View Full Version : Snipe's confession
Fred Garvin
10-06-2009, 03:33 PM
For weeks I have struggled with whether I should reveal some startling information. Alas, I'm left with no choice. Now I've made no secret of my devotion to UC football. But even I draw a line regarding Clifton.
A couple of weeks ago I watched the UC-Oregon State game with Snipe at Mac's Cafe in Clifton. In the midst of a conversation with Snipe he revealed that he was at a UC game last season and participated in the "We are UC" chant.
If any of you truly love Xavier then you'll shower Snipe with negative reps. It is the only way to let him know his behavior is unacceptable.
10-06-2009, 04:08 PM
Was he wearing a red Snuggie?
10-06-2009, 04:44 PM
For weeks I have struggled with whether I should reveal some startling information. Alas, I'm left with no choice. Now I've made no secret of my devotion to UC football. But even I draw a line regarding Clifton.
A couple of weeks ago I watched the UC-Oregon State game with Snipe at Mac's Cafe in Clifton. In the midst of a conversation with Snipe he revealed that he was at a UC game last season and participated in the "We are UC" chant.
If any of you truly love Xavier then you'll shower Snipe with negative reps. It is the only way to let him know his behavior is unacceptable.
Snipe, I am awaiting you to take the stand to state your case. I will not render judgement based on one-sided testimony, though Fred Garvin is a multi-sided dude.
10-06-2009, 04:58 PM
Was he wearing a red Snuggie?
He should be fitted for one but not without the Scarlet X.
American X
10-06-2009, 05:07 PM
If any of you truly love Xavier then you'll shower Snipe with negative reps.
Let he who is without UC taint cast the first negative rep.
10-06-2009, 06:25 PM
Case for Snipe: No issue with attending UC football game.
Case against Snipe: Participating in the UC chant.
Issue: The case is circumstantial because Fred is making an accusation and is the only witness to come forth so far.
Counter-issue - Fred is credible and believable (sometimes).
Counter-counter-issue - Fred has been known to bust stones, so that may be what is happening here.
Verdict: Unless another credible witness comes forth with the same allegation, or Snipe confesses, I say the only guilt here is that both Snipe and Fred would waste a perfectly good Saturday watching a UC football game. If the much ballyhooed XU club team was home that day nickgyp would be furious to know such goings-on.
10-06-2009, 09:23 PM
Case for Snipe: No issue with attending UC football game.
Case against Snipe: Participating in the UC chant.
Issue: The case is circumstantial because Fred is making an accusation and is the only witness to come forth so far.
Counter-issue - Fred is credible and believable (sometimes).
Counter-counter-issue - Fred has been known to bust stones, so that may be what is happening here.
Verdict: Unless another credible witness comes forth with the same allegation, or Snipe confesses, I say the only guilt here is that both Snipe and Fred would waste a perfectly good Saturday watching a UC football game. If the much ballyhooed XU club team was home that day nickgyp would be furious to know such goings-on.
I'm not sure what the sentencing guidelines are for something like this, but I think they should at least start with penalty shots at Dana's.
Wait a minute - probably not considered punishment by them and would, in fact, most likely reinforce their current life style.
Strange Brew
10-06-2009, 10:20 PM
Let he who is without UC taint cast the first negative rep.
I have absolutely zero UC taint. That said, I will wait for Snipe's confession before I will condemn him to DAllen status.
Repent and save your Xoul.
10-06-2009, 10:27 PM
It's more upsetting to me not because it's a UC cheer but because it's probably the dumbest college cheer out there.
Kahns Krazy
10-06-2009, 10:47 PM
The Macover is delicious, and you can get beers for a buck at that joint. Are you sure he wasn't chanting "We Are Thir-sty?"
10-07-2009, 01:29 AM
For weeks I have struggled with whether I should reveal some startling information. Alas, I'm left with no choice. Now I've made no secret of my devotion to UC football. But even I draw a line regarding Clifton.
