09-26-2009, 05:22 AM
Nancy Z's past experience with uc's "Chuggins" will serve her well
given the current situation @ Binghamton U....
Per NYT.....
Binghamton Cuts Five More Players as Concerns Grow
The downward spiral of Binghamton University’s men’s basketball program continued Friday as the university released five more players from the team and the SUNY chancellor said that Binghamton’s president, Lois DeFleur, would have to report to her about the team’s behavior.
The tournaments are over, but The Quad is staying on top of all the news off the court.
Binghamton Coach Kevin Broadus took a team to the N.C.A.A. tournament in March that was filled with high-risk and second-chance recruits. But now the Bearcats, who won the America East conference last season, appear destined for a long year. The university has kicked six players off the team in the last 48 hours, including its three leading scorers, Emanuel Mayben, D. J. Rivera and Malik Alvin. All three had academic or legal trouble before their dismissals.
“Every five years, some program implodes in college basketball,” said Dennis Lasser, a former faculty athletic representative at Binghamton and an associate professor in its school of management. “Why it had to be Binghamton University I’ll never understand.”
Binghamton will have seven eligible scholarship players this season. Not one of those players is a point guard, and only one of them is under 6 feet 5 inches.
The housecleaning began with the dismissal of Mayben, who was arrested Wednesday in Troy, N.Y., on charges of sale and possession of crack cocaine. (The Binghamton Press and Sun-Bulletin reported that Mayben was also arrested with marijuana in his car earlier this month.)
“At what price glory?” asked Tom Brennan, the former Vermont coach. “Not only have they embarrassed themselves and the university, but they’ve embarrassed the America East as well.”
The Binghamton administration had been supportive of Broadus until this week. In June he was given a contract extension through 2014.
But the university’s tenor quickly changed after Mayben’s arrest, which brought a stern warning from Nancy Zimpher, the recently named SUNY chancellor. Zimpher has a reputation for taking a hard line on athletics; she pushed Coach Bob Huggins out the door when she was the president at Cincinnati.
“In light of the most recent incident and other previous incidents related to the men’s basketball team,” Zimpher said in a statement, “I have requested President DeFleur to report on the immediate steps the campus is taking to address these serious issues.”
No reason was given for the five dismissals on Friday, but the move leaves the program in shambles on the court.
given the current situation @ Binghamton U....
Per NYT.....
Binghamton Cuts Five More Players as Concerns Grow
The downward spiral of Binghamton University’s men’s basketball program continued Friday as the university released five more players from the team and the SUNY chancellor said that Binghamton’s president, Lois DeFleur, would have to report to her about the team’s behavior.
The tournaments are over, but The Quad is staying on top of all the news off the court.
Binghamton Coach Kevin Broadus took a team to the N.C.A.A. tournament in March that was filled with high-risk and second-chance recruits. But now the Bearcats, who won the America East conference last season, appear destined for a long year. The university has kicked six players off the team in the last 48 hours, including its three leading scorers, Emanuel Mayben, D. J. Rivera and Malik Alvin. All three had academic or legal trouble before their dismissals.
“Every five years, some program implodes in college basketball,” said Dennis Lasser, a former faculty athletic representative at Binghamton and an associate professor in its school of management. “Why it had to be Binghamton University I’ll never understand.”
Binghamton will have seven eligible scholarship players this season. Not one of those players is a point guard, and only one of them is under 6 feet 5 inches.
The housecleaning began with the dismissal of Mayben, who was arrested Wednesday in Troy, N.Y., on charges of sale and possession of crack cocaine. (The Binghamton Press and Sun-Bulletin reported that Mayben was also arrested with marijuana in his car earlier this month.)
“At what price glory?” asked Tom Brennan, the former Vermont coach. “Not only have they embarrassed themselves and the university, but they’ve embarrassed the America East as well.”
The Binghamton administration had been supportive of Broadus until this week. In June he was given a contract extension through 2014.
But the university’s tenor quickly changed after Mayben’s arrest, which brought a stern warning from Nancy Zimpher, the recently named SUNY chancellor. Zimpher has a reputation for taking a hard line on athletics; she pushed Coach Bob Huggins out the door when she was the president at Cincinnati.
“In light of the most recent incident and other previous incidents related to the men’s basketball team,” Zimpher said in a statement, “I have requested President DeFleur to report on the immediate steps the campus is taking to address these serious issues.”
No reason was given for the five dismissals on Friday, but the move leaves the program in shambles on the court.