View Full Version : Auburn Football - Oh no they didn't!!!

Mark 3 Pointer
11-18-2010, 09:31 AM
McGregor and 10 others are scheduled for arraignment Friday morning in federal court in Montgomery on charges accusing them of buying and selling votes on pro-gambling legislation.

The bigger picture here is that the Feds have been investigating Milton McGregor (A major Auburn Booster and the owner of VictoryLand, which is located just outside of Montgomery) for quite some time. The Feds are investigating efforts to pass gambling legislation in Alabama and money laundering schemes involving McGregor and other prominent Alabama politicians and Auburn boosters.

The Feds have tape from wire taps made on McGregor and other prominent Auburn boosters from their investigation. The Newton's were just shopping their talent's to the wrong people at the wrong time and thus there is hard evidence available that incriminates everyone involved. It's only a matter of time that all of this information becomes public.

FBI found out about Cam before the NCAA did while wiretapping Milton McGregor and others related to the casino/bingo indictments. They uncovered conversations with McGregor, Auburn and Cam's uncle in Michigan. McGregor paid $250K to the uncle through a PAC and other hidden entities and the uncle funneled the money to Cecil.

The FBI gave this information to the NCAA sometime after the indictments were handed down. They had to sit on the information for 6 months until the grand jury indicted the men and women in the gambling deal. All of the wiretap information was sealed and that is why the delay in investigating. The NCAA had to go to Miss St to see if Cecil had solicited money from them as well. That is why Miss St is involved. They are basically connecting all of the dots. Miss St may be cleared because they told Cecil no. He then went to Auburn. The offer was on the table from McGregor but Cam wanted to play at Miss St and not Auburn. When Miss St declined to pay him, he went to where the money was... hence the comment, "The money was too much." The FBI met with the Miss St coaches, John Bond and Bill Bell today to get their official statements.

DC Muskie
11-18-2010, 10:03 AM
This is epic. I'm truly loving this story.

Is there any doubt Auburn paid this for this kid? I mean it's Auburn. It's the SEC. It's major college football.

I can't wait to see the fallout from this.

Truly epic.

11-18-2010, 10:08 AM
Wow. This is insane! If they have that kind of hard evidence they're done for. Between these guys and Coach Calipari (cheap shot, I know, but I don't like him) this conference is a joke.

11-18-2010, 10:10 AM
Get out the coffin for Auburn football because with that proof they should get the death penalty. But we all no money talks so they will be like a USC situation. If say a school like Louisiana Monroe did this they would get the death penalty.

And this is not isolated. I think this stuff goes on qiuite a bit and I know it happens at Kentucky. I know a guy that played with Tim Couch and let's just say he was well taken care of while at UK. Can you imagine the kind of scratch the UK basketball players are making? I think there was some truth behine the Davis kid's dad asking for $200K and then all of a sudden his kid signs with UK.

11-18-2010, 10:30 AM
TCU and Boise St are smiling....just need to get Oregon a loss now.

I'd LOVE to see a TCU / Boise St National Championship...would they even let that happen?

11-18-2010, 10:32 AM
TCU and Boise St are smiling....just need to get Oregon a loss now.

I'd LOVE to see a TCU / Boise St National Championship...would they even let that happen?

It'd be awesome but they would never let that happen. As long as there is a "Big Six" team with a one loss record, one of those two schools is gonna get jumped. Hell, they might even let Auburn play in the Championship game for the ratings then strip them of the title should they win.

XU 87
11-18-2010, 10:41 AM
TCU and Boise St are smiling....just need to get Oregon a loss now.

I'd LOVE to see a TCU / Boise St National Championship...would they even let that happen?

David against Goliath makes for a great story and game. David against David does not.

11-18-2010, 10:49 AM
i live in alabama, and what really sucks about this whole thing is that the pissing match that will break out between auburn and alabama fans will overshadow the larger, much more important, much more aggregious and much more ridiculous overall issue of milton mcgregor.

ths is a cynical way of looking at it, but i'm inclined to think that auburn's actual involvement is minimal, but it is to mcgregor's advantage to make it appear as if auburn is involved because it takes the focus off of him and puts it on auburn.

for the record, i do not gamble.

for the record, i strongly believe gambling SHOULD be legal.

for the record, i do NOT think gambling should be legalized AT ALL in the manner in which he was proposing, which basically involved himself, and not the state, benefiting from it.

mcgregor would use examples of how gambling has helped the economy and education in surrounding states, and boneheads all around alabama who feel (rightfully so) that it is their right to gamble would foam at the mouth. what he was overlooking was that the setup was totally different. the money would go to him, not alabama schools or state budgets.....and then tried to buy up votes to make it happen.

he's a real piece of work. now, unfortunately, everyone is going to be far more fixated on auburn than on him. it's unfair to say that he orchestrated that, but it is also accurate to say that he benefits from it.

