View Full Version : Who Else Hates UC?

12-14-2009, 01:32 AM
I don't live in town, so I always forget how much I hate them until game day. Those guys really do suck at the game of life. It's so much fun having Xavier beat those jackasses annually.

D-West & PO-Z
12-14-2009, 01:37 AM
I don't live in town, so I always forget how much I hate them until game day. Those guys really do suck at the game of life. It's so much fun having Xavier beat those jackasses annually.

I hate everything about UC. Their players, fans, coaches, their field hockey team, everything. I am so glad we pulled out that win. Sweetness.

12-14-2009, 01:52 AM
Answer: Brian Kelly

12-14-2009, 03:08 AM
Answer: Brian Kelly

From Brian Kelly's twitter: Spent most of the morning on the phone with recruits. House got egged last night and the sign on the lawn wasn't a FOR SALE sign.

12-14-2009, 05:32 AM
I hate UC.

12-14-2009, 05:38 AM
From Brian Kelly's twitter: Spent most of the morning on the phone with recruits. House got egged last night and the sign on the lawn wasn't a FOR SALE sign.


Today, I love uc for sucking so much. What a black weekend in Clifton. Lose their football coach and lose to X - again!

12-14-2009, 12:10 PM
I think they are pretty used to seeing an L next to the Xavier game on the schedule by now. They will cry about Brian Kelly for years.

12-14-2009, 12:35 PM
I HATE UC!!!!! I am not sure if I have ever mentioned that on here before.....

12-14-2009, 12:41 PM
From Brian Kelly's twitter: Spent most of the morning on the phone with recruits. House got egged last night and the sign on the lawn wasn't a FOR SALE sign.


D-West & PO-Z
12-14-2009, 01:20 PM
There was a guy in front of me at the game who had a Xavier pull over on. At some point in the second half I noticed him cheering for UC after previously not hearing much from him either way. My mom basically called him out on it and asked him why he was in disguise. He lifted up his pullover to show a UC shirt on and said he went there and his two kids went there. He wasnt a bad guy but I couldnt believe he was hiding under the XU gear. I guess he used to also have XU tickets or something not sure why), but I mean I cant believe he was hiding like that. You have to pick one team in a game like this and go with it.

D-West & PO-Z
12-14-2009, 01:25 PM
Also as much as I do hate UC, I saw comments in a thread or two, cant remember which that is why I am posting in this, that the ankle breaker play was a push off. I just saw the replay again for the 3rd time and it was definitely not a push off.

DC Muskie
12-14-2009, 01:26 PM
I just saw the replay again for the 3rd time and it was definitely not a push off.

You sure? I could swear it was a push off. And I watched it a few times.

D-West & PO-Z
12-14-2009, 01:33 PM
You sure? I could swear it was a push off. And I watched it a few times.

I wasnt even close to a pushoff in my opinion. Stevenson had his hand on Holloway pretty lightly (basically his fingertips) but he did not push.

12-14-2009, 09:08 PM
I hate UC.

12-15-2009, 06:04 AM
On the UC boards they are pinning their hopes on beating UAB. "Guys, if we beat UAB, all will be fine"

Who is suddenly rooting for UAB in that matchup?

12-15-2009, 08:29 AM

12-15-2009, 08:47 AM
On the UC boards they are pinning their hopes on beating UAB. "Guys, if we beat UAB, all will be fine"

Who is suddenly rooting for UAB in that matchup?

I fight with this every year. One half of me wants to see UC win so that it helps X but the other half of me just wants to see them lose every game they play.

12-15-2009, 09:47 AM
I always want UC to lose, would love if they lost the rest of their games...I always want UD to lose all their games too.....don't care how wins for both can help X I just hate both teams....

I HATE UC!!!! Have I ever mentioned that before here???

12-15-2009, 12:20 PM
I hate UC.

12-15-2009, 08:56 PM
It's 9:57pm on December 15, 2009- and uc still SucKS!!

12-15-2009, 09:35 PM
I think UC could be very good and challenge for the Big East title.

I will be happy every time they lose, because that is how I roll. But they could be very good and the win could make us look good. That team has a lot of good talent. Granted it is poorly coached, misdirected thug talent, but the talent it there. Yates is a manchild. Stevenson is for real. Wright needs some time at the helm and Vaughn isn't even hitting his shots yet. That win could look really good come selection sunday.

