View Full Version : XU Bookstore is Weak!
02-05-2008, 02:45 PM
Ok, had some spare minutes today (love working from home) and went down to the campus bookstore. Now, I know I have probably reached a saturation point, as I have a lot of X merchandise but the variety and selection of items in that place is very subpar for a university like Xavier.
It's really quite sad when compared to other college bookstores I have visited. Anyone share these same thoughts?
02-05-2008, 03:12 PM
I don't have problems with the space itself. The bookstore feels modern, well-lit, and spacious. I like the location. Indeed, the bookstore is in the most attractive building on campus.
But I have big prolems with how the bookstore keeps inventory. When a product goes out of stock, it takes weeks for new ones to come in.
Shopping during the holidays is frusterating. you feel like you just won the lottery if you find the t-shirt you wanted in the correct size.
XU Dozer
02-05-2008, 03:29 PM
I agree the selection/variety of merchandise could be a lot better. My first thought when they announced the new marketing partner was that a change might occur in that aspect. Oh well, always next year I suppose.
02-05-2008, 03:53 PM
If you are referring to Learfield, that deal does not kick in until the 2008-2009 season. I'm not clear on the specifics of that deal, but I didn't think retail was included. I thought Learfield was going to be handling PR/Marketing for the team, arranging media deals, selling advertising rights, renting out luxury boxes. That sort of thing, I also recall hering that Learfield wants to make some changes inside Cintas Center in reagrds to the advertising panels, and the scoreboard system.
IIRC, Follett will still be the exlusive onsite retail merch partner.
Here is the link to the Learfield press release for those curious:
02-05-2008, 06:44 PM
I hate the selection. I managed to snag a grey hooded sweatshirt (nike) a few years back. I've not seen one in stock for my size since. I treasure that thing like GOLD.
02-05-2008, 07:39 PM
What school's bookstores are you comparing? I have been to bookstores for Notre Dame, Kansas, Michigan State, UC, and Xavier. While the Xavier store might not be as good as those programs, those programs are MUCH larger than Xavier.
I really haven't been to a bookstore in a school comparable to the size and dynamics of Xavier. I have no idea how Xavier's bookstore compares to the other schools in the A-10, but I can't imagine the ud bookstore, UMass, or St Joe's bookstore being any better than Xavier's, but I could be wrong.
02-05-2008, 10:53 PM
I've been to Notre Dame, Marquette's & Michigan. I'm not expecting X's bookstore to be like ND and Michigan. Marquette while still a bigger school, is probably a better comparison. X's selection could be a lot better and I still think the store is on the small side. I guess I'll just stop popping in until I see something unique on someone else.
And fitting rooms? Nah, why bother? I actually had to try on clothing in the bathroom. They made me leave my Driver's License. Normally I can tell sizes but it was that Under Armour performance wear stuff and sometimes that stuff hangs funny, sorta clingy.
Oh well, the wife thinks I have too much stuff anyway.
02-06-2008, 01:49 AM
I don't think supply chain efficiency is much of a concern when you have a monopoly and make much of your money off $80 text books. I don't remember selection being that great back in the mid-90's either.
What about the shop in Cintas? I've only been there once but they seemed to have a decent selection of sizes.
02-06-2008, 06:19 AM
And recall, in the mid-90's, if I recall, Xavier was not much into licensing so it wasn't like you could go to Steve and Berry's or Meijers or anything like that. Then the bookstore did almost have a near monopoly on the souvies.
An X Fan
02-06-2008, 08:24 AM
I believe the bookstore is planning a move to the new Xavier Square development on the BASF/Zumbiel site. It will certainly be more accessible to off-campus patrons and the space may be larger, but I'm not sure if that will change the merchandise available. I believe the issue coaster referenced regarding licensing is still an issue. If traffic to the bookstore improves with the location change, they might be influenced to carry a larger selection. My issue is an $80 Xavier tie and $180 Xavier sweater. Killer.
02-06-2008, 08:34 AM
Xavier Merchandising as a whole blows goats. The don't license much stuff at all, so it's hard to find at anywhere but the bookstore (meanwhile you can find UC crap anywhere in town). The stuff at the bookstore is often very expensive. Nothing like paying $85 for a hooded sweatshirt or $200 for a sweater. I don't understand why Xaver doesn't license some more stuff. I know that the market isn't huge, but they could sell some more of it around the city and possibly make some more money. As it is now the selection is iffy and very expensive.
That being said I'll probably be in there spending money before my night class on Thursday, so I guess I'm the sucker...
02-06-2008, 08:36 AM
And another thing... The bookstore's hours are terrible too. Why does it close at 8? Why not 9? You have bunch of MBA students on campus, with classes ending at 8:30, who have fairly deep pockets. (or at least deeper than most college kids) Why make it so hard for people to spend money?
