View Full Version : The New Liberals
08-20-2009, 11:57 AM
No matter what side you are on you have to admit this is funny
08-20-2009, 12:58 PM
No matter what side you are on you have to admit this is funny
Pretty funny. All of these intense commentators from Fox to MSNBC are solely for entertainment. But it is incredible to see how history repeats itself...especially in the political world.
08-20-2009, 03:28 PM
I watch the Comedy Channel for all my important political commentary! They have their points and they make them funny. The talking heads on MSNBC and FOX News are so full of themselves it is sickening. Limbaugh usually makes me want to puke but at least I don't have to look at the hypocritical baboon as he does his radio show.
08-20-2009, 03:42 PM
I really need to start watching the Daily Show again.
08-21-2009, 11:14 AM
Here's O'Reilly's response...
08-21-2009, 11:43 AM
The Daily Show has be great lately. Absolutely hilarious.
08-21-2009, 12:47 PM
The Daily Show has be great lately. Absolutely hilarious.
And after last goes on a 3 week vacation
08-24-2009, 12:14 AM
Here's O'Reilly's response...
O'Reilly is an arrogant douchebag. I like how he rips on young people who watch the Daily Show and believe it is presenting and accurate depection of what's happening in this country. He calls is "frightening". Bill, the same could be said about Fox News.
08-24-2009, 09:31 AM
Right. Besides, how many people watch the Daily Show for unbiased political commentary? They don't claim to be "fair and balance" or even a news source at all. They are a comedy show on a comedy channel at 11pm.
If you want to see something funny search for "Jon Stewart Crossfire" on Youtube...
Strange Brew
08-24-2009, 11:40 PM
O'Reilly is an arrogant douchebag. I like how he rips on young people who watch the Daily Show and believe it is presenting and accurate depection of what's happening in this country. He calls is "frightening". Bill, the same could be said about Fox News.
Cheese, I used to watch the Daily Show when I was younger and uninformed. If you seriously take the "Daily Show" as gospel I think you should take a minute to do some internal reflection.
Wow, arrogant douchbag? What a vapid and shallow remark, no wonder you watch the Daily Show.
08-25-2009, 11:17 PM
Cheese, I used to watch the Daily Show when I was younger and uninformed. If you seriously take the "Daily Show" as gospel I think you should take a minute to do some internal reflection.
Wow, arrogant douchbag? What a vapid and shallow remark, no wonder you watch the Daily Show.
Umm, the guy is a Douchebag. I just call it like I see it. He was dickhead on Hard Copy too. It's not shallow at all but sorry, if he's your hero or something. I view The Daily Show as entertainment but thanks for jumping to conclusions.
If you seriously take Fox News as gospel, you too, sir, are misinformed. I said, Good Day!
Strange Brew
08-25-2009, 11:37 PM
Umm, the guy is a Douchebag. I just call it like I see it. He was dickhead on Hard Copy too. It's not shallow at all but sorry, if he's your hero or something. I view The Daily Show as entertainment but thanks for jumping to conclusions.
If you seriously take Fox News as gospel, you too, sir, are misinformed. I said, Good Day!
Never said I took Fox as gospel but thanks for jumping to conclusions. Bill O does however have the one of the if not the highest rated cable shows so he must not be AS big of a douche as some believe. I watch and read many different sources. IMO, Stewart is a loser and has destroyed what was once a funny show.
08-25-2009, 11:45 PM
So, a guy is a Genius if he gets a lot viewers? NASCAR is the biggest spectator "Sport" in America too. Does that mean, it's the best?
Also, how would you know if The Daily Show is any good? You said you used to watch it, right? It's actually been quite funny the past 2-3 years. I DVR it.
08-26-2009, 12:25 AM
Never said I took Fox as gospel but thanks for jumping to conclusions. Bill O does however have the one of the if not the highest rated cable shows so he must not be AS big of a douche as some believe. I watch and read many different sources. IMO, Stewart is a loser and has destroyed what was once a funny show.
I'm a fan of Stewart.
