is selling out every game, and the ones they do sell out is because of cubs, cards, and your beloved indians fans oh yeah and opening day...the place sold out over memorial day weekend...who were playing the reds?? oh yeah the god awful cubs and the indians....
07-09-2013, 02:20 PM
I'll admit I was wrong when it came to "the sell out streak" Even though I have been in that stadium during that "streak" and the stadium has been maybe 3/4ths full. As for the Reds, just because you have a smaller ballpark doesn't have anything to do with your middle of the road support. It isn't like the place is selling out every game, and the ones they do sell out is because of cubs, cards, and your beloved indians fans oh yeah and opening day...the place sold out over memorial day weekend...who were playing the reds?? oh yeah the god awful cubs and the indians....
My point was people here seem more inclined to support the Reds than the Bengals. But attendance is still pretty good for both of them all things consider/both clubs producing profits.
07-09-2013, 02:27 PM
The whole "smaller stadium" argument doesn't really work when Reds attendance by percentage hasn't been higher than 12th and as low as 19th in the past 13 years.
The past four years, when they've been consistently competitive, they have posted attendance rankings of 13th, 17th, 13th, and 17th. That's a little above average to a little below average each year. The Reds have a mediocre fanbase. I've seen a lot of Cincinnatians even acknowledge the fair-weather nature of Cincinnati sports fans in person and on this board. I've seen that admission frequently enough that I'm actually surprised anyone would try to claim it's a good fanbase.
07-09-2013, 02:27 PM
Anyways, getting back to the point of this thread. If Le Bum would have just left, then I don't think it would have mattered. Yes to Cleveland Fans it would have stung a bit, but the way in which he did it made things so much worse. Also, no one outside of Cleveland or Miami would have given a hoot. Now personally I can't stand the guy and not just because of "The Decision" but that is a big part. I can't stand him because every time he misses a shot, he cries to the refs that he got fouled. I can't stand him because no matter what anyone says, he took the easy way out. And third I can't stand him because he gave Wade..a pompous cry baby asshole (more than Lebron will ever be) two more rings than the guy deserves.
07-09-2013, 03:07 PM
Don't really mean to argue for Cincinnati Fans just more to say they are MILES above Cleveland Sports fans and their constant crying. I'd consider myself an adopted Cincinnati Sports fan as I come from a small town with no professional ties, but as I've previously said Being in Southwest Ohio has given me an extreme distaste for Cleveland and OSU fans for good for bad.
07-09-2013, 04:13 PM
Come on, Emp. I went to a Lions game a few years ago with upper level seats and sat in the sixth row behind the end zone. Please don't play that card, as your beloved Detroit is no different. The bottom line is, no matter how good or bad the fan base, how much a stadium is filled is pretty much always reliant on the state of the team/franchise. But that aside, you are ignoring the main point everyone is making. I still haven't read one opinion that Lebron is a douche because he left or because he thought he could win easier elsewhere. It's HOW he did it. He's a douche because of how he did it to his home region who supported him.
I agree with this completely. It fits exactly with how Matta left, and how Miller left. People don't normally begrudge others for moving on to a bigger opportunity that pays more, but if they lie, or do a TV special to let people know (which is how the management in Cleveland found out, by the way - not even a phone call just prior to let them know) and shove it in your former team's fanbase, then yes, it's safe to assume people are going to have a hard time forgetting. Attendance and whether or not a city is a true "sports town" have no place in the argument and are merely red herrings meant to confuse the real issue.
There's a reason why nobody did this before and nobody has done it since. And ESPN, which used to represent what is fun about sports, now represents what is wrong with sports. They're the David Letterman of sports networks.
Watching an argument between Cincinnati and Cleveland folks over who are better sports fans is... amusing to say the least. When will people get it? Every single fan base in any sport ever is bandwagon to an extent. There are die-hards everywhere, and there are fair-weather people everywhere. There is no exception to the rule. Not even the Green Bay Packers, as people like to cite. If they played in a 90,000 seat stadium, and sucked for enough years, you'd see attendance issues there too. It's just the way it is.
07-09-2013, 04:35 PM
Luckily us Dallas fans are the bestest, most die-hardest. So I can also laugh at you Cincinnati and Cleveland cretins.
