View Full Version : Not another Arena Football attempt!

12-30-2009, 12:11 AM
Just when you thought this city has made it crystal clear we don't want Arena Football, some poor fool is going to try it again.

* The Cincinnati Rockers came in 1992, lasted two seasons, but hey it was a novelty then.
* The Cincinnati Swarm (2003) lasted all of one season
* The Cincinnati Marshals did the best, lasting THREE seasons (2004-2006)
* The Cincinnati Jungle Kats - with the backing of the Bengals - lasted ONE season (2007)

Now, may I introduce to you: The Cincinnati Commandos!!!! Taking the indoor mini field in March.

The Commandos first move to try to succeed where others have failed? All others have tried to squeeze 1,000 fans into US Bank Arena - they are shooting for something a bit smaller: Historic Cincinnati Gardens (hey if it works for Hinkle, it can work for the Gardens, right). I've got to think overhead costs to rent the Gardens has to be less than that for USBA.

Their website (http://cincinnaticommandos.com/) officially sucks at this point, they need to improve that a lot to be taken seriously. First game is in March and they don't even have a schedule up or season ticket packages. The roster link is equally as useless

Says to see TicketMaster for prices and tickets, nothing up on ticketmaster.com yet.

I went to one Marshalls game, and thats about all I need to see of phony football.

Kahns Krazy
12-31-2009, 11:19 AM
If they can price it right, it can work. With Bengals games at $65+ and even UC games over $30 for the cheapest seat, I'm guessing a $10 price point would draw some fans. The Gardens used to rock for the Cyclones back in the late 80's and early 90's when you could get in for as little as $3 a seat.

12-31-2009, 11:38 AM
If they can price it right, it can work. With Bengals games at $65+ and even UC games over $30 for the cheapest seat, I'm guessing a $10 price point would draw some fans. The Gardens used to rock for the Cyclones back in the late 80's and early 90's when you could get in for as little as $3 a seat.

The Cyclones have a flat rate of $10 now. I would think that these guys would have to go lower since Cincinnati has numerous other football options in town and the Cyclones are the only game in town, not counting high school hockey which isn't very big.

12-31-2009, 02:29 PM
They will find it tough starting in March. I mean, I'm sure the Enquirer and other outlets will devote TONS of time to our inevitable March Run and the possibility of the Reds actually having a good season.

PM Thor
12-31-2009, 02:36 PM
I went to one arena game downtown, and actually had a really good time. It was really cheap, the beer was good, and there was a ton of scoring. It reminded me of the XFL, but better.

I'd probably be in for a game or two if it's cheap enough.

I HATE dayton.