View Full Version : If The Atlantic 10 Tournament Started Today

02-24-2008, 06:50 PM
Perhaps one of the greatest threads on the A-10 Board is posted and updated after ever game day by a UMass poster with the moniker of Lari Ketner.

Link (http://www.basketballforum.com/atlantic-10-conference/392378-if-10-tournament-started-today-2008-version.html)

Click the link and check it out after games are played and it will be updated. Here is how it reads today:

** Updated through 2/24 games **

Wednesday, March 12
#8 St. Louis vs. #9 Rhode Island - noon EST
#5 Temple vs. #12 Dayton - 2:30 p.m. EST
#7 Charlotte vs. #10 Duquesne - 6:30 p.m. EST
#6 UMass vs. #11 Fordham - 9 p.m. EST
Thursday, March 13
#1 Xavier vs. St. Louis/Rhode Island - 12 p.m. EST
#4 Richmond vs. Temple/Dayton - 2:30 p.m. EST
#2 St. Joseph's vs. Charlotte/Duquesne - 6:30 p.m. EST
#3 La Salle vs. UMass/Fordham - 9 p.m. EST
Friday, March 14
Xavier/St. Louis/Rhody vs. Richmond/Temple/Dayton - 6:30 p.m. EST
St. Joe's/Charlotte/Duquesne vs. La Salle/UMass/Fordham - 9 p.m. EST
Saturday, March 15
Championship game - 6 p.m.

1. Xavier (12-1) - v. GW, @ SJU, v. RICH
2. St. Joseph's (8-4) - v. STL, v. TU, v. XU, @ DAY
3. La Salle (7-5) * - @ FU, v. URI, @ UM, v. TU
4. Richmond (7-5) ** - @ SBU, v. UM, v. FU, @ XU
5. Temple (7-5) - v. CHA, @ SJU, v. DUQ, @ LAS
6. UMass (7-6) - @ RICH, v. LAS, @ GW
7. Charlotte (6-6) - @ TU, v. DUQ, v. GW, @ URI
8. St. Louis (6-7) *** - @ SJU, v. SBU, @ DUQ
9. Rhode Island (6-7) + - @ GW, @ LAS, v. CHA
10. Duquesne (6-7) - @ CHA, @ TU, v. STL
11. Fordham (5-7) - v. LAS, v. DAY, @ RICH, v. SBU
12. Dayton (5-8) - @ FU, @ SBU, v. SJU
13. George Washington (4-8) - v. URI, @ XU, @ CHA, v. UM
14. St. Bonaventure (1-11) - v. RICH, @ STL, v. DAY, @ FU

* by virtue of 1-0 record vs. 7-5 teams
** by virtue of H2H victory over Temple
*** by virtue of 1-0 record vs. other 6-7 teams
+ by virtue of H2H victory over Duquesne

X-band '01
02-24-2008, 07:04 PM
GW may be catching URI at the perfect time. They might also need a win at Charlotte or at home against UMass to leapfrog the Flyers.

At the same time, how surreal is it to see La Salle in the #3 slot right now? They're 5-1 on the road and they have a very good shot at 7-1.

American X
02-24-2008, 07:11 PM
Atlantic 10 Conference:


02-24-2008, 07:18 PM
LaSalle and Xavier are the road warriors of this conference. I can't believe that they can win on the road like that in this league. It is incredible.

Right now they are my darkhorse for winning the A-10 Tournament.

Frank D.
02-28-2008, 06:54 AM
LaSalle and Xavier are the road warriors of this conference. I can't believe that they can win on the road like that in this league. It is incredible.

Right now they are my darkhorse for winning the A-10 Tournament.

I realize URI is tanking right now, but a matchup with them on Thursday of the tournament would scare me. Not only did they beat us last year in the AC, but it took everything we had to beat them a couple weeks ago. On a neutral court, of course we would be prohibitive favorites, but I just think that would be a tough out.

02-28-2008, 07:40 AM
Snipe - Here is Lari's update with last night's games (2/27):

Wednesday, March 12
#8 St. Louis vs. #9 Duquesne - noon EST
#5 La Salle vs. #12 George Washington - 2:30 p.m. EST
#7 Charlotte vs. #10 Rhode Island - 6:30 p.m. EST
#6 UMass vs. #11 Fordham - 9 p.m. EST
Thursday, March 13
#1 Xavier vs. St. Louis/Duquesne - 12 p.m. EST
#4 Temple vs. La Salle/GW - 2:30 p.m. EST
#2 St. Joseph's vs. Charlotte/Rhody- 6:30 p.m. EST
#3 Richmond vs. UMass/Fordham - 9 p.m. EST
Friday, March 14
Xavier/St. Louis/Duquesne vs. Temple/La Salle/GW - 6:30 p.m. EST
St. Joe's/Charlotte/Rhody vs. Richmond/UMass/Fordham - 9 p.m. EST
Saturday, March 15
Championship game - 6 p.m.

1. Xavier (12-1) - v. GW, @ SJU, v. RICH
2. St. Joseph's (8-4) - v. STL, v. TU, v. XU, @ DAY
3. Richmond (8-5) * - v. UM, v. FU, @ XU
4. Temple (8-5) ** - @ SJU, v. DUQ, @ LAS
5. La Salle (8-5) - v. URI, @ UM, v. TU
6. UMass (7-6) - @ RICH, v. LAS, @ GW
7. Charlotte (6-7) *** - v. DUQ, v. GW, @ URI
8. St. Louis (6-7) + - @ SJU, v. SBU, @ DUQ
9. Duquesne (6-7) - @ CHA, @ TU, v. STL
10. Rhode Island (6-8) - @ LAS, v. CHA
11. Fordham (5-8) ++ - v. DAY, @ RICH, v. SBU
12. George Washington (5-8) +++ - @ XU, @ CHA, v. UM
13. Dayton (5-8) - @ FU, @ SBU, v. SJU
14. St. Bonaventure (1-12) - @ STL, v. DAY, @ FU

* by virtue of 2-1 record vs. 8-5 teams
** by virtue of better record against highest common opponent (#1 Xavier)
*** by virtue of 1-0 record vs. other 6-7 teams
+ by virtue of better record against highest common opponent (#4 Richmond)
++ by virtue of 1-0 record vs. other 5-8 teams
+++ by virtue of H2H victory over Dayton

The Artist
02-28-2008, 07:47 AM
I like that 8/9 Slu vs Duquesne game.

Also, I want Temple in the 4/5 game. We owe them one.

02-28-2008, 10:16 AM
Those board members that would be thrilled if Dayton was watching the A10 Tournament from their team room at UD Arena, take a screenshot of today's "If the A10 Tournament Started Today" update. I'm sure it won't last, but "For one shining moment" ;) :D

XU Fan
02-28-2008, 12:57 PM
Here are my predictions for the seedings for the A10 tournament (with conference records):

1) Xavier (15-1)
2) St. Joseph's (11-5)
3) La Salle (10-6)
4) Temple (9-7)
5) UMass (9-7)
6) Richmond (9-7)
7) Charlotte (8-8)
8) Saint Louis (7-9)
9) Rhode Island (7-9)
10) Duquesne (7-9)
11) Fordham (7-9)
12) George W. (6-10)

For what it's worth, I think X will beat St. Joe's in the finals.

02-28-2008, 05:29 PM
Maybe the A-10 tournament should start a play-in game each year at Dayton so they can get in on the tournament action like they do for the NCAA.