View Full Version : Cummingham on Fox News
02-27-2008, 03:02 PM
Willie will be on with Neil Cuvato at around 5:25. Can't wait to see him explain and then blame everyone else for his actions.
02-27-2008, 03:32 PM
Cunningham is fine with me. I loved how he was made to apologize to Dunn for his comments last year. He's a shock jock, just has more class than Howard Stern does. BTW-what happened to free speech that the left is always throwing around?? I don't care for Imus, but he got jacked for calling some girls 'Nappy headed hoes"?? Dumb, to say the least, but is it free speech for the media, or just what the PC police thinks is ok??
I get that free speech may have consequences, but the ones who shout it the most, are usually the same crowd who calls for the heads of those they disagree with.
I'll get off my soapbox now.
Lloyd Christmas
02-27-2008, 03:37 PM
The left only argues for free speech if it helps there cause. It is hate speech if it comes from the right and therefore should not be tolerated.
The left only argues for free speech if it helps there cause. It is hate speech if it comes from the right and therefore should not be tolerated.
Wait a second....Cunninghan used Obama's middle name, McCain yelled at Cunningham, and somehow it is the left's fault?
02-27-2008, 03:54 PM
Wait a second....Cunninghan used Obama's middle name, McCain yelled at Cunningham, and somehow it is the left's fault?
The only reason that people use Obama's middle is to be divisive. Please name another canidates middle name. I don't think anyone can.
McCain didn't yell at Cummingham, he just apologized for the mudslinging Willie did. McCain doesn't want to go down that political path.
Strange Brew
02-27-2008, 03:57 PM
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Lloyd Christmas
02-27-2008, 04:00 PM
Wait a second....Cunninghan used Obama's middle name, McCain yelled at Cunningham, and somehow it is the left's fault?
My comment was a generalization, not necessarily speaking of the specific comment and repudiation by McCain.
Although, I did hear that Cunningham was one of Oberman's worst people in the world for using Hussien on Cunningham's Saturday evening syndicated show. So the left did have does have a problem with using Hussien.
02-27-2008, 04:10 PM
I don't care for Imus, but he got jacked for calling some girls 'Nappy headed hoes"??
They are "Nappy headed hoes."
The UT Clock-keeper
02-27-2008, 04:16 PM
Hillary Rodham Clinton
A little different situation as she has gone by this longer name pubically for many years. I don't really know how I feel about the whole middle name issue with Obama but using Hillary as an example of how he isn't the only one who's middle name is being used doesn't really work. I'd be shocked if anyone could provide the middle name another candidate (current or former) from this primary WITHOUT looking it up.
02-27-2008, 04:16 PM
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Rodham is her maiden name.
02-27-2008, 04:18 PM
Rodham is her maiden name.
Actually, I believe when she got married and changed her last name to Clinton she also changed her middle name to Rodham. This is fairly common among women who don't want to lose their maiden name but also don't want to hyphinate.
02-27-2008, 04:24 PM
Ronald Wilson Reagan
George Herbert Walker Bush
George Walker Bush
William Jefferson Clinton.
28 years of Presidents off the top of my head.
Richard Milhaus Nixon.
Dwight D? What was Ike's middle?
Harry S Truman had a middle name that was just "S". That was his middle name. How odd is that?
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Could probably think of a few more. FDR's middle was well known, but I would have to check the spelling Delano?
02-27-2008, 04:27 PM
Yes, but those are former presidents. I'm sure most people know the president's middle name, we are talking about canidates. I notice that you left McCain's off that list...
02-27-2008, 04:30 PM
Yes, but those are former presidents. I'm sure most people know the president's middle name, we are talking about canidates. I notice that you left McCain's off that list...
I know Hillary's. I think McCain's is Keating but I am not sure.
02-27-2008, 04:32 PM
Lyndon Bains Johnson. Most Presidents middles are known very well. I think Barack should use his as an asset. It will look good for diversity.
02-27-2008, 04:34 PM
Actually, it's Sidney (of course I had to look it up b/c no one ever uses it)
02-27-2008, 04:41 PM
Actually, it's Sidney (of course I had to look it up b/c no one ever uses it)
That is right, Keating is just the guy who owned the rights.
