View Full Version : Dukes vs. ud

01-29-2011, 09:53 PM
Hmmmm, who to root for tomorrow. On one hand if ud wins, then X is atop the A-10 all alone with a tie breaker over every team in the top 7 or 8, except Duquesne. However, they will have a one game lead on them. On the other hand, if ud loses they are 3-4 in the conference and are further down the road to nowhere, leaving it up to X to beat the Dukes head-to-head.

The votes are in and in my little world I would like Duquesne to win tomorrow. That puts ud out of reach for any regular season championship. Last year X mopped the floor with the Dukes at the Cintas Center and they owe them one after beating X at the Polumbo Center on Xavier snuggie night. I like the fact that if X beats an Duquesne team that is undefeated on their court that sends a strong message.

All this assumes that X wins in Charlotte beforehand.

01-29-2011, 09:59 PM
Sorry. I vote for whatever helps XU the most- hatred aside.

I'm for the dump. They will still be udump, and our biotch, but them winning gives us sole posession- and control of our own destiny. Dookcame has already beaten Temple too.

That being said, they are the Cryers and they will probably play in typical fashion.

01-29-2011, 10:02 PM
I'm for Duquesne. I want them to go 15-1 to our 16-0 in the league.

01-29-2011, 10:03 PM
I'm for Duquesne. I want them to go 15-1 to our 16-0 in the league.

I'm with Go!! No way will I pull for Dayton. Were going to beat Duquesne anyway.

01-29-2011, 10:12 PM
How's this:

Dayton beats Duquesne, putting us in the driver seat alone.

As we move forward, we beat them both, in similar fashion to how we bludgeoned the bugs today.

Then we beat everyone else and win the national championship, which is exactly in line with my thinking, or not, following the DII exhibition loss.

01-29-2011, 10:18 PM
Then we beat everyone else and win the national championship, which is exactly in line with my thinking, or not, following the DII exhibition loss.

Hey, Bellarmine is 19-1. Are you telling me Bellarmine wouldn't win the A-10?!?

01-29-2011, 10:24 PM
Hey, Bellarmine is 19-1. Are you telling me Bellarmine wouldn't win the A-10?!?

I"m telling you Bellarmine could win the A10, or not.

01-29-2011, 10:38 PM
I hate saying this but go UD, at least for the next game.

Xavier Nation
01-29-2011, 10:49 PM
We want flyers to win... I want a 5 peat!!! lets not get too cocky, But lets still be cocky:cool:

01-29-2011, 10:50 PM
Duquesne all the way. It will make for a better game at the Consol Center with more meaning.

Will never root for Dayton or Cincy no matter what the situation.

01-29-2011, 11:12 PM
I want Dayton and its not even close. How can I hate Dayton. They suck.
Even all their fans know Xavier is flagship. Tomorrow I will be rootin for the flyers.

01-29-2011, 11:18 PM
Is the game on TV?

01-29-2011, 11:43 PM
Go Flyers!

01-29-2011, 11:44 PM
I was thinking over this very thing.

We already have the Daily Double today: XU Wins, UC Loses

Or we have the Trifecta - Men WIN, Women WIN, UC Loses

But one one hand it would be neat to add UD loses to that list of this weekends accomplishments. I'm guessing the UC women also lost to UConn?

But at this point - if we can have somebody, anybody throw a monkey wrench in the gears of a legitimate contender for the A10 title, I'm all for that as well!

Right now we are 7-0 with the tie breaker solidified with Richmond and Temple. We are on the way to having the tie breaker against the Dump. Either way we need to take care of business at Consol so we can have as many tie breakers in our pocket as possible. A 16-0 table running would fit that bill perfectly.

As much as it pains me: "Go Dayton Flyers!"

And those who know me would know my normal hatred for UD exceeds that of UC.

PM Thor
01-30-2011, 03:13 AM
You guys who want to root for dayton haven't thought this through. For the betterment of this conference, we want Duquesne to be undefeated up until our game with them. It gives the league a better shot at multiple bids this way. If dayton wins, they just hurt the Dukes shot at an at large bid, and we all know dayton won't be going to the tourney no matter what they do anyway.
We should want separation of the beat teams from the also rans, and dayton is an also ran in the conference. Duquesne has a legitimate shot to make the tourney as it stands right now. A loss to the likes of dayton would not only hurt their chances, but would also hurt the A10s chances to get 3 bids this year.

