View Full Version : I Hate UC

12-08-2011, 05:32 AM
I feel as though we are slacking that it has taken this long since the end of the Butler game to get this going. But it is now Crosstown time and.....


Let's bring enough hate on Saturday that the YTG personally blames our fans for his lack of preparation and his inability to coach anyone on any level. I want to beat them so badly that the Big East commissioner personally shows up at the press conference to bar the YTG from citing their affiliation with the Big Least (as some sort of defense to their crappiness) because the Big Least is too embarrassed to admit that they still allow this bottom feeder to participate in their conference games.


Xavier Nation
12-08-2011, 05:48 AM
EVERONE follow @EricLilly7. His tweets are so priceless. No doubt he hates X more than he likes UC.

12-08-2011, 06:05 AM
I want a high double-digit victory to avenge last year's debacle. I owe my former boss some sh*t! Go X!

12-08-2011, 06:28 AM
Every time I get in an argument about how X is a better basketball program, there are 2 arguments from UC fans:

1. History
2. Conference affiliation

That's it. That's all they have. 1961, 1962, the Van Exel Final Four like 20 years ago, and conference affiliation.

And I will laugh like a hyena when #2 gets taken from them. Or we join them. Whichever comes first.

12-08-2011, 07:15 AM
I'm waiting for the inaugural Holiday season Shootout poem from Emp.....yes Emp, give it to us. That is when I know its shootout time.

12-08-2011, 07:23 AM
I fart in their general direction.

12-08-2011, 08:12 AM
Although UC doesn't have much of a basketball program, they will provide the world with an adequate supply of grocery store baggers for some time to come. Plus, we really shouldn't hate on them - finishing 10th in the Big East will be the highlight of those kids' lives.

12-08-2011, 08:21 AM
I'm just pissed those idiots have lost 2 games...I wanted to give them their first...and in the most gut wrenching way possible.


Pete Delkus
12-08-2011, 08:29 AM
...waiting for the first "classless fan base" post - from either side. I can't stand that label.

The Red Headed Zimphers seemed to have settled in nicely in BCS mediocrity, nationally ranked here and there with a few tourney get-ins and maybe even a win once in a while.

However, their current dedication to what they once had is gone, and they only need to look an hour north to see what their future could hold....Who knows with conference realignment and a struggling fan base.

Have fun UC - I actually would like to see you back as true rival one day, and not one propped up by both sides, trying to keep a cool little mantel in the national college basketball perspective.

The shine has been lost a little, and it's your fault.

12-08-2011, 08:29 AM
Who lost to the Blue Hose?

UC did!:D

12-08-2011, 08:31 AM
EVERONE follow @EricLilly7. His tweets are so priceless. No doubt he hates X more than he likes UC.

I followed his link to his Statistics Blog about the Reds.

You are not lying, this guy is going to provide me with hours of entertainment.

He starts this blog with a stated purpose of...

" This blog was made to statistically analyze future opponents to see if we can use past statistics to predict future results!"

Holy Sh!t, do the boys over on Wall Street know about this idea?!?!

I have inside knowledge that next semester, Mr. Lilly is considering changing his major to English. He is going to start a new Blog with a stated purpose of...

"Transcribing letters and/or numbers onto a sheet of parchment for future information gathering or enjoyment by the occupier of said parchment."

When in the course my daily affairs, should I find myself driving through Clifton, I always make time to pull over, get out of my car, take good look around and proceed to drop the largest, foulest, most gag reflex inducing bowel baby my soul will allow. I then bid farewell to my steaming newborn child, sleeping there in the middle of a walkway on UC's campus. Am I sad? A little, but my soul is refreshed with the thought that one day, some Mongoloid trudging across that ungodly adult day care center will accidently step upon my creation, and for a brief moment, all will be right with the world.:logo:

12-08-2011, 08:33 AM
Has Eastside been by yet? He's such a pleasant poster.