Kahns Krazy
02-27-2008, 05:13 PM
H. Ross Perot.
02-27-2008, 06:03 PM
Hussein. There, I said it.
I expect FoxNews to call any minute, as I must apologize to the nation.
Kahns Krazy
02-27-2008, 06:06 PM
Yes, but those are former presidents. I'm sure most people know the president's middle name, we are talking about canidates. I notice that you left McCain's off that list...
This is a rather pointless argument. I think you're pointing out that fewer people know less well known names.
I know John Kerry's wife's middle name. I do not know John Kerry's middle name. Obama's middle name generates interest, therefore it is better known. Because I know it and do not know other candidates' middle names doesn't mean I am anti -Barack.
This whole middle name thing is just flat out silly, but it's part of politics. Nixon lost in 1960 in large part because he was uglier than JFK, and won in 1968 in large part because someone shot JFK. Life's funny that way. If your middle name happens to be shared by one of the country's most despised enemies, well crap. I guess you're going to have to play through it. It's not Willie's fault.
Strange Brew
02-27-2008, 09:04 PM
A little different situation as she has gone by this longer name pubically for many years. I don't really know how I feel about the whole middle name issue with Obama but using Hillary as an example of how he isn't the only one who's middle name is being used doesn't really work. I'd be shocked if anyone could provide the middle name another candidate (current or former) from this primary WITHOUT looking it up.
Middle names of canidates not just in this election but elections of years past off the top of my head
John Sydney McCain
William Jefferson Clinton
George Walker Bush
George Herbert Walker Bush
Ronald Wilson Reagan
Linden Baynes (sp) Johson
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Hillary Rodham Clinton
George Brookes McGovern
Her middle name is Rodham as she legally changed it after marriage. I understand it is her maiden name.
furthermore, some canidates and pundits use middle initials
John F. Kerry
Harry S. Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower
02-27-2008, 09:14 PM
Middle names of canidates not just in this election but elections of years past off the top of my head
John Sydney McCain
William Jefferson Clinton
George Walker Bush
George Herbert Walker Bush
Ronald Wilson Reagan
Linden Baynes (sp) Johson
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Hillary Rodham Clinton
George Brookes McGovern
Her middle name is Rodham as she legally changed it after marriage. I understand it is her maiden name.
furthermore, some canidates and pundits use middle initials
John F. Kerry
Harry S. Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Can you remember any of those candidates being referred to by their middle name three times during a rally of the opponent?
Let's please not act like Cunningham was carrying on some American opposed to being a dick.
02-27-2008, 09:16 PM
Can you remember any of those candidates being referred to by their middle name three times during a rally of the opponent?
Let's please not act like Cunningham was carrying on some American opposed to being a dick.
Amen brother!
Strange Brew
02-27-2008, 09:21 PM
Sure, Clinton said that his mother was a fan of Thomas Jefferson and that is who he is named after. Obviously, trying to compare himself to the american president (note the sarcasm). Just as Willie was obviously trying to compare Obama to the Iraqi dictator. Only a buffoon would 1. take Willie this seriously or 2. actually have their opinions change because of a man's middle name. That is, unless they are themselves uncomfortable and have their own issues with the name.
I mean seriously its not like a news agency made up a false story with fake documents just weeks before an election in an attempt to make Obama look like a fraud and a criminal. That would be something outragous wouldn't it? ;)
02-27-2008, 10:45 PM
Actually Johnson did use his middle name exclusively as did JFK and as did FDR. It has been done before. Having said that, Cunningham is still an idiot!
02-27-2008, 10:52 PM
Okay WOW we are giving Willie more publicity as we keep talking about it. It should be no big shock that he would stir something up as that is what Willie does best.
02-27-2008, 10:54 PM
Actually Johnson did use his middle name exclusively as did JFK and as did FDR. It has been done before. Having said that, Cunningham is still an idiot!
Obama doesn't use his own middle name. And no one in the press uses it for obvious reasons.
