View Full Version : A-10 Now 4th in RPI

12-23-2009, 04:44 PM
Yep, the little ol' Atlantic 14 is now #4 ranked in Conference RPI with the #1 Stregnth of Schedule.

The Packed 10 is #7 with the little 11 #6 and dropping. Nice scheduling little 11- ranked 12 SOS.

Rank Conference Avg. RPI Avg. SOS SOS Rank Teams
1 Big East 0.5874 0.5277 6 16
2 Big 12 0.5822 0.5076 15 12
3 Atlantic Coast 0.5755 0.5149 10 12
4 Atlantic 10 0.5656 0.5440 1 14
5 Southeastern 0.5654 0.5324 3 12
6 Big Ten 0.5455 0.5114 12 11
7 Pacific-10 0.5410 0.5416 2 10
8 Mountain West 0.5343 0.4985 17 9
9 Conference USA 0.5283 0.5111 13 12
10 Missouri Valley 0.5226 0.4723 26 10

12-23-2009, 04:49 PM
Look out ACC. Here we come!

12-23-2009, 04:53 PM
If we were one of the other conferences the media would be talking about us getting 6, maybe 7 teams.

Lets see if they give the league quality win status when we beat each other, or if they use the losses to wash out all our wins. Xavier/Florida could decide if we stay above the SEC.

12-23-2009, 05:13 PM
Sagarin has the conference 6th, and Pomeroy has it 9th. In Pomeroy though, the A10 is right behind both the MWC and CUSA, to they could conceivably move past both with a strong finish.

Are there any other conference rankings others are aware of?

XU '11
12-23-2009, 05:25 PM
Sagarin has the conference 6th, and Pomeroy has it 9th. In Pomeroy though, the A10 is right behind both the MWC and CUSA, to they could conceivably move past both with a strong finish.

Are there any other conference rankings others are aware of?

Our problem in the Pomeroy is Fordham. They are #293. No other conference in the top 14 conferences has a team that low.

RPI Forecast (which uses the sagarin ratings to project the rest of the season) still has us at #6, which would be a great place for us to finish the year.

12-23-2009, 06:04 PM
Impressive. Just keep winning baby.

I see the Pac 10 moved from 9th to 7th.

12-27-2009, 06:36 PM
Even after that somewhat sketchy Wednesday night, the A-10 is still 4th.

Hangin' in, lookin' good.