View Full Version : White Death - 2008
X-band '01
02-12-2008, 06:46 AM
I see Xavier's going to be closing up today - needless to say this is going to be a slow day in Cincy today.
02-12-2008, 07:07 AM
I can't understand why all the local media outlets were predicting up to 9 inches of snow as late as the 11:00 news. Were they dealing w/ old information? Both and were reporting exactly what occured (an small amount of snow accumulation turning to rain freezing rain overnight).
As it is, it's pretty damn nasty out there. Snow and rain is a bad combination for anyone, anywhere. Nine inches of snow however would have absolutely crippled this town for the next couple days. I think the local news/weather likes to get people all worked up into a frenzie.
It's a conspiracy between the local news and grocery stores - scare people into buying canned goods and bottled water as if the world is coming to and end.
02-12-2008, 09:41 AM
I thought we were supposed to get a major winter storm? I can still see blades of grass through the light blanket of snow we have on our lawn.
Weak! I bet Thor didn't even have to tow anyone out of a ditch with his Wrangler.
Kahns Krazy
02-12-2008, 10:00 AM
We have a fairly significant accumulation of ice, and the driving conditions on the side streets are absurd. When you're talking about freezing rain, one degree can make a huge difference.
Covington appears to have done nothing about it. There is an inch of ice on all the streets. I hate it over here.
PM Thor
02-12-2008, 10:25 AM
I thought we were supposed to get a major winter storm? I can still see blades of grass through the light blanket of snow we have on our lawn.
Weak! I bet Thor didn't even have to tow anyone out of a ditch with his Wrangler.
No I didn't. But this "storm" got me a lunch date to Hofbrauhaus! Afternoon drinkin on a Tuesday! Woot!
Kahns Krazy
02-12-2008, 10:29 AM
Woot? (
02-12-2008, 10:33 AM
I've decided that the people of Cincinnati are obsessed with weather, and that it's ingrained into their genetic code. My friends who are Cincinnati natives are constantly checking the weather channel and various weather sites any time talk of snow occurs. Then, the weathercasters start making more noise, because they most likely are Cincinnati natives, too. The next thing you know, Kroger is running out of canned goods, the streets are covered in beet juice, and Cincinnati has a whopping inch of snow that completely cripples the city, shuts down schools, and causes mass hysteria. It's a joke. I can't take this complete weather craziness anymore. If it wasn't for my job and Xavier basketball I'd be out of here... come to think of it, Xavier basketball is the only thing keeping me here.
My friends who are Cincinnati natives are constantly checking the weather channel and various weather sites any time talk of snow occurs.
Maybe you just need cooler friends.
ATL Muskie
02-12-2008, 01:03 PM
I've decided that the people of Cincinnati are obsessed with weather, and that it's ingrained into their genetic code. My friends who are Cincinnati natives are constantly checking the weather channel and various weather sites any time talk of snow occurs. Then, the weathercasters start making more noise, because they most likely are Cincinnati natives, too. The next thing you know, Kroger is running out of canned goods, the streets are covered in beet juice, and Cincinnati has a whopping inch of snow that completely cripples the city, shuts down schools, and causes mass hysteria. It's a joke. I can't take this complete weather craziness anymore. If it wasn't for my job and Xavier basketball I'd be out of here... come to think of it, Xavier basketball is the only thing keeping me here.
What's worse is when they come down here and bitch about people here who can't deal with the ice, as if people up there have this amazing skill to do so. Um, no, they don't.
02-12-2008, 01:03 PM
I had to call in sick because I got a little guy who's school was closed. Still not sure why they closed it.
02-12-2008, 01:34 PM
Cincy finally got some snow, huh? About time you guys got in on the fun!
PM Thor
02-12-2008, 03:15 PM
Woot? (
That's kind of funny, because I check that site all the time. Very nearly bought a 52 inch Olevia LCD HD tv on there a week ago....
BBC 08
02-12-2008, 03:21 PM
I don't care if there was barely any snow on the ground, Xavier was closed today so I didn't have to go to class. That calls for another beer.
Michigan Muskie
02-12-2008, 03:30 PM
If it wasn't for my job and Xavier basketball I'd be out of here... come to think of it, Xavier basketball is the only thing keeping me here.
You are also apparently ignoring the fact that Cincinnatians are widely recognized for a love and loyalty to their city and are proud to call it their home town. To bash the city in a forum filled with residents is not going to win you many friends in this town, despite your affiliation with Xavier.
Before you go, you should consider investing some time into studying the rich history and traditions manifested in this city. One day, you too may actually be proud to say you lived here.
Kahns Krazy
02-13-2008, 01:49 PM
That's kind of funny, because I check that site all the time. Very nearly bought a 52 inch Olevia LCD HD tv on there a week ago....
I've stayed away from major purchases there, but I have picked up several things that I have been very happy with, including a digital camera. I also grabbed a case of wine from wine.woot before it was blocked at work.
The woot fanatics believe tomorrow may be a woot-off.
PM Thor
02-13-2008, 03:00 PM
Eff. I have seen that projector they had on sale today in person. It's freakin awesome. We would hook up a laptop to it, and play movies straight onto the screen, or even watch games online, and have that projected. I would have bought that thing in a second, alas, sold out.
Woot off?
Kahns Krazy
02-13-2008, 03:29 PM
The woot-off is when they sell through multiple items in a day, often very limited quantities, and some items can go in minutes, or even seconds.
02-13-2008, 03:37 PM
It actually even snowed in Nashville with the slightest of accumulation today, I was shocked and really glad I don't drive to work.
02-13-2008, 05:26 PM
I am in Nashvegas, in the Gaylord Opryland resort all week for a convention. We had a golf outing planned for today, but it was cancelled. I brought enough winter clothes to play, and these guys go ahead and cancel.
Bunch of wimps.
02-13-2008, 10:20 PM
Thor: You can do better than Olevias for not much more money. As a HDTV freak, trust me on this. I could name several brands off top of my head that are better: LCD: Sony, Samsung, Sharp, LG, Plasma: Panasonic, Pioneer.
X-band '01
02-14-2008, 05:46 AM
I ultimately decided to go with Olevia earlier in the month, and so far I've been very happy with the picture (and yes, I was finally able to figure out how to hook up my DVD/VCR player to record all the games). Of course, it's easy to be happy with that picture compared to my old TV that was a 2000 model.
PM Thor
02-14-2008, 01:10 PM
Thor: You can do better than Olevias for not much more money. As a HDTV freak, trust me on this. I could name several brands off top of my head that are better: LCD: Sony, Samsung, Sharp, LG, Plasma: Panasonic, Pioneer.
Oh I know, that's why I didn't pull the trigger. Plus I didn't do enough research to make that decision yet.
American X
02-14-2008, 01:23 PM
I blame snowstormxu.
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