11-18-2010, 10:55 AM
The question is will the NCAA do anything about it before the bowl games are played?

Or will they let Auburn play the year out only to wipe them off the books later..

The 2nd scenario would be insane but when it comes to college football, I don't rule out anything

American X
11-18-2010, 10:57 AM
The NCAA will be so mad at Auburn that they will give a Conference USA team the death penalty.

How many BCS officials are praying for a loss to Alabama or South Carolina to keep a tainted Auburn out of the championship?

11-18-2010, 11:07 AM
The NCAA will be so mad at Auburn that they will give a Conference USA team the death penalty.

How many BCS officials are praying for a loss to Alabama or South Carolina to keep a tainted Auburn out of the championship?

zero. are you kidding?? at least the corporate portion of the bcs doesn't give a damn about who wins, or who has to vacate it later. they care about how many people will watch. you can't buy this kind of advertising. if auburn is in the bcs title game and cam newton is playing, tons of people will tune in BECAUSE of this.

11-18-2010, 11:07 AM
Is there any doubt Auburn paid this for this kid?

No...there is no doubt.

Yet, the main players will continue to deny it happened.

11-18-2010, 11:21 AM
Love reading the Auburn message boards and the conspiracy theories about why they are being unfairly targeted

11-18-2010, 11:22 AM
This is epic. I'm truly loving this story.

Is there any doubt Auburn paid this for this kid? I mean it's Auburn. It's the SEC. It's major college football.

I can't wait to see the fallout from this.

Truly epic.

my experience with the south, and football in particular, is that it is strange. accusations fly around so wildly and are oftentimes manifested by people who really don't have a clue, so i'm hesitant to fully believe any of it. the sec is corrupt, but what they're guilty of are usually the things people AREN'T talking as much about. so, to me, the thing is so crazy, my mind is not made up one way or the other. neither would surprise me at all. anything between auburn paying him millions or paying him nothing at all is entirely possible. maybe they paid him as much as millions. maybe they paid him as little as nothing.

i can say this for certain, bruce pearl should be cam newton's biggest fan right about now.

11-18-2010, 11:25 AM
No...there is no doubt.

Yet, the main players will continue to deny it happened.


DC Muskie
11-18-2010, 11:58 AM
Love reading the Auburn message boards and the conspiracy theories about why they are being unfairly targeted

Could you provide some highlights? I don't have time to go searching.


11-18-2010, 12:17 PM
Could you provide some highlights? I don't have time to go searching.


talk radio is equally as amusing...if not moreso.

one theory (and i'm not making this up) is that it was all started by alabama, and nick saban in particular. they're just doing it to keep auburn down, and that they should be barred from playing and coaching. alabama made all this up to keep auburn from winning the national title, and beating them.

11-18-2010, 12:25 PM
God that is just bad luck on Auburn's part. You don't really go around assuming everyone you call is under surveillance by the FBI.

11-18-2010, 03:00 PM
The NCAA will be so mad at Auburn that they will give a Conference USA team the death penalty.

Thanks for the insight Jerry Tarkanian

The question is will the NCAA do anything about it before the bowl games are played?

Or will they let Auburn play the year out only to wipe them off the books later..

The 2nd scenario would be insane but when it comes to college football, I don't rule out anything

I've said it before, I'll say it again, only two ways something comes down on Cam Newton:

1. Auburn loses a game and therefore is out of the BCS Championship Picture
2. The season is over and the NCAA has milked every last penny they can out of Cam Newton and Auburn.

I think we all know college athletes get kickbacks, and under the table stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if it extended beyond the SEC and BCS conferences either. Say whatever you want about people being unethical, immoral, or whatever, but players getting paid doesn't bother me. It is the NCAA's hypocrisy over everything that bothers me.

I think this article hits the nail on the head: http://www.cbssports.com/collegebasketball/story/14304899/explain-this-millionaire-parker-can-play-but-kanter-cant

I also think this article explains things well: http://ncaabasketball.fanhouse.com/2010/11/16/ncaa-ultimate-hypocrite-in-forstmann-img-gambling-case/

Mark 3 Pointer
11-18-2010, 03:09 PM
How pissed off would you be if you were an LSU fan and your teams only loss was to Auburn?

