View Full Version : First White Death 2010

01-05-2010, 03:31 PM
Well, the media is working Thursday up into being the first case of White Death for the new year. First I heard 1-2", then I heard 2-4", now a few people are saying 3-6". Parlay that with the reports of "Worst winter since 1977-78". Recall that was the year of the great CIncinnati blizzard.

Will reality match the hype? Do the forecasters really know what they are talking about? Does the Hyde Park Krogers really have enough bread and milk to sustain the masses for their 2 week hibernation? Tune in and find out.

The good news, is the Muskies are on a road stand, so thats two great days to retreat to the Man Cave and watch our team on the big screen. That is if the game isn't interupted every 3 minutes by an important weather bulletin that there are 6" of snow on the ground, and have been there for the last 4 hours. Like we don't already know that.

01-05-2010, 03:53 PM
Good one "Coaster"

Having missed the last 4 and a half Cincy winters, it's nice to know things haven't changed. I assume old ladies and old men with hats are still driving their 1986 cavaliers at idle speed as soon as the first flake hits. Also, I'm sure that the entire population of Symmes township is driving their monster SUV's at 95 mph in the middle of an ice and snow storm.

And I wonder which tv station got to the the salt pile in Camp Washington for the first idiotic live shot? Feel sorry for the desk jockeys at TV stations having to field 8000 phone calls from snot nosed brats wanting to know if school is called off. And when, oh when will they know of the K of C Bingo in Cheviot is cancelled?

Meanwhile in Maine, life goes on, a foot and a half on the ground, we use sand not salt and drive on top of it till it melts some time in May. The danger of driving over frost heave damaged roads in the spring is much more serious than driving in the snow in January. Just watching out for snowmobiles.

By the way, Upper Pond Rd Home School in Litchfield is on a 2 hour delay, alert the media.

01-05-2010, 04:14 PM
wasn't the first white death actually today? Heck most of the schools were on at least a delay (although I know some unfortunate parents who got the whole day with their youngens). You know there was at least 2 inches on the ground - doesn't that qualify?

01-05-2010, 05:56 PM
Ah but this wasn't a media hyped White Death, this was anout of nowhere surprise.Of course those are the worst ones.

BTW: The going rate of a gallon of gas shot up to $2.79, I'm sure that is merely coincidence.

01-05-2010, 06:45 PM
wasn't the first white death actually today? Heck most of the schools were on at least a delay (although I know some unfortunate parents who got the whole day with their youngens). You know there was at least 2 inches on the ground - doesn't that qualify?

2 inches? In Denver we call that frost.

01-05-2010, 07:12 PM
Yes, I was on a 2 hour delay today. You can't beat a 10:45 start with Lunch and Recess at 11:40 til 12:20 and a planning bell from 1:00-1:45 and a 3:15 dismissal.
Hopefully Thursday and Friday will be off days.
At least Thursday would be good and another 2 hour delay Friday would be ideal.
Pat Barry said the snow will start at 6am Thursday morning and be heaviest from noon til five ending at 5am Friday morning with an accumulation of 3 inches.
Bring it.

01-05-2010, 07:19 PM
3 inches.
Bring it.

That's what she said.

On another note, I noticed the increase in the price of gas too. What a joke that whole industry is. Gas was $2.61 at lunchtime and $2.79 at dinnertime.

01-05-2010, 07:48 PM
We are supposed to get 1-4" in Nashville Thursday, where we normally get 0-1" an entire winter. It's gonna be crazy.

Pajama Joe
01-05-2010, 08:09 PM
Haha, this makes me laugh. Gives me an excuse not to miss Cincinnati as much. Sometimes I run out of bread during a snow storm...what am I supposed to do then?

PM Thor
01-05-2010, 09:48 PM
I absolutely love snowstorms in this town. Love them. People are so stupid, it makes me feel very superior.

Then I drive around in 4 wheel drive and hit the big hills watching the idiots try to tackle hills they should never even attempt. Too fun.

I HATE dayton.

01-05-2010, 10:11 PM
I absolutely love snowstorms in this town. Love them. People are so stupid, it makes me feel very superior.

Then I drive around in 4 wheel drive and hit the big hills watching the idiots try to tackle hills they should never even attempt. Too fun.

I HATE dayton.

