View Full Version : DDN Article on Gregory - swipe @ X ?

03-27-2011, 11:08 PM
" I believe he feels he can’t bring in the same academically at-risk players that some Atlantic 10 front-runners can and because of that he can’t compete with those schools on a year-after-year basis. While that may sound like an excuse to some — especially those who say the Flyers’ problems in league play are based on his predictable offense — I think there is some validity to it."


BBC 08
03-27-2011, 11:12 PM
Not really a swipe at X. More like a poor excuse as to why dayton is consistantly mediocre.

03-27-2011, 11:13 PM
Considering we are the only Atlantic 10 frontrunner? Yep thats intended to be a swipe at us. And it is hilarious.

It is exactly what the other half of my ND football family uses to justify sucking, 'its harder to get in here' lol.


03-27-2011, 11:15 PM
I don't consider it a swipe at X. We have Sister Rose. They do not. Say what you want about UD, but they do value academics like X. Without a "Sister Rose" type person, they can't bring in the type of players who may be borderline academically, but have the desire to succeed inside and outside of the classroom. We can bring in young men who aren't straight A students, put them under the tutelage of Sister Rose, and know that they will be successful at all they do at X.

Honestly, I hope there is someone at X who will carry the mantle once Sister Rose can no longer do it. She is one of a kind and we're lucky to have her!

03-27-2011, 11:17 PM
Guess I didn't realize they only admit kids would could already get an academic scholarship. haha. Ridiculous statement by this moron.

03-27-2011, 11:22 PM
I don't consider it a swipe at X. We have Sister Rose. They do not. Say what you want about UD, but they do value academics like X. Without a "Sister Rose" type person, they can't bring in the type of players who may be borderline academically, but have the desire to succeed inside and outside of the classroom. We can bring in young men who aren't straight A students, put them under the tutelage of Sister Rose, and know that they will be successful at all they do at X.

Honestly, I hope there is someone at X who will carry the mantle once Sister Rose can no longer do it. She is one of a kind and we're lucky to have her!

With 13,000+ nightly in the old (I assume paid for) bldg., they could certainly hire some Sr. Roses, of course, none like ours. Last I heard, they were first in Revenue and Profit in the A-10.

03-27-2011, 11:23 PM
That was a shot at us.

Gregory can't develop the good talent that he gets, a fact that gets conveniently ignored by the DDN.

More excuses. But what else is new from UD?

Strange Brew
03-27-2011, 11:23 PM
Weak statement made by a paper/website desperate for readers.

Xavier is a place that expands the whole person. It doesn't matter who you were when you crawled onto the campus, you will definatley be a better, well prepared person when you walk off of it.

03-27-2011, 11:38 PM
What we don't need is an entire thread all saying the same thing about how we are a good school academically.

It was a weak excuse. lets leave it at that. Part of being good is laughing when little brother trips over his own feet and blames the flat driveway for tripping him.

03-27-2011, 11:53 PM
With 13,000+ nightly in the old (I assume paid for) bldg., they could certainly hire some Sr. Roses, of course, none like ours. Last I heard, they were first in Revenue and Profit in the A-10.

I'm not disagreeing with you on that. They can hire a Sister Rose, but, as of yet they haven't. Until they do, they can't bring in academically questionable kids and make it work. Plain and simple.

I guess I'm just getting tired of feeling like everyone is trying to slight us. I still don't see it as a swipe at us. We do recruit kids who have academic problems, and Sister Rose sets them straight and they successfully play ball here and graduate. How is mentioning that a bad thing? We do it. We do it well. I'm proud of it. I'm proud that some ball players come to X and graduate with a degree from my alma mater because they did the work to make it happen. I'm proud that the work ethic off the court translates to superior work ethic on the court which in turn causes winning. Is the lack of this holding Dayton back as a program? No, not entirely. Is it an excuse? Sure it is. Should every DI school have a Sister Rose? Yes because education should be the top priority.

Personally, I'm tired of having an inferiority complex when it comes to X. It seems that (and I'm guilty of it) if anyone outside of X mentions us, we immediately begin searching for the way in which the comment is backhanded or a slight. I just don't see it here. Sorry.

03-27-2011, 11:59 PM
You are completely ignoring the context of the article and how it was used. It was in the form of an excuse. So the context was negative to begin with. Dayton is not as good as Xavier because Xavier lets in people that aren't good enough academically to go to Dayton.

It is pretty textbook insult if you ask me. You might disagree with it, but he said it in a derogatory way.

03-28-2011, 12:04 AM
Personally, I'm tired of having an inferiority complex when it comes to X. It seems that (and I'm guilty of it) if anyone outside of X mentions us, we immediately begin searching for the way in which the comment is backhanded or a slight. I just don't see it here. Sorry.

In this case it's blatant. Not sure how you can miss it. It's sure as hell not praise for Sr. Rose. It's a shot at our admissions office.

03-28-2011, 12:05 AM
What we don't need is an entire thread all saying the same thing about how we are a good school academically.

Why not? What would be the harm in that?

