View Full Version : Hey, _LH

05-10-2011, 02:24 PM
The smack forum hasn't had any real smack in awhile. Probably since the infamous softball walk discussion. So, the following message is for _LH, and please, let's keep this in the smack forum and as always, stay on topic:

Kathy Bates, just to let you know, when you try and neg rep me or anyone else, it doesn't do anything. It shows a lame gray box with your message, and I still have every single rep point I had before you did it. So keep firing away bitch. I do find it remarkably funny that you disable your own reputation, yet are still drive-by neg repping others, quite constsantly, to absolutely no avail. Have fun with that during your off-hours at Lenscrafters.

I'm right and you're wrong,


05-10-2011, 02:52 PM
I was thinking of how we could use _LH to benefit the team. This is my suggestion:


We let _LH be the ball boy for opposing teams shootaround before the game. After each miss, he comments to the shooter "Nice Try" or "Sorry". This gets the players angry and out of their game from the beginning.

Then, as the game starts, we seat him directly behind the opposing teams bench to chatter to the opposing teams players and coaches. "Wrong. That play won't work. Thanks" or "Wake Up!" He leads chants with the crowd of 10,250 of "Nice Try (Insert # or name here)". He'll have his own fan club called The _LH's. Kids will have to get past their initial reaction of crying in terror before embracing him, but its doable.

Then, when the opposing team is about to lose, we rush _LH to the visitors tunnel where he handshakes each opposing team member.

"Nice Try"

I think _LH could be an absolute celebrity at Cintas Center games and get into the minds of opposing team players. He could be the ultimate psychological weapon

05-10-2011, 02:55 PM
I was thinking of how we could use _LH to benefit the team. This is my suggestion:


We let _LH be the ball boy for opposing teams shootaround before the game. After each miss, he comments to the shooter "Nice Try" or "Sorry".

Then, as the game starts, we seat him directly behind the opposing teams bench to chatter to the opposing teams players and coaches. "Wrong. That play won't work. Thanks" or "Wake Up!"

Then, when the opposing team is about to lose, we rush _LH to the visitors tunnel where he handshakes each opposing team member.

"Nice Try"

I think _LH could be an absolute celebrity at Cintas Center games and get into the minds of opposing team players.

I also think he could be a Cintas celebrity. Not a John Boehner or Jerry Springer though, more like The Sprinkler Dork was back in the day. One of those things that makes you say, "I feel like his strange enthusiam is somewhat productive to the cause, but this guy is still freaking out there."

05-10-2011, 05:28 PM
What do these magical gray dots mean anyway? My CP has been scattered with them before, too. Ideas?

05-10-2011, 08:25 PM
I think it means that the person trying to give you rep points, positive or negative, doesn't as yet have enough of a reputation himself or herself to affect your reputation. For instance, I was negatively repped by Harry Houdini. (My first negative rep which kind of hurt really because I don't think we should be negative repping fellow fans, but that's another topic for another day.) Anyway, Mr. Houdini didn't as yet have the rep power to actually negative rep me so it appeared as a gray box next to his comment that I was an idiot. Good times! I think Mr. Houdini also magically disappeared shortly thereafter because I don't think I was his only target for my comments about the weather, of all things.

Fred Garvin 2.0
05-11-2011, 01:20 AM
The smack forum hasn't had any real smack in awhile. Probably since the infamous softball walk discussion. So, the following message is for _LH, and please, let's keep this in the smack forum and as always, stay on topic:

Kathy Bates, just to let you know, when you try and neg rep me or anyone else, it doesn't do anything. It shows a lame gray box with your message, and I still have every single rep point I had before you did it. So keep firing away bitch. I do find it remarkably funny that you disable your own reputation, yet are still drive-by neg repping others, quite constsantly, to absolutely no avail. Have fun with that during your off-hours at Lenscrafters.

I'm right and you're wrong,


Kahn's has a friend that works at Lenscrafters/Luxxotica. And she is smoking hot. She could be married but I prefer to think not. She had her little girl with her and I thought to myself if i weren't with other people I would do that "About a boy" thing where I pretended to have a kid just to woo her.

She a little past her prime, but aren't we all. Isn't there something extra hot knowing she was once the hottest thing going. They carry themsleves differently. And they know they can pass on those good genes.

Sadly, they settle for a second marriage to some doctor from New Delhi.

05-11-2011, 08:47 AM
The smack forum hasn't had any real smack in awhile. Probably since the infamous softball walk discussion. So, the following message is for _LH, and please, let's keep this in the smack forum and as always, stay on topic:

Kathy Bates, just to let you know, when you try and neg rep me or anyone else, it doesn't do anything. It shows a lame gray box with your message, and I still have every single rep point I had before you did it. So keep firing away bitch. I do find it remarkably funny that you disable your own reputation, yet are still drive-by neg repping others, quite constsantly, to absolutely no avail. Have fun with that during your off-hours at Lenscrafters.

I'm right and you're wrong,


I don't get the Kathy Bates comment.

I must really get under your skin and you come off as a child ranting about it. That makes my day.

05-11-2011, 09:16 AM
I don't get the Kathy Bates comment.

I must really get under your skin and you come off as a child ranting about it. That makes my day.

I thought it was something personal between you guys?

05-11-2011, 09:26 AM
I thought it was something personal between you guys?

It is just in his head.

05-11-2011, 10:15 AM
Granted this is the smackforum... but based on some recent events... I can't condone posts specifically made to call out the other posters.