View Full Version : WH Previews

DC Muskie
10-22-2010, 05:47 PM
Anyone know if WH on the A-10 board is doing previews and will they be posted here?

I used to go to that site, but had to stop. I actually do have some standards.

Thanks for the help.

PM Thor
10-22-2010, 06:31 PM
Anyone know if WH on the A-10 board is doing previews and will they be posted here?

I used to go to that site, but had to stop. I actually do have some standards.

Thanks for the help.

Yeah, he's in the process of doing them right now.

As for that site, they just recently instituted some of the posters as actual moderators, so the idiocy has slowed down a ton. Oh and bleacherreport links are the devils work.

I HATE dayton.

X-band '01
10-22-2010, 07:26 PM
He must have done a 180 recently - I thought he was going to suspend doing them this year because of other things he had going on. If he does even the mini previews that he did last year, I'd be thrilled.

10-22-2010, 08:26 PM
The old computer took a dump about a week ago, so I didn't know WH had changed his mind regarding previews. Great news. I often like his personal insights of the strengths and weaknesses of individual players. And he usually has a pretty good take on how the teams will fare as well.

Our illustrious xu95 is a mod over there now. :D :p

10-22-2010, 08:55 PM
WH is good. The A-10 board sucks.

10-23-2010, 10:06 AM
WH is good. The A-10 board sucks.

I began liking the A-10 Board a lot more as soon as I began to employ the "Ignore" feature so that the most obnoxious posters on the A-10 Board don't show up on my screen. Now if only it were possible for the site to prevent quotes of those on one's Ignore List from showing up on other people's posts!