A couple of weeks ago I watched the UC-Oregon State game with Snipe at Mac's Cafe in Clifton. In the midst of a conversation with Snipe he revealed that he was at a UC game last season and participated in the "We are UC" chant.
If any of you truly love Xavier then you'll shower Snipe with negative reps. It is the only way to let him know his behavior is unacceptable.
For one thing, it is Mac's Pizza Pub, is it not? And at Mac's Pizza Pub I would go with the Macover as Kahns has stated. It is a deep fried Calzone. I get mine with pepperoni, sausage and bacon. I think it is called the "Heart Healthy Lite" Macover. Get some fries covered with cheese on the side.
Second, I don't think there is a "We are UC" chant. I don't think that exists. I will deny the charge. But I won't just deny it. I don't think that anyone in the crowd ever chants "We are UC". I guess I could be wrong. I think Fred is confusing "We Are UD" with "We Are UC". It is madness.
I grew up watching and rooting for UC Football. It was horrible, as history can attest. I have been a season ticket holder. I love college football. Now that UC is actually ranked higher than Fred Garvin's Buckeyes, he wants to take a shot at me.
I understand that many of you dislike anyone that roots for UC. I have been a UC football fan all my life. I grew up here. What is happening right now in Clifton is really amazing, and I suggest you don't miss it. Kelly really is behind the whole thing, and he should coach the Bengals. I think the man is a genius.
And to stress my credentials, the first sold out game at Nippert was against Purdue around a decade ago. I paid over $400 bucks to fly a banner that said "Bob Huggins Has No Integrity". It flew for an hour. It started during the second quarter, went through halftime and into the third quarter. It was a wonderful day. And Bob was there and stumbling drunk, as Fred can attest. Wait, Fred was at that game too? Me thinks Fred complains too much.
Fred Garvin can't take the Bearcats ranked higher than his overrated University of Columbus Buckeyes. That is the short version. He is stuck with Tressel, who can't coach an offense. Thank God he gave up the briefcase that Fred always loved. Garvin would give his left nut for coach Kelly.
I don't mind the people that hate UC in every sport. Do what you want. I love college football, and I grew up rooting for the home team. Fred Garvin is just jealous and bitter. Coach Kelly is the better man and he knows it.
Bengals won the battle of Ohio. Bearcats are ranked higher than tOSU. And we have taken 5 of the last 7 high school crowns. Cincinnati is a football town and the rest of Ohio can suck it.
10-07-2009, 07:10 AM
Fred, if they ever played (Ohio St. and UC), I would love to be with the both of guys....and as much as it pains for me to say this because I am through and through a Michigan fan.....Fred, you and I would be giving tons of chest bumps.
Fred Garvin
10-07-2009, 02:33 PM
What a liar. He even pretends he's never heard the chant. Snipe is the Great Prevaricator.
I suppose you are gonna deny getting Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin twitter updates too.
10-07-2009, 06:56 PM
Gladdenguy is a Great American....for a westsider.
Go Cats!!
10-24-2009, 03:02 AM
What a liar. He even pretends he's never heard the chant. Snipe is the Great Prevaricator.
You made up the chant. Nobody at UC chants "WE ARE UC!". Listen to anyone of their games. You confuse them with the humpers.
You are a bitter Ohio State fan that knows not what a quarterback can do. Pryor is an idiot and Tressel can't coach an offense. You are yesterday's news.
Kahns Krazy
10-26-2009, 02:57 PM
I heard some people chanting "We Are! UC!" while watching the USF game. Those guys were idiots. Good macovers though.
10-26-2009, 04:48 PM
I heard some people chanting "We Are! UC!" while watching the USF game. Those guys were idiots. Good macovers though.
Funny memory. Our fans did, "We are" clap, clap "UC" clap, clap.
Stanford fans shouted "F" at clap clap and then "K" at the second clap, clap.
I am sure that it sounded great on TV.
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