Luckily us Dallas fans are the bestest, most die-hardest. So I can also laugh at you Cincinnati and Cleveland cretins.
See guys, when you put in in perspective you don't have it bad at all. While you all bicker about your worthless Ohio teams, this is the kind of shit that us great Redskins fans have to deal with every day. The Cowboys "fans" who have about as much connection to the state of Texas as the North Korean border.
07-09-2013, 05:15 PM
That Mark Rypien jock strap is surely losing its sweet scent. You guys clearly need to win something. Fast!
07-09-2013, 05:17 PM
For what it's worth, I did see Crazy Ray eat a cockroach off the turf at old Texas Stadium. It was after a Giants game, so that may explain things.
That Mark Rypien jock strap is surely losing its sweet scent. You guys clearly need to win something. Fast!
You must be a Ravens fan now because I know I didn't just hear a Cowboys fan suggest that another team is overdue for winning. Have you forgotten how the last game of the NFL regular season ended? Surely winning the NFC East has got to be better than blowing it for a third straight year, right? It's almost more fun when the Cowboys can pose an actual threat. Almost.
07-09-2013, 06:05 PM
Last game of which season? As you are, I'm sure, well aware, I haven't watched NFL football since the end of the '95 season.
X-band '01
07-09-2013, 06:47 PM
I wonder just how many athletes are reviled now because of the 4-letter network. LeBron, Eldrick Woods, Brett Favre are just a few examples of athletes shoved down your throats on a daily basis.
It's a big reason why I've just about stopped following the NFL and college football as an example - there's not a single day that goes by that they won't shove it down your throat.
BBC 08
07-09-2013, 06:55 PM
I think you guys are missing how great that picture of Lebron and Semaj really is. Go back and really look at it. Soak in the greatness.
I wonder just how many athletes are reviled now because of the 4-letter network. LeBron, Eldrick Woods, Brett Favre are just a few examples of athletes shoved down your throats on a daily basis.
It's a big reason why I've just about stopped following the NFL and college football as an example - there's not a single day that goes by that they won't shove it down your throat.
That's a reason to stop watching football, because you feel like it's forced on you? Why don't you just stop watching ESPN instead? Nip the issue in the bud.
07-09-2013, 07:36 PM
ESPN forces much worse sports than football down our throats. X-games, anyone?
07-09-2013, 08:48 PM
ESPN forces much worse sports than football down our throats.
Linda Cohn
DC Muskie
07-09-2013, 09:26 PM
Weren't you the ring-leader for trying to get everyone to move on from Dez this past year, on the grounds that it's not worth reflecting on negatives? I could be wrong. In any case, Lebron is a douche bag.
Ring Leader? Who's in my gang then exactly? I'd like to call a meeting and get the dues straightened out.
Not sure how the Dez situation is the same with me waking up and watching ESPN tell me that just maybe promoting and airing "The Decision" was a good thing.
DC Muskie
07-09-2013, 09:32 PM
Wow so I guess you're not over it.
Cleveland got screwed in the divorce.
And 4 million to the boys and girls club is a pretty big deal. Yes he got a huge contact but not everyone gives that much to charity. Clearly his ego was also in play in setting up the decision. But you know what? He can have an ego he's the best player in the game today and he's proven that.
Leaving Cleveland was clearly the best thing Lebron did for his career. Sorry that Cleveland can't get over it.
And ESPN will ALWAYS promote itself and promote its brand. It's a business. Clearly they're playing down the Big East because its no longer on their network. Kind of like how they play up Monday Night Football over Sunday Night Football etc...
It's funny because if he had chosen Cleveland than no one would've complained at all but because he clearly made the correct decision he's still lambasted about it.
I'm not a Lebron fan or a heat fan by any stretch, but having been in Ohio for the last 6 years and around Cleveland fans I just cannot stand it. I'm a basketball fan and Kyrie Irving is an incredible player, could be the best PG in the league a couple years from now but He's constantly living in Lebron's shadow because the city REFUSES to move on. Can't will til Kyrie jets off to a place that actually gives a shit about him and isn't living in the past.