12-08-2011, 08:36 AM
Montreat College also lost to the Blue Hose, albeit, it was a road game for Montreat. They should play UC in a consolation game. To be fair, we should give UC a chance by playing the consolation game at Fifth Third Arena.

American X
12-08-2011, 08:42 AM
How can you hate UC when they sustained so much employment in the criminal justice system for over two decades now?


Prosecutors, parole officers, judges, guards, and stenographers thank you, Bearcats.

12-08-2011, 08:53 AM
UC is a joke. They haven't been relevant for over a decade now. Their coach is a gnome and the players have almost no respect for him, yet they extended his contract. You can't make this up people!

Xavier is king of this city. We are just better than them. The sooner they accept that and move on the better off they will be. They sit on their decaying campus in Clifton and watch with unbridled jealousy as Xavier builds brand new state-of-the-art classrooms and undergoes a massive expansion project. We have a nice, new, arena, dorms, and business school. They have to carry guns when walking to class to keep from getting robbed. You can almost feel the jealousy and envy. On Saturday we will curb stomp those homos and put an end to their miserable abortion of a basketball season.

12-08-2011, 09:23 AM
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rzcxKlivGno" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

12-08-2011, 09:33 AM
I was part of that court rush in '99. So much fun.

Then that night I got way too drunk at a buddy's parents' (who own Franklin Savings) annual Christmas party, spilled a drink on the floor, and f-bombed a bunch of suits.

Great night. My dad said I tarnished the family name. Awesome.

12-08-2011, 09:38 AM
I was just reading Doc's grumpy column complaining about the student rushing the court that night. I think he's trying for a Mitch Albom vibe with his grumpiness about sports. Why do sportswriters hate sports so much?

12-08-2011, 09:42 AM
I was just reading Doc's grumpy column complaining about the student rushing the court that night. I think he's trying for a Mitch Albom vibe with his grumpiness about sports. Why do sportswriters hate sports so much?

Eh - rushing the court is stupid and somewhat dangerous.

12-08-2011, 09:47 AM
Eh - rushing the court is stupid and somewhat dangerous.

Like most things, it's okay in moderation. I can only recall Xavier fans rushing the court twice: once to carry James Posey off as a conquering hero in his last home game, and once to celebrate beating #1 UC (probably would have been their only loss if Martin doesn't break his leg). If we started rushing the court for beating Dayton.....then you've got an issue to address.

BBC 08
12-08-2011, 10:00 AM
We also rushed after winning the 2006 A10 Championship in Cinci.

Mel Cooley XU'81
12-08-2011, 10:03 AM
If we started rushing the court for beating Dayton.....then you've got an issue to address.

Recall doing just that, circa 1979.

Carried Gary Massa off the court. Ask him some time.

We had issues to address.

12-08-2011, 10:05 AM
We have no reason to rush the court this year.

We are the show. People come to see us pummel other teams.

We have no teams worth of storming the floor on our home schedule this season.

12-08-2011, 10:06 AM
We also rushed after winning the 2006 A10 Championship in Cinci.

Epic 4 day run at US Bank.

12-08-2011, 10:07 AM
I guess our fans also rushed Dayton's court in 2004.

12-08-2011, 10:09 AM
I miss Bob Huggins. We should scrap this annual game and play WVA instead. We are a national program and have nothing to gain from playing Cincinnati. It is their superbowl.

Without us they wouldn't have any national names on their non-con schedule, and that is because they are such a pathetic program nobody will play them. Why should we? Xavier Basketball isn't charity. They don't even belong on the same court as us.

12-08-2011, 10:12 AM
I guess our fans also rushed Dayton's court in 2004.

We beat Dayton at Dayton in the Championship. It was senior night for them. See ya! Hell yes we rushed that court and danced on the UD logo. Thanks for all the good times Dayton seniors, and by the way, we will be taking this trophy and what is left of your pride with us.


12-08-2011, 10:12 AM
I miss Bob Huggins. We should scrap this annual game and play WVA instead.

