View Full Version : How Many Atlantic 10 Victories Will Xavier Have?

American X
02-04-2011, 12:13 PM

02-04-2011, 12:29 PM
Amex I was just thinking of starting the same type of thread.


Xavier is 7-1 right now. 7 more games to go with 4 games on the road, which includes Dayton and Duquesne. hmmm I'm going to go with 13 wins. That does not mean that we lose to both Dumb and Dumber.

02-04-2011, 03:12 PM
I voted for 15 only because I can no longer vote for 16...

02-14-2011, 08:51 AM
BandAid, I now have a feeling that you are correct. :D

02-14-2011, 08:48 PM
BandAid, I now have a feeling that you are correct. :D

Still have a ways to go. Don't want to jinx it!

As a side note, the women in my life would be quick to point out this would be the first time I've ever been right about anything!

St. Valentine is a total a-hole, and his holiday is a joke...

(That last comment could make things awkward if I ever make to heaven and run into St. Valentine, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.)

02-17-2011, 07:16 PM
Still have a ways to go. Don't want to jinx it!

As a side note, the women in my life would be quick to point out this would be the first time I've ever been right about anything!

St. Valentine is a total a-hole, and his holiday is a joke...

(That last comment could make things awkward if I ever make to heaven and run into St. Valentine, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.)

Blame Mr. Hallmark.

I mean, what the F? Commercializing Valentines day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, just to sell a few pieces of cardboard? What the F?

02-23-2011, 11:28 PM
I voted 14 wins, weeks ago, how could I have been so short sighted?

02-24-2011, 07:03 AM
17 wins.

02-27-2011, 09:27 PM
The 39 voters who are about to lose....

94GRAD, Benxman, Bmuskie, bourbonman, Buck Futler, chico, Fireball, gladdenguy, GreatWhiteNorth, hofer, HuskyMuskie, JAX 3758, jdm2000, JimmyTwoTimes37, kmcrawfo, kyxu, lexco44, MADXSTER, mohr5150, Muskie91, MuskieFN, MuskiePimp23, Newswired, sash19, sgarcia, SixFig, StanleyOwnsYou, TJMuskie06, UnCaged, waggy, wkrq59, X-Fan, xavierj, xtremefan13, XU 87, xueddie, xufan02, XUOWNSUC, xuwin

Those who have lost....

bigdiggins, IVANHOE,bleedXblue

03-01-2011, 11:23 AM
It looks like I will be off by one game.


03-01-2011, 12:27 PM
Just look at all of these losers....

bigdiggins, IVANHOE,bleedXblue,94GRAD, Benxman, Bmuskie, bourbonman, Buck Futler, chico, Fireball, gladdenguy, GreatWhiteNorth, hofer, HuskyMuskie, JAX 3758, jdm2000, JimmyTwoTimes37, kmcrawfo, kyxu, lexco44, MADXSTER, mohr5150, Muskie91, MuskieFN, MuskiePimp23, Newswired, sash19, sgarcia, SixFig, StanleyOwnsYou, TJMuskie06, UnCaged, waggy, wkrq59, X-Fan, xavierj, xtremefan13, XU 87, xueddie, xufan02, XUOWNSUC, xuwin

And these are the Future Losers......

ballyhoohoo, BiggieXU, BigMoeMusketeer, bobbiemcgee, Bylarkin Rulz, cutterX, D-West & PO-Z, dethwing, Emp, eXdrummer, Frambo, jimbob, KCX, KingCole, kinger2314, LyonsIsFlyin, MCXU, MD Muskie, mfxu422, mlcspinner, More Cowbell, muskiefan82, MuskieMusk10, nkymuskie, Pluto, PMI, Porkopolis, Professor X, QueensbridgeMF, SlimKibbles, slysyl, Snipe, STL_XUfan, Thor in 204, tojake, Walter the Poet, whiteyxu, WNY XFAN, X By Choice, XerXes, xsteve1, XU-XHI, XU05and07, xu15anthony, xu95, xudash, xufan22, xuflash, XULucho27, XUmuskie33, XUOHTX, xuscfan

I know, I'm getting ahead of myself.

