View Full Version : NBA Draft to be oversaturated?

04-09-2010, 09:36 AM
Wow, this was an exciting week for sports when it comes to announcements of players declaring for the NBA draft, or players "testing the waters"

What, in one day UC lost Born Ready, we lose Crawford, Dayton loses Chris Wright, OSU loses Turner, Kentucky loses FIVE players, and the list goes on.

I get the whole stroyline about the rumored, projected, forecasted immenent lockout next summer, joined with the projected possibility of no NBA draft next year is motivating more kids than ever to bolt now. Get in under the old contract, as it were, possibly get grandfathered under some better terms if next years negotiations go sour.

What we were talking about arond the water cooler is, could this potentially have the effect of too MANY college players at the NBA camps/combines/try-outs whatever all jockeying for the same number of draft picks as usual. That would make the competition fiercer than usual, and a player that might have been a 1st round or 2nd round pick any other year, may find his stock going down to later rounds merely because the talent pool is so large. More potential candidates means teams can be much more selective, and unless they draft more players than usual, that means more players sayng hello to D-Leage or exploring the world finding foreign basketball leagues, including as i said players that would have made the NBA in a standard year.

Worse yet, if they don't go running back to their school by MAy 8, they will have burned their remaining eligiblity, which means the school would have every right to not renew their scholarship (though I have a feeling something may come up for them, you know how that works). I can't imagine many things in a young adults life that would suck more than going from virtual celebrity on campus to has-been while trying to persue a major with the added realization that you better find a good career path, while sulking that your multi-millionaire dreams have been quahsed. Hope they embraced the student part of that student-athlete title.

Tardy Turtle
04-09-2010, 09:58 AM
In other breaking news, water is wet.

04-09-2010, 10:17 AM
As saturatred as a Fremen's blue within blue eyes on the planet Arakis.


04-09-2010, 10:22 AM
As saturatred as a Fremen's blue within blue eyes on the planet Arakis.


Holy crap a Dune reference! I must say I applaud that and reps are coming your way my friend.

04-09-2010, 12:21 PM
Wow, joebba! Way to wear your geek on your sleeve. I'd rep you but apparently I'm not spreading it around enough.

04-09-2010, 12:30 PM
There's nothing wrong with geeking out every once in a while. For me it's more often than that so I appreciate the geekiness

04-09-2010, 12:36 PM
There's nothing wrong with geeking out every once in a while. For me it's more often than that so I appreciate the geekiness

I didn't mean to impy there was anything wrong with geeking out. I know a lot of geeks try to hide their tendancies so I applaud anyone willing to throw it out there for the world to see. I love geeks, particularly the unabasshed ones. I married one.

While Tardy seems to think it's stating the obvious, I'm glad coaster brought it up. With the season over I'm not following the sports pages as often but I have been wondering when that topic will be brought up by the talking heads (if it hasn't already). I thought about it when Born Ready decided to declare. I think it will hurt players like him a lot more than someone like Crawford. Not only will it make it unlikely he gets into the NBA, I think he's going to have a harder than usual time getting a decent contract in Europe. It seems like they'll have pretty good pickings leftover after the NBA takes its cut.

04-09-2010, 12:46 PM
It seems that the pending lockout has prompted more kids to declare this year hoping to get a piece of the pie like many have already said on this board at some point. I wouldn't be surprised now to see many of the kids who declared coming back after they realize their chances. Kids like Ortan and Bledsoe at UK mite reconsider their decision considering they didn't have the year that some players did Orton especially. Many of the kids that are coming out this year are going to be spending some time in the D league or headed overseas to continue playing ball. Who knows what will happen but the shortened window to withdraw your name will give players less time to make an informed decision.

04-09-2010, 12:58 PM
I was about to post something similar regarding the draft.

I follow Jonathan Givony from "Draft Express" on Twitter (along with a bunch of other sports media people). He has "tweeted" numerous interesting tid bits the past week regarding the draft and the players entering it.

This was "tweeted" just a few hours ago:
"My biggest problem w/this draft class is there are just TOO damn many players. Sat down w/an NBA team's entire scouting department yesterday"
"We crunched the numbers & found at least 70-75 draft-worthy players, w/more surprise entries surely still to come. There are only 60 spots!"

I know this is obvious, but its interesting to hear it from an "experts" perspective. He's been talking with GM's and Reps from almost all the NBA teams at the PIT (Portsmith Inv. Tournament) this week. I have been a casual user of Twitter for the most part, but it has been a fountain of information this week. I want to ask him what he thinks of J Love, but I would imagine his answer wont be anything we don't know already.

If you're interested, you can follow Jonathan at http://twitter.com/DraftExpress

04-09-2010, 07:16 PM
Wow, joebba! Way to wear your geek on your sleeve. I'd rep you but apparently I'm not spreading it around enough.

I would not call myself a geek, more like a geek wannabe (not really), but if I really was a geek wannabe I am not sure which is worse, the geek or the wannabe.


04-12-2010, 06:50 PM
JaJuan Johnson from Purdue declared for the draft. During the season, he had said he'd plan to return. He hasn't hired an agent, though. Interesting turn of events.

PM Thor
04-12-2010, 07:02 PM
I too thought that there were just a ton of guys coming out this year, and more often than not, doing so is going to backfire for quite a few kids. I hope that a few of the guys realize that they could do better by staying in school, and hope that the lockout doesn't happen.

I mean, think about it this way. Why not take a chance on next years draft, instead of going this year, where there are so many guys going? Next years draft is going to be pretty weak if all of these guys stay in the draft this year, and so next years draft is going to be very, very thin, thus inflating guys worth. Plus the lockout isn't guaranteed at all.