First off, you should probably move from Ohio, because clearly you can't get over people being pissed. I'm not sure how quickly you think people should get over "The Decision" or when LeBron, who quit in his last game as a Cav by the way, tell people during the Finals that one game he had to revert to his "Cleveland" days.
Maybe you didn't notice, or maybe you just don't care, but this is sports we are talking about. People cheer for people who they like, and they cheer against people they don't. Cleveland fans are never going to cheer for LeBron. You will probably interpret that as "Not getting over it."
ESPN is going to bring it up again, they along with LeBron are going to get blasted again. Who celebrates the third anniversary of anything?
It sounds like a guy who celebrates going out with a chick for three weeks and then pats himself on the back.
DC Muskie
07-09-2013, 09:35 PM
Well put, Milhouse.
I just watched the full 11 minutes of the announcement for the first time. I didn't tune in at the time, but saw clips, and just can never understand what the fuss is all about. He could have done it at a press conference, I guess. He's the most visible and famous player on the face of the earth, then and now. Big deal he does it in a live interview. The "proof" of whether it worked as a marketing move is in the number of viewers who tuned in. 10 mill says Nielsen. Pretty impressive.
He doesn't blast Cleveland or the fans in any way. He clearly makes his priority winning championships, which is what it should be about for any player, superstar or 12th man. Why is that bad, immature, narcissistic? I can't find one immature statement in the entire video. More sour grapes from the King of Grapes.
Cleveland "professional sports fans" ARE a peculiar lot...when they show up at all. Sunday vs Tigers, a "massive" 20K show up. Really?? First place in the balance, All Stars on the field. Jaysus, WTF will get fans out if not that? 15000 showed up in Columbus on the same afternoon for what passes for major league soccer, and almost 9K for a AAA baseball game (Ha, the Cleveland Indians AAA team, a major loser this season. )
The PD has one of the best, most complete sports sections in America, but that can't cure the bizarre sense of entitlement. Cleveland fans gets what they deserve: the leavings.
You can't see the entire thing is narcissist? Maybe because the rest of your post is proof that you, yourself are an idiot.
DC Muskie
07-09-2013, 09:41 PM
Watching an argument between Cincinnati and Cleveland folks over who are better sports fans is... amusing to say the least. When will people get it? Every single fan base in any sport ever is bandwagon to an extent. There are die-hards everywhere, and there are fair-weather people everywhere. There is no exception to the rule. Not even the Green Bay Packers, as people like to cite. If they played in a 90,000 seat stadium, and sucked for enough years, you'd see attendance issues there too. It's just the way it is.
EMP would disagree with you.
X-band '01
07-10-2013, 05:45 AM
That's a reason to stop watching football, because you feel like it's forced on you? Why don't you just stop watching ESPN instead? Nip the issue in the bud.
That's pretty much the response I expected - from DC Muskie. Quit stealing his thunder.
Ring Leader? Who's in my gang then exactly? I'd like to call a meeting and get the dues straightened out.
Not sure how the Dez situation is the same with me waking up and watching ESPN tell me that just maybe promoting and airing "The Decision" was a good thing.
On one hand, you find it hilarious that people think Cleveland fans should just move on from Lebron three years later, but you got annoyed with Xavier fans who wouldn't move on from losing Dez less than three months later. Surely you see the irony. In any case, I think it's silly for anyone to tell someone else when they should be over something, whether it be about Lebron leaving Cleveland, Dez Wells getting kicked out of Xavier, or anything else.
DC Muskie
07-10-2013, 06:54 AM
On one hand, you find it hilarious that people think Cleveland fans should just move on from Lebron three years later, but you got annoyed with Xavier fans who wouldn't move on from losing Dez less than three months later. Surely you see the irony. In any case, I think it's silly for anyone to tell someone else when they should be over something, whether it be about Lebron leaving Cleveland, Dez Wells getting kicked out of Xavier, or anything else.
Ahhh no. The situations aren't even remotely similar. But it looks like you just want to make a broad point about "moving on" so have at it. I don't care what dots you try to connect, or what "irony" you think is at play here, my positions on both issues stand.