Even if others in the past have gone by three names, there's no precedent for Willie using it three times with Obama, other than to be a douche. There's no sense in trying to make some silly, overreaching comparison to those in the past who have done so. It's apples and oranges.
Cunningham is fine with me. I loved how he was made to apologize to Dunn for his comments last year. He's a shock jock, just has more class than Howard Stern does. BTW-what happened to free speech that the left is always throwing around?? I don't care for Imus, but he got jacked for calling some girls 'Nappy headed hoes"?? Dumb, to say the least, but is it free speech for the media, or just what the PC police thinks is ok??
I get that free speech may have consequences, but the ones who shout it the most, are usually the same crowd who calls for the heads of those they disagree with.
I'll get off my soapbox now.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt on "free speech" and take for granted that you realize the first amendment only protects you from government prosecution for what you say. The first amendment doesn't prevent you from losing your job for saying things your private employer would deem destructive or derogatory.
02-28-2008, 12:21 AM
I mean seriously its not like a news agency made up a false story with fake documents just weeks before an election in an attempt to make Obama look like a fraud and a criminal. That would be something outragous wouldn't it? ;)
That is funny.
And no one in the press uses it for obvious reasons.
That is odd.
02-28-2008, 12:34 AM
That is odd.
Not really.
The media would be accused of aiding Hillary by needlessly invoking
Fred Garvin
02-28-2008, 01:13 AM
I love Willy the Entertainer. And I saw him in Blue Ash warming up a crowd for Ken Blackwell. But I laugh about some of the analysis that says this feud will somehow hurt McCain in Ohio. This incident, and the repudiation, probably helped McCain with moderates much as the Times piece helped him with conservatives.
People talk about McCain like he needs to play to the conservative base. Hell, he never had that base nor was he interested. McCain has the nomination sewn up so he can concentrate on The Great Middle of American politics. McCain is a military man who came up in Arizona politics. For an alleged moderate he was greatly influenced by that conservative firebrand, and military man, Barry Goldwater.
Anyone who followed the 64' campaign, a campaign in which a young Hillary Rodham was a Goldwater Girl, knows Goldwater blew the campaign at the convention with his acceptance speech. Goldwater delivered a red meat speech that scorched anyone who wasn't a right winger. He was supposed to play to the middle but Barry forgot he already had the nomination. McCain isn't gonna make that mistake.
I heard an interesting comment yesterday about this campaign. Charles Krauthammer was talking about the polls that suggest America wants a uniter. He noted the incredible charisma of Obama. He noted that it is a charisma that transcends race.
Then he made a point how Obama's abliltiy to transcend race lends itself to this subliminal idea that Obama is a guy who will reach across the aisle. i.e. that he transcends ideology as well as race.
The only problem is his record suggests no such bridging. In fact he's pretty much a dyed in the wool liberal partisan. Now John Feingold McCain, John Kennedy McCain. He's your man if you actually care about that crap.
02-28-2008, 01:29 AM
Not really.
The media would be accused of aiding Hillary by needlessly invoking
The media does not use it. And when it is used they react for "obvious reasons". That reaction is negative. You can call Obama a dirty word and be disgraced just by saying his name, for "obvious reasons". I do find that quite odd.
Fred Garvin
02-28-2008, 01:38 AM
Check out Snipe arguing with Gary's proxy. Here we go again.
ATL Muskie
02-28-2008, 05:22 AM
Ronald Wilson Reagan
Dwight D? What was Ike's middle?
Dwight David Eisenhower. As in Camp David, named for his grandson.
I forgot, did anyone mention James Earl Carter?
Strange Brew
02-28-2008, 08:01 AM
Dwight David Eisenhower. As in Camp David, named for his grandson.
I forgot, did anyone mention James Earl Carter?
Of course not. that would be offensive to Dayton fans :)
02-28-2008, 09:56 AM
Dayton once had a coach named James Carter. I think that is quite nice. He had a losing record.
02-28-2008, 10:02 AM
And the Rose Garden was named for Rose Kennedy
02-28-2008, 10:43 AM
Check out Snipe arguing with Gary's proxy. Here we go again.
Big difference. I like Snipe.
