View Full Version : Pryor and others suspended...

12-23-2010, 08:53 PM

How, in the sweet world that is college sports, do these guys get punished for FIVE games NEXT season, and are allowed to play in the bowl game this year?

If their violations warrant that half their season next year be taken from them, then please tell me they are allowed to play against Arkansas? It doesn't make sense to me. Someone in the know explain this.

12-23-2010, 08:55 PM

How, in the sweet world that is college sports, do these guys get punished for FIVE games NEXT season, and are allowed to play in the bowl game this year?

If their violations warrant that half their season next year be taken from them, then please tell me they are allowed to play against Arkansas? It doesn't make sense to me. Someone in the know explain this.


12-23-2010, 08:56 PM

Ahhhhhhhhhh... It makes sense.

12-23-2010, 08:58 PM
Ahhhhhhhhhh... It makes sense.

I think its safe to say, unless the suspension gets reduced dramatically, that the Sugar Bowl will be Pryor's last game in an Ohio State uni.

12-23-2010, 09:00 PM
I agree. He said he was returning to OSU for his senior season. He's actually said this a number of times. But he's done. His draft stock will drop if he comes back due to this. Might as well leave now.

12-23-2010, 09:02 PM
I agree. He said he was returning to OSU for his senior season. He's actually said this a number of times. But he's done. His draft stock will drop if he comes back due to this. Might as well leave now.

It will be interesting to see him in the NFL. About 90% of the US population disagree with me, but I think he can be a very good NFL QB.

This years QB's entering the draft will be pretty sick.

12-23-2010, 09:06 PM
Being a Redskins fan, we obviously need a good quarterback. Mallet or more so, Andrew Luck are my ideal choices.

I don't know how having a scrambling quarterback will suit the Redskins. I just want someone behind center who could become another Matt Ryan early on. Or even better, the next Manning. I think Mallet or Luck have that capability.

12-23-2010, 09:09 PM
Being a Redskins fan, we obviously need a good quarterback. Mallet or more so, Andrew Luck are my ideal choices.

I don't know how having a scrambling quarterback will suit the Redskins. I just want someone behind center who could become another Matt Ryan early on. Or even better, the next Manning. I think Mallet or Luck have that capability.

I don't care who you get. Your only hope is that a pack of pitbulls kill Michael Vick.

12-23-2010, 09:11 PM
I don't care who you get. Your only hope is that a pack of pitbulls kill Michael Vick.

Thats what we call poetic justice...

Though, I'm glad for his sake and others - and for a view of just plain humanity - that he seems to be working hard in making up for his past mistakes. I'm not usually one for second chances over such issues. But its good to see.

PM Thor
12-23-2010, 09:32 PM
It's an absolute joke. These guys should have to serve their suspensions NOW. How in the Hell can the NCAA say they will serve their suspensions in the future, fully knowing that any of them could leave the program for the NFL for this upcoming year?

I'm a quasi-OSU fan. I root for them, but realize when wrongs have been committed. This is absolutely ridiculous. The NCAA is a sham. They have absolutely no credibility.

And I believe Posey is the better NFL player than Pryor will ever be...

They sold their gold pants. May they burn for that.

I HATE dayton.

12-23-2010, 10:12 PM
It's an absolute joke. These guys should have to serve their suspensions NOW. How in the Hell can the NCAA say they will serve their suspensions in the future, fully knowing that any of them could leave the program for the NFL for this upcoming year?

I'm a quasi-OSU fan. I root for them, but realize when wrongs have been committed. This is absolutely ridiculous. The NCAA is a sham. They have absolutely no credibility.

I HATE dayton.

I don't think you'll fine anyone who disagrees with you..The NCAA can be as corrupt as can be.

What's more annoying is the whole Cam Newton saga.

12-23-2010, 10:44 PM
It's an absolute joke. These guys should have to serve their suspensions NOW. How in the Hell can the NCAA say they will serve their suspensions in the future, fully knowing that any of them could leave the program for the NFL for this upcoming year?

I'm a quasi-OSU fan. I root for them, but realize when wrongs have been committed. This is absolutely ridiculous. The NCAA is a sham. They have absolutely no credibility.

And I believe Posey is the better NFL player than Pryor will ever be...

They sold their gold pants. May they burn for that.

I HATE dayton.