DC Muskie
07-10-2013, 06:56 AM
That's pretty much the response I expected - from DC Muskie. Quit stealing his thunder.
I have no idea what the hell this means. Then again I don't understand about 90% of what the Virgin Band Man writes.
Ahhh no. The situations aren't even remotely similar. But it looks like you just want to make a broad point about "moving on" so have at it. I don't care what dots you try to connect, or what "irony" you think is at play here, my positions on both issues stand.
I think there's certainly something to be said about the broad point of moving on. I don't think any of us should get to just choose what others should and shouldn't feel the necessity to move on from. I think that's for everyone to decide for themselves. Xavier fans have every right to still lament the loss of Wells, and hate on certain people for it, just like Cavs fans have the right to lament the loss of Lebron and hate him for it. Everyone gets the freedom to choose!
I have no idea what the hell this means. Then again I don't understand about 90% of what the Virgin Band Man writes.
I have no idea what it means either. All band and no football makes The Reynoldsburg Virgin a dull boy.
07-10-2013, 07:33 AM
You can't see the entire thing is narcissist? Maybe because the rest of your post is proof that you, yourself are an idiot.
Guess what Lebron James has an Ego. Should he not have an ego? He's the best player to play the game.
Cleveland fans can be mad all they want and clearly they will be. I'm just saying as overgeneralization that's one of the reasons I dislike the fanbase. People dislike my sports teams of ND, Xavier, Reds, Bengals, etc...and I understand that.
Lebron made a mistake and if could redo it, maybe he would, but either way he's probably more than fine with how everything has turned out. Leaving Cleveland is easily the best thing he could've done for his career and Cleveland fans don't like hearing that. They don't like that he found success once he left them behind. Sure the divorce was ugly but it was obviously the best decision for the man that decided to end it.
DC Muskie
07-10-2013, 07:43 AM
Guess what Lebron James has an Ego. Should he not have an ego? He's the best player to play the game.
Cleveland fans can be mad all they want and clearly they will be. I'm just saying as overgeneralization that's one of the reasons I dislike the fanbase. People dislike my sports teams of ND, Xavier, Reds, Bengals, etc...and I understand that.
Lebron made a mistake and if could redo it, maybe he would, but either way he's probably more than fine with how everything has turned out. Leaving Cleveland is easily the best thing he could've done for his career and Cleveland fans don't like hearing that. They don't like that he found success once he left them behind. Sure the divorce was ugly but it was obviously the best decision for the man that decided to end it.
Guess what he's a narcissist. He wants to be loved. By everyone.
Still can't name me one other fan base that would have dealt with this differently. Not one. Know why?
Because no other fan base experienced it.
I don't care that he left, or whether or not it has worked out for him. I never liked the guy, hate him even more for the bullshit that was the decision and if that means you dislike Cleveland fans even more for it, well I just took a huge dump that I care more about then what you think of me.
DC Muskie
07-10-2013, 07:50 AM
I think there's certainly something to be said about the broad point of moving on. I don't think any of us should get to just choose what others should and shouldn't feel the necessity to move on from. I think that's for everyone to decide for themselves. Xavier fans have every right to still lament the loss of Wells, and hate on certain people for it, just like Cavs fans have the right to lament the loss of Lebron and hate him for it. Everyone gets the freedom to choose!
That's fine. I don't think about LeBron and Cleveland until ESPN does a special about LeBron this and LeBron that and includes his time with the Cavs and the one hour special so he could tell the world he was going to shove his penis in the collective ear of Cleveland fans, because hey, "he's from Akron."
Very few Xavier fans lament what could have been, and even as the ring leader I can't get people to move on from the fact the guy is never going to play for our Musketeers. I don't know of one single Cavs fan who sits around and wonders what would happen if LeBron would have stayed. They are pissed because of the national embarrassment he made of himself and the city.
Maybe now Band Man can come back and write something that makes zero sense and wrap this thing up.
This thread needs our boy Jordan dunking on Lebron.
07-10-2013, 08:18 AM
Guess what he's a narcissist. He wants to be loved. By everyone.
Still can't name me one other fan base that would have dealt with this differently. Not one. Know why?
Because no other fan base experienced it.
