View Full Version : Dayton is too Classy Week

01-19-2012, 10:16 AM
I wish Xavier, and Xaiver fans could show as much class as Dayton. UD is the example in which to lead a proper catholic life on, and off the court. Their fan base is the most classy in the A-10. If only Xavier didn't smack talk during games so they could be more classy like Dayton. I wish Xavier's name was listed in the dictionary under "classy" like Dayton is. Dayton treats watermelons with the upmost respect, and shows so much class. If only we didn't have a bunch of gangstas, and Tu's words were taken out of context(could that have actually happened?). Hopefully one day we can be as classy as Dayton, and live the "holier than thou" lifestyle in which their fans live by.

01-19-2012, 10:19 AM
Is humping a melon classy?

01-19-2012, 10:20 AM
Love it.

They're too classy to be bothered with such trivial things as winning. But when they do win, they do it with class. Must be nice to be so classy all the time.

01-19-2012, 10:23 AM
Is humping a melon classy?

If it involves Dayton, then it must be classy.

01-19-2012, 10:36 AM
Let me give you a scenario, and bear with me, because this is off the top of my head, an assortment of fruit, such as watermelon, dipped in chocolate.


01-19-2012, 10:42 AM
Is humping a melon classy?

Only if you cuddle afterwards.

01-19-2012, 10:53 AM
Is humping a melon classy?

Only if you cuddle afterwards.

Hmmm. Might be a little too "juicy".

Yeah, I said it, and I am not proud of myself.

01-19-2012, 10:56 AM
Is humping a melon classy?

They don't 'hump' melons. They make sweet love to them. And they always call them the next day.

01-19-2012, 10:59 AM
They don't 'hump' melons. They make sweet love to them. And they always call them the next day.

So basically the opposite of this?


Blue Blooded-05
01-19-2012, 11:03 AM
I'm not going this year... To those who are: when they start yapping about the UC fight, can you please remind them that Rob Lowery was ejected for punching a Xavier player 2 years ago.

For those that have never to UD for this game... It is people-watching unintentional hilarity at its finest! The average UD fan can be described as follows:

- Foul Mouthed
- Sweating profusely
- Quick with excuses & rationalizations
- Rocking a mullet or that feathered 'Dennis Eckersley' look from the 1980's
- Mustache
- Decked out in matching red/blue sweatsuit or Canadian Tuxedo with UD emblum sewn on the front
- Smells of beer, cigarettes and B.O.
- Is convinced UD has never committed a foul
- Frequently uses gramatical errors, such as: Use of the word ain't, double negatives and misuse of the pronoun 'them' ... as in, "We ain't never seem to get them calls on our end!"
- Is more concerned with bringing Xavier 'down' rather than building UD 'up'

01-19-2012, 11:19 AM
Dayton is classy. And they are above us.....geographically, that is.

01-19-2012, 01:32 PM
Dayton is classy. And they are above us.....geographically, that is.

How eurocentric to assume north is up

01-19-2012, 02:42 PM
In the eyes of UD fans no trash talking is allowed during a basketball game. Ever. Apparently the Flyers virgin ears are too delicate for such awful behavior and their players would never dare to gain an advantage by getting in the oponnents head though the use of the english language, it's far too above them.

X-band '01
01-19-2012, 03:20 PM
I wish Xavier, and Xaiver fans could show as much class as Dayton. UD is the example in which to lead a proper catholic life on, and off the court. Their fan base is the most classy in the A-10. If only Xavier didn't smack talk during games so they could be more classy like Dayton. I wish Xavier's name was listed in the dictionary under "classy" like Dayton is. Dayton treats watermelons with the upmost respect, and shows so much class. If only we didn't have a bunch of gangstas, and Tu's words were taken out of context(could that have actually happened?). Hopefully one day we can be as classy as Dayton, and live the "holier than thou" lifestyle in which their fans live by.

This post reeks of sarcasm. Sarcasm is not classy.

X-band '01
01-19-2012, 03:47 PM
Even UDPride Still Remembers Pablo's Legacy (http://www.udpride.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20032)

I can assure you that he is laughing his ass off up in the pearly gates reading what UD fans have to say about him.

01-19-2012, 03:48 PM
How could only one week be dedicated to Dayton's classiness? They are classy 24/7 365 days a year (even 366 on leap years!)!

Limiting Dayton's classiness to one week is not classy! Way to go Xavier fans!