02-06-2008, 08:53 AM
I have talked w/ some local shop owners (Cincy shop) about XU stuff and they told me X is very picky about what they license and that's all fine and dandy but I just hope they can put out some more creative styles in the clothing area.
Yes, an $80.00 tie is ridiculous. I sell clothing including Cutter & Buck and I know that markup on it for regular corporate customers. I'd say it's being marked up at least 75%.
02-06-2008, 09:03 AM
The selection is less than desirable and pricey. I could do without the $200 sweater if they'd have several sweatshirts priced reasonably and by clothing manufacturers i've heard of.
I don't think supply chain efficiency is much of a concern when you have a monopoly and make much of your money off $80 text books. I don't remember selection being that great back in the mid-90's either.
There's really not much margin in books, so the bookstore isn't making as much as you might think on those $80 textbooks. The best margin is in the used textbooks.
And they don't have a monopoly, online textbook sales have been a big factor for the last 5+ years.
02-06-2008, 09:55 AM
The bookstore actually stays open till 8? I was thinking it was more like 6. (I just checked its 7 M-Th, with shorter hours on Fri/Sat)
I remember making fun of those "If Xavier Wins, Everybody Wins" coupons they give out at the end of the game if Xavier wins with 80 or more points. The deal is you have to use them the next business day following the game, at the bookstore in Gallagher, during normal business hours. Then the deal is 10% off one item, when I am carrying an Alumni All Card that grants 10% off my entire purchase, unlimited times.
02-06-2008, 10:30 AM
If you are referring to Learfield, that deal does not kick in until the 2008-2009 season. I'm not clear on the specifics of that deal, but I didn't think retail was included. I thought Learfield was going to be handling PR/Marketing for the team, arranging media deals, selling advertising rights, renting out luxury boxes. That sort of thing, I also recall hering that Learfield wants to make some changes inside Cintas Center in reagrds to the advertising panels, and the scoreboard system.
IIRC, Follett will still be the exlusive onsite retail merch partner.
Here is the link to the Learfield press release for those curious:
"Contract terms also provide for Learfield Sports to financially assist with the funding of major new electronic equipment in the Cintas Center, including signage, scoreboard and videoboards."
Man, how nice would it be to have video boards on the ring underneath the upper seats instead of those rectangle light can dream
02-06-2008, 11:26 AM
"Contract terms also provide for Learfield Sports to financially assist with the funding of major new electronic equipment in the Cintas Center, including signage, scoreboard and videoboards."
Man, how nice would it be to have video boards on the ring underneath the upper seats instead of those rectangle light can dream
Keep dreaming. I'm guessing they'll want to make some money off of us first. I'll be surprised if we get anything before year 3 of the deal, even though that equipment is starting to show its age.
02-12-2008, 11:02 AM
Just visited the Marquette Bookstore on Sunday. Hadn't been in there for a couple of years. All I can say is, "Wow". It really puts XU's to shame. The selection and different styles alone was impressive. It pissess me off because there's no reason for XU's to suck to bad. It's embarrassing.
An X Fan
02-18-2008, 09:25 AM
I was just in the Xavier bookstore and they have a (somewhat limited) selection of Xavier gear for St. Patrick's Day. A few t-shirts, a sweatshirt, and a nice hat/t-shirt combo pack for $20. I bought the combo pack. It's a green hat with "Xavier" and a shamrock in white. The white t-shirt isn't fancy - same thing, white shirt with "Xavier" and a shamrock in green. I love blue as much as the next guy, but I'm glad to diversify my Xavier hat and shirt selection.
This was in the main bookstore...not sure what they might offer in the Cintas store during the Duquesne game. You might want to come a little early Thursday to stop by Gallagher if you're interested. Just an FYI for those, including me, who lament unique Xavier apparel in the bookstore.
02-18-2008, 09:49 AM
I was just in the Xavier bookstore and they have a (somewhat limited) selection of Xavier gear for St. Patrick's Day. A few t-shirts, a sweatshirt, and a nice hat/t-shirt combo pack for $20. I bought the combo pack. It's a green hat with "Xavier" and a shamrock in white. The white t-shirt isn't fancy - same thing, white shirt with "Xavier" and a shamrock in green. I love blue as much as the next guy, but I'm glad to diversify my Xavier hat and shirt selection.
This was in the main bookstore...not sure what they might offer in the Cintas store during the Duquesne game. You might want to come a little early Thursday to stop by Gallagher if you're interested. Just an FYI for those, including me, who lament unique Xavier apparel in the bookstore.
Sadly, since they tend to carry things in such limited stock, the items you described probably won't be there for the Duquesne game.
An X Fan
02-18-2008, 10:10 AM
You may be right. Get it while it's hot.
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