View Full Version : A-10 Grades

04-10-2010, 11:42 AM
End of the Season grades for the A-10

A-10 Grades (http://insider.espn.go.com/ncb/insider/columns/story?columnist=gottlieb_doug&id=5066498&action=upsell&appRedirect=http%3a%2f%2finsider.espn.go.com%2fncb %2finsider%2fcolumns%2fstory%3fcolumnist%3dgottlie b_doug%26id%3d5066498)

It is an insider article but the A-10 is the free preview of the Article. His grades are pretty fair except for Dayton. I think an NIT berth (even a championship) makes Dayton's season a disappointment, therefore a B is too high a grade. And his jab that 'good thing Dayton didn't do well otherwise Gregory might be at Iowa' made me laugh. This could be their new recruiting slogan: "The University of Dayton: Underachieving with talent so our coach won't leave us"