01-19-2012, 04:23 PM
Even UDPride Still Remembers Pablo's Legacy (http://www.udpride.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20032)

I can assure you that he is laughing his ass off up in the pearly gates reading what UD fans have to say about him.

Is Smell the Glove Snipe's handle over there?

01-19-2012, 04:25 PM
I can neither confirm nor deny that.

01-19-2012, 05:09 PM
The best part of classy Dayton fans is they see the stuff posted on MM or here, claim how classless we are, and one thread down on Udpride is a "seperated at birth", or a "straight out of norwood" gangsta thread. WTF planet are they living on? I only wish we were as classy as them.

DC Muskie
01-19-2012, 06:27 PM
We actually won that game at Dayton when Pablo did his thing. Everyone knows my stance on the watermelon thing, so I won't get into it...

But what can you say about Dayton? Basically that is a small time town that has misplaced hubris about their program. Now having pride in your program is not a fault, it's having that pride and trying to build it up against another program, is.

We cut corners? What are you talking about? They worry about handshakes. They worry about what new player who can come in and lead the program past Xavier, because the current players at Xavier will leave and therefore will no longer be good.

If I was a Dayton fan, I would shut up about Xavier. And what new players could lead us to the place Xavier is. They have a small time paper who talks about high school kids and how they wear their hair, and then will spend some space talking about handshakes, because he has covered boxing. Makes zero sense.

And that's how really you need to describe Dayton. They make zero sense. So spend years telling us how awful we are, only to say now we are getting worse. Based entirely in fantasy.

Let's go out and beat their ass.

01-19-2012, 06:33 PM
I just had to go to CNN.com to find out dayton's starting lineup. That's how much I care about them.

X-band '01
01-19-2012, 07:25 PM
We actually won that game at Dayton when Pablo did his thing. Everyone knows my stance on the watermelon thing, so I won't get into it...

If you're talking about his legendary Flyer Feedback appearance, that was after the 2003 A-10 semis. Xavier lost to Temple and Dayton won the nightcap against St. Joe's. (I'm sure their fans were classy enough to send thank-you cards and flowers to John Chaney)

That's what made the 2004 title on their floor so sweet, especially for the fans jumping on the A-10 and UD logos at midcourt.

01-19-2012, 08:16 PM
I just had to go to CNN.com to find out dayton's starting lineup. That's how much I care about them.

I can't name Dayton's lineup either. I bet 95% of our posters couldn't either. Maybe I am generalizing too much with that. I can't even name their point guard.

01-19-2012, 08:43 PM
I'm sure if we all work together and start adding letters in a string trying to form a name we can come up with someone on that team outside of Archie Miller. Or, if all else fails, we can check the local Dayton hospitals for the names of tallish people suffering from flu/pneumonia/ebola/jet lag and we should be able to come up with the starting lineup.

01-20-2012, 07:40 AM
This was taken from UD Pride. If it doesn't scream class, I don't know what does.

"From all i saw of pablo the world is a better place without him - sorry if that offends anyone but i never saw anything from him that wasnt offensive and/or hateful - x fans can put that in their watermelon and smoke it "

Strange Brew
01-20-2012, 06:42 PM
[QUOTE put that in their watermelon and smoke it "[/QUOTE]

Is that some new move?

I wonder if Waleskowwiakldsfnas; owns the patent?

In all seriousness this comment puts dayton in a "class" by itself.

Strange Brew
01-20-2012, 06:44 PM
I can't name Dayton's lineup either. I bet 95% of our posters couldn't either. Maybe I am generalizing too much with that. I can't even name their point guard.

I don't know either Snipe but I hope he doesn't punch err slap like a bitch. Looking at you lowery (sp)

PM Thor
01-21-2012, 06:47 PM
My wife has a twitter account. Now get this, prior to the game today she tweeted in effect "Go Xavier, beat dayton". Some random asshole dayton fan tweeted back to her, referencing her position at her work and how he was going to take her image and info and post it to a porn site.

And thus, yet another reason why dayton fans are pieces of shit. I HATE them.

I HATE dayton.

01-21-2012, 08:03 PM
My wife has a twitter account. Now get this, prior to the game today she tweeted in effect "Go Xavier, beat dayton". Some random asshole dayton fan tweeted back to her, referencing her position at her work and how he was going to take her image and info and post it to a porn site.

And thus, yet another reason why dayton fans are pieces of shit. I HATE them.

I HATE dayton.

That has douchebag written all over it. Many of the UD grads I know are complete douchebags.