But I do think you have a point. Stewart took the show in a very political direction 6 or 7 years ago. In the short term, that provided a big boost to the show's ratings and status. But I'm not sure if that shift was a good long term choice. The show seems to be losing it's luster. A daily comedy show about politics is a tricky endeavor to sustain in the long run.
08-26-2009, 12:38 AM
I try to avoid political commentary and stick to the reporting of objective facts. BBC America for me, thanks.
Strange Brew
08-27-2009, 12:20 AM
So, a guy is a Genius if he gets a lot viewers? NASCAR is the biggest spectator "Sport" in America too. Does that mean, it's the best?
Also, how would you know if The Daily Show is any good? You said you used to watch it, right? It's actually been quite funny the past 2-3 years. I DVR it.
Not sure of what point you are trying to make. I'm not a NASCAR fan and I'm smart enought to realize that my opinion is, according to your assertion is in the minority. You think O'Reily is a douche and that opinion by my assertion would noy be in accordance with the mainstream of America. It doesn't make either of our opinions right or wrong but they are what we think.
The fact is that Stewart distorted what O'Reily said and he has a track record of distorting situations to suit his blisteringly leftist stance. Which is why I stopped watching about 5 years ago. You see, the show used to be funny before Stewart began to take himself serioulsy.
That show is weak but its better "on weed". Just ask Stewart.
PM Thor
08-27-2009, 02:01 AM
Brew, you honestly think Stewart takes his points seriously?
He is on Comedy Central right?
Stewart vs Oreilly. Grudge match.
The fact of the matter is that Stewart DID distort what Oreilly said. It's because he's on a COMEDY show, and should be taken with a grain of salt. The fact that Oreilly even addressed what Stewart said is a proof that Oreilly also should be seen in the same light, as in, entertainment only, not a source of facts or news.
The idea that people would take Oreilly as a news source over entertainment astounds me. I mean, would someone take Stewart seriously? Or Olberman? Or any other political commentator in any vein? People are arguing over entertainment sources, not sources for real news.
I HATE dayton.
Kahns Krazy
08-27-2009, 09:28 AM
Stewart takes himself seriously. You're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
You know who really sucks? Bill Maher. I caught some of that shit last night after Hard Knocks. I watched for maybe 5 minutes, but it felt like an hour. The biggest, and really only, laugh he got was referring to Bush as one of the biggest mistakes in US history.
Hey Bill.... the guy is gone. For the better part of a year now. It's time to freshen up your shit.
08-27-2009, 10:13 AM
Stewart takes himself seriously. You're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
You know who really sucks? Bill Maher. I caught some of that shit last night after Hard Knocks. I watched for maybe 5 minutes, but it felt like an hour. The biggest, and really only, laugh he got was referring to Bush as one of the biggest mistakes in US history.
Hey Bill.... the guy is gone. For the better part of a year now. It's time to freshen up your shit.
I don't agree with Stewart's leftist bent but I do think he is funny. I think Colbert is a true comic genius. Both those guys are lefties, but they have talent.
I would agree about Bill Maher. He is not funny. I am not sure he is even trying to be funny anymore. "I watched for maybe 5 minutes, but it felt like an hour." That is a great way of putting it.
As for the video that this thread is based upon, I didn't find it very funny. Just my opinion. I still like to catch Stewart and Colbert then and again because they do some funny stuff.
X-band '01
08-27-2009, 10:37 AM
I still miss the old days of Craig Kilborn and his 5 questions. Otherwise, I've just always thought of the Daily Show as a 30-minute version of Weekend Update.
Fred Garvin
08-28-2009, 12:29 AM
I try to avoid political commentary and stick to the reporting of objective facts. BBC America for me, thanks.
So you get all your hard news from one source. Wow, you're so enlightened.
08-28-2009, 11:20 AM
Not sure of what point you are trying to make. I'm not a NASCAR fan and I'm smart enought to realize that my opinion is, according to your assertion is in the minority. You think O'Reily is a douche and that opinion by my assertion would noy be in accordance with the mainstream of America. It doesn't make either of our opinions right or wrong but they are what we think.