I don't care that he left, or whether or not it has worked out for him. I never liked the guy, hate him even more for the bullshit that was the decision and if that means you dislike Cleveland fans even more for it, well I just took a huge dump that I care more about then what you think of me.
Yeah no other fan base has experienced it that doesn't mean they would all react the same way by any stretch of the imagination.
Apparently the worse thing Lebron ever did was give Cleveland hope of a championship.
And good for you not giving a shit about what someone thinks of you on a Sports Message Board on the internet. Kudos
07-10-2013, 08:35 AM
This thread needs our boy Jordan dunking on Lebron.
Hence my signature line, when our boy Jordan was asked how he managed to accomplish that feat.
BBC 08
07-10-2013, 08:48 AM
Hence my signature line, when our boy Jordan was asked how he managed to accomplish that feat.
I thought that was a Jamel quote from the Wisconsin NCAA game.
DC Muskie
07-10-2013, 09:07 AM
Yeah no other fan base has experienced it that doesn't mean they would all react the same way by any stretch of the imagination.
You're not serious. Tell me one fan base that would have reacted differently. Just give me one. How in the world do you think Cleveland is unique in reacting this way? Oh that's right, they annoy you, hence your stance. Makes sense.
Apparently the worse thing Lebron ever did was give Cleveland hope of a championship.
He was paid to win a championship. Did you not know that? The Cavs paid LeBron to win a championship. The worse thing he ever did when he played was when he quit in game six against Boston. Flat out quit. Stopped playing.
And good for you not giving a shit about what someone thinks of you on a Sports Message Board on the internet. Kudos
Your only contribution to this entire discussion is to tell us how much you dislike fans from Cleveland. Oh and Ohio State. Shocking coming from a guy who supports ND and the teams from Cincinnati.
Kudos to you fine sir for your insight on how we should reflect on "The Decision."
Enjoy your time in Ohio.
07-10-2013, 09:11 AM
I thought that was a Jamel quote from the Wisconsin NCAA game.
Repeated on tape at the 1:11 mark; from back in the day when Jordan was a shy, young college player:
BBC 08
07-10-2013, 09:13 AM
Repeated on tape at the 1:11 mark; from back in the day when Jordan was a shy, young college player:
Reps sent for proving me wrong.
07-10-2013, 09:16 AM
Reps sent for proving me wrong.
I'd like to be right once about those damn Cardinals.
07-10-2013, 09:20 AM
You're not serious. Tell me one fan base that would have reacted differently. Just give me one. How in the world do you think Cleveland is unique in reacting this way? Oh that's right, they annoy you, hence your stance. Makes sense.
He was paid to win a championship. Did you not know that? The Cavs paid LeBron to win a championship. The worse thing he ever did when he played was when he quit in game six against Boston. Flat out quit. Stopped playing.
Your only contribution to this entire discussion is to tell us how much you dislike fans from Cleveland. Oh and Ohio State. Shocking coming from a guy who supports ND and the teams from Cincinnati.
Kudos to you fine sir for your insight on how we should reflect on "The Decision."
Enjoy your time in Ohio.
Honestly I'm just done with this. It's my opinion on the decision. Clearly not everyone's. Your only contribution to this thread has been LEBRON WAS WRONG CLEVELAND ACTED CORRECTLY if we're summing up everyone's stance here. Oh also bringing up the Dez situation again I suppose to beat another dead horse.
We don't share the same opinion, end of story.
I can't say what fanbases would've reacted differently but you can't say they would all act the same so its entirely a moot point.
There is no reason to be so condescending yeah its your opinion that he "quit" I don't remember the game that well besides the fact that the Cavs got pretty dominated and Lebron just looked defeated, clearly he couldn't win a championship by himself.
I will enjoy my time in Ohio just fine thank you. Enjoy your time in DC sir.
07-10-2013, 09:27 AM
How in the world do you think Cleveland is unique in reacting this way? Oh that's right, they annoy you, hence your stance. Makes sense.
This seems to sum it up.
07-10-2013, 09:37 AM
I love watching LeBron James, and don't give a shit about what he did to Cleveland. The announcement was a weird moment in sports history, and should be an example on why it should never be done again for anyone.