Filthy Chilean
12-16-2009, 07:12 AM
There was a guy in front of me at the game who had a Xavier pull over on. At some point in the second half I noticed him cheering for UC after previously not hearing much from him either way. My mom basically called him out on it and asked him why he was in disguise. He lifted up his pullover to show a UC shirt on and said he went there and his two kids went there. He wasnt a bad guy but I couldnt believe he was hiding under the XU gear. I guess he used to also have XU tickets or something not sure why), but I mean I cant believe he was hiding like that. You have to pick one team in a game like this and go with it.

You share season tickets with your mom? Weird.

So why was the guy wearing X gear if he went to UC? Typical UC dbag.

12-16-2009, 11:11 AM
What's wrong with sharing season tickets with family?

Anyway, back on hand, to the UC hatred, or at least the facade of UC hatred, as the case may be for people. It's funny this week. Of all the XU stuff I have in my office: flag, ticket stubs from the last three shootouts next to said flag sort of like battle ribbons, Blue Blob toy, Dartagnan toy, logoed coffee cup, logoed drink coasters, Media guide, Xavier Tales, the montage plaque with pic of the Cintas Center and coaches Gillen, Prosser, and Matta, guess what gets under the UC fan's skin more than anything in the whole collection. Yep, its the photo of Pete Gillen. I've had more than one UC fan tell me in no uncertain terms exactly what they thought of Pete.

D-West & PO-Z
12-16-2009, 11:11 AM
You share season tickets with your mom? Weird.

So why was the guy wearing X gear if he went to UC? Typical UC dbag.

They are my parents season tickets that we have four of. My brother and I are both still in college and home for the Christmas break. How is weird that we go with our family?

12-16-2009, 06:37 PM
Also as much as I do hate UC, I saw comments in a thread or two, cant remember which that is why I am posting in this, that the ankle breaker play was a push off. I just saw the replay again for the 3rd time and it was definitely not a push off.

I agree with that assessment. My opinion is if college basketball allows such egregious hand checking they should allow offensive players some leeway in terms of "push-offs" or putting their hands on the defender.

12-16-2009, 07:18 PM
They are my parents season tickets that we have four of. My brother and I are both still in college and home for the Christmas break. How is weird that we go with our family?

Welcome home, have a good X-mas and that's pretty lucky timing to have a break.

As to the original topic...I have to admit that my rabid hatred for uc had started to diminish since Jaba the Drunk left. I actually kind of respected Kennedy and thought he would be the one to tip the scales back towards uc...luckily that didn't happen and he's better off at Ole Miss anyway (let's face it, he had trouble even getting a cab in this town). Then across the swamp of putrid vomit comes along a yellow toothed gnome who spews bile, curses like a sailor, accepts no responsibility for his inability to "coach" his players, belittles those who pummel him on the court and teaches his players to be a trash talking street gang with shanks. My hatred has reached levels never known before. As a Christian I should be ashamed of my disdain and should seek repentance, but I will not. I thank the tiny ogre that now leads that program into the abyss for eternity.

12-16-2009, 07:25 PM
Yep, its the photo of Pete Gillen. I've had more than one UC fan tell me in no uncertain terms exactly what they thought of Pete.

Which is funny since he is calling their game tonight and they are losing to UAB, 43-31 with 12 mins left.

12-16-2009, 08:09 PM
This UAB game is breaking my heart.

12-16-2009, 09:02 PM
You know what I hate about UC? Chuck Machock. I had to listen to about 15 minutes of tonight while I was in the car, and he is terrible. I have never heard him saying anything insightful or interesting. I have no problems with Dan Hoard but Chuck has got to go.

Strange Brew
12-16-2009, 10:16 PM
You know what I hate about UC?

The ONLY acceptable answer is: Everything.

12-17-2009, 10:06 AM
I hate UC.

12-17-2009, 10:08 AM
Welcome home, have a good X-mas and that's pretty lucky timing to have a break.

As to the original topic...I have to admit that my rabid hatred for uc had started to diminish since Jaba the Drunk left. I actually kind of respected Kennedy and thought he would be the one to tip the scales back towards uc...luckily that didn't happen and he's better off at Ole Miss anyway (let's face it, he had trouble even getting a cab in this town). Then across the swamp of putrid vomit comes along a yellow toothed gnome who spews bile, curses like a sailor, accepts no responsibility for his inability to "coach" his players, belittles those who pummel him on the court and teaches his players to be a trash talking street gang with shanks. My hatred has reached levels never known before. As a Christian I should be ashamed of my disdain and should seek repentance, but I will not. I thank the tiny ogre that now leads that program into the abyss for eternity.