The fact is that Stewart distorted what O'Reily said and he has a track record of distorting situations to suit his blisteringly leftist stance. Which is why I stopped watching about 5 years ago. You see, the show used to be funny before Stewart began to take himself serioulsy.
That show is weak but its better "on weed". Just ask Stewart.
I would contend that much of mainstream America is full of idiots on both sides of the spectrum. Walk around Walmart some day and see what I'm talking about. Your point was that O'Reilly gets a lot of viewers and my point is, "So what, he has a lot of idiots watching his show." All of the networks contort their news. NBC, MCNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, Fox. All of them. I still don't understand how you know a show is currently not any good if you stopped wathcing it 5 YEARS AGO. O'Reily is a douche!:p
Strange Brew
08-28-2009, 01:24 PM
I would contend that much of mainstream America is full of idiots on both sides of the spectrum. Walk around Walmart some day and see what I'm talking about. Your point was that O'Reilly gets a lot of viewers and my point is, "So what, he has a lot of idiots watching his show." All of the networks contort their news. NBC, MCNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, Fox. All of them. I still don't understand how you know a show is currently not any good if you stopped wathcing it 5 YEARS AGO. O'Reily is a douche!:p
Well, the distortion of O'Reily's point only provided futher proof that Stewart has not changed his one-sided, arrogant commentary (which is why I stopped watching). He has never has come accross to me as intelligent or all that funny. He almost as big of a flunky as that twit Olberman (should've stuck with Sportscenter).
I agree with the previous poster, Kilborn was much better. His movie career was also more impressive (see Old School - Kilborn vs Half Baked - Stewart).
So being a normal (mainstream) American makes you an idiot? Sorry, Cheese I didn't realize that everyone else in the mainstream is an idiot and you're sooooo enlightened.
Once again, when was the last time you watched The Factor (since you seem to have such an enlightened opinion of O'Reily).
08-28-2009, 08:48 PM
Well, the distortion of O'Reily's point only provided futher proof that Stewart has not changed his one-sided, arrogant commentary (which is why I stopped watching). He has never has come accross to me as intelligent or all that funny. He almost as big of a flunky as that twit Olberman (should've stuck with Sportscenter).
I agree with the previous poster, Kilborn was much better. His movie career was also more impressive (see Old School - Kilborn vs Half Baked - Stewart).
So being a normal (mainstream) American makes you an idiot? Sorry, Cheese I didn't realize that everyone else in the mainstream is an idiot and you're sooooo enlightened.
Once again, when was the last time you watched The Factor (since you seem to have such an enlightened opinion of O'Reily).
Actually, I think Stewart is very bright. He does his homework and 90% of the time he read the book of his guest. He seems very capable of holding his own and does it in a very respectable manner, even with O'Reilly. I'm not sure what his acting credits have to do with anything but that's for a different post. And yes, there are a lot of idiots out there. Not EVERYONE but a lot of folks who qualify are mainstream America. I watched the Factor last week as a matter fact and it just reinforced my opinion. Have a good one! I'm onto another adult beverage. You should appreciate that, given your moniker.
08-28-2009, 09:11 PM
So you get all your hard news from one source. Wow, you're so enlightened.
Fred, I'm sorry if I came off as sounding pretentious or affected or something. I just feel like all the rancor that goes along with most news channels isn't good for debate and as such isn't good for the political future of America. Liberals blame conservatives and conservatives blame liberals and in the end it seems like nothing is solved, but we "know who's to blame". BBC isn't my only source, but I will say that I prefer them to CNN or Fox. My major problem is that I have a great degree of difficulty trusting the journalistic neutrality of most news sources and I hold the BBC in high regard for their general neutrality. Again, I didn't mean to in some way offend you, but I'm sure that you can understand that it's a difficult position to be in.