Agreed. DC Muskie should lead the way in this movement given his passion for the issue.

Backyard Champ
12-08-2011, 10:16 AM
I'm starting to hate Mick Cronin just as much as Huggins. At least when Huggins was here, UC had a good team, making the rivalry much more exciting. I can't stand Cronin though, he's just a terrible, terrible coach who thinks the world is out to get him.

Recently with Mick, the game has become a lose-lose for Xavier. We are expected to win, so if we do it's no big deal. If we lose it's awful.

12-08-2011, 10:20 AM
I guess our fans also rushed Dayton's court in 2004.

That we did.

12-08-2011, 10:22 AM
Like most things, it's okay in moderation. I can only recall Xavier fans rushing the court twice: once to carry James Posey off as a conquering hero in his last home game, and once to celebrate beating #1 UC (probably would have been their only loss if Martin doesn't break his leg). If we started rushing the court for beating Dayton.....then you've got an issue to address.

Considering UC lost to Temple at the Shoemaker center prior to Martin breaking his leg, that might be impossible. People wanted to crown UC champions that year but they leave out that they could not beat the Pepe Sanchez led Temple team at home in late February that year. They lost 77-69.

12-08-2011, 10:25 AM
Considering UC lost to Temple at the Shoemaker center prior to Martin breaking his leg, that might be impossible. People wanted to crown UC champions that year but they leave out that they could not beat the Pepe Sanchez led Temple team at home in late February that year. They lost 77-69.

Clearly, what I meant was that UC wouldn't have lost to anyone OUTSIDE THE A-10 that year if Martin hadn't broken his leg. Listen to what I mean!


12-08-2011, 10:28 AM
Clearly, what I meant was that UC wouldn't have lost to anyone OUTSIDE THE A-10 that year if Martin hadn't broken his leg. Listen to what I mean!


I hear ya.

12-08-2011, 10:36 AM
Uc sucks!!! Uc sucks!!! Uc sucks!!!

12-08-2011, 10:40 AM
UC saved the rivalry last year. At least thats what I tell UC fans- and they hate it.

12-08-2011, 10:45 AM
I remember before his DUI Huggins thought he had so much pull that he was talking about never playing at Xavier again. He wanted to alternate between playing at UC and at US Bank Arena. That guy is 10 pounds of sh#t in a 5 pound bag.

12-08-2011, 10:51 AM
I'm starting to hate Mick Cronin just as much as Huggins. At least when Huggins was here, UC had a good team, making the rivalry much more exciting. I can't stand Cronin though, he's just a terrible, terrible coach who thinks the world is out to get him.

Recently with Mick, the game has become a lose-lose for Xavier. We are expected to win, so if we do it's no big deal. If we lose it's awful.

I agree. I used to miss hating so much and my hate cup just couldn't fill up, but I gotta say Micky is doing just a wonderful job of being a hatably annoying prick. Many kudos to him.

12-08-2011, 11:18 AM
I have very fond, if hazy, memories of the 1999 upset, my junior year. We had kegs at our house before and after the game with 2 of them just sitting in the back seat of my car we took to the game needing to get back home. We had to have a sober lady friend drive us back and she got in a fender bender in the parking lot, which led to a small delay.

That's still probably my favorite sporting event I've ever attended.

12-08-2011, 12:05 PM

12-08-2011, 12:05 PM
Who lost to the Blue Hose?

Speaking of Blue Hose isn't that what the Blob is going whip from his fur & beat the Bearcat over the head with?

12-08-2011, 12:11 PM
"I hate them. They are Motherfu**ers"

--Pete Gillen about UC during the week before the "Handshake Game".

12-08-2011, 12:14 PM
UC saved the rivalry last year. At least thats what I tell UC fans- and they hate it.

And secured Cronin's job for a few more years... thank goodness!


12-08-2011, 01:07 PM
Every time I get in an argument about how X is a better basketball program, there are 2 arguments from UC fans:

1. History
2. Conference affiliation

That's it. That's all they have. 1961, 1962, the Van Exel Final Four like 20 years ago, and conference affiliation.