Right on, Thor. Granted let's be real here, who wants to watch an OSU bowl game minus Pryor? Like we've said, money rules this ish but the NCAA gladly gives leniency to the bigger programs.
Anyone want to do a joint Doctorate-level thesis/dissertation where we revise the NCAA rules then present them? Just saying, I think we can save collegiate athletics if we do this right. Just sayin......
And Cam can eat a bad of dicks. He knew exactly what was going on with that scandal, so let's not pretend like he's the victim. Eff the NCAA and their BS

12-23-2010, 10:54 PM
This just adds even more to my hatred of the sham of a school in Columbus. I freakin' hate that place and wish nothing but ill will on all their sports programs. I will never, never, ever root for that team, no matter who they play. I will root for Dayton, UC, Michigan, Miami, Fla, USC, and all other teams I usually hate way before I ever root for the Butteyes. Screw them. And the NCAA...they can go screw themselves, too. Guys sell the crap they got for free for playing on a goddamn school-sponsored sports team, and they get a five-game suspension for a season most of them won't play in, and we have a kid who passed all his classes but took two classes that had too similiar of titles and he sits out for the entire year of his freshman year. Makes perfect sense. I freakin' hate them.

X-band '01
12-24-2010, 07:01 AM
It's an absolute joke. These guys should have to serve their suspensions NOW. How in the Hell can the NCAA say they will serve their suspensions in the future, fully knowing that any of them could leave the program for the NFL for this upcoming year?

I'm a quasi-OSU fan. I root for them, but realize when wrongs have been committed. This is absolutely ridiculous. The NCAA is a sham. They have absolutely no credibility.

And I believe Posey is the better NFL player than Pryor will ever be...

They sold their gold pants. May they burn for that.

I HATE dayton.

As I said in the CFB thread, the most ironic item sold was Terrell Pryor's sportsmanship award from the 2009 Fiesta Bowl. What says sportsmanship more than pocketing money from merchandise?

This just adds even more to my hatred of the sham of a school in Columbus. I freakin' hate that place and wish nothing but ill will on all their sports programs. I will never, never, ever root for that team, no matter who they play. I will root for Dayton, UC, Michigan, Miami, Fla, USC, and all other teams I usually hate way before I ever root for the Butteyes. Screw them. And the NCAA...they can go screw themselves, too. Guys sell the crap they got for free for playing on a goddamn school-sponsored sports team, and they get a five-game suspension for a season most of them won't play in, and we have a kid who passed all his classes but took two classes that had too similiar of titles and he sits out for the entire year of his freshman year. Makes perfect sense. I freakin' hate them.

Come on now, let's not be irrational here....

Michigan Muskie
12-24-2010, 07:09 AM
Anyone want to do a joint Doctorate-level thesis/dissertation where we revise the NCAA rules then present them?

I think you already wrote the opening line:

And Cam can eat a bad of dicks. He knew exactly what was going on with that scandal, so let's not pretend like he's the victim. Eff the NCAA and their BS

12-24-2010, 10:20 AM
my take is different. i honestly don't see why they should have been suspended at all.

the violation was receiving improper benefits. had they received that amount of money for nothing, it would make sense. had they received an obviously unfair price (ie $1000 for a t-shirt) it would make sense because you wouldn't pay just anyone that amount of money for a t-shirt. however, it appears as though they sold their personal property, and received a fair price for it. that shouldn't be a violation. if i were selling a big ten ring, i probalby wouldn't get any less for it than what they got.

what if they were selling baseball cards?? is that a violation?? can they walk into a pawn shop and sell something that belongs to them without it being a violation??

i HATE ohio state, but to get five games is ridiculous. they didn't get a job as waiters for a day and somehow walk out with $2500 in tips. they weren't given something for nothing. they sold something that belonged to them and received what appears to be a fair price for it. why is that a violation at all??

the explanation is that even though it was their personal property, the items they sold were obtained because they were student-athletes. i guess that makes some sense, but i've never heard of that being a violation before, and on principle i don't think it should be. personally i would never want to sell items like that, but that's beside the point. i should be able to if i want to...at least that's my opinion.

but, if it's going to be a violation....why five games?? receiving improper benefits for less than $10k generally means you repay what you received, and sit out 1/3rd of the season. five games is more than that, and no one received more than $2500.00. actually, since they SOLD something, one could argue that they didn't net anything at all since what they sold equals the value of what they received. maybe one game, but five???? that's just stupid.