08-28-2009, 11:29 PM
Fred, I'm sorry if I came off as sounding pretentious or affected or something. I just feel like all the rancor that goes along with most news channels isn't good for debate and as such isn't good for the political future of America. Liberals blame conservatives and conservatives blame liberals and in the end it seems like nothing is solved, but we "know who's to blame". BBC isn't my only source, but I will say that I prefer them to CNN or Fox. My major problem is that I have a great degree of difficulty trusting the journalistic neutrality of most news sources and I hold the BBC in high regard for their general neutrality. Again, I didn't mean to in some way offend you, but I'm sure that you can understand that it's a difficult position to be in.
I love the BBC. They do a much better job than their fellow public news colleagues at NPR of just reporting the facts (NPR prides itself at going beyond the facts and providing analysis...ugghhhh).
But the problem with the BBC is that they don't have enough personnel covering America. Instead, protecting their image as the world leader of news, they would rather have a large contingent covering Uzbekistan and countries like that. Which I guess is good for those seeking world news. But it doesn't really provide a great alternative to US reporting.
08-29-2009, 08:26 PM
I don't see how many times O'Reilly (or any of the Fox pundants) have to be uncovered as an ass for viewers to actually see him for what he ass.
There is just too much evidence out there displaying his hypocrisy. You can point to other networks being one-sided all you want, but they are at least trying to present a picture in the most objective manor possible. They usually offer an opportunity for all sides to speak, even if it's not in the same piece. He just wants to argue and make others look bad... and he's not funny doing it. He's pathetic.
And Glen Beck decrying the American health care system as the worst experience he's ever been through at one point, yet only months later saying we have the best health care in the world. Ha! Who pays him to tell these lies.
08-30-2009, 08:44 AM
Never said I took Fox as gospel but thanks for jumping to conclusions. Bill O does however have the one of the if not the highest rated cable shows so he must not be AS big of a douche as some believe. I watch and read many different sources. IMO, Stewart is a loser and has destroyed what was once a funny show.
Woah dude. TV ratings are a fair barometer of whether or not someone is a douche?!?!?! Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie had a highly rated TV show. Have you ever seen Big Brother, that show is an amazing parade of douchiness. Soap Operas? If anything, history has shown that America loves to watch douchebags on TV.
I am a moderate republican. That being said, I find the daily show hilarious, because I don't get overly riled-up about the commentary. I also find Bill O' Reilly and Rush Limbaugh to be absolute tools who are, IMO, hurting the republican cause.
08-30-2009, 08:53 AM
And Glen Beck decrying the American health care system as the worst experience he's ever been through at one point, yet only months later saying we have the best health care in the world. Ha! Who pays him to tell these lies.
Glenn Beck is a not a douche, he is a parody of a douche. Douche isn't a strong enough word to describe that idiot. That is another guy who just serves to make the republican party look worse. The things that he says are often so over the top that he loses all credibility. I don't think that universal health care is a good idea, at all, but the republican response is so over the top as to be comical. Foxnews needs to stop putting these idiots on the air (like the death-panel lady, for example), instead Foxnews chooses to provide a forum for completely insane reactionaries to voice their opinions.
08-30-2009, 11:24 AM
Woah dude. TV ratings are a fair barometer of whether or not someone is a douche?!?!?! Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie had a highly rated TV show. Have you ever seen Big Brother, that show is an amazing parade of douchiness. Soap Operas? If anything, history has shown that America loves to watch douchebags on TV.
I am a moderate republican. That being said, I find the daily show hilarious, because I don't get overly riled-up about the commentary. I also find Bill O' Reilly and Rush Limbaugh to be absolute tools who are, IMO, hurting the republican cause.
Glenn Beck is a not a douche, he is a parody of a douche. Douche isn't a strong enough word to describe that idiot. That is another guy who just serves to make the republican party look worse. The things that he says are often so over the top that he loses all credibility. I don't think that universal health care is a good idea, at all, but the republican response is so over the top as to be comical. Foxnews needs to stop putting these idiots on the air (like the death-panel lady, for example), instead Foxnews chooses to provide a forum for completely insane reactionaries to voice their opinions.
Bill O'Reilly is not a Republican or a Conservative. He is a populist like Lou Dobbs. He is also an ass.
Rush Limbaugh is a conservative. He is not the same as Bill O'Reilly. He is an arrogant son of a bitch and sometimes he makes an ass out of himself. He also can make some good points and make me laugh. I like him on balance. I don't listen to him all the time.