Plus dayton is full of Satan worshipping pig farmers, so go Duquesne.

I HATE dayton.

01-30-2011, 08:01 AM
You guys who want to root for dayton haven't thought this through. For the betterment of this conference, we want Duquesne to be undefeated up until our game with them. It gives the league a better shot at multiple bids this way. If dayton wins, they just hurt the Dukes shot at an at large bid, and we all know dayton won't be going to the tourney no matter what they do anyway.
We should want separation of the beat teams from the also rans, and dayton is an also ran in the conference. Duquesne has a legitimate shot to make the tourney as it stands right now. A loss to the likes of dayton would not only hurt their chances, but would also hurt the A10s chances to get 3 bids this year.

Plus dayton is full of Satan worshipping pig farmers, so go Duquesne.

I HATE dayton.

I disagree, but "Satan worshipping pig farmers" is worth a rep.

01-30-2011, 08:41 AM
The interesting thing is that I can't tell you how many times I've read, "I want them to be undefeated when we play them" about other big games during the season. This group takes pride in not wanting other teams to do any work for X where X has its fate in its own hands. Yet, some want our little brother to help Xavier today against Duquesne. Seems odd that this game has taken a different route to the usual bravado of, "we'll handle things ourselves."

01-30-2011, 10:00 AM
Plus dayton is full of Satan worshipping pig farmers, so go Duquesne.

I HATE dayton.

I've been meaning to ask you something. I'm picking up some subtle indications along the way that you might not like the Dayton team.

Am I reading that correctly?

01-30-2011, 10:03 AM
Go Dukes!

01-30-2011, 10:19 AM
Pig Farmers!!

I love calling people Pig Farmers.

Try it some time, it really is invigorating. Your target may become confused when you call them a pig farmer, but for me that is all part of the fun.

Pig Farmers.

Go Dukes!

X-band '01
01-30-2011, 10:46 AM
I'm pulling for Duquesne, Dayton had its chance to better itself in the conference this year and they pissed it away with losses against UMass and Richmond. Champions do not lose those kind of games. Period. And quite frankly, 6 years without a win in the Steel City is too long. The only drought that is longer is Temple (7 years). Let that sink in.

They're still good enough for Duquesne to consider them a quality win.

01-30-2011, 11:13 AM
The Dukes. We need serious separation in the league to get multiple bids and right now, Temple and Duquesne (along with the Muskies, of course) are the three logical teams to separate themselves from the masses.

01-30-2011, 12:00 PM
Is the game on TV?

Not on tv, but I found this link. I've never used this site, but for those interested in watching, it's worth a try.


01-30-2011, 12:25 PM
You guys are over-thinking this. Blah, blah, blah, multiple bids, blah. Okay, listen.


I hate Dayton, and have the same immature infatuation with belittling them and making them seem like the worthless dump they are, but if it means them putting Xavier in the driver's seat, again, then I'm all for it.

Doo-cane "not getting an at large" isn't gonna be affected by their losing of TWO games, to Dayton and Xavier, so long as they take care of business against everybody else, they will still be in the Top 3 of the conference at the end of the year.

That will put them at a bubble team, much like Rhody from last year. Let's all just take a deep breath here, think about it logically, and root for...Dayton...? I just puked.

01-30-2011, 12:34 PM
I would like Dayton to win because that helps Xavier more in conference standings and RPI considering we play UD twice. I like Xavier more than I hate Dayton, if that makes sense. So if Dayton winning is more of a positive for Xavier than Dayton losing then I'll go for Dayton.

01-30-2011, 12:49 PM
Right now, except for Duquesne, Xavier has a two/three game lead over the next SIX teams in the standings. Temple, Richmond, Rhode Island and UMass with 2 losses and GW and dayton have 3 losses. One of the 2 next teams with four losses is St Bonny. What do they all have in common? X has the tie breaker on them all since we've already spanked them! Therefore the lead is at least three games.