as far as playing in the sugar bowl, i don't get that either. the ncaa does have the option of delaying a suspension for championship events, and i do know of cases where that has happened in baseball. the reason is actually to benefit the student-athletes. in baseball, the draft happens before the season is over, and there are so many potential violations with agents, scouts, teams, minor league teams, etc, that it is almost difficult to not commit a violation. rather than suspend them for the one event that people actually watch, the ncaa baseball tournament, they'll often delay the suspension for those that wish to come back. however, they almost never get the full 1/3rd season suspension, much less MORE.

on top of that, bowl games are not championship events. the ncaa has nothing to do with the management of it. they get no money from it. from a technical standpoint, they're really just exhibition games. (i know to fans they mean more than that, but not to the ncaa league office). if the ncaa were going to suspend them at all, then why on earth would htey not do it for an exhibition game??

but, imho, they shouldn't have gotten suspended at all....much less five games. i've learned that they got the 1/3rd season suspension (four games), plus an additional game for waiting to self-report it. however, the stated reason for not suspending them for hte sugar bowl was an ignorance of the rules. so, how could they acknowledge that they were ignorant of the rules, and therefore did not report it, and then suspend them for not reporting it?? that's another reason this is so dumb. five games is outrageous for doing nothing other than getting a fair price for a piece of personal property.

12-24-2010, 11:35 AM
I'm going to go rob a bank today and then see if I can go to jail in August of 2012.

12-24-2010, 11:39 AM
xubrew, there are a few things that have to be taken into consideration when you look at this. Even though in this case it doesn't appear that they made unnecessary profit on the items that they got rid of, you have to just forbid the act altogether. If you do not you run the possibility that a booster gets wind this is happening and he could potentially pay Pryor $50,000 for his ring. Or at least I think that is the intent of the rule. And besides it will probably be appealed and they will be able to come back for the Big Ten opener.

12-24-2010, 11:46 AM
xubrew, there are a few things that have to be taken into consideration when you look at this. Even though in this case it doesn't appear that they made unnecessary profit on the items that they got rid of, you have to just forbid the act altogether. If you do not you run the possibility that a booster gets wind this is happening and he could potentially pay Pryor $50,000 for his ring. Or at least I think that is the intent of the rule. And besides it will probably be appealed and they will be able to come back for the Big Ten opener.

the rule already addresses that. if he received $50,000 for the ring, or any amount that is way above what the appraisal price would be, it's a violation. that's the case for anything, be it a ring, a baseball card, a comic book, or old underwear.

if an employee hires an athlete to sell cars and offers him 500% commission when everyone else only receives 10%, it's a violation. however, it is not a violation if the athlete gets the same as everyone else...nor should it be. that act should not be forbid altogether, and neither should the act of selling personal property.

12-24-2010, 11:49 AM

12-24-2010, 12:03 PM
This just adds even more to my hatred of the sham of a school in Columbus. I freakin' hate that place and wish nothing but ill will on all their sports programs. I will never, never, ever root for that team, no matter who they play. I will root for Dayton, UC, Michigan, Miami, Fla, USC, and all other teams I usually hate way before I ever root for the Butteyes. Screw them. And the NCAA...they can go screw themselves, too. Guys sell the crap they got for free for playing on a goddamn school-sponsored sports team, and they get a five-game suspension for a season most of them won't play in, and we have a kid who passed all his classes but took two classes that had too similiar of titles and he sits out for the entire year of his freshman year. Makes perfect sense. I freakin' hate them.

Whew. Feel better now?

As for this topic. I am an OSU football fan and a Jim Tressel fan. I have followed Tress for over 20 years and this is the first issue of consequence his team's have had either at OSU or YSU. That being said, this was stupid. And as Forrest Gump says, "Stupid is as stupid does." These players were plain old stupid. No excuses anywhere.

12-24-2010, 12:08 PM
I think its safe to say, unless the suspension gets reduced dramatically, that the Sugar Bowl will be Pryor's last game in an Ohio State uni.

Same can be said for Posey and Heron. Posey was already 50-50 on leaving and Heron will lose his job to either Hall or Berry next season. None of the players involved, including Pryor, is going to go before the third round this year or next. I have said it for three years, Pryor has never come close to justifying all the hype and that isn't going to change by staying another year. The only reason he was considering staying was to avoid getting drafted into the possible NFL lockout.