I agree...

I am thankful I don't live in Surgut Siberia where Lionel Chalmers plays(at least used to play)...


-17 right now, feels like -40. Tomorrow the high is -26.

10 day forecast: Today High -14 Low -27
Tomorrow: High -26 Low -37

And so forth

Kahns Krazy
01-05-2010, 10:18 PM
I absolutely love snowstorms in this town. Love them. People are so stupid, it makes me feel very superior.

Then I drive around in 4 wheel drive and hit the big hills watching the idiots try to tackle hills they should never even attempt. Too fun.

I HATE dayton.

Man, Thor, you can't tee them up like that. It's a good thing it's close to the holidays, or I'd have to comment about moving to a place where it snows more so you could be superior more than 3 days a year...

PM Thor
01-05-2010, 10:32 PM
Man, Thor, you can't tee them up like that. It's a good thing it's close to the holidays, or I'd have to comment about moving to a place where it snows more so you could be superior more than 3 days a year...

I'm a public servant. I only get 3 days a year of feeling superior.

Except when it comes to dayton. Even the guys who shave Llamas as a career feel superior to dayton. Rum is starting to kick in...

I HATE dayton.

01-06-2010, 09:31 AM
Yes, I was on a 2 hour delay today. You can't beat a 10:45 start with Lunch and Recess at 11:40 til 12:20 and a planning bell from 1:00-1:45 and a 3:15 dismissal.
Hopefully Thursday and Friday will be off days.
At least Thursday would be good and another 2 hour delay Friday would be ideal.
Pat Barry said the snow will start at 6am Thursday morning and be heaviest from noon til five ending at 5am Friday morning with an accumulation of 3 inches.
Bring it.

However if it starts late enough, you could be trapped with everyone - won't that be a joy?

01-06-2010, 09:43 AM
I forsee a repeat of December 05 - that is we all get to work/school okay, then it hits during the day and we all have those wonderful 3-4 hour commutes home.

Kahns Krazy
01-06-2010, 09:57 AM
I have the ability to work from home. I think I will be doing that tomorrow just to avoid the other idiots on the streets.

01-06-2010, 10:04 AM
I have the ability to drink from home. I think I will be doing that tomorrow just to avoid the other idiots on the streets.

That's not a bad idea.

01-06-2010, 11:34 AM
I have the ability to work from home. I think I will be doing that tomorrow just to avoid the other idiots on the streets.

I give everybody props who is able to work from home and actually get work accomplished. I could never do that.
My wife works from home and she actually closes her office door when she is not in there because she doesn't even want to see the "office space". She says that will just remind her of something she should be working on.

01-06-2010, 11:44 AM
Pat Barry said?? Pat Barry said??
Isn't he better at introducing 70's rock on WSAI than guessing what the weather will be?

01-06-2010, 11:45 AM
I'm a public servant. I only get 3 days a year of feeling superior.

I HATE dayton.

Labor Day and the 2 days we kick Dayton's ass?

01-06-2010, 11:45 AM
We are supposed to get 1-4" in Nashville Thursday, where we normally get 0-1" an entire winter. It's gonna be crazy.

Nothing like driving to Philly in a blizzard, I hope

Kahns Krazy
01-06-2010, 11:48 AM
I give everybody props who is able to work from home and actually get work accomplished. I could never do that.
My wife works from home and she actually closes her office door when she is not in there because she doesn't even want to see the "office space". She says that will just remind her of something she should be working on.

I do it rarely (once or twice per month). I feel like when I'm not in the office, I need to show that I'm doing stuff, so it's not uncommon that I'm more productive when I'm at home. I don't think I would keep that up if I were in a home office every day.

01-06-2010, 12:30 PM
That's not a bad idea.

Yeah, I think I will probably do the same thing. Daytime snow is the worst for traffic.

Hair Club President
01-06-2010, 12:31 PM
Pat Barry said?? Pat Barry said??
Isn't he better at introducing 70's rock on WSAI than guessing what the weather will be?

Pat Barry sat on me.

PM Thor
01-07-2010, 08:09 AM
If you haven't bought new tires for your '92 Ford Festiva in 10 years, maybe you shouldn't be trying to drive up Ravine or Straight street. People are idiots.