I'm pretty sure I'd riot.

11-18-2010, 03:33 PM
I think this article hits the nail on the head: http://www.cbssports.com/collegebasketball/story/14304899/explain-this-millionaire-parker-can-play-but-kanter-cant

I also think this article explains things well: http://ncaabasketball.fanhouse.com/2010/11/16/ncaa-ultimate-hypocrite-in-forstmann-img-gambling-case/

Interesting points in the article, but I think they would be easier to understand if Doyel didn't have Calipari's junk in his mouth for the entire article.

11-18-2010, 03:37 PM
Thanks for the insight Jerry Tarkanian

I've said it before, I'll say it again, only two ways something comes down on Cam Newton:

1. Auburn loses a game and therefore is out of the BCS Championship Picture
2. The season is over and the NCAA has milked every last penny they can out of Cam Newton and Auburn.

I think we all know college athletes get kickbacks, and under the table stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if it extended beyond the SEC and BCS conferences either. Say whatever you want about people being unethical, immoral, or whatever, but players getting paid doesn't bother me. It is the NCAA's hypocrisy over everything that bothers me.

I think this article hits the nail on the head: http://www.cbssports.com/collegebasketball/story/14304899/explain-this-millionaire-parker-can-play-but-kanter-cant

I also think this article explains things well: http://ncaabasketball.fanhouse.com/2010/11/16/ncaa-ultimate-hypocrite-in-forstmann-img-gambling-case/

Paying players does not bother me either, but breaking the rules to gain an advantage and unfair playing field bothers me. I am a ND fan and they have been poor for a while now, but if they started paying players big money to play for them I would be ashamed to be a fan of their program.

Seriously, why would anyone Auburn fan be happy with this situation? They are winning now but they are about to get hammered. On top of that Cam Newton did not even want to play for them. what a slap in the face this will be to many Auburn fans.

11-18-2010, 03:56 PM
Interesting points in the article, but I think they would be easier to understand if Doyel didn't have Calipari's junk in his mouth for the entire article.

Kanter ruled ineligible and suddenly Doyle has a problem with cross sport pros. But Doyle tells you he's biased up front, so it's okay.

11-18-2010, 04:07 PM

Here's a detailed analysis of the all the people involved and events in this Auburn situation

11-18-2010, 05:41 PM
The question is will the NCAA do anything about it before the bowl games are played?

Or will they let Auburn play the year out only to wipe them off the books later..

The 2nd scenario would be insane but when it comes to college football, I don't rule out anything

It depends on which scenario will make more $$$. That's the one they'll go with.

pizza delivery
11-18-2010, 07:19 PM
Read this rumor:

People are saying it goes way beyond Cam. They say the FBI, while monitoring the Bingo mess in Montgomery and also investigating the misappropriation of TARP funds by Colonial Bank, uncovered many, many things. Such things include guaranteed winning slot machines for AU players at Milt’s (Colonial Board member, AU Booster) Casino, unmarked ATM cards issued to AU players from Colonial Bank (Bobby Lowder-AU Board Member and Booster; Pat Dye-Colonial Board member, AU employee and Booster), forgiven loans to families, friends, donors, etc.

11-18-2010, 07:36 PM
Read this rumor:

I think this will all trace back to the Kennedy Assassinations somehow

11-18-2010, 07:42 PM
Why is this story just now coming out? It's a mess and only hurting the best college football player and should win the Heisman no matter if he was paid or not.

I do not know people's feelings about Gregg Doyle but he is very opinionated writer and I think he does a very good job of being critical of this situation. http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/story/14267701/consider-the-source-on-newton-story

11-18-2010, 08:35 PM
Why is this story just now coming out? It's a mess and only hurting the best college football player and should win the Heisman no matter if he was paid or not.

I do not know people's feelings about Gregg Doyle but he is very opinionated writer and I think he does a very good job of being critical of this situation. http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/story/14267701/consider-the-source-on-newton-story

I just don't get it. Gregg Doyle is bent out of shape because the person who went on the record, ex-MSU QB John Bond, didn't speak directly to the person he is implicating. Then he takes a clip of a radio show he appeaared on completely out of context to prove his point.