12-24-2010, 12:22 PM
Ohio State does not disappoint.

12-24-2010, 12:39 PM
Whew. Feel better now?

As for this topic. I am an OSU football fan and a Jim Tressel fan. I have followed Tress for over 20 years and this is the first issue of consequence his team's have had either at OSU or YSU. That being said, this was stupid. And as Forrest Gump says, "Stupid is as stupid does." These players were plain old stupid. No excuses anywhere.

vee, i'm the exact opposite of you. i hate ohio state's football team, but i don't think they did much wrong at all, especially not something that warrants a five game suspension.

in glancing at the compliance manual, i can't find anywhere where it states student-athletes cannot sell personal items that they legally obtained from the university. that leads me to believe this is an interpretation of a rule rather than a rule that is specifically stated. not knowing how the ncaa will interpret something does not make someone stupid. they're not consistent with anything they do, so intelligence is a non-factor. that's why i think this is way too harsh a punishment.

X-band '01
12-24-2010, 12:40 PM
It would have been far better for the NCAA to have said nothing about this whole thing until after the Sugar Bowl to begin with. They had no intention of suspending them for this game (or exhibition, as Brew notes that this game is under the BCS jurisdiction) - why would you make this an issue?

Oh that's right, they need to sell a few extra tickets and ensure better ratings for ESPN as this is their turn to cover the Sugar Bowl for the next 4 years. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the NCAA and ESPN coordinated the timing on this "breaking" news.

12-24-2010, 01:12 PM
vee, i'm the exact opposite of you. i hate ohio state's football team, but i don't think they did much wrong at all, especially not something that warrants a five game suspension.

in glancing at the compliance manual, i can't find anywhere where it states student-athletes cannot sell personal items that they legally obtained from the university. that leads me to believe this is an interpretation of a rule rather than a rule that is specifically stated. not knowing how the ncaa will interpret something does not make someone stupid. they're not consistent with anything they do, so intelligence is a non-factor. that's why i think this is way too harsh a punishment.

Brew, I actually agree with you. I was saying that the act was stupid and avoidable. As to the suspension, it seems extreme given the circumstances. Also, not sure why the Sugar Bowl isn't included. Reason being that Pryor, for example, will very probably leave after the Sugar Bowl. So, if he plays in the bowl game and leaves, he doesn't even get reprimanded. The same goes for any of the other players who decide to go pro. Another nonsensical move by the NCAA.

X-band '01
12-25-2010, 04:36 PM
The NCAA amended the rules so that such suspensions would not apply for BCS games, but apparently you could still be suspended for lower-tier bowl games. Does anyone remember Troy Smith being suspended for the Alamo Bowl a few years back? They routed Oklahoma State without Smith and had a pair of stellar seasons after the fact.

If I'm Ohio State, I would wait for about a week, milk as much publicity as possible out of the whole situation, and then announce that the 5 players are suspended for the Sugar Bowl. (I wonder if behind the scenes they've given the second team additional reps if they knew this was coming.) They could then appeal to have the suspensions lowered for the upcoming 2011 season, or at the very least get them eligible in time for the Big 10/11/12 opener against Michigan State. It also gives them a competitive advantage should Arkansas gameplan around Pryor and Co. as opposed to second-teamers who could be crucial to any success that OSU would have in 2011 should Pryor & Co. bolt for the NFL.

Let's not forget one other fact in regards to the NFL Draft - there is still a pending lockout to ensue and there is no guarantee that the entire NFL season will be played in 2011. There's no chance that the entire season would be wiped out - the public outcry and potential intervention from Congress would never allow it - but they're still looking at making less money going into the 2011 Draft than they would if they just wait for the 2012 Draft.

If they're ultimately suspended for the Sugar Bowl, they'll have nothing to lose against Arkansas and Ohio State would be absolved for any transgressions by the media while the NCAA (and the SEC/Newton clan) gets roasted in the media. If they're allowed to play, Ohio State officially becomes a win-at-all-costs program that gets the same black eye in the media that the NCAA does.

12-25-2010, 08:39 PM
in glancing at the compliance manual, i can't find anywhere where it states student-athletes cannot sell personal items that they legally obtained from the university.

This keeps the University from giving the player Commemorative Pocket Lint, and then the player selling it to a booster for $50,000.