03-28-2011, 12:09 AM
You are completely ignoring the context of the article and how it was used. It was in the form of an excuse. So the context was negative to begin with. Dayton is not as good as Xavier because Xavier lets in people that aren't good enough academically to go to Dayton.

It is pretty textbook insult if you ask me. You might disagree with it, but he said it in a derogatory way.

I'd be derogatory and insulting too if I wrote for a shit-hole newspaper in a shit-hole city...all the while with a dildo shove down my throat (which I can only assume is the case for this writer, considering he's super pissed about others' success).

In this case it's blatant. Not sure how you can miss it. It's sure as hell not praise for Sr. Rose. It's a shot at our admissions office.


We as a fanbase definitely get offended over little things and get up in arms about even the lightest slights. I even think Doc does't even mean to piss us off all that much and folks still get pissed. However, this is a pretty clear-cut case of DDN trying to piss up a mountain top. Small dicks, however, can't reach the peak we sit on.

03-28-2011, 12:32 AM
i'd be derogatory and insulting too if i wrote for a shit-hole newspaper in a shit-hole city...all the while with a dildo shove down my throat (which i can only assume is the case for this writer, considering he's super pissed about others' success).


We as a fanbase definitely get offended over little things and get up in arms about even the lightest slights. I even think doc does't even mean to piss us off all that much and folks still get pissed. However, this is a pretty clear-cut case of ddn trying to piss up a mountain top. Small dicks, however, can't reach the peak we sit on.

preach it!!!

03-28-2011, 12:42 AM
Yeah, because London Warren is working on curing cancer since he's been out of school. Only the most intelligent recruits in the nation can play at UD.

03-28-2011, 12:44 AM
Yeah, because London Warren is working on curing cancer since he's been out of school. Only the most intelligent recruits in the nation can play at UD.

Right. Warren is still tossing and turning in his sleep due to his nightmares of Drew Lavender river-dancing around him with the basketball. Someone get that award-winning and very sleep-deprived scientist a haircut.

PM Thor
03-28-2011, 01:33 AM
So let's just make the giant leap that the midget has a point about taking questionable players for the higher teams in the conference.

What does he expect then in the ACC? Good God, is the guy an idiot? He throws about 3 teams under the bus with his idiotic statement, yet ignores that about 6-7 teams in the ACC could easily be in the same kind of boat?

The man is stupid. Just because he is going to make a lot of money does not determine his self worth. The ACC is going to eat him up, spit him out, and he will be an announcer for MEAC games in 5 years.

I HATE dayton.

03-28-2011, 07:52 AM
Brian Gregory is a loser. Plain and simple.

03-28-2011, 08:16 AM
The UDelusional fans took it as a swipe at us. They were throwing out names like Martin and Lyons trying to justify that X takes risky players that UD wouldn't touch with a 10 ft pole. It's fun to watch a sinking ship take on more water with every passing second. Excuse after excuse why they can't even come close to meeting expectations, let alone finish near the top of the conference.

03-28-2011, 08:26 AM
The UDelusional fans took it as a swipe at us. They were throwing out names like Martin and Lyons trying to justify that X takes risky players that UD wouldn't touch with a 10 ft pole. It's fun to watch a sinking ship take on more water with every passing second. Excuse after excuse why they can't even come close to meeting expectations, let alone finish near the top of the conference.

Not only is it a pithy excuse, but it's wrong. Justin Martin had a scholarship offer from the University of Dayton.

03-28-2011, 08:29 AM
Justin Martin had a scholarship offer from the University of Dayton.

LMAO. That is classic.

03-28-2011, 08:35 AM
Weak statement made by a paper/website desperate for readers.

I thought the Enquirer was one of the worst papers in the country but DDN is quickly making a run at it...

DC Muskie
03-28-2011, 09:06 AM
They need to change the name of that site from udpride.com to udexcuse.com.

They have no pride. Zero. Their coach can handle the heat from not appearing in the NCAA tournament. But he expects people to be happy with 22 wins. Those 22 wins against practically no one. However if you want to argue that some of those wins are impressive, how is it you finish below .500 in conference?

If they were children their parents would send them to their rooms for the excuses that come out of their mouths.

Every time I start to fell sorry for Dayton, crap like this is written and I remind myself they have no pride, and they would rather make up excuses rather than address the real issues.

And even their media guys fall in line. The article the other day from the radio guy who apologized for Staten leaving because Flyer fans are soooo awesome they put too much pressure on guys was incredible.

There is something in the water in Dayton. It causes them to whiny, excuse making bitches.

03-28-2011, 09:13 AM
What I love is that:

1) He mentioned the top few schools, yet UD didn't even finish in the top half of the league this year.

2) UD still gets more talent than most A-10 schools, but it's just not properly developed.

3) The author is trying to make mediocrity sound good.

03-28-2011, 10:03 AM
Let them take swipes...

We'll take wins & championships (of which people remember because they get written down in a thing called a "record book")

03-28-2011, 11:09 AM
Here's what I took from that little comment.....

Xavier takes young men who may have struggled academically into the fold.

Xavier develops those young men's minds and bodies over the course of 4-5 years.

