View Full Version : Quirky Gameday behavior

01-06-2010, 10:22 AM
Anybody have goofy pre-game, during game, after game quirks? I've had a lot over the years. Had to ban the Sports Bar where X is 0-3 after the OSU debacle and others. I got there a little late for the Duke game and it was already over. BANNED!! I was 7-0 in big games ATTENDED including '04 Orlando up to Boise. Streak broken in Otown this yr. I have loads of apparel deemed "bad luck" never to be worn again. I dvr the games, go somewhere during the 1st half, then have to check the score on Yahoo b4 watching. I always catch up by the end. These OT games are killing me. I got a new X hat for Christmas. It is currently 0-0.

DC Muskie
01-06-2010, 10:27 AM
Rally Whiskey was drank during The Run.

I had to stand outside when we started beating Louisville in '04.

I can't watch a game in a certain place in VA because we lose.

01-06-2010, 11:23 AM
Rally Whiskey was drank during The Run.

I had to stand outside when we started beating Louisville in '04.

I can't watch a game in a certain place in VA because we lose.

I try so many things so many games it gets ridiculous. Whether its clothing, where I sit, I held my daughters hand for the final 7 minutes of regulation and both ots of the Wake game (that obviously didn't work). I'm to the point where I will not do anything anymore to believe I have a determination on the outcome.
Mike and Mike had a hilarious conversation about that this morning.
Greeney's dad will not stay in San Diego for the fact that the Jets will lose if he stays out there solely for the Jets/Chargers game. He is flying home to New York then will fly back to San Diego if they win.
Golic said fans are nuts. Greeney said its the truth. Pretty funny but also so true for us diehards.

01-06-2010, 11:38 AM
I am still undefeated since last year when I have Skyline before the game...The Virginia Tech Game, Cincinnati, Fordham, LSU, 2nd UD game, and Wisconsin. I have yet to try out my theory this year.

Unfortunately I cannot continue this tradition before every game because I do not want to be 500 pounds and have a heart attack at age 27.

I will, however, eat skyline before the UD game regardless...

The other tradition that I did last year (not so much this year) is log into the Live Chat and have Muskie immediately boot me for good luck. That worked the majority of games last year

01-06-2010, 11:48 AM
Hmmmmmm....I had Skyline b4 the LSU game.....on the other hand, my wife came out of her painting studio to watch the end of the Butler and WF games.....haven't been able to tell her she's banned yet.

BBC 08
01-06-2010, 11:55 AM
I used to religiously wear my Burrell's Brew Crew shirt during games. Now that we are starting into the 2nd season without him I'm wearing it less and less. Need to find a new shirt to wear religiously.

01-06-2010, 12:41 PM
I hold in my Lucky pee.

Never go during a game. It's not easy.

Pablo's Brother
01-06-2010, 12:47 PM
wear clothing until it's mojo is lost.

01-06-2010, 12:55 PM
Play "X Gonna Give it to Ya" by DMX before we walk to the games.

01-06-2010, 12:58 PM
I wear the same UD shirt and eat one of those personal Donato's pizza before every UD home game. When I go to Reds games I have to wear the Jay Bruce t-shirt jersey. For Bengals games it's the orange Palmer jersey for home games, white 85 for road games.

01-06-2010, 01:42 PM
I hold in my Lucky pee.

Never go during a game. It's not easy.

If we go to a 3 OT game, you may need bladder surgery.

DC Muskie
01-06-2010, 02:00 PM
Play "X Gonna Give it to Ya" by DMX before we walk to the games.

See I refuse to play that...we lost all of the games when I played that song in the car. Song is offically banned on games days, and in fact if I hear it during basketball season, I get nervous and try to figure out when the next game is.

01-06-2010, 02:17 PM
Somebody's new one should be to get me to games, both home and away. I haven't seen X lose in person since the 2004 Duquesne game and my streak is somewhere between 15-20 games. Beer helps, as evidenced by the UC game this year with Tardy Turtle, but isn't necessary. Suites, lower bowl, upper bowl, doesn't matter, I've seen wins in them all.

Let's face it, I'm a walking, breathing, human victory cigar almost 6 years running.

01-06-2010, 02:19 PM
The only thing I do is like Adam. I match the jersey I'm wearing with what the team is wearing. For home games, the home jersey. For away games, the away jersey.

pizza delivery
01-06-2010, 05:49 PM
XU boxers and hooded sweatshirt. 2 beers first half, 1-2 beers 2nd half. A half time beer if things get rough early. If the game is too much to handle, some how jumping around the room swinging at the TV seems to help the boys overcome. I believe that.

Good luck bar: Game Day Sports Cafe

Good luck chair: Green leather recliner

Good luck game: X town shootout 3-0 in attendance