View Full Version : Local Teen in Semifinals of Jeopardy Teen Tournament
02-20-2008, 01:05 PM
Walnut Hills' Sophomore Rachel Horn won last week to move on to the semifinals tonight on Jeopardy
Jeopardy Story from Enquirer (
02-21-2008, 01:07 AM
Moving on to the 2 day finals against teens from Indiana and Kentucky
New Jeopardy Article (
02-21-2008, 10:38 AM
Important note from the article:
Due to a previously arranged special related to the Auto Expo, tonight Jeopardy (The 1st Half of the final game) will NOT be shown in Cincinnati at its usual time. Instead they are pre-empting Wheel of Fortune tomorrow night and showing both halves of the final back to back.
Don't want to wait that long? they will show it "tape delay" tonight after the late show at 12:35
She seems like a really bright kid, more positive publcity for Cincinnati. (And CPs could use all the positive publicity it can get, but that's a topic for a whole new thread.)
Kahns Krazy
02-21-2008, 02:59 PM
I don't watch Jeopardy on a regular basis, but I happened to catch that Zia kid from Paducah in his first round win. It was the biggest ass kicking I have ever seen on Jeopardy. My money is on Zia.
Rachel's in first after the 1st show ($26k) with the other two close behind with $18k. They carry these totals over to the next show/game. Up next.
PM Thor
02-22-2008, 06:57 PM
Walnut!! Represent!
Yes, I am living vicariously through a 15 year old girl who just so happens to have gone to my high school.
That was quite impressive by the little girl though.
By the way, did you guys know Walnut is like 5 blocks away from Xavier, but for some reason, X doesn't really do much to get Walnut kids to attend X? Out of a class of 260, 3 of my class went to X. It's an untapped reserve.
X-band '01
02-22-2008, 06:57 PM
Game, Set, Match, She wins with over $41,000 during the 2-day event.
Kahns Krazy
02-23-2008, 09:59 AM
By the way, did you guys know Walnut is like 5 blocks away from Xavier, but for some reason, X doesn't really do much to get Walnut kids to attend X? Out of a class of 260, 3 of my class went to X. It's an untapped reserve.
Yahoo lists the 1st year cost of Xavier at $32k+, including room and board. It's not a huge surprise to me that they don't draw heavily from the CPS, even the magnet variety.
According to X's website, the following are the top feeder schools:
Saint Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH
Saint Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH
St Ursula Academy, Cincinnati, OH
Cathedral HS , Indianapolis, IN
Mount Notre Dame HS, Cincinnati, OH
McNicholas HS, Cincinnati , OH
Frankly, I was surprised to see St. X up there, as I would also say that they didn't to much to 'recruit' St. X. kids. They list 11% of enrolling freshmen are from Jesuit high schools, but they don't list the total Catholic high school feed. Given that top 6 list, I'd guess well over half come from Catholic high schools.
02-23-2008, 12:40 PM
McNick is on that list? I am a little surprised by this.
Go Rockets.
02-23-2008, 01:32 PM
$32k a year now, my how times change, I recall it being around $10k but that was with living at home. (Hey when you live 3 miles from campus, on a direct bus route, its a no brainer, really)
Anyway, Congrats to Rachel, not only did she win, she smoked them. She had around 41k points at the end, and the second place person only had around 25K, thats almost a doubling up. The kid from Paduccah took a lot of big risks that didn't pay off for him.
Yet another feather in Cincinnati's cap...
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