03-01-2011, 01:23 PM
Be careful. It's never a good idea to count your chickens or they may bite the hand that led you to water.

Or something like that.

03-03-2011, 12:11 PM
Just look at all of these losers....

bigdiggins, IVANHOE,bleedXblue,94GRAD, Benxman, Bmuskie, bourbonman, Buck Futler, chico, Fireball, gladdenguy, GreatWhiteNorth, hofer, HuskyMuskie, JAX 3758, jdm2000, JimmyTwoTimes37, kmcrawfo, kyxu, lexco44, MADXSTER, mohr5150, Muskie91, MuskieFN, MuskiePimp23, Newswired, sash19, sgarcia, SixFig, StanleyOwnsYou, TJMuskie06, UnCaged, waggy, wkrq59, X-Fan, xavierj, xtremefan13, XU 87, xueddie, xufan02, XUOWNSUC, xuwin

And these are the Future Losers......

ballyhoohoo, BiggieXU, BigMoeMusketeer, bobbiemcgee, Bylarkin Rulz, cutterX, D-West & PO-Z, dethwing, Emp, eXdrummer, Frambo, jimbob, KCX, KingCole, kinger2314, LyonsIsFlyin, MCXU, MD Muskie, mfxu422, mlcspinner, More Cowbell, muskiefan82, MuskieMusk10, nkymuskie, Pluto, PMI, Porkopolis, Professor X, QueensbridgeMF, SlimKibbles, slysyl, Snipe, STL_XUfan, Thor in 204, tojake, Walter the Poet, whiteyxu, WNY XFAN, X By Choice, XerXes, xsteve1, XU-XHI, XU05and07, xu15anthony, xu95, xudash, xufan22, xuflash, XULucho27, XUmuskie33, XUOHTX, xuscfan

I know, I'm getting ahead of myself.

I feel great shame.

03-03-2011, 01:16 PM
With a win Saturday, these will be the winners of the poll question....

American X, BandAid, beatuc, blobfan, crazydave, crolfes12, Fam93, flagship, Kahns Krazy, KingGillen, Lanman1029, Mack Attack, Mark 3 Pointer, OTRMUSKIE, POLLYANNA, posey41, rhyno2110, Smails, Smoke, stjamesxu08, TaipeiMuskie, ThePowerOfX, Titanxman04, Xavierblobforce400, XmAn06, Xman95, xnatic03, xu 89, XU-07, XUmuskies34

Here's to hoping you guys win!!!


03-03-2011, 01:45 PM
With a win Saturday, these will be the winners of the poll question....

American X, BandAid, beatuc, blobfan, crazydave, crolfes12, Fam93, flagship, Kahns Krazy, KingGillen, Lanman1029, Mack Attack, Mark 3 Pointer, OTRMUSKIE, POLLYANNA, posey41, rhyno2110, Smails, Smoke, stjamesxu08, TaipeiMuskie, ThePowerOfX, Titanxman04, Xavierblobforce400, XmAn06, Xman95, xnatic03, xu 89, XU-07, XUmuskies34

Here's to hoping you guys win!!!


I feel like those numbers were drastically lower before the last week or so...

03-05-2011, 03:16 PM

I am happy to say I was wrong by two wins.

03-05-2011, 03:18 PM

American X, BandAid, beatuc, blobfan, crazydave, crolfes12, Fam93, flagship, Kahns Krazy, KingGillen, Lanman1029, Mack Attack, Mark 3 Pointer, OTRMUSKIE, POLLYANNA, posey41, rhyno2110, Smails, Smoke, stjamesxu08, TaipeiMuskie, ThePowerOfX, Titanxman04, Xavierblobforce400, XmAn06, Xman95, xnatic03, xu 89, XU-07, XUmuskies34

03-05-2011, 04:52 PM
I voted for 15 only because I can no longer vote for 16...

I think i will start accepting payment for my prophetic services...