View Full Version : Interesting article on member of the GW women's team

11-02-2010, 01:48 PM

Kye Allums is now a sociological (for lack of a better word) male, but biological female playing for the GW women's team.

He is delaying the start of hormone therapy (testosterone) as to not run afoul of NCAA bans on the substance and its subsequent biological advantage.

Not a whole lot of "there" there, but an interesting anecdote on how greater social acceptances of individuals (transgender) affect long-standing societal structures ("men's" and "womens" athletics).

11-02-2010, 06:04 PM
Very interesting, it truly is a new day and age. I'm curious as to how this will be received in arenas around the country, I would hope that crowds at women's games are open minded enough to be civil, but you never know.

11-04-2010, 05:00 PM
http://www.courier-journal.com/section/VideoNetwork?bctid=659798656001#/Man%20Playing%20For%20GW%27s%20Women%27s%20B%2DBal l%20Team/659798656001

11-04-2010, 05:14 PM
It was my impression (through conversations with members of the Xavier Alliance) that male/female was dependent upon your physical state, man/woman was based on your mental state, and personal pronouns reflect your preference of what to be called. So now I'm confused because he currently possesses female genitalia (physical state), yet they call him a male. Shouldn't they instead call him a man (reflecting mental state)? But my personal confusion is not necessarily relevant...

What is relevant is that I hope fans including our own respect him first as a human person and refrain from using slurs.

11-05-2010, 01:38 AM
She's still a woman. She will never have a Y chromosome or a real penis.