However, Bond admitted on that show that he hasn't talked to Rogers in 30 years and that it's exactly what the he told the NCAA when they asked. He never misrepresented himself by saying that he spoke directly to Rogers. His outrage should be solely on ESPN and the NYTimes if they reported otherwise, not on Bond for having his story misreported.

I'm not saying I believe Bond, ESPN, the NYTimes or anyone in this case, but you can't just trash a dude if he says something and then it gets reported incorrectly. I'm pretty forgiving but I can't stand Doyle, all he does is bitch.

DC Muskie
11-18-2010, 09:35 PM
I'm pretty forgiving but I can't stand Doyle, all he does is bitch.

Doyle is such an angry guy.

pizza delivery
11-18-2010, 09:57 PM
Why is this story just now coming out? It's a mess and only hurting the best college football player and should win the Heisman no matter if he was paid or not.

I do not know people's feelings about Gregg Doyle but he is very opinionated writer and I think he does a very good job of being critical of this situation. http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/story/14267701/consider-the-source-on-newton-story

I think it has something to do with the FBI having to sit on their case until more info came in. They've known about Newton for a long time they say.

pizza delivery
11-18-2010, 09:58 PM
I think this will all trace back to the Kennedy Assassinations somehow

It will go down as "The Great Bingo Mess of 2010".

11-19-2010, 11:08 AM
Thanks for the insight Jerry Tarkanian

I've said it before, I'll say it again, only two ways something comes down on Cam Newton:

1. Auburn loses a game and therefore is out of the BCS Championship Picture
2. The season is over and the NCAA has milked every last penny they can out of Cam Newton and Auburn.

I think we all know college athletes get kickbacks, and under the table stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if it extended beyond the SEC and BCS conferences either. Say whatever you want about people being unethical, immoral, or whatever, but players getting paid doesn't bother me. It is the NCAA's hypocrisy over everything that bothers me.

I think this article hits the nail on the head: http://www.cbssports.com/collegebasketball/story/14304899/explain-this-millionaire-parker-can-play-but-kanter-cant

I also think this article explains things well: http://ncaabasketball.fanhouse.com/2010/11/16/ncaa-ultimate-hypocrite-in-forstmann-img-gambling-case/

i don't think i completely understand what either article has to do with your point.

as far as doyell's article, there are a lot of ncaa bylaws and rules that are unclear and difficult to understand, but i think the one he is complaining about is pretty easy to understand. to be certified as eligible in a specific sport, you have to be an amateur in that specific sport. kyle parker is a millionaire. kyle parker is a professional baseball player, but kyle parker is not being certified to play college baseball. he's on the football team. to the ncaa when it comes to certifying someone for FOOTBALL, being a professional BASEBALL player is no different than being a professional best-selling author, or a professional computer programmer, or anything else where he could have earned gobs of money doing outside of football.

from the article....

How are professional baseball players -- pro athletes -- allowed to play football in droves after their baseball careers hit the skids?

why wouldn't they be?? i don't understand what he doesn't understand. it works both ways. a current nfl player could play college baseball if they wanted to so long as they weren't receiving any endorsement deals or was making any money that related to his playing baseball.

as far as the second article, he raises a stink because agents, who have direct contact with coaches, are betting on games. i thought the ncaa gave him an acceptable and obvious response. they cannot police anyone who is not a part of their membership. an agent is not directly affiliated with the ncaa. you know who else isn't?? talk show hosts and broadcasters. i've heard cincinnati sports talk shows where the host interviewed someonone from xavier, and then in the next segment talk about point spreads and internet betting. i don't see how the ncaa can reprimand the talk show host.

a law firm that buys a box at an arena or season tickets for its firm, but yet bets on the games. exactly what is the ncaa supposed to do to the law firm?? they can't do a damn thing because they are not ncaa members.

really, that's like saying obama really needs to do something about the price of gas in russia. why stop with agents?? what if the teacher of the coaches' kids are betting on games?? what if their barbers are betting on games?? what if their lawyers, doctors are betting on games?? they all have access to these coaches, and are betting on games. to repeatedly hound the ncaa as to what they're going to do about it is beyond silly. even if they wanted to do something, they couldn't.

for the record, the ncaa is a mess. it's just that whenever you see articles like this it is actually more frustrating because it is misdirected criticism. if you're going to criticize the ncaa, criticize them for something that you don't need to reach for.