Kahns Krazy
02-28-2008, 12:39 PM
Listen, I personally dislike Willy, but you can't ignore the fact that it is, and has always been, very common for Willy to use full names of people he's talking about, even when they don't themselves. I have heard him call Pete Rose "Peter Edward Rose". I have heard him call Bill Clinton "William Jefferson Clinton".
This is something he does. If his middle name bothers him, Barack has the legal optoin to change it. If he doesn't, I don't see why anyone should tiptoe around it. As far as I have heard, Willy never said it except preceeded by his first name and followed by his last. Never in history can I remember anyone getting in trouble for calling someone by their legal name.
Dick Cheney is named after a dude's junk. Why don't people get all bent out of shape every time someone calls him "Dick"?
02-28-2008, 12:44 PM
I believe Cunningham said something last night to the effect of, "If people have a problem with Barack Hussein Obama's middle name, then they should talk to his parents."
02-28-2008, 01:13 PM
Again, to me (and I believe most others) this isn't solely about whether or not he has the right to use his middle name. No one's seriously calling for him to be fired from WLW (as far as I know). What he said is clearly within the bounds of free speech.
I believe the majority of the outrage seems to stem from people who are unable to believe what a total ass he made of himself as he was about to introduce the freaking Republican Presidential nominee. It's bad manners, unprofessional, rheteoric which is symptomatic of everything that is wrong with politics today. Instead of talking about McCain (a guy who he apparently has little respect for) turned into another tired session of liberal bashing, self-promotion, grade school teasing, and Willie's usual pandering to the wacko beer fart portion of the GOP.
I'll say this again. Had it been Jesse Jackson (also an idiot) who flat disrespected McCain by calling him a "hack" and alleging, frankly, that he was a dishonest politican by invoking the phrase "Chicago-style" (which McCain's assertions about Romney's record were, in fact, patently dishonest)...then what would Willie and you guys on the right say? "How dare Jesse Jackson disrespect a war hero like that. It's fine to disagree with policy...but that?".
Me thinks there would be a comment or two...and you guys know that.
McCain did the right thing. He apologized for a lack of decorum at his rally. And the fact that Cunningham misses that point completely, is proof of just how far off the reservation he has strayed.
02-28-2008, 02:30 PM
Jackson just likes to call New York "Hymietown" to a reporter... Idiot
Fred Garvin
02-28-2008, 03:04 PM
Listen, I personally dislike Willy, but you can't ignore the fact that it is, and has always been, very common for Willy to use full names of people he's talking about, even when they don't themselves. I have heard him call Pete Rose "Peter Edward Rose". I have heard him call Bill Clinton "William Jefferson Clinton".
This is something he does. If his middle name bothers him, Barack has the legal optoin to change it. If he doesn't, I don't see why anyone should tiptoe around it. As far as I have heard, Willy never said it except preceeded by his first name and followed by his last. Never in history can I remember anyone getting in trouble for calling someone by their legal name.
But Cunningham goes beyond calling him by his actual name. He also adds Mohammed. Beware, this comes from Media Matters.
Summary: During his nationally syndicated radio talk show, Bill Cunningham repeatedly called Sen. Barack Obama, "Barack Mohammed Hussein Obama," even though "Mohammed" is not a part of Obama's name, saying at one point that "it would be a shock" if "Barack Mohammed Hussein Obama can be elected the president of this country in these difficult terrorist times
02-28-2008, 03:44 PM
I'll say this again. Had it been Jesse Jackson (also an idiot) who flat disrespected McCain by calling him a "hack" and alleging, frankly, that he was a dishonest politican by invoking the phrase "Chicago-style" (which McCain's assertions about Romney's record were, in fact, patently dishonest)...then what would Willie and you guys on the right say? "How dare Jesse Jackson disrespect a war hero like that. It's fine to disagree with policy...but that?". .
I don't like Jesse Jackson no matter what he says. I have no problem with anyone disrespecting McCain. There is plenty out there to disrespect if you want to, and I will feel free to join in. I have no problem with anyone calling Barack by his middle name. I think it is probably offensive to Muslims that people think his middle name is a bad word, and that Barack had to publicly come out and say that he is not now and has never been a Muslim. It is his middle name, he should be proud of it. The fact that it scares people is quite telling. It doesn't say as much about Willie Cunningham as it says about the people that overreact.