But LBJ could play for my team any day....he is a Great American!
DC Muskie
07-10-2013, 09:41 AM
Honestly I'm just done with this. It's my opinion on the decision. Clearly not everyone's. Your only contribution to this thread has been LEBRON WAS WRONG CLEVELAND ACTED CORRECTLY if we're summing up everyone's stance here. Oh also bringing up the Dez situation again I suppose to beat another dead horse.
We don't share the same opinion, end of story.
I can't say what fanbases would've reacted differently but you can't say they would all act the same so its entirely a moot point.
There is no reason to be so condescending yeah its your opinion that he "quit" I don't remember the game that well besides the fact that the Cavs got pretty dominated and Lebron just looked defeated, clearly he couldn't win a championship by himself.
I will enjoy my time in Ohio just fine thank you. Enjoy your time in DC sir.
LeBron was wrong, hell you even mentioned that he made a mistake and then you take the position that LeBron having the chance to do it over again he probably wouldn't have. So I'm not sure what point you are trying to make unless you are now arguing with yourself.
The Decision format was never done before and hasn't since. There was buildup to the event, the pony show that was the donation to the charity and then an hour long "interview" with that dildo Jim Gray who was rightfully crucified for helping orchestrate such a farce.
And yet because it never happened before, or since, your stupid, asinine stance is, "Well DC, you can't say there isn't a fanbase that would react the same." Like I said, makes perfect sense. Cleveland has the only fanatical group of people on the planet that would sit through days of build up leading to see if the hometown hero and best player on the planet would choose to stay and then had to sit through an hour long shit show, only to be kicked in the dick at the end. Yup, since it never happened before or since, I can see how someone would come to the conclusion that say "Philadelphia would have reacted differently."
LeBron quit in game six and his teammates followed. That's not my opinion that the opinion of many people, including Mark Jackson who called the game.
So with that, I guess I'd say thanks for stopping by and giving us your thoughts. When we need an expert on how annoying Cleveland fans are, you'll be at the top of the list to be called on.
07-10-2013, 11:01 AM
LeBron was wrong, hell you even mentioned that he made a mistake and then you take the position that LeBron having the chance to do it over again he probably wouldn't have. So I'm not sure what point you are trying to make unless you are now arguing with yourself.
The Decision format was never done before and hasn't since. There was buildup to the event, the pony show that was the donation to the charity and then an hour long "interview" with that dildo Jim Gray who was rightfully crucified for helping orchestrate such a farce.
And yet because it never happened before, or since, your stupid, asinine stance is, "Well DC, you can't say there isn't a fanbase that would react the same." Like I said, makes perfect sense. Cleveland has the only fanatical group of people on the planet that would sit through days of build up leading to see if the hometown hero and best player on the planet would choose to stay and then had to sit through an hour long shit show, only to be kicked in the dick at the end. Yup, since it never happened before or since, I can see how someone would come to the conclusion that say "Philadelphia would have reacted differently."
LeBron quit in game six and his teammates followed. That's not my opinion that the opinion of many people, including Mark Jackson who called the game.
So with that, I guess I'd say thanks for stopping by and giving us your thoughts. When we need an expert on how annoying Cleveland fans are, you'll be at the top of the list to be called on.
Wow this is so damn exhausting arguing with you. But clearily something you enjoy doing. My stance was this: he made a mistake can everyone lay off the guy? Cleveland is annoying for multiple reasons including LBJ. I'm a Cincinnati Fan so I think Cleveland is annoying, its funny how that happens in sports you know? Kind of like how Xavier fans might not like UC or Dayton? Crazy right?
Go ahead and chock this up to a victory on the internet if its that important to you. I honestly don't even want to read your posts anymore because all I see is "This is why I'm right and you're wrong."
It's threads like this and the political ones that remind me why I mainly stick to the scout boards.
07-10-2013, 11:43 AM
Millhouse vs DC Muskie is like watching a monkey humping a football. 9y5JiNTL_Lzkp2KvJSmdtVAUbm5yA
We should also talk in this thread about how St. Joe's own Delonte West was boinking Lebron's mom that last year too.