And I will laugh like a hyena when #2 gets taken from them. Or we join them. Whichever comes first.

I post on the CBS SPorts boards a lot and there is a UC fan that always wants to stir it up with me. His arguments are exactly as you say. Because they won a couple of championships 50 years ago and went to a Final Four 20 years ago (which the road was paved for them that year. They didn't have to beat anyone better than a 5 seed if i remember correctly.) they also cite the all time record between the two.

My argument back is basically, "what habve you done for me lately?" Xavier has bordered on dominating the Crosstown Shootout over the last 25-30 years.

Xavier is clearly a better program today than UC. Even in the Huggins era, Xavier outdueled them more often than not. Xaiver has won 10 out of the last 15 Shootouts and I think that, coupled with the tournament success, and now the game attendance, and it's not even close. Xavier is the class of Cincinnati.

12-08-2011, 01:38 PM
From PDoc article

"From an RPI standpoint, Xavier will always need the game more than UC, though a win helps the Bearcats a lot, too. This year, it’ll be a measuring stick of sorts for UC, moreso than X"

Let me get this straight...they play cupcakes in the noncon, lose to cupcakes, and we need them more? Shoot, their 215 current RPI will bring us down win or lose.

12-08-2011, 01:39 PM
I post on the CBS SPorts boards a lot and there is a UC fan that always wants to stir it up with me. His arguments are exactly as you say. Because they won a couple of championships 50 years ago and went to a Final Four 20 years ago (which the road was paved for them that year. They didn't have to beat anyone better than a 5 seed if i remember correctly.) they also cite the all time record between the two.

My argument back is basically, "what habve you done for me lately?" Xavier has bordered on dominating the Crosstown Shootout over the last 25-30 years.

Xavier is clearly a better program today than UC. Even in the Huggins era, Xavier outdueled them more often than not. Xaiver has won 10 out of the last 15 Shootouts and I think that, coupled with the tournament success, and now the game attendance, and it's not even close. Xavier is the class of Cincinnati.

If you ever want to have fun with a UC fan, say this: "Try to tell me why UC is better at basketball for the past 15 years without using your conference as evidence."

Then watch 'em stutter.

12-08-2011, 01:40 PM
From PDoc article

"From an RPI standpoint, Xavier will always need the game more than UC, though a win helps the Bearcats a lot, too. This year, it’ll be a measuring stick of sorts for UC, moreso than X"

Let me get this straight...they play cupcakes in the noncon, lose to cupcakes, and we need them more? Shoot, their 215 current RPI will bring us down win or lose.

Your post doesn't get he full flavor. I have added the emphasis that was present in PDoc's article. Laughable, really.

Fred Garvin 2.0
12-08-2011, 01:42 PM
Considering UC lost to Temple at the Shoemaker center prior to Martin breaking his leg, that might be impossible. People wanted to crown UC champions that year but they leave out that they could not beat the Pepe Sanchez led Temple team at home in late February that year. They lost 77-69.

And they got drubbed by a Pepe led Temple team at US Bank the year we lost to Tulane in the doubleheader. That Honeycut was tough.

12-08-2011, 01:50 PM
We also rushed after winning the 2006 A10 Championship in Cinci.

I will never forget that game. My mom passed away the day before and I decided to go to the game to get my mind off of things. It worked, if only for a few moments.

12-08-2011, 01:52 PM
If you ever want to have fun with a UC fan, say this: "Try to tell me why UC is better at basketball for the past 15 years without using your conference as evidence."

Then watch 'em stutter.

I will try that with this dude. I love bantering with him because we both know I'm right.

12-08-2011, 02:28 PM
From PDoc article

"From an RPI standpoint, Xavier will always need the game more than UC, though a win helps the Bearcats a lot, too. This year, it’ll be a measuring stick of sorts for UC, moreso than X"

Let me get this straight...they play cupcakes in the noncon, lose to cupcakes, and we need them more? Shoot, their 215 current RPI will bring us down win or lose.