Ok, I'm just trying to convince myself that Crawford is coming back...

I HATE dayton.

04-12-2010, 07:46 PM
Ok, I'm just trying to convince myself that Crawford is coming back...

I HATE dayton.

Thor's been drinking again.

04-12-2010, 07:54 PM
Thor's been drinking again.

He's just intoxicated with the nectar of "Chicky".

West is Best
04-12-2010, 09:24 PM
I mean, think about it this way. Why not take a chance on next years draft, instead of going this year, where there are so many guys going? Next years draft is going to be pretty weak if all of these guys stay in the draft this year, and so next years draft is going to be very, very thin, thus inflating guys worth. Plus the lockout isn't guaranteed at all.

Ok, I'm just trying to convince myself that Crawford is coming back...

Add this to the fact that the 2010 High School class has fewer players that project as one and dones, especially ones at the top of draft board.

If Crawford comes back I think this would be a major reason... If Jordan stays I don't blame him at all, but somebody is going to pull their name out of the draft and shoot up the draft boards in 2011 if there isn't a lockout.

04-12-2010, 09:38 PM
...If Crawford comes back I think this would be a major reason... If Jordan stays I don't blame him at all, but somebody is going to pull their name out of the draft and shoot up the draft boards in 2011 if there isn't a lockout.

I took the kids to Disnay for Spring Break so let me go to Fantasy Land on my own. If there is a lock out in 2011, wouldn't JC still have another year left after that? Wouldn't that put him in position to be national POY 2 years in a row. Just saying...

04-12-2010, 09:40 PM
Elliott Williams of Memphis has declared for the draft and signed with an agent. I really wanted to see what he would do with that recruiting class at Memphis this coming year.

04-12-2010, 10:05 PM
Wouldn't that put him in position to be national POY 2 years in a row. Just saying...

How much would that position pay?

04-12-2010, 10:10 PM
Here's what puzzles me about this tread. Once something becomes saturated, is it actually possible to be oversaturated? That is like saying once something is full it can become fuller. Just a question.

Carry on.

PM Thor
04-12-2010, 10:44 PM
Thor's been drinking again.

That's a very small limb you are going out on with this statement.

He's just intoxicated with the nectar of "Chicky".

Nope, Chickie (formerly Chickey, maybe it should be Chick?) is outta town and will travel extensively for the next 2 months or so. So get used to me being on here ALOT in that time. Most posts will be after 10, and of those, the 1AM and laters will be incongnistalbe. ha.

I HATE dayton.

04-12-2010, 10:44 PM
Here's what puzzles me about this tread. Once something becomes saturated, is it actually possible to be oversaturated? That is like saying once something is full it can become fuller. Just a question.

Carry on.

I believe oversaturation can result in spillover.

In this case...players into the NBADL.

04-12-2010, 11:00 PM
Here's what puzzles me about this tread. Once something becomes saturated, is it actually possible to be oversaturated?

Well, from a chemistry point of view, you can (say) heat up a solvent so it can hold more of the solute, and then cool it back down again slowly. Under the right conditions (for example, extremely smooth beaker with no place for crystals to form), nothing will fall out of solution, and it will be considered "supersaturated".

The neat part is, once you drop in a seed crystal of the solid form, everything falls out of solution instantly, and you can watch the crystals grow in realtime.

PM Thor
04-12-2010, 11:05 PM
Well, from a chemistry point of view, you can (say) heat up a solvent so it can hold more of the solute, and then cool it back down again slowly. Under the right conditions (for example, extremely smooth beaker with no place for crystals to form), nothing will fall out of solution, and it will be considered "supersaturated".

The neat part is, once you drop in a seed crystal of the solid form, everything falls out of solution instantly, and you can watch the crystals grow in realtime.

Wow. Some people act as if they are geeks. And many want to geek out.

Then we get a proof to measure against. Well done Smileyy. Well done indeed.

I HATE dayton.

04-12-2010, 11:17 PM
Can you nerds please tone it down a bit? The recruits read this board.

04-13-2010, 08:50 AM
Well, from a chemistry point of view, you can (say) heat up a solvent so it can hold more of the solute, and then cool it back down again slowly. Under the right conditions (for example, extremely smooth beaker with no place for crystals to form), nothing will fall out of solution, and it will be considered "supersaturated".

The neat part is, once you drop in a seed crystal of the solid form, everything falls out of solution instantly, and you can watch the crystals grow in realtime.

The above is why I barely passed Chem.

I always thought a "periodic table' looked like this:


04-13-2010, 12:58 PM
Smiley that is good stuff. Liker MOR I barely passed chemistry so I'll just have to trust you from a physical science perspective. However, I did well in metaphysics. From that perspective there is no level higher than the ultimate level. For example, there is being and there is Being. The word being with a lower case be is some level of being that is lesser than an ultimate state of Being with a capital B. And metaphysically speaking one can be at different stages of being, but not have attained Being. The same can be said for happiness and Happiness or love and Love at least metaphysically. However I think that saturation and Saturation are at the exact same level of existence. Thus lower case and upper case saturation cannot be different. Which means that it is not beyond physics (I.e. metaphysics) and can only be explained as Smiley has so aptly done from a physical science view. Thus I conclude that there can be no oversaturated and that supersaturated is different in both form and substance so that it is no longer saturation in its root form.

Hope this helps.

04-13-2010, 01:16 PM
Liker MOR I barely passed chemistry so I'll just have to trust you from a physical science perspective.

Anybody else sit through the entertaining chem class at X given by Barb Barker? (No, not Bob.) Gotta say, not the most exciting class I've ever taken.