Kahns Krazy
07-10-2013, 01:02 PM
I don't really get it. Didn't LeBron leave because he felt he couldn't win a championship in Cleveland? Hasn't he won two rings in three years? So wasn't he kind of right?
Is that what Cleveland fans are so upset about? Because LeBron was right, and they do suck?
07-10-2013, 01:51 PM
I don't really get it. Didn't LeBron leave because he felt he couldn't win a championship in Cleveland? Hasn't he won two rings in three years? So wasn't he kind of right?
Is that what Cleveland fans are so upset about? Because LeBron was right, and they do suck?
But he's from Akron?!
07-10-2013, 02:17 PM
What happens if he opts out of his contract next year, and decides to come back to Cleveland?
All will be forgiven, right?
There is a very real chance this could happen.
07-10-2013, 03:34 PM
The Announcement was one of the most awesomely prickish gestures of all time. It was like something a bad guy wrestler would do, only it was real. I'm not a Cavs fan. I'm not even an NBA fan. So, I found the whole thing to be rather entertaining. LeBron loves him some him.
If you're gonna cross the line, you might as well long jump over it. He should have thanked Art Modell in the process. Hell, he should do an anniversary special this year, and talk about how Cleveland needs to get over it. He's already crossed the line of being a prick, so why not be as awesomely prickish as possible??
If he ever goes back to Cleveland, they'll love him again.
07-10-2013, 03:38 PM
They'd be lucky to have him back. 4 time MVP's don't come around often.
07-10-2013, 04:29 PM
Lebron goes back to Cleveland right after Lucy lets Charlie kick the ball. Lebron is coming back Cleveland! Ha ha ha. Sorry, I got no problem with Cleveland fans, but this talk of Lebron going back is too funny.
07-10-2013, 04:34 PM
Thank God I don't have a dog in this fight.
But for some reason I was listening to ESPN on the car radio today and they were seriously discussing LeBron returning to Cleveland sometime in the near future (maybe his contract comes up in a couple of years; I don't know).
But if so, then they could re-do this decision thing and make everybody happy?
07-10-2013, 05:43 PM
Thank God I don't have a dog in this fight.
But for some reason I was listening to ESPN on the car radio today and they were seriously discussing LeBron returning to Cleveland sometime in the near future (maybe his contract comes up in a couple of years; I don't know).
But if so, then they could re-do this decision thing and make everybody happy?
He has an option after this season. He could play with Irving but are those two enough?
07-11-2013, 06:52 AM
He has an option after this season. He could play with Irving but are those two enough?
Andrew Bynum!!!!!!!!
07-11-2013, 06:57 AM
Millhouse vs DC Muskie is like watching a monkey humping a football. 9y5JiNTL_Lzkp2KvJSmdtVAUbm5yA
Yeah, well, I'll take DC in a Street Fight every time. My........MAN!
One word- Relentless!
Andrew Bynum!!!!!!!!
Over/under 0.5 games played next year?
07-11-2013, 09:31 AM
Lebron goes back to Cleveland right after Lucy lets Charlie kick the ball. Lebron is coming back Cleveland! Ha ha ha. Sorry, I got no problem with Cleveland fans, but this talk of Lebron going back is too funny.
Not that I'm surprised by this, but I think you missed the point of it being a hypothetical. I'm not expecting him to go back to Cleveland. It's just that hypothetically speaking, if he did, the fans would all of a sudden love him again. And, they would.
07-11-2013, 10:35 AM
Over/under 0.5 games played next year?
07-11-2013, 10:38 AM
A monkey humping a football indeed...
DC Muskie
07-11-2013, 11:16 AM
Wow this is so damn exhausting arguing with you. But clearily something you enjoy doing. My stance was this: he made a mistake can everyone lay off the guy? Cleveland is annoying for multiple reasons including LBJ. I'm a Cincinnati Fan so I think Cleveland is annoying, its funny how that happens in sports you know? Kind of like how Xavier fans might not like UC or Dayton? Crazy right?
Go ahead and chock this up to a victory on the internet if its that important to you. I honestly don't even want to read your posts anymore because all I see is "This is why I'm right and you're wrong."
It's threads like this and the political ones that remind me why I mainly stick to the scout boards.