Paul Daugherty is a Class A Moron. His title as "sports journalist" is the loosest use of that term in at least a century. My 3 year old knows more about basketball and can be less biased about teams than him. He couldn't write a fact based article about UC without taking some underhanded or outright shot at X if his pathetic life depended upon it. If he needs to write this kind of drivel in order to believe that UC is anything other than lousy, then he and UC's fan base are even more pitiful and delusional than anyone could have guessed. His articles aren't worth the paper they're printed on, and based on Enquirer sales, that ain't much.

12-08-2011, 02:39 PM
So there I was last night at 3:45 a.m. - pulling an all-nighter for my first final of this fall semester - when I made a decision which I immediately regretted: I visited that pit of despair known as the ESPN.com comments section (not to be confused with the Den of Sadness, that's the Enquirer.com comments section).

Immediately, I was bombarded with a foul atrociousness that offended my ever-so-delicate sensibilities. I read comment after comment in plain disbelief.

Cant wait to get back to Cintas, i love their trophy room. Its always neat to see a rivals national cham...er um their fina...well they have a banner up for the elite eight, thats pretty neat!

Your really not in any better position than us...

neither could X in the Big East. I would gladly invite you to play the same schedule UC has in January...GOODLUCK!

That's when I noticed the pattern. It all begins innocently enough: A Xavier fans proclaims that we will be victorious in our looming matchup on Saturday. This in and of itself is benign enough an assertion given that we are, in fact, a Top-10 team with a wealth of talent that has yet to scratch the surface of their full potential.

This is when the lashing out begins. "We have two National Championships," exclaims one user. "We beat you by 20 last year and made it farther in the tournament," adds another. Of course, a very reasonable Xavier fan retorts in kind, reminding these paragons of ignorance that Xavier, for the most part, has been the better team, program, and institution for the last 15 to 20 years.

This of course launches a barrage of circular logic that would confound Plato himself. "Stop living in the past, we did better than you last year," they rail. Forgetting that a mere nanosecond ago they were boasting of their superiority based on, you guessed it, past achievement.

Despite an overall disregard for even the most basic of grammar, syntax, and sentence structure rules of the English language, I decide to forge ahead through the verbal drudgery. And that's when it hits me: They actually believe this shit. They actually believe that they're better than us because they were better 50 years ago. They actually believe they are better now because they had a modicum of success last year against us, and in general. They wholeheartedly believe that they are better regardless of what statistics, arguments, or general reason may have you believe. I find this infuriating!

I dislike Dayton. Their fans, for the most part, are a deluded mass of human sadness that, deep down inside, know that X is better. I dislike Butler. They have an arrogant fan-base that, despite the recency of their success, will have you believe that they have been a pillar of excellence for nigh-on 50 years. I dislike these teams, but at the end of the day, I'm sure I could sit down and have a beer with the majority of their fans. And, in fact, I have.

BUT I HATE UC. I hate Clifton. I hate UC students. I hate UC grads (except those loyal to X). I hate red and black. I hate the empty shoebox they play in. I hate the yellow-toothed, excuse laden gnome. I hate Nick Lachey. I hate the sports writers who defend them. I hate that impressively moronic "U" "C" arm gesture they make (Really, asstard? You can make two letters using the same shape with your arms? That's impressive. Congratulations, you have the dexterity of a 2-year-old). I hated them from the first moment I stepped foot in the Queen City. But more than anything, I HATE their fans.

I hate how when you point to recent success they bring up the past. I hate how when we point to the past 20 years, they default to last year's recent success. I hate that when you point to their Big East struggles, they retort with a boast about the quality of their league. I hate that when you remind them of their struggles in the NCAA tournament, they blame the toughness of their conference on "beating them up." I hate every fucking thing about these delusional troglodytes.

They have zero redeeming qualities. None. Cero. Nada.