my biggest problem isn't so much that i think it is blatantly and intentionally corrupt as much as i think that they just have too many cooks in the kitchen. it goes far beyond the analogy of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. it's more like a centipede where none of the legs know what the other is doing. the result is hyper-technical policy that is way overblown and in many cases impossible to understand or definitively interpret. one person makes a rule, someone other than the person who made it interprets it, and then a committee consisting of completely different individuals is formed to impliment it. THAT is the ncaa's problem. i don't think that it's blatantly corrupt for the simple reason that they're not cohesive enough to effectively conspire.

let me put it another way. say two people are arrested for public intoxication and go into court. one person gets one judge, and it is dismissed. the other person gets another judge, and is convicted. same crime, same law, but different judge, different sentence. well, multiply that by about a million and you have the ncaa. that's what's wrong with it way more than that it is intentionally corrupt.

12-01-2010, 02:47 PM
After being declared ineligible for procedural purposes by Auburn University the NCAA has re-instated Cam Newton, making him immediately eligible to play.


12-01-2010, 02:52 PM
After being declared ineligible for procedural purposes by Auburn University the NCAA has re-instated Cam Newton, making him immediately eligible to play.


And Justin Martin cannot play. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

12-01-2010, 03:00 PM
Watch out Duquesne. Death penalty coming!

12-01-2010, 03:22 PM
Just keep in mind that there are 2 phases with the NCAA. Auburn finally acknowledges that Cecil shopped Cam around and declared him ineligible. The NCAA Eligibility Committee reinstates him to play immediately based on what they know so far.

Now, phase two will start. What did Auburn know? When did they know it? When should they have declared him ineligible? I am guessing they knew all of this information at least as early as July. The penalty phase for knowingly playing someone that should have been declared ineligible could be severe, or they may simply have to vacate wins. Who knows?

The eligibility doesn't take possible punishment off of the table if it turns out that Cam's dad was actually paid by Auburn or a booster OR if Cam knew that he was being shopped.

Finally, Cam wanted to go to MSU. Cecil made him go to Auburn. Cam allegedly didn't know why.

Dad, I want to go to MSU.
Son, you are going to Auburn.

12-01-2010, 06:03 PM
Just keep in mind that there are 2 phases with the NCAA. Auburn finally acknowledges that Cecil shopped Cam around and declared him ineligible. The NCAA Eligibility Committee reinstates him to play immediately based on what they know so far.

Now, phase two will start. What did Auburn know? When did they know it? When should they have declared him ineligible? I am guessing they knew all of this information at least as early as July. The penalty phase for knowingly playing someone that should have been declared ineligible could be severe, or they may simply have to vacate wins. Who knows?

The eligibility doesn't take possible punishment off of the table if it turns out that Cam's dad was actually paid by Auburn or a booster OR if Cam knew that he was being shopped.

Finally, Cam wanted to go to MSU. Cecil made him go to Auburn. Cam allegedly didn't know why.

Dad, I want to go to MSU.
Son, you are going to Auburn.

it was the ncaa reinstatement staff, not the eligibility committee (i think that perhaps you mean the infractions committee) that reinstated him. the reinstatement staff is located in a different building on the other side of town.

there is no next phase. unless new information comes to light, this is over and done with. he is eligible.

12-01-2010, 06:29 PM
it was the ncaa reinstatement staff, not the eligibility committee (i think that perhaps you mean the infractions committee) that reinstated him. the reinstatement staff is located in a different building on the other side of town.

there is no next phase. unless new information comes to light, this is over and done with. he is eligible.

I am pretty sure this is not true brew. I believe Glow has it right. He has been ruled immediately eligible based on what is known now. If the NCAA finds out anything else (and I heard they will continue to investigate the issue) they can then rule Newton ineligible and punish Auburn accordingly (forfeited victories, sanctions, etc.)

12-01-2010, 06:59 PM
The idea that Cecil Newton did all of this without Cam's knowledge is absolutely ludicrous. It beggars belief.

But at the end of the day, it's what you can prove.

12-01-2010, 07:20 PM
I am pretty sure this is not true brew. I believe Glow has it right. He has been ruled immediately eligible based on what is known now. If the NCAA finds out anything else (and I heard they will continue to investigate the issue) they can then rule Newton ineligible and punish Auburn accordingly (forfeited victories, sanctions, etc.)

my understanding was that he was ruled ineligible yesterday by the ncaa, but then reinstated by the ncaa student-athlete reinstatement staff today. he was reinstated without any conditions (ie, suspensions, repayment, etc).

the ncaa doesn't have a history of continuing to investigate players that the reinstatement committee has ruled eligible. i don't want to say it never happens, but i can't think of a time where it has. having said that, they do things i've never seen them do before on a regular basis.

i think this is over though, but that's just my opinion. i'm not claiming to know any inside info.