12-26-2010, 12:36 AM
This keeps the University from giving the player Commemorative Pocket Lint, and then the player selling it to a booster for $50,000.

if a booster was going to do that, it wouldn't make a difference if it was commemorative pocket lint, or just regular pocket lint. the rule already accounts for that. it doesn't matter if it is a gift from the school or not. they could sell anything or take any job, and if they receive a higher amount of money than you or i would, it's a violation. if they don't, then it's not.

besides, you're missing my biggest gripe. it doesn't say anywhere in the compliance manual that athletes are not allowed to sell gifts that are legally given to them by the university. if they want to make that a rule, then fine. i don't agree with it, but whatever. what they shouldn't do is make it a rule and then retroactively enforce it. that's like you getting a speeding ticket two weeks after the fact because they decided to lower the speed limit, and then just retroactively wrote a ticket.

this is not a specifically stated rule. it is an interpretation of a rule, and to me it sounds like a bogus interpretation. i think if ohio state appeals it, they'll win, or at least get it reduced. since it is an interpretation and not a specifically stated rule, someone else will probably interpret it differently on appeal, and make a different ruling. i hate ohio state, but i don't see hardly any fault here. i really don't see how anyone could. what did they do wrong??

12-26-2010, 01:10 PM
I'm going to go rob a bank today and then see if I can go to jail in August of 2012.

If you robbed a bank today and then hired a good criminal lawyer, it's quite possible that, after trial and conviction and post-verdict motions etc., you wouldn't start serving your actual sentence for a year or more.

12-26-2010, 01:12 PM
It would have been far better for the NCAA to have said nothing about this whole thing until after the Sugar Bowl to begin with. They had no intention of suspending them for this game (or exhibition, as Brew notes that this game is under the BCS jurisdiction) - why would you make this an issue?

My understanding (based on a couple of the Dispatch articles) is that OSU self-reported and proposed suspending the five players involved for the bowl game. The NCAA chose to reject that proposal and put into place the current convoluted scenario.

X-band '01
12-26-2010, 02:56 PM
Since when did a school have to ask the NCAA for permission to suspend players for a bowl game? To me that sounds like the Dispatch trying to cover up for Ohio State. Proposing a suspension isn't good enough.

PM Thor
12-26-2010, 07:12 PM
Since when did a school have to ask the NCAA for permission to suspend players for a bowl game? To me that sounds like the Dispatch trying to cover up for Ohio State. Proposing a suspension isn't good enough.

Seriously. Take the lead OSU, and suspend them for the Bowl game, if you have any cojones that would have been the right move.

Oh wait, there is a ton of money involved with the bowl game. Nevermind.

I HATE dayton.

X-band '01
12-26-2010, 07:27 PM
O$U gets paid the same amount of money whether they win or lose the game.

And it's not like they were going to beat Arkansas (or UPig as Glow likes to call them) with the Gang of 5, so why not suspend them? They have nothing to lose at this point other than their integrity. You may as well just make a run for Bob Huggins in a couple of years and your journey towards the Dark Side will be complete.

12-26-2010, 08:36 PM
Except for Vee, I just love that all the blowhard Luckeye fans have to deal with this.
The worst fans in sports besides UK basketball fans.

12-26-2010, 09:06 PM
Talked to my brother-in-law and he said there was a certain situation with Bowl Games that the NCAA has a policy over.

They specifically have some rule that they do not create suspensions except for serious violations that would create a certain advantage for one team or another for bowl games. He said he read up on it and it was over casual talk, so checking his references isn't something I was keen on doing over the dinner table. I didn't want to sound rude.

Either way, it is frustrating to hear that Pryor and others get to play.

12-27-2010, 11:35 AM
OSU AD Gene Smith has been lying the whole time


12-27-2010, 01:16 PM
OSU AD Gene Smith has been lying the whole time


This. I missed the name of the player that was on ESPN radio yesterday morning, but he said they spent more time in compliance meetings about bowl goodies than they spent practicing. He said people were pretty pissed about the meetings, because the different rules boil down to one thing: If someone gives you something, you cannot sell it. End of story. Everyone knows it. He said that anyone that says that they didn't know about the rule is lying. This guy was pretty pissed at the NCAA for allowing the "I didn't know" defense for Cam Newton. Now, no one is going to know anything.

12-27-2010, 01:22 PM
Hello, Gene Smith "didn't know" about this guy, when he said what he said.