I am in a frenzy this time of year. All I want to do is spit venomous vitriol at every one of these poor excuses for carbon based life forms. Their sophomoric responses to any well-structured argument you present to their feeble minds will continue to fuel the fires of hate in my belly. Their program is dead yet they lack the capacity to move beyond Kübler-Ross' first stage of grief; they are and always will be in denial.

"Nothing has more retarded the advancement of learning than the disposition of vulgar minds to ridicule and vilify what they cannot comprehend." -Samuel Johnson

Comprehend this: Your time in the sun is over. You are on no one's national radar. We went head-to-head for Semaj, and we won. We'll go head-to-head on Saturday, and we'll win again.

I live in Chicago so I won't be able to make the game. I plead, fellow Musketeer faithful, that in my absence you be loud, be proud, and show these neanderthals that we are, in fact, the #1 team in town.


12-08-2011, 02:42 PM
Paul Daugherty is a Class A Moron. His title as "sports journalist" is the loosest use of that term in at least a century. My 3 year old knows more about basketball and can be less biased about teams than him. He couldn't write a fact based article about UC without taking some underhanded or outright shot at X if his pathetic life depended upon it. If he needs to write this kind of drivel in order to believe that UC is anything other than lousy, then he and UC's fan base are even more pitiful and delusional than anyone could have guessed. His articles aren't worth the paper they're printed on, and based on Enquirer sales, that ain't much.

There is too much arrogance in PDoc. He writes to impress people rather than to try to move people. He writes for the people who give out awards, not for people that actually care about sports. That's why he cranks out about 1-2 good columns a year (you gottta get lucky sometimes).

12-08-2011, 02:44 PM
So Lucho, tell me, how do you feel about UC? Your post was unclear and I feel like you've left a little room open for the reader to make up his or her own mind about your feelings towards that school in Clifton. ;)

12-08-2011, 02:51 PM
So there I was last night at 3:45 a.m. - pulling an all-nighter for my first final of this fall semester - when I made a decision which I immediately regretted: I visited that pit of despair known as the ESPN.com comments section (not to be confused with the Den of Sadness, that's the Enquirer.com comments section).

Ha great post.

You will be sad to know that the enquirer has moved to facebook comments only. Obviously you can create a fake account and I am sure some pathetic losers will, but if you are doing that to comment on some of the stories then I have more pity for those people than anything. I could see ESPN moving there soon as well.

12-08-2011, 04:03 PM
What I want to see, and what we will see Saturday:

-King Kenny applying a facial to Nancy Gates.
-Dez Wells T-bagging Diane Dixon.
-Tu Holloway sewing Cashmere to the floor.
-Cheekz abusing any second rate D3 player that the opposition throws on the court at him.
-CMack schooling YTG.
-A slaughter of borecats that will be glorious to behold.
-A jaundiced leprechaun looking for a place to hide under the chairs.
- A demoralized group of malcontents in Clifton.

"Ladies and gentlemen of SucKS! Please welcome Andre Walker, Justin Martin, Dee Davis and Travis Taylor to your nightmares. That's Dre, Dee, T, and MR. Martin, everybody!!"

"You wish you had them".

12-08-2011, 04:05 PM

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/s320x320/168062_567986124378_28702991_32900502_6250346_n.jp g

12-08-2011, 04:36 PM

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/s320x320/168062_567986124378_28702991_32900502_6250346_n.jp g

Coming from those four girls? really?

12-08-2011, 04:52 PM

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/s320x320/168062_567986124378_28702991_32900502_6250346_n.jp g

I'm cracking up at that right now.

12-08-2011, 05:08 PM
Compare and contrast:


Kahns Krazy
12-08-2011, 05:28 PM
Does someone have the Mick as a Gnome photoshop handy? I need to send it to someone, and I can't find it.

12-08-2011, 05:33 PM

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/s320x320/168062_567986124378_28702991_32900502_6250346_n.jp g

I believe those are Dayton students, but the point still stands

12-08-2011, 07:10 PM
496 i hate leprachauns!!!

