View Full Version : Foster Kid Dreams of Attending Xavier
04-16-2013, 08:12 PM
For your consideration: I saw this posted in Musketeer Madness. This kid was raised in foster care and wants to attend his dream school - Xavier. Even after financial aid he is $17K short. More details on his indiegogo site.
http:// (
I don't know if there is a mechanism to ensure the legitimacy of these indiegogo things, but I think I will donate anyway.
04-17-2013, 07:31 AM
Very cool. Hope he makes it to X.
04-17-2013, 12:51 PM
Well, if you read the comments, there are references to teachers, comments from classmates parents, and some names link to profiles where people have contributed to other small projects. If it isn't legit, it's artfully done. It seems worth the risk of a few bucks for those of us that have it.
04-18-2013, 12:23 PM
If you have reservations about donating to this site, I just spoke with Xavier's admissions office. Marquise Cornish is legit and has been accepted to enter X next year. They said the story is also legit (even the $17,000) and is spreading around campus. They do not know if the web-site is legit.
I was then transferred to Financial Aid. They will accept donations in his name although they didn't like the idea of processing 17,000 - $1 checks. So, if you want to give him a buck....I'd do it through his website / if you want to make a larger contribution you can send it to financial aid @ X in his name....then if he comes to X it will help him out and if he doesn't for some reason it will be used for another needy student. Also - they don't want donations if you want to use it on your taxes - said it was too hard to process. If you want anonymity send a cashier's check.
04-18-2013, 12:27 PM
He's already past $3k according to the site and has 50 days left. So only $14,000 one dollar checks to go!
BBC 08
04-18-2013, 12:33 PM
They do not know if the web-site is legit.
The website is legit. The Oatmeal (popular webcomic) ran a fundraising effort on there a few months ago for a Tesla Museum.
04-18-2013, 01:07 PM
The website is legit. The Oatmeal (popular webcomic) ran a fundraising effort on there a few months ago for a Tesla Museum.
It is very similar to kickstarter.
04-18-2013, 02:17 PM
All I know is I made a contribution about 24 hours ago and no one has run amok with my credit card number, nor has my e-mail spam increased.
I hope this kid is able to attend his dream school! Help make it happen, people!
04-24-2013, 07:01 PM
He has Kickatarted $7,263 so far. It's not just $1, you can chip in what you want. In impressed when I saw somebody chip in $1,000.
Mine won't be quite like that, but I'm in the mood to throw something at it.
04-25-2013, 08:32 AM
Kid has gotten a bump from the Xavier faithful! Over $7K now. I posted a link to his page on my site (not that it gets the # of hits XH does) to try to keep spreading the word to more alumni. Hope he gets to his goal!
04-25-2013, 11:05 AM
I hope the kid gets in, he works hard, and takes advantage of this opportunity. Not too many people get the chance to go to a school like Xavier, and it is great Xavier Nation is helping him see his dream come true. Hell I had to take a side door into Xavier (the bridge program), so I know about having to sweat the details of attending your dream school.
Is the gap of $17k for the first year? What happens in his sophomore year, will he need to raise more money?
If people are giving him money, will they get updates on his grades and stuff?
04-25-2013, 11:12 AM
I hope the kid gets in, he works hard, and takes advantage of this opportunity. Not too many people get the chance to go to a school like Xavier, and it is great Xavier Nation is helping him see his dream come true. Hell I had to take a side door into Xavier (the bridge program), so I know about having to sweat the details of attending your dream school.
Is the gap of $17k for the first year? What happens in his sophomore year, will he need to raise more money?
If people are giving him money, will they get updates on his grades and stuff?
I'm hoping it was for the full 4 years. It wasn't really clear though. You are correct though, that if his funding gap is $17K per year he is going to have to work part time, save a lot, and take out some loans to get through.
Next time I'm looking to get a new car I am going to ask you guys to pitch in.
04-25-2013, 11:21 AM
Next time I'm looking to get a new car I am going to ask you guys to pitch in.
Maybe some gas money...
05-23-2013, 09:21 AM
At last check he's a little more than halfway there and has 15 days left to go in his campaign. He's received at least one giant check from a local fund so unless the pic was forged, the kid is legit. I hope he makes it.
05-23-2013, 10:29 AM
I like the kid's moxie, but I don't like the precedent being set. And I don't see how this kid is able to fund the rest of his schooling.
What happens his sophomore year when he needs money for beer, a new bong, and pizza (as all college sophomores need these things at some point in time)? Will he hit up the general public for his monthly expenses?
This the internet's equivalent of panhandling.
05-23-2013, 12:59 PM
Actually, Nuts, I think it's closer to the internet version of those magazine subscription sales, minus the middle-man and the potential for identity theft.
05-23-2013, 01:43 PM
I just put him over $9k and linked him to my Facebook page.
I reviewed his website thoroughly and otherwise called the charter school to confirm him. All this is for real. If you've been holding back, it's time to dive in if you can.
I just put him over $9k and linked him to my Facebook page.
I reviewed his website thoroughly and otherwise called the charter school to confirm him. All this is for real. If you've been holding back, it's time to dive in if you can.
Public reps to you, dash. You're a good man.
06-27-2013, 08:47 AM
Update: lar_at_a_time.html
06-27-2013, 08:53 AM
Answers one of our questions:
"And what about year two, three and four, where Cornish will have to come up with a $17,000 shortage each year? "I have to believe that if I get there, I can find a way to stay there," he said"
Good for this kid. I hope he makes it.
Pablo's Brother
06-27-2013, 10:06 AM
This is a kid who will impress us all.
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