View Full Version : Congress Strips itself of Health Care

04-13-2010, 03:10 PM
Baffled by Health Plan? So Are Some Lawmakers (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/13/us/politics/13health.html?partner=rss&emc=rss)

The law apparently bars members of Congress from the federal employees health program, on the assumption that lawmakers should join many of their constituents in getting coverage through new state-based markets known as insurance exchanges.

But the research service found that this provision was written in an imprecise, confusing way, so it is not clear when it takes effect.

The new exchanges do not have to be in operation until 2014. But because of a possible “drafting error,” the report says, Congress did not specify an effective date for the section excluding lawmakers from the existing program.

Under well-established canons of statutory interpretation, the report said, “a law takes effect on the date of its enactment” unless Congress clearly specifies otherwise. And Congress did not specify any other effective date for this part of the health care law. The law was enacted when President Obama signed it three weeks ago.

The One told us that if we liked the coverage we had we would get to keep it. Don't worry. Looks like that doesn't apply to Congress unless they amend their own legislation. And if they don't know what exactly they did to themselves, you can only imagine what they just did to you. Two words: Bend Over.

We have a a band of idiots running this country, a true confederacy of dunces.

04-13-2010, 03:46 PM
Baffled by Health Plan? So Are Some Lawmakers (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/13/us/politics/13health.html?partner=rss&emc=rss)

The One told us that if we liked the coverage we had we would get to keep it. Don't worry. Looks like that doesn't apply to Congress unless they amend their own legislation. And if they don't know what exactly they did to themselves, you can only imagine what they just did to you. Two words: Bend Over.

We have a a band of idiots running this country, a true confederacy of dunces.

So basically Congress has to run through the ringer like the rest of us? Good.

Shouldn't it be that way?

04-13-2010, 03:52 PM
So basically Congress has to run through the ringer like the rest of us? Good.

Shouldn't it be that way?

It should but I doubt it was done intentionally. And I highly doubt they'd take away their own insurance today to be covered by yet-to-be-formed exchanges 4 years down the line. Doesn't that essentially leave them without coverage for 4 years?

They usually make sure they've got their own backs covered, if no one elses. I agree with Snipe (:eek:) that this oversight does not bode well for the rest of the details of the legislation. It's going to be a real mess for all of us for years to come.

04-13-2010, 06:05 PM
The only thing worse than seeing "Congress" next to the word Strip is seeing "Snipe"

Here is a healthcare stripper.


04-14-2010, 09:30 AM
I watched a bit about this on CNN last night. Chuck Grassley said that he kept bringing it up, but none of the Dems would listen to him because they thought that Republican comments on possible errors were just attempts to kill the bill. One does have to wonder what other gems there are hidden in that legislation.

muckem muckem
04-14-2010, 10:18 AM
Time can't go by fast enough. What really bothers me is that 47% of the people would vote for this regime again. Talk about heads in the sand.

I heard a very frightening stat yesterday. Bush, who spent too much, averaged borrowing 115 billion dollars a YEAR over his eight years. We borrowed 129 billion last MONTH. Didn't anyone in congress pass second grade arithmatic?