12-01-2010, 07:22 PM
The idea that Cecil Newton did all of this without Cam's knowledge is absolutely ludicrous. It beggars belief.

But at the end of the day, it's what you can prove.

with the ncaa, it's not even that. at the end of the day, it's how whoever heard the case interpreted it at that particular moment.

12-01-2010, 09:47 PM
my understanding was that he was ruled ineligible yesterday by the ncaa, but then reinstated by the ncaa student-athlete reinstatement staff today. he was reinstated without any conditions (ie, suspensions, repayment, etc).

the ncaa doesn't have a history of continuing to investigate players that the reinstatement committee has ruled eligible. i don't want to say it never happens, but i can't think of a time where it has. having said that, they do things i've never seen them do before on a regular basis.

i think this is over though, but that's just my opinion. i'm not claiming to know any inside info.

This may very well be the case, I in no way claim to know the ins and outs. My feeling is from the articles and twitter feeds I have read, I thought I read from a sports writer that this is not the end, just that he can play now. If memory recalls correctly, the writers were saying they will still investigate and could still result in an ineligible decision.

One even said something along the lines of "could Newton become the next Reggie Bush"

Again, this is just memory and reading comprehension, two untrustworthy sources (especially coming from me).

12-02-2010, 03:00 PM

Iteresting article on how the SEC commissioner was able to read a bylaw that Cam should be suspended into evidence that he should be allowed to play.

12-02-2010, 05:20 PM
Slive said today that the SEC is going to propose national legislation to cover this type of incident. They don't want to open Padora's Box with this ruling. The intent of the current legislation is one thing. The wording of the legislation is another. "Cam didn't know" is flying right now. The regulations will be clearer in the future.

12-02-2010, 08:24 PM
So what is the difference between Newton and Bush? Did Bush know his daddy was using him to get a house and this knowledge is why USC was punished, while Auburn gets off because Cam didn't konw what his daddy was doing?

12-02-2010, 08:36 PM
Slive said today that the SEC is going to propose national legislation to cover this type of incident. They don't want to open Padora's Box with this ruling. The intent of the current legislation is one thing. The wording of the legislation is another. "Cam didn't know" is flying right now. The regulations will be clearer in the future.

i somehow doubt that. oh, they'll try. that i'm sure of. but in the final outcome, my money is that it actually ends up being more confusing.

12-02-2010, 08:39 PM
So what is the difference between Newton and Bush? Did Bush know his daddy was using him to get a house and this knowledge is why USC was punished, while Auburn gets off because Cam didn't konw what his daddy was doing?

the biggest difference is that bush actually received benefits, whereas someone other than cam newton unsuccessfully (alledgedly) tried to solicit them. bush was actually living in the house with his family for a time, so the whole "he didn't know" defense wouldn't work.

if i'm not mistaken, it wasn't even auburn that he tried to solicit. it was mississippi state.

so, long story short. cam newton's father tried to solicit money from mississippi state and was not successful. after not receiving money, he went to auburn whom he neither solicited nor received improper benefits from, or at least the investigation was unable to determine that he had.

reggie bush actually received improper benefits from usc, and actually played for usc.

that's how i understand it anyway.

12-02-2010, 08:50 PM
The SEC by-law is interesting in this issue. It reads:

SEC Bylaw Financial Aid.
If at any time before or after matriculation in a member institution a student-athlete or any member of his/her family receives or agrees to receive, directly or indirectly, any aid or assistance beyond or in addition to that permitted by the Bylaws of this Conference (except such aid or assistance as such student-athlete may receive from those persons on whom the student is naturally or legally dependent for support), such student-athlete shall be ineligible for competition in any intercollegiate sport within the Conference for the remainder of his/her college career.

So obviously the buzz words are "receive" or "agree to receive." Do you "agree to receive" an improper benefit if you shop around your child (i.e. I agree he'll play for MSU if you pay me X amount.)? If he agreed to receive this benefit, but then changed his mind and in fact did not receive it, is Cam still eligible? Does that constitute "agreeing to receive"? Clearly the SEC doesn't think so, but it's definitely worded vaguely enough for interpretation either way.