Except there's Duquesne, right there with us. Time for separation. Go flyers so when we go in there on the 13th we can go up 2 on them (maybe 3 if they would lose at St Bonny as well) and we would have that tiebreaker in our pocket as well.

LA Muskie
01-30-2011, 12:56 PM
I want Duquesne. Not living in the area anymore, I really don't care all that much about the Dayton rivalry. For me it's this simple -- I want our victory in Pittsburgh to be as big as possible, which means defeating the undefeated Dukes.

01-30-2011, 01:22 PM
It occurs to me that Pig Farmers have one redeeming quality:

http://www.impactwatch.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/bacon_slices.jpg http://blog.suitearrival.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/funny-pictures-kitten-is-excited-about-bacon.jpg

01-30-2011, 01:28 PM
I totally agree. Dayton is not our true rival. They are an annoying little brother to X. If Dayton winning improves X's standings then I cheer for Dayton.

01-30-2011, 01:35 PM
... Dayton is not our true rival. They are an annoying little brother to X...

Couldn't agree more. You must win to keep them in their place, but to win the conference, you must go through Temple. This year Richmond and Duquesne raised their heads, but we slapped them back into their holes. And in the past St Joe's was around. But dayton ... not so much. Just like to said, an annoying little brother...

01-30-2011, 01:45 PM
It is better for us for there to be several elite teams atop the A10 so that our wins over them are more meaningful. I would rather beat an undefeated Duquesne.

01-30-2011, 02:54 PM
39-36 Dukes at the half.

01-30-2011, 03:26 PM
Duquesne 58-44 @ 13 min mark in 2nd half

01-30-2011, 03:39 PM
udump is dowm 64-52 with about 8 minutes to go and all I'm hearing on WHIO radio is how the refs are screwing them. The Cryers have only shot 4 free throws and Dookcane has shot 22.

If that school up north was a real program, the game would be on TV somewhere. Hell, their own local channel won't pick it up.

udump blows.

01-30-2011, 03:42 PM
udump is down 64-52 with about 8 minutes to go and all I'm hearing on WHIO radio is how the refs are screwing them. The Cryers have only shot 4 free throws and Dookcane has shot 22.

If that school up north was a real program, the game would be on TV somewhere. Hell, their own local channel won't pick it up.

udump blows.

01-30-2011, 03:43 PM
Dayton thinks they're getting screwed by the refs?:confused:

01-30-2011, 03:47 PM
Dayton always has some excuse for losing. Either it is cheese steaks, sickness or the refs. That school has zero accountability and the natives have to be restless about little guy's coaching.

01-30-2011, 03:47 PM
76-58 with under 5. Dukes only made 9/20 from the FT line. Could be much worse for Dayton if they could have made some more of the freebies.

01-30-2011, 03:52 PM
Now its an 18 point Dook lead with 3:30 to go.

The Cryers have abjectly quit. Horriffic defense.

01-30-2011, 03:55 PM
wait... are you sure someone of the flyers isn't sick?

01-30-2011, 03:59 PM
Kinda funny. I read that Bucky and Larry on UD Radio couldn't figure out anyone who could be player of the game, so they decided to "Just forget it."

01-30-2011, 04:06 PM
Is it true that their own radio guys refused to name a player of the game for this one? :eek: That pathetic! Even their own radio is against them! WOW!

01-30-2011, 04:12 PM
Final 82-64 Duquesne. Thanks for nothing Dayton. You suck.

01-30-2011, 04:22 PM
Dayton is now in 8th place in the Atlantic 10.

Correction - the Flyers are in a three-way tie for 8th with ... St. Bonaventure and La Salle.

01-30-2011, 04:24 PM
Maybe this year will be the end of it. But Brian Gregory continues to receives attention for BCS jobs.

It's mind boggling. I think people are impressed with his recruiting. But he clearly can't coach.