Oh and Cincy public closing even before the snow starts? That's crap. When I was in school there had to be a half a foot or more and then they would consider it. Of course the busses would stop running first and I was lucky enough to still have to go....

Sometimes this town is a joke, like now.

I HATE dayton.

01-07-2010, 08:12 AM
I love it. Off school for the day. Can get some errands run right now, go to the gym.
Just flurries. Its a great day to live in Cincinnati Thor. Don't fool yourself.....that is only if the Muskies can pull off a win tonight.

Perma Fro
01-07-2010, 08:34 AM
The northern 'burbs are under assault. Batten down the hatches.

01-07-2010, 08:51 AM
I give everybody props who is able to work from home and actually get work accomplished. I could never do that.
My wife works from home and she actually closes her office door when she is not in there because she doesn't even want to see the "office space". She says that will just remind her of something she should be working on.

I used to work from home. The commute was great and dress code optional. But your wife is right, it's hard not to simply drop back at the desk and go to work.

01-07-2010, 09:17 AM
I give everybody props who is able to work from home and actually get work accomplished. I could never do that.
My wife works from home and she actually closes her office door when she is not in there because she doesn't even want to see the "office space". She says that will just remind her of something she should be working on.

Did you just give me props? My office is in my house and while it is tempting to get stuff done at odd hours, it is allows me to waste time during work hours knowing some of my stuff can be done at any time of the day.

I love snow and snow days.

muckem muckem
01-07-2010, 09:26 AM
Put new tires on the Suburban before Christmas. It's about time to kick it into 4-wheel drive and scare some people to death.

And I could never work out of my house. The fridge is too close.

01-07-2010, 09:45 AM
I have the ability to work from home. I think I will be doing that tomorrow just to avoid the other idiots on the streets.

You and half the other people in town. It's going to be an easy commute for those of us that did come to work. The forecast for afternoon snow keeps decreasing. Looks like we're going to end up on the low side of the accumulation prediction. When are all the weather people going to learn that all the hot air they kick up prior to storms tends to alter the weather patterns and blow everything away from us?

Today I know what it feels like to be a Dayton fan: all hype; no payout.

01-07-2010, 10:00 AM
If you haven't bought new tires for your '92 Ford Festiva in 10 years, maybe you shouldn't be trying to drive up Ravine or Straight street. People are idiots.

Oh and Cincy public closing even before the snow starts? That's crap. When I was in school there had to be a half a foot or more and then they would consider it. Of course the busses would stop running first and I was lucky enough to still have to go....

Sometimes this town is a joke, like now.

I HATE dayton.

Funny, we were just having that conversation about CPS. Back-In-My-Day it took a foot of snow, limited visibility and maybe 2" of ice, then they might think about thinking about closing. Of course busses would stop running at the drop of a hat. From my recollection there would be about 20 kids in the whole school with "concerned parents" who would get them to school anyway. Those 20 kids would usually wind up either in a single room watching a movie, or doing other "busy work" - I recall doing a lot of find-a-word puzzles on bad weather days at school. You could arque that's an educational activity.

We conjectured that the laws have changed, back then as long as the school building was open and butts were in chairs, it counted as a school day, now somebody mentioned they must hit a certain attendance percentage for it to count. So back in the day, they could cancel the busses, which was unspoken code for "Don't bother going to school today" and still get credit for an instructional day. Now that that hole has been plugged, they have joined the other districts in closing at drop-of-hat.

Someone just told me that some prominent downtown office towers are closing at noon today????

01-07-2010, 10:04 AM
Funny, we were just having that conversation about CPS. Back-In-My-Day it took a foot of snow, limited visibility and maybe 2" of ice, then they might think about thinking about closing. Of course busses would stop running at the drop of a hat. From my recollection there would be about 20 kids in the whole school with "concerned parents" who would get them to school anyway. Those 20 kids would usually wind up either in a single room watching a movie, or doing other "busy work" - I recall doing a lot of find-a-word puzzles on bad weather days at school. You could arque that's an educational activity.

We conjectured that the laws have changed, back then as long as the school building was open and butts were in chairs, it counted as a school day, now somebody mentioned they must hit a certain attendance percentage for it to count. So back in the day, they could cancel the busses, which was unspoken code for "Don't bother going to school today" and still get credit for an instructional day. Now that that hole has been plugged, they have joined the other districts in closing at drop-of-hat.