Glen Beck is more of a libertarian. Glen Beck is crazy as a loon. I also find him quite funny. I don't watch his TV show, but I listen to him on the radio. He is my favorite. He is apocolyptic and 'end of the world' a lot, but then again so am I. Glen Beck is my favorite. I try to catch some of his radio show every day. He may hurt the Republican cause, but he doesn't claim to be for the Republican cause. And just because he is crazy doesn't mean he isn't right.
09-01-2009, 11:06 AM
Speaking of Glenn Beck, he is his Reagan Remix:
Reagan Audio - Don't say we weren't warned (
09-01-2009, 12:08 PM
Stewart takes himself seriously. You're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
I think Stewart takes his role as a critic of the newsmedia seriously, and has since his infamous appearance on the Bill Press/Tucker Carlson show whose name escapes me at the moment. I think he honestly feels that the media has abdicated its journalistic responsibilities and has decided instead to focus on trivialities while operating as a glorified stenographer for political spinmeisters (e.g., the fact that right-wing critics are unchallenged when they describe the current Obama health care proposal as single-payer coverage of the type found in Europe, which is just demonstrably false).
When it comes to political commentary I think he's pretty much the same as always--bashing politicos on all sides for hypocrisy and spotlighting the absurd in our political discourse.
EDIT: Crossfire was the name of the show.
The Daily Show with Kilbourne was awful, I can't believe anyone wants to go back to that.
09-01-2009, 12:50 PM
The Daily Show with Kilbourne was awful, I can't believe anyone wants to go back to that.
Agreed. Kilborn is nowhere near as funny as Stewart. Not at all.
DC Muskie
09-01-2009, 04:30 PM
Does everyone forget the fact that Jon Stewart has won 11 Emmys and has been nominated for something like 23 more?
He has hosted two Academy Award shows. Does anybody realize that?
Craig Kilborn won an award for the best use of Jimanji! Craig Kilborn no doubt will host the ESPY's sometime after Mia Hamm gets the gig.
09-01-2009, 07:09 PM
Does everyone forget the fact that Jon Stewart has won 11 Emmys and has been nominated for something like 23 more?
He has hosted two Academy Award shows. Does anybody realize that?
Craig Kilborn won an award for the best use of Jimanji! Craig Kilborn no doubt will host the ESPY's sometime after Mia Hamm gets the gig.
What is Kilborn up to these days???
Anyways this is pretty entertaining from 2008...
Bill O'reilly on Jon Stewart's show part 1
Part 2
I'll give O'reilly credit. He's very quick witted. Entertaining segment
09-01-2009, 08:17 PM
Bill o'reilly and John Stewart have a sort of love affair going. They've expressed feelings of admiration towards each other.
09-01-2009, 09:40 PM
I am not an O'Reilly fan by any means but I will give him credit because he goes on shows where he knows the audience doesn't like him, specifically Letterman's show and the Daily Show.
PM Thor
09-01-2009, 10:02 PM
I am not an O'Reilly fan by any means but I will give him credit because he goes on shows where he knows the audience doesn't like him, specifically Letterman's show and the Daily Show.
The man ain't dumb. Anytime he goes onto a show where he knows the audience won't like him, it bumps his numbers up. It's shock jock TV (as is Olberman, Limbaugh and others) where people who despise the commentator still watch because they are so pissed off by what they say, they simply can't help but watch and react. (Of course the majority of the audience simply watches to get their own views bolstered, it applies to both dems and repubs).
It's about making money. These guys aren't trying to actually impact the world. They are snake oil salesmen, the lot of them, making money hand over fist "commentating" on things, without really putting their butts out there, trying to change things. You know who I respect the most out of these guys? Al Franken, the loon. At least he believed enough in what he said to run for office.
I HATE dayton.
09-02-2009, 09:09 PM
Does everyone forget the fact that Jon Stewart has won 11 Emmys and has been nominated for something like 23 more?
He has hosted two Academy Award shows. Does anybody realize that?