01-30-2011, 04:37 PM
It's mind boggling. I think people are impressed with his recruiting. But he clearly can't coach.[/QUOTE]

I agree Gregory has proven he is a terrible in game coach, and his players don't gett better year to year. For some reason I still here his name tossed around for jobs. I think he will leave this offseason based on the fact his seat has to be getting a little warm. Hopefully, Dayton promotes one of hiss assistants.

01-30-2011, 04:47 PM
It's mind boggling. I think people are impressed with his recruiting. But he clearly can't coach.

I agree Gregory has proven he is a terrible in game coach, and his players don't gett better year to year. For some reason I still here his name tossed around for jobs. I think he will leave this offseason based on the fact his seat has to be getting a little warm. Hopefully, Dayton promotes one of hiss assistants.[/QUOTE]

The media is confused. Each year they see that the NCAA tournament is in Dayton, but they confuse that with Dayton actually being in the Tournament.

01-30-2011, 04:50 PM
Don't look now, but Dayton had a season-defining, horrific and indescribably difficult stretch of a schedule coming up.

vs. St. Bona
at La Salle
at Rhode Island

The Cryers may solidify their place in the Atlantic 10 by adding three more concrete losses, and will more than likely end up in the bottom tier of that A-10 "house" we were talking about in that other thread by the end of the next two weeks.

Burn baby, burn. :D

01-30-2011, 04:54 PM
We all know UD will go 8-8 and end up facing Xavier in the A-10 second round...again.

And they will lose...again.

01-30-2011, 04:56 PM
We all know UD will go 8-8 and end up facing Xavier in the A-10 second round...again.

And they will lose...again.

The best way to even up the overall won/loss record vs. Dayton is to keep winning 3 every year. I say bring on the Flyers.

01-30-2011, 04:58 PM
I don't like to beat a dead horse...but Dayton sucks. Not like, hey they're our rival so they suck. They are legitimately not good right now.

It would be better for their program to let Gregory go. He's had plenty of time (and plenty of "saviors" role through town).

That being said they will probably still give us fits in Dayton. It's just the nature of the beast.

01-30-2011, 05:13 PM
From the Blackburn Review:

"The Flyers seem to just quit on themselves, quit on the season. Brian Gregory threw in the towel with around three minutes to play, placing Brian Vonderhaar (the Dutch Destroyer) into the fray with the game well in hand. Not seeing minutes today was Matthew Kavanaugh, the Centreville native failed to see any court time during the afternoon (not sure what the story is – was KKKav hurt? Has BG lost his patience with the Suburban Stiff?)."

The rest of the read is great too.


01-30-2011, 05:38 PM
dayton had an interesting dilemma. Gregory has been just good enough to keep, but not successful enough to create success. The ud "way" consists of playing really bad OCC opponents, then hoping to do well enough in the conference to gain the Selection Committee's attention (NCAA not NIT). However, that hasn't worked.

Sure, two seasons ago they make the NCAA and even win a game if my memory is correct. Last year they win the NIT. The point is that the program is stuck squarely in mediocrity. The students there can't like it. The alums can't like it. The administration can't like it. And like it or not, just about 45 minutes down I-75 is an annual, painful reminder of what they want to be. Oh and ud hasn't won there in over 30 years.

The bad news at the moment for ud is that the coach is not horrible, a la Fordham. But unfortunately, he is likely no longer BCS bait. This puts ud in a tough spot. Fire Gregory and end up with someone worse. Or keep him and never progress. As for a new coach, who would want to go to ud with the pain of having to deal with living in Xavier's shadow year-in-and-year-out?

This is a pivotal time for ud men's basketball and the administration is likely looking at a critical decision. In any event, looks like ud has thrown in the towel on the 2010-11 season. Good thing for some big comebacks in the early OOC schedule, or the current situation would be even worse for the flyers.

01-30-2011, 05:44 PM
dayton had an interesting dilemma. Gregory has been just good enough to keep, but not successful enough to create success. The ud "way" consists of playing really bad OCC opponents, then hoping to do well enough in the conference to gain the Selection Committee's attention (NCAA not NIT). However, that hasn't worked.