My vote for Rant of the Week. Props surf!

12-17-2009, 10:08 AM
Who DOESN"T hate UC?

12-17-2009, 01:54 PM
By the way, the Weasel again blamed UC's disgraceful effort in B'ham on the fact that it was UAB's biggest game of the year, as if his team's lack of motivation is some sort of excuse.

UAB's next home game is against Butler.

What an idiot.

12-17-2009, 02:06 PM
I honestly cannot remember ever seeing a coach that makes excuses as frequently as Cronin does. It is not a good trait for a coach. Then again, he is not a good coach...

12-17-2009, 03:46 PM
I was bored at work today so I read about the last 20-30 comments posted on the Enquire game recap and those fans are absolutely LOOOOSING it. They all hate cronin and think he should be fired (some immediately and others at the end of the season if they don't make the tournament...I'm not sure if they mean the NCAA tournament, the CBI tournament or the Big East tournament. I say sign him long term.

Fred Garvin
12-17-2009, 06:33 PM
"yellow toothed gnome", I'm stealing that and claiming it as my own.

01-07-2010, 10:22 AM
I didn't feel the need to start yet another UC bashing thread.

But, apparently they realize they are trying to be a BCS school on a mid-major budget.


Apparently the athletics program there is bleeding off $3.5 million a year and is $24 mil in the red. They are also spending the least of any Big East program when it comes to athletics.

Their proposal to fix the problems:

The task force, charged last year with recommending ways to fund UC's athletic program in the long term, recommended several ways to create more revenue, including:

Expanding the number of full-price season-ticket holders at Nippert Stadium.

Restructuring scholarships to shift more money to athletics.

Transferring the $24 million debt to the University as a whole.

Okay, so part 1 means eliminating season ticket discounts and/or making more seats "premium/UCATS" seats and/or selling more season tickets period. Good luck with that after losing your high profile coach and getting embarassed in the Sugar Bowl.

Part 2 - Great let's rob money from the academic scholarships to fund athletic scholarships.

Part 3 - Sounds like a public institution all right. "The athletics department is bleeding money badly" "No problem, who is making money? Spread the Athletics departments losses out amongst the more profitable departments gains" Their new CFO must be Obama.

01-07-2010, 10:43 AM
Well, that "big" Sugar Bowl check sure went a long way.

Lamont Sanford
01-08-2010, 01:38 PM
Part 3 - Sounds like a public institution all right. "The athletics department is bleeding money badly" "No problem, who is making money? Spread the Athletics departments losses out amongst the more profitable departments gains" Their new CFO must be Obama.

Good stuff coaster! Rep points your way!

I hate UC too.

01-17-2010, 08:33 AM
You know what I hate about UC? Chuck Machock. I had to listen to about 15 minutes of tonight while I was in the car, and he is terrible. I have never heard him saying anything insightful or interesting. I have no problems with Dan Hoard but Chuck has got to go.

I do hate UC.

But speaking of Dan Hoard, I stumbled upon his name last night after a long Simpsons marathon.

Apparently some writer of The Simpsons, second season, knew him and decided to make him the radio announcer of the minor league team, the Springfield Isotypes. And I somehow recognized his name.

01-17-2010, 09:22 AM
All I know is that Joe Sunderman is 10 times more professional in his broadcasts than Hoard. Joe wasn't even trained to to this and he puts Hoard to shame.

Of course I prefer Byron to Machock, who just sounds like a decrepit old assistant coach with no discernible basketball knowledge.

01-17-2010, 09:27 AM
All I know is that Joe Sunderman is 10 times more professional in his broadcasts than Hoard. Joe wasn't even trained to to this and he puts Hoard to shame.

Of course I prefer Byron to Machock, who just sounds like a decrepit old assistant coach with no discernible basketball knowledge.

Ha!!! Very true. We have a great crew.

Kahns Krazy
01-17-2010, 12:35 PM
Sunderman is one of the greatest assets the Xavier basketball team has. He's one of the hardest working guys I know, and it's not even his real job.

Kahns Krazy
01-17-2010, 12:44 PM
I do hate UC.

But speaking of Dan Hoard, I stumbled upon his name last night after a long Simpsons marathon.

Apparently some writer of The Simpsons, second season, knew him and decided to make him the radio announcer of the minor league team, the Springfield Isotypes. And I somehow recognized his name.

I did not know that. Funny.