12-27-2010, 04:30 PM
Except for Vee, I just love that all the blowhard Luckeye fans have to deal with this.
The worst fans in sports besides UK basketball fans.

Thanks GG. I hate being associated with tOSU riff-raff. :D

12-27-2010, 04:48 PM
i really wish they would state what rule they were talking about. i can't find it. granted, sometimes i can't find the ketchup either, but specifically what is the article and bylaw number of the rule they're talking about?? i would assume that if it were anywhere, it would be in 16, which covers awards, benefits and expenses, but i can't find anywhere where it states that it is a violation for athletes to sell items that they received as gifts from the university.

i'd have much less of a problem with this ruling if i could find where the actual rule was. they normally state which one it is when they report the violation. this time, they didn't. neither has any other media source that has been reporting on it. that's why i believe this was an interpretation of a rule and not a spefically stated rule.


X-band '01
12-27-2010, 05:32 PM
They specifically have some rule that they do not create suspensions except for serious violations that would create a certain advantage for one team or another for bowl games. He said he read up on it and it was over casual talk, so checking his references isn't something I was keen on doing over the dinner table. I didn't want to sound rude.

So if OJ Simpson had killed someone during the 1968 season, could he theoretically be eligible for the 1969 Rose Bowl? OSU would have had a considerable competitive advantage in that game had that been the case. It would have been extremely unfair to the other Trojans on that team that played by the rules. (Granted, getting out of jail in time to play the game would have been another matter.)

Let's not forget, that was a #1 v. #2 Rose Bowl that season.

01-02-2011, 11:13 AM
So he needed money for his family? He drives a 2009 Dodge Charger....


01-02-2011, 12:21 PM
So he needed money for his family? He drives a 2009 Dodge Charger....


That's a normal loaner car. I also like how he was allowed to drive from Columbus to Pennsylvania so his mom could check out the car. I bet that dealership allows everyone to drive their cars for hundreds of miles at any time.

Kahns Krazy
01-03-2011, 09:53 AM
i really wish they would state what rule they were talking about. i can't find it. granted, sometimes i can't find the ketchup either

And you haven't been able to find the shift key ever.

Kahns Krazy
01-03-2011, 10:00 AM
And seriously brew, this took me about 5 minutes of looking:

16.1.4 Types of Awards, Awarding Agencies, Maximum Value and Numbers of Awards. Athletics
awards given to individual student-athletes shall be limited to those approved or administered by the member
institution, its conference or an approved agency as specified in the following subsections and shall be limited
in value and number as specified in this section. Awards received for intercollegiate athletics participation may not
be sold, exchanged or assigned for another item of value, even if the student-athlete’s name or picture does not
appear on the award. Each of the following subsections is independent of the others so that it is permissible for an
individual student-athlete to receive the awards described in all subsections. (Revised: 9/12/03)

01-03-2011, 11:20 AM
Let's face it. They broke the rules and should be punished. What is even more of a scam is Tressel trying to feel better about himself by saying "each one of them committed to coming back next year so I am going to let them play".

That is a bunch of bull*&^%. There is no chance in hell that Pryor is back next year. Tressell just doesn't want to lose again to the SEC. Too bad he will anyway.


01-03-2011, 11:56 AM
OSU needs to win the game. They have sold their soul for a chance to win the Sugar Bowl. If you are going to forfeit integrity, at least win the game.

DC Muskie
01-03-2011, 12:31 PM
Let's face it. They broke the rules and should be punished. What is even more of a scam is Tressel trying to feel better about himself by saying "each one of them committed to coming back next year so I am going to let them play".

That is a bunch of bull*&^%. There is no chance in hell that Pryor is back next year. Tressell just doesn't want to lose again to the SEC. Too bad he will anyway.


Look the rules were stupid, they were stupid in breaking the rules and it's stupid for them to play, especially since this happened in 2009.

However, any fan from the SEC who thinks this is the most ridiculous thing they have ever heard, needs to get a grip. Especially fans from the state of Alabama.

01-03-2011, 09:11 PM
Petrino vs. Tressell is a huge mismatch. I'll be shocked if Ohio State wins.

And this pledge to return situation is super goofy.

Kahns Krazy
01-04-2011, 04:56 PM
I think it would be awesome if Pryor sold whatever swag he gets tonight on eBay tomorrow.