Sure, two seasons ago they make the NCAA and even win a game if my memory is correct. Last year they win the NIT. The point is that the program is stuck squarely in mediocrity. The students there can't like it. The alums can't like it. The administration can't like it. And like it or not, just about 45 minutes down I-75 is an annual, painful reminder of what they want to be. Oh and ud hasn't won there in over 30 years.

The bad news at the moment for ud is that the coach is not horrible, a la Fordham. But unfortunately, he is likely no longer BCS bait. This puts ud in a tough spot. Fire Gregory and end up with someone worse. Or keep him and never progress. As for a new coach, who would want to go to ud with the pain of having to deal with living in Xavier's shadow year-in-and-year-out?

This is a pivotal time for ud men's basketball and the administration is likely looking at a critical decision. In any event, looks like ud has thrown in the towel on the 2010-11 season. Good thing for some big comebacks in the early OOC schedule, or the current situation would be even worse for the flyers.

The last line in the Blackburn Review story was "Wake me up in 2018."

X-band '01
01-30-2011, 05:56 PM
They're on a fast track to defending their NIT title from last year - South Carolina would love to have that albatross taken off of their shoulders.

01-30-2011, 06:03 PM
Kinda OT- but I was going to read what the DDN had to say about the game. My curiousity was piqued when I saw an article about the police officer who serves as Brian Gregory's bodyguard during the games. Really? A bodyguard? Is this to protect him from the angry red sweatered fans?

01-30-2011, 06:31 PM
dayton had an interesting dilemma. Gregory has been just good enough to keep, but not successful enough to create success. The ud "way" consists of playing really bad OCC opponents, then hoping to do well enough in the conference to gain the Selection Committee's attention (NCAA not NIT). However, that hasn't worked.

Sure, two seasons ago they make the NCAA and even win a game if my memory is correct. Last year they win the NIT. The point is that the program is stuck squarely in mediocrity. The students there can't like it. The alums can't like it. The administration can't like it. And like it or not, just about 45 minutes down I-75 is an annual, painful reminder of what they want to be. Oh and ud hasn't won there in over 30 years.

The bad news at the moment for ud is that the coach is not horrible, a la Fordham. But unfortunately, he is likely no longer BCS bait. This puts ud in a tough spot. Fire Gregory and end up with someone worse. Or keep him and never progress. As for a new coach, who would want to go to ud with the pain of having to deal with living in Xavier's shadow year-in-and-year-out?

This is a pivotal time for ud men's basketball and the administration is likely looking at a critical decision. In any event, looks like ud has thrown in the towel on the 2010-11 season. Good thing for some big comebacks in the early OOC schedule, or the current situation would be even worse for the flyers.

Absolutely. At what point do you exchange guaranteed mediocrity for a (risky) chance at improvement?

Blue Blooded-05
01-30-2011, 07:13 PM
Dayton always has some excuse for losing. Either it is cheese steaks, sickness or the refs. That school has zero accountability and the natives have to be restless about little guy's coaching.

Truer words have never been spoken. To take it a step further, once their season has officially crashed and burned they begin with the coping mechanism known as "I'm glad we (fill in the blank).

-- "I'm glad we don't have to worry about our coach leaving every year!"
-- "I'm glad we don't have Jordan Crawford. When he goes pro Xavier will have no offense!"
-- "I'm glad we haven't had to deal with two heart breaking losses in the NCAA Tourney like Xavier in 2007 and 2010!"
-- "I'm glad we won the NIT instead of losing in the NCAA Tourney. We're 1 of 3 schools that's ended it's season on a win. Think a out how good of a confidence boost that'll be for next year!"
-- I'm glad we play in an arena that's a concrete abomination. A corporate sponsored arena would frown upon me telling a fan from another Catholic school to 'go to Hell' right after I threw my full draft beer at him. He deserved it after he cheered after X made a shot!"
-- "I'm glad our band dresses in those tacky hand-me-down jump suits from the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. The early 90s remind me of our last Sweet 16 and NBA player!"

Being a UD fan can be summed up in 4 words: Expectations. Disappointment. Rationalization. Repeat.

