View Full Version : X-Communicator

03-16-2010, 06:49 PM
I've always enjoyed the pontiff's "Fun Facts" about other schools.......last year's write up on LSU was classic. Could there be something coming soon for Minnesota?

03-16-2010, 09:25 PM
I've always enjoyed the pontiff's "Fun Facts" about other schools.......last year's write up on LSU was classic. Could there be something coming soon for Minnesota?

I'm sure that after A) He hears all of the local confessions, B) He finishes all of the available consecrational wine, C) Takes care of Sister Mary Elephant, or whatever her name is, that he'll turn his attention to the homily.

Don't put pressure on him though. He has a lot on his communion plate.

X Communicator
03-17-2010, 12:25 AM
Thanks for the shout-out, Christian Crusaders. The Vicar's been tied up in board meetings over at the Vatican Bank the last few days, trying to convince a couple of swarthy Sicilians to take a security interest in some high-risk, nonperforming, plenary indulgences. They're still al little sore over that JP I thing. Course, JP I is a little sore too!

That, plus trying to do some damage control over the NYT article (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/16/world/europe/16church.html?th&emc=th) yesterday. As a special precaution, the Holy Fuehrer is bringing in a few old SS guys to retrain the Papal Guard in the event of a secular attack.

But if a fun facts about U Minn can save a few souls around here, Big Ben is on the case. Onward, Musketeers! Away! And Happy St. Pat's day!