Xavier graduates those men with real degrees and real accomplishments.

I say good for Xavier and it's a shame all of the universities aren't up to the challenge of providing a real education to anyone who isn't already well-educated.

BG would have been better off just saying he needed to get as far away from the Cintas Center as he could. Is it a bad omen that he is going to the state Jimmy Carter is from?

03-28-2011, 12:14 PM
The problem at UD has not been lack of talent. They have had good enough players to be a top-level A10 team for years.

The problem is they haven't developed talent and they haven't coached the talent.

Any claim that they haven't been able to recruit the same players as the rest of the league is a joke. But the UD fans eat sh!t like this up. They would rather lose games than think their players are anything other than choir boys.

03-28-2011, 12:32 PM
With 13,000+ nightly in the old (I assume paid for) bldg., they could certainly hire some Sr. Roses, of course, none like ours. Last I heard, they were first in Revenue and Profit in the A-10.

Where did you get that UD is first in revenue and profit in the A10? Xavier is ranked 15th on the Forbes most valuable program list for a reason. UD isn't anywhere close to that list.

You have to consider that Xavier's Cintas Center is structured with seat licensing and 22 suites, along with substantial concessions, etc. They threw in "some" suits in the remodeled dump, but UD Arena doesn't have CC's modern configuration for driving revenue. I'm not sure how UD works seat licensing, if it has it at all, but I doubt it has as many higher-value seats than the CC.

Otherwise, the notes on the CC were originally structured for a 10 year maturity, if memory serves me correctly. If Xavier doesn't own the Cintas Center outright at this point, it is close to doing so.

03-28-2011, 01:08 PM


03-28-2011, 01:19 PM
Sounds to me like the last breath of an excuse-making loser on his way out of town. I wonder why he won't be able to win at GT? Facilities? Too Hot? Too Cold? Too close to Duke and UNC? I guess we will have to wait a year or 2 to find out.

03-28-2011, 02:07 PM
If UDs good at anything, its taking bad shots.

Unless X players stop graduating and start exhausting their eligibility, I have zero academic concerns.

03-28-2011, 02:39 PM
Yeah, because London Warren is working on curing cancer since he's been out of school. Only the most intelligent recruits in the nation can play at UD.

Yeah. They also only take the "classy" recruits who handshake every game.

03-28-2011, 03:23 PM
I don't consider it a swipe at X. We have Sister Rose. They do not. Say what you want about UD, but they do value academics like X. Without a "Sister Rose" type person, they can't bring in the type of players who may be borderline academically, but have the desire to succeed inside and outside of the classroom. We can bring in young men who aren't straight A students, put them under the tutelage of Sister Rose, and know that they will be successful at all they do at X.

Honestly, I hope there is someone at X who will carry the mantle once Sister Rose can no longer do it. She is one of a kind and we're lucky to have her!

I believe you are WAAAAYYY off with this comment. Plain and simple. UD's academic support for athletes is much better than what you're giving it credit for.

03-28-2011, 03:45 PM
I believe you are WAAAAYYY off with this comment. Plain and simple. UD's academic support for athletes is much better than what you're giving it credit for.

I agree. If ud could've had a chance at a Jordan Crawford, for example, they would not have passed. I'm not saying every school has a Sr. Rose, per se, but I'm highly confident that dayton has an academic advisor for the athletes who does what it takes to keep their guys on track for graduation, eligibility, etc.

03-28-2011, 04:03 PM
I agree. If ud could've had a chance at a Jordan Crawford, for example, they would not have passed. I'm not saying every school has a Sr. Rose, per se, but I'm highly confident that dayton has an academic advisor for the athletes who does what it takes to keep their guys on track for graduation, eligibility, etc.

They have several advisors.

DC Muskie
03-28-2011, 04:33 PM
Sister Rose isn't even Sister Rose anymore, from what people on this board have told me. She is more a emeritus adviser than the one who woke up Tyrone Hill everyday.

03-28-2011, 06:54 PM
Dayton certainly has a handful of people in place to support athlete academics. The men's program alone has a lady who's full time job is to coordinate academics for players. She even travels with the team on most trips.

The paragraph is the article is one of the stupidest things I have ever read. I know about UD's academics. They're good. But you can't brag about how tough it is when you accept 73% of applicants. That puts you one step above community college. The only difference is tuition, the truly bad students won't even try for acceptance. So you get a bunch of decent students and take the top 73%. This is not rocket science. Dayton (and Xavier) are not great academic universities. They're places for people that can afford the tuition to get a quality higher education with a faith based tint. nothing more, nothing less.

03-28-2011, 06:57 PM
3, 2, 1, .....

03-28-2011, 08:52 PM
Sister Rose isn't even Sister Rose anymore, from what people on this board have told me. She is more a emeritus adviser than the one who woke up Tyrone Hill everyday.

Sister Rose is currently grooming her replacement. I am not sure when she will officially be out of the picture, but I believe it is within the year. I have no idea how involved with dragging players to class any more, but the program is still a success.

03-28-2011, 09:00 PM
3, 2, 1, .....