12-08-2011, 08:31 PM
I talked to my daughter who is a junior at X this year about an hour ago. She is about #30 in line at the Cintas Center right now. The line started forming this morning and she got there at noon. As of 8PM Thursday the line of students goes from the doors to where the cafe used to be in the Cintas Center around the back of Cintas and up the hill to Cowen.
Folks...that means that the entire student section is currently in line. They are not allowed to have tents tonight. They are sleeping outside and only have lawn chairs and sleeping bags. At 6 AM tomorrow they will get bracelets which allow them to set up a tent for Friday day and night. Only kids with these bracelets can camp out all day and night tomorrow for tickets that will be distributed on Saturday.
Players came out of practice Thursday afternoon and the returning players wished the kids the best and thanks for the support. First year players were wondering what was going on. Dee asked my daughter what this was all about. She explained they were camping out til Saturday for tickets... he was amazed.
Anyway...my point is the student section will be filled with dedicated kids with a lot invested for the right to be at this game.
I am ready for this game. I friggen hate those m.f.'ers more any anything. I hated last year's game. I want revenge. I want the YTG to get thrown out of the game. I want his head to explode. I want him to start yelling the "N" word during the game...just like he calls his own players in practice so everyone else can see what trash that guy is. That guy is an absolute piece of crap. He is up there with Hitler, Huggins, Mussolini and Stalin. That being said, I want him to remain the coach at uc for a very long time...that way we can be ensured that they will never be relevant.
Let's Go X!

12-08-2011, 08:52 PM
Does someone have the Mick as a Gnome photoshop handy? I need to send it to someone, and I can't find it.

I hope someone puts that on a poster and brings it to the game.

12-08-2011, 08:54 PM

12-08-2011, 11:59 PM
XU 5-0 came to the rescue for a bunch of Extreme Fans. At 10 PM they handed out numbers to the thousands of students in line. With those numbers, students are allowed to go back to their chateaux for the night with the honor of returning on Friday morning at 6 AM to pick up their wristbands for Camp X-Teme Fan described above. At 6 AM Friday they are allowed to set up their tents and run "shifts" so all students can attend classes while maintaining at least 3 people per tent to retain their spot until tickets are distibuted on Saturday.
I salute these students for their dedication to an awesome program that we all love.
God Bless X!

12-09-2011, 12:32 AM
XU 5-0 came to the rescue for a bunch of Extreme Fans. At 10 PM they handed out numbers to the thousands of students in line. With those numbers, students are allowed to go back to their chateaux for the night with the honor of returning on Friday morning at 6 AM to pick up their wristbands for Camp X-Teme Fan described above. At 6 AM Friday they are allowed to set up their tents and run "shifts" so all students can attend classes while maintaining at least 3 people per tent to retain their spot until tickets are distibuted on Saturday.
I salute these students for their dedication to an awesome program that we all love.
God Bless X!

They are still handing out tickets. My roommates couldn't wait out this afternoon so they just kind of said screw it (idiots) but there was a tweet from Xtreme fans about a half ago that said tickets were still available. So my roommates just ran and got in line. It looks like they are going to end up getting a tent. The line was at one point wrapped from the Hoff (old cafe) to nearly half way up the hill to R-2. People must have just said screw it because I believe there were only 700 tickets released. There had to be more than 700 people to make the line stretch that far back.

12-09-2011, 01:22 AM
I feel myself getting herpes just thinking about that other school.

I'm also betting $20 that ESPN shows the exact same time-lapse route from X to sUCks that they have the last two years

BBC 08
12-09-2011, 06:46 AM
Wait, they don't have to sleep overnight? F that noise. That is off deam.

12-09-2011, 06:54 AM
I've been meaning to bring this up before, those 4 wildebeests wearing the Xavier Girls are ugly t-shirts reminded me of the following:

The outwardly pleasing quality of the female clientele walking around Cintas the past few years has gone up tremendously.