Ohhhh...poor Milhouse. Someone give this guy a hug. He's exhausted and won't read anymore of my posts.
I got a billion dollars that says he reads this one.
You probably didn't even notice that you have now come around to my side of the argument. You're exhausted, so I understand. I always find it funny when people lead the charge to bitch about a fan group, then get "exhausted" when someone else tells them to piss off.
I hate LeBron for multiple reasons, but the entire point of this thread was that ESPN is now claiming that airing the Decision is now a good thing. It wasn't then, it's not now and it never will be. Leaving itself is not the issue. Hell Albert Belle left and just signed with a team. Then he never went to another World Series.
I'm a fan that sticks up for my hometown. Your stance was that only Cleveland fans would react to the Decision and other fan bases wouldn't. Now you are telling me you simply say shit like that because you hate Cleveland, which is an argument I made about 6 pages ago.
So I'm glad now that you have exhausted yourself reading, thinking of a response, then typing it back here and at the end of the day you and I agree that you are full of shit.
Chock this up to a victory on the internet for finally coming around!
DC Muskie
07-11-2013, 11:17 AM
Over/under 0.5 games played next year?
Under. Waaaayyyyyyy under.
07-11-2013, 11:21 AM
Ohhhh...poor Milhouse. Someone give this guy a hug. He's exhausted and won't read anymore of my posts.
I got a billion dollars that says he reads this one.
You probably didn't even notice that you have now come around to my side of the argument. You're exhausted, so I understand. I always find it funny when people lead the charge to bitch about a fan group, then get "exhausted" when someone else tells them to piss off.
I hate LeBron for multiple reasons, but the entire point of this thread was that ESPN is now claiming that airing the Decision is now a good thing. It wasn't then, it's not now and it never will be. Leaving itself is not the issue. Hell Albert Belle left and just signed with a team. Then he never went to another World Series.
I'm a fan that sticks up for my hometown. Your stance was that only Cleveland fans would react to the Decision and other fan bases wouldn't. Now you are telling me you simply say shit like that because you hate Cleveland, which is an argument I made about 6 pages ago.
So I'm glad now that you have exhausted yourself reading, thinking of a response, then typing it back here and at the end of the day you and I agree that you are full of shit.
Chock this up to a victory on the internet for finally coming around!
Man was just hoping I could argue you to your 9,000th post. OH WELL better luck next time I suppose.
DC Muskie
07-11-2013, 11:32 AM
You owe me a billion dollars.
07-11-2013, 11:44 AM
Ohhhh...poor Milhouse. Someone give this guy a hug. He's exhausted and won't read anymore of my posts.
I got a billion dollars that says he reads this one.
You probably didn't even notice that you have now come around to my side of the argument. You're exhausted, so I understand. I always find it funny when people lead the charge to bitch about a fan group, then get "exhausted" when someone else tells them to piss off.
I hate LeBron for multiple reasons, but the entire point of this thread was that ESPN is now claiming that airing the Decision is now a good thing. It wasn't then, it's not now and it never will be. Leaving itself is not the issue. Hell Albert Belle left and just signed with a team. Then he never went to another World Series.
I'm a fan that sticks up for my hometown. Your stance was that only Cleveland fans would react to the Decision and other fan bases wouldn't. Now you are telling me you simply say shit like that because you hate Cleveland, which is an argument I made about 6 pages ago.
So I'm glad now that you have exhausted yourself reading, thinking of a response, then typing it back here and at the end of the day you and I agree that you are full of shit.
Chock this up to a victory on the internet for finally coming around!
Another problem with The Decision was the journalistic integrity of ESPN (something they have very little of) was non-existent. ESPN aired it but was also part of it. It was no longer a media outlet airing but an interested party.
07-11-2013, 11:45 AM
Another problem with The Decision was the journalistic integrity of ESPN (something they have very little of) was non-existent. ESPN aired it but was also part of it. It was no longer a media outlet airing but an interested party.
Yea, The Decision was one of the many fine examples of just how dirty a whore ESPN truly is. Just a filthy, filthy whore. I'm talking like $5 for a ZJ type of prostitute. That network blows.
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