02-28-2008, 03:55 PM
I don't like Jesse Jackson no matter what he says. I have no problem with anyone disrespecting McCain. There is plenty out there to disrespect if you want to, and I will feel free to join in. I have no problem with anyone calling Barack by his middle name. I think it is probably offensive to Muslims that people think his middle name is a bad word, and that Barack had to publicly come out and say that he is not now and has never been a Muslim. It is his middle name, he should be proud of it. The fact that it scares people is quite telling. It doesn't say as much about Willie Cunningham as it says about the people that overreact.
If this scared enough people, he would be in no position to be our next President, which he almost assuredly will be. It's not fear that you see, Snipe. What you see are people scratching their heads and peering towards the dimwit on Mount Adams.
I think people are offering their opinions on his goofy behavior, as people tend do when they witness buffoonery. I don't see much "overreacting" least not nationally, or as I sit here in Chicago.
02-28-2008, 04:11 PM
"How dare Jesse Jackson disrespect a war hero like that. It's fine to disagree with policy...but that?".
I don't recall a whole lot of handwringing on the right when veterans like John Kerry and Max Cleland were smeared in public. If Karl Rove played Tecmo Bowl, that would be RUN 1 in his playbook. (RUN 2 is insinuating that the opposing candidate is gay.)
Fred Garvin
02-28-2008, 04:20 PM
I don't recall a whole lot of handwringing on the right when veterans like John Kerry and Max Cleland were smeared in public. If Karl Rove played Tecmo Bowl, that would be RUN 1 in his playbook. (RUN 2 is insinuating that the opposing candidate is gay.)
Know what's a real smear? Coming home from a war and lying about your former comrades while they're still In Country. Saying that they committed "atrocities."
Then, years later, when you get called on it you say you might have "exagerrated."
02-28-2008, 05:35 PM
Know what's a real smear? Coming home from a war and lying about your former comrades while they're still In Country. Saying that they committed "atrocities."
Then, years later, when you get called on it you say you might have "exagerrated."
Amen. Kerry still deserves to be tared and feathered for what he did to our fighting men.
Smear? John Kerry is the shit stain on the collective underpants of humanity.
02-28-2008, 05:38 PM
If this scared enough people, he would be in no position to be our next President, which he almost assuredly will be. It's not fear that you see, Snipe. What you see are people scratching their heads and peering towards the dimwit on Mount Adams.
I think people are offering their opinions on his goofy behavior, as people tend do when they witness buffoonery. I don't see much "overreacting" least not nationally, or as I sit here in Chicago.
I don't think people are scared of his middle name, and I don't know why the media makes a big deal if someone brings it up. If I was a Muslim I would be more offended that people get worried when someone ties Obama to those evil Muslims, and that Barack has to come out and say, 'Just to be clear I am not now nor have I ever been one of those (evil) muslims.' Much more offensive stuff from Barack than Willie.
02-28-2008, 06:06 PM
Talk Show Host Slams Obama (
Willie on youtube.
A couple more.
02-28-2008, 06:17 PM
Cunningham is not a politician......he's a personality. Who gives a rats behind what he says?? If you don't agree with what he says, flip the switch. I don't call out what others say/believe, I just chose not to watch their show (Olbermann).
DC Muskie
02-29-2008, 09:29 AM
Billy Cunningham is a terrorist.
02-29-2008, 12:49 PM
"You have to give Barack Obama credit, he's overcome a great deal. Not just he's an African-American. Barack Hussein Obama is his name. His middle name is the last name of Iraq's former tyrant. His last name rhymes with Osama. That's not easy to overcome. I think we all remember the ill-fated 1944 presidential campaign of Gaydolf Titler. It's just a shame, Titler had so many good ideas. We just couldn't get past the name. And the moustache."
- John Stewart at the Oscar Awards this year.
He got laughs for this. Why is Cunningham getting press for using Hussein?
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