Someone just told me that some prominent downtown office towers are closing at noon today????

Really? Not mine. Must be the government buildings. Wimps.

The snow is only just starting to stick to the roads downtown. Hourly forecast shows the snow tapering off more abruptly than originally forecasted and all the 100% predictions have disappeared.

01-07-2010, 10:36 AM
Of course the busses would stop running first and I was lucky enough to still have to go....

Sometimes this town is a joke, like now.

I HATE dayton.

I always hated waking up and seeing on the news "CPS open but no yellow bus service" especially since that had no effect on Walnut cause we took the metro to school. Luckily after a while my parents were cool and let me stay home on those days anyway.

01-07-2010, 10:44 AM
From the National Weather Service Advisory:

What is "efficient snow accumulation?"

01-07-2010, 10:57 AM
From the National Weather Service Advisory:

What is "efficient snow accumulation?"

it sounds a lot like TPS Reports.

PM Thor
01-07-2010, 11:14 AM
I always hated waking up and seeing on the news "CPS open but no yellow bus service" especially since that had no effect on Walnut cause we took the metro to school. Luckily after a while my parents were cool and let me stay home on those days anyway.

WALNUT! Class of '90. I always went to school no matter what, even if the busses weren't running. That's what happens when you have a mother who was a CPS teacher and a father who was a CPS principal. Teacher strikes sucked too, we still did schooling at home, what a jyp.

Sweatpants are on, glass of Manischwetiz (sp) poured and drinking, Chickey napping, dog already walked, and the Italian sausage casserole baking. Chuck marathon starting at 5, X at 730, and BCS title game tonight. I'm in full on blizzard mode, and I'm loving it.

I think I might just be a little drunk well before the game starts tonight.

I HATE dayton.

01-07-2010, 11:28 AM
it sounds a lot like TPS Reports.

Reps for that. I needed a good laugh.

I grew up in Northwest Ohio and the story from the blizzard of 78 was that the superintendent of my school wouldn't cancel so long as he could make it in. He had a snowmobile. We didn't get many snow days until a new superintendent took over while I was in high school. Then we'd get delays for heavy fog.

01-07-2010, 11:43 AM
it sounds a lot like TPS Reports.

Office Space was on last night and I watched again for the millionth time. What would you do if you had a million dollars?

01-07-2010, 12:21 PM
Office Space was on last night and I watched again for the millionth time. What would you do if you had a million dollars?

Honestly? I'm with Peter. I'd do nothing. For a while at least. I keep trying to tempt hubby, telling him I'll stay home and be his slave if he manages to make enough to cover my income. He's self-employed and could do it. It wouldn't have to be $1M either. I'd probably get bored after a year, though, and go back to school to do something completely different.

You can probably tell by the amount of time I spend on this board during the day that my leaves too much time for shenanigans.

Kahns Krazy
01-07-2010, 12:56 PM
I went out at lunch to drop something off. Main roads are totally fine, but the side roads are messy. If it keeps snowing all afternoon, the evening commute will be a mess as it gets dark.

01-07-2010, 01:12 PM
The City of Cincinnati and Hamilton County have issued a Level 1 snow emergency. That means you can still continue to drive, just be advised that roadways may be hazardous due to snow.

More importantly it means the Snow Emergency routes are now activated, which means if you are parked on said routes, go out there and move your car.

01-07-2010, 02:30 PM
Left work about 1:00 PM and it took about an hour to get home to Mason. Traffic was REALLY light which was a good thing. I think all the idiots stayed home today. Glad the game is not at home today. Funny story about when we had something like this happen a couple of years ago... We were comming home from a Xavier game up 71 north between Stewart and Kenwood roads. There is a bit of a hill there. There was a Mustang stuck in the center lane. Behind the Mustang was a little Chinese lady that must have weighted all of about 98 pounds. She was trying to push the back of the Mustang while an equally small Chinese man was about 3 inches from the steering wheel mashing the gas pedal to the floor. I swear the back wheels were spinning at about 135 miles per hour spraying snow right on to this poor little lady leaning on the spoiler of this thing. Meanwhile all the car was doing was sliding sideways while everyone else was trying to get the hell out of their way.