PM Thor
01-30-2011, 07:14 PM
Kinda funny. I read that Bucky and Larry on UD Radio couldn't figure out anyone who could be player of the game, so they decided to "Just forget it."


As for the midget and their program keeping him, they won't risk the chance of having someone else come in. Why? Because they won't ever succeed. To succeed you have to risk, and they have no backbones up there. We have a saying in the fire service--Risk a lot to save a lot, risk a little to save a little, and that program just doesn't get it. They won't take a big chance, like they need to do if they want to become relevant.

And the midget blew his shot to go to MSU or any other higher profile program. He stayed too long at ud, and when he had some looks, he should have bolted, but he didn't. Why? It goes back to taking risks. It's a risk to move onto another program, but, just like the dayton program, he's satisfied with their status quo, even if it means mediocrity for years upon years.

And I cannot be happier. It's like Xmas day for me every day, every time the midget "coaches" up there.

I HATE dayton.

X-band '01
01-30-2011, 07:23 PM
I wonder how Duquesne will do against GW at home Wednesday - Duquesne is on a roll but GW ain't going away. They had a nice win at home over Saint Louis yesterday after their near miss at Cintas.

They'll follow that up with a game at St. Bonaventure (their oldest rival) before the showdown at Consol.

01-30-2011, 07:26 PM
I would expect them to smash GW. Things could certainly get hairy at welding school, though.

01-30-2011, 08:57 PM

And I cannot be happier. It's like Xmas day for me every day, every time the midget "coaches" up there.

I HATE dayton.

I guess you cold say it's like Christmas but an elf's in charge.

01-30-2011, 09:07 PM
Dayton is now in 8th place in the Atlantic 10.

Correction - the Flyers are in a three-way tie for 8th with ... St. Bonaventure and La Salle.

But they were ranked 1st in the pre-season. :eek:

If you remember they were ranked 1st in last years pre-season as well.

01-30-2011, 09:10 PM
But they were ranked 1st in the pre-season. :eek:

If you remember they were ranked 1st in last years pre-season as well.

I think Temple was ranked first in the preseason.

But, yeah...Dayton is in a THREE-WAY tie for EIGHTH.

01-30-2011, 09:14 PM
I think Temple was ranked first in the preseason.

But, yeah...Dayton is in a THREE-WAY tie for EIGHTH.

Not according to _ayton fans and any _ayton websites. :D

01-30-2011, 09:28 PM
I'm normally a positive guy, but one of the saddest things conceivable dawned on me about all this.

Normally, with practically any other program, outside the most storied programs in the nation, most fanbases would be beaten down and humbled, due to years of mediocrity followed by what appears to be seven more locked in years of the same.

Yet, what do we know about many Dayton fans. As a group, they are most likely to bring back leisure suits. Applebee's is a big night out. They're still writing the network, complaining about having Hee Haw removed from the schedule. And they use graphs and charts and statistics about high school basketball players to make them feel better, as they otherwise pursue a National Historic Landmark designation with the federal government for what is an ugly, truly outdated facility.

Then again, if it's about sadness, then it would be about wanting some relief from their drivel; wanting them to recognize their place. So the flip side is simple: we'll continue to have an easy target to lambaste for about 84 months.

01-30-2011, 09:34 PM

01-30-2011, 09:34 PM

01-30-2011, 09:37 PM
dash, can't rep you with the XU ride. But know that I tried. Is that your next one? :D

01-30-2011, 09:47 PM
dash, can't rep you with the XU ride. But know that I tried. Is that your next one? :D

Too much engine for me, vee, and no autobahns here.............

01-30-2011, 09:51 PM
Kinda OT- but I was going to read what the DDN had to say about the game. My curiousity was piqued when I saw an article about the police officer who serves as Brian Gregory's bodyguard during the games. Really? A bodyguard? Is this to protect him from the angry red sweatered fans?

I saw that article. It slayed me.

01-30-2011, 11:52 PM
Kinda funny. I read that Bucky and Larry on UD Radio couldn't figure out anyone who could be player of the game, so they decided to "Just forget it."

The last radio announcer to go with "Just Forget It" was Harry Doyle.....

......and the team that he covered was just as inept.