View Full Version : Thanks for the memories and the anticipation

05-06-2010, 09:39 AM
Thanks for the memories and the anticipation

Geese it seems like just yesterday, but it's been slightly more than a year since he left to wander in the desert of little dessert, leaving some to worry about Xavier basketball in the hands of an alleged rookie.

For some it was doom and gloom. For others, “We'll get along and prosper. “ Well, brothers and sisters, prosper won.

A year later—and what a year it has been-- we can smile and eagerly look forward to 10-11 with all the enthusiasm of a fan coming off an Elite 8 or one of many Xavier Sweet 16 seasons. And of course there is the matter of four consecutive regular-season A10 championships.

As we prepare for another off-season of either mindless speculation or equally silly over confidence, we can for certain say one thing: “Thank You Sean Miller.” The bitter rationale of those thanks could be a “Thanks for taking your money-grubbing, Lexus-seeking self out West.” Or, as I prefer, thank you for making a decision that proved Xavier will keep going with class and dignity and simply say, “Next!” (Read More Here) (http://www.xavierhoops.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15135)

05-06-2010, 09:45 AM
Q, great stuff as always.....Go X!!!!!