I wanted to personally thank all the ladies for the effort, you gals are doing bang up job. Please continue to put in that extra effort and if you have any friends that are 7's or better encourage them to attend the games.

12-09-2011, 08:33 AM
I am ready for this game. I friggen hate those m.f.'ers more any anything. I hated last year's game. I want revenge. I want the YTG to get thrown out of the game. I want his head to explode. I want him to start yelling the "N" word during the game...just like he calls his own players in practice so everyone else can see what trash that guy is. That guy is an absolute piece of crap. He is up there with Hitler, Huggins, Mussolini and Stalin. That being said, I want him to remain the coach at uc for a very long time...that way we can be ensured that they will never be relevant.
Let's Go X!

I love it....not THAT is ESCALATING THE HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-09-2011, 11:31 AM
6002 Sebright. Did you and your buddy roll up in the Red Suzuki after the game or the Blue Explorer? On top of the world that night

12-09-2011, 11:32 AM
The above was in response to Jhelms

12-09-2011, 07:32 PM
Take this from a grouchy grandpa, who is growing more curmudgeonly by the day-

I have almost 50 years of hate built up for that trash pile heap. It began when I went to my first X-UC football game when I was 13- at the Nip-pit. I was struck by the way that every time X would run a great offensive play, there was a holding call and whenever the Borecats threw an incomplete pass, there was an interference penalty. X won anyway. Then we move to where I had my ID card taken away by a guy who was a bouncer at the Pickel Barrell- an old bar in Clifton. He took it away because it was a "Xavier ID" and kicked me out of the bar. A-hole. Years of disgust continued as XU sucked and SucKS was better. Thank Gawd there were moments of XU superiority- the Bob Quick 40 point game and OT win, the Bob Fullerton free throws for a one poin win and the football game in 1973 where "Xavier forgot to lay down" as the headline said and won in an upset at Riverfront Stadium.

Then there the years of arrogance with disgusting barely-human coaches like Gale Cattlett (probation & drunkenness), BeelzeBob (probation & drunkenness) and later Andy Kennedy (probation, stupid faxing and drunkeness). The fawning Cincinnati media played into the myth of superiority even during the Tony Yates years when XU had clearly taken over the town. Criminals, zero graduation rates and overall malfeasance was ignored and the spewing sewer hole of excrement on the hill was pumped by the press.
Now we have a Yellow Toothed, Yellow skinned Gnone of a Leprechaun who learned his craft from the worst of the worst.

F-m, really, F-m.

I have deep seated anger, aggression, disdain and disgust for anything black and red. WTF is a "bear-cat" anyway? Where the hell does one live? It has to cower in a burrow and only sneak out at night because above ground in the light of day would expose its abject ugliness. I can't wait to string up the critter by its gonads tomorrow.

Tonight to feed my rage, I have only eaten red, raw, fatty bacon. I have my most uncomfortable sackcloth on to wear. I will not sleep tonight, I will pace, growl, snarl and grunt. In the morning, I will depart before the sun rises- unshaven and barely kempt- to make my pilgrimmage to the Cathedral of Cintas where the righteous will rule, the evil ones will be vanquished and God's will shall be imposed. I, and my Brothers and Sisters of Xavier will quaff from the Cup of Victory...on Victory......and the world will be restored to perfect order.

Glory is OURS!!!!

12-09-2011, 08:47 PM
Absolute classic post MOF! I thought I despised the mf...r's, but I think your hate surpasses mine.


12-09-2011, 08:48 PM

12-10-2011, 03:43 AM
It's 3:42 a.m. CST and I hate U.C.

12-10-2011, 07:47 AM
Chris Mack responding to someone who said his daughter could start for UC:

CoachChrisMack Chris Mack
@ @ch3y_si3ra She'll never go to UC...

12-11-2011, 11:46 AM

Just checking. Yup, I still HATE uc.

I now hate them more than ever.

Screw uc.


4 out of the last 5

7 out of the last 10

12 out of the last 16

This is our city.