Craig Kilborn won an award for the best use of Jimanji! Craig Kilborn no doubt will host the ESPY's sometime after Mia Hamm gets the gig.
Basing funny on Emmys is like basing good music on Grammys or good movies based on the Oscars. Kilborn was the man.
09-02-2009, 09:14 PM
Kilborn sucked.
Strange Brew
09-02-2009, 09:52 PM
Basing funny on Emmys is like basing good music on Grammys or good movies based on the Oscars. Kilborn was the man.
Haha, true the Oscars lost the little cred it had when it gave Gore an Oscar for his "documentary". How's that hockey stick working for ya Al?:D
09-02-2009, 11:12 PM
Kilborn sucked.
If by "suck" you mean "was a misunderstood comic genius" then I would have to agree.
All I know is neither Sports Center nor The Daily Show have been the same since he left. I like Craig Ferguson so I can't say that his show has gotten worse, but the other two...
09-03-2009, 04:23 AM
If by "suck" you mean "was a misunderstood comic genius" then I would have to agree.
All I know is neither Sports Center nor The Daily Show have been the same since he left. I like Craig Ferguson so I can't say that his show has gotten worse, but the other two...
On Sports Center his snarky one-liners were fine because within 4 seconds you were off to the next topic. On the Late Show his humor was embarrassing. He really had nothing. The highlights were when he brought out pretty women, which he did often. But there was little style or substance to his show. Craig Ferguson blew Kilborn out of the water immediately and he's not even that special.
I agree that the Daily Show has gotten too political recently. He seems to like that niche. Even with that misgiving, I think Stewart is funny.
DC Muskie
09-03-2009, 09:16 AM
If by "suck" you mean "was a misunderstood comic genius" then I would have to agree.
All I know is neither Sports Center nor The Daily Show have been the same since he left. I like Craig Ferguson so I can't say that his show has gotten worse, but the other two...
Yeah, he's such a misunderstood genius he doesn't have a job.
DC Muskie
09-03-2009, 09:19 AM
Basing funny on Emmys is like basing good music on Grammys or good movies based on the Oscars. Kilborn was the man.
Okay, interesting logic.
Can we base it then on ratings which are much higher now? Because if more people are watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart than before, then I would think it is because it is funnier.
DC Muskie
09-03-2009, 09:20 AM
On Sports Center his snarky one-liners were fine because within 4 seconds you were off to the next topic. On the Late Show his humor was embarrassing. He really had nothing. The highlights were when he brought out pretty women, which he did often. But there was little style or substance to his show. Craig Ferguson blew Kilborn out of the water immediately and he's not even that special.
Exactly. It's pretty hard to argue that Kilborn carried any of the shows he was on, when he's being replaced by people who aren't that funny and the ratings go up.
09-03-2009, 10:15 AM
Okay, interesting logic.
Can we base it then on ratings which are much higher now? Because if more people are watching the Daily Show with Jon Stewart than before, then I would think it is because it is funnier.
Just having a little fun on the smack board.
Stewart is funny but he caters to a particular crowd so he'll get them to watch. I remember Kilborn cutting on everyone - didn't matter where you were from or what your beliefs were. And it wasn't just political stuff, either.
Don't forget, Kilborn left his 3 television jobs by choice, not because he was fired or because of sagging ratings. I've always liked him and thought he was hilarious on Sports Center - to me he was the last of the great anchors they had on there. After him most of the guys who anchor are just doing the schtick they learned form him, Patrick and Olberman. It was still original when he was there.
I've always like Jon Stewart as a comedian. I think he goes too far to the left too often for me to watch on a regular basis. You pretty much know what you're going to get with him. for that matter, I don't watch any political-themes shows. Hannity, O'Reilly and that crew are absolute assholes - it all comes down to ratings, though, and the whole lot of them will do what they need to keep people watching.
DC Muskie
09-03-2009, 10:31 AM
I do like Kilborn. Living out in DC I still use one of his lines from the Daily Show, when the whole Bill Clinton not having sexual relations with Miss